What if Saruman Got The One Ring? | Tolkien Theory

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Today’s video is brought to you  by A Long-Expected Soundscape!  An incredible fully immersive audio  experience bringing the Lord of the   Rings to life. You won’t want to  miss the details about this new   way of exploring the trilogy and use my  special discount to help you dive in. Welcome everyone, to Nerd of the Rings, today  we are tackling a question I get asked a lot.   For those unfamiliar, for these videos I  begin with the most likely starting point   of the scenario. I then go through my usual  research process of dates, travel distances,   but also quotes from the books and Tolkien himself  that give us clues as to how this might play out. Today, we tackle the question -  What if Saruman got the One Ring? First, let’s establish some things about Saruman  prior to the War of the Ring. By the time we meet   Saruman in The Lord of the Rings, he has coveted  the One Ring for quite some time. While it might   be a bit nebulous to fans of the films, in  the books, we realize Saruman left the path   of good long ago. After spending his first almost  1500 years in Middle-earth in the lands of Rhun,   Saruman returns to the westlands and is  made the leader of the White Council in   2463 TA - the very year Deagol and Smeagol  found the One Ring in the river Anduin. Over the next 300 years, Saruman would  spend a great deal of time in Minas Tirith,   researching its vast archives. It is here he  learns a palantir is likely still in Orthanc,   though the topic he researched most throughout  his years in Middle-earth - and indeed became an   expert in - was the Rings of Power. Saruman  would move to Orthanc in 2759 TA, with both   Rohan and Gondor welcoming an  ally at their northern border. Nearly 100 years later in 2851, at a  meeting of the White Council, Gandalf   says that Sauron has returned to Dol Guldur  and says the council should attack. However,   Saruman believes that as Sauron builds his  strength, the One Ring would reveal itself.   He overrules Gandalf, and this is the moment,  nearly 200 years before the War of the Ring,   that we know for certain that Saruman  desires the One Ring for himself. Over the coming centuries, Saruman would play  his game with the council - posing as their ally,   while secretly making moves that would put him  in the place of supreme power. Around 2990 TA,   he begins breeding his army of orcs which  would be concealed, kept secret in the   tunnels burrowed beneath Isengard. Ten years  later, through his use of the palantir, Saruman   would become partially subservient to Sauron, as  the latter affects him through the seeing stone. But as we learn from Gandalf’s meeting  with Saruman in The Fellowship of the Ring,   Saruman was not a loyal servant of Sauron… We’ll return to the text throughout the video,  but for now, let’s begin with where the canon   turns to theory. In my mind, there is  truly one starting point for a scenario   where Saruman would have received the One  Ring - when his orcs attack the Fellowship   at Amon Hen. As we know, the Fellowship is  on the western side of the Anduin when they   are waylaid by orcs and Uruk-hai from  Isengard and Mordor. In this scenario,   we make the small change in that it is not Merry  and Pippin who are captured - but Frodo and Sam. Boromir is still slain by the orcs,  leaving Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli,   Merry, and Pippin to decide their course of  action. As the remaining Fellowship regroups,   the band of orcs sets out across the plains of  Rohan - heading northwest to Isengard. Unlike   the canon story, Aragorn’s path is quite clear -  he must pursue the orcs carrying Frodo and Sam,   or else all is lost. However, the great run of the  three hunters - where over just three days they   cover 45 leagues or 155 miles (250 km) - would  not be possible with Merry and Pippin in-tow. Realizing this shortly into their journey,  Aragorn and Legolas continue the pursuit,   while leaving Gimli to protect and lead the  hobbits. Aragorn sends the trio toward Edoras,   in hopes of warning the Rohirrim and gaining  an ally. Now in the canon story, Eomer while   in Edoras hears of the orcs traveling through  Rohan from the Emyn Muil. And the following day,   on March 27, he would set out from the Eastfold  against Theoden’s orders to intervene. As this   theory is contingent upon Saruman getting the  One Ring, we could say that perhaps Eomer obeyed   Theoden’s orders - or, more interestingly, Eomer  encounters not the orcs, but Gimli and the hobbits   making their way toward Edoras. This delay allows  the orcs to return to Orthanc with their prey. Meanwhile, Aragorn and Legolas  travel the edge of Fangorn   Forest, following the path of the Uruks.  