What if Everyone Plays a Rogue in D&D 5e?

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we love a good heist movie infiltration Mission or Espionage Thriller and there's no class in Dungeons and Dragons that brings that to life quite like the Rogue my name is Monty Martin and I'm Kelly mclin and we are the dungeon dudes and today we're going to look at what happens when the entire party decides to go Rogue there's a lot to discuss today so let's get rolling dice goblins Rejoice for Wizards of the Coast has partnered with this week's serious dice to bring you asax treasure packs random packs of dice that you can use for your D and D games if you like Dice and we assume that you do then you might be really interested in this product they come in these lovely little packages that have surprise random dice inside they also include tokens that you can use in your game we' got a couple of packs let's crack them open so inside the package you get a random dice bag variety of different colors and you get a random set of dice and a single token that you can use in your game the dice that I got are black white and gold and I acquired the Bic inspiration and my nice yellow and red classic dice bag I got oh that's the green devil face and the sphere is that the sphere of annihilation oh I don't know if they did this on this is the rarest coin so if you are interested in getting your hands on some random assorted Dice and some really cool tokens to use in your game then make sure to check the links below to get your hands on aerx Treasure packs today you can also use the promo code DD treasure Dice and you'll get a fifth extra pack for free if you buy four more packs so thank you very much to sirius dice for sponsoring this week's episode and giving us some amazing Dice and tokens to use in our games and now on to this week's episode so far we've looked at the wizard The Paladin The Bard and the cleric as themes around when every single player character in the party decides to play the EXA exact same class but we have really been looking forward to what happens when everybody decides they're going to roll up a rogue as usual with the series we're looking at a party of four player characters and none of them can choose the same subass although all of them have to be the same class in this case the Rogue no multiclassing is allowed and we are looking at how they perform in all pillars of play being combat exploration and social we're going to put together our best party discuss what we think would work or might not work take a look at the strengths weaknesses and give an overall ranking on where we think this lands as well as look at some of the themes and ideas that you can really bring to life if you're planning an all Rogue campaign or Adventure in many respects the Rogue is the archetypal Adventurer Rough and Tumble ready for anything willing to do Dirty Deeds dirt cheap and so this means that a party of of all Rogues really finds a natural home in so many stories that we draw inspiration from from our for Dungeons and Dragons campaigns from Conan to kmen San Diego fantasy fiction is full of Thieves Scoundrels Liars killers and worse and so it's a rich field to draw on for campaign ideas and I think that the idea of a roguish Band of Thieves is probably the most well defined next to perhaps the fighters I would say even in our D and D movie that we got recently uh which is honor among Thieves even though not everybody was playing a rogue the thief archetype was the center stage of that narrative some of my favorite movies to to watch are the heist movies I love Mission Impossible I love the Oceans 11 movies I love The Italian Job I I love those sort of movies where a team of people each one specializing in a specific set of skills has to grab the McGuffin from the well-protected location and they come up with their schemes and plans to do so I love almost every movie that brings that to life and what I love about the all Rogue party is that by choosing our different subclasses choosing our expertise and our skills we actually really get to Define each Rogue almost like those characters in those movies and bring to life that expertise Specialties and let every Rogue shine in their own way it really puts a spotlight on how the Rogue despite being a class with surprisingly few options especially in the core class can really yield some fantastically diverse characters based on how you roleplay all those characters with the character specific skills and expertise choices and their subass features giving them that little bit of extra definition to Define exactly how they're going to engage with the story and what role they're going to fill and so I especially feel that the all Rogue party captures that very mundane underdogs feeling that you're also going to see in things like gangster movies or political Intrigue thriller films any of those sort of archetypes are things that you can really draw on for this type of campaign you could imagine even drawing inspiration from something like Grand Theft Auto for the all Rogue party and really going into that crime drama dark underbelly sort of world with the story that you want to tell and I think that it's also a wonderful opportunity to play characters that really have a lot of flaws that have a lot of vices and that Band of Thieves that everyone's all in it for for themselves but they've all got to work together to bring back that one big score or that last big score I even think of movies like Rogue one being a great example of you can be a band of Heroes as well even with the old all Rogue party trying to steal the Vital Information from a tyrant or or a rival Nation yeah and that's where you might even take it further into say like drawing on inspiration from James Bond or spy Thrillers or even detec stories as well I think that that whole spectrum of Espionage crime investigation is really really rich ground for this and so in a lot of respects I think that the all Rogue party as I've kind of said before there is more inspiration to draw on for this as especially because you can step outside the bounds of fantasy and find inspiration because I think the Rogue is such a portable archetype and I think that when we start moving into looking at the four classes this one's actually tough because a lot of the movies that I'm talking about have parties and and squads of like five six characters each one being a role and I actually think if you look at the entire Rogues gallery of options of subclasses you could have a group a large group playing each of the subclasses of the Rogue and be that iconic infiltration party but since we're picking for let's try to pick four of the iconic roles that you need for every Heist or otherwise that we've mentioned okay so in looking at the subclasses I think one of the things that brings together all of these sort of themes especially more modern ones is in the heist often times you split the party and this means that narratively you need some sort of communications technology whether it's walkie-talkies or phones or being wired up with each other with like an earpiece or something like that the man in the van exactly right I'm also thinking you know another one that comes comes to mind Charlie's Angels yes right um something that is giving everybody this whole thing that that lets them connect and fortunately there is a rogue subass that gives us this in the form of the Soul knife now the soul knife isn't going to be our man in the van because we actually want the soul knife to be one of the infiltrators but the soul knife gives you the telepathy ability that allows you to have that open communication as if you all had an earpiece yes and were able to communicate so I think this is the Cornerstone of the party and I think one of the interesting things about the soul knife as well is that they bring their s empowered Knack and that's going to let them roll their psionic energy Dice and add those to skill checks and so in a party of Rogues we're going to have a bunch of different Specialists but the soul knife is kind of going to be the Jack of all trades because with their psychic abilities they're going to be able to pick up the slack of hey we need two people that are really good at the skill or with the soul knife you can also be melee or ranged interchangeably because of your Conjuring your psychic blades it's a very wide field and then you also at higher levels have teleportation and visibility which I think are really critical magical abilities to add to the infiltrator kit I think that when we look at the soul knife what's what's interesting is not every Heist movie has this but there's inevitably going to be something that goes wrong and the Soul knife plays the position of the extra body that's there the fixer it's like we we're having an issue with so and so who's right now being the face of the party they can jump in and cover or if the infiltration is going wrong they can jump in and help infiltrate they can kind of be the everything man and this is and so with this character you can go any way you want with it with the other characters in the party I think that we're going to choose each character to focus around a secondary ability score everyone's going to go super dextrous but with the others we want to have someone who focuses on intelligence based skills someone based on wisdom based skills and someone based on Charisma based skills and I think that's going to give us a really good spread across the Rogues so going down the line intelligence for intelligence I think that there's an obvious choice here and every good Heist Thriller has the gadgets person and the gadgets person has all of those tricks that they can pull out to help with infiltration help with disguises all of that the Arcane trickster is our gadgets Rogue they're the one that's going to bring in the critical spell support the critical spell casting they're going to bring in invisibility they're going to bring in charm person they can have a familiar if they want to and with their spells that they can choose outside of Enchantment and illusion they're going to bring in that problem solving tool that gets through the the really hard obstacles that the the Rogues just can't skill through and this is also going to give you your intelligence as well as it's going to give you the uh the ability to cast an invisible Mage hand that can use lock picks yes so this gadget guy is definitely going to be our investigator and is also going to be our thieves tools expert I think I think I think that that's important now so we have the brains for gadgets but we also need the brains for the plan and this is where I think the Mastermind as a wisdom-based character really is going to shine one of the things that Rogues really need a lot of when we've got a whole party of them is lots of sources of Advantage the Arcane trickster is going to help with this with some of their spells but the masterminds ability to Simply help someone at range as a bonus action is going to mean that whenever someone needs to land that sneak attack The Mastermind is going to be like here it is they're the tactician in the moment they're leading this whole thing and I think that that that even though the Mastermind really kind of in its name says oh be the intelligence-based character there's really nothing