What If Naruto Could Use Wood Style?

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[Music] foreign Clans are cousins may be distant but they are related beyond that hashirama senju's wife was herself an Uzumaki that technically makes Tsunade one quarter Uzumaki which is a fun fact for all of you her Heritage with both Clans explains why she has so much extra chakra to throw around there is one thing that goes mostly unexplained though a particular keka genkai that hashirama uses something only hashirama uses it has been displayed by Ashura otsutsuki and even utilized by Yamato and danzo but these among others only because they have hashirama senju's cells and the zetsu as well but that being said they're cultivated out of hashirama's cells and the ghetto statue this I find strange though besides Ashura hashirama is the only natural user of wood release well moegi can utilize the style in boruto and how she can do it why she can do it and why it's not a big freaking deal to the other characters is a total mystery but as it stands with the possible exception of moegi nobody outside of hashirama and Ashura can use it but why not even any of the other senju could use it not even Tsunade and she's a direct descendant of hashirama so what's so special about this why can nobody even within the senju use it well I have a particular Theory what if only Ashura reincarnations can naturally do it after all it's only been naturally displayed by them perhaps only Ashura reincarnates can utilize wood release but if so then why couldn't Naruto that's actually a unique question and I'm a little confused about it because during the boruto series he possesses an arm completely fashioned out of hashirama senju's cells so he logically should be able to so let's stop for a moment and see what the world would be like if Naruto could use wood release welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos also we just released some brand new merch if you'd like to show your support for the channel even further while at the same time wrapping styles clothing be sure to check that out as well the store is linked below YouTube's been unsubscribing users from channels lately so if you're a fan of us please do us a favor and double check to see if you're still subscribed it only takes a second and it helps us a ton here at amagi and with that out of the way let's get into the video on the day of Naruto's birth the Ninetales was taken from Kushina this was in an effort to claim it by Obito Uchiha who had hoped to use it to complete the eye of the Moon plan he knew that she was pregnant and it was known that during pregnancy when in labor the mother needed to divert all extra chakra to childbirth which left the seal weakened just long enough to allow the tailed beast to escape this was a golden opportunity for Obito to take the strongest most powerful tailed beast for himself and that's just what he did seizing the opportunity through leverage he managed to fool the fourth Hokage and take her for himself her up and removing the nine tails placing it under his genjutsu he began to command it to tear everything to Pieces the villagers screamed in Terror as the massive Fox swept through their Village like an angry nature God that had been imprisoned for far too long this was knocking out two birds with one stone taking the Beast for himself and destroying the village that had killed his beloved Reign she had died in defense of this Village and it was this Village that demanded such things of the people within the love he once held for it the pure unabading patriotic love of his village of his people the entirety of his affections had reversed polarity the moment Reen had died and that was matara's secret plan even in death he played the puppet master and Obito was his unknowing yet willing Pawn but the fourth Hokage his mentor Minato namakazi would not have that he would confront Obito whose identity was yet to be known Obito would laugh at the concept Minato was fast but Obito's sorrow and hatred allowed him to see the world through a new eye the kamui at any point in time Obito could just decide I did not take damage his form becoming as shallow as his love for the world had ever been out of his desire for a perfect world his mangekyo heeded the call and gave him access to the kamui dimension a world where he could never be hurt again he was hardly the man he had once been a hollow shell list in his Heir this was the irony of his ability it mirrored him as a person who he had become at the deepest part of himself a boy hiding in a fantasy world to escape the world that had wounded him so badly and now the ghost of that boy was here to teach the world the same pain he felt and then offered those within it a chance to escape with him to a world where they could be happy the ends justify the means Obito in his heart had deceived himself as much as he deceived others living in a Perpetual illusion and the fourths resend gone to his back served as a wake-up call you're not Invincible even in the world where you hide I can find you and that was meant to be less of a threat and more of a comfort a prophecy an acknowledgment of the future in which his son Naruto would do the same but this time and instead of using a Rasengan it would be the Open Arms of a hug and a heart of pure understanding and love I will find you the real you a promise Obito had yet to understand one yet to be fulfilled but with that the contract was broken and Obito fled the village to tend to his wounds as Minato proceeded to deal with the threat of the nine-tailed fox Kurama in his rage smashed through the village attempting to destroy everything they had used and abused him for the last time no more they would have the chance to do this no more Judgment Day had come for them on October 10th and as Naruto took his first breaths The Village was taking its last that was until the yellow Flash of the leaf like a shining Beacon of Hope in the night appeared and tore the fox away from the village beyond the mountains to defeat it there it had been decided to seal it away now actually I want to add another element to this what if I want to consider what happens should Naruto have wood release and would release only as his special power I plan to take away the nine tails from him and in doing so free his path to follow something new and special in accordance with this line of thought let's say for a moment that Minato was too weak and so helplessly believed he could save his wife and for this moment only let's believe that Kushina knew her limits enough that it were true and that she would still die even if she resealed the nine tails into her cell so at this point Kushina is too weak to do anything and Minato would utilize the reaper death seal to pull Karama back inside of Kushina and upon minato's death Kushina would take her final breaths Kurama donating chakra as fast as he can to save her life and in turn his own but failing miserably falling into death's cold Embrace along with his jinchuriki his chakra Consciousness and everything else spread across the winds and the land beginning its attempt to reconstitute over the course of an undisclosed amount of years Naruto would be Left Alive only his parents corpses laying nearby a travesty that should never be experienced and something that the third Hokage wished he didn't have to see taking the Babe up in his arms he promised to protect Naruto to that end he used kushina's surname Uzumaki Naruto from minato's enemies and would put the child up in an apartment now the people weren't mean to Naruto at all in fact given that he did not possess the nine tails in this world he would receive even sympathy from the people a child alone no one to protect or guide it due to there being no hatred toward him the people would find within their hearts charity seeing him as just another victim of the nine tails his life would be easier he would be given gifts by the people of the village which generally consisted of small toys or something to eat they say it takes a village to raise a child and that was what was happening here something every Naruto deserved he would slowly get new friends at the playgrounds and the kids parents no longer pulled their children away from him as he wasn't the Beast they feared was he lonely well yeah but he wasn't quite as sad he even found companionship in a small potted plant he called ukikun the first plant he ever created with this kekai genkai to a point Naruto was a happy child smiling often and he rarely caused issues for the village his vandalous nature was not quite so present due to him receiving the positive attention his name inline counterpart lack now you may ask yourself does this still result in Naruto wanting to become Hokage well if you recall Naruto's entire dream was based solely upon acceptance of the village he believed that if they refused to accept and respect him as a person then maybe they would if he were Hokage this was his logic when forming his dream now this Naruto has no need for that but at the exact same time I think Naruto would still want to be Hokage not for acceptance but out of gratitude he would want to lead his village because his village loved him think about how Naruto wanted to become Hokage even after the village accepted him and loved him postpain's assault a similar concept Here Naruto wants to leave the village that loves him because he loves them to that end he joins the academy where he would study as always he would struggle while in school his studies below average but that could only be expected when you assume a child is going to figure everything out on their own he also seems to have an issue with the whole clone transformation Jutsu just as he always had but he does seem capable of creating a wood clone this technique is not exactly what was asked of him but at the same time the Jutsu he performed was of a similar function and was tangible as well which made all the difference he could grow and learn further and surely he would get it he would graduate due to his use of wood clone on the grounds that he instead studied the Clone transformation technique and perfected as it would be helpful as well and cost far less chakra Naruto would agree to that and just be pleased to finally receive the headband with the protective plate bearing konoha's symbol he would be assigned to a team but to his delight and horror the team consists of Sakura and Sasuke under Kakashi hadake viewed as the most strict jonesing to ever not have a team or more like to have many teams which scrubbed out after failing to meet expectations and now Naruto was required to meet those very same expectations but the concept of the expectations were in reality very easy if you knew what you were looking for much like Kakashi these expectations were easy going and very emotionally based if you could manage to break through the mysterious barrier and that expectation was not skill based it was based on teamwork something that team 7 even lacked at first but upon the three discovering the meaning of teamwork going so far as to disobey their mentor to work as a team Kakashi would be touched passing them and proving the kind of teacher he was revealing that the students he sent away were worthy of dismissal on the grounds that they could not understand the most important part about being on a team once Naruto Sakura and Sasuke were all on that team they'd begin their brutally underwhelming start everyone starts from the bottom but sometimes the bottom is just so boring honestly though if I were a Shinobi walking dogs rescuing cats and doing basic work as opposed to fighting a war would be preferable I would be the next Eternal genin anyway a mission to the Land of Waves opens up Naruto jumps at it because his idea of being a ninja is a more conventional variant actually doing ninja stuff so they go on their way to the Land of Waves to safeguard their charge to Zuna on his way back and further protect him and his workers as they build the bridge this is easier said than done as instead of meeting Bandits they're caught against Elite assassins such as the demon brothers and the likes of Haku and zabas but by the skin of their teeth and the resourcefulness of Naruto and Sasuke they make it through however and important to note here is that Naruto is not resistant to poisoning that was an ability of the nine tails but Naruto no longer possesses that instead he has wood release which would in fact heal him as his body is essentially made up of hashirama senju cells despite them not being from hashirama senju this means that his healing factor is pretty legendary meaning he can come back from some very rough Gore without dying still Kakashi would have to neutralize the poison as opposed to just watching it go away on its own this would likely result in him cutting open the wound with a knife and attempting to suck the majority of the poison out before wrapping him up and providing him with an anti-venom to cure whatever poison would have entered his body and as for zavaza well Naruto and Sasuke are resourceful they could still defeat them after all this Naruto lacks nothing that the other had in terms of this moment he could easily have the same plan with the same outcome in fact the only real change in the story comes when they're on the bridge caught in the Demonic mirroring ice crystals Sasuke takes a shot from Naruto end goes down Naruto doesn't have the nine tails so what happens well I am a big believer in Rage amps a lot of Anime characters receive rage amps in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure it seems the angrier A Jojo gets the stronger they are this is shown all through part 3 and is portrayed by dark determination in all other JoJo's Dragon Ball takes rage amps and turns them into a whole transformation like super saiyan or Super Saiyan 2. so I do think that Naruto would get a rage amp as a stat increase to his abilities but it's not going to be anywhere near as potent as it was when he had Kurama this means he's not just gonna put off energy and melt mirrors no but what it does mean is that he's going to limit break his way into stronger more impressive techniques and what I see him doing is forming a large tree around himself in Sasuke whose branch is spread out and The Roots attempt to shatter each mirror of course this is something that must happen simultaneously as if it doesn't Haku will just correct the technique but given how many branches and Roots Naruto has he could easily shatter them all at once before summoning the roots to capture Haku in the end this would likely end the same as Haku isn't going to remain caught in a wooden tree limb for long and would sacrifice himself to save zabaza after this zapas Rampage over Haku would eliminate gato and his gang freeing The Village this would result in the death of zabaza as well the team would eventually return to the village and the news of their work would reach the ears of the Hokage Naruto's use of the wood release ability was something unseen since hashirama only recently used by Yamato through experimentation due to this and the similarities between Naruto and hashirama as well as the skill he displayed Naruto and team 7 would be recommended for tuning level to which team 7 would gladly accept joining in with the rest of the rookie 9 they would begin the tests the first of which is a written one of course this isn't as hard for Naruto as it would be in the main timeline why May you ask because unlike before Naruto has a way of properly cheating something he didn't before and before you mention Hinata as a viable way Naruto didn't want to risk her failing for him so he refused to use it the way I'm thinking is a bit more secretive we know that Naruto is a wood release user so what kind of trick could he pull off with that well tables are wood so are pencils the paper itself is technically a form of wood all Naruto needs to do is utilize wood release to connect them to these items to get a good guess at what's going on with it he can easily guess the correct answers through cheating and when the final answer to the test comes up Naruto is so confident due to his cheating that he would take it as well thereby passing the test with pure gutsiness the second test is the forest of death this would also be a lot easier for him as Naruto would be in his element a forest can only be a forest if there are trees right else-wise it's just a prairie and guess what trees are made of wood Naruto with a Simple Touch of his hand would be able to connect with a tree and thereby the whole Forest due to the intermingling of roots that tangle into an intricate knot below the surface through a wood release and the various trees within Naruto has become omniscient within this Forest informed of the location of every person and thing within it with this ability Naruto can optimize his team's chances of success by letting them know when and where everything will occur both for and against them if someone's coming for them he can tell them when they're going for someone else he'll know that too this means that he has some forewarning when Orochimaru shows up he knows how to detect it so he would inform everyone when it's coming and thus avoid getting eaten by a snake he is there when he disguised Orochimaru comes for them when everyone else is frozen stiff Naruto manages to help defend them using the entire Forest as an extension of his very being this allows him to properly defend the others from Orochimaru this also ensures that Sasuke doesn't get branded by Orochimaru the old snake doesn't give up though and Naruto would rush through the trees with his team dead set on escaping with their scroll they may be incapable of winning against him but that doesn't mean they have to lose either escaping is a victory in and of itself and it allows them to not only put distance between themselves and Orochimaru but also to find an enemy scroll and make it to the center of the forest beating out even Gara and the sand siblings shattering the old record they would move onto the final portion of the exams the preliminaries here things go far better than before of course the results of the battles are the same but both Naruto and Sasuke have an easier time especially since Naruto has wood release and Sasuke was never branded during their month off though as they train Sasuke is approached by Orochimaru who no longer acts hostile preferring to wear his original face offering to speak with Sasuke Sasuke would ask what he wants and Orochimaru would state that he would offer him power in exchange for loyalty Sasuke is skeptical at first but Orochimaru would mention Itachi and how strong he is and how Orochimaru can help Sasuke get to that level easily so taking a chance he allows Orochimaru to help him this results in Sasuke gaining use of the first stage of the curse seal of Heaven which he's impressed by after about a month of testing out the first stage he decides to take Orochimaru up on his offer Awakening the second stage of the mark which impresses him so greatly that he agrees to serve Orochimaru that and there Naruto would face off against Neji hyuga and due to having wood release would be able to make distance between himself and Neji which would help to avoid the gentle fist style he would then manage to defeat him after finding his weak point however when the next round of the exhibitions come up things go a little differently technically Sasuke and Gara are on the same side now and they know it too Sasuke and Gara would fight for a while offering token resistance to each other enough to make it look convincing all while saving their strength something that Naruto can tell as he watches Sakura watches it too and notes that Sasuke is not using his full potential not even half of it but when an explosion goes off in the kage's Box Gara takes that as a sign that it's time to get to work and would transform into shukaku right there and then of course various other Shinobi would attempt to stop him but they're quickly dispatched by detailed BEAST's massive claws and tail and those that get through were easily picked off by Sasuke and the sand siblings who are aiding Gara in the fight while this is happening the village is under assault by orochimaru's snakes with Orochimaru himself and the sound 4 facing off against the Hokage in the end Orochimaru kills the third but his arms are sealed away as one last up yours from here is in after this it becomes apparent that the battle is turning against them and they flee The Village Gara and the sand siblings flee to sunagakade and Orochimaru the sound 4 and Sasuke all flee to otogokare Naruto and Sakura are stunned and unable to understand how Sasuke could do such a thing Naruto is beyond words how could the same Sasuke that threw himself in the way of a senbon for him betray him like this the village was in disarray the Hokage was dead and many people were hurt the Village Council took control of the village and after the burial of the third they would commission Jiraiya to go after Tsunade to become the fourth Hokage it's during this time that the Ninetales regenerates and Orochimaru decides to put importance into getting a hold of that after all he has Sasuke and he has his living corpse reincarnation Jutsu he transfers to a temporary body for the time being and helps Sasuke grow stronger attempting to use him to get the nine tails for use against konoha Sasuke has other plans with it though Naruto is away with jariah trying to convince tsunari to return she does not wish to however only after a long explanation by a desperate Naruto about how badly they need her in his anger he makes use of his wood style nature transformation which catches her eye she asks how he can make use of such a technique and he says he's always been able to Tsunade knows how rare this Jutsu is and that it's never been used Naturally by anyone else but her grandfather she looks to jariah and realizes from him that this is the son of Minato namakazi and Kushina Uzumaki there was no direct relation to hashirama she began to wonder if perhaps he could be her grandfather's reincarnate her interest peaked by this new development she decides to come to the Village to become Hokage while there she begins to look through any files on Naruto his parents root the anbu anything she could find on Naruto or wood style coming to the realization that he is merely a normal natural kid with the power of wood release she begins to suspect a deep connection to her grandfather something even she could not achieve as a direct descendant after all neither hashirama's descendants nor ancestors could achieve this technique was it possible that he could be hashirama as time went on She interviewed the boy and heard of his loyalty to the Village his love of his people and his desire to be the kage specifically for the people she Witnesses within him the burning flames of the will of fire and every moment she spends with him she sees more and more of hashirama in him the Dopey nature the serious attitude towards things of importance and even a similar laugh he had vices and while he did not drink he wasn't opposed to gambling he did possess the sexy Jutsu which did remind her of hashirama as her grandmother claimed that he was a little perverted in his younger years it's then that