What If Naruto Got The Karma Seal? (Part 2)

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[Music] foreign Naruto having the karma seal was a unique idea that mixed some of the coolest ideas of boruto with Naruto it led to a very emotional story where Naruto and Minato had to decide what the cost of saving the village was and what the cost of saving their family was both men Resolute to the end were willing to sacrifice everything to save the other and that reached an emotional climax at the end to which when Minato could not bring himself to kill Naruto he instead sacrificed his own life so that Naruto may live that was what happened in the previous part minato's sacrifice and use of the reaper death seal save Naruto's Life by removing momoshiki's Consciousness from within him and sealing it away with this Minato perished but Naruto was freed and saved Naruto was left with wonderful power but the cost I just can't help but wonder how Naruto will deal with this well let's just take a peek and see shall we welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos we here at the amagi have noticed that a fair deal of our viewers aren't actually subscribed to the channel That means that YouTube is doing a good job of getting our videos to the right people but if you want to support the channel and never miss a video make sure you hit that subscribe button and ring the bell too the amagi's reach stretches Beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year thanks so much Naruto sat on a bench in the park he just stared into the grass this was where Minato so often would bring him for lunch now Naruto was eating by himself there was a Bento Box on the bench beside him a meal prepared by his mother a special gift that she made to celebrate his return to service but he didn't eat it he couldn't eat it he could fill his stomach but how could he ever feel the gaping hole in his heart to know that the man he respected and loved so much was now gone forever whised away by death itself in an effort to save one as useless as Naruto why did he have to die Naruto wondered that very often he sometimes wished that he had not waited for Minato and simply fell on his own knife when they realized that there was no way to save Naruto if he had been there Minato would still be here time was moving forward and as he looked back to the Hokage Monument his heart was filled with sorrow seeing the ghostly shell of his father's Visage looking back at him he was in had stepped back into the role as the third Hokage all while trying to find someone to replace him he had eyes on Tsunade who was still in the village from her special favor Naruto sat there by the bench he looked at the kunai his father had given him he threw the kunai into a tree and then raised his index and middle fingers for the kunai to return his father had tried to teach Naruto the flying Rai jinjutsu but Naruto could never get it right he always did it backwards instead of teleporting to the kunai he would end up teleporting the kunai to him it was still a useful Jutsu and meant that he would never lose his kunai but it didn't make him some yellow flash like his father was it just meant he was really good at not losing his kunai he looked at the name he had carved into it his own name but on the reverse side was another carving it said to my little Shinobi with love Dad he gripped it and leaned forward bringing the metal ring to his forehead as tears dripped from his cheeks slowly he heard the crunching of grass he sat up and looked around Kushina was coming to him she sat down on the bench beside him looking at the grass the trees the sky her eyes would look to Naruto out of the corners she saw the untouched Bento Box still wrapped in a napkin she looked to Naruto Kakashi called he said you never showed up for the team meeting they had to begin the mission Without You Naruto rested his cheek on his knuckle as he looked away not a biggie it's not like we were gonna do anything except pick up trash makes me feel less like a Shinobi and more like a member of a chain gang but you still need to go it's your duty to the Village Kushina said Naruto did not speak but the moment she meant Duty he felt like an elephant had sat down atop his chest he lost his breath though he tried to act cool about it Kushina knew she flubbed when she said that she looked around you know your dad and I used to come to this park every day for lunch it was one of the few places within the ceiling Circle where I could go we used to train our ceiling techniques right over there she pointed to an area where things were clear Naruto's side I'm sorry but is this supposed to make me feel better this isn't helping ma it's just making it worse she looked over wounds still fresh huh she scooted closer moving the bento box and sitting it on the other side of her she pressed against Naruto slowly pulling him into her Embrace I wish I had died instead Naruto said simply Kushina shook her head no don't say such things your father would have never wanted that I wish instead that it had been me I was the one who taught him the reaper death seal Naruto looked to her and do you think Dad would have wanted that just as sure as he didn't want me to die he didn't want you to either she smiles I know and you wouldn't have either this is a sign that we all loved each other toe each of us would have been willing to die for the other your father just beat us to it it's