They are met by a figure cloaked in white,   who reveals himself to be a resurrected Gandalf.  Whether by force, or by the power and persuasion   of his Voice, Saruman gets the ring from Frodo  Baggins. Placing it on his finger, the bearers   of the three rings immediately know of Saruman’s  possession. Gandalf takes off his ring of fire,   lest he risk falling under Saruman’s control. He  turns to Aragorn, saying they must make haste to   Rohan, not Isengard - for the ring is already with  Saruman and they must rally what forces they can. But the wizard Saruman is cunning - and will  not waste the opportunity to use others to   his advantage. Despite placing the ring upon his  finger, he does not claim it as his own - for now,   he possesses it, but does not claim  it. Instead he reveals to Sauron in   the Palantir that he now has the ring,  and feigns loyalty to the dark lord.   As we know, the One Ring enhances the natural  abilities and powers of its wearer. For Saruman,   perhaps greater than any magic he  wielded, was the power in his voice. Let’s return to the canon story for a moment  to realize the power of Saruman’s voice. We   see after Isengard’s defeat Gandalf warns  the others to beware the voice of Saruman.   And Tolkien tells us of the effect on those who  were not prepared or strong enough to resist it… Suddenly another voice spoke, low and melodious,  its very sound an enchantment. Those who listened   unwarily to that voice could seldom report  the words that they heard; and if they did,   they wondered, for little power remained  in them. Mostly they remembered only that   it was a delight to hear the voice speaking,  all that it said seemed wise and reasonable,   and desire awoke in them by swift agreement to  seem wise themselves. When others spoke they   seemed harsh and uncouth by contrast; and if  they gainsaid the voice, anger was kindled in   the hearts of those under the spell. For some the  spell lasted only while the voice spoke to them,   and when it spake to another they smiled, as  men do who see through a juggler's trick while   others gape at it. For many the sound of the  voice alone was enough to hold them enthralled;   but for those whom it conquered the spell endured  when they were far away, and ever they heard that   soft voice whispering and urging them. But  none were unmoved; none rejected its pleas   and its commands without an effort of mind and  will, so long as its master had control of it. Earlier in the book, we learn that Saruman’s voice  not only worked on men, but on the mightiest of   the servants of Sauron. When the Nazgul arrive  at Isengard seeking the Shire, Saruman claims   to not know where it lies, but that they should  instead seek Gandalf nearby. Here Tolkien states: Such was still the power of the voice of  Saruman that even the Lord of the Nazgûl   did not question what it said, whether  it was false or short of the full truth;   but straightway he rode from the Gate  and began to hunt for Gandalf in Rohan. Using the One Ring, Saruman feigns his loyalty to  Sauron, saying he will dutifully hand it over -   but first, Sauron must attack Gondor, to prevent  their rallying with Rohan to attack Isengard.   Sauron agrees, though he is deeply troubled,  for Saruman’s treachery is already known to him. As the month of March dawns, Gandalf,  Aragorn and Legolas arrive in Edoras. There,   Gandalf heals Theoden and in turn releases the  captured Gimli, Merry, and Pippin who found an   unfriendly welcome when they arrived a day  earlier. With Theoden renewed, the Rohirrim   are mustered to take the fight to Saruman, in  hopes they could defeat him through combined   strength before Saruman has a chance to further  build his forces or rally others to his banner. Much like what transpires in the books, Theoden  musters the Rohirrim to make war upon Saruman,   though with the peril of the situation known  thanks to Gandalf, he first sends word to Minas   Tirith, asking for aid from Denethor.  Saruman, now in possession of the ring,   has no need to make a rushed and swift attack  upon Rohan as he does in the canon tale. Instead,   he is content to fortify Isengard against any  coming threat. In Unfinished Tales, when the   Nazgul come to Orthanc, we are told that even the  company of the Witch-king could not assail the   Circle of Isengard because it was too strong. It  could only be attacked by a great strength of war. Knowing they are likely riding to a siege,  Theoden takes the additional time to summon   riders from throughout Rohan, including  sending out riders to find and retrieve   Erkenbrand and his 1000 riders to swell their  numbers. Meanwhile, Gandalf rides out of   Edoras on an unknown errand, pledging to return.  In total, it is likely Theoden musters at least   6000 riders - the same number that in the  canon story rides to Minas Tirith - and double   the 3000 that are present at  the Battle of Helm’s Deep. The 6000+ Rohirrim ride to  encircle Isengard and begin   the siege. This cuts off any potential  reinforcements from Dunland, Mordor,   or the Misty Mountains. All the while, they  hope that Gondor will answer their call. However, in the East, Sauron’s forces are  on the move. Rather than being alerted to   Pippin and Aragorn in the Palantir  on March 5th & 6th respectively,   Sauron had been contacted by the Saruman  possessing the ring at the end of February. Thus,   the Siege of Minas Tirith instead  begins on March 9th. Any chance   of Denethor aiding the Rohirrim is gone,  for Gondor must look to its own defense. While still formidable, Sauron’s force attacking  Mordor is notably different from the canon story.   Since the attack comes sooner, there are no  Corsairs yet making their way up the river   through the southern fiefdoms. And while  many orcs are still present at the Siege,   the Witch-king is not. The orc-chieftan Gothmog  commands Mordor’s forces at the Pelennor Fields,   as the Witch-king, all the Nazgul, and a force  of Haradrim and Easterlings have already marched   from the Black Gate toward Isengard days earlier.  For Sauron knows he cannot trust Saruman - but nor   can he allow Gondor to aid in his defeat, lest  the ring come to Aragorn or Gandalf instead. As   this force must travel with all possible speed,  Sauron does not afford the time to send forth his   veil of Darkness, leaving his orcs behind so as  not to slow the host’s progress in the daylight. The Rohirrim are seemingly left alone in their  attack, until Gandalf the White appears leading   not a group of Rohirrim, but a group of  Ents. The Ents attack the walls of Isengard,   finally breaching the great circle. However, as  they and the Rohirrim enter, they are met not with   a small feeble defense as in the actual story,  but a mighty army numbering over 10,000 strong. Even with inferior numbers, the Rohirrim and  Ents may yet have undoubtedly won the day,   were it not for the devices of Saruman. For  since it had not been sent to breach Helm’s Deep,   Saruman forces use his blasting fire  to terrible effect against the Ents   and Rohirrim. As the battle rages  on in doubt of who shall prevail,   nine fell beasts begin to circle overhead,  as Sauron’s northern host arrives. Saruman’s betrayal of both sides of the war has  now come to haunt him. While Sauron’s forces are   an enemy to all, if the Witch-king focuses  on Saruman - which he undoubtedly will do   at the command of his master - all could be  lost. His true allegiance to only himself   undoubtedly known to all, Saruman does what  he had refrained from doing for the past 12   days - he places the One Ring upon his  finger and fully claims it for his own. The immediate result of this is the Nazgul come  under Saruman’s command. As Saruman had told the   Witch-king when they had come to Orthanc  seeking the Shire: ‘I know what you seek,   though you do not name it. I have it not, as  surely its servants perceive without telling;   for if I had it, then you would  bow before me and call me Lord. We see this is not a mere theory of Saruman’s.  But is also known to others - in the end,   the Nazgul are servants of the One Ring - not  its creator. Frodo when in Lorien had asked   Galadriel why, as Ring bearer, he couldn’t  control the Nazgul. Galadriel responds:  Before you could use that power you  would need to become far stronger,   and to train your will to  the domination of others. If anyone in Middle-earth other than Sauron  were equipped to ensnare and command the Nazgul,   it would be Saruman - one who had excelled  in manipulation and using others to his   own purposes. With the Nazgul under his  command, Saruman turns the tide of battle.   