What If Naruto Became The Ten Tail Jinchuriki?

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[Music] foreign the tailed beasts also known as chakra monsters are what you would get if Dragon Ball had a baby with Pokemon and then sent them to the Ninja World born ages ago at the hands of the sage of Six Paths these tailed beasts are responsible for much of the Naruto series plot progression the entire Village is scarred by the Ninetales which leads to them hating Naruto Naruto's boosts in power are one of the only reasons why he was able to keep up in part 1 and that was thanks to the nine tails the entirety of Shippuden and the Akatsuki were the result of a single group planning to get all nine-tailed beasts together in order to create nor shall I say recreate a single being known as the dentales old man six paths in the Twilight years of his life would come to realize that his power would not last forever and knowing the dangers that the 10 tales would present upon his death decided to instead split its chakra into nine separate chakras each of them taking the form of an animal and given a number of tales to the note its position as a member of the whole of all the beasts Karama is the last member and the strongest being the one closest to the 10 tales power and in possession of special powers that the other beasts do not have such as his chakra mode a power up as beautiful or perhaps more beautiful than any of the Transformations I've seen in other anime series The Ninetales originally belonged to Mito Uzumaki before being passed down to her successor Kushina and then once again to kashina's own son Naruto from the day of his birth and even some time before that Naruto was exposed to the Ninetales chakra and influence but there's always been a question in my head whenever I think about these tailed beasts and even about the sage of Six Paths what if he never split the ten tails welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos YouTube 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of splitting a soul into multiple fragments it's a technique often used to either facilitate immortality or to deal with it in Greek mythology The Immortal Gods could only ever be killed if their body was separated into multiple parts and hidden away such was the belief of the sage of Six Paths who for fear of the tentals power would take the tentels chakra and split it into nine however this idea was brought to the sage by his son Ashura hagaromo had field that upon his death the ten-tails would run wild and Destroy Everything Ashura posed a solution to him which would eventually be what hagaroma would do and thus our favorite beasts were born but if Ashura hadn't had that idea or perhaps he had it and never said anything about it perhaps out of fear of sounding stupid what would have happened well hagaroma would believe that the 10 Tails would run amok and kill everything and everyone so he would begin to set forward plans on how to deal with this first off he would place a great importance on a certain section of his clan whose greatest power was their life force and sealing Jutsu this part of his clan would eventually be known as the Uzumaki Clan a subsect of the senju clan the plan would be that so long as the tentals existed someone must keep it sealed away and to that end his son Ashura would be the one next in line to carry along the will of his father upon the death of the sage of Six Paths the chakra of the ten-tails would disperse over the course of a few years the ten Tales would be nowhere to be seen having died with the sage the ten Tales would spend many a year reconstituting itself before it would eventually reform into the body of a giant rabbit this rabbit bore ten tails and was known to be violent and vindictive due to having been sealed away now before you ask no I don't plan on putting the ten Tails back into the tree the sage of Six Paths believed that the ten Tales would be a threat to the world and to that end he sent the ghetto statue to the Moon where his brother was separated by the space between the two celestial bodies I doubt heavily that the chakra of the ten Tales could get to the the moon but even if it could that doesn't make it a threat to the Earth it makes it a threat to the Moon which Earth according to Naruto lore can exist without since Laura dictates that there was no moon until hagodomo and Hamada made it to seal away their mother the next thing to put through the logic wheel is kagia some of you may say that if the chakra of the tentals was returned to the ghetto statue kagya who had merged with it might return to life and come back to earth to kill everyone and reclaim her chakra but that isn't exactly what I think would happen as even when the chakra was returned to the ghetto statue in Canon kagaya didn't return to life and instead could only be revived with the help of black zetsu who would imprint upon matara her DNA and will like some mutated Karma seal so due to this it's my belief that the rabbit which kagya has been called and the form she has shown to take would be what remains on Earth after the demise of the sage