only natural he was the yellow Flash Naruto buried his face into her side why did this have to happen why couldn't it have just not happened at all why were we predetermined to be separated Kushina Pat his head rubbing the boy's hair to calm him like she had done when he was a child sometimes life deals you a hand and sometimes you don't like the cards but it's what you're dealt and you have to play the game that's called life it's not fair to anyone and because it's unfair to everyone it's the reason that why it's ironically Fair everyone goes through hard times and to some the pain seems trivial but to others it seems like a worst case scenario she tightens her grip on him be grateful Naruto you got to know your father and experience his love there was a chance that in the infinite possibilities you never got to know him or me I would hate that world Naruto said flatly Kushina nodded maybe but you would still fight and live through it because I know you you wouldn't give up your father is watching you always he's not gone for from us just because we can't see him we can feel him in our hearts and he'll always be with us Naruto lay there for a moment more Kushina would take out the Bento and open it let's have lunch together Sasuke and Sakura were picking up trash from the streets Kakashi was standing there nose deep in icha icha yeah it might have been the 15th time he had read this particular novel but it still maintained that spark for him now despite knowing every page like the back of his hand capable of reciting entire chapters word for word verbatim he still read it Sasuke used his Grabber tool to pick up the trash and fit it into his trash bag Sakura's eyes looked up with a little sorrow in them Naruto and Kushina were coming their way Kushina approached Kakashi with Naruto by her side Kakashi closed his book Kushina pushed Naruto forward isn't there something you wish to say to Kakashi Naruto Naruto's eyes did not raise to meet Kakashi's his head remained Down Eyes shrouded in Shadow from his overhanging hair I'm sorry I blew off our team's Mission Kakashi put his hand on Naruto's head it's okay he said simply he pulled out an extra trash bag and grab her handing them to Naruto Naruto took them and began assisting the others Kushina approached Kakashi I'm really sorry about his tardiness he's just not been himself since Minato Kakashi raised a hand to stop her it's okay Kushina I understand what he's going through Minato was the last member for my old team I know what he's going through if I could blow up this Mission just to sulk trust me I would do it too Kushina smiled a bit you've always been a good man Kakashi why is beyond your years and understanding Kakashi blushed a bit from the compliment well I know what he's going through I lost my father at a young age too Kushina smiles and offers a slight bow I must be on my way now I'll see you around Sakura looked back at Naruto and approached him Naruto he looked at her for a moment she continued I'm sorry about your dad why should you be sorry you didn't kill him Naruto responded Sakura nodded I'm just sorry it happened at all Naruto was in the mood that he had a plethora of things to say to her about this just utterly rude comments boiling in his head just enough to tell her how very little her apology meant but he swallowed all of that knowing that it was merely the moment talking he simply uttered thanks as he continued they continued the work for the rest of the day before Kakashi decided to let them go on his way home Naruto stopped by that bench again and just sat there he knew his mother was making dinner but he had time he sat there silently he felt so close to his father when he came here it was peaceful and reminded him of all the fun they had learning to play shogi together the lunches there were so many good memories that even the taint of loss could not corrupt them he felt almost as if he could feel his father sitting down beside him suddenly the bench creaked as someone did sit down on it Naruto's eyes opened as he looked over to see a man with white hair sitting down on the bench he looked over at the man with such a fire in his eyes that seemed as if the man had just uttered the worst possible insult the man looked to Naruto in fact he had always been looking at him he was even sitting cockeyed to get a better view of the boy Naruto was suddenly creeped out by the man the man sat forward and offered him a popsicle Naruto stood from the bench and Was preparing to run the man seemed confused that's no way to treat a Godfather he said as he sat back Naruto squinted Uncle Jiraiya the man nodded as he began to eat one of the Popsicles he offered the other to Naruto who took it Naruto sat down and began to eat the popsicle slowly Jiraiya watched as he seemed to work upon his own in a more melancholic way letting out a sorrowful slurp I heard about your paw Naruto kept eating his popsicle as if jariah had said nothing at all Jiraiya continued if I had been here maybe I could have saved him Naruto shook his head unless you knew and were willing to use the reaper death seal I doubt you could have done much at all Jiraiya nodded perhaps but I still wish I could have been there maybe we could have found another way Jiraiya sat there for a moment I'm sorry I'm late Naruto I didn't mean to take so long to get here business outside the village had called me away it's okay Uncle I'm not mad he leaned forward