What If Naruto Left With Sasuke? (Part 2)

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[Music] Sasuke leaving konaha has always been one of the main plot lines of Naruto half the drama comes from that the akatski and their plan yes but half the drama in the series centers around Sasuke leaving the village and the hero's attempts to bring him back but what happens when Naruto leaves with him well now we have a whole new story join me as we continue our sukii dream of a world where Naruto decided to leave with Sasuke well welcome to the aagi before we begin only 25% of our viewers are subscribed so if you're a fan of the video please like and double check if you're subscribed and with that out of the way let's get into the video Naruto sat in a tree he looked down upon the palm of his hand he clinched it looking up he thought about the things that had brought him to where he was now he and Sasuke had decided to leave konoha together the reason for this was clear cut and dry for Sasuke he had dreams to fulfill that he could not fulfill while still in the leaf but Naruto's reason for leaving was a a bit more vague in fact the only dream Naruto could have was now likely ruined by leaving the village so what was the logic sometimes Naruto wondered this too the entire reason for being a Shinobi everything he had done every time he had hyped himself up to work harder it was all in service to his dream of becoming Hokage but now such a thing was impossible he could never become Hokage now well more than likely not of course Sasuke disagreed you've killed Orochimaru and I'll soon Kil Itachi will return home as Heroes they'll have to make you Hokage this was what Sasuke said but the point was Naruto was not thinking about any of that when he left his only motivation for leaving was because he wanted to be with the one person who actually seemed to care whatsoever about his life Naruto was just sick of being in the village Naruto left because he didn't want to stay that was the only reason and that left him feeling a little bad no goal in life nothing worth doing all he was all he could be was a supporting character in some someone else's story or so he felt no true direction or goal he continued to fight for someone else simply because he didn't want to be alone now that he thought about it he figured out how lonely that sounded how utterly despairingly lonely looking down at his hand once again he felt an immense power unlike any he had ever felt before the Ninetales this new power was greater than that this new ability far surpassed it raw strength the Primal strength of nature flowed through his veins and bolstered every muscle every reaction every Ninjutsu genjutsu Tai Jutsu technique and even still he had developed the same black orbs that Orochimaru had developed he wasn't even entirely sure what they were or how he created them they were just automatic he had on various occasions attempted to examine them with the help of Karen she had said that she sensed an unusual sort of chakra mixture he trusted whatever she said on the matter due to her being a sensory type but even she wasn't entirely sure what it was she said she sensed every nature transformation at once as well as a few other chakra types that she couldn't exactly pin down Orochimaru had claimed that this was the power of the sage of Six Paths but Naruto wondered how it was that he could have such a thing and furthermore why the union of his and Sasuke's chakra would awaken it speaking of Sasuke he too had an Awakening his eyes had evolved into a mangekyo Sharingan and they had evolved into a more mythical dojutsu thereafter the renegon Sasuke was ecstatic about that Itachi had once told him to face him when he had unlocked the mon yo Sharingan due to the inability to gain that Sasuke had always felt as though he would never measure up and would never be strong enough in fact that was partially why he left konoha in general but now now Sasuke had that power and greater he finally felt as if he maybe had surpassed Itachi the same eyes as the sage of Six Paths the same power as him both Naruto and Sasuke were meant for great things so it had been said of them by Jugo in a passing comment now at present Naruto and Sasuke were on their way to fight find Itachi where he was remained a mystery all they could do was check in the usual places but to no avail Sasuke had never imagined that out of all the things he had to do this would be the hardest of all he could work and make breakthroughs and grow stronger all he wanted but it didn't mean a thing if he couldn't find his Target and only now was it truly setting in for the village boys how big the outside world truly was and the vast openness that the walls of their Hometown had been Sheltering them from but all the same it was freeing roaming with borders without rules all under the endless expanse of stars there was Beauty in this freedom and now as Naruto looked up at those stars from his perch in the trees he began to wonder if maybe his decision to leave the village with Sasuke the forsaking of his dreams the forsaking of the village had been worth more than the title of Hokage ever had been after all Naruto wanted the title to demand respect from those who hated him but even if they respected him they would never love him it would all be a simple facade with animosity boiling under the surface not here though among his friends with Sasuke Karin suigetsu and Jugo Naruto had found respect and he had