of Six Paths even though it wasn't in the wooden body its personality would remain the same in angry violent and insane Beast that only seemed to destroy as originally planned by the sage the ten Tales would be absorbed into Ashura the Sage's son upon being reconstituted from here it would be passed on from generation to generation as was the custom of tailed beasts in the world at the end of agent chiriki's life to ensure the Beast was not lost for years and would not return randomly and nuke an entire civilization the Beast would be transferred to a new host however the war between the eldest brother and the youngest continued with the Uchiha and senju Waging War endlessly or so it would have been in the face of the ten-tails jinchuriki in the form of an Uzumaki Clan member the war would be forced into an early end from the Uzumaki who at this point were a clan distinguished and Powerful they would take neither side but mediate for both and would help find peaceful solutions to the war and if either side refused peace and tried to push for war the Uzumaki and their ten Tales would prove to be everything needed to shut down such talk as anything else would have assured Destruction for the opposing four says not only did they have the ability to decimate their enemies but they also had the power of the infinite tsukiomi with which to peacefully pacify their foes this would lead to an early end to the War and Peace would Reign Over the entire world as none could stand up to the bite of the ten Tails Villages would begin to form earlier on than originally planned and many of them would look different konohagakure would form as well under the guidance of the senju and the Uchiha Clans as the Uzumaki mediated the piece now I know Modera was the one who named the village and this version of The Village's beginning would occur years and years before either he or hashirama's birth but for the sake of Simplicity I'm going to keep things the same such as the name konohagakure as well as the title of the highest office in the village Hokage with this piece matara Uchiha and hashiramisenju would eventually be born to Tajima Uchiha and buzama senju respectively but Tajima and bootsama were not enemies in the world but instead close friends due to their rules as heads of the respective Clans both working hard in a friendly rivalry to outdo one other and become the Hokage something that Tajima would manage to do becoming his generation's leader with butsuma becoming his supporting Shadow and trusted confidante now before I go any further many of you must be asking why hasn't black zetsu tried to take over the ten-tails in Cherokee yet that was his entire goal well I say he did try and was instead destroyed after all he wouldn't be absent to this point unless he were dead after all he would make his move during any of the Thousand Years between his creation and this point in time the thing about that though is that if he went through with this and went after the jinchuriki right after Ashura he would merely have taken over rebirth kagya and proceeded to cast the world under a genjutsu and reclaim all chakra which would be a real bummer and wouldn't be very much fun to tell and would be too short of a story so I've elected to remove him from the story under the simple excuse that he already tried and failed which resulted in his demise back to our star hashirama and matara would have been born to a rather large family of peace and prosperity under the eyes of the protection of the Uzumaki Clan's ten Tales matara would become a strong member of the konoha military force and would even go so far as to have a wife and child but under unknown circumstances the tentals jinchuriki of the Uzumaki Clan perishes the fulcrum maintaining the balance is gone the weights begin to shift as every nation begins to desire the power of the tentals for their own ends to rule the world as they see fit this marks the beginning of the first Shinobi world war in which the various Nations all make their bid to find the ten Tales before the other nations can the Uzumaki Clan attempts to maintain the balance without their ten-tails through their raw power and natural sealing capabilities but due to having been the fulcrum for so long and the symbol of the old order the nations with one Accord decide to destroy the Uzumaki in its entirety if there was only one thing the warring Nations could decide to do together it would be that they would no longer be forced to walk under the shadows of the Uzumaki and the jinchuriki the Uzumaki Clan are decimated with few survivors those that managed to survive end up fleeing the nation and heading to whatever Villages are open they hide their clan name and do everything they can to ensure that their history as the Uzumaki Clan is hidden some Nations welcome them with open arms and other nations Go full Order 66 on them either way it's a tough time to be an Uzumaki the war is waged in an effort to get their hands on the ten tails the ultimate Authority in the Shinobi World konoha also enters the war having been close allies with the Uzumaki being the first Village formed under them and having come from the same history they plan to keep the spirit of the Uzumaki Alive by reclaiming the ten-tails and restoring the balance during the course of this war however Tajima is killed and the role of Hokage is passed to butsuma further tajima's sons are killed all except matara who after the loss of his last brother izuna awakens his eternal monkey Sharingan during the course of the war matara's own wife is killed and he won watches his son bleed out in his arms Modera is forever changed by this loss the love he held Awakening into complete and utter hatred he along with the forces of konoha seeks the ten tales in hopes of taking it for himself and eventually he does take it for himself becoming its chinchuriki he awakens the Rinnai Sharingan and is prepared to cast the infinite tsukiyomi over the world in hopes of ending the suffering of all of its people to end his own suffering hashirama begs his friend to reconsider what he's doing but matara refuses to stating that the world is always hanging in a delicate balance with the 10 tales chinchuriki being the only thing protecting the world from war matara has seen what happens when War comes with the death of the jinchuriki hashirama tries to console matara over the loss of his family but Modera refuses this stating that even if he and hashirama are friends that he is going to cast again Jutsu anyway he wants no he needs to see a world where Taro is allowed to grow up without war and is allowed the future he was robbed of hashir drama with a heavy heart would begin to fight against matara with the help of all the hidden Leaf including the Uchiha whose own mangekyo Sharingan proved to be a turning point in the battle it's obvious to Modera that he cannot win and that he's about to be killed and so Madura would remove from his forehead the Renee Sharingan that would have been used to cast the infinite tsukiyomi and he swallows it after that the 10 tales is removed from matara Uchiha and he's left on the ground to die matara curses his failure and he curses the Uchiha clan for turning against him their leader hashirama attempts to give Solace to Madura telling him that he'll see his family in the afterlife but matara states that he doesn't want to see them dead he wants to see them have happy fulfilling lives lastly matara curses fate for taking from him what was most important Maduro would die and hashirama would have him buried however after some time has passed the Izanagi would activate and matara would return to life he would make his way to the Mountain's graveyard where he would regurgitate the Rin of Sharingan that he had swallowed and would use it to replace the dead Sharingan that he had used to cast Izanagi peace would return to the world for a time and the wife of hashirama one of the last surviving members of the Uzumaki Clan would see the end of her life coming and so to pass along the tradition that hashirama had valued enough when giving the Beast to her she passed it along to a young girl who survived the fall of the Uzumaki Clan she would be married to Minato namakazi who is the next in line for becoming Hokage due to his skills and abilities to lead together they would attempt to have a child and blessings of blessings they conceive it's a happy time for the couple the young jinchuriki begins to prepare for her child's birth but during the time she is to give birth the place is overrun with powerful zetsu each cultivated from the ghetto statue that thanks to the Renee Sharingan matara was able to create now some of you may wonder why moderate isn't using the infinite tsukiyomi now as he has the Renee Sharingan but I say that it's due to his lack of the ten Tales not to mention when Obito was the 10 Tails jinchuriki he never possessed a Rene Sharingan like Modera did so I just sort of think that this should mean that modern should only be able to cast the infinite tsukiomi with the 10 Tails within him much like before the zetsu would manage to hold Naruto hostage planning to take Kushina and remove from her the ten tails and I imagine that they succeed after all Kushina is too weak for having a freaking baby to fight back they managed to pull the ten Tails out of her and the rabbit begins to Rampage though the zetsu managed to utilize a captured Uchiha to control it in the end Minato defeats the zetsu and saves his wife but it is clear that it's way too late for her to survive even with the 10 tails and so to be safe Minato decides that the best way to save the village is to seal it into Naruto Kushina begs him not to stating that the atentale's power is far too much for the child to Bear stating it'll rip him apart from the inside and kill him Minato states that if they don't try the world will be thrown into a new world war in an attempt to get the ten Tails but Kushina states that as a child he can't use the power and this will happen anyway Minato nods but further says that he doesn't think a war will break out as they still have the ten tails and the other nations would know that it wouldn't be hard to remove the Beast and place it into someone more capable Minato is certain that Naruto would be absolutely safe with the ten Tales but he does agree in stating that it would be too much for him to bear and so Minato manages to use the reaper death seal to split the ten Tails into two pieces one half being far more manageable for Naruto and the other half is sealed into himself and taken to the sealed grave Minato dies and Kushina is given one more moment with her baby kissing his cheek and telling him that she loves him and will always be watching him with that she too would pass away and the barrier constructed to keep the ten tails in and the Hokage out would fall here is in would rush in and find the infant Naruto knowing what had happened due to the appearance of the Renee Sharingan upon his head he risen would have Naruto taken to receive medical treatment and would receive the best care in the village he would be brought to the hokage's residence where he'd be nursed and cared for by the hokage's personal servants all is not well in the leaf though many people have perished from the attack a meeting is called between the Council of Elders and heroism would be urged by the council to take the ten Tails away from Naruto and give it to somebody that can use its powers more effectively but hirazen refuses saying that it was his vow to Minato that he would protect the child and thus he does not remove it danzo reminds him that without the ten tails to balance things war will break out here is and would not but remind him that so long as the other Villages don't know that they refuse to take the ten Tales from the child it will still serve as a deterrent and no Wars should break out he tells the council that it's not like last time the tailed beast is not lost to them merely in a vessel not yet capable of using its power regardless of this fact danzo moves on to a new issue the Sharingan appearing in Nintendo's eyes this signifies that nuchiha was behind the attack as an Uchiha is the only one capable of utilizing the Sharingan danzo moves for intermediate eradication of the Uchiha before they can attempt this again stating that it was treason but hirazin refuses this as well stating that he would not eradicate an entire Clan based on incomplete information and so the matter was drawn to a close however the council still suspects the Uchiha and as such has them moved to the outskirts of the village this begins to sow resentment within the Uchiha due to their unfair treatment over the course of a few years they would continue to face backlash until one day danzo has the entire Clan eradicated with the help of Itachi and the members of the root division of the anbu Naruto begins to go stronger day by day with his Renee Sharingan showing brightly atop of his head on his back are the Nyan tomue and the Rene Mark he possesses strange powers and abilities just as the sage of six paths and every other jinchuriki have he's given a place to stay within the hokage's Mansion where he's watched both day and night not a moment passes that Naruto is not under surveillance if ever they take him out of the Village proper he has an Entourage of guards along with the standard Entourage of ritual servants who will treat him as a God the people of the village would also treat him like a Divine being the people fawn over him and anything he desires he's given he accepts it with humility not knowing why people treat him like this but loving it anyway so on the other hand is lonely and sad full of Vengeance and hatred moderate in the Mountain's graveyard would have been able to recruit Obito Uchiha who survived the massacre due to his own mangekyo ability and help from matara zetsu Modera by this time has given over the Renee Sharingan to a young orphan in amigakure named nagato so before we begin a small bit of information as to how things have changed in the series now that the tailed beasts aren't where they normally should be Gara is born and he's actually healthy and happy after a full nine months his mother survives birth and Gara grows up with a happy disposition having the love of each and every one of his siblings and family members Reed nohara wasn't killed by Kakashi during this time instead she and her child she had with Obito would have been killed during the Uchiha downfall which facilitates Obito's desire to create a better world with the infinite tsukiomi isobu also never ends up in yagada's possession and is never manipulated by Obito which means that the Hidden Mist never gets a bad reputation as the blood Mist Village zabaza would never leave likely remaining loyal kumoga never suffers attacks by the unruly eight tales as it never exists from this point on Naruto treated like a king would be trained to handle the power of the ten Tales he would want to join the academy but the Hokage doesn't think it's such a good idea Naruto is more than a warrior he's a peacemaker this means he's never allowed to join team seven instead being taught personally by all the great mentors in konoha including jiraya of which Naruto's father was both a student and friend Naruto would learn to better control the ten Tales he would also learn the Rasengan still he's not meant to be a warrior but the fulcrum of the balance of the world so really his life is just lazing about studying hard training hard and enjoying peace team 7 would still be formed but without Naruto the Land of Waves Arc would occur and it would likely still be a success as zabaza never shows up to slow them down and the Land of Waves would more than likely stand up the gato and his goons so the bridge is completed for the tuning exams Naruto isn't there but team 7 would pass the first test anyway the issue comes down to the second test in which in about a fear their teammate who replaces Naruto in this version of events is eaten by a snake and killed and Sasuke in an effort to barter for his life gives the scroll to shiore who is really just Orochimaru in Disguise Sasuke is still branded and left knocked out team dosu would attempt to take him out but would find themselves unmatched team 7 would attempt to make up for lost time and get the other Scrolls but in the end they failed to within the time limit and are limited from the exams when the exhibition matches begin Naruto watches on with desire wishing that he could have taken part in it but is comforted by the Hokage who reminds him that his job is far more important than this it should also be noted that Rock Lee during these matches is able to defeat Gara and goes on to the next series of fights both congratulating Gara on a battle well fought accepting the hand of Peace Gara and Rock Lee become friends and Gara begins to pull freely in all matches save the ones involving his siblings a month is taken off and Naruto overhears the investigations into Orochimaru but doesn't really understand what it means when the finals of the TuneIn exams begin Naruto watches with great interest Neji easily beats Kiba and when Sasuke fights Rock Lee it's pretty close with the speed of the Chidori Sasuke is able to keep up but the issue with the chidori's speed is that it only goes in One Direction and that direction is forward Lee's Gates allow him to move at speeds in all directions so even after training I doubt Sasuke would be able to beat Lee we then move on and Shino beats kankaro and tamari beats Shikamaru then we get a main event match and I'm telling you Neji Huka vs Rock Lee two Shinobi on the same team rivals facing off against each other we finally get to see the extent of Lee's strength he has trained his entire career for this moment to prove to Neji that hard work trumps natural Talent Neji isn't so sure now let me explain this Neji has always been ahead of Lee in all of their sparring matches he always wins but it should be noted that Lee can never go all out against Neji in their sparring matches while Neji has the ability to go Full Throttle which naturally gives him the edge see Lee is never allowed to use his Gates nor is he allowed to take off his weights unless it's to protect something he loves or unless guyasensei gives him tacit approval normally Lee has neither of those things the only time he's allowed to in the exams is due to the approval of my guy so now Lee is able to show off his full strength to Neji up to his fifth gate the massive speed and strength increase given to him would be too much for Neji to handle yes neji's ability to perceive things is far greater than Sasuke's as the Byakugan has a better perception due to not being able to cast genjutsu like the Sharingan but just like Sasuke even though he can see it that doesn't mean he can keep up with it Lee moves at speeds that neji's body just can't keep up with Neji has the edge in techniques as well as better perception but when it comes to strength and speed Lee blitzes Lee is fast enough to hit from any angle the best Neji can do is use Palm rotation to defend himself but even then he's using up all of his chakra doing that he can try to conserve his chakra and limit the damage he takes until these Gates sap him of his strength which is exactly what would happen if Lee doesn't finish the battle Lee's desire to win would outweigh his care for neji's safety and in the end he would force Neji to expend all of his chakra and would end up using the reverse Lotus this puts Neji in the hospital due to how much strength was used Lee feels bad about that and would be a little apprehensive about using it further though my guy would mention to Lee that this is exactly why they have their self-rule guy isn't scolding him nor is he punishing him but he's now explaining why they limit the use of that ability not only is it dangerous to yourself but it's dangerous to your enemies Lee seems to finally understand why he must only ever use this technique in the most important of situations tamari manages to beat Sheena with their fan and then it comes down to Rock Lee versus tamari Lee would be unable to use his eight Gates techniques for two reasons now the first reason is his understanding of the importance of the self-rule meaning that he wouldn't frivolously use the technique here in the exams again however he would fight without his weights and that's plenty enough to allow Lee to get close up to damari and defeat her meaning that Rock