about the subass that requires you to specialize in any one of the mental ability scores so I think wisdom being that cool Under Pressure character is going to be the play here I think wisdom actually makes a lot of sense because wisdom is Street smarts which you know the gadgets person probably has a lot of knowledge about the things that they're dealing with in this case magic and infiltration and using their their abilities whereas wisdom is sort of it's going to give you things like perception so you're more aware of your surroundings your ability in it's Instinct and so the Mastermind even their lesser used abilities The Mastermind was ever high on my radar as the greatest Rogue but actually in an all Rogue Party The Mastermind really sings because even their ability to scout an area and gather Intel they have the insightful manipulator ability which means that if they are scouting out an area and making the plan if you have eyes to set up your Ambush and set up your Heist you can kind of use the master mind to gather Intel on the type of creatures and how dangerous the situation is before you even go in The Mastermind Also may not be our face of the party we'll get to the face in a second but with their ability to mimic other voices and languages they can actually act as a secondary face if they need to help with the Forefront infiltration being the person who's actually talking to the guards they might be able to pull it off because of their mimicry ability in indeed I think with all of these characters you're going to have a lot of skills between them all and there's going to be overlap and that's a good thing for this party you don't want anyone you want everyone to have something that they're good at but I think with all the Rogues you want also to have that Synergy between each other and the ability to help each other out and The Mastermind really is the glue that pulls that all together so we've got our man in the van so to speak our uh gadgets person and we have our planner the last thing we need is the face of the group which I think is going to be the swashbuckler totally the swashbuckler brings the Charisma skills to the table and they're also going to probably be the most melee oriented character I think I think with the Mastermind they're probably going to be our ranged oriented character as well probably using a crossbow or maybe even a bow and attacking from the distance the Arcane trickster might also be be M too but I think the swashbuckler they're the one that can go toe-to-toe as best as a Rog can and the fact is that the swashbuckler not only do they benefit from having good Charisma so you're going to be the Persuader the deceptor but you also are or the deceiver uh but you also are going to have that really nice ability where you can get sneak attack when you're one-on-one with a Target which really allows you to do this really cool setup where the swashbuckler runs in chooses the target that's going to be attacked gets sneak attack against them setting up sneak attack for everybody else because they're adjacent and all the other party members can come in sneak attack disengage and they're all safe and the swashbuckler still is still able to sneak attack one-on-one the swashbuckler also gets that ability to add their Charisma modifier to their initiative roles so they have a better chance of going first in combat so this actually again a lot of the Rogues seem to really work well in an all Rogue party it's a great gang operation absolutely so we have our party I those are the four I do want to give an honorable mention I think that if I was broadening the horizons on this the thief and the Assassin are two that feel really iconic in this sort of heist scenario the thief is your person who gets inside to get the McGuffin and your assassin is there when things inevitably go wrong to be the Hitman yeah the Assassin's biggest strength in an all Rogue party is that everyone's going to be good at stealth and surprise is going to be the lifeblood of this party they need it to survive a lot of combat encounters which means the Assassin's going to be living large because they have an entire party that wants the same thing they do to win initiative get surprise and take enemies out as quickly as possible it's not a make or break thing the Assassin but it really would help a lot if you had the space for them I think the thief's most valuable asset that they bring to the all Rogue party is their 13th level used m magic device feature which allows them to to attune to any magic item one of the biggest weaknesses that we'll get into with this party is magical support um they really don't have anything even the Arcane trickster isn't bringing much they it's it's very limited and so that higher level feature of hey turns out the party actually is here to steal a staff of power and now someone can actually use it makes a could make a very big difference but I do think that unlike in Boulders Gate 3 the thief Rogue is not nearly as good in tabletop no I mean they do get some cool abilities that help you with infiltration the other the only problem there is that other Rogues also get abilities that help with infiltration and so even though you can scale walls better and jump better uh it's not as good as being able to teleport yeah so I would give honor so I agree those two get my honorable mention but I think that overall the arcane trickster The Mastermind the soul knife and the swashbuckler I think present the most Synergy with each other and this is the thing with the Rogue party is they really do rely on teamwork to survive in combat exploration and social interaction even though they all have their area of specialization if they're not working together they're going to die which is interesting because a lot of people like to play their Rogues as is the Lone Wolf but I actually think I'm the all Rogue party and if you look at the examples that we've presented from from media all of them are about teamwork and everybody relying on each other not even in a little way in in those heist movies they rely on each other to the point where it's like you have a job to do you're going to go do it and I need to trust that you are going to get the job that you're doing done so that I can do the job that I need to done so that we can pull this off everybody needs to be Immaculate in their execution and that takes a lot of trust so this is a party that deeply trusts each other and I think as we get into the three pillars of play something that I want to say is this party is going to show a lot of weaknesses but within those weaknesses is something that I find really exciting and that is the razor's Edge play style that is happening with this party you cannot screw up they are so with our first pillar combat there's a few glaring weaknesses with combat with this party they're not good at mobs they have no AOE not a lot of magic you have your Arcane trickster but they are excellent absolutely excellent at choosing a Target saying that Target needs to die right now and killing it in before it even gets a chance to go in combat if this party can get surprise which it should be doing and can manage a situation where they're taking out targets one two or three at a time I probably wouldn't want more than three you want to outnumber your targets but if you can do that you're probably going to kill the one two or three targets without alerting anybody before they get a chance to even notice you and that's the play I agree this party has to approach every combat encounter almost like a puzzle to be solved and they're going to need to sneak up on their foes get surprise decide which Target needs to get taken out first take them out and if they themselves get surprised by a tougher enemy they need to use their abilities action disengage Dash hide to get out regroup and strike again from the Shadows because this party even with the swashbuckler and the Arcane trickster like the Arcane trickster could take Shield the SW wash buckler could take things like defensive dualist and get some features that boost their AC and boost their resilience they're going to have uncanny Dodge and evasion but at the end of the day this part is not going to have a lot of hit points they're not going to be able to get their AC's very high and if they start taking hits they're going to go down really really fast they just don't have that staying power and there's no healing if you're facing a mob of enemies a horde of zombies or a bunch of goblins it's it it actually is surprising how overwhelmed this party gets if a group of eight goblins even if they're pretty high levels can still overwhelm the party because if they're outnumbered they can really only attack once per turn each yeah it it's a really big weakness of the Rogue in general is that they only have that one attack and if it misses but this is why this again this razor edge play style you have the Mastermind helping you have a lot of a lot of tools here that are giving each of the party members advantage in some way and the ability to land their Sneak Attack by that combined also I mean if you're surprising then you're getting advantage and you're hopefully getting a whole extra turn over your enemy cuz you're going to need it and and also if you can roll High which the swashbuckler will hopefully be doing in your initiative then yes if you can go twice before your enemies do and you have a whole party then you're getting eight hopefully sneak attacks in before the party gets to go which is a lot of damage but if you flub any of that you have to get out yeah yeah um you could argue that having a thief with a bag full of potions might give you some healing support it's still going to be pretty limited there's barely any crowd control to speak of at higher levels your Arcane trickster probably does want to bring hypnotic pattern or hold person so you at least have some form of crowd control to to help you um and that'll be pretty potent by the by those higher levels of play but until you get there you don't have much so combat is actually tricky for us but I think it sounds incredibly fun to play that way yes it's hard but it is rewarding and and you will feel um I think that when this party solves the combat and gets through it they're going to be thrilled but oh man I love playing a video game that has the option to play stealth I'm thinking of uh uh the more recent Dez X Games oh yeah Dez X and when when you have the option in that game of playing however you want but my favorite is the infiltrator and I love getting that reward that you get where you finish an entire Mission without anybody ever spotting you and that's what this part is going for yeah the ghost achievement yeah you can really look at other games like Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell or any other like stealth Action games oh beautiful inspiration but it is that whole thing of once you cause the alarm you got to hide yeah you got to retreat now in Exploration so we do have a very strong benefit and another weakness that that is pretty glaring I think the benefit that I want to talk about first with the all Rogue party having played a rogue at high levels who has reliable talent I actually have learned for myself the Rogue doesn't necessarily feel at their strongest in a combat encounter I think that the rogue's entire stick is to avoid combat unless they are going to win where Rogue really shines is when you're rolling ability like skills skill challenges is where the Rogue the reliable Talent with the amount of expertise and skill proficiencies you have once you gain reliable Talent you're just incinerating skill challenges running the game for Wilhelm who now at 15th level has insane plus 15 bonuses to several skill checks I think it's I'm I'm at plus 11 or 12 but that means that because I can't roll lower than a 10 or no it might be plus 15 now so I I think I I remember saying that I can't roll lower than a 25 in stealth and so for myself as a dungeon master I just have to remember that more often because it it it means that you're very consistently able to get results in the 30s for a lot of stealth checks which means conventional detection methods just completely fail to find to find the Rogues and the Rogues are really really consistently I think one of the things that actually impresses me most about Wilhelm as the as the DM is your persuasion modifier is also like plus 11 or Plus+ 12 which means that you just trip trivially nail dc20 persuasion and deception checks which feels great but it's also something that as a DM you have to keep in mind of like oh yeah I'm going to make this this persuasion check dc20 and you don't realize that that's actually an automatic success for the Rogue and and that's the the beauty of having a swashbuckler have expertise in Persuasion and I think that when we talk about the exploration a lot of exploration is going to be skill challenges and talking to people and navigating which I think if we divvy up where our expertise lies with this party you actually have a really strong you end up with expertise in 16 out of the 18 skills assuming not everyone in the party wants to take expertise in stealth which they probably will you do and so I think that you do have to divvy them up and you probably end up with I think that I would go with expertise in all the social skills for the swashbuckler plus stealth I go for expertise in in thieves tools and investigation for the Arcane trickster I would throw Arcana in there as well with stealth yeah The Mastermind I do perception insight and probably I could see grabbing something like I don't know surviv although they are wisdom based survival or medicine survival or medicine and stealth of course and then the Soul knife I think fills in our gaps yeah you double up where you think you need it and decide what else you think you you need to and you're still going to have a bunch of proficiencies like I think that the party should still have at least one character who is proficient in every skill somewhere like you shouldn't skip any of the proficiencies it's just where do you put the expertises that matter and I think so I I think that actually when we're playing with those skill challenges the all Rogue party is going to excel in Exploration it's when we get into sort of the grittier details of can you pull anything off as Monty likes to say the Rogue has to play play by the rules which is ironic because they're the we think of them as the cheater but like this party isn't going to have anybody that is suddenly scooping up the entire party and teleporting them in fact even with the Arcane trickster in the party it won't be until very high levels of play that the whole party can turn invisible they don't have anyone who can cast pass without Trace um they don't have they do have a familiar in the party that can scout ahead they do telepathy because of the Soul knife those are really really key assets nobody in this party can fly unless the the Arcane trickster takes that as one of their spells nobody in this party can dispel magic again unless the Arcane trickster takes it there's no counter spells uh there are no ways to raise the dead there's no healing magic there's no greater restoration none of that is here there's no shape shifting so so I think the the consensus here is that with exploration the Rogue is going to excel extraordinarily at any at any challenge they face but they can't bend the rules in their favor in any way this is where again if you did have the thief who was bringing a bunch of scrolls with with you then you could solve that problem and that might be the argument to have that thief in the party at higher levels um you can load up on mundane gear to help with a bunch of these things you can load up on and yeah I guess go start stealing magic items right like that's where you're going to have to rely on your gearing gadgets which I do think is a thing in the genre mhm right like that's the the one side of it is that the the like how many times in a heist movie is the first Heist the band stealing the thing they need to break into the thing that gets them the thing they actually want right so again it comes back to that point that you made earlier where it's like this is a party where the weaknesses make the story more interesting yeah and that's the thing is I actually think that we're coming out with with a really cool campaign concept that's like that Razor's Edge play style of this party that needs to be precise with all of their actions resourceful resourceful yeah going on to social interaction Again Play by the rules but I do think again the same with exploration the Rogue doesn't really necessarily excel in social situations but because of the combination of having one Rogue in their party the swashbuckler who takes Charisma as their secondary attribute and then takes expertise and persuasion and deception and intimidation and then once you hit Level 10 and gain the ability to never roll lower than a 10 on those on those skill checks um once you have that feature and you have expertise you're not rolling lower than a 10 you can adequately talk your way into or out of most situations not the same way as a Bard but I don't think that they're weak here either no I don't think that they're weak it it once again comes into that fact is that there's not necessarily going to be anyone in the party that is like oh we need detect thoughts now or we all you you have to rely on Insight there's nobody in the party that is going to necessarily mind control everybody with suggestion or dominate person but you are going to have people with those very high deception checks and those very high persuasion checks when you need them I also think that the Mastermind can make sure that you have advantage on these checks I think that the Arcane trickster can also bring in those critical areas of like here's enhance ability or Charm person so you've got a couple key ways to solve it which means that the party is good at it again it comes back to that whole thing of like you don't really have any way to break the rules I think overall though this party is in the middle ground on most of these because they excel in some areas and they but they all have a pretty big weakness which is which is interesting because again I think that feeds into the play style that we're talking about I think that we've already highlighted a lot of the weaknesses present in this party but to to go further I think the the weaknesses standing out are that you need to attack with definite Precision knowing that you're going to kill the target you're attacking You Can't Screw Up in combat otherwise you're dead you have to rely on your skills which are extremely reliable but if you want to do anything outside of what your skills offer you're you're unable to do so except for the uh the Arcane trickster who you don't want to put too much on their shoulders to be like you need to do everything well one way that you could cover that Gap to be fair is as a rogue you may have the opportunities to take Feats like Fay touched Shadow touched magic initiate ritual Caster these could be Feats that by picking them up you do add to the overall Arsenal Rogues do get an extra feat over the over base classes we could also look at ancestry and lineage features so by playing a custom lineage or by everyone playing elves and dwarves or fear bogs and gnomes you're going to get a couple extra magical abilities added into the party I think another key thing to not Overlook dark vision yeah you know what's going to really kill this party is if someone has to have a torch yeah uh you either want to play all ancestries that have dark vision or I also imagine if I was the DM running this campaign I would have them have AIG base of operations and they have some gear ready I would give the entire party goggles of night because it's something that they've acquired to do their job I feel like you got to earn that first like I definitely would it would they have to break into the goggles of night Factory exactly and steal the Ste the night vision goggles yeah um so they need to acquire but yeah I I think that that you want to get them to have dark vision because they want to be in the dark yeah and I think in that respect like again the fact that they don't have these tools innately creating the story of hey the Rogues need to steal the things that they need to do to escalate it is a really cool campaign premise that I can 100% get behind their main goal is to steal the McGuffin from the well guarded Castle but before they do so they need to steal a guard outfit for the face of the party they need to steal the goggles of night for their infil like like each person in the party needs one item to complete their infiltration technique and you have the locations maybe around I could see this being a single City campaign well it's it's that whole measure of like if one character has a hat of Disguise so they have disguise self yeah or if they're able to get like a cloak of the bat so that they can turn into a bat and they can fly around a little bit or someone can get the boots of flying or slippers of spider climbing that idea of like stealing the magic item that gives them the ability e even um I I remember actually in uh Oblivion in the gray fox quest line you had to steal the pair of boots so that you could survive the giant fall at the end of that quest line that whole element is cool and so if we come to the overall picture of how this ranks up in an objective sense this party is way weaker than a lot of the other other parties we've looked at already I think that they are a straightup b but it's a be that I want to play I could see the argument for giving them a c um but I agree with you you embrace it because it's fun I think that this is a party who their weaknesses show but their strengths are there to it it actually makes you realize what a rogue is supposed to be doing yeah cuz they are supposed to be unseen and they are supposed to attack from the Shadows they are supposed to pinpoint a Target and kill it and then disappear they need to be precise they need to be specific and they need to be Flawless in their execution what I love about the campaign idea they their triumphs are going to feel sweeter and they when they roll a one when they have those failures they're going to feel harsher can I also say just as an aside I also feel that this style of campaign and this style of play if you're like I really really like this style of game I think that it might play better in a system that's not DN D I'm going to both agree and disagree with you okay blades in the dark if we wanted to run a heist you should just be playing blades in the dark and I think that also call of cthulu as an investigative horror type thing like where where the characters feel very mortal like there's an argument for COC and blades in the dark and and I I think that we should be playing those games to bring this fantasy to life but I also think that this fantasy actually works really well here in D and D with the all Rogue party if everybody at the table says I want to play a rogue and D andd is your fav favorite game and you can't convince your players to try blades in the dark I still would gladly run or play in the all Rogue Heist campaign yeah I think it's going to be a blast yeah it it's it's going to play really well and I think that even if you aren't going to be able to convince your party uh and your players to try blades in the dark which I do think that if you are seriously considering an all Rogue campaign you should seriously look at blades dark if for no other reason than stealing the systems from blades in the dark of clocks and the hideouts actually probably give you the the kind of the meta structure that the campaign needs to really sing like we have run heists in and you used a clock I did I well well that was for our uh rooked um Untold tale of drenim where we did have the artificer the Monk and uh and and the Rogue like that was a lot of fun but again you do have to think about what is the flavor that you want to get with this and and where can you draw on other role playing games to really bring this concept to life I do agree with you I think it works in D and D it's just one of those things that like consider it like if it excites you this is a great branching off point yeah yeah but but I I know that I get excited every time we do one of these episodes but it's surprising how fun this sounds I love yeah I I mean they're my favorite it's my favorite way to play video games that offer up the option I'm even thinking of like link trying to sneak into the castle in Ocarina of Time where he has to hide in the shrubs and avoid the guards oh I know there's so many things and this is the irony of it is that I think that the C that if you measure up the strength of the party the bards and the Wizards just completely blow this one out of the water paladins can annihilate anything there's going to be combat encounters that these Rogues just cannot defeat that the paladins can but this party doesn't want to defeat those combat encounters they want to avoid them and sneak past them yeah yeah they want to kill the one guard in front of the door unlock the door steal them McGuffin and get out most of the castle never even saw them and conceptually that makes the concept and I think the the number of things that you can draw on for inspiration the stories you can tell with this those themes of crime and vice and Desperation are so palpable here that it's an S tier campaign like it will be a very very memorable campaign this party's performance in all pillars of play is an all Rogue party compared to the other ones available is B the campaign concept is s tier and I love it like I love it so much and I want more people to be doing infiltration campaigns and Adventures yeah it's great it's great so I I do think that you know sitting down to a it's so interesting as we've gone through what happens when you play a single Class party and the c campaign Concepts that are that are possible I really want to play all of these campaigns I think that there's something really cool with everybody playing the same class in almost any any class yeah um and and I do think as well like all of these show show strengths of you know you don't actually have to adhere to that rule to play it you there's a lot of ways that you could play that Heist Party by having oh yeah a ranger and an artificer and if you have that diversity these a lot of these ideas work outside of the single class concept but it really sings with it is it is really beautiful to consider that you could take this idea and like we did with Rook the artificer is the gadgets guy yeah then you have your Shadow monk you have your gloomstalker Ranger maybe a couple Rogues and you have this really cool party if I was an artificer and I was the man in the van and I just had like the getaway and the demolitions and stuff which is how I played my character and rooked is I was like I'm here to be the demolitions explosions and uh but I did have some fun moments where I cast disguise self and pretended to be a a repair man and like there it was so good um so there are a lot of ways to bring this concept to life and if you have played a Heist or an all Rogue party in another way I really want to hear about how those Adventures went in the comments below the videos that we create on our channel are made possible thanks to the incredible generosity of our patreon supporters if you enjoy the work that we do here on YouTube please become a patron of our show get on our Patron only Discord Server chat with us all that's down in the description below and if you want to see us playing a heist you can check out our one shot that we did in our world of drenim called rooked right up over here and we've been covering ing lots of ideas for all single class parties in our video series right up over here please subscribe to our Channel like this video and ring that Bell so that you never miss an episode thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time in the dungeon
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 93,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: EYwkqiwUs5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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