found Peace and Freedom under these Stars the world was beautiful and far less cruel a place had some had led him to believe certainly not when you had friends by your side and right now Naruto is feeling that peace as the drowsiness of night Came Upon him as he hopped down to the ground he found the others already asleep Under the Stars Naruto was the last one awake and so this beauty of nature it was all for him it was Beauty only he was looking at and in that moment it felt as if Naruto knew why he was alive it was as if he knew why he had left konoha he wanted this this beauty this Simplicity the warm embrace of the Sun the cool chill of the night the spray of the rivers and the breeze and the trees above even if it began to rain right now Naruto felt as if it could not get any better and so he laid down in the grass himself and also began to submit to the siren song of sleep closing his eyes he drifted off and began to dream of a place and time where everything felt okay a time not too unlike this the next day Naruto awoke to the sound of stirring he turned over for a moment to catch a few more Z's before he felt a foot kick his Naruto were you not keeping watch last night Naruto opened his eyes oh that's what I forgot to do he thought within himself now he remembered why he was the last one awake how could he forget such a thing sorry Sasuke I didn't mean to I just sort of forgot but hey everything worked out well right Naruto sat up and saw the group standing there looking over Sasuke's shoulder Sasuke held up a note things aren't all right someone was in our camp last night they could have killed us if they wanted to and we never would have known they were there Naruto stood I already said I'm sorry it was an honest mistake he dusted off his clothes and walked over what's that Sasuke read through it his eyes seemed to widen with concern it's a message from Itachi Naruto was surprised wait Itachi was in our camp last night Sasuke Shrugged either Itachi or a messenger from him he read over the letter Naruto Drew closer and read it for himself what's it say Sasuke looked at him it's an invitation an invitation to what Naruto asked Sasuke got a bit of a smile on his face it's an invitation to a final battle with him the group began to make their way through the forest toward the location that had been dictated to them on the letter it was a place that Sasuke would know about it was an old o Hideway in the middle of nowhere a place in the land of fire where nobody but they knew it was designed to be a refuge for the clan should konoha ever fall a place they could stay until things died down and they could reform the leaf for they could decide a new course of action in truth the place was never used after the Waring States period but it had remained well-kept just for such an occasion Sasuke found it funny this location symbolized both an end to old things and a beginning to new this location was perfect for their final battle Karen stopped them for a moment hold up the group came to a stop and turned to face Karen what is it Sasuke asked Karen closed her eyes and put her hand to the ground I sense multiple chakra signatures they're all coming this way what Naruto was surprised I don't recognize them but they're Fanning out to search it feels is it a trap Sasuke asked did Itachi call in reinforcements Karen thought for a moment I don't know but their movements suggest that they're looking for us Sasuke nodded well keep us informed we still need to get to Itachi tell us if they get too close K nodded they continued I will not have this chance slip away from me he said as they continued to travel toward the location as they did so they would eventually make their way to The Hideout Sasuke would look up this is the location Naruto would drop his cloak on the ground and pop his knuckles let's get it done then Sasuke would hold out his hand to stop Naruto Naruto looked down at it for a moment before shifting his gaze up what's this Sasuke looked to him you need to stay out here Naruto all of you do what why Naruto demanded to know Sasuke then spoke this is my fight all I've done my whole life since the destruction of my clan was train in preparation of this day he told me I was not even good enough to kill I need this Naruto if I don't kill him alone then I'll feel I didn't get my Vengeance at all I need to be the one to do it Naruto waited for a moment but from the stories you've told me he's an absolute monster there's no guarantee that even your renegon can help you beat him and if that's true you could die what are you going to do if he kills you Sasuke looked back up at the building if he kills me then I simply wasn't strong enough and could never have beaten him if I die then I'll die with a smile knowing he considered me worthy enough at least to be put to rest with the rest of my clan that's a dark way to think Karen said Sasuke looked back with a smile my entire life has led up to this moment this is something I need to do so please give this to me guys Naruto looked around in frustration what are we supposed to do then you stay out here Sasuke said if anything go buy me time to ensure nobody comes after us no I mean what do we do if Itachi kills you Sasuke Shrugged do whatever you want to do run from him fight him kill him I don't really care I'll be too dead to stop you either way but give me my first crack at him at least Naruto sighed fine we'll give you first crack but you better come back alive s nodded he left to enter the building Naruto then turned away where are you going suigetsu asked Naruto looked back over his shoulder to buy us some time he then jumped off into the trees he hopped from limb to limb cautiously keeping his eyes open waiting for any clue to the location of whoever was tracking them Naruto came to a perch in a tree that was well shaded his dark cloak made him all the more hard to see he kept his eyes open until he saw a cell from that group wait is that Sakura and Kakashi Sensei he jumped down to meet up with the group he group of Shinobi as well as his own former Team Naruto landed on a branch in front of them at that moment it was as if time had stopped all was silent even the forest creatures as these made contact for the first time in years Naruto Naruto turned back to look at them he offered a slight smile hi guys Kakashi was surprised to see him Naruto Sakura was silent for a moment it certainly has been a long time hasn't it what's it been 3 years he asked them two and a half Naruto could tell that the group was having a hard time believing it if you need a moment you could Where Have You Been Sakura Cried Out Naruto was shocked by the Outburst I've been with Sasuke why did you leave Sakura demanded to know when you went out after sasuka you promised to bring him back but all you did was leave too she yelled at him as tears formed in her eyes why did you leave I thought that you promised you'd bring him back to me are you a liar Naruto did you lie these tears began to roll down her cheek Naruto looked down toward the ground solemn look upon his face I'm sorry I made you so upset Sakura but I haven't given up on that promise Sasuke will come back to the Village we just have a few goals we need to accomplish before we can there's a rumor that you two killed the rochim Maru Kakashi said Is it true Naruto looked up at Kakashi it is indeed true we killed him we were planning to bring his head back to the Village as a part of our mission mission Kakashi claimed what mission Naruto smiled our mission M and Sasuke's Sasuke needed to achieve his dream but more than that he wanted to bring back the heads of a few people on konoha's Bingo book I know the mission wasn't regulated so we may face insub ordination for that but we've killed Orochimaru in konoha's name and soon we'll kill Itachi as well in fact Sasuke is with him while we speak doing battle with him Kakashi was stunned you two really killed Orochimaru and Sasuke is killing Itachi right now he might need our help Sakura shouted she attempted to jump past Naruto but he caught her hold up you can't what why Sakura demanded Naruto began explaining because this is more than just a mission to Sasuke it's more than just a need to do it for the village Sasuke needs to killon for himself if we take that from him we'll have destroyed his dream please just have faith in him and after Itachi's dead we'll return to the Village Kakashi thought about it for a moment all right fine would you like me to show you where Sasuke is please Sakura begged Naruto smiled okay okay just calm down I'll take you but you just got to promise not to interfere okay Sasuke says that if he dies we're free to move in on Itachi but I don't expect Sasuke to lose he's leagues above what he used to be now and I don't think even Orochimaru would have a fair chance at him alone currently the group agreed and so Naruto LED them to The Hideout suigetsu Jugo and Karen were surprised when they showed up there Naruto looked back at Kakashi and Sakura these are mine and Sasuke's friends Karen suigetsu and Jugo they've been helping us out that being said when this is all over I want you to give them the freedom they deserve let them either come with us to the leaf or go their own way can you guys promise that Kakashi nodded if they helped you take out these threats then they owed a debt of gratitude from konoha they're free to do as they wish Naruto smiled good and and so they waited from above there were the sounds of fighting the sound of clanging metal Ninjutsu explosions susano there were so many sounds ringing down from above so loud one might mistake it for a full-blown War it was like two armies were clashing on the roof of The Hideout but in reality it was nothing more than two Rogue Shinobi going all out the sound of two susano fighting could be heard and then silence they waited but there were no further noises the battle must be over Jugo said they waited longer but Sasuke did not appear anxiety began to build in the hearts of those waiting outside why isn't he coming out Sakura asked they could wait no longer they rushed in something wasn't right they made it to the roof and saw the destruction left behind but they found nobody else fan out find them Kakashi ordered they began to search the area that's when one of the Shinobi called out we found a body Sakura's heart nearly stopped she began walking over the Shinobi that found it was already examining it Sakura saw it dark hair no no no no no no no she ran over and flipped the body it was Itachi she let out a sigh of relief as tears began to run down her cheeks her smile corrupted into a crying clenching of teeth Naruto came to her side and hugged her it's okay Sasuke won he's still alive somewhere but where that's the question suigetsu said Jugo looked over Karen can you sense Sasuke nearby Karen began to attempt to sense him I don't sense Sasuke at all he's not anywhere near here where did he go and why would he run these