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how's it going everybody welcome back to the channel as you can see i am in my car right now because uh my house is full of people who are doing their work right now and i don't want to be loud but i forget to look forward to the macarthur so anyway welcome to the full movie of what if goku mastered spirit control i just want to give a huge huge shout out to mr negative over here who has made the thumbnail for this part and i gotta say it looks absolutely fantastic he makes a bunch of cool artwork you might know him for some stuff he does for uh dragon ball dc uh i have the link to his deviantart page link down below if you guys want to check out his work and again huge shout out to him for making a thumbnail for this part and again also a huge shout out to everybody on my discord server who helped make a bunch of thumbnails even though i didn't pick it you guys all did a fantastic job i want to thank you all so much so if you guys want to get uh your art send your art to me that way you can have it featured in any kind of video make sure you join discord server just link down below that we can send a bunch of art to me like i haven't featured in the video lately so yeah that's all i got to say for that i hope you guys enjoy the full movie see you later [Music] now a couple of days ago we finally saw all the techniques that the ardreads can do which includes instant transmission healing gigantification cloning and now for spirit fission so in today's what if we're going to be going over what might have happened in dragon ball if goku had managed to learn all these moves on your dread we start off our story with goku landing on your drone and training with pybera to get instant transmission during his training however he senses a large energy rise out of nowhere mecha frieza sensing that frieza is much stronger now goku doesn't want to take any chances in underestimating him again so goku asks for further training and other forms of spirit control that way he'll be much more powerful and mecha frieza will be no match at all for him so pybera starts teaching goku other techniques in spirit control goku is able to access cloning right off the bat due to him seeing tian be able to do a toned down version of this years back goku also is able to spawn clones and train against him since they are perfect clones of him in every regard so training with somebody equal in power to you would increase goku's strength exponentially the next move goku was able to learn is gigantification which again he noted piccolo had a toned-down version of as well goku didn't personally want to use his ability since he remembers how big of a target he made piccolo back in the day and it isn't very practical in fights but it is very good for reflex training since goku has a few of his clones become giants and he uses this to hone in his reflexes even more than he already has the next technique that takes quite a while to learn is healing goku is able to get the basics of healing down and he pours a lot of time into learning this move since he couldn't eat in the future if anybody gets hurt and they run out of senzu beans goku once again practices on his clones healing them and though he is very good at healing them he can't get them back up to a hundred percent quite yet of course healing makes his training go even better since if goku or his clones get tired or injured they can all just kill each other and keep going which would give goku many zenkai's in fact due to goku having equally strong training partners and so many zenkais every day i'd say that goku manages to transform into grade 2 and grade 3 a lot earlier than normal now this may seem far-fetched but think about it in the original training on yardridge goku didn't get much stronger because there wasn't any warrior there on his level to train against but since he has training partners now equal to himself he gets even stronger by the day it would easily be able to break through the wall of super saiyan he wouldn't get any bigger transformations like grade 4 super saiyan 2 but he's still insanely powerful finally goku is ready to learn his final technique forced spirit vision now surprisingly goku wouldn't have as tough of a time with this as you'd think goku knows the basics of spear control work now and he has a good idea on how to absorb energy with the spirit bomb and spirit fission is basically just a complete opposite now to test this out goku would have a clone create a spirit bomb and he would practice using spirit vision on the spirit bomb to force the energy out and send it back to where it belongs since goku has a good energy source like a spirit bomb to work with he is able to learn spirit fission much faster than vegeta finally goku has completed his training in spirit control and just in time as he senses mecha frieza going to arrive on earth but goku doesn't want frieza to land on her since he wants to test his new powers on frieza so he says goodbye and a thank you to all the yardradians and instant transmissions himself onto frieza's ship frieza and king cole are shocked and confused on how goku got there but just one look at goku's face turns frieza's confusion into pure rage and he launches himself a goku mecca frieza and goku's battle begins with frieza standing no match whatsoever goku is able to fight off frieza with no difficulty in his base form which annoys frieza so greatly that he goes to destroy the ship itself to kill goku goku remembers how frieza did the same thing on damick so he quickly teleports in front of frieza and blasts him away with a controlled spirit bomb careful not to break the ship king cold is obviously shocked and how his so-called super saiyan could kill his son without even having to become a super saiyan king called asks goku if he really can't access to super saiyan form and goku says he can and shows off the form to king cold seeing this transformation blows king cole away as the sheer aura alone almost completely destroys the ship knowing he can't beat him the way he is now cold transforms into his third form and fights with goku super saiyan is more than enough for king cold in this state however and goku was just enjoying himself with this fight cold's rage slowly builds and cold begins to transform into its final form the ship begins to tear itself apart and goku realizes he has to get out of there but he can't go to earth as he would be endangering the planet and he can't go back to yard rat since he'd be endangering them too so he decides to go to one place he knows it'll be safe to fight goku grubs on the cold and teleports himself to king kai's planet king kai is obviously very unhappy that goku brought the former ruler of the universe here but goku apologizes and says it is the only really safe place to fight cold isn't happy that he was suddenly teleported to this strange place and now he's being ignored and he attacks goku with everything he has cold is far stronger than goku thought and he has to transform into grade 2 to be able to keep up with him the two of an intense fight with king kai running around below trying to avoid ki blast and survive eventually goku begins to run low on steam and decides to use the last of his power and launch a full power kamehameha cold cold flies into it similar to what frieza did in an attempt to hold it back and though he isn't really pushing it back goku's power is decreasing fast so he transforms into grade 3 which gives him the power boost he needs to completely blast king cold out of existence goku reverts back to base and summons a ton of himself to heal him as he apologizes once again to king kai for bringing cold here once he is healed goku instant transmissions himself back home next to gohan and declares that he's back gohan and chichi are ecstatic to see goku and rush in for a hug the rest of the dragon team sends goku's return to earth as well and go to see if it's really him goku is happy to see his friends again piccolo krillin tien yamcha vegeta and huh who's this guy everybody's confused to see a purple-haired boy amongst the crown and he says he has to talk to goku real quick goku goes off with the boy and he reveals that his name is trunks and he is the future son of vegeta and obama and that there are