Lee would complete the exam's top of the board basically guaranteeing him a junior spot but before any ceremony or anything else could happen suddenly the entire arena is put to sleep and the kage box is attacked Naruto would cough as the smoke entered his lungs arochimaru was here for many things he was here for vengeance for Sasuke and for the ten tales with which he could rule the world and gain the immortality he desires to this end he separates Naruto and heroes in from their guards and a barrier is erected as the village is attacked by orochimaru's snakes here is in prepares to fight bidding Naruto to stay behind him Naruto hides behind the Hokage as Orochimaru remarks on the adorable gesture which will ultimately have no meaning he summons the caskets of hashirama senju and Tobi ramasenju Heroes and predecessors and the three begin to face off against hirizine while Naruto stands back enma is summoned to help fight and protect Naruto at all costs as the battle drags on he resin is stab by orochimaru's blade of kusanagi but here is and manages to complete the reaper death seal however after sealing away The Souls of hashirama and tobirama senju here isn't has no strength with which to seal Orochimaru they're left in a stalemate which goes on for close to an hour neither capable of moving or finishing the other this time however he risen orders Naruto to do something important he tells Naruto that while he's not allowed to be on a team or join the tuning exams he is still a Shinobi the one destined to be the greatest of all Shinobi and the only one who has the power to bring balance to the world to teach Naruto what that entails he tells Naruto to remove the blade from his back and use it to kill Orochimaru he hopes to use this lesson to tell Naruto what it means to be the 10 tales chinchuriki he must sometimes act in ways that will cost him his friends in an effort to protect the world from greater threats in this way Naruto may have to get his hands dirty but Naruto accepts this as his fate and with a heavy heart he removes the blade he then takes the blade over to Orochimaru his hands shaking Orochimaru tries Mind Games first trying to plant doubts even trying to make himself seem more like a victim than a perpetrator all in an attempt to ice Naruto into not killing him but here is in who can barely hang on any longer tells Naruto to follow his heart to follow his gut and not doubt his instincts deep down he already knows what to do and should merely decide to do it Naruto nods and then decapitates Orochimaru with the blade of kusanagi with Orochimaru dead the sound four flee the village and the barrier comes down Naruto rushes to heroes in who attempts to use his six paths power to heal heroes in but it doesn't work here is and wipes the tears from Naruto's face and informs him that nothing can circumvent the cost of the reaper death seal he tells him not to cry and to remain strong as the village will need him soon Heroes and dies after that Naruto would remain in the hokage's residence an underarmed guard as Jiraiya leaves the village to find Tsunade while he's gone Itachi a part of the Akatsuki that was formed by Obito would appear to take Naruto with Itachi intentionally botching it and exposing he and his allies presence to Kakashi and might guy in an effort to let them know what the Akatsuki is after as well as sabotaging the mission in the end Kakashi is placed under genjutsu and Itachi and zuzo flee The Village to try again later Jiraiya would return with Tsunade who'd begin to investigate the Akatsuki Naruto continues to grow as time passes eventually the Akatsuki would try again but this time the full force of the organization show up in the leaf along with nagato and his six paths nagato in his left eye Bears the Renae Sharingan just as Naruto has Tsunade questions how he has this but she receives no answer Rock Lee might guy Kakashi and team 7 proceed to fight against the Akatsuki with Itachi choosing to perish at the hands of Sasuke refusing to tell him the truth of what has happened Naruto would engage with pain and fight finding their powers near evenly matched but in the end Naruto has something that nagato does not he possesses true Six Paths power which means that he has access to the truth-seeking orbs which bounce back any Jutsu or chakra based attack except for taijutsu and senjutsu Payne does use taijutsu but he doesn't possess senjutsu still this doesn't change the offensive nature of the truth-seeking orbs and this results in Payne's defeat the Akatsuki are defeated in one Fell Swoop saved for Obi who would come and attempt to take Payne's Renee Sharingan for himself he would succeed and implant it in his own head for a Time peace ensues and it seems like the threat of the Akatsuki is finished however not long after Obito shows up in konoha once more this time bringing the Demonic statue of the outer paths with him the statue attempts to destroy the village as Obito engages with Naruto in battle Naruto would attempt to end this peacefully by casting tsukiyomi on Obito without the moon's reflection to limit the effects to a single