Crafting an ENTIRE fantasy village for $0 - Beginner friendly Builds!

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this video is sponsored by into the am so you're poor and you don't have any skill don't worry i got you covered especially you steve today i'm going to attempt to build a 90s retro fantasy village i'm going to do the entire build using stuff i have at home so any one of you guys can follow along and with that also i guess we're going to figure out that if i have a game in about 12 hours how many fantasy buildings can i actually finish before the game starts so bring out your tools let's have some fun crafting [Music] so what i'm going to use in this build is old popsicle sticks and coffee stirrers we got some toothpick we have some old cardboard boxes these are going to be vital and finally some xps foam left over bits and that's pretty much it [Music] back in the 90s games workshop used to encourage this they had entire books covering on how to make your own fancy terrain it's a little bit different now obviously they are a publicly traded company and need to sell more products so instead of showing you how to build terrain they're selling it they also had a lot of paper terrain back then the stuff that you could punch from a cardboard glued together and in just a few minutes you would have an entire gaming table worth of terrain in the fifth edition star collecting set prelius quest tears of isha and gorka marca just to mention a few one of the coolest one of all time the games workshop did was even before they really started with worm fancy and 40k and that was bloodbath at orcs drift from 1985. it's a book i've never come across in physical form but it was a campaign set a box with some terrain pieces and of course a rule set for how to play bloodbath at orcs drift and the buildings that came along were pretty damn cool i've kind of found photos on the internet from people selling that set and i've been able to extract the shapes of the parts remake them a little bit and scale them up so they will fit with today's miniatures a bit better than 1985's miniatures so let's continue get at this so we get some nice templates to make the most epic fantasy houses you've all seen let's do it so guys we got all of the stencils cut out and now it's time to finally transfer these to cardboard i think we're gonna have some awesome looking houses and this only took like 30 minutes so okay got some time [Music] with all of the cardboard parts stenciled and cut out i think we're ready to start gluing the buildings together [Music] okay so the houses are finally glued together i think i've spent a total of three hours so far and now comes the fun part to actually make these cardboard boxes look like real houses i'm just gonna start with one beam in the middle and then just add things as i see fit until i feel like i'm done with the buildings when i got started with warhammer i did so on a budget so what i used to do was every time i visited a coffee shop i used to ask if like can i have a bunch of these and bring home i do some hobby stuff with them and every time they were super kind i said yes so you can find these for free if you're just asking kindly enough [Music] so i had a brilliant idea that i kind of want to have these twigs to represent sort of logs so it kind of looks like an old cabin or something so i guess i'm gonna have to cut these up like 100 of these pieces so let's do that but first let me share you my knowledge about this week's sponsor into the am you might have noticed throughout this video and throughout many other videos that i use these pretty awesome looking graphic t-shirts into the am is a brand that focuses on making high quality premium apparel and what i really like about this is the fit because i am like six foot four that's like almost two meters long and i have a really big problem finding long t-shirts but these do not have a problem and right now you can look as fashionable as i do by taking advantage of into the am's bundle deals so you can get three of these awesome t-shirts for only 60 dollars if that's not a good deal i don't know what is but maybe you like more basic t-shirts if that's the case you get three for 49.95 and even better if you click the link down below and use the code that they gave for squidmart audience then you get 10 of the entire purchase now let's get back to building buildings i'm not super happy with how this is looking i'm thinking i'm just going to skip this use more of these it's probably gonna be cool anyway so let's uh let's stick to that in the old prince of bloodbath at orcs drift you can see that the tower has these windows at the bottom part i do believe that these are archers windows so i think i'll bring out the dremel um as i said i'll bring out the dremel to drill out some nice looking windows [Music] the first door i built with thicker sticks but i figured that i do want to have some variation in the different wood parts so for the rest of the buildings i cut up these coffee stirrers in half and i do all of that by hand and eye not using any measurement sticks or support tools this is going to make them look really handmade almost like driftwood roofing seemed to be the bane of hobby builders existence so i'm gonna try to make it as simple as possible i'm going to cut out stripes from the cardboard and then just cut these small dents in them to kind of make them feel like shingles and now i can just copy this template and then add these overlapping so that it looks like they've been added like single shingles but overlapping one another in an uneven pattern i'm actually very happy how this is looking so let's fix some more of these tiles and fix the roofs i'm kind of happy with this house i think it looks amazing but i want to do something different for this roof i'm going to try to add this pda glue and coconut fiber this is the kind of stuff that you get from ikea if you don't have it where usually you have it for plants but yeah i'm gonna add that and hopefully it's gonna look a bit like mossy roof like you used to have back in fantasyland time that's right [Music] so the houses are kind of looking done but this area here that's going to be painted white i want to get some texture there to make it feel more like plaster or putty or whatever it's called in english so i'm going to use just pva glue and i've got some beach sand from the ocean it's super fine so it's probably just gonna have a little bit of a fine texture i think it's gonna be nice [Music] look who's back it's my man lucas so i got a mission for lucas this one is actually starting to look really good we have these express foam bits and we're going to create some plateaus for some of these as you can see here and