He Reincarnated As An SSS-RANK Goblin. (Manhwa Recap)

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one Sunny morning a guy lying on the floor suddenly woke up confused he looked at the window and wondered where he was and upon turning his head at the mirror he was shocked to see his face with some weird green on it to his surprise a window suddenly popped out of nowhere and when he read the status he screamed saying why he had reincarnated as a stinking Goblin fantasy Frontier is a cuttingedge triple A game that is currently popular worldwide it is breathtaking graphics and a carefully woven plot that reached the highest rating for any RPG he played this game every day and remembered that he was wandering in the game yesterday while grinding to kill a goblin and he fell asleep he was pondering if it was why he was reincarnated however of all things why is a goblin looking at the mirror even though the system informed him that he was reincarnated as a goblin he wondered why he still looked like a normal human the system then sinks the memory between the reincarnator and the character as he covered his face sweat running down his face he realized that the original owner of this body had a hard life suddenly the door opened and his little sister Lily greeted him cheerfully and reminded him that he would be late if he didn't hurry up still holding half of his face he responds that he will get ready now a while later as they walked Lily hummed and revealed to her brother that he had made a lunchbox for him while he responded that it was cool he realized that this road looked familiar and concluded that this world was the same as in the fantasy Frontier game according to the memories of this body he was living with his little sister after their parents died right now they were heading to the mansion of their evil employer who treated them like slaves suddenly Lily hit a stone and was about to fall but her brother caught him and asked if she was okay after Lily happily answered in the affirmative and thanked her brother he said he would protect her with a sweet smile Lily added that after all she was blind and thanked him again Goblin cun then Ponders that even though he said he would protect her he knew he was weak because he reincarnated as the weakest Goblin still he wants to live well in this world but doesn't know how to start moments later at the demon continent the evil Merchants Mansion they happily said their goodbyes to each other and when Lily had gone he remembered the memory of this body since his little sister is blind he works as a laborer who cleans the Mansion when he entered the Mansion the employer told him he would move him to the dark ore after he answered in the affirmative the scene changed to the dark ore where he was pulling a cart full of purple objects suddenly a guy with white shoes kicks the wheel causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground it was Butch who ordered him to move faster and told him that with no dark element aptitude he couldn't even do anything Goblin Kung didn't pay attention to them and as he fixed the cart the guy with green hair agreed with what Butch said and added that he heard he passed the entrance exam to the Magician School the guy with purple hair was amazed after hearing the news and said the one can't enter if they aren't Elite in response Butch proudly said he had to get a bit serious to get in he then noticed Goblin cun was still there and seeing that he was sulking he teasingly told him to go eat some grass or something Goblin cun gritted his teeth and knowing that the goblin was at the bottom he couldn't do anything but remain silent as he took a rest he recalled that according to the map inside the Mansion it was currently year 125 of the demon continent calendar and it was the same time as the intro to the game so he thought his knowledge would be handy as he thinks that a mere Goblin like him couldn't do anything when it started he suddenly saw knights with capes from the air and when they landed he realized that they were wearing special equipment the same as in the game holy night armor the people panicked and alerted the others that the hero's Army was attacking the village Goblin cun suddenly remembered that this continent was far beyond the heroes reach and now that they were here he concluded they were much earlier than the game while the heroes continue annihilating their enemy their Commander laughs maniacally and states that this is only happening because they disobeyed their human Lord doblin cun rushed to his sister and told her to quickly run as fast as she could observing Lily shaken in fear he approached her and told her they should go suddenly the bullies who were running to hide in a hidden door bumped him and shouted to get out of the way concerned about his sister's safety he asked if she was okay to which Lily confirmed suddenly the door opened revealing the ugly night along with his dog he menacingly smiled and mumbled that two animals had failed to escape Goblin cun stood up to protect his sister and knowing that he couldn't fight with his current status he shouted at Lily commanding her to run as she could the ugly slices him with its blade and his Goblin cun spouts blood he thinks that even though he just reincarnated here he will going to die like this while he fell into nothingness and wondered if he was already dead a silhouette of a girl with a dazzling light suddenly appeared and mumbled that even though she had reincarnated this idiot and turned out like this she couldn't say she was shocked still she can't just overlook this because it will be a big mess if a race goes extinct she opened a window screen and decided to grant him her power Goblin cun's window screen popped up and he obtained all forms of dark magic as he looked at his useless screen he was surprised to see that it had leveled to the max the goddess informed him that he would not be able to use all of this power for now because he needed to grasp how to use it gradually over time she felt irritated as she said that the reason was because he died right away as she slowly vanished Goblin cun asked her to wait but the goddess irritably told him not to loer around and that he would wake up soon so he must defeat his enemies as soon as he woke up the ugly gizer ordered his Knight to finish the girl and maniacally laughed as he said die when Goblin cun stood up and told them to wait the Knight swiftly rushed towards him and raised their weapon to kill him with glowing eyes as his skill activated he remembered the last word of the Goddess which was to defeat his enemies he used the level 32 dark boost and instantly killed all the enemies with the speed of lighting while Goblin cun was landing on the ground the ugly gezer froze in shock and after Goblin cun picked up a sword he suddenly appeared behind the geizer and asked what he had just said about killing his sister the gizer turns his head and angrily asks who the meowo is in response Goblin cun sliced him instantly and said he was just a goblin a while later as the smoke slowly dissipated from the hero's attack the employer said that according to the town's report the hero's Army Was Defeated people couldn't believe it and wondered who it was but they still felt relief because it was now over in an alley while the siblings were sitting Goblin cun looked at his status window and stood up when he suddenly felt pain in his head due to the surge of dark Aura Lily asks if he is okay to which he replies yes and thinks he can unlock more power just like that Butch suddenly appeared cheerfully greeted his father and was thankful that they were all safe he told them that he didn't really want to reveal that he was the one who defeated the hero's Army hearing this thrilled the father and want to confirm if it was true to which the responded Yes and added that he used dark magic he always trained with hearing this irritates Goblin cun and while people feel amazed for their savior Butch tells them not to flatter him so much because he just did what had to be done Butch went on to say that if they wanted to hear how he defeated the heroes they could come to the mansion but the information wasn't free when Goblin cun realizes that Butch is after money and fame Butch notices him and asks why he is still alive he added that Goblin cun is a tough one and a useless piece of meow Goblin cun stands up and asks if Butch being a savior is a lie Butch's heart almost fell to the toilet after hearing his question and told him that he was talking nonsense Goblin cun challenges him that if he beats him he will admit that he was lying the green hair guy with a wrinkled brown egg on his forehead gets irritated but butch stops him unleashes his power Chuckles and accepts his challenge he threw his magic towards Goblin cun and as he observed that Goblin cun was burning he told him to stop trying to act all bravely because he was a talentless as he proudly told everyone that this was the magic he used to defeat the hero's Army he was shocked to see a huge dark aura that slowly formed into an evil dragon with glowing red eyes that stared at him tears run down his eyes while the dark Aura grabs him and asks if he really defeated the hero's army with a stuttering