What If Minato Reincarnated As Naruto?

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[Music] reincarnation is a rather common belief among Eastern philosophies that being said it tends to find its way into all of the media produced by Eastern artists most visibly seen in anime and manga to which it has its own genre known as isekai despite the fact that the Naruto series does indeed possess reincarnation we've really only seen two people do it Indra and Ashura as well as their incarnates hashiru and MAA uch shha but even then that's not entirely reincarnation as MAA and hashirama's souls were sent eventually to the pure land with hashirama having been inside of the shinigami's belly for around 3 or 4 years but on the topic of reincarnation if Indra and Ashura could do it via chakra alone is it possible that anyone could do it welcome to the aagi before we begin only 25% of our viewers are subscribed so if you're a fan of the video please like and double check if you are subscribed and with that out of the way let's get into the video that fateful night told and retold a thousand times before and a thousand times more Mito and kosha prepared for their child but as the mother of this babe gave birth the father was fighting his own battle keeping the rampaging chakra of the Ninetales at Bay with nothing but his own chakra and the sweat from his brow as he did so he began to wonder within himself how it was that kosha could possibly do this 24/7 he knew she could give out as was the case when she nearly killed him while trying to conf confess her love to him all that time ago these days they looked back on it and laughed Mito even still had the scar from it he used to joke with her and say that Cupid missed the first shot when she would comment on it but at that time it was serious and now that he was in this moment holding the Beast back himself he began to think to himself that maybe it wasn't something to laugh about maybe it was a more serious matter than he was led to believe at this moment he gained a new respect for Jin Chui everywhere as the Wailing of the child reached his ears he knew that the worst was behind him as Kusha caught her breath Moto slowly found her trying to take back over with her chakra he kept the steady stream going to help her keep her balance she looked at him with tired eyes but spoke as if what she just did was nothing her voice was horse but her mind was sharp wow that was impressive I might make a good ginu out of you yet Mino scoffed no never I fear I don't have the discipline it takes to be a proper ginu as the baby was cleaned it was then presented to its mother or so fate should have seen it go but a Spectre of the past resurrected by a ghost appeared in a world where it was not supposed to exist any longer it took the baby up in its arms and threatened harm upon it unless the Ninetales were given to it now this was not a choice Mino was equipped to make you could not ask the leader of a village to give up its most powerful weapon and you couldn't ask a new father to give up the child he had just helped deliver so Mino did the only thing he could which was the one thing that lined up for both rushing the man with the strength of a warrior and the Rage of a lion defending its cub he utilized every ounce of his speed moving so quickly that he let out a sonic boom there was nothing in the world faster than Moto save light itself or so he believed the moment he hit the ground he found his beloved wife as well as this Spectre from the past gone he had somehow escaped mito's grasp that was impressive but what was equally impressive was the fact that he managed to fill the baby's swaddling clothes with paper bombs Mino noticed them only just in the nick of time utilizing his flying Ren Jutsu he teleported back home this was where he was planning to bring kosha a nice property off the main village yet still within the protective barrier and its walls it was a place where they could have a little privacy while raising an infant they planned to return to their home in the Village proper when the babe was old enough for solid foods and now he was walking in alone well not alone with Naruto but without kosha so it felt like he was alone coming to a large bed that could easily house three Mito let the child down he would bring back its mother and then this night the three of them would all sleep together in this bed but first he had to bring her back the good news was he had thought ahead and had planted the flying Ren seal on her at trigr seal at a point after their marriage she had been teaching him all of the Hidden techniques of the uzamaki and as his final test she had tasked him with incorporating his own flying Ren seal into her seal without disrupting the flow of chakra or negating the Seal's ability to do its job properly he thought it was an unnecessary risk when he could put the seal elsewhere yes he had many ideas for that but no she dictated that it should go there to prove that he had learned everything she had to teach him letting her know that he was truly worthy of calling himself an uzamaki the same as she was capable of calling herself a namazi by learning all the techniques he called signatures including the flying Ren and the renon he would teleport to her with this seal he had altered and found her tied up and left to die as soon as he inspected the seal he knew that someone had jailbroken it having shredded the seal formula to Ribbons like a child trying to get the contents of a present on Christmas Day it hurt him to seal it knowing that this seal was often painful when tampered with he broke her free that's when she told him nine Tales escaped she lifted a finger and pointed in the direction of the village Mino hadn't noticed it before but a massive creature the size of a mountain was standing in The Village's heart he looked back at her knowing that without this thing she would die it was then that the massed man from before appeared Mito lay his wife down and turned to him you really messed up pal the two would fight but Mito