What if Ice Age Returns? | Effects of Ice Age on Human Civilization | The Dr. Binocs Show

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[Music] hey little kitty are you enjoying the wintry cold weather and Serene snow Kitty wishes I S M well I don't think it's a cool idea Kitty what's wrong well for that we need to cover the world under a snowy blanket by a answering a chilling question what if the Ice Age returns zoom in an ice age is a climatic condition when the global temperature drops well below freezing across the planet for millions and millions of years during these icy times huge sheets of ice called glaciers cover large parts of the earth so far there have been about five occurrences of ice ages with the most recent on starting around 2.6 million years ago and guess what we are actually still in it yes technically we are living in an ice age right now but why isn't the earth covered in ice at this moment well that's because during an Ice Age the Earth's temperature fluctuates like a pendulum between colder periods known as glacials when ice sheets spread out and warmer times referred to as interglacials when those ice sheets begin melting fortunately at present we are in the warm interglacial period of the most recent Ice Age which began about 11,000 years ago but this this leads us to wonder what if this pendulum swings again and Earth enters another Ice Age today well while we've managed to survive similar occurrences in the past if another one were to occur today it would have significant consequences for human civilization yes apart from bone chilling temperatures first regions of North America northern Europe and Northern Asia where millions of people reside would transform into icy wastelands unsuitable for human habitation due to thick ice sheets and extremely harsh conditions this widespread freezing would drastically reduce available agricultural land posing significant challenges in sustaining the human population other trees and plants anticipating blooming in Spring would remain dominant triggering a ripple effect throughout the food chain animals depending on these plants for food such as bears and deer would confront starvation as their typical meals vanished infrastructure designed for current climate conditions might struggle to withstand the colder and harsher environment of an Ice Age energy demands for heating would increase posing challenges for Energy Systems ocean ports would no longer be near the ocean and anyone Desiring water views would need to relocate over large distances moreover a staggering drop in sea levels possibly up to 120 M would reshape the world's geography Marine channels like the torist straight would vanish potentially revealing the land beneath for settlement or farming the continents themselves would assume entirely new shapes altering the global landscape however it's important to note that the onset of an Ice Age similar to past ones isn't currently predicted due to human activities such such as the burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases which have significantly altered the earth's climate so instead of entering a new Ice Age current climate models and observations indicate that the Earth is experiencing a period of warming characterized by Rising global temperatures and the melting of ice caps and Glaciers thus we must take action against climate change to protect the environment and secure a better future for all living beings to know more please check out our multiple videos on climate change trivia time did you know people lived around 35,000 years ago during the Ice Age yes they were early humans known as Homo sapiens who created many TOS to survive in harsh conditions it's sketching time today's sketch of the day goes to Amisha hope you learned something cool today until next time it's me Dr boox zooming [Music] out don't need never mind
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 341,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if we entered a new ice age, ice age, ice, when will the next ice age happen, ice age 2, what if ice age returns, effects of ice age on human civilization, will ice age return, how ice age happen, global warming, ice age geography, ice age humans, what is an ice age, ice age cartoon, effects of ice age on earth, homosapien evolution, how to survive ice age, climate change, global temperature, history of ice age, new ice age 2023, dr binocs show, peekaboo kidz, kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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