What If Saber-Toothed Tigers Didn't Go Extinct | Prehistoric Apex Predator Animal | Dr. Binocs Show

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foreign [Music] you look like a baby saber-toothed tiger little kitty [Music] oh I so wish they were still alive today well to find out let's bring back the extinct creature by exploring a wild question what if saber-tooth tigers didn't go extinct zoom in around 2.5 million to ten thousand years ago during the flight of scene epoch in the vast American open Forest roamed the Fearsome member of the felid family an apex predator called the saber-tooth tiger scientifically known as smilotin which means a double edged knife the name smilotin was given to these prehistoric cats because of the most distinctive feature the long Sable like the 19th that can grow up to 11 inches long which they used for hunting and even helped them to take down larger prey besides they were muscular animals with large species weighing between a whopping 485 to 880 pounds and stretching around 175 centimeters from rump to snout the saber-toothed tiger had shot but well-developed limbs with retractable claws which made them perfectly suited for hunting and wrestling down large prey climbing trees or digging up Burrows of prey but despite their dominance these magnificent creatures went extinct around 10 000 years ago during the end of the plyocene epoch which saw The Disappearance of various megafauna and the rise of modern human civilizations however let's tickle our imagination and wonder what if by some twist of fate the saber tutu tiger had not faced Extinction [Music] well in that scenario saber-tooth tigers would still maintain their top position as apex predators their presence would significantly influence the herbivore populations forcing other animals to adapt and evolve we might have observed faster and more agile prey species perfectly equipped to outsmart the Relentless pursuit of these formidable saber-tooth Titans on their ecological impact the presence of saber-tooth tigers would have sparked the imaginations of ancient human civilizations fascinating folklore and mythologies would have been created leaving a lasting impact on a cultural heritage but as humans and saber-tooth cats targeted similar prey animals it might have led to a conflict between both species and humans with their Superior hunting abilities would have won the battle this would have made it difficult for these cats to find food putting their species in danger so there are chances just like the modern day cats saved through the Tigers would have entered human encroachments in search of food which might lead to retaliation hunting by humans seeking to protect their livestock or out of fear for their safety such conflicts could further endanger the survival of these large predators not only that but due to their Rarity and distinct features saber-tooth tigers could have become targets for poaching and the illegal Wildlife trade posing a significant threat to the already endangered populations therefore conservation efforts and research would have been undertaken to understand and protect these captivating beasts seeking to ensure their survival amidst modern challenges shocked if saber-tooth tigers were still alive today they would likely be facing similar challenges and threats as other big cat species in the modern world so let us learn from our mistakes and take action to save the existing big cats ensuring a world where these magnificent creatures thrive in their natural homes trivia time did you know the saber-toothed cat is not closely related to the modern day tiger or any cats yes while they are all members of the broader cat Family felly Day saber-tooth cats belong to a different sub-family called mashirodonite that went extinct it's catching time the sketch of the day goes to Avion srivastava hope you learned something historic today until next time it's me Dr binox zooming out [Music]
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 1,355,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saber tooth tiger, smilodon, saber-toothed tiger, what if saber tooth tiger didn't go extinct, what if smilodon's didn't go extinct, sabre toothed tiger, exictance, prehistoric cats documentary, history of saber toothed tiger, story of saber toothed tiger, dr binocs show, Peekaboo Kidz, extinct animals, extinct animals found alive, saber tooth tiger size, saber tooth tiger diet, extinct killing machines, Prehistoric Apex Predator, Apex Predator, prehistoric animals, animals
Id: dGxvs3KqHsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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