person however due to also possessing a Renee Sharingan Obito is protected from the genjutsu and manages to surprise Naruto with his kamui ability and get close enough to Naruto to remove the ten tails and absorb it into himself along with the ghetto statue which he begins to use to cast his infinite tsukiyomi Naruto is found by team 7 who would retreat with him hoping to somehow revive him knowing that he is their only hope it's then that Danza would appear and tell them of Minato and how he possessed half of the ten tales and that if he could transfer it to Naruto Naruto could fight back Kakashi charges Sakura with keeping Naruto alive Danza would then bring some of orochimaru's DNA and use the curse mark on Sasuke to revive Orochimaru Danza would then cast kodoamatsukami on Orochimaru to force him to cooperate for providing a root member sacrifice Orochimaru would put the shinigami's mask on and carve open his own stomach to free the spirits within the Shinigami and then incarnate Minato into the anbu sacrifice Minato would awaken and Danza would explain the situation but just then the infinite tsukiyomi takes place and slowly everyone begins to fall under genjutsu including danzo man I bet it's weird to see him under the infinite tsukiomi would all the Sharingan on his arm also turn to Rinnegan anyway Minato would quickly place the 10-tails yin half into Naruto and awaken him Naruto would revive feeling stronger than before Minato would then state that he had to shred the tantales energy unevenly as even half of the ten Tails would have been too much for the infant Naruto Naruto would thank his father and go out to face Obito the two would fight but Naruto would prove to be stronger due to having the greater portion of the ten Tales he manages to strip Obito of the ten tails and absorb it into himself Obito would lament his failure as well as his loss of his family in a moment of Mercy Naruto comes down to Obito and would comfort him as he slips away telling him that he doesn't need to put the world under genjutsu stating that he will see his family now Obito informs Naruto that he really did have the best of intentions and had planned to put the world under genjutsu to maintain peace and allow everyone to live in a world that they wanted the most Naruto understands and tells him that he wasn't evil for trying to help people he just went about it the wrong way he stays with Obito until he dies Naruto would free the people from the genjutsu and peace would finally come for real the only issue they would have in the upcoming years would be toneri and Naruto would see to it personally after a short battle Naruto would explain the system used to keep peace as well as his role as the fulcrum of the balance doing this and revealing to him homura's true will to Neri would back down from trying to destroy the Earth Naruto would continue to maintain the balance he'd never get married as no girl has ever caught his eye and Hinata has ever met him before so sadly this means that there's no boruto or himawari but because of Naruto's protection plenty of others within the village can be born but peace as long as it it lasts does not last forever eventually momoshiki and kimchiki show up looking for trouble and Naruto is the one who has to stop them he is captured by the otsutsuki but he would manage to escape with the help of konoha who tracked him down due to a special space-time Ninjutsu you see you're crazy if you think that danzo is going to let a perfectly good Rene Sharingan go to waste with it he manages to track down Naruto and the anbu would manage to free him and protect him together with the anbu Naruto would manage to defeat momoshiki and kinshiki the biggest threat thereafter is Kara and ishiki but in the end even they aren't too much of a threat as Koji caution basically brings them down from the inside ishiki would be a tough customer but with the full power of the 10 tails and Naruto's natural strength I can't see why he wouldn't be able to beat him not to mention that Kurama has baryon mode the ten Tales should too when the ten Tales should be able to use it far better and without dying as it has more chakra to burn the real question is if Naruto would know to use it as the tentals displays no real intelligence so I wonder if the 10 Tails would even know what baryon even is let alone how to make it happen regardless I think Naruto would still win if kagya had the ability to cheer him in two even if by surprise Naruto shouldn't have too hard of a time with the full power of the ten tails and that is what I think would happen honestly a lot has changed in the story and this is how I feel it would go but if you disagree and think something would have been done differently feel free to let me know in the comments I look forward to reading what you have to say about it did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from the umagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 659,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Id: 27SRZQqH8q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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