were answers nobody knew I don't understand Naruto said why would he flee after the battle ended is it maybe because he saw us Kakashi said is it that he wasn't ready to come back to the Village Naruto shook his head no Sasuke's told me his plan multiple times we were going to use orochimaru's training to get stronger kill Orochimaru and then find and kill Itachi and then bring both of their heads back to konoha for amnesty his goals are complete he could return to konoha now I don't see why he'd flee maybe someone took him Karen said do you think someone could suigetsu asked it's possible after such a fight there's no doubt that Sasuke would be tired Jugo said it's possible that someone capitalized off this to capture him possibly to steal his renegon Naruto looked to Karen can you sense anyone here Karine shook her head Naruto looked back at the others Kakashi then asked wait did you say renegon we have a lot to talk about Naruto said and so Naruto Sakura and Kakashi all spoke together as konash Shinobi ventured out to search for Sasuke by the end of it they had yet to find him and so they all began to return to konaha without him returning to the Village Naruto would be brought before sunade who would scold him for such a Brash move Naruto apologized and offered the fact that they had killed both Itachi and Orochimaru as some sort of excuse but tady refused this saying that it was an unauthorized operation insubordination and desertion she said that because they had done these things they would eventually be pardoned for their crimes however that was not going to stop Naruto from spending some time in the bridge for all the trouble they put them through and so Naruto was delivered to the prison where he was to wait as he sat there in near Darkness only the light of a few torches lighting his dark cell he would be brought something to eat by Konohamaru Naruto would take it and look at the boy wow Kono you've grown so tall Konohamaru nodded with a hint of depression in his expression what's wrong Konohamaru looked up do you know what happened after you left Naruto Naruto shook his head what Konohamaru then spoke you took your tailed beast with you the entire Village was without protection for so long other nations were threatening War it was only because we had gar on our side and sunna that we managed to survive these threats G's one tail was all that was protecting us but a little while ago gar Naruto sat forward what what is it Konohamaru looked up gar was killed Naruto was surprised what Konohamaru nodded to affirm that it was true he continued some group called The akatski took him and stole his tailed beast and killed him Naruto looked down sorrowfully that's not it either Konohamaru said uncle asima died Naruto was surprised Konohamaru began to cry Uncle ASA was the last member of my family I had left after Grandpa hiris and died and now aam is dead too he was killed fighting the akatski Naruto came to the cell's doors on his knees and pushed his hands through the bars to comfort Konohamaru he sniffled a little as he continued I only survived that mess cuz I was on team seven Konohamaru said Kakashi Sensei and sakur rachan were there for me when he died I thought I'd have jiah there with me too Konohamaru looked up Big Brother jariah taught me just like he taught you he said with a smile hidden under tears he taught me the renon and even this cool thing called sage mode but he had to go on mission to amak I wanted to go too but ASA had just died I wasn't in the right shape to go and because of that because I wasn't there the akosi killed him too Naruto is shocked pervy Sage is dead konohamaru's tears fell to the ground in large droplets I'm losing everyone Naruto I can't keep doing this I'd rather die than see anyone else go away so please please promise me you'll stay in the village Karu pressed against the cell doors as if attempting to get a hug through the bars Naruto provided what he could he was too shocked and upset at the death of jiah but he knew that he needed to be konohamaru's Comfort I promise I'll stay I'm back with the village for good okay we just need to find Sasuke and bring him home we just need to bring him home Naruto had been in his cell for days he began to wonder if old lady sunade was ever going to Pardon him for all he knew he'd be in this cell until they found Sasuke if that were the case it would make a lot of sense actually they didn't want to risk Naruto leaving the village to find Sasuke so no doubt they would keep him here until such a time as they brought Sasuke back as he laid there thinking upon these things his cell shook as a loud Rumble could be heard what was that Naruto said as he sat up an earthquake suddenly there was a louder harder Shake That threatened to bring the whole ceiling down on him he heard cries and clamoring from above Naruto got up and ran to the cell door what's going on hey what's going on no guards came to him the cell shook again damn it Naruto said he stood back and began to form a renon in his hand the idea that this cell could hold him was laughable he was here because sunata had wanted him to be but now something more important was at stake he began to charge at the door suddenly the door opened up as Konohamaru unlocked it Naruto slammed the brakes and stumbled tripping over the boy he sat up Konohamaru are you okay the boy nodded as he rubbed his head he pointed toward the stairs hurry up get outside someone's attacking the village Naruto