and put his hand on Naruto's shoulder I know but I wanted to be here to support you the last thing a grieving person needs is to be alone Naruto nodded again it's alright as he said this Jiraiya detected a shake in his voice he sat forward to see that Naruto was crying Jiraiya hugged him from there he would go home with Naruto where he would catch up with the family they'd have dinner and Jiraiya would stay the night the next day as Jiraiya prepared to leave he stopped by the door and looked back Naruto why don't you come with me Naruto was shocked by the request to say the least what why Jiraiya turned back and smiled I have so many skills that I taught your father I could teach them to you and you would be able to grow into a powerful Shinobi maybe even learn enough to become Hokage one day I don't know Naruto said as he twiddled his thumbs Jiraiya laughed nonsense it'll be good for you you'll learn so much and it'll be good to be around a strong male figure and there's hardly a figure more stronger or malar than me he said while lifting his arms to pump his muscles Naruto looked up at him and then to kashina she smiled it's whatever you want to do baby Naruto thought about it I don't think that such a good idea Uncle jariah I don't want to leave my mom alone she knelt down beside Naruto and put her hand upon his shoulder it's okay Naruto I'll be fine I lived by myself for a while before I met your father I can do it again Naruto seemed hesitant she got this and spoke it's not me that you're worried about is it he looked up some tears forming in his eyes I don't want to be away from you for so long I need you Mom kushina's heart melted she pulled him closer and kissed his cheek you won't be without me I'll always be with you no matter where you go that's how bonds like this work no matter how far away we are we'll always have a piece of our loved ones inside of us so don't be scared I can explain your absence to the team and to Lord third if they know you're training with jariah they'll understand Naruto smiled weekly I love you she kissed his head I love you too now go get packed Naruto ran off to his room where he grabbed his backpack he would begin to fill it with extra changes of clothes and some amenities that he knew he would need such as a toothbrush and various other hygienic things he picked up a Fox plush that was sitting on his bed he looked at it and smiled he fit it also into his bag lovingly and attached his father's gifted kunai to the outside with enough mementos and things to help him stay clean he began to return Kushina saw him and knelt down beside him once more she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and just looked at him watching you go off to train with Uncle Jiraiya it just reminds me of Minato so much I can't wait to see you again Naruto go get nice and strong make me and your father proud he smiled and then kissed his mom on the cheek he walked to Jiraiya who pumped his fist and laughed let's get this party on the road he would begin to March off with Naruto by his side Kushina would then head out to inform hirozen and Kakashi of what Naruto was doing Naruto and jiraya walked for a good while back to Jiraiya's home it was in the woods they would make it home at about Sundown where they would just have enough time to get settled in he helped Naruto get comfortable he smiled I'm glad to see you've adjusted quickly most people get homesick the night they leave Naruto pulled out the fox plush and the kunai and set them by both near his bed and looked at them I have my home inside me he said as he looked at the two items I have my mom and my dad in my heart and so long as I have that any place can be home no matter how far away Jiraiya nodded that's a good way to think about it anyway I'm glad you decided to come we can begin training in the morning if you like Naruto nodded he desired to learn what his father knew he was excited to train with jariah which would make sleeping a bit of a chore for him especially considering how excited he was but eventually he did drift off to sleep the day after he woke up bright and early to the smell of eggs and bacon sizzling in a pan he would sit down at his seat and found his plate filled with eggs bacon potatoes and toast he was blown away with how delicious the food was he had never pegged his uncle as much of a cook but this was fantastic you learn to do a lot when you're on your own Jiraiya said as he ate and sipped his coffee all while reading the news Naruto ate as much as he could knowing his body would need the fuel for the day's work after this he would meet jiraya outside where they would begin to discuss the way his training would go Jiraiya spoke so one technique I can teach you I actually partially learned from your father oh well we co-developed it but he achieved it before I did and showed me how to tweak it so it would work it's called The resen God after that is a technique I taught him Sage Mode Naruto listened and was excited to learn he knew that he could become very powerful with these techniques all the while jariah was scratching his cheek trying to find a way to approach his next recommendation do you uh do you still have that Mark in the middle of your chest Naruto's smile faded the karma seal jariah nodded while looking at him out of the corner of his eye Naruto nodded it's still there Jiraiya thought about it do you want to learn how to know Naruto said flatly Jiraiya