voice Butch insisted that he did however while his whole body was about to be engulfed by the darkness and asked to speak the truth he shouted that he understood and stated that he actually hid in a warehouse and didn't save the town after that Goblin cun releases his magic and while Butch turns his head left and right due to shock and confusion Goblin cun States in his mind that he uses a level 35 evil eye whoever meets eyes with the chanter falls into a hallucination he then went to Lily and told her that they should go but's two dogs called his attention and asked what he did do and inquired if he was the one who defeated the heroes Goblin con answers no way and as they walk he states that he doesn't know the Savior who defeated the heroes in his mind even though he was reincarnated as the weakest Goblin he still received great power upon death with this great power of Darkness he planned on becoming a savior of this world after a while the two sat in front of a wrecked house and Lily exclaimed how tired she was because of what had happened Goblin cun told his sister to come closer and as she did so Goblin cun put his hand to her face and used the dark cure level 38 magic to heal her even though Lily had been blind since birth he was sure he could cure her with high level abnormal magic Lily slowly opened her eyes and after completely opening them her brother was the first she saw observing his little sister's surprised face Goblin cun explained that something had happened and that he could use dark magic now but it didn't convince Lily so he put his hand on his chin and revealed that he had awakened his genius potential knowing they were mere goblins Lily couldn't believe such a thing existed for them Goblin cun smiled patted his little sister's head and said he was glad she was now cured realizing she is now cured Lily's tears run down her face while she says her brother is so cool he hugged her and as he did so the system notified him that he had completed the second Quest the range of his acquired dark magic skills had been extended and the Goblin fairy would be deployed FL reading this shocked Goblin cun and Lily wondered what it was suddenly a fairy Goblin emerged from the system and she apologized for interrupting them she said that this was the goddess wish she then introduced herself as the goblin fairy and explained that she had been tasked with escorting him to the hidden village of goblins she addressed him as the strongest parallel mutation and wished to get along with him a while later they started their Venture and when they reached the demon continent backwards Goblin C wondered about the existence of a goblin fairy and narrated that it was true that the fantasy front game boasted an open world where Anything could happen because it is a game system that could be called The Best of its kind the highly Advanced AI engine also allowed for an insane degree of freedom in race development but he didn't finish what he was thinking when the goblin fairy asked what was wrong startled he responded that it was nothing upon arriving at the demon continent's hidden village of goblins he mumbled that he didn't have an idea that there was a settlement here in his mind even though he had knowledge about the game he didn't know the existence of this place the goblin fairy told him it's it's always covered by concealment magic which wouldn't be very hidden if someone found it she then flew in front of goblin cun and showed the way to the Village Chief as they walked he noticed some girls were looking at him while whispering to each other suddenly some kids approached Lily saying she was pretty and invited her to play with them Lily didn't know how to respond so she looked at her brother after Goblin cun told her to play with them for a bit and she responded okay he was glad that his little sister seemed to have fun since she gained sight inside the goblin Chief's house the chief revealed that there is a prophecy about their Goddess that a day will come when a young Goblin boy led by a Fairy comes to their Village and they will entrust their hidden treasure to that boy looking at the portrait Goblin cun wondered if the goddess in this prophecy was the one who gave him her power before he died after the chief stood up and told them to wait the goblin fairy told him that despite being kind and gentle these goblins were living in a place like this with little food and limited resources she revealed that other tribes and heroes were cruel to goblins and this Village demise was just around the corner Goblin unclenched his fist because knowing that he was also one who was killing goblins like a small fry he felt guilt in his heart because he was now one of them the village Chief handed him a scroll and when he opened it he was shocked to see the content the chief said that their tribe was fragile and weak resulting in being shunned by all of the other tribes now that they were on the brink of Extinction he and the whole tribe of goblins were entrusting their fate to him the chosen one he was about to say something to the chief but stopped when he noticed the Goblin's kid was listening to them the kids quickly went inside and after counting 1 2 three They begged him to help them he was startled when he saw the other goblins gathered at the front door and they all kneeled while saying they believed in the prophecy and begged him to save them a while later in the forest Goblin cun thinks that even though goblins are the weakest creatures at the start of the game they are also Troublesome when in large groups with some strong higher ranking species among them and they have unusually high reproductive capabilities remembering the Goblins were on the brink of Extinction he conjectured that something was happening that he wasn't aware of his deep thought was interrupted when the goblin fairy asked why they were in this place Goblin cun slowly stood up and replied that there was something he wanted to confirm about the abilities available in his status as he looked at his skills he learned that the highlighted gray color wasn't available yet and realized he could unlock it by completing the quest aside from his magic skill he observed that his stats were quite overwhelming he then looked at the huge Boulder and punched it to measure his physical strength seeing how Goblin cun cracked the boulder in one punch the two clapped their hands in amazement however Goblin cun wasn't finished yet and used the flare bomb level 10 causing the boulder to explode and create a huge wind due to the impact the two are almost swayed by the wind as the explosion occurs and after that the goblin fairy can be seen lying on Lily's Palm with a helicopter on its head looking at the skill list he muttered that just about sums things up he releases smelly size and Ponders that now he is finally getting the hang of the thing with the variety of magic he can use he decides to do the final touches they then go to the location marked in the scroll which is the demon continent hidden village of Goblin's secret Cemetery this place is where the ancestral Heroes of the goblin tribe are laid to rest Goblin cun use the goblin summon level 99 and successfully summon the heroes of the Goblins tribe who are now kneeling before him this kind is a hoglin a Gob Dragon a goblin girl and a goblin General seeing this amazed the goblin fairy and she mumbled that it had become more interesting Goblin cun says that throughout thousands of years of History even the weakest and lowest of goblins have rarely given birth to a goblin with a mutation that has the power and special abilities of the strongest class as he looks at these heroic spirits who only existed in the past he is amazed that he can summon all their memories here the goblin General kneel before him bowed its head and politely addressed him as Messiah asking for his command Goblin K uttered that with this power he would end the war between the heroes forces and the demon Army he will make both the hero and the Demon Lord bow their heads and bring peace to this world as he held his sister and swayed his hand he declared he would be become the goblin Messiah after a while Goblin cun can be seen falling to nothingness when suddenly someone calls him and he just answers by moaning to his shock The Voice became louder shouting at him calling him an imbecile and commanding him to wake up it is the goddess who has long white hair two horns and a white coat Goblin cun asks who she is and the goddess responds that she is the goddess of goblins Goblin cun was surprised to hear that and recall that she looked similar to what he saw inside the chief house he didn't expect such low-ranking monster tribes to have their own goddess as he looks at the goddess he observes that she doesn't seem Godly but a sexy older lady observing the in deep thought the goddess asked if he was thinking something very inappropriate doblin cun quickly denied it so she let it slide this time since they didn't have much time the last time they met the goddess told him the reason why she granted him power Goblin K seriously listened to her when she explained that tens of millions of goblins had met their cruel deaths throughout countless playthroughs treated as nothing but low-level life