ran up the stairs and stepped out into the light he looked up and saw a Man flying in the air Naruto activated his six path sage mode and flew into the air to meet him the genui the man said Naruto looked at him and noticed that he had renegon those eyes his fists clenched they're the same as SAS Naruto began to believe that this man had stolen Sasuke's eyes how dare you I'll kill you and so without even a word of explanation from Pain Naruto rushed into him creating a bow staff out of a truth seeking orb behind him knocking him to the ground Nar landed pain Rose I don't know what foolishness you speak of these eyes are mine and mine alone they are now always have been and always will belong to me he called his other six paths to him Naruto looked around at the five people surrounding him good now maybe it'll be a fair fight Naruto said as he created a staff in his other hand Payne raised his hand and the rest of these Six Paths began to attack Naruto Naruto saw them coming in but he was well prepared he struck each one with Incredible skill and prowess his training as well as the infusion of six path's chakra into his system had gifted him with amazing abilities he could sense nature energy now and take it into himself just like jiah could all those years ago Naruto was using this to determine where these Six Paths were around him essentially he had turned his entire body into an eye not too unlike the Byakugan but instead of relying upon light to locate his opponents he was using theirs his own and the world's own natural chakra to sense them he could do it in great detail as they came in he dodged under one attack and struck with an attack of his own it was so powerful that he sent it flying into the wall he began to face each member of these six pads individually and after a moment of deliberation having figured out from trial and error what each pain did he decided it was best to tackle them in a certain order with narcopath being the first to be defeated as it could repair broken paths next up was human path as he had witnessed it literally rips someone sold out with a single touch after that was animal as it could summon reinforcements in the form of massive beasts from there pra as it could siphon his energy and he would need that to fight with and he would then take out a shur paath as it could offer longdistance support from far away finally he fought against the diva path and it was Diva that seemed to be in control it also seemed that this was the tip of the spear when it came to strength Naruto had an issue in fighting against the repulsive forces of gravity but considering that he could already defy gravity with flight Naruto would be able to overcome this hovering in the air he would then Rush down at D.A and deliver a combo of decisive blows against the path completely incapacitating it but Naruto wasn't stupid he had known a renegon user and was a user of these Six Paths himself so he at least knew that there was a seventh path this path would be the original host likely the one that killed jariah likely the one responsible for the death of Asa and gar he would use the chakra Rod to hunt down the main body which he would find in a paper mashe tree inside he found a single frail man and his Aid a woman Naruto would step in and the final path nagato would begin to speak speak with him Naruto would converse with him for a while but it became obvious that he would not spare Nago nor his agid should she get in the way and so she actually did Naruto would sweep her away plow her down like a paper person because so she was he came to Nago and would finish him off Naruto was no stranger to Vengeance having spent as much time as he had with Sasuke he knew that it felt good to kill your enemies it felt good to serve Justice pay might argue that this wasn't justice but then again Sasuke had taught Naruto that just was a thing man took for himself and Naruto had just claimed it and with that the battle was over to say that Naruto wasn't put back into his cell would be the understatement of the century Naruto had become the hero of the Hidden Leaf saving it from destruction a few buildings had come down and a few people had been hurt but thanks to Naruto being there nobody had died and so he was hailed as a hero but that didn't make him feel much better about it Naruto would wait for any confirmation that Sasuke was found but nothing came up tady would attend the five KAG Summit and there the five KAG would receive a threat from Toby that there would be War unless they turned over their tailed beasts suady refused to do this as did everyone else and so Toby would declare the fourth Shinobi World War Naruto was told that he would have to wait it out by suady but he refused this telling her that he was strong enough to take out pain and that he was strong enough to fend for himself he told her that without him they might not win he could tip the scales in their favor and despite the fact that she really didn't want to allow him to go she decided that it would be best just in case the Ki used the tailed beasts against them and so they moved on to fight in the war they would face many idot tensei and it was believed that the only way to stop them was to seal it up or help them come to terms with the actions of their life to send them to the next world but this wasn't true Naruto had truth Seeker orbs which possessed yinyang release and with these he could neutralize Ninjutsu entirely and so he could neutralize the idot tensei before they ever became a true threat and this included even moeras OT tensei as they moved on to the final battle however they discovered that the 10 tals was almost ready to be activated Toby told Naruto that they had already taken the eight tals and that all they needed now was the nin Tails but given Naruto's strength they believed they couldn't take it from him but then again they didn't need to they had the gold and silver Brothers OT tensei feeding them to the ghetto statue they caused it to awaken as the tales it started to Rampage but the question was how could they control it they needed a renegon to do it but Naruto had already killed pain it was then then that Obito revealed Sasuke's presence Obito explained it wasn't hard to switch Sasuke to our side after all when he came to realized the truth he couldn't stomach returning to konoha Naruto stood there for a moment what truth Obito smiled and looked at Sasuke why don't you tell him Sasuke stepped forward Itachi wasn't at fault for the deaths of the uiha clan he was under orders konoha's orders Naruto was stunned it was konoha that killed the Y Sasuke nodded it was and now I need retribution Sasuke began to absorb the tent Tales into himself Obito spoke and now with the power of the tenent tales Sasuke will destroy konoha he will cast a light down upon the world and put them into an eternal dream he'll bring peace and once more he'll restore his clan he was confident that he had brainwashed Sasuke too confident Sasuke would stab through Obito Obito is surprised by this Sasuke scoffed I have no need for a dream world when I can make the real world into whatever I want he would finish off Obito and then kill zetsu as well he would then turn to Naruto I will have my revenge are you going to stand with me or against me Naruto thought for a moment Sasuke as much as I wish I could help you find Justice you know we can't destroy the village we can't kill our friends I refuse Sasuke thought about it how about this Sasuke said I will not destroy the village in its entirety I will destroy only its current leadership I'll install you as Hokage and then I'll destroy the leadership of all other shobi nations I'll force them to submit to us and once they do we'll create a new world without war and suffering a world where the definition of what it means to be a Shinobi has changed where shinobis aren't killers and warmongers but peacekeepers a world where every Clan can be safe Naruto thought about it a peaceful world Sasuke nodded just come with me and we can make this world together a world where we're both respected by The Villages that wronged us where we can lead the world and make things the way we want them to be where our dreams become reality what do you say Naruto began to smile and so began a new kind of War a war where Naruto and Sasuke had to destroy the leadership of each Village Naruto attempted to spare sunade as did Sasuke out of respect for her in Naruto but the konoha council he would not spare the whole world would then be subjugated under them and through fear of retaliation would be unified together any threat that could ever rise would be put down to nary's attempt to drop the moon would be met with a visit from Sasuke himself who would easily eradicate taner altogether and stop the threat moshiki and kinshiki would be met with overwhelming force and the power of Sasuke and Naruto together was easily able to overcome even ishiki otsuki and so Naruto and Sasuke finally rested after their battles Naruto looked out over the village inside it was a bit bloody and very roundabout but we managed to bring peace and our dreams are fulfilled Sasuke nodded he had gotten his revenge and brought peace to the world and now he and sakuro were married and already had a child his clan was once again growing Naruto smiled as he looked up into the sky content with the path he had Chosen and that's the end of the video to be perfectly honest this is how I see it going if Sasuke had the renegon Obito would have no reason to steal them from Pain the only issue I really have here is the idea that Obito could completely trust Sasuke but in all honesty Obito could believe that he's in total control of Sasuke and underestimate him we both know Sasuke wouldn't go for the infinite sukii and he'd more than likely not be fully agreeing with the aot's plans besides bringing peace I believe we've actually seen once before the kind of world Sasuke wanted to bring and in that official story he takes over the world installs his friends as Regional Governors and would rule over the world and enforce peace and there's no reason in my mind to think that this Naruto wouldn't help after all he did leave the village because he felt nobody cared so in his own way he might have actually agreed with pain here due to how much time he had spent with Sasuke and Sasuke's toxic ideas but anyway that's just what I think what do you think did you enjoy the video if so tell us in the comments let us know what you liked about it what you didn't like about it and anything you want to see happen in future videos remember to like and don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified when we drop more content like this until next time peace [Music]
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 75,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Id: 2HGOGLvtxrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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