Afraid of Exam? | What Causes Anxiety? | How To Overcome Anxiety? | Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz

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foreign you look quite anxious little kitty what happened [Music] well I understand and it's normal to feel anxious due to it the problem occurs when someone gets anxious without any reason well let me answer that by answering an anxious question what causes anxiety zoom in imagine this you're sitting in a classroom staring at a test that could not determine your entire future suddenly your heart feels like it's trying to escape your chest your hands start shaking and your whole body feels like it's on fire but don't worry what you're feeling is actually a normal reaction to a stressful situation and it's called the fight of flight response which helps your body prepare to fight or run away from danger but what if there's no danger to fight or run away from and still you feel worried and fearful all the time well if that's the case then there is a chance that the person is suffering from an anxiety disorder it's a mental health condition in which anxiousness can last for a round or above 6 months and can make everyday tasks feel like a huge hurdle foreign this phase you might constantly feel your heart beating faster your breathing becoming quicker or your body getting tense furthermore you may have difficulty falling or staying asleep which can result in sleep deprivation not only that but it can also make you feel jittery irritable and even physically sink yes the stress hormones released during prolonged periods of anxiety can weaken the immune system making someone more susceptible to illnesses and infections plus chronic anxiety has also been linked to high blood pressure heart disease and digestive problems but the vital question is what causes this issue in the first place [Music] well for that we need to zoom into your brain and look into a tiny almond-shaped structure called the amygdala a tiny God that's always on the lookout for anything that could harm you so when it senses a Potential Threat it sends a signal to the hypothalamus to initiate the fight-or-flight response resulting in the release of a hormone called epinephrine also known as adrenaline which causes your heart to beat faster your muscles to tense up and your breath to become faster but in case of people with anxiety disorder the amygdala finds it hard to distinguish between something that is mildly bothersome like seeing a harmless cockroach with something which is a real threat like seeing a venomous snake so your tiny card can get a little too overprotective and keeps triggering the release of epinephrine making you feel anxious and stressed all the time even when there is no danger but here is the good part my friends though anxiety can be a tough opponent to tackle it can be overcome and managed by the right strategies like taking slow and deep breaths practicing mindfulness which is the practice of being fully present in the moment and paying attention to the sights and sounds around you getting enough sleep meditating exercising regularly or playing your favorite sports and if your anxiety feels like a storm that just won't pass it's okay to reach out for help from a mental health expert these experts have the power of knowledge and tools to help you overcome anxiety and feel like your best self again dream your time did you know an estimated 31.9 percent of adolescents have an anxiety disorder also it is more common in girls with 38 compared to 26 percent of boys experiencing some form of anxiety disorder sketching time sketch of the day goes to Sharon hope you learned something mentally beneficial today until next time it's me Dr binox zooming out how did you return so fast didn't you have an exam never mind
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 390,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to deal with exam fear, anxiety disorder, anxiety attack, exam fear solutions, What Causes Anxiety, How To Overcome Anxiety, exam phobia solutions, Exam Anxiety, exam stress motivation, exam stress and anxiety, exam stress and depression, exam stress relief, anxiety during exams, anxiety for kids, anxiety help videos, How to cope with anxiety, overcome anxiety attack, overcome anxiety disorder, anxiety education, the dr binocs show, dr binocs show, dr binocs
Id: p_KOXPC3dh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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