would quickly prove to be the superior having witnessed his wife in this state and knowing that his village was under attack Mito didn't play around he didn't have the time to with one quick decisive blow he took out the man's arm causing it to SLO off to his feet the man realizing he was never any match for Mino or at least he wasn't yet would then teleport away Moto would spit toward the man and then return to his wife to find her barely conscious he would quickly teleport her back to their home where he would lay her with Naruto here rest play with the baby keep yourself occupied I'm going to get your Beast back then when I seal it back into you we're all going to snuggle just think of it that way the same way you stabbing me all those years ago turned into something to laugh at this will too he kissed her cheek and headed out with the benefit of his flying Ren no place was too far nor was it ever too slow standing at top the carving of his own head he looked out to the Village as if challenging the Beast outright oh yes he was going to challenge it challenge it to take his Joy away Beast he shouted the nine Tales looked in his Direction with a sneer it roared at him but for a moment Moto almost swore he heard it say challenge accepted he ran down the mountain side as the ninetail Beast swept its massive claw across the landscape throwing Earth and building aike into the air as Moto hit the ground he just barely had enough time to dodge the incoming debris the Beast prepared for another volley Mino rushed forward so quickly that he left a tra of electricity behind him this was how he got his name and was how he was going to have the Ninetales remember him as the second wave of buildings came down he bobbed and weaved with inhuman ability stopping on a dime and bursting in another Direction like an arcing bolt of plasma he got close enough and reached out to touch Kurama tag you're it suddenly the two of them teleported out of the Village proper and back to the house however Kurama was crafty and had planned for this sadly enough just as kosha knew her husband well the Beast inside side knew him well too and knowing that he would be teleported he charged an attack to retaliate without any slowdown as soon as they were on the other side this resulted in a roar so powerful that the concussive force leveled the area around it this in turn blew away the namazi household kosha and the baby went flying she tried to catch it midair but failed the baby landed away from her despite her condition she stood and raced to it she lifted the baby up into her arms but to her horror it was not breathing in a panic she raced out to the battlefield Mino Mito Naruto isn't breathing she cried out Moto turned back for a moment but there was nothing he could do he needed to seal the Beast away quickly then they could think of something Kushina are you ready to take the Beast back he called out she shook her head Mino I'm already too far gone you can't save me but if you seal the Beast into Naruto you can save him Mino looked back kosha this is no time to tell lies I know you can survive this he told her she shook her head I swear it on Naruto's life Mito even if you seal it into me now I'll still die he was appalled by this answer she looked to him please save Naruto the tailed beast infusion will restart his heart and maybe bring him back to life Mito roared to the skies and frustration fine get it ready he returned to battle against Kodama kosha began setting it up she knelt down beside Naruto as he laid upon a little bedshaped altar she kissed his head this will save you Naruto this will save you she then began to perform the sealing ritual as she did so Kurama sensed what was going on no I will not be sealed again he knocked Moto to the side and began to charge she couldn't deal with that now she needed to finish the seal no matter what no matter if it killed her she needed to finish it she heard the beast's footsteps behind her the thuing of each Titanic paw as it dugged a new crevice into the Earth and stones but then there's a sharp squish the sound of crunching bones as the Keratin of a claw passed through but it was not Cush who had been stabbed she looked back for a moment to see Mito single-handedly holding the Ninetales back with his own body the massive Beast was held by the claw it was a miracle that it didn't tear Mito in half and just keep going but in all truth it might have simply been mito's willpower and the pure force of his chakra that held the Beast back kosha wanted to scream she wanted to cry but all the same she realized that she was currently feeling the same thing Moto was at least they'd be together in death even if it meant leaving Naruto behind she turned back to complete the ritual and as soon as she did the hand of the Shinigami appeared and gripped the Ninetails ripping it through the hole it had made in Moto's chest and then down into the baby where it would be locked behind a swirling seal identical to the one cusha had on herself but perhaps even stronger the moment she did however Mito fell to the ground lifeless his eyes half rolled up in his head Kusha lamented that they could share No final words together and kissed his bloodstained blonde hair before having her soul ripped out by the Shinigami now here is the tragedy of this tale while Naruto's heart did indeed start beating again the soul of Naruto had left long ago while Kusha did not believe this the Shinigami had known it from the start and as such following her instructions it knew that the seal she was using could not work on a deceased host so it decided to listen to the secret desires of her heart which was a desire to save her husband however she could and considering that his body had been total the Shinigami had decided that since there was a perfectly good shell here without a soul that maybe he would simply reincarnate Mito by putting his soul into the child's body that was what had happened when gripping the chakra and soul of Kurama the Shinigami had grabbed mitos as well and pulled both into the