forms they are said to be the weakest because of their powerlessness which is why they are also the strongest hearing that they are the strongest because they are the weakest confused Goblin cun so the goddess explained that due to the inheritance reincarnation Goblin cun has now inherited all of the knowledge and darkness of her Fallen Brethren when tens of millions of the weakest are gathered together they become one being of unparalleled power she revealed that his sister wasn't the only one he was capable of saving before leaving she told him that she would leave the future of their dying tribe in his hands after that Goblin cun wakes up and as he looks at his hand he plans to fulfill his duty by creating a world free of Oppression after he fills out the entrance examination application for the Academy of dark magic the goblin fairy inquires if he is sure he isn't going to work he answers in the affirmative and as he looks outside the window he tells her that he wants to create a world where his sister and everyone from the hidden village can live peacefully in order to do that his first Target is one of the seven greats of the demon Lord's army the one who rules over this region the cruel King Dule the Academy of dark magic thrives as a training ground for Army recruits in Du domain he is also the founder of this Academy if Goblin cun were to enter the school and become a Cadet he could have an official audience with the founder and he could use that opportunity to strike him down he then left his sister in the hidden village and said goodbye but before he could go far the goblin fairy flew towards him since her work in the hidden village was done she wanted to accompany him on his interesting Journey at the demon continent cruel King du's Dom main Castle town as he was about to head to the academy of dark magic he suddenly Heard a Voice scolding someone when he looked at the Voice's location he saw a pig with his slave because the slave couldn't do a simple task the pig kicked her and set enough because he was going to be late while the people around murmured that the pig was doing it again and felt pity for the goblin slave the goblin fairy felt disgusted to see someone picking on the lower tribes Goblin cun suddenly recalled that this pig was Bradley the slave Merchant in the game Bradley was a lower ranking demon Aristocrat who amassed a lot of wealth from Trading slaves crime intimidation breaking contracts anything goes for him Goblin cun was glad that his obsession with the character art book would come in handy here and he was excited to test out the abilities of his new heroic Spirit companions he looked at the fairy and said they would help the slave to which the goblin fairy agreed and added that she expected he would say that in an alley Goblin cun dropped his right knee to the ground put his hand near the floor and Enchanted the spell to summon the Goblin girl purple light emerges from the magic circle and after the pillar of light comes out from it floppy legs with tattoos can be seen and it slowly reveals a girl who is about to transform into a Sor Moon she has a dark mix of blue hair and as she raises her smelly underarm her green skin can be seen while she mumbles how nice it is to live again she looked at his master and in a musical tone she stated she would do whatever he said observing how Carefree the attitude of this great ancestor was the goblin fairy was speechless after Goblin C says her task the scene shifts to the pig where Bradley can be seen so irritated as he scold the slave saying that he knew how cheap this slave was but he didn't expect her to be this completely useless seeing the poor slave lying on the ground people were murmuring and when Goblin cun showed up Bradley questioned what he wanted Goblin cun asks him to stop hurting the slave but Bradley clarifies that she is his slave and he can do whatever he wants to her when Goblin cun asks if he is still going to do whatever he wants to the slave no matter what the cost is the pig answers in the affirmative but when Goblin cun offered to buy the slave 100 times its original price Bradley was shocked and only utters what Bradley revealed that he bought this slave for 30 gold coins and inquired if the latter would buy her a 100 times that price Goblin cun answered in the affirmative and when the goblin girl threw bags of gold Bradley was shocked and asked if the latter was sure it was 3,000 gold Goblin cun answered in the affirmative and inquired if their deal was close in response the greedy Pig quickly picked up the bags of gold and told him that he wouldn't return it to him even if he changed his mind later after the pig left with his Carriage the slave Goblin asked why he had had helped her Goblin cun lowered his body and told her he was actually a goblin like her and that's why he wanted to help her he told her not to worry because she was safe now but the slave Goblin inquired why he would spend so much for her she becomes confused when Goblin cun reveals that those gold coins aren't his earlier due to his knowledge of the game and knowing where Bradley put his coins Goblin con ordered the goblin girl to get the gold coins since the goblin girl has the skills of stealth and penetration she easily sneaks into Bradley's wagon to steal the gold coins and puts them in inside the bags knowing that those coins were earned through criminal activity Goblin cun thinks that it was okay and besides he believes that slavery shouldn't be allowed to exist in this world he extended his hand and when the slave reached his hand she thanked him so much because he still needs to go to the academy for the entrance exam Goblin con orders the goblin fery to guide the girl to the hidden village as he walked he stated that he needed to be at the top of the academy so he could fulfill his plan upon arriving at the Academy of dark Magic's main gate he recalled that this school is always accepting new students to train more Elites however one's abilities must be that of an exceptional genius in order to enroll even a low-level monster can enroll in this Academy as long as they possess the necessary ability he made a fist and said that if he became an elite Cadet here he could meet the Academy's founder the cruel King duel and crush him down when he entered the gate he noticed a student reminding the entrance exam applicants to line up after seeing a long line he releases a smelly sigh and tilts his head when someone Taps his shoulder it was was a blonde girl with long ears wearing revealing mountains she excused herself and asked if she could eat his jumbo hot dog I mean she asked if he had anything sweet that she could eat the responds like a robot finding something sweet in his pocket and pauses after reading that this chocolate was Handmade by his sister he wanted to put it back but the girl swiftly snatched it from his hand and put it in her mouth seeing that she had already chewed it Goblin cun screamed and sat like a failed businessman the girl scratches the louse on her head while thanking him because she gets hungry when she gets stressed out which gives her an inner Darkness deficiency now that she was back to normal after eating some sweets she was surprised to see the ugly idiot staring at her strangely while mumbling that those were his sister's Handmade Chocolates realizing that she had done something wrong she super duper apologized to him because she had no idea it was so precious Goblin cun just stares at her and after saying a lot of sentences about her sister's effort to make that chocolate the girl thinks that he can make his own Mana serious as an apology she put her hand in her mountain and assured him that would return the favor she introduced herself as lety and after asking him Goblin cun revealed that he didn't have a name he realizes that he can't even remember his name from his fast life and he bites his lip after remembering that the only ones who don't have names in this world are low-class monsters or slaves as he thinks that the girl will probably look down on him lety offers to give him a name she looked at Goblin cun and noticing the green on his face she decided to call him lime lime thinks it's a weird name but lety insists it is good and tells him it is nice to meet him Li was also pleased to meet her the announcement can be heard from the magic circle informing the applicants that the entrance exam will begin shortly and telling them to gather at the Central Plaza after lety told lime that they must do their best these guys saw lime the one in red stated that lime is a piece of goblin and they wondered what a goblin was doing here at the Academy of dark magic Central Plaza an instructor can be seen listing who had passed while applicants magic was tested when it was let's turn she slowly gathered her magic to her palm and threw it to the Target others recognized her as the rumored princess of the evil elves tribe and expected her to have such power lime was surprised after hearing she was a princess and thought one couldn't judge a demon by its appearance as he pondered if he should change his attitude towards her lety asked how her performance was and he replied that it was awesome and that she could easily pass the exam they were approached by