stopped his silence ensued he kept the Zion Naruto who had seemingly grown quite uncomfortable his sitting position had shrunken his arms and legs were pulled in and his expression showed quite a bit of seriousness Jiraiya thought about it well let's learn Rasengan first we've got all the Time in the World to learn sage mode not only will the resen gun make things easier here but it'll also give you a good weapon to defend yourself with should the need arise and so Naruto began to learn the Rasengan from Jiraiya following each step it seemed Jiraiya had it down to his science this didn't mean the technique was easy to learn by any means but what it did mean was that he could slowly achieve each step one step at a time for a week he trained this to the point that he actually managed to form a Rasengan on his own but the issue with this was that he was still having a hard time forming the shell he required a shadow clone to help him form it which while a success was by no means Mastery Jiraiya told him to keep practicing until he could successfully manage it without a clone for now though he thought it best to move on and so they moved on to Sage Mode now this one he's stressed caution with as it was far more dangerous especially considering that he had no tools with him that could keep Naruto from turning into a statue should he fail he sat with Naruto and told him to focus be like a tree Naruto a tree neither worries nor Frets it remains still all things come to the tree it does not seek out sustenance but it finds it in the nature around it the sunlight feel it on your skin it is energy the wind it brings oxygen which helps fuel your body the rain falls it cleanses your body and hydrates it feel the life around you Naruto did those things which Araya was doing first was teaching Naruto to sense nature energy because of how dangerous it was to learn this outside of Mount mioboku he wanted to make sure that Naruto had ample time to acclimate to each step of the process so it really did move at a snail's pace what seemed like months even the first thing he taught Naruto was to sense the various nature energy around it anywhere there was nature there was life and if there was life there was energy to use to become one with but he did not teach him how to absorb it immediately only to feel it he then proceeded to teach him how to dive deeply into himself to sense his own chakra not just to feel it but to properly measure it as he taught Naruto this the boy began to get a grasp on his limitations Jiraiya spoke always take take a mental note of how much chakra you have over time the amount May fluctuate in battle it'll be lessened as you exert yourself but as you train it will grow before a sage may know the world around him he must know himself and so Naruto took a mental note of how much chakra he had Jiraiya would eventually begin to teach him how to absorb nature energy breathe just breathe Jiraiya said take the nature energy in slowly sense both it and your own chakra at the same time take all the time you need to fill it up you'll get a handle on how much or how little to add as you train you'll become better balance better faster but for now just focus on absorbing slowly so you can learn what it feels like Naruto did this slowly eventually gaining orange pigmentation around his eyes jariah smiled you're now utilizing Sage Mode practice this every day carefully Naruto continued to do so until he could enter Sage Mode quickly Jiraiya smiled as Naruto had shown progression he would sit down with Naruto during their lunch hey Naruto the boy would look up at smile what is it Uncle Jiraiya jariah would cautiously approach the situation do you believe that if a man possesses strength that it's his responsibility to use it to help others Naruto nodded yeah Jiraiya smiled to himself and do you think that even if a man is hurt by the strength he should use it anyway to save others Naruto nodded again if a man can change things he should be willing to make any sacrifice to help others even if it cost him his life jariah looked down this is why I want to teach you how to use your karma seal Naruto felt his heart sink it used my karma Jiraiya nodded I know you don't like it but it's a power only you can achieve you need to learn it Naruto turned around on the picnic table he looked like he was about to get up and leave but he didn't I don't know if I can Uncle Jiraiya felt bad about pushing this but he knew Naruto had the capabilities to use it you should try Naruto shook his head and stood no it's off limits I'll never use it as long as I live Jiraiya looked to him would you really let people die because of your refusal to use it Naruto was silent he walked off that night he lay in bed and looked at his kunai while gazing up at the Plush Fox dad what do I do he closed his eyes as he lay there he heard someone enter the room suddenly Naruto was in the park again on the bench and by his side was Minato Naruto looked over dad Minato put his arm around Naruto tough choice huh I know all about that it's something a Hokage must do every day tell me what troubles you Naruto Naruto looked up Jiraiya wants me to train with the karma seal Minato nodded and and what Naruto asked I can't Minato laughed just a little we both know that's not true it's well within your power Naruto's side I don't want to use it and why is that Minato asked I don't want to use it because you were killed because of it I