shell causing it to burst back to life with a wail and a cry alone and with nobody the newly reincarnated Mito kicked and grasped helplessly into the night the mind and body of an infant regressing him back to the earlier stages of Life locking who he truly was behind a gate of age here is in would not long after find the baby and assume that Naruto had survived Mito would be taken to the hospital where they would officially give him the name Naruto Mino slept through this he was tired the Babe's body was not nearly as hearty as his own it had been hurt indeed but the Brent of the Damage Done had been healed by the ninet tales's energy as it sought to repair the damage quickly so as to not die immediately though Freedom might occur with the death of the host death was still something that an immortal being such as Kurama feared so the Beast quickly repaired all of the major damage Mito had no grasp on time or anything he hardly had the faculties to think language skills everything he was before had been confiscated and he'd been left as a Bare Bones form of himself his eyes could barely open he was so tired but when they did all he saw was a blurry image like staring through water the first few years of his life were unremarkable as he was treated just as a gentu of the Beast that nearly destroyed the village with hesitation contempt and an overwhelming urge to see the situation just go away and so as soon as he was able to think for himself he did by the time Mino was living by himself he was starting to grow conscious of the fuzzy images in his head thoughts and dreams too Vivid to be imagination it had to be something else but what was it he went to the academy and while there he found that he somehow already knew the things that they were teaching him it seemed like Child's Play but then again he was a child and why would he think it anything less all of these cont addictions in his mind really began to pick up as time passed along the village seemed to revile him for some reason a reason Mito couldn't put his finger on but somehow understood he didn't much care that his village disliked him he simply wanted them to be happy and so he was always there with a helping hand should they require it even if they were ungrateful to have it thereafter Upon returning home he felt empty he felt like something was just missing nothing physical of course he tended to get whatever he wanted from heroin if it if it was a new Shinobi station 5 with two dual shuriken 5 controllers sure he got it if it was the new kagam Masa blood and fog DVD special he got that too he wanted for nothing but deep down none of these material Pleasures fulfilled him there was a hole in his identity that he could not quite fill so he decided to go on a journey of self-discovery to find out what that was to explain all the weird occurrences he was experiencing and the feeling that something was wrong and so he would find a quiet place sit down and meditate he would begin to search the deepest parts of his soul looking for answers he hadn't expected to find something else sitting there coming upon a cage he found it the Ninetails whoa what are you he asked flatly the beast's eyes glowing like Embers in the night gazed down at him it was so much taller than he even when it was lying flat but for some reason he felt as though it were originally far bigger it's like what he remembered was it being bigger despite the fact that he wasn't even quite sure what he was looking at what are you he asked it again the Beast rushed and pressed against the gate with a deafening clang of Flesh and Bone colliding with adamantine bars its claws shot through the bar in hopes of rubbing Mino out of existence like a tiny bug it growled and snarled at him as the claws came just feet from his face well now I know where not to stand he said as he saw the indentation carved into the ground he looked back to the cage given the nature of your CLA suspect you're not human and just a feral monster so why was I expecting you to answer answer my question I hate you a deep guttural growl said Mino was confused wait you can speak but almost as soon as that question entered his head it was gone why do you hate me the eyes burned even brighter with rage now do you not remember why have you forgotten what you've done to me Mito nodded I mean honestly it was the truth then allow me to jog your memory kudama forced Mino down memory lane by Awakening his old memories supplementing them with kurama's own to validate what was true and what was fantasy all of this information rushed through mito's mind at once and all the more the rest of his memories came flooding back like a dam letting loose its water memories an entire lifetime came rushing back to him Moto was living an entire life in the span of a few moments when he came back to his senses kudama was now lurking toward the back of the cage that's why I hate you Mino was shocked and appalled and his mind was racing faster than a speeding bullet he didn't have the Constitution for this not now his identity had been shattered only now did he realize that his mind had been broken into pieces and hidden away he was living two lifetimes at once who he was as Naruto and who he was as Mino were entangling and he wasn't sure what to do with his information so he left his subconscious immediately back in his bedroom he quickly stood from his meditative position and fled from it with a gasp turning back to look at the area where he'd been sitting only moments earlier as if something had touched him but no it was all due to his experience within his own mind he stumbled to the bathroom where he felt he might throw up he had gone into his own head searching for answers and well he'd found them but they were all a confusing jumbled mess all of which were competing with his current set of memories his mind was unable to set those memories on a 4D linear path they all seemed to be existing at the same time he tried to calm himself down and stop his mind from rejecting the new memories he had gone looking for answers not