ha a vampire race who told lime that he didn't expect to see trash in this exam and inquired if he wasn't a servant from Butch's place he sarcastically questioned if he had come here to take the entrance examination and added that he was just a goblin with no Darkness lime turned his head and as he released a heavy sigh lety shouted at haage asking if there was something wrong with taking the exam and added that lime was way better than someone as rude as him H turns his back and before leaving he tells her to bark as she wants and adds that the truth will soon be exposed lety was about to explode in anger and in a dog style position she turned her attention to lime and told him to do his best looking like she was in a dog position lime wondered what she meant by best and knowing his winkled Brown sword had no experience he sighed heavily and wondered if they were really going to PL plock here you son of a mother father brother sister that wasn't part of the script this pery Henry always raises my heartbeat do you really want to lose your job sorry sir sorry sorry sorry getp back to your narration thank you sir anyway back to the story after lime responds that he will do his best he looks at the dummy and thinks that if he does his best he could blow the whole place up because he always just wanted to test the power given to him without controlling its limit he planned to control it now so he wouldn't destroy the place when the instructor told him to hurry up lime closed his eyes and using his fingertips he released dark magic from it even though he tried to control it a massive magical dark power could be seen that almost swayed the other from its Force as the smoke slowly dissipated a huge part of the plaza was destroyed revealing the instructor's ugliness while lime Taps his head because he didn't manage to fully control his power ha can be seen shocked pooping lety jumped in amazement and was very impressed lime scratches the back of his head and since he made a mistake controlling his power he covers it up by telling lety that he suddenly managed to use highlevel magic and just got lucky after the written exam they take a break and upon seeing the trouble on her face lime asks if something is wrong lety is just worried because there was a subject she's not good at on the written exam and she asks if it went well for him lime responded that he thought his exam was okay and remembered that the exam was similar to solving quizzes related to the game and he answered it without any trouble he looked up when a pest approached him and spouted nonsense saying that the magic test earlier was just a fluke so he must not be carried away because he believed there was no way a goblin like him could use any magic in response lime puts his left hand on his waist and poses like a Miss Universe asking if it isn't better to worry about himself instead of paying attention to him cage got angry and was about to un sheath his sword but stopped after hearing the announcement the combat exam was about to start and all the examiners had to go to the Central Plaza haage clicked his tongue and irritably told lime that he was lucky he added that he must remember this the instructor explained that the exam content for this year will be different from one to one mock battle between the examinees he revealed that all the examinees had only one target this time hearing this confused all the examinees so the instructor explained that it was a new policy set by Lord Dule the founder of this Academy he added that a student worthy of this Academy must be able to survive in a fight against an even stronger opponent when the huge heavy Gat slowly opened all the eyes of the applicant were focused on it and as they were curious about what their opponent would be yellow glowing eyes could be seen when the gate fully opened it revealed a huge monster roaring at them shockness can be seen in lime's eye as he recalls that this monster is a thunder dragon that appears near the end of the game and he inquires if this is really the examinees target as he inquired if they were really making the examinees fight this strong opponent applicants could be seen running for their lives the thunder dragon released massive lightning towards the examinees and after the huge explosion they could be seen lying on the ground while haage is panicking because he never heard about this lety just stares at the dragon makes a fist and rushes towards it lime tried to stop her but lety was desperate to pass the exam and for everyone's sake in this Kingdom she used the wind bind to Shackle the dragon she was about to fire the wind Arrow but froze after noticing the wind chain was destroyed the dragon stared at her and when it was about to attack her she closed her eyes and thought that she were going to die however after realizing that nothing had happened she opened her eyes and saw lime before her blocking the dragon using his colossal barrier lime asked if she was okay and when she answered in the affirmative lime told her to wait a little bit because he would end it quickly Ley was surprised to hear that and because the dragon couldn't break the barrier it roared upward to summon his power the sky turns dark and the thunder strike moves towards the dragon's horn granting him more power the dragon used its head to break the barrier and after he released lightning from his mouth a massive explosion occurred luckily lime was Swift to dodge the attack and jump up high seeing the sky lety inquired if they were flying lime apologized because he didn't manage to defeat the Dragon quickly and told her that she should wait at the rooftop over there he released her from his hand and as she fell she shouted in fear she landed on a green object and as she bounced she wondered what it was this strange thing is melter Goblin jelly who was summoned by lime it is a morphous type and although it has a body that is non-conductive to electricity it's weak against dry environments it went instinct when drought persisted in its habitat lime goes back to the dragon and uses the dark magic dark boost level 54 after asking if the dragon is ready he swiftly moves towards it but he is greeted by the dragon attack that almost pierces the sky seeing that the kid easily avoided his attack the dragon Unleashed multiple Fireballs but lime dodged them all the dragon was shocked when lime disappeared and to his surprise he received a sweet kick subscribed button at the face that caused him to fly to the other Universe the dragon crushed to the wall and as lime lands the morons can be seen running calling their mom the dragon got back to his feet and while the two intensely looked at each other lime told the dragon to go all out if he didn't want to lose the dragon was triggered and roared loudly to summon more lightning lime disappeared and materialized behind H with a quick movement he swiftly snatched ha's sword and said he would borrow it the turned his head but was surprised to see no one lime flew towards the sky and used the elemental coating level 49 the Thunder moved towards the sword when he raised it and seeing this puzzled the dragon after gathering enough power lime shouted the skill Dark Sword Thunderbolt and threw it towards the dragon the dragon was shocked to see his similar power was about to hit him and in an instant the ground cracked when the attack hit the target creating a loud bang that echoed through the whole Academy When the Smoke dissipates the thunder dragon can be seen lying on the ground lifeless he looks at the window screen learns that he is now level three Awakening and acquires the Demonic sword mjolner equipment witnessing an exceptional Talent the instructor decided to report it to the dean while the mongoloids and lety were shocked to see what happened lime thought he had passed the test several hours later after the combat test the two looked above to see the result seeing that only two had passed and it was them lety told lime that he had contributed a big part to defeating the dragon and mumbled that it didn't make sense for her to be included in the passer lime concluded that the school evaluated her based on how she faced the dragon without hesitation lety happily accepted his explanation and when lime asked what was with the TyTy lety revealed it was her real name because it was hard to say she just stuck to lety speaking of names lety suddenly got an idea she picked a pen and wrote on the leaderboard to correct the unnamed lime after that she looked at lime and stated that she already gave him a name lime blushed and scratched his face upon hearing that a while later the two can be seen before the instructor wearing their uniform now that they were officially students of this Academy lety was thrilled the instructor with green hair handed them their grimoire and robe and after lime wore it the instructor informed them that he would take them to a placement test before they could enter lime asks if it's another test and the instructor answers in the affirmative and explains that it will determine their level of darkness which will decide the class of dormatory they will enter while the instructor pushed the machine the students could be seen looking at the two new students after the instructor said