don't want to use the power that got you killed I don't want to use the power of momoshiki Minato side it's not momoshiki's power Naruto looked up in confusion meaning tapped the boy's chest with his index finger it's your power it's not power that momoshiki gave you it's the body he tried to steal Minato crossed his legs and looked up to the sky when you were born and I held you in my arms I saw myself in you you had my hair and my fire in you yet you had your mother's nose and her ears you wailed with a fury that reminded me of her Fury you are every bit our child and momoshiki tried to take that away from you but your strength pushed you forward and because I loved you I gave back to you what momoshiki took away the power of that Karma seal is your Birthright you defied fate you defied the god that put it on you in hopes of possessing you it is your trophy and my final gift to you if you don't wish to use it I won't be upset I'll never be mad at you but no you are always my child because love makes it so and that power wasn't what killed me I died to give it to you so don't feel scared don't feel guilty about using it it's your gift use it to save the world that momoshiki wanted to destroy the ultimate revenge on him Naruto smiled solemnly and nodded I miss you Dad Minato hugged Naruto I miss you too but remember I'm always with you he kissed Naruto's head and immediately Naruto's eyes opened Jiraiya sat at the table he decided to let Naruto sleep in late the boy had completed his training and Jiraiya was considering taking him back to konoha to be with his mother it's what he needed most right now he was reading the paper at the table when he felt a presence in the room he lowered the paper to see Naruto sitting on his knees before him his head was bowed slightly in respect forgive me for my weakness Master jariah weakness Jiraiya said as he put the paper down Naruto looked up I am ready to learn how to use my karma seal Jiraiya came out of his seat and knelt next to Naruto you're not weak Naruto you were never weak you are strong and this decision is a sign that you're very strong stronger than you know now come let's go and see what we can do with it and so for a while the two trained to learn how to use it through all of their training two and a half years passed them by but Naruto finally felt competent with with his powers and the duo decided to return to konoha they stepped into the gate and made their way straight to kashina's home Jiraiya stood back a ways as Naruto walked to the door he raised his hand and knocked he waited for a while until he heard the clunking of a deadbolt being unlocked the door opened Kushina looked out and saw Naruto standing there he smiled hi Ma Kushina began to tear up Naruto she hugged him so tightly Jiraiya couldn't help but smile she looked him over you've grown so much you're so tall now Naruto smiled she led them inside there they would have dinner in jariah would once again stay the night the day after he would set out for home things all seemed happy Naruto got to catch up with his team to which they all seemed to have grown as well Naruto also caught up with Kakashi who was the only one who didn't seem to change the Hokage Rock had also changed depicting the face of Tsunade it truly was a merry time but as you know good times don't always last while Toby had at one time before been deterred from getting the nine tails by momoshiki he was not yet ready to give up he hoped to attack konoha as it was at rest hoping to take the nine tails by force the issue with this was that the uchihas still lived there the Uchiha had many a strange ability granted them by the power of their mangekyo which meant that things would not be so easy to deal with he decided that the entirety of the Akatsuki would launch their final attack on konoha once they had the nine tails the world would no longer have any hope of stopping them and so all of the members of the Akatsuki converged on konoha led by Payne and Toby himself they slowly began to devastate The Village just as planned the Uchiha would begin to help fight back but most of the Akatsuki would serve as a buffer to slow them down keeping them away from pain if she was both Itachi and shisui were here which meant that most of the Akatsuki didn't stand much of a chance team 7 engaged pain as best they could Naruto realized that this was the moment he trained for this was what Jiraiya told him he would need his powers for he let the karma seal activate and added sage mode to it in hopes of powering up as much as possible he would face off against pain Naruto's power was overwhelming he stepped through and found himself surrounded on all sides by pain his single Bianca gun gave him 180 degrees Feel The Vision on his right side this made his left side a bit of a blind spot but his Sage Mode's ability to sense chakra would easily make up for that shortcoming he would rush forward the diva path would fire chakra rods at him but Naruto's speed was too much he easily dodged out of the way of the chakra rods and put a fist into Pain's stomach before he could even see it Knocking him back through two buildings from there the Ashura path would raise his arm a chakra Cannon forming he would fire a concentrated blast at Naruto Naruto's hand would raise and catch the blast absorbing it into his body the Ashura path's eyes would widen was that the predapath he asked in response to Naruto's ability to absorb