Tsunade begins to see it coming this boy will eventually become Hokage and she will make sure it happens but to that end she believes that he should train to grow stronger something that he plans to do as well in an effort to retrieve his friend Sasuke she tells jariah that she wants him to oversee his growth and then says that she plans to show him the way her grandfather once walked in unexplored area where a great power can be found she would summon a slug to her a part of Katsu she tells Naruto what he must do she says that if he goes to shikotsu Forest there he will find the slug Sage she says she traveled there once which is where she found katsu and she states that she considered learning senjutsu but it never really appealed to her as it would have given her slug-like features which she wanted nothing to do with but she states that with proper training Naruto might just achieve it so she gives him a piece of Katsu to lead the way and sees him to the gate of the village before she leaves she decides to give him the First Hokage necklace and Ruffles his hair wishing him good luck Jiraiya is a little upset that they're not going to mount mioboku to learn from the toads but Tsunade is adamant that he will learn the same way her grandfather did in hopes that Naruto will become as great as hashirama as they leave they follow the directions of Katsu eventually they're led to a thick forest of massive trees so large that Naruto would go having never seen a tree so tall and wide before a heavy Mist lays over the forest which makes it hard to see but katsu seems to love it it's damp and cool something katsu states that she misses they cross a wide river everything in this Forest seems so large and by comparison Naruto and Jiraiya feel like bugs compared to everything eventually they're led to a large Stone and beneath that stone is a hole in the ground traveling in in under katsu's orders they would see many slugs some of which are enjoying large leaves and sap but then they reach the biggest slug of them all wearing a pair of glasses and drinking a beer yes drinking a beer the slug Sage sees jiraya and immediately identifies him as a toad Sage Mode user and demands that he leave katsu vouches for him though and the sage relents on the condition that Jiraiya not summon any toads katsu asks the slug Sage if they'll teach Naruto the art of sage mode after looking at Naruto the slug stage states that Naruto may be The Reincarnation of hashirama senju something katsu states that Tsunade believed he was as well due to this the slug stage decides he will teach Naruto and so Naruto is taken outside by the river with various other slugs they tell him to strip down much to his horror but they claim to be serious about this so he begrudgingly does as they say once he's ready he asks what comes next the sage sitting above him then spits on him drenching him in saliva Naruto is both annoyed and disgusted and considers just jumping in the river but the sage tells him not to instead he just sits there there is other smaller slugs begin to crawl all over him Jiraiya is trying not to laugh but he begins to Peg it though he asks the sage if these slugs are helping him absorb Sage energy and he states that they are he says that they're secreting a slime that naturally takes in Natural Energy jariah nods and mentions that the Toads use a similar technique the slug Sage states that it goes further as when these slugs detect him Gathering too much they will help him regulate keeping him from dying from the use of it Jiraiya nods an understanding but then asks what the spit was for the sage states that it was to coat him in beer as slugs like the sweet smell of yeast much like they love sap and that the spit is more of a treat for the Slugs as opposed to anything for Naruto Jiraiya asks why the sage didn't just pour beer on him and the sage states that he didn't want to waste any beer so for quite a while with the help of the Slugs and the coaching of Jiraiya Naruto slowly begins to absorb Natural Energy learning his limits and how to regulate it properly Naruto spends quite some time training here with these slugs and Jiraiya meanwhile Orochimaru kabato the sound 4 and Sasuke are all surrounding the nine tails despite their stealthy nature the moment they get within three miles of Karama it almost seems to smell them turning in their Direction with a sneer and a growl Orochimaru tells Sasuke that their training is going to pay off telling Sasuke that he must capture Kurama using his Sharingan he needs to get close enough to make eye contact if Sasuke gets Kurama Itachi will come soon enough and so they begin the process of attempting to capture the tailed beast they ran closer dodging as many attacks as would come the Ninetales shots at this distance were slower meaning they could get closer using trees for cover each made it as close as they could they split up all seven going in a different direction this was to ensure that they could get close enough of course Orochimaru went with Team B leaving team a under the control of Sasuke and Kabuto this was so Orochimaru could utilize Manda and gain the attention of Kurama long enough for Sasuke to get close and as Manda and Orochimaru battled for Supremacy Sasuke ran up the spine of the nine tails jumping over his head and landing on his snout activating his second stage to increase his speed and power he landed in front of the nine tails and looked directly into its eye he cast it under genjutsu calming it just long enough for Orochimaru to seal the fox away into a scroll with their mission complete they return to Otto however as the years passed the things that Orochimaru did and taught Sasuke began to waver Sasuke's growth began to stunt as he was now going Beyond orochimaru's capabilities and to that end Sasuke knew that now was the time he