that he would look forward to seeing where the two belonged the students murmured about how hard the exam was this year seeing only two people had passed they weren't surprised as they observe the appearance of the two they think it isn't a big deal ly gets angry after hearing them but lime stops her and tells her to Bear it because now is not the time after she listened to him and calmed down lime inquired about the placement exam the instructor allowed elaborated that they just needed to stand before the magical construct which would analyze their Darkness levels if they touched the screen their results would be displayed he informed them that this beautiful freshly made machine was given to them by a magnificent school with a strange smile he assured them there was no way to cheat the result after he called lety to be tested first lety put her hand on the machine and was surprised to see her result on the other hand the instructor couldn't believe how high let's result was looking at let's result lime noticed it was similar to a status window and thought lety had the potential to become a reliable fighter once trained after analyzing lety's score her dorm can be seen on the screen knowing it was the highest ranking students were astonished and murmured that Ley was one of the rare evil elves after all the instructor then called lime and when lime put his hand on the machine the instructor released heavy size and expected nothing from a mere Goblin even though lime already knew the result of his last Awakening he was still curious how much it had grown he poured all his Darkness into the machine and seeing the machine shaking the instructor wondered what was happening the machine broke into pieces creating a huge wind from the impact making all the pervy use this moment to stare at the White Wonderland om stopped staring little pervy while the instructor was trembling in shock lime was also surprised because he didn't expect that to happen the instructor trembled in anger because his new device which was worth 500 gold coins was destroyed just like that lime scratched the louse in his head and mumbled that maybe there was some error in the machine but the angry gay irritably clarified that it was impossible because the machine was a brand new state-of-the-art instrument and he wondered what he should tell the dean lime apologized for what happened but the instructor angrily pointed his finger at the kid shouting that it was enough and since the kid couldn't be measured he decided to put him in the lowest dorm While most of the students were shocked by the instructor's decision lime thought this wasn't good because his plan of becoming a Cadet would be impossible at this rate so he needed to figure out some kind of shortcut mixing with the students the instructor from the combat test witnessed all that happened meanwhile at the Academy of dark magic student dormatory the lowest ranked sear dorm as lime looks at his status window screen he is pondering his current objective to be chosen as an elite Cadet to get a chance to have an audience with the cruel King Dule his plan was to First seize control of the Dule domain for himself but since he is now at the lower rank dorm this option would be Grim while he was thinking of the fastest way to have the school recognize his ability lety popped into his mind and conjectured that she could help him be transferred to a higher rank because she was in the highest class dormatory still he didn't finish what he was thinking when he suddenly saw a piece of paper inside the grimoire he picked it up and gladly mumbled that it was the thing he was looking for after that he goes to a receptionist and wants to participate in the magic tournament the magic tournament was sponsored by The Academy of dark magic and it is a competition held once a year to decide the school's strongest Mage it's a long-standing tradition that only the most skilled students should enter the competition the winner will be bestowed with a magical treasure as a commemoration from the school's founder duel in in other words even though he couldn't become a Cadet he could still have a chance to have an audience with vle by simply winning the tournament the receptionist wants to confirm if it is his second day in the academy and after he answers in the affirmative the receptionist informs him that this is a dangerous competition with no restrictions on the use of magic she added that it was suggested that the students must be at least one year enrolled in the academy to participate lime answered that he understood yet still wished to participate the receptionist told him to wait and she went to the office to report a strange student who wanted to participate in the tournament when the instructor responded that it must have been the one who had broken the measuring device the receptionist inquired if she should have turned the kid away the instructor grinned and told her to let the kid participate the receptionist went back to lime and informed him that they would accept his application but clarified that anything that happened to him in the tournament came at his own risk after he replied that he understood he was glad he had found a shortcut to meet and kill King Duel at the Academy of dark magic Lucifer dorm the building for girls only while other shrimp are chatting lety can be seen with a tomato face as she thinks about lime she was glad she had met him in the entrance exam and remembering how he had saved her like a prince she couldn't help but become itchy but remembering how he tossed her from the sky she shook her head and told herself to get it together combing her hair she wondered where she could see him again because she had a feeling he would do great things while blushing like a scratch wrinkled brown egg she thinks she can't take her eyes off him and couldn't live without him she suddenly asks why her heart is beating so fast at the Academy of dark magic sear dorm lime was about to sleep but suddenly opened his eyes and went to the rooftop he summoned the singer I mean the goblin girl and ordered her to use penetration to enter the school facility seeing her new look lime asks why she is wearing a school uniform to which the goblin girl responds that she likes to be in character Lim tasked her to infiltrate the school's facilities and investigate each of them the goblin girl responds to her master in a musical tone by saying to leave it to her lime looked above and as he mumbled that the other one should come soon the goblin fairy arrived and reported that she had left the slave girl in his sister's care lime cheerfully thanked her and apologized that he would make a request again he asked her to map out a full view of the school and when the goblin fairy inquired if he really meant to map out lime clarified that he meant a diagram of it the goblin girl asks why he didn't say that in the first place because she can map it out instantly and inquire about his plan lime looked at the dean's Tower and said he would go there for a stealth Mission moments later he arrives at the Academy of dark magic Dean's Tower wearing dark Comm level 45 and thinks that he must not be completely detected with this level of concealment he stops at a window after seeing some people gathered for a meeting this bearded old man is the school dean Wesker and Millian who was handling the magic tournament this four-eyed man is Professor Eddie and the student council president Gia the dragonian professor Eddie fixed his eyeglasses as he told them that lime was a threat after throwing a paper Eddie told them they couldn't predict what the new student was capable of and added that he had no place within their school's Noble culture and traditions Dean Wesker looked at Millian and inquired if the new student really defeated the thunder dragon they released to fail all the examinees Milan confirmed it and added that the thunder dragon was supposed to be a measure to preserve their reputation as a prestigious school yet the new student messed all things up Wesker scratched the tick from his beard and mumbled that the new student possessed extraordinary strength Eddie slams the desk and irritably clarifies that the students of their venerable School must not only possess strength but must also be a respectable demon tribe with Grace and dignity he told them that if they allowed rubbish like the goblin tribe the lowest of the low to steal that from them they would be unworthy to show their faces to their great founder Dule Wesker questioned whether they proposed exposing the students true nature at the magic tournament Milan answered in the affirmative and revealed that the new student applied to the tournament by his own will so whether he lives or dies it would be his own responsibility as Wesker released a heavy sigh mine went on to say that the magic tournament always sees a handful of unforeseen accidents and there is ex dream as ever when Eddie said they were talking about a mere Goblin who should never be qualified for the entrance exam Millian suggested that if they are getting individuals like this it may be best to restrict them now she added that if no one else will protect the honorable traditions of their school she will observing this lime thinks that although