to have himself driven insane by what he found he would go to the sink and Splash his face with cool water and as he did he felt his nerves calming down it felt like a Jack In The Box his memories held behind a box that he found himself cranking and without warning it all jumped out at him now to protect himself he needed to put the Jack back into the box for a second trying to push all the memories he didn't recognize away for a moment all he needed to do was examine each memory one by one and surely his subconscious would be able to set up a timeline of events calm now he began to gaze back at the most recent memory unlocked for him he saw a woman with red hair that's my wife her name was kusina he followed the memory oh I became a father I was so happy he then saw the masked man take up the baby his grip on the counter grew tighter I rescued it though it was safe he was then shocked wait Kusha is gone where did she go the memories played out until he reached his home during his battle with the Ninetales he suddenly Heard a Voice shout out to him and it sounded like kushina's voice Mino Mito Naruto isn't breathing it was suddenly then that mito's mind frayed for a moment two massive questions with continuity flashed into his mind which left him on the ground gripping his head ah his breathing quickened as he tried to make sense of this first off it seemed as though he was saddened by the death of his own son but at the same time that son was him how could this be what was this he felt the Searing pain of having his lungs and organs ripped to Shred by the Ninetails claw gripping at his chest Mino fell back unable to catch his breath he cried out from the pain it was all a phantom pain now he wasn't truly experiencing it but the memory of it was sealed into his mind and it felt as if it were as real as the ground he was lying upon as the pain in Adrenaline balanced out Mito could feel his senses returning he witnessed the face of a Shinigami its hand reaching out toward him he suddenly felt as if he were ripped out entangled with a flame of fire ready to consume his very soul and like that he was sealed into the child the last thing his eyes witnessing being his own body falling lifelessly to the ground then there was Darkness followed by a bright light and a fog concealed face Mino lay there for a second as his body began to regain control accepting the memory he struggled to sit up before standing and as he did he leaned on the cabinet where he looked at himself in the mirror tears began to roll down his cheeks Kushina it was then that the love of a husband to a wife was restored to him and then ripped away again at the knowledge that she had been killed her soul devoured by the Shinigami kha his voice uttered through a higher pitch squeak that signaled the loss of control of his emotions he stumbled back to his room emotions draining his physical strength falling into the bed he lay there realizing that the only reason why he was alive now was because Kusha had died to seal his soul but that was only half the pain he realized that his own newborn son had perished that day with Moto's own soul merely inhabiting the shell of his son's body looking at his tiny hands Mino lost control again and wept openly and loudly for the child he had just barely met herizen walked from the streets into the building stairwell he began to ascend he had received a call from the landlord of the building that some of their tenants had sent in complaints according to the landlord the people in the apartment surrounding Naruto had heard a loud disturbance coming from within to which the landlords said they could only describe as a child screaming and crying unsettled they called the landlord who would then call HZ in since he was the one financially responsible for the apartment heisen was on his way there now he knew Naruto and knew that he was a kind and mild-mannered young man who didn't like to cause issues for anyone rarely visibly sad if Naruto were crying now something must be wrong for this issue heroin was sure the boy had hurt himself somehow and needed help so he was coming as fast as he could to the apartment he stepped up to the door and beat upon it three times Naruto Naruto if you're there open this door after a second passed hiroin knocked another three times this time louder Naruto when when there was no response hin began to feel as though his heart were going to stop he pulled out a spare key and unlocked the door he rushed through his strides longer than usual his movement with the Vigor of a man half his age Naruto he didn't see any sign of him he moved to the bedroom to see him curled up in bed hiroin rushed to his side and rolled him over on his back he saw tears drying upon the boy's face he quickly began to check him over for any injuries it was these actions that caused Naruto's eyes to open heisen saw this and sighed in relief why didn't you answer me when I was calling you Naruto just turned away from hiroin and returned to laying on his side are you okay no the voice of the child stated once again H ison's BPM Rose what's wrong Naruto managed to sit up on the bed Kushina he said hin was struck by the statement of the woman's name where did you hear that name herizen asked he specifically had hidden Naruto's parents from him as well as the entirety of his origin for fear that the emotional Outburst might weaken the seal and allow AMA to escape he had also sworn the entire Village to silence when herizen figured out who told Naruto this there would be hell to pay Naruto turned to look at hiroin Kushina uzamaki Mino Naruto hiroin sat down on the bed and put his hands on Naruto's shoulders where did you hear these names who told you this the red and bloodshot eyes of hen's young charge looked up into his I remembered it that was impossible nobody could remember events from the day they were born born memory wasn't even proven to start reliably forming until the age of two so the concept that a child could remember their own birth was ludicrous yet Naruto insisted but what he said next blew him away it was me I was the one fighting herizen was confused Naruto had the Beast sealed inside of him but he was not physically fighting the Ninetales Naruto spoke again here Isen you I'm Mino Mino namazi hin smiled and shook his head you're just confused Naruto that's all Naruto then said something you were disgraced after ending the war with a peace treaty a war we were going to win that was when I was elected to be Hokage you petitioned me personally before the fire Dio do you remember what I said when you told me I said I'll do my best but don't be surprised if I dro the ball on it hiroin was shocked this was something Mito had said to him in private long before Naruto had even been conceived hin sat there Mino the boy nodded but how is that possible heison asked Mino looked down at his son's tiny hands the hands he had inherited I'm not sure why but when Kush went to seal the Ninetails into the baby it took me with the Beast I think it was because Naruto was Mino covered his mouth as the tears began to form again hin began putting things together the Shinigami could have easily done this the technique used the reaper death seal was not a technique that one simply created no the technique was a ritual that summoned the god of death the Shinigami had its own mental capacity and its own personality if kosha was trying to seal the Beast into a dead body it's possible that the Shinigami had decided to rectify this doomed ceiling by giving new life to the body including the soul of a living person to survive within the child and given that the only people there it could use to fulfill this Duty were kosha and Mito the Shinigami could have only chosen Mito as kushina's Soul was already forfeit the boy that hiroin could now recognize as none other than Mito sat there with his hands over his mouth tears streaming from his eyes body shaking he hadn't seen Mito like this in a long time he had never seen Mito in this emotional state though not even when he was a child he had never seen his successor so helpless so vulnerable he pulled Mito into a hug it's okay Mito your child is okay no doubt he's being cared for by my wife in heaven buo was always a tough and strong woman and she held beliefs that the strong should protect the weak so Naruto's in good hands Mino just sat there staring off blankly from his watering eyes kosina should be with him kosina shouldn't be relegated to the Shinigami they should both be alive right now I failed them hiroin shook his head no you didn't fail them Mino Mino looked up at hiroin no I failed them if I had been faster I I could have saved them hin wasn't sure how to comfort him now he was tortured by memories he should not have sought for Mino I can't say anything that would bring them back but I can say this you came back to us for a reason and whatever that reason is I'm sure it will prove to be worthy of the sacrifices you've made but you have to have faith I'm certain there's a way to free kushina's soul and allow her to go to heaven where Naruto is and then when your life comes to an end you'll also be reunited with them so try not to focus on what you couldn't do but instead focus on what you can do and right now that's free in kosina and finding out for what purpose you've returned to us hin stayed with Mito for about an hour before returning to the hok's residence Mito would spend the rest of his night trying to decipher his memories even though some of them he knew could only bring him pain such as the death of Obito and Rene he knew that these memories were his Birthright and so he began to focus on unlocking all these memories of his past forming them into one timeline the day after he decided to do some more looking into at least freeing the soul of Kusha from the death seal as he studied it however a news story broke that caught his eye massacred the Uchiha Clan comes to an end at the hand of one of its own Mito was shocked he had served beside so many uchia clan members during the third Shinobi World War he considered fugaku to be one of his closest friends the shock only grew when word reached that the perpetrator was fugaku's own son Itachi ucha no way Itachi did this that's impossible Itachi was such a kind and sweet boy I won't lie and say he wouldn't kill but he was a pacifist at heart if he killed anyone it was on orders and for a bigger reason it was because Mino had known Itachi so well that the story of a rogue Shinobi seeking only Power in to prove himself was Unreal to him Itachi was not a prideful sort on the contrary he was very humble none of this made sense Mito needed to get to the bottom of this as he thought about all the different things that happened over the past few years from his reincarnation due to this Mast man's interference as well as his need to help kosha get free from the reaper death seal and now the uch clan Massacre he knew that fate had likely set things in motion to help him solve these issues as they came knowing this Mito set out to discover the truth behind his circumstances and the circumstances that the village set it in the yellow Flash was back and soon the whole world would know it and that's where I'm going to call this one for the time being I'm not going to lie the concept of Mito reincarnating as Naruto was one that I've been waiting to do for a while with Mito becoming Naruto but maintaining everything that made him who he was we are set to see a truly overpowered character and while his body may have weakened a little due to the new form he's taken there's no doubt that his experience and wisdom will carry him through I hope you all enjoyed this video cuz I know I certainly did be sure to leave a comment below and tell us about it don't forget to like subscribe and ring the bell to be notified when more videos like this release until next time peace out
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 81,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Id: 42hZRluEB8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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