The Witch-king’s forces join with Isengard  and rout the Rohirrim. Aragorn, Theoden,   Legolas, Gimli, Eomer, and thousands more  lay dead and Gandalf the White is subdued. While a fight between the upgraded Gandalf  the White and a ring-wielding Saruman,   would make its own intriguing theory,  a battle-weary and captured Gandalf   would likely be no match for the  might of Saruman. In this instance,   we are reminded of an exchange between Saruman  and Gandalf leading to the latter’s imprisonment: Certainly as Gandalf the Grey,  he knew he would stand no chance   against a ring-bearing Saruman. And  in a scenario where he is defeated   and weary, he would no doubt be quickly  eliminated by the new Lord of the Ring. But what of the original Lord of the Ring? In  this instance - Saruman, being like Gandalf an   emissary of the Powers, a creature of the  order of the Maiar, and an immortal spirit   taking physical form - would produce the same  end result for Sauron as Gandalf taking the ring. Tolkien himself lays this  out for us in Letter 246:  If Gandalf proved the victor, the result  would have been for Sauron the same as the   destruction of the Ring; for him it would have  been destroyed, taken from him for ever. But the   Ring and all its works would have endured.  It would have been the master in the end. Thus, Sauron is reduced to  nothing more than a spirit,   unable to ever again take physical form as  the ring is forever lost to him. His gambit   to send his Nazgul to overtake Saruman  had failed, and a new power has arisen. The Rohirrim, Gandalf, and the three hunters are  dead upon the battlefield of Isengard. Saruman   commands the re-fortifying of Isengard, keeping  his surviving orcs alongside the Haradrim and   Easterlings for his protection, led the  Nazgul. Days later, Witch-king and five   ringwraiths fly south on fell beasts, coming  to a still in-progress Siege of Minas Tirith   on March 15. Khamul and the remaining two nazgul  are left behind to lead the defense of Orthanc. However, the nazgul come not to wreak  havoc upon Gondor, but upon Sauron’s army.   For Saruman would soon have no further need of  foul orcs. His new world would be built upon men.   The Nazgul rally the Haradrim and Easterlings,  in turning on the orcs. Their numbers are swelled   this very day, as the Corsairs, unhindered  by Aragorn, arrive at the port of Harlond. The orcs are destroyed and the symbol of  the White Hand is seen as the deliverer   of Gondor. The Witch-king, as Saruman’s emissary,   tells Denethor that Minas Tirith, the men of  Middle-earth, and even the Nazgul themselves,   have been freed from the tyranny of Sauron thanks  to Saruman ringbearer, Saruman of Many Colors. Saruman in the coming days would make contact  directly with Denethor through the Palantir.   And while Denethor had for so long held off  against the influence of Sauron in the palantir,   his relief at the survival of Gondor and the  defeat of the dark lord lowers his defenses,   and the steward enters into  an alliance with Saruman. Together, they would amass an army to trample the  last remaining threats to Saruman’s rule - Lorien   and Rivendell. With neither Galadriel nor Elrond  able to wield the protective power of their rings,   both realms will surely fall under  the dominion of the One. Meanwhile,   Sauron’s northern force of Easterlings  that had attacked Erebor, is victorious,   for there is no destruction of the ring  to break their morale and turn the tide. With Saruman’s conquest of Middle-earth complete,   he would operate through his persuasive voice -  and his nazgul - to rally men of Gondor, Harad,   and Rhun under his banner. Setting up lords  and kings, all subservient to him. We see in   the Scouring of the Shire that Saruman turns the  land of the halflings into an industrial nightmare   made to benefit only himself. This is but a taste  of what Saruman will do now that he commands the   One Ring and great armies. All of Middle-earth  will now be turned to the fires of industry,   as Saruman uses all for his gain - craving  ever more knowledge, rule, and order. It is certainly a bleak image should Saruman  gain the One Ring. If you enjoyed this theory,   or just enjoy Middle-earth in general,  please hit that subscribe button   as we pull ever closer to 1 million  subscribers here on Nerd of the Rings. A young captain of Gondor wanders the lands  that were long ago part of their realm. He   is conflicted - he is loyal to Gondor, and to  his father - but that loyalty is at odds with   what he knows in his heart - peace in Gondor  has come at too great a price for the peoples   of Middle-earth. His company of loyal men  meets another group upon the road. Their   leader confronts him, declaring that though it  be not recognized by the tyrant of Isengard,   these lands belong to Rohan. It seems the  captain of Gondor has met one who thinks   as he does regarding their new found  overlord, and thus Faramir meets Eowyn. Now, I am super excited to tell you  about A Long-Expected Soundscape.   Not only will I be able to tell you about it,   but I’ll be able to show you first hand what  this incredible audio experience is like. I backed this project on Kickstarter  when it launched on Tolkien Reading   Day in 2022. Let’s do a walk  through of what my friend Jordan   Rannells has spent the last year  creating for the Tolkien fandom: Jordan has created a 3D audio  version of the Lord of the Rings.   He went out into the woods to record nature  sounds, some of which you’re hearing right now.   He then recorded and designed sound FX  like the Balrog, and the Ents. You can even   hear some audio cameos of me as an orc  growling and laughing in Moria and in Mordor. Next, Jordan has written an entire  score for the Trilogy. Music that   you’ve been listening to throughout  this video. Every character has a theme,   every moment is scored specifically.  Not just looped background music. Let’s break down what that really means.  Jordan has composed and timed all of the Score,   Sound FX and ambience to Andy Serkis’ audiobook.  That means if you have bought them from audible,   you can play them at the same time and they  will sync up perfectly. You can also just put   the chapters on without the book and listen as  you hear Gandalf’s fireworks, the Rohirrim ride   to meet Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, or even the  vivid detail of Shelob as she battles with Sam. The depth and detail that Jordan has gone to  to create this project is truly incredible,   every moment has been thought through. How  windy would it be on the higher levels of   Minas Tirith? What moments should his  Eucatastrophe motif be played? What   does a Mumakil really sound like and how does  it feel to have a Fell Beast fly above you. You can listen as you read, you can just listen,   you can sync it up with Andy’s audiobook, have  it on with your DND games, and so much more. The applications of this project are endless and  all you need is your computer, or a podcast feed,   and a set of headphones to be able to sit down  in a fully 3D immersive audio experience of the   Lord of the Rings. Mixed in Dolby Atmos. Now today is a very special day for the   soundscape because I’m happy to announce that The  Two Towers Collection is officially here! You can   use my promo code: NERD25 to get 25% off of the  ENTIRE Trilogy collection, That means you’ll   get Fellowship today, Two Towers today, and within  the next three months, Return of the King as well.   If you want to try it out first, you can use the  code NERD10 to get 10% off one of the three books. Seriously guys you don’t want to miss out on  this experience and yes, he will be creating   additional soundscapes for The Hobbit and The  Silmarillion so you definitely want to get in   on this now so when those are launched, maybe  you can even get your voice on them like I did.  So check out JordanRannells.com  and use the promo code:   NERD25 to experience the trilogy in  a fantastic and completely new way. as always I want to say a huge thank you to  my patreon supporters who make this channel   possible Tom to bombadil19 listen me the Cinda  kellebrimbor the mighty MIM team weasel Rabbi   Rob Thomas Charles Leisure Toby mobs music CCDC  red team nerd sichman any timer pelkey sports   cards monkey the brown Christopher carbaugh Joe  Tepper Sky carcass slide belts Dane ragnarson   salimerman zetrock bertelberg Grand strategy  nerd Graham dare cot the dark-haired one Wyland   Michael Wu Grant McGregor and Debbie if you  enjoyed the artwork in this video check out   the artists in the description and purchase  prints of their great work for yourself   thanks so much for watching and subscribing and  we'll see you next time on nerd of the Rings
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
Views: 240,391
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, what if Saruman, what if Saruman got the ring, what if Saruman took the ring, what if Saruman got ring, tolkien theory, Gandalf theory, Gandalf took the ring, what if Gandalf, what if tolkien, what if nerd of the rings, nerd of the rings theory, history of middle-earth, lord of the rings theory, Saruman ring, Saruman's ring, Saruman ringmaker, Saruman many colors
Id: yM0N51_AGg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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