they say in the rules that everyone has a fair chance to enroll seeing their actions made him think that all the higher-ups were corrupt Wesker looked at the side as if he noticed something momentarily paused and then stood up to tell them he understood the situation he told told them they could go because he was going to bed after leaving the office Milan looked at the door and wondered if the dean really understood Eddie told guy he was planning to manipulate the tournament brackets so that lime would face a student from gaia's faction he wants Gaia to cause an unforeseen accident and gives him the task of protecting their school's dignity to which Gia responds that he understands observing that Gia is a dragonian lime thinks he has a worthy opponent milain laughs at Eddie saying he will use the highest ranking just to dispose of a mere Goblin Eddie angrily slammed the table and St that it wasn't a laughing matter after thinking it was an unexpected catch lime vanished from the scene moments later the three met on the rooftop where the two reported to Lime Goblin girl told him that there was also an entrance to a suspicious underground warehouse behind the backmost bookshelf in the library of great magic after Goblin faery handed the bird's I view map of the school lime thanked them he then looks around and notices a man holding a sword diligently practicing knowing it is already late at night lime admires him and Goblin girl informs him that this kid is a old another law ranking tribe in the same dorm as lime she saw him there the whole time while she was mapping the school the two returned to the dorm and seeing Goblin fery lying on his bed he asked why she was trying to sleep there Goblin fery released a sigh after saying that she was a super duper adorable fairy and inquired how a fair maiden like her could sleep on the floor she made a cute but ugly face while asking if he didn't want to sleep with her and questioned if she should seduce him because his wrinkled Brown sword could probably wrecked her from the cave through the mouth lime didn't accept her offer after hearing that Goblin girl suddenly has an idea a cloud of pink smoke suddenly materializes and when it slowly vanishes a seductive beautiful massive Fair of floppy mountains can be seen and asks how about now however it had no effect on our little boy so she told him that she was just kidding she added that the goddess would probably give her a nasty lecture if she seduced him and his sister would probably be mad as well she transforms back to her ugly form lies on the bed and says good night lime summarizes his findings from the stealth mission and as he looks at the map he thinks he will be busy starting tomorrow the next morning students can be seen eating at the Academy of dark magic dining hall as lime chews his food he suddenly notices lety from a distance cheerfully chatting with others lety also notices him she quickly waves her hand and tells him to come over lime also waved his hand turning down her offer because he knew sitting at the same table with girls at the highest ranked dorm wasn't a good idea he looks at the piece of paper and as he thinks there are only 5 days left until the magic turn someone suddenly asks if he can sit with him to which he agrees the cobal thanked him and as lime looked at him he recalled that he was the man from the previous night the cobal informs him that he is also from the sear dorm and lime tells him he is looking forward to working with him when cobal inquires if it is true that he applied for the magic tournament and lime answers in the affirmative cobal happily reveals that he was two suddenly a man named Nero shouldered cobal and irritably asked who permitted him to eat here while lime looked at the orangutan cobal asked Nero if it really mattered where he ate Nero shouted at him saying that a low rank monster like him wasn't allowed to sit there and the only time he was allowed to be over here was when he was delivering something on an errand when cobal responds that there is no rule like that and Nero is about to assault him lime intervenes saying O and grabs Nero's arm Nero asks what the meow is his deal so lime answers that he is just a goblin another low-rank monster and asks if Nero is saying he can't be here either observing another low-ranked monster Nero asks if he is new here and states he will teach him the rules with his fists lime cly replied saying he was more than welcome to try and ask to Enlighten him as the two face each other cobal mumbles to himself that this happened because of him Nero threw a punch and said that a newbie like him should learn to mind his own business lime easily blocked his attack surprising Nero and cobal lime grabbed Nero's arm and as he tightened his grip he thought that if he made a commotion here it would give him a bad impression on other students so he intended to settle this quietly Nero drops his knee to the floor groans in pain and asks to be let go lime's hand Mark can be seen on Nero's arm after he releases him and as Nero kneels on the ground in a dog position lime addresses him as a regular and states that everyone is free to come to this cafeteria as they please one of Nero's comrades informs him that lime is the Freshman from the rumor who took down the thunder dragon in a single strike hearing this stunned the monkey and as he stood up he told his comrade that they must go before leaving he pointed his finger at lime and revealed that he already knew that the dragony in factions breath of flame was keeping an eye on him he smirked and wondered how long lime would last in the tournament in response lime just sigh cobal thanked him and apologized for dragging him into this when lime replied that it was fine Cobble told him that even though he applied to participate in the tournament to test his strength and make those guys dumbfounded he thought he didn't have a chance of winning and added that it was laughable after lime introduces himself and cobal says he is lot Arcadia lime's eyes widen and he wants to confirm if he is really loot loot confirmed it and inquired if he knew about him to which lime responded it was nothing he then recalled that loot Arcadia is the one who will hunt the hero's forces to the very end in the future he's the man who would become the most powerful knight among the order of the Dark Knights moments later the two went back to sear dorm after the two said their goodbyes loot was startled when lime called him so he asked what it was lime asks if it's all right if he could join in his midnight training session loot was surprised he knew about that but still gladly welcomed him lime then becomes serious and says that if he can recall it correctly lot's younger sister is a noneof the-dark church within the territory of the demon god Chanel one of the seven greats loot was surprised and wondered how he knew about that but lime reasons that he happened to hear it from rumor lime then tells him to listen carefully and elaborates that in the near future her younger sister will go to a village bordering the human world for missionary work when that time comes loot must tell her to come straight home and not stop nor look back he told him to consider it repayment for helping him back at the dining hall and he must honor the favor after loot answers he understands the two then say goodbye doblin fery flew behind lime and with a cross arm she asked asked if he was plotting something to which he replied just a bit LM then thinks that what he did was to change lot's Faith because the death of her sister is what causes loot to fall to the dark side he decided to awaken lot's power while keeping his sister alive several days later at the Academy of dark magic backyard lime can be seen standing before the round targets hanging on the tree he gathered some purple magic in his hand and threw it towards the targets after that loot can be seen behind him sleeping I mean he was in intense focus and after opening his eyes he moved his sword and swung it toward the waterfalls seeing he cut the Target in half loot was glad he did it he looked at lime and after saying he couldn't believe his swordsmanship was improving so quickly lime told him that it was because he trained so hard loot thanked lime for the advice he had given him he was amazed at lime's very high magic and swordsmanship levels and wondered why he had been put into the lowest storm after lime thanked him for the compliment loot looked at the swords and remembered that tomorrow was the tournament he told lime that he thought that it would be their last midnight training session his eyes widened when lime told him to listen up and said that he was doing a great job the hard work loot has put in his second to none and he doesn't break a sweat with his steady training lot's positive mindset is his strongest weapon however while lime trained with him over these past few days he realized something lot's hidden potential still needs to be unlocked when loot asks about his true potential lime explains it is something that primarily manifests from experiencing something that shakes him to his very core a pain that he had never wanted to feel again lime didn't want loot to go through through that but without it loot might live his whole life without knowing about it loot chuckled awkwardly and mumbled he didn't understand a thing limeide and ordered loot to close his eyes for just a moment and when he did so lime put his hand before Loot and used the dark magic Sinister analysis his eyes glow in purple and he learns that most of the darkness in lot's body is in active state it is as if he is running at full speed with a giant iron weight chain to him realizing lot grew this much even though he had this chained lime was impressed he thinks lot's power would greatly increase by resolving the stasis once he removes these shackles loot should be able to awaken on his own without even experiencing the tragedy of his sister's death his hand turns into a claw and after telling loot not to move he swiftly punches him with his claw causing loot to be startled in shock he then Pat Lo's shoulder and said that it was fine now while lime walked away loot held his chest and felt something Pierce through his body lime told him they should rest because tomorrow was the big day to which lud agreed the following day at the Academy of dark magic Coliseum the magic tournament opening ceremony loud cheers can be heard when the participants in the tournament go in the middle of the Arena the students become more hyper when milain announces that today marks the beginning of the magic tournament and reminds them to be sure not to miss a single moment of this glorious event she informs them that the speech from the school's founder Master Dule will signal the start of the tournament a magic circle formed into the wall and revealed a glitchy hologram of Dule looking at this lime thinks it is similar to his summoning of goblins but realizes it is just a hologram King Dule told his bright students the hopeful future of his demon Army to demonstrate the limits of the abilities they have hon this far against their opponents in battle he declared that there is only one rule those without strength must yield of their own accord after King de says that's all people punch their fists into the air and loudly cheer while Ley was silent and not cheering as he looked at King D's hologram lime thought that the persecution and heavy taxes Dule imposed were the reason everyone in the hidden village was suffering he glared at du's hologram and declared to himself that he would win this tournament and take him down meanwhile as lime leans on the wall holding the tournament bracket he learns that there are 128 participants in total which means there are six matches to win before the finals because stamina wasn't an issue for him he planned to go all out from the start while he tried to find who his opponent would be a cold glass of juice touched his face making him scream startling the others the touched his face and as he mumbled what the meow lety cheerfully said she didn't know lime was this loud they then sat on a bench where lety told him that she saw him in the contestant zone for from the audience and she called him out but he ignored her the whole time lime reasons he didn't hear her due to the loud cheering but lety didn't buy it yet still glad because they finally met now when she inquired that according to what she knew only students who had enrolled over a year could enter the tournament lime told her that it was just a common misconception as she sipped while saying she understood lime asked if there was something wrong lety told him it was nothing and said lime seemed strange because he entered a tournament against the school's strongest fighter right after enrolling when lime looked at her with wide eyes lety asked what so lime chuckled before telling her not to mind him in his mind if he told lety that she was the one who looked strange he was sure she would get mad at him with cheeks that were about to explode lety mumbled lime always acting all grown up she suddenly remembered something and extended her hand to give him something upon accepting it lime wondered what it was but when he saw that it was chocolates he wondered if it was the payment when they first met lety's hand could be seen with Band-Aids as she said that for all this time she felt so bad about eating his jumbo hot dog back then you son of a cat that's not a hot dog but chocolates idiot sorry sir anyway when lime asks if she made it herself lety answers while blushing like a scratch wrinkled brown egg saying he did and warns him not to get the wrong idea because it was just a token of apology so he must not take it that way when lime inquired what way lety covered her face in embarrassment and couldn't even complete a sentence and just said never mind even though he wasn't sure what she was talking about lime thanked her and added that it made him happy deep in his heart he likes this kind of human feeling after seeing the time lety gave him a bump Fist and wished him good luck after saying goodbye to each other lety blushed upon noticing her mountains were beating fast again and asked why in the first match of the magic tournament the magic circle welcomes the contestants for this round lime the Goblin from sear dorm versus orphan escuto the dragonian from Lucifer dorm a proud member of the breath of flame faction shrimps blushed while cheering for Orphan and shouted to wipe the floor with that Goblin on the other hand Millian questioned why Eddie had already thrown the second best student student to a mere Goblin while Eddie responds that he is not here to play games Wesker can be seen as silent when the referee inquired if lime was sure he wouldn't use a weapon and lime answered in the affirmative orphan mumbled that lime was underestimating him upon signaling the start of the battle orphan quickly jumped to end liim instantly and used the dragonian dragon form wyvern seeing that their Master orphan is already bringing his trump card these shrimps think he is serious about ending the battle quickly with the elemental coding level 20 orphan swiftly rushes to turn the low range aning filth into ashes as lime thinks about how boring the battle will be some parts of the ground suddenly crack and chains with plant veins suddenly pop out from them causing lime to be captured in an instant worried lety wonders what that was while orphan was getting nearer he stated that no one said it would be a fair battle and shouted to die by his hand wiim looks to the side and notices the person behind the chains she is third in the breath of flame faction hierarchy Ren her Green Dragon form allows her to manipulate all kinds of plant life a massive explosion had occurred when orphan hits lime and while these shrimp's heart attacks pop because they think orphan did it Ley is worried about lime's safety the smoke slowly vanished revealing lime blocking orphan's attack using the Demonic sword M jalir orphan shouted that it was impossible but lime just gave him an intense glare before disappearing and materializing from orphan's back lime just uses the sword handle to knock out the talking and knowing that the idiot is unconscious lime asks the referee if it means the match is over when the referee announces the winner it creates a loud cheer making the two mongoloids dumbfounded scratching the tick from his beard Wesker thinks lime does well on hiding his power and notices that lime's Darkness levels are already in SSS rank lety jumped from her seat after seeing how amazing lime was while lime is walking he is greeted by Lily the fairy and the slave Goblin fery explained that because the two wanted to see him in action she disguised them as students so they could watch the tournament while Lily exclaimed how awesome her big bro was slave said he looked very cool seeing how Lively the two were lime was glad and patted their head when Lily handed him a round bread and said she and Mew had made it lime was glad that the slave girl now had a name and he thanked them for the food shy Mew wishes lime good luck on his next match and Lily tells him he got this to which he replies that he will surely win the tournament a while later in the waiting room lime stood up upon realizing that it was about time for the second match suddenly a girl hurriedly approached him and informed him that the person accompanying him earlier had collapsed hearing this worried lime so he told her to lead him to the scene and as he ran Lily was only on his mind upon arriving in an empty place he asks where his companions are but the girl shows her true form and answers in a teasing tone that she wonders where she suddenly traps him and his lime says that he never thought he would be tricked by someone like her he realizes he let his guard down after seeing his sister earlier after observing that it was Ren the girl who had helped orphan earlier lime asks if she is a member of breath of flame Ren didn't answer and just chuckled before destroying the plant Mains lime told her that this trick wouldn't work on him twice but Ren already knew that and revealed that they were simply there to keep him stalled Gaia then showed up and said that they didn't care about the tournament because the entire dragony in order would fight lime right here right now he pointed his finger at lime and stated that he would die here without being noticed by anyone his death would be treated as an unforeseen accident lime just looked at him silently and seeing how silent he was Ren asked if he was too scared to talk because he would be late in the tournament lime declared he would settle this matter in just 3 minutes hearing that angered Guion so he Unleashed his power and told the bastard to be prepared to die lime also Unleashed his dark power and after saying that he was the one who must prepare he was Resolute to use all his dark power in full force he then told Gia that they must finish it before the second match Gaia transformed into dragonian form salamander and after activating his dark magic Elemental coding level 38 he shouted at lime saying to eat his conflagration blast lime used his palm and activated his dark magic destruction Veil to Counterattack gaia's powerful blast after the massive explosion the other dragonian rushed behind him called him an idiot and said his back was open however before he could land a hit on him lime blocked his attack using his demonic sword M jolnir and used the dark magic flare bomb that made them groan in pain after getting hit by it Gaia shouted at him saying he was not done yet and Unleashed a huge Fireball followed by the other dragonian magic attack while saying he could now rest in peace because he was surrounded lime just stared at them and when the huge explosion occurred the morons were glad they made it but were shocked when they felt lime's presence and groaned in pain after after receiving a sweet subscribe button from lime seeing this stun guia and as he froze in his position lime made a single strike that defeated almost all of them witnessing this makes Gia use his final form and he rushes forward while saying it ends here lime activates his dark magic boost and greets guia with a powerful punch on its chin causing his head to be thrown up still lime wasn't finished yet he gathered more power from his fist and showered the dragon with a warm but painful punch which caused him to moan in agony before falling to the ground after Gia becomes unconscious he transforms back to his human form while lime wipes the dirt from his uniform he calls Ren's attention and when he approaches her he asks how many minutes the fight takes panicking Ren quickly looked at the clock and stated it took 2 minutes and 30 seconds lime then started to walk and as he said he made it in time for the tournament Ren dropped her abscess to the ground dumbfound it back at the battlefield in the second round after announcing the participants's name and not seeing lime's dragoni and opponent lime was declared the winner according to the tournament rules any student who fails to show up on time for the match loses by default after hearing it lime concluded that his opponent must be one of the dragonian he had taken down earlier witnessing what happened confused the two and from the other side Eddie angrily stood up and asked what is the meaning of this it means your puppies were too weak for lime didn't you know they were all sleeping well outside the Coliseum idiot ahemm Wesker caressed his beard and smilingly said he wondered what could have happened while lety was glad lime won by just standing there these two cheerfully bumped their palms for an easy win even though they weren't sure what happened lime's opponents didn't show up for the third match and the one after that so he was declared the winner he thinks most of his opponents were the dragonian which he had taken care of earlier Eddie was so stressed after hearing the repeated declaration that lime was the winner in the final match after announcing the participants lime was glad loot came to face him looking at the ladder lime observed that loot had already awakened his Dark Night ability and didn't expect him to grow this fast when loot thanked him for growing this far lime thought it was a good thing because loot could now save his sister and he stated he was happy to see him loot was about to unath his sword as he asked if they should begin but he didn't continue un cheating it and raised his hand saying that what he wanted to say was that he surrendered he was grateful to lime and as a token of his thanks he liked lime to have this victory for lime that wasn't a thanks at all because his wish was to have a duel with him and if he really wanted to thank him then he must fight him while he un sheathed his sword lot asked if he was sure and after un sheathing it he reminded lime that he might not be able to hold back lime was fine with it and thought that loot had really grown a lot and he was looking forward to their fight after the two shouted that they must do this the referee announced the start of the battle and upon hearing that the two vanished from their position creating a huge explosion that covered the whole arena with dust their swords clash and as they intensely stare at each other with deep focus lime thinks that such pressure behind lot's wind is expected from the man who will become the strongest Warrior lime disappeared when loot swayed his sword and after loot sheathed it back and was about to prepare for another attack lime thinks that the special trait of Dark Knights is their ability to emit a vast amount of darkness in their bodies as magic and loot style is to use that to enhance his physical abilities when loot swings his sword with special magic and lime blacket he thinks loot is still naive he rushes forward with unforeseen speed to attack Loot and seeing this Lily mumbles that her brother's opponent is strong while Mew cheered for lime and lety was dumbfounded to see an amazing fight Eddie and melain cheered for loot saying they don't care which student loot is just get rid of the goblin the Sparks of their swords and the light from their path can be seen as the two intensely fight each other and after the last swing of their sword lime trips causing him to lose balance loot uses this opportunity to win the battle and rushes forward but lime barely Dodges his attack and uses his sword to cut loot sword's blade using both of his hands lime held his handle sword tightly and declared in a loud voice that this was the end he swung his sword but loot managed to avoid it and jump backward they stared at each other and realizing that loot managed to dodge his attack at the critical moment lime got excited about their battle observing that his blade was cut in half loot through it so lime did the same and put the sword back into his inventory noticing it loot wondered why in lime's mind he knew Dark Knights were weak against tricky spells and Illusions so he wanted to fight loot head on to see his whole potential as lime signaled loot to come loot said lime was underestimating him but lime clarified that he has full faith in his capabilities and just wants to enjoy having a real fight with him from the bottom of his heart while loot gathered his power he warned lime not to blame him if he ended up regretting those words lime just smiled at him and noticing the intense power between the two the referee ran and called his mom the two swiftly rushed to each other and as they clashed loot felt strange because despite their intense battle he felt so excited and wanted to win against lime however at the same time he didn't want this battle to end because the more blows collided the more he wanted to grow stronger their fist was about to collide and when it happened a blinding light from the impact could be seen lime slid backward from the Imp and as he looked at loot he wondered what this was he realized that loot became more stronger as they fought and knowing that it would become more risky if it continued he planned on ending the battle with his next attack as he was to give his final blow loot was unfazed and lime became shocked to see that he didn't hit loot he looked back at Loot and while the ladder attacked him he wondered if what loot did just now was the dark Knight's highest level skill time stop he was caught off guard because he didn't know loot had awakened this far still he knew he was better than the ladder and he planned to pour every last bit of his Darkness into his physical abilities after that he threw a powerful punch but loot managed to block it with his cross arm and smiled before grabbing his hand and giving him a sweet kick subscribe button in the stomach to his surprise lime vanished before his eyes and he wondered if it was just an illusion he notices lime's presence but before he can react his body is thrown away and crashes to the wall after moaning in pain he dropped his knee first to the ground and lost Consciousness before hugging the floor as lime looks at the unconscious body of loot the referee announced is the winner lime slowly walked toward Loot and upon coming closer he looked at him momentarily before saying that loot had grown stronger thank you for watching guys I hope you love this Mana have a good day
Channel: Manga Kun Senpai
Views: 127,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animerecap, manhwarecap, manhuarecap, mangarecap, animerecommendation, manhwarecommendation, manhuarecommendation, mangarecommendation, novel
Id: 9zpzMOjlD0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 38sec (3698 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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