GOKU IS A GENIUS!? What If Goku Became Smart?

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very gifted intelligence by this time around Goku would have still turned into a great ape and sadly killed grandpa Gohan just like before now Goku would have lived alone for years but Goku has a very high intelligence now until Bulma would then be on the search for the Dragon Balls she would meet Goku now Goku here does know more manners and more about girls though he would be more respectful to Bulma and he would be interested actually in the dragon radar now before she could even explain Goku would actually take a guess and he would think that it's able to read the energy that the Dragon Balls give off and pinpoint it to the location that actually and also some other science stuff that would actually impress Bulma cuz he had no knowledge of it but he was able to figure that out pretty quick and Goku would ask why is he searching for them and Bulma had her reasons blushing she wants an awesome boyfriend as Goku has his he wants to wish for his grandpa back to life since all he knows is that he was killed by some giant monster is what he remembers and he was able to survive it that night because of his grandfather because remember true Goku is smarter but you got to remember too that as a great ape you don't have any memory of what happened Goku woke up and he was nude in the mountain so he thinks maybe the great ape attacked and with grandpa Gohan saving him he sacrificed himself with the monster that's all Goku knows now during this time they would find the turtle and give him sea water bringing him back to master roshi who would then befriend the two and he would give the Dragon Ball to Goku and flying Nimbus which Goku can jump on no problem being pure hearted most of the events for the early Dragon Ball play the exact same with them stopping the terrible oolong meeting Yaman por now when Goku and his team was then kidnapped by kilof Goku this time around would look to find a way out this time he does not look into the sky and turn into into a great ape Goku thinks as he remembers what roshi did to the frying pan Mountain before and he tries to mimic what roshi did and on his first try he was able to actually gather up the energy and shoot a Kamehameha wave blowing a hole to the poff's castle destroying it and they were able to escape now a few days later after the Poff Was Defeated this is when Goku would meet Krillin and they would learn under master roshi now Goku would actually learn martial arts and key abilities much faster than before being much more gifted now once when they did weight training Goku actually has an idea now by the way alongside with Krillin he would actually be motivated to push himself even harder but it wouldn't make a massive difference but you could say Krillin is definitely a little bit more motivated thus increasing his strength a little bit Goku does have an idea with the way to clothing and he sees that maybe this can really help him and he would then explain to roshi that well maybe he would actually go contact Bulma I remember Bulma was back home as she was doing school but with the help of roshi he has a phone he would actually call Bulma and ask her if it's possible to help him make clothing that have extra weight to it and she thinks it's very possible and Goku would explain it more she will talk to her dad and see what she can figure out for him since Goku does ow her a lot and same with her now soon it would be dropped off to Roshi's Island and it was very heavy Goku got this idea because of Roshi's strength training remember that They Carried the 40 kilo shells Goku wonders if he can wear it as clothing so it's more convenient for him so he can constantly wear this weight and he can even increase it making it bigger and heavier now with the help of Bulma they were actually able to make it three times heavier than the shells that he was using this means that this clothing that he had was 100 12 kilos now just for clarification in the piccolo Jr Arc Goku had weighted clothing of 200 kilos this means that for Goku it was extremely heavy Goku was handling the clothing very similar to how he handled gravity on King Kai's Planet barely being able to move and using all he had but over the weeks he would soon get used to it wearing it every single day even sleeping with it until the 7 months would pass of training with these s months Goku is actually able to fight normally within these clothes as true it was heavy but he's gotten used to it and he would even use Roshi's turtle shell on top of the clothing to add even more weight now as working with roshi with the weight training he can actually truly increase his strength and speed which actually impressed roshi that that's a really gifted idea and Goku was able to do other things such as easily fix his TV that was having problems he even helped roshi fix his power issues Goku was actually extremely gifted and he was a natural at learning now ting to the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament Goku would have a much easier time fighting any other opponent in his way the only challenge in the end would be Jackie Chun now master rosi in his base form Goku could hold off actually a lot better and start to overpower roshi but roshi had more experience than Goku as he did train the boy but Goku was learning much quicker and with his intelligence he was only increasing his battle strategy thus he was actually figuring out better ways to outsmart roshi this is when roshi would then bulk up giving Goku his full power he would actually surprise Goku knocking him around with his raw strength and it would actually nearly knock him out the ring Goku would then stand there in a crater as he would then get up and smirk as then roshi has already fired a full power command Mayo wave Goku was able to tank it as people were shocked at the pure dur ability that Goku has Goku then smirk having some blood and damage he would then remove his weighted clothes as this got roshi a bit nervous he forgot that Goku had weighted clothing on the whole time as since Goku was been wearing it for seven plus months he completely forgot he had it because Goku lately has been wearing it like it's been nothing to him as then what's when Goku removes the undershirt his boots and his wrist pads he would then see how light he was he felt like a feather cuz remember Goku was still laughing cuz he's still as light-hearted as he ever was he's never felt so light and he was so fast faster than anything he's ever felt he would then do the similar running around and jumping like he did in the piccolo Jr Arc as he's never felt so like before it's been so long this is when he would battle roshi and with his strength and speed increased he would severely outclass roshi delivering hundreds of punches before roshi could even block any of them and he would knock him out of the Arena thus making Goku the winner for the tournament this also means that Goku did not turn into a great ape and the moon was not destroyed as well as he just never looked at the moon now this is when Goku would spend all of his money the same like before eating because remember he's still a Saiyan after all whether he's smarter or not I will say that Goku does have slightly better manners eating but now cutting forward to the Red Ribbon Army Saga is when Goku would show a lot more of his intelligence especially with Bulma now the two would actually grow closer because Goku's learning a lot from Bulma actually being similar in intelligence to her he's quickly catching up to her and help work on ways to take down Red gbon Army more intelligently now this would actually hatch for Goku to give out better plans and he would actually be able to defeat mercenary tow just like before now I do think that he wouldn't need to climb up to Korn's Tower to destroy the Red rman Army by this point because he has better plannings of attack more intelligent he can hack the robots and do more with what he knows know and he's also way stronger the red ran Army would have been destroyed but he still would have met under corin's Tower and Goku's carriers though he decides to jump all the way up to Corin Tower to learn more knowledge once there he would quickly earn the right to drink the sacred Divine water and he was able to survive it and he would have no issue before as remember Goku is so pure-hearted this is when he would spend more time making sure that all the Red rman Army is destroyed after kin as he took out the major threat but he knows that the Red Ribbon Army is very dangerous they're a massive company and they could be spread out and they could cause more problems later on and do more damage so during his exploration instead of him trying to run around the whole world this is when I believe that he would then travel around destroying all the red r army has thus that the company was completely destroyed he would even destroy a scientist named Dr jro now he would actually find his lab that Dr jro had and he would find a bunch of future projects and plans that he started writing down and he would hand all of these to Bulma now Bulma knew about Dr D a little bit from some research papers that she had but she would have some really good uses for them later on now this changes the story massively for later arcs as we all know now Goku not really having much where to go he could go stay with roshi but he already learned everything from Moshi that he could Bulma would offer him to come live with her family as as Goku is so intelligent he can learn more maybe from her father's help now Bulma would of course offer Goku would then leave and he would learn a lot Moree about mechanics and technology and the two would grow even closer becoming best of friends now Goku would grow even smarter because of the help of Bulma and bulma's father now this is when Goku would leave and continue on his training and he would still meet Tien for the first time and swim across the water to go to the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament as Goku during this time has continued his training with way to close and he only increased it even more as staying at Bulma and her father's place he actually increased it there's no gravity room yet as he never trained under Kami but Goku knows that way to clothing is the way to go with Goku bulma's father and Bulma teaming up they were able to get the clothing even heavier now the clothing was two times heavier than before being a total of 250 kilos This Is 50 kilos more than what he wore in the piccolo Jr Arc now it would take months and months and months to get used to it and he would struggle but he would start to quickly adapt to it like before as he's growing older his adaptability is growing even higher and he's used to this kind of weight gain as remember this is the second time that he's done stuff like this now once in the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament he would have no issue beating Tien and he would also have no issue beating Krillin everyone else in his way it would be a very very easy fight for Goku now Krillin would have still been killed by tambourine once when Dei King Piccolo would then arve Goku would actually to battle him this time and overpower him now remember here Goku by this time around is much more powerful than he originally was me King Piccolo is still old doesn't even have his youth yet and Goku did not need the ultra Divine water again to defeat him now Goku was angry but he knows that he needs more speed he would then take off his his weighted clothing having the similar outfit to what he had in the piccolo Jr and rit's Arc he would then power up now his power level is 400 which he already is stronger than he was in the piccolo Jr Arc and similar in power to where he was in The rits Arc he would have easily killed Demon King Piccolo punching right through him but Demon King Piccolo would still spit out an egg thus making Piccolo junr this also means that Kami would be able to live as well and after this Kami would offer Goku to train with him and during his Adventure he would also become friends with Chi-Chi but he knows what marriage is about so he actually never promises her that he prefers her more as a friend remember Goku was a bit foolish when he was before he thought that marriage was some kind of food now going to go train with Kami this is when Kami would not remove Goku's Tail as Goku wants to keep it as number one he never turned into a great ape in a long time and he wants to learn and keep from it Kami does not see the big issue in it now with with Goku actually learning and being able to handle much more weight on top of his body when he goes into the Hy block Time Chamber under kami's training him being intelligent with the training even smarter I feel like he would definitely spend a whole year inside and afterwards a few years would then pass Goku was now all grown up being an 18-year-old man he would then meet his friends once again now him and buom would actually head it off as they were a lot closer than before he would be happy to fight Chi-Chi and meet her again and chii does like him and has an attraction towards him but Goku would explain that he understands but he doesn't want to marry unfortunately he has feelings for somebody else and he even tells her that it was Bulma which Bulma overheard this and since they spent much more time together and once when Goku fights TI Yen would have easily defeated him cuz remember Goku here is much more powerful he was able to spend the whole year inside the hyper Time Chamber and with weighted clothing too so Goku is can grow much stronger once Piccolo junr and Goku began their fight Goku was tanking every single attack that Piccolo JR could give him now for desperation Piccolo Jr would then try to destroy the entire area Goku was able to tank the attack and he would then give Piccolo his full strength he would then remove his clothes and his top two like before and his power level would actually Skyrocket to over 1,000 now Goku would then shock Piccolo by his raw speed as as he was way tooo fast for Piccolo Goku easily defeated him but he would not kill Piccolo as he knows that if Piccolo dies then Kami dies as well they would then spare Piccolo and by this point Bulma would then tell Goku that she has feelings as well and then the two would actually get together as for Chi-Chi she would understand and be happy for him as she sees him now as like a comrade she understands and this is when shii would then take her turn to be more of a z fighter continue in her training just like before now you could say that maybe she gets with people like Yamcha or something like that that's true but we're actually saving her for somebody else so Yamcha doesn't have a girlfriend afterwards living with Bulma Goku actually begin to working on a cool concept with her and Goku would actually be able to make the gravity Machine by himself as with the gravity machine and B also helping him as well Goku is still learning remember he would be able to actually quickly keep up with Bulma in terms of intelligence but he's a fighter and he always will be with his ideology and brain smarts alongside with Bulma and bulma's father they were able to make the first gravity room as Goku got this concept From the hyp Block Time Chamber he was able to survive 10 times gravity explained by popo but once when he got out he was much stronger it was similar to wayed clothing but you don't need to make the material for it it's just changes the gravity of the pl of the machine once when they make it Goku would begin training in the gravity room for 5 years now 5 years would then pass forward Gohan would still be born now Goku would then go with Bulma on Nimbus with Gohan to go see roshi and the others now radit would still arrive and he would be killed by the farmer with a shotgun but the farmer with the shotgun felt bad he decided to let him go so RIS was able to survive and be given an extra life and he would then fly off to go find his brother Goku once when he arrives he would then find Goku reading as power level was 500 was pretty high but still pretty weak compared to him radus would then explain who he is but then Goku would then shut him up as Goku knows exactly who he is and he knows about his Saiyan background once when Goku a few years ago went back he found his saian space pod and he studied it with Bulma and he learned a lot from it he learned a lot about his saian Heritage learned a lot about the other sides of the universe as well as he understands that the Sans were just Pirates while it may be true he is a Saye himself he'll never ever be one he'll never ever ever become a space pirate and Destroy planets and whole species for somebody Rice's anger would then rise really high as he would then say that if he will not join then he might as well die radit would then fly in and Goku would be able to catch his fist and throw him into the sky Rice's scouter beeped as his power level shot to 1,200 which which shock rits Goku was able to hide his power level as they would fight back in for trading blows in the distance Piccolo Jr was watching all of this and sweating a little bit as Goku would then give radit one chance to leave and not return radit in his rage would then charge up a double Sunday firing one at Goku and the other one at kami's house this is when Goku would be able to dodge the beam that was thrown at him and he would be able to appear in front of Bowman and the others and hit the Blast away in time saving his family but that crossed the line Goku would then fly up and en rage he begin to power up radit would then yell out loud as power level and shock 2,000 no four no eight no it's over 10,000 as across the other side of the Galaxy Vegeta and Nappa was overhearing what was happening and this caught their interest now Goku knows that if radit runs away he might bring these other goons or other people over and there's no telling how strong they are he just can't take the chance for his family and the planet to be destroyed Goku would not save his breath as he would then charge up a Kamehameha and he would give rits no chance as he gave radit one chance before but he tried killing his family Goku would then completely obliterates radit rit's body would then lay there in ruin as his scouter was the only thing remaining and some of his armor they would then take the scouter and Bulma would actually study it on her own as then with the communication back and forth she would be able to decipher the fact same Sans will be arriving within a year's time now after telling Goku this Goku would actually then leave as they also have more technology with the help of rat's ship as well as Goku's Goku needs to be alone he told balma that he needs to train and think of nothing but them on his own with this new space pod and this new machine that they can build he can then go out into space and grow much stronger and he'll come back and when he does he'll stop him Bulma was against it but she understood Gohan wanted to come along but Goku says no I need to do this alone and Goku already has an idea of what's going to happen as he knew that Piccolo was there and he could sense that Piccolo was not out to hurt nobody or to kill anybody this is when Piccolo would then appear and he already heard everything that Goku said and he would then state that he'll take care of his little bratty son and he'll train him but he won't be very nice to him just so he knows Goku would then smirk and tell Piccolo that I know that you'll train him well because if you know better that if you cross a line and hurt my son truly then you can fight me Goku then explained that after the saans are gone and they are defeated we'll have our rematch fair and square deal Piccolo understands this and he'll offer to train his son in return Goku GES gives him the fight that he wants for Revenge this is when Piccolo would then leave with Gohan now this is when things are going to be be different now by the way also throwing it out here Gohan would still be named Gohan I know that some people might think he would he be named trunks I don't think so as while true Bulma might want to name him but Goku would want to honor his grandfather and of course keep him named Gohan now this is where some things are going to change after the oneye with then pass the Z Fighters have already been training under Kami now under training with Gohan all of them would have more motivation to be a little bit stronger but now the big difference is actually Gohan here now yes I feel Goku would honor the grandfather name name Gohan BMA is actually a lot more different than Chi-Chi with understanding and how important it is to grow strong and understands the entire concept unlike Chi-Chi so Gohan was actually able to keep his studies up but also have the other half of it to train and spend time with his father as Bulma knows how important it is for Gohan to stay strong and to bond with his father through training now Gohan would actually be a lot stronger starting his training but he would still have some fear in his heart now being a young child his power level after training would be over 3,000 which would actually grow in Anger as Piccolo is actually still killed by Napa's full power attack and Goan angers with then Surge and he would then push his power level to over 10,000 and he would blindly attack Vegeta which after all he has hueta would even struggle for a little bit and then he would overpower the Saiyan and he would actually nearly kill kill him now before Goku would arrive he would then see all of his friends now Goku actually arrived a little bit less late but he still showed up too late why did he show up late it's because when Goku was traveling throughout space gok who left go out in the outer space to train under Gravity and to go find other people to help him grow stronger on the way back the ship was damaged through an asid issue meteorite hit the ship and it slowed it down but Goku was still able to make it just on time but not enough but his son was being tormented by Vegeta he would then hit him away Goku would then see his friends They're All Dead Yen Yamcha chatsu even Piccolo only Gohan and Krillin was left his anger surged more than ever and nearby was also yajirobe and Bulma as she was in pure pure Agony and shock seeing her son being tortured but then happiness and relief to see that her husband has finally arrived Goku's finally turned and the fact that she's going to beat him half to death for him showing up late like he always does Goku would then give Gohan and Krillin sensu bean and help them and say he's so sorry for coming late but he'll handle it from here his anger was Rising as his hair would even stand up a little bit and his ore would then flare seeing all of his friends dead he would then showcase more of his power level as Vegeta's scouter would begin beeping it would then shoot past 30,000 and then explode Goku would then tell Vegeta that he was going to pay Vegeta with an anger thinks that the Scout is broken he's a low class trash he would then fly in attacking Goku with all he has but Vegeta has no chance against Goku