also two murderers androids are going to arrive in three years time and kill everybody after giving goku the heart medicine and telling him about the androids trunks reveals that he's a little confused because once he showed up he was supposed to find frieza and king cold but to his surprise they didn't show up and goku didn't land where he was supposed to either goku just says that he was able to take out frieza and king cold a little while ago on their ship due to the new techniques he learned on yardred trunks is very shocked and also curious and asks if he can see these new moves goku shows him all of his new techniques and trunks is very confused since he doesn't remember his mom saying that goku got these abilities cure used to check out his strength though trunks asked if he can do a quick spar of goku as a super saiyan and their match basically plays out as normal but when trunks says that goku is amazing goku says that wasn't anywhere near his full power and he found two forms beyond super saiyan through his training and shows him off the trunks trunks is in complete awe now and realizes that goku is even stronger than 17 and 18. trunks also realizes that if goku is stronger than the androids then maybe he could ask him to come to the future with him and put a stop to them but then he remembers thinking that gohan may have been stronger than the two but once they teamed up on him he was killed and the same thing could happen to goku so trunks makes up his mind and asked if it would be okay if he stayed here with goku and trained with him to learn and access these two grades are super saiyan goku doesn't see why not until of course trunks can stay here to train goku and trunks and tell the others about the android threat and the z fighters go off to train with vegeta so angry that goku learns super saiyan and even forms beyond it that he goes off into space to train himself even harder than before to catch up goku gohan and piccolo still train together except this time trunks is along for the ride and works on unlocking super saiyan grades 2 and 3 with goku trunks is also very happy to be training with gohan again even though he's much younger and trunks gets very sentimental and decides he's going to repay his master by teaching this gohan how to go super saiyan himself after his daily training with goku trunks goes off to train gohan and after around a year of intense training trunks is able to get gohan to become a super saiyan and he's able to get himself to become a grade 3 super saiyan since trunks deems his training finished he asked if goku would be willing to go with him to the future in helping him battle the androids and if they work together the two wouldn't be a match goku would be happy to and trunks opens back up his time machine and goku waves to his family saying he'll be right back as he and trunks go off into the future to fight the androids goku and trunks arrive in the future goku is very shocked to see how run down and destroyed everything looks and ass of the androids really did all this trunks says unfortunately they did but today the two are finally going to put a stop to them they just have to be able to find them first since they're androids they can't sense their energy but goku begs to differ since he has complete mastery over instant transmission now if there's any amount of energy at all in the android he should be able to pick it up and goku is able to sense a little bit of the infinite energy engine working inside the two so goku grabs trunks the two teleport right next to the androids 17 and 18 are caught off guard and mistake goku for gohan thinking that they see a ghost but then they realize it's goku somehow he's here and they are programmed to kill him so maybe they can finally carry that out now the two androids attack goku and goku easily blocks their blows and sends him flying goku laughs and tells trunks that these two are no match for them now so they can finish this off quickly trunks transforms into grade 3 and launches himself at 17 quickly beating down him viciously and fires a kamehameha wiping him off to face up the earth 18 is shocked at 17 was killed so easily and she goes to escape but goku teleports in front of her and knocks her away towards trunks trunks grabs her and unleashes a full power masenko to wipe her away as well the future is saved trunks breathes a sigh of relief and cries thanking goku for his help goku says it's no problem but he asks what trunks plans to do now since everything is still destroyed trunks says that he's just going to help rebuild and gather as many survivors as possible goku feels bad that so many people lost their lives and that rebuilding looks like it's going to take quite a long time so he says he's going to help out with that as well but to give him a second goku puts his fingers on his head and concentrates looking for any energy that resembles piccolos it takes a few minutes but eventually he finds it teleports over the new namek and the namekians welcome him with open arms goku asks if he can use her dragon balls and since goku is the namekian savior they allow this goku wishes for everybody who was killed by the androids be brought back to life and he wishes for all of the cities to be reconstructed to the way they were the wishes are granted and goku doesn't really need a third wish so he says the namekians can have that one for themselves goku thanks them all again and teleports back to earth trunks is in of seeing the buildings come back and all of the people return he even senses a very familiar key a bunch of other strong key coming right for him the original z fighters show up and congratulate trunks on being able to defeat the androids and vegeta doesn't say it but he's proud of his son but he says he's going to train as the boy now to learn this power for himself gohan arrives as well and expresses how proud he is of his student and trunks breaks down in gohan's arms goku then teleports back on the scene and everybody is shocked to see him again especially gohan who then breaks down in goku's arms goku says he's happy to see everybody except he's not there goku he's actually from the past and though he would love to stick around with everybody he needs to get back to his time and defeat their version of the androids the z fighters are kind of confused and sad that goku isn't actually coming back but they understand trunks and goku enter the time machine once again and goku wishes everybody good luck in the future and they return back to the present goku hops out and tells trunks and now everything will be all right for him and he no longer has to live in fear trunks thanks goku for everything and he returns back to the future for the next two years goku continues his training with gohan and piccolo and is able to get gohan to master super saiyan alongside him which boosts their powers tremendously goku is right up against super saiyan 2 and with just a little bit more training he believes he'll be able to access the form but there isn't much time since the faithful day of may 9th arrives and the sea fighters gather to fight goku tells everybody not to worry since he faced the androids in the future and it was no trouble at all so there's really nothing to worry about and as soon as he says that the city begins to blow up goku is confused in why he can't sense any energy at all and the group rush in to see what's up 20 still gets yamcha as normal and goku is confused on why these aren't the androids they fought in the future everybody asks why not and goku has no idea krillin gives yamcha a senzu bean and goku is able to use force spirit fission to give yamcha back his energy giro is confused on why energy just got taken from him and goku tells him not to worry about it the group still leaves his city to go to fight and this time trunks basically forced goku to take to medicine so he's all nice and healthy this time goku battles 19 in base and has no trouble whatsoever using his new moves to wear 19 down physically and mentally seeing how 19 has no chance just makes goku sad so he knocks him down and tells him to give up his programming to jerome and they can be spared 19 is confused on why he's being spared and he goes to run away giroud is infuriated on how 19 proved to be a failure after all and launches himself a goku goku is easily able to dodge and fight off 20. giroud isn't like 19 though and isn't going to stop no matter what goku says so goku makes a tough decision and destroys giroux gohan then catches up with 19 and says that they can have a new life for him outside of fighting back in capsule corps where he doesn't have to worry about death now if you guys are wondering why 19 is such a coward watch the show he clearly didn't want to die and tried to run away before vegeta could kill him so i'm pretty sure here he would also want to live and choose a side of good so he doesn't have to end up dying bulma fixes up 19 and reprograms him for good and is going to be helping out around capsule corp from now on vegeta shows back up on the scene and is infuriated and how goku has gotten so much stronger and that he actually managed to tame an android vegeta says he's going to have another match with goku and goku says that's fine with him goku and vegeta began to fight in the back of capsule corp and vegeta shows off his new skills he managed to go to yard drive as well and learn all the same moves that goku did goku was impressed and the two battle it out with everything they have they use their giant forms spirit vision multiple clones attacking at once and they nearly destroy west city in their battle except goku learned something vegeta didn't mastered super saiyan the most vegeta got was grade three and as we know this isn't very practical in fights and with goku's mastery over super saiyan and him having a better handle of spirit control goku is the victor after his loss vegeta doesn't get angry as everybody expected he's certainly not happy that he lost but he's not going to go on a killing spree or anything vegeta says that goku truly is a fighting prodigy and he respects he is a way in fighting that he will never understand but to have them both improve vegeta wants to train personally with goku that way they can be true rivals and on equal footing goku loves this idea and the two shake hands declaring themselves partners everybody is very happy that vegeta isn't a threat anymore and to go back to their normal lives except it only takes a couple of days for a new threat to emerge cell still arrives in this timeline searching for 17 and 18 and luckily for him he manages to find the two still stored up in jero's lab so he absorbs into them and becomes perfect everybody senses the tremendous power suddenly appear and cell rushes over to goku and vegeta training the two saiyans ask who cell is and he explains he's a buyer android from the future and he has finally become perfect after absorbing both 17 and 18. goku then says that's where those two have gone and is glad that they do still exist in this timeline cell wants to show off his perfection and begins to battle it out with goku at this point goku and cell are pretty much equals with goku just being slightly stronger and having better moves cell is pretty shocked to learn that goku is able to keep up with him so easily and begins to get more and more annoyed that he is no longer able to keep up so he looks himself high in the sky and says he's going to completely obliterate the planet goku doesn't want that of course and end this quickly he uses forced spirit fission and takes it to androids right out of cell cell is completely shocked on what just happened and goku tells him that it's best if he leaves earth now and not cause any more trouble cell is royally pissed now and goes to attack goku again but vegeta steps in and blocks cell's attack vegeta chastises goku and how naive he is and he's going to finish this himself vegeta grabs cell throws him high up in the air and fires a final flash completely disintegrating cell goku uses his healing ability to wake the two androids up and once they awaken they are terrified of what is going to happen goku tells the two not to worry and he's not going to hurt them he tells him that he saw what they were capable of and that they don't have to be destined to destroy this planet but maybe they could help protect it they seem very powerful so maybe they could stay here and train with goku and vegeta to get even stronger and rebel against giroux 17 is actually down for this and 18 is hesitant to train but she sees how happy 17 is and decides it can't be all that bad so over the years goku vegeta and 17 become avid training partners and goku is insanely impressed on how strong 17 can really get 18 trains occasionally but not on the level of the boys she still falls for krillin and the two get married as normal since goku is still alive in his timeline gohan trains with his father actively and would become league stronger exceeding where he was in canon all three saiyans would get super saiyan 2 and all seems well for now except the evil wizard bobbidi is still making his way to earth to release the evil majin buu they last left off with goku vegeta and android 17 trending together increasing their strength a new level through training goku and vegeta have accessed super saiyan 2 in this time and actually exceed their canon counterparts in terms of strength this is mainly because they're actually able to train together and with an extremely powerful android goku wouldn't be able to get super saiyan 3 here due to his living body not being able to handle the form he would be close to this kind of power in his super saiyan 2 form alone along with vegeta since they trained so much in it think of this mutated super saiyan 2 form as kind of like the one future trunks used in a goku black arc gohan has gotten super saiyan 2 through training except he's not really as powerful as it would be if he trained seriously he's been slacking off and focusing more on his studies he doesn't really see a need to train due to goku still being around and getting leagues stronger than him goten has been born as well and trained alongside his father way more than gohan goten also benefits him goku being alive in the aspect that he doesn't have to become a clone of him can actually be his own person goes in trunks would be even better friends since vegeta brings trunks over to goku's for training and vice versa gohan is still going to high school and becomes the great saiyan man to help out he wouldn't be going to satan city since mr satan never became a big enough champion to have a city named after him even with mr satan not exactly being the world champion his daughter videl would still be going to orange star high but would most likely still be helping out the police with their crimes with both gohan and vidal out there she would find out about gohan's secret and still blackmail him into joining the world martial arts tournament the z fighters would gather once again to participate and this time android 17 to join along too the tournament would mostly go as normal with trunks still running to junior division and android 17 taking the place of mighty mask shin and kabito still show up and recruit all the z fighters to go and stop bobbity android 17 tells krillin to stay behind as who knows how dangerous this will be so he goes off instead deborah kills kabito and this time he spits on both goku and 17 turning them into stone gohan piccolo and vegeta are shocked to see these two turn to stone and go after deborah to turn them back to normal vegeta still kills puipley as normal and gohan easily takes out yakun using the same strategy as goku and cannon seeing how his fighters are dying extremely quickly deborah is sent into battle and piccolo is there to fight tabor and piccolo battle it out but piccolo trying his best to be a match for deborah piccolo begins to get angry once he loses ground and bobbity notices this bobbidy sees piccolo's anger and anguish he's mad at himself for being so weak he's trained all his life but he just can't seem to catch up to the likes of goku and everybody else he can also see the demonic pass to piccolo all the evil that his father did and what he himself tried to do babadi unleashes all of his power and transforms piccolo into imagine it's much easier to turn piccolo imagine here since remember he never fused with kami which made him never catch up with the other saiyans gohan tries to reason with piccolo but it doesn't quite work and piccolo attacks gohan hell ben and getting the energy to revive majin buu gohan transforms into a super saiyan fighting piccolo and doing his best to snap him out of it turning majin gave piccolo a pretty big buff in power and vegeta noticed this and knows gohan won't be able to win so he goes into fight too dabor isn't going to let him though and intercepts vegeta vegeta fights it out with the boar while gohan fights piccolo with these two gigantic fights going on there is more than enough energy given to bruce shell vegeta is getting sick and tired of playing around so he boosts his power to super saiyan 2 and completely wipes deborah off the face of the earth this final boost of power is enough to give buu the energy he needs and majin buu is resurrected luckily with deborah dead goku and 17 are returned to normal and they go off trying to find where the monster of energy is coming from once buu is revived piccolo goes off to size him up and see if this boob is really worthy of revival since he looks like a clown boo doesn't appreciate this insult and with one hit piccolo is thrown away into a mountain and knocked out gohan and vegeta are shocked to see this extremely powerful version of piccolo taken out in one blow the two saiyans fight off against buu and they can't do anything against him goku and 17 instant transmission over to blue's location and try their best to fight against buu as well except they don't fare much better boo's wacky abilities and extremely durable body are more than enough to keep the fighters at bay 17 is the one who is able to do the best against boo using his shields and infinite energy to avoid dying during the fight against buu goku sends something within him it's just like what he felt within perfect cell all those years ago somebody else inside him goku goes up to boo and uses his 4 spirit vision on him and suddenly two people fly at a boot shin is shocked as he sees the grand supreme kai and south supreme kai are out of boo and back to normal the two kaiser pretty confused on what exactly is happening but once they see buu the memories come back goku looks over to buu and sees that he's changed into a smaller and weaker looking beam bobbini notices the way buu looks and this is what he remembers bibity telling him he looked like and how terrible and destructive this version of him was kid buu looks around confused on where he is and sees dakai is right in front of him seeing these two enrages boo and he screams out unleashing more power than ever before babadi tries to get boo under control but boo instantly kills bobity and attacks the south kai south tries to hold off the savagery of buu goku and 17 come in and prevent buu from killing him gohan asks vegeta what they should do now and vegeta knows that where they are now in terms of strength they will have no chance there's only one technique that may be able to defeat buu vegeta tags in and tells goku to go up and start charging the spirit bomb as that's the only move in their disposal that can defeat buu goku tells vegeta that's a good idea but he doesn't know if he's going to be able to charge it up without a really big distraction vegeta smirks and says he has a really big distraction and goku shouldn't worry vegeta powers up and uses a gigantification technique to grow big and rush buu goku begins to charge his spirit bomb as vegeta leaves a charge against buu during their fight the grand supreme kai sees no hope and decides to bust out his kai kai maturu technique he used against a planet eater more all those millennia ago but finds that he doesn't exactly have the strength for it maybe some of his power is still inside buu vegeta overhears this and begins to use his spirit fission hoping to get the remaining energy out of boo and back into the kai it takes quite some time but goku finally has enough energy from the people of earth and tells the other to get out of the way and he throws his spirit bomb down a boo boo catches his spirit bomb and tries his best to hold it back unfortunately the spirit bomb doesn't have enough energy to completely overtake buu and he laughs as he begins to push his spirit bomb back goku struggles to push the bomb into boo but he doesn't have the strength to finish it himself and is afraid he can't do this vegeta can see that goku is failing and he unleashes his full power in spirit fission successfully getting the remaining power out of boo and back into the grand kai gran kai uses all of his power and throws his most powerful technique to kaikai matsuru buu sapping him with all of his power buu collapses powerless and with him not being able to hold back the spirit bomb anymore boo is engulfed and completely obliterated the threat of boo is vanquished right there and the battle won except the grand kai used to rescue his strength at a final attack and he collapses to the ground passing on shin is distraught as he just got his superior back and he's gone again so soon this is when piccolo emerges and apologizes for all the havoc he caused with babadi defeated he was broken from his control and turned back to normal piccolo says that with the dragon ball they should be able to revive dakai south is pretty shocked on hearing that the grand kai can be brought back and as if the other kaios who have killed can be brought back as well piccolo tells them that they should be able to as long as they have never died before one quick hunt for the dragon balls later and the grand kai north kai and west guys are brought back to life now i know the earth dragon balls can 100 bring back grand kai but maybe not the north and west kai since they died so many years ago but if that was the case i'm pretty sure that ametke and dragon balls would be able to bring them back anyways so either way these cavs would be revived oh yeah and kabita was brought back too if anybody cares the kai is all thanked to z fighters for the help and as thanks welcome them all to come train under them on their planet the z fighters all think over the offer and goku vegeta and piccolo accept it gohan and 17 have actual jobs in school to do so they can't go along but the two saiyans in the mekian can come along and plus with instant transmission the three can return to earth whenever they would like so it's not like they're never gonna come back the three go along and begin their training under all of the kai's we begin with goku vegeta and piccolo all training on the supreme kai's planet under all dakai's each of the kai's are very thankful for these guys saving them and reviving them from boo so they're all more than happy to help out in training these three training with shin would be more than enough by himself with every single supreme kai training these three they'll learn amazing moves and become much stronger the grand kai teaches them the kai kai abilities which lets c3 be able to teleport anywhere in the universe that they want for goku and vegeta they already knew the instant transmission allowing them to learn to kai kai much faster than piccolo piccolo is an excellent learner which allows him to get the hang of the kai kai eventually as well goku is curious to learn them about the kai kai matsuru as he did a great number on kidbu so it'd be an excellent move to learn just in case the villain like boo ever comes around again the grand car is willing to cheat shift move to the saiyan except it's not going to be easy as goku doesn't have any god ki within him and that's what's really needed to access his technique goku is saddened as if he had god ki he'd be able to fully utilize his technique hopefully he keeps trending with akai then he'll be able to access godly key himself south kai is able to teach the group his godly shockwave which is an extremely powerful move that can immobilize many opponents piccolo gets his technique down very fast and is able to use his technique the best which really impresses zakai west and north kai's and archer iii take out the z sword which vegeta takes out easily and begins to practice with the north kai under it vegeta and north kai have many sword fights where the kai teaches vegeta how to use the sword and vegeta learns many ways to fight with the sword and some cool moves with it these are going to be very useful though as shin thought it'd be a good idea to use catching against the sword as in canon and the z sword breaks old kai's are fired from the sword and all the other kai's are very shocked to see yet another supreme kai brought back into the world old kai thanks vegeta for freeing him from the z sword and at thanks he unlocks his in potential bringing ultimate vegeta to life ultimate vegeta has instantly become the strongest out of the three ascending to a power way beyond super saiyan 2 without even really transforming it's amazing goku and piccolo of course don't get this power right away as i don't think old kai would be willing to do this ritual back to back to back but would eventually give all these guys her own mystic form of course goku has the most potential out of all of them and would be the strongest but piccolo isn't far behind either to know where all these guys are in power all three of them would be leagues ahead of canon ultimate gohan as with their own ultimate forms they become much more powerful and the training with every universe 7 supreme kai helps a lot as there are so many kinds to help the group of training so i believe they would all be more powerful than ultimate gohan the three under old kai would learn about the potara fusion and would be interested in this but still think that if they ever fuse then they would be fused forever so they don't use these earrings at all and say that they won't unless it's a true emergency these three aren't the only ones training though as android 17 has taken two pupils under his wings goten and trunks these two didn't get to do much in the last part as vu was defeated before they even got to do anything with their fathers off training with all the kais they're going to need somebody to train them up and take care of them so 17 is made to two boys junior rangers on his island and the three train together a lot unfortunately gohan doesn't get much stronger at all sure gohan is more powerful than his bu saga counterpart but now he really has no reason to train but now he has a family and his father is no longer around very much to train with him he never even managed to get the ultimate form in this scenario as there was really no reason for him to which means we get tracksuit gohan much earlier than normal now gonna be moving on to the battle of god saga as beerus has been awoken and is looking for the super saiyan god instead of going to king kai's planet beerus arrives on the supreme kai's planet instead as this is where the sand who killed frieza is beerus is surprised to see all the kai's brought back as he thought they all got killed centuries ago though them being alive again is good for him as they help train all these saiyans which is going to give him a pretty good fight even though vegeta is much stronger now he knows that he's still nowhere near beerus and refuses to fight him which means goku fights against beerus as normal goku puts up a much better fight against furious as all of his new moves and his mystic form beerus is put on the back foot with his new kai techniques goku can teleport all around beerus and deal heavy blows plus separating into perfect clones really keeps beerus on his toes having a god destruction needs a little bit more of his power so he doesn't get too injured vegeta can notice that goku is winding down and if goku loses then fierce he may destroy this whole realm and he can't let that happen so he asked one of the kites of the fortara earrings as fusion seems to be the only way to win grand kai gives vegeta's earrings with him rushing up to goku and giving him the earrings as they're going to fuse goku gladly accepts as he's excited to see what a fusion can do and ultimate vegito is boring beerus is insanely impressed now mortals using the potara that's something new maybe the saiyan is the super saiyan god he's been looking for this whole time this battle would be a great one and it's time to dive into where vegito would stack up against beerus goku and vegeta are so much more powerful than their cannon counterparts at this point in the story and they are in their ultimate forms when they fuse which is leagues ahead of where super saiyan 3 goku was in canon meaning that this vegito would be way ahead of where he would be normally if he hypothetically appeared in the battle of godzilla remember goku said if he and vegeta fused it still wouldn't be enough for beerus and i'm assuming this would be a hypothetical super saiyan 3 vegito goku is referring to so we know that super saiyan 3 vegito wouldn't be a match for beers except with the ultimate form this puts vegito in a whole new ball game we don't know the multiplier for the ultimate form but we know it's the league's added super saiyan 3 meaning that ultimate vegito should be a very very powerful warrior but would he be on the level of canon super saiyan god goku it's hard to say i would say that he might be either equal or slightly stronger than the god goku as the ultimate form is really powerful itself some with a fusion of two ultimate forms i'm assuming that vegito would be on god level or just above it meaning beerus gets an even better fight against vegito than god goku especially with these new techniques in spirit control and the kai's moves vegito does an amazing job against beerus making him actually have to use a lot of his power a lot more when judo starts sending in his clones beerus is able to hide these clones away and focus in on the main vegito and eventually he manages to win the fight beerus is very impressed with the saiyan though saying that vegito does seem to be the super saiyan god he was looking for this whole time though he hasn't seemed to have gotten the form itself if vegito did get the god form then maybe he could even surpass beerus himself beerus invites vegito to come train under him in whis that way he can access the god form and have another match vegito looks over at the kais who tell effusion that this will be for the best and you should go and learn some more godly powers vegito thanks to kai's and suddenly unfuses back in the goku and vegeta it seems the potara isn't permanent for mortals after all but he'll still train goku and vegeta separately but if they get godly power themselves then he can have him fused back into vegito to give him the rematch that he wants goku and vegeta go off with beerus and whis to begin their training the two after some time get to super saiyan god form and this god form is much more powerful as this form is accessed from the ultimate form meaning that they are now both ultimate super saiyan gods beerus likes this new power the saiyans have achieved and tells the two that now is the time for the rematch between him and vegito goku goes back to get another pair of potara earrings and ultimate god vegito is born vegito and beerus have to rematch with vegito obviously having the upper hand here vegito in his ultimate form was a match for beerus so adding an ultimate version of super saiyan god puts them on a whole different level vegito forces beerus to use his full power with all his techniques used against beerus i'm gonna say that vegito comes very close to winning against iris all of the clones and kai moves take beerus down bad the diffusion being close to finishing octagon destruction but as it always is vegito defuses before he can land a final blow and goku vegeta collapsed out of exhaustion beerus tells hussein he is very impressed with their power and as vegito they could totally take him over as the next god of destruction although they're going to need some power individually as fusion isn't reliable as forgotten destruction so the two going need to become powerful by themselves goku and vegeta agree as they prefer to fight by themselves anyways and they keep training under beerus and weeds now we move on to the next arc the golden frieza arc everything with frieza being revived and training for four months happens as normal and he makes his way to earth to get his revenge this time the z fighters have a pretty big crutch as piccolo isn't around to help out gohan is still around but even he isn't able to do much against this new frieza due to him not training for so long gohan can barely even go super saiyan anymore goten and trunks can sense that the warriors aren't doing so well on their own and they manage to convince 17 to come with them to help fight gohten and trunks first go super saiyan 2 and try to fight it out with frieza and while they are able to fight against him in his first swarm pretty well they have to be working together to do something as fighting individually they stand no chance frieza is sick of having to fight with saiyan children and instantly goes into his final form knocking the two boys aside this is when 17 decides that that's enough and he goes in and knocks around frieza himself 17 is a great match against frieza as he's been training for years and is easily above frieza's level now with all these techniques and evasive maneuvers that are more than enough for the emperor remember too that 17 isn't like the same who weighed around watching for the enemy to transform as in the tournament of power of canon he shot the magical girl of mid transformation so here if frieza tried to transform into his golden form i don't think that 17 will let him do it which means that 17 straight up kills frieza and boom that's the end of resurrection f no need for goku and vegeta this time gohan apologizes to 17 not being able to get the job done himself and 17 tells him he needs to keep training the way that he used to when he was a kid if he really wants to be a good father that needs to be able to protect his newborn kid so if he ever needs his farm partner he can always drop by the island and turn him into two kids gohan tells the android that he'll totally take him up on that offer as his whole experience with frieza isn't what he wants to go through again last time we finished up with android 17 killing frieza and begin training with gohan goten and trunks gohan has trained with 17 for a good chunk of his childhood so draining him now isn't the worst training regimen of all time it's actually pretty refreshing being able to get a workout in again and achieve super saiyan 2 yet again he doesn't get up to his true power right away as he's only just begin training again and 17 is a great master due to him really pushing gohan he pushes goten and trunks as well which is why they managed to get super saiyan 2 but since gohan is an adult 17 pushes him way harder that way if any other threat comes around he'll be able to actually do something on beerus's planet goku vegeta have continued to train with whis and have mastered their ultimate super saiyan god transformation in this scenario as well we're not going to be introducing super saiyan blue and we'll just stick with god now i'm not doing this just because i don't like blue or anything but it just makes a lot more sense for this story see goku and vegeta have been using their ultimate form as their base form now and as we've seen from gohan and canon this ultimate power is much more beneficial than using any variation of super saiyan we especially see that in the episode where piccolo trains gohan before the tournament of power with this ultimate power there is no need for goku or vegeta to use super saiyan anymore and blue and cannon is an evolved super saiyan with godly ki though here since they have no reason to use super saiyan they'll just stick with evolving their ultimate form with their god powers infused within it this won't make them much weaker either as right now they are way above their super saiyan blue power from canon so as long as they keep evolving this power they'll be fine for any future threats speaking of future threats champa finally arrives and puts forth the idea of the universe 6 versus universe 7 tournament these interactions would play out pretty much exactly the same as canon and goku vegeta got to get some more participants they would of course go to the supreme kai's world to recruit piccolo who would join along easily and now they just need to get one last participant beer still decides to waste a slot with monaka in this timeline so we now have only one option left we have gohan or 17. gowan has been taking more and more time off of work to trim the 17 and fortunately for our heroes gohan is able to push this important conference to next week so he can actually take place in a tournament 17 once again doesn't come along because of course he needs to protect his island from any threats gohan is brought along to fight and the tournament begins the matches would actually play out exactly as in canon up until when goku loses the frost he still uses his poison needle to take out goku and the next fighter to come along is going to be piccolo though piccolo this time is much more powerful than his canon counterpart remember piccolo's been training with all of the supreme kai's for quite a few years and knows some very interesting moves that can outdo frost even when he tries to use his poison needle doesn't help frost either that piccolo is always in his own ultimate form as well piccolo is smart enough to keep far away from frost that way he isn't knocked out so fast just like goku was luckily throughout their fight jocko notices the needle piccolo is trying to avoid and frost is eliminated for cheating with frost gone and piccolo not being knocked out at all he gets a standard tournament magetta is the next combatant to come and fight and i feel piccolo would have a very similar match with the gigantic robot dude he knew it was piccolo just accidentally insulting him and magetta crying his eyes out because of it very odd way to win a fight but hey it still counts the next match is against cabba with this not really being the most fair fight for the saiyan piccolo obviously can't be the one to show cabba to become a super saiyan since he isn't one himself for obvious reasons and cabba never even saw goku go super saiyan against frost as he used his ultimate form instead so kaba will never even know it exists and thus would never feel the need to learn it he's easily taken out no time flat by piccolo and the final warrior for universe 6 enters the arena the assassin hit even with all of piccolo's new power and techniques he is very tired from his previous matches and since hit is at full power piccolo is eliminated very quickly on is the next one up to fight with him not as powerful as piccolo yet so he's not very confident being able to win this by himself he doesn't need to exactly win this though as throughout the battle gohan is able to observe everything that hit is doing regarding the time skipping and is able to pass this knowledge off to the remaining warriors sure gone wasn't able to get any good hits in on hit but he was basically able to expose his attack pattern meaning when gohan is eventually knocked out vegeta knows exactly what to do now vegeta transforms into his ultimate super saiyan god and as his fight with hit similar to the strategy goku pulled off into manga version of the tournament vegeta is able to outpace hit with his time skip and with this insanely powerful god form he's even able to exceed hit and his time skip plus the multi-form technique self-healing and every other spirit control move that vegeta knows is a huge factor in him getting this victory as all these wacky techniques keep hit very busy and doesn't suffer a lot more hits than he would have normally all of this beatdown gets to hit eventually and he loses his match meaning universe 7 is now the winner the group congratulated each other on winning this thing and goku was disappointed in himself for falling out of bounds right away and then not being able to fight more but hey there's another tournament that may come up in the future the wish is made onto super dragon balls to restore universe 6's earth like in canon and life goes on pretty much back to normal with the universal tournament ended our z fighters return home to continue their daily training of course we should naturally move on to the next arc which is the goku black arc this arc is going to be a very tricky one to use in the story however for a whole number of reasons first off zamasu wouldn't be taking over goku's body and we would get vegeta black since in the universe 6 tournament vegeta showed off his godly powers and not goku so zamasu would take over vegeta's body since he's been using godly ki to mock the gods what's he going to do after that though going to the future and terrorized alone survivor trunks well if you remember from part 2 drunk's future is a very bright one as everybody besides goku was brought back to live a peaceful life the villains who would come to this future earth would be taken out in no time meaning this timeline already has its own god of destruction when bobby and deboer eventually came to earth they were easily taken out by the warriors of the future meaning shin got to survive even though beerus never really woke up in this timeline he is still around somewhere sleeping so zamasu knows going into this timeline would be a huge mistake on his part meaning instead of coming to the future black would stay in the present and one day while goku vegeta are sparring with each other on earth vegeta suddenly transforms not to any of his super saiyan forms at all but his whole physique changes he morphs into some weird green looking guy which distracts goku quite a bit and just completely worries the two of them as they try to figure out what the hell just happened vegeta black arrives to go ahead and kill vegeta in his body but luckily though goku steps in a way to block black's attack and ask what the hell is going on black just keeps laughing in goku's face as he fights off the sane while trying to get to vegeta vegeta looks at himself and realizes what has happened here this random guy swapped bodies with him and is now using his own power as a play thing as a puppet how is that right at all vegeta yells out to goku what black is doing and after hearing what vegeta said goku knows the best way to get out of this situation goku knocks black towards the ground and begins to use his forced spirit fission on him now we don't really know if this would actually work with goku black but i feel like since zamasu completely took over vegeta's body in this scenario and that fact that vegeta is also still right there i feel like goku would look into his soul and be able to actually rip it out of goku black for spirit vision now again this might not be how spirit vision works but i'm gonna say that it actually is because it's working with the spirit as it's right in the name so i feel like being able to take this spirit out of somebody else who's not in the original body and put it back in the original body would make complete sense for how to move works so goku is able to quickly swap these two souls out for one another vegeta is back in his original body while zamasu weakly stands up back in his original body as well and he stares at the two saiyans in complete horror how the hell did that saiyan manage to do something like that he worked so hard to get the super dragon balls to make the wish and it got instantly taken away from him vegeta is completely pissed now and he rushes towards zamasu and he fires a big bang attack completely annihilating the kai goku asked if that was really necessary as i have no clue who this guy was or what his motives were and vegeta snaps a goku saying how would he like it if somebody else is using his body too oh yeah he already does know how that works anyways with zamasu dead already and the fact that there is no time travel around either this saga ends very nicely since zamasu is already in the picture in like two seconds to the amazing spirit fishing technique and we can move on to the next arc now which is the beginning of the tournament of power the tournament prep would be brought up early by goku since vegeta black wasn't much of a challenge and he wants to have another good battle in a tournament once again the team for this tournament really wouldn't be too different and the only one that i feel would be kind of sketchy is frieza goku never saw how powerful frieza became as he wasn't on earth at the time of his revival and frieza never really revealed his true potential of his golden form since 17 killed him before he could reveal it so why would goku try to recruit frieza i don't think he would sure he was told that frieza survived that he got stronger but since 17 was able to kill him in like two seconds how strong can he actually be he'd be more of a hindrance on a team than anything and with no boo here there's no 10th member already so who would a 10th member be then well goku does think of goten and trunks fighting on the team but if he does ask them he can't get one without the other so that wouldn't exactly be fair but what if he could get both of them at once though he looks at the potara earrings that he pulled out of his pocket and he smiles that's it if goten and trunks are able to fuse then they'll have themselves a 10th fighter whis told him that the tournament is only 45 minutes anyways and this fusion should last a whole hour so as long as they fuse right before the tournament they will be able to fight during the whole thing goku accepted two boys and explained to them the process of fusion and how much stronger the two will become as one goten and trunks think fusing is super awesome and it'll let them fight in a tournament so they're a hundred percent down to do it right before the group leaves for the tournament goku gives the two boys to earrings and wishes him luck the boys put it on their opposite ears and fly directly towards each other merging their bodies together and creating trunk ten is born with their sheer power blowing everybody back as for most of them there this is the first time that they have ever seen a fusion trunk 10 is obviously much more powerful than gotanks would be since potara is much stronger than a dance but i'm pretty sure they have the exact same personality maybe trunk tend to be slightly more serious but that's pretty much it for differences they have amazing power of course since they are a fusion and are now one of the strongest on the team being on the level of our gohan and maybe even a little bit above him when the group arrives at the tournament arena nobody notices that there are fusion luckily as they make sure not to talk right away and reveal their double voice the tournament begins as normal with goku vegeta and the androids going out to fight on their own with the others sticking together as a group since frieza isn't around to manipulate frost and knocking out the humans he would go on his own path and just fight off the fodder fighters on trunk 10 and piccolo would all deal universe 9. and with trunk 10 having very similar abilities to go tanks he can conjure up his super ghost kamikaze attack to blindside the fighters which allows gohan and piccolo to both fire masenko at them pushing them out of the ring the only universe 9 fighters left would be the trio to dangers and with gohan trunkton and piccolo fighting against all three of them they don't stand any chance at all and they're all knocked out making universe 9 the first one to be erased goku is having a much easier time with the pride troopers due to him being in his ultimate form constantly so they're all easily knocked out by goku the only bride troopers who are able to not be knocked out right away are toppo and dyspo as they escape right before goku goes after them hit is being beaten around by jiren and goku comes in to help mount his god form now goku and hit aren't as close as they are in canon but goku respects how powerful it is and says that they'll work together to defeat this guy of course with the godly ultimate form of goku's he is able to somewhat hang in there against jiren due to how powerful he is now spirit fishing isn't going to help goku here at all but the multiple goku's coming at jiren is enough to make him sweat just the tiniest amount hit is very impressive seeing goku use these moves as well and he realizes he's just going to get in the way of this battle so he goes off to fight another time jiren unleashes power a little bit more though and is able to send the clones flying away goku continues battling out with jiren and is able to hang in there a lot by himself while this is going on vegeta fights it out with acaba khalifa and kale as he really wanted to fight against these saiyans but as he suspected none of them know super saiyan so they bore him pretty fast and he keeps calling them a sorry excuse for a saiyan which is enough to get kale to burst out in rage berserker kale begins to beat the crap out of vegeta and he is barely able to hold her off before kale goes on to rampage throughout the tournament arena kale is able to knock out many fodder fighters getting everybody from universe 4 and even when anilaza fuses and try and stop her he is taken out in just one gut shot which eliminates universe 3. when ribrianne and her squad try to take kale down she stomps them all in no time and this eliminates universe 2 as well universe 10 gets defeated with caulifla and cabba trying to calm her down but they are beating around as well before they have a chance to stop her with all these universes being erased and toppo and dyspo trying their best to stop kale and failing jiren has had enough and goes over to blast kale out of the ring in one shot goku was absolutely stunned on seeing this kale took out pretty much everybody so easily and jiren is able to take her out in only one blow yeah there's no way he's going to be able to beat jiren on his own he needs more and more power goku goes up the top of the ring and begins to gather energy for the spirit bomb this spirit bomb is much more powerful than the one he made in canon as goku uses both the energy to create the bomb and spirit fission take energy from the remaining fighters as well once the spirit bomb is complete it is thrown at jiren with him not being able to stop with his eyes this time except he only has to use one hand the spirit bomb goes flying back at goku with him trying to use spirit vision to pull apart the spirit bomb before it hits him but it's too late and he falls into spirit bomb as it detonates but as we all know this unlocks goku's ultra instinct this ultra instant goku is a pure monster he managed to unlock this form with him already being insanely powerful already almost on the level of its mastered variant basically because similar to gohan in my what if super boot turned good part 3 video the ultimate form and ultra instinct form are just meant to go together as they are evolutions of the base form and when combined makes the perfect base transformation which is what goku has become now he's already stronger than a cannon and absorbing a lot more energy from the stronger spirit bomb as well makes goku in a league of his own goku rushes jiren and they have a fight exactly like their final fight in the original tournament of power jiren is surprised that he has to use his full power to face off with goku now and this match is one that buffs up the whole arena while these two are battling it out vegeta and gohan face off with toppo while trunk 10 is able to face up with dyspo easily as he's able to trap dyspo's feet with his galactic donuts making him trip and collapse piccolo then goes in and grab him and throws him out of the ring hit is still around here though and piccolo and trunk then begin to battle it out with the assassin to the best of their ability with all these intense battles going on at once the arena is beginning to crumble around everybody for vegeta he is more than enough for toppo and since toppo wasn't mocked by frieza enough to get him to go in his god destruction form he's blasted out of the arena by the two saiyans quickly enough vegeta and gohan then go to help out piccolo and trunk 10 against hit and with all these strong fighters at once fighting against him hit is taken out and universe 6 is erased as well goku and jiren's fight wraps up normally with goku collapsing exhausted out of ultra instinct though before jiren can finish him shrunk 10 traps jeer into galactic donuts and begins to beat him down while vegeta goes over to goku and heals him back up to full levels since remember healing is part of spirit control even if vegeta himself can't heal goku back to full power if he makes a clone of himself then there's no way goku wouldn't get back to full power trunk 10 and gohan are thrown out of the ring by jiren but goku rushes back up to him and since jiren is still gravely injured he is easily knocked out by goku having universe 11 be erased and universe 7 the victors at a tournament since goku is the mvp of the tournament he gets to wish on the super dragon balls and of course goku being goku would have the same wish as 17 and revive all the universes that were erased with the fight is being revived zeno got what he wanted and all the universes are spared universe 7 were to clear victors here and goku is glad they managed to get a brand new power they'll help them all out more in the future after a tournament is over the z fighters go back to their normal lives and continue their training the frieza force would still be going out throughout the universe to recruit more and more soldiers so broly and paragus would be found eventually the two would learn of the saiyans on earth and paragus would beg them to fly them down to earth so they can get their revenge on vegeta of course the soldiers can sense how powerful broly is and he might be able to get those saiyans out of their way so they'd best bring him down to earth the battle between these three would play out mostly the same just with goku vegeta barely needing to use their god forms against broly and they only need to use it when he goes berserk in his akari form that's when god does need to bring him down they're able to successfully defeat him now due to frieza not being around to kill his dad with broly apprehended and arrested a frieza forth booking it out of there paragus is left wondering if he's going to die or not luckily vegeta tells them to forget about revenge they're saved now and it wasn't him who exiled them to vampa it was his dad so he doesn't need to get revenge on somebody who didn't do anything to him to make amends he can pull some string with his wife to get to a nice place to stay in the city where they won't be bothered paragus is of course very skeptical on all this but the alternative is probably dying so living a life of luxury isn't too bad the two saiyans start to live a peaceful life on earth with broly being much happier here as he doesn't have to fight to survive every day but only fight to better himself with his new friends which is a great life for him goku of course loves training with broly as he is very powerful he just needs to learn to control himself this is something that goku is totally down with teaching when it comes to the events of moro that would end very badly for him as when goku and vegeta make their way to namic and face him they can just use forced spirit fishing right off the bat when he tries to take their ing which is detrimental to moro's success with [ __ ] not being able to take any energy he is publicly executed by vegeta and a terror of moro is ended before it even begins cranberry is then arrested by jocko with the dragon balls never being used so the galactic patrol prisoners are never released this isn't good for the heaters and granola since without 7-3 they aren't getting all the info on the saiyans that granola needs meaning he isn't going to be showing up either with all these threats taken out easily the z fighters finally get to live in peace we flash forward to the end of z where goku would still fly off with ub since he still is reincarnated from kid buu meaning we end his series with goku flying off with ube just like originally and with that we end the scenario but since this series is pretty open-ended i'm actually very tempted to do a gt edition of the scenario as i feel if i do a gt edition then we can continue this story and see how super events can bleed into gt so i'm gonna leave this up to you guys there's a couple of options here would you guys want me to continue this story from the end of part three after the buu saga and bleeding the gt kind of like how it is originally or would you like me to continue after the super portion and have super events bleed into gt as well like i said earlier that's all up to you guys or if you guys don't want any gt scenarios at all so if any of those sound appealing to you make sure you guys comment those down below and with that we're going to be finishing up this series for right now thank you all so much for watching as this is seriously one of my most favorite series that i've ever done in this channel and i really hope that i get to continue it in some form so thank you all so much for watching and until we meet again see you later [Music] do [Music] oh
Channel: Damon: What if?
Views: 152,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hS5gua9aTtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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