we're gonna make this look like rock so that's gonna be luca's mission for today and when that is done it's time to paint it yeah and i'm actually an expert on this subject so it's gonna be amazing yeah good luck we're just cutting up two old parts of xps foam we have at home if you don't have this pink insulation foam then you can probably just go buy a hardware store and ask for a leftover bit or maybe you know someone who works as a carpenter and have some that they can let you have and we're just using regular breakaway knives no fancy cutter no anything you can do all of this at home with tools you have at home and with that done we can start adding rock patterns we're using a regular ballpoint pen to create the different tiles and rocks on the surfaces we then want to protect these xps foam bits because obviously xps foam is somewhat brittle so we're adding a layer of pva glue mixed with some black ink and that's also gonna work as sort of our primer so the buildings are done we finally have our village unpainted and we've done so without spending a single dollar on the entire build all of this took me a total of 12 hours the wood parts took a lot longer than i thought it would i guess it can be kind of difficult to finish it in one day i guess we have to paint them to actually see how long time it's gonna take and obviously it's impossible to go out in the woods and find paints kind of sort of so i'm going to use whatever paints i have at home if you don't have the paints we use you can probably just buy hobby paints at the dollar store or at ikea which is okay it's fine but the ones that we're using cost a little bit more but they're also a lot more fun to use so i'm going to start the paint job with classic vallejo spray can primers i'm using a medium brown called leather brown then i try to carefully add white in between the different wood beams it's not simple with a spray can but at least it gives me a better base to then start painting these parts that are gonna be white later and here comes a little bit of a history lesson to those of you who don't know the turquoise roofs that we see on the fantasy and medieval buildings is not actually painted turquoise roof it's actually a copper roof that's been oxidized very similar to say the statue of liberty my plan is to make the roof look as though it started to oxidize but haven't quite turned completely turquoise so i start off with the vallejo metal color copper [Music] and then going in with the mix of the green stuff world and the vallejo oxide colors [Music] and with that we have a roof that looks like maybe it's been out for 15 20 years instead of maybe the full 30 that would turn the roof completely turquoise back at the painting table i painted all of the white parts with a mix of the two vallejo colors dectan and medium gray [Music] okay the moss roof i'm really excited about and i've got this dirty down moss effect collar i haven't tried it yet so i'm really excited to just dive head first and just add this to the entire roof and see how it looks when you look at the color it's a quite dark green but as it interacts with the air it's supposed to turn into this mix between like the bright greens and the dark greens that most naturally have so i'm hoping just adding a bunch of this is going to make the roof look like real moss [Music] for the wood beams i'm using a mix of hardened leather for the mid tones i then go in with dark wood for the shadows and these two colors combined help me make really nice transitions from dark shadow colors to like a nice medium mid tone in the center we're then highlighting the wood parts using some regular acrylic colors in this case it's valiejo sand brown and ivory i mainly add this to some of the parts that i want to have more focus as an example the windows or the doors because these are the parts i want people to look a little bit extra [Music] [Applause] the paint job on the stone parts is really straightforward we're using the same colors as we did on the whiter parts of the buildings deck tan and medium gray and then just dry brush different parts of the stone with these two different colors i don't want to highlight each of these stones because quite frankly they don't really pop out a lot with just a dry brush so on just the top part of each one of these rocks i'm going in with the highlight color in this case it's a mix of ivory and pale flesh and to bring everything with the paint job together i like to use pigments for this paint job i'm using vallejo iron oxide and chrome ox green i'm going to use them somewhat moderately in some areas and then add a little bit more in some but adding this to all of the rocks as well as the building is really going to make everything come together nicely and add more of an atmosphere now grass stouts [Music] let's just top everything off with a few details on the original art of these cardboard buildings there's a few posters on the different houses so let's make a few wanted posters that we can just add on the different buildings and of course let's make a sign for one of the houses to make it look like an inn and this is one of those steps where you can go nuts if you have a bits box with old skeletons maybe add some of those or maybe you have barrels and food parts [Music] okay so with all of the details added i think we spent a total of 18 hours on the entire build with the painting and the building which i think is quite fair for what we got from it but maybe not enough to do it in one sitting maybe working a few hours every evening you can get to a point where you have some houses for your next game i just want to say thanks to all of the awesome patrons who support this channel every month without you guys i would not have a salary so i'm super thankful for that if you want to help out i put the links to all of that as well as all of the tools that we use in videos are linked down in the video description if you cannot support on patreon don't worry just hitting the subscribe button and liking the videos is way enough so thank you for doing that but now i think it's time for a grand ready [Music] and guys don't forget to check out into the am and all of these awesome looking shirts that i've worn throughout the video you have the link to that down in the video description have a great day bye
Channel: Squidmar Miniatures
Views: 1,064,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, miniature painting, painting warhammer, age of sigmar, squidmar, warhammer 40k, dungeons & dragons, d&d, how to paint warhammer, space marines, squidmar miniatures, emil nyström, airbrush, vallejo, citadel color
Id: q9TwlNeUtSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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