fought his way through the sound four to Orochimaru where he engaged him in a very short-lived combat where Sasuke came out on top Sasuke took the nine tails from orochimaru's scroll and sealed it into himself with that inside of him he utilized his Sharingan to keep Kurama under control and use what he had to grow stronger Sasuke felt that his power had increased without comparison and was certain that even Itachi couldn't handle him now and so he set off to find him elsewhere after years of training with the sages and Jiraiya and growing stronger in general Naruto returned home triumphantly utilizing the same Sage Mode that hashirama had so many years prior at that time Gara had been kidnapped but konoha would not get involved after all there were strained relations with Sunnah after the incident with the tuning exams which left the Hokage dead Gara was still unstable and would not have become Hokage meaning someone else would have it would have been kept an internal Affair even if the tailed beast was stolen due to this konohan never hears about the threat of the Akatsuki all the while Sasuke locates Itachi and proceeds to fight him even though Sasuke did not awaken mangyakyo by this time the power of the Ninetales allowed him to overshadow Itachi's power which in the end allows him to win it's then that Toby under the guise of matara Uchiha would tell Sasuke the truth about konoha and hitachi's hand in the slaughter Obito tells him this specifically to rile him up against konoha the reason is he hopes Sasuke will devastate The Village as well as all other Villages and hopes that it will make it easier to acquire all of the tailed beasts and to that end tlx2 allow Sasuke to maintain the ten tails for a time his words have the intended effect on Sasuke who decides that he will eradicate the village for what it did to Itachi Sasuke takes Kurama and begins his march on konoha when he arrives he would summon the tailed beast and proceed to lay waste to the Village but but Naruto shows up utilizing sage mode to stop him to face off against Kurama he uses his sage art wood release true several thousand hands in an effort to fight Kurama even Sasuke is surprised by the size and power of this statue but is undaunted deciding to utilize his susano to cover Kurama in Majestic armor before utilizing a tailed beast bomb to destroy the statue however the statue and its many hands reach out to grab Kurama Naruto rushes down and begs Sasuke to stop but Sasuke refuses in the two fight Sasuke utilizes his second stage curse mark while Naruto utilizes slug Sage Mode as they fight he keeps asking Sasuke to stop but it becomes apparent that he won't generally Naruto would never consider killing Sasuke but considering that he's bringing the nine tails into this and so desperately is refusing to stop Naruto considers the possibility that there is no way to save both the village and Sasuke at the same time so the two battle for what seems like hours From Dusk Till Dawn and eventually Naruto notices Sasuke's growing tired His Eye Is growing dim from overuse of the Sharingan and he takes his chance suddenly sauce opens his eyes and casts a matarasu on Naruto but this Naruto is revealed to be a wood clone suddenly Naruto appears behind Sasuke and stabs him through the back Sasuke Falls to one knee before falling on his face Naruto kneels there holding Sasuke and crying damn it you fool why'd you make me do this Sasuke doesn't respond instead as a last-ditch effort to destroy the village he releases Kurama entirely to run amok Naruto lays his friend down gently and then utilizes his wood human technique to get close enough to the creature his necklace glows as Naruto reaches out to touch Karama the point of his hand reading sit he utilized the Hokage style 60 year old technique entering Society with bliss bringing hands to pacify the nine tails he proceeds to seal it within himself as a member of the Uzumaki famed for their sealing Jutsu but this does not bode well for Naruto as the Akatsuki are upset from having lost their tailed beast and pain comes back personally to take it however due to Naruto's training and abilities he manages to defeat pain but this is not the end of their troubles as Kabuto teams up with the Akatsuki and proceeds to provide Obito with the Ido tensei he requires for war and because of this technique they're able to revive the gold and silver Brothers making it so that they don't need to use it allowing him to activate the 10 Tails short one complete tailed beast Naruto and the Shinobi of the leaf engage Obito in combat but find themselves too weak however Naruto after having received chakra from the sage of Six Paths manages to not only defeat Obito but to pull the ten Tails from him before they can end the threat though a newly revived moderate takes the ten-tails and readies to cast the infinite tsukiomi but his whole being is hijacked by kagaya who plans to make use of the infinite tsukiyomi to reclaim all of her chakra Naruto would manage to protect himself Sakura Kakashi and a reformed Obito from the genjutsu using his truth-seeking orbs but the battle is far from over they traveled through her Dimensions where they managed to get just close enough to seal her away peace is eventually restored and Naruto would become Hokage of course without Sasuke the ikage might not be able to find Naruto when momoshiki attacks which could result in a very bad ending but I'm electing to ignore that for now and end on a high note I would love to hear what you think about this what if did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from the umagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 470,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Id: gNz0tjSSri0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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