chakra he rushed forward and with a single motion ripped both of the ashortapath's arms from his body before kicking him so hard that his head went rolling he would immediately turn to the others Jose next they were confused and astounded by this the animal path attempted her summons while the narakopath summoned the king of Hell to resurrect their fallen comrades Naruto would punch through the summons before reaching the animal path herself and evaporating her with a single massive blast of chakra the attack the Ashura path had sent it in returned in magnified 100 times Naruto then saw the narakapath and focused on killing it next he would cup his hands together and smash it in the top of the head with so much force that its spine would shatter to Pieces reducing the naraka path to a mere half of its original height all that was left were the predipath and the human path the predipath would grip Naruto from behind attempting to siphon his chakra all while the human path approached to literally rip Naruto's soul from his body Naruto would turn the predipath to Stone and break free before catching the hand of the human path snapping it with his own strength he would then proceed to grip the human path by the throat and squeeze hard enough that its neck snapped he stood there having easily dispensed of these Six Paths of pain he picked picked up a chakra rod and utilized his sage mode to sense where the chakra was coming from and made it there in a single moment the leftover regression remaining from his new form would not bode well for Conan and nagato Kushina was still at her home she had heard that the Akatsuki were there she was considering going out to take them on herself after all with the power of the nine tails she had to be one of konoha's heaviest hitters but before she could leave the anbu showed up and demanded that she stay in her home intelligence had stated that their primary target was the nine tails but what they didn't know was that the Akatsuki were already inside the house Toby came walking down the stairs nonchalantly much to the horror of the anbu they got into defensive position they threw kunai at him but before they hit he utilized kamui to disappear suddenly he was behind them they had no time to react before he pressed his arms through their bodies with kamui and suddenly became tangible again each wand an arm piercing their chest cavity fell and perished Obito turned to Kushina and smiled beneath his mask it's been a long time time jinchuriki of the nine tails sadly for you there's no demon to save you this time he raised his hand to knock her out but he felt his hand grabbed by another he looked back to see Naruto standing there are you so sure Toby pulled his hand back Naruto stepped forward and went to punch Toby as he had the others but he felt like his hand phased through his whole body it seemed that he wasn't going to be able to deal with him through Brute Force as he had the others at that time Toby managed to strike Naruto and push him back Naruto thought about this and smiled he has to turn tangible to strike me that's when I should strike but how he thought of an idea he pulled out his kunai when he and Toby rushed each other Naruto threw his kunai at Toby which he phased through but right as he turned tangible again Naruto used his reverse flying Regent to summon his kunai back as it still maintained velocity causing it to fire at Toby again without him realizing it it struck through Toby's mask and buried itself deep in his forehead Toby stopped his arms dropped to his sides and then he fell forward Naruto took a deep breath and sighed returning to base he sat down Kushina ran to him and hugged him Naruto hugged her back you're safe now Ma at this time Itachi and shisui were finishing off the rest of the Akatsuki with nowhere else to go and nobody to save them the Akatsuki were completely eradicated in this battle ending their threat for good eventually their base of operations would be found and they ghetto statue too to which they would study and eventually release detailed beasts from within returning them to their home Nations which would help Foster peace with the other nations Naruto would continue to serve konoha eventually making jonin where he would train his own team before eventually the title of Hokage was passed to him during this time taneri would probably attempt to destroy the Earth but it's questionable if he could truly compare to Naruto at this point so more than likely he gets wiped out just as easily or that's what I think what do you think were you surprised with how easily Naruto just flat out bodied the Akatsuki well honestly you shouldn't be the tearing of Naruto just keeps increasing the threat levels momoshiki and by attention boruto have become the strongest characters yet revealed in the manga so if Naruto ever decided to train himself on how to use the power of his karma and then stack it with Sage Mode he would wipe the floor with everyone forget about Modera and kage and Narita would body ishiki at full power right now so once Naruto really learns to master his power pretty much nothing in the original story arc is much of a threat to him anymore but what do you think leave a message in the comments below and let us know until next time peace did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 75,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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