Goku was easily dodging every single attack that he had and no effort Vegeta would then fly off in out of desperation because he noticed that he's severely outclass he couldn't believe it he would then form a fake Moon as Goku was in watching him do it and he would throw it into the air Goku would then watch Vegeta turn into a great ape increasing his power t-fold laughing at him he then sees Goku smirking at him and he wonders what's so funny do you understand the difference of her power Goku would then showcase his tail they kept hidden under his git and there is something that he wants to try out as he's been training for this Vegeta was confused of what Goku means but then Vegeta was worried he can turnning to a great8 to but he sees Goku doing something Goku would be staring at the fake Moon as he begins to transform growing a few feet in size but then forcefully shrinking himself back to normal almost as if he's trying to contain the great ape within him Goku was struggling having the great ape Roar and growling as his eyes were fully red and glowing his teeth were getting sharper Goku was changing his hair was sporadic and growing a bit more he was containing the great8 power within him his heartbeat was thumping wildly Goku was using his own energy to control the gr a and keep it contained within the bottle Goku's power within explode as he was finally able to control it he took a very calm breath and he opened his eyes having yellow pupils his teeth similar to The Great ape's fangs and he was able to control the Beast Within itself Goku was able to unlock the aari state we saw Broly do this being able to control the great eight power within himself but it kept him wild Goku was able to do this now with the help of learning from some friends in outer space Goku then explain that he learned to contain the great ape within him and keep the power he found a planet called yardrat from a Sayan space pot and more Communications that he had he learned that on this massive Frieza Empire he heard about this Frieza guy they know that that planet was next and he wanted to see if he can go see them and help them but he sees that they're not very powerful but they have incredible abilities incredible spirit and key control and with their help he was able to control it Goku's voice sounds more like a Super Saiyan 4 voice a bit more deeper Goku here is crazy Goku has really wanted to give this power a test run and now he's able to he would then scream but it wasn't a scream it was a roar like anaru powering up his yellow aura it would shake the entire planet Bulma and the others would then Rock watch in shock as Krillin was worried he was worried that Goku was able to keep that great AP Beast inside of him but he worries if he'll lose control Goku roaring at his full strength his power level originally was 40,000 with a Cari it's 4 100,000 he would then fly in and easily knock around great ape Vegeta thus having this power of the great ape but without the lumbering movements he would overpower Vegeta and knock him over Goku would start to lose control as he was starting to lose control aari the great ape was taking him over he was still new to it as Vegeta shrunk to normal he was scared Goku be torturing him stomping him into the ground making a crater giving him the rly treatment he would then charge a large yellow mouth beam to kill him but B would then yell his name Goku would then stop his yellow eyes seeing his friends Krillin his son his wife he would then calm down and he would shrink a few inches going back to normal his muscles not being all massive and shrinking back to normal he would then let Vegeta go Vegeta would then summon his space pod and then crawl away and he would tell him that you will regret sparing me as Goku with then power down fully using up a lot of energy as that form takes a lot out of him to contain it he would then awaken the capsule court building a few days later and he was fully healed they need to hatch a plan now within this few days Bulman with the help of popo was able to find kami's ship and was able to learn nean language and find the nean CTS for where the nean world is at and they are going to use it for Goku ship since it's fully repaired now and has some more upgrades they can leave for Namek as soon as Goku is ready and use their dragon balls to fix all of it then Goku agrees that it's a great idea as it was now Goku Bulma Krillin and Gohan as Goku wasn't badly injured like the original but this time he was able to leave with them on time and not late like before once when they leave they finally get ready to go to Planet Namek to save their friends but unknowingly know that there will be powerful forces within their way that'll decide to fate of the entire universe and that is it for this one if you guys thank all for watching hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know what you guys think down below let me know in the comments what you guys think about it let's get this video to 300 likes if it reaches it I shall continue it now mind you let's get to 20,000 subscribers and I'll talk to you all later [Music] n [Music]
Channel: MajorDragon
Views: 13,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if, dragon ball, anime, goku, vegeta, saiyan saga, dragon ball z, dragon ball z kai, arc, dragon, dragon balls, dbz what if, dragon ball what if, dragon ball z what if, dbz, dbs, dragon ball super, dragonball z, anime recap, dragon ball sparking zero, what if goku, timeskip, what if goku had timeskip?, frieza saga, battle of gods, beerus, buu, majin buu, vegito, super, jiren, dragon ball daima, beast gohan vs MUI goku, Dragon Ball Hero's, dbs manga, dragon ball super 2
Id: 2SfE0nTBTxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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