What If Every NBA Player Got Injured?

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what if everyone in the NBA got injured today we will find out we're gonna do a bunch of crazy NBA scenarios like what if everyone got injured what if everyone fouls out of a game what if everyone retired I don't know hopefully they never happen in real life technically they could but we're gonna do them on 2K to see what would actually happen so to injure everyone basically what we did is went to every player and put their durability down to the lowest possible on every single attribute so 25 so they should get injured and as if that wasn't enough we will be turning the career ending injury frequency up to a hundred obviously injuries are on as well and I'm turning to player fatigue rate all the way up and the player recovery rate all the way down and obviously The Possession results were turning injuries all the way up here too so technically we're controlling the Warriors but we'll literally see the holy crumble at least hopefully you know what all right let's just send one week into the season and see what happens oh that's a trade not an interview what it has no one got injured yet what what is wrong with this game how has no one got injured yet this makes no sense oh here we go all right well I guess everyone not on our team is starting to get injured this is a lot of injuries just to start the year off 20 Achilles dislocated right patella tour meniscus torn MCL okay there's no one on our team though I feel like this actually is kind of normal for a month into the season it's like nothing happened this is realistic no all right we're getting a Sim to the all-star break I also don't care about winning I just I just want the whole league just rumbled by now or at least like started to this is a disgrace 2K oh finally someone got injured Andre Iguodala with a deep left side bruise what one to two weeks that's all you got there's no way it's like nothing happened 2K is really weird with these Sims I'm not gonna lie I mean it's interesting to see what happens but like I actually think they're really off on a lot of it like for example putting LeBron and WNBA and them not going undefeated right that would happen in real life right and my app closed wow that's the first time this year that's happened maybe they can't simulate that many injuries but no one was really getting injured anything on our team so I don't know oh my gosh it really set the entire thing nothing saved well I expect the same thing to happen again right no one really does get injured I mean yeah we're like almost two months in again and no one I don't know what the problem is but this is just the first way we injure everyone next step we try to enter every single player in an actual game we'll get back to that though because next up we have what if every single player in a game falls out my theory is one of a few things will happen one they will actually stop the game and be like oh you forfeited everyone filed out who is that it'll be like an area with 2K or something also what could happen is that maybe when you fall out like you actually just leave and it's like five on four I actually have no idea there's probably like in the NBA rule book something but it's just never been used so you never know what they have buried in there all right we're hopping into a game now I have no idea what to expect I I think this was gonna actually be really weird though so we are the Warriors our goal is to foul out every single person on the warriors uh starting with Kevin Looney all right let's start fouling actually I also want to how long will it take to file everyone out how fast can I do it not only in terms of me sitting here but in terms of like game time because I mean this guy's already got what four fouls and it's been seven seconds all right well now they're in the bonus so I will be waiting here much longer because I have to wait for them to shoot free throws one thing I think we should do is I think we should actually be winning the game so on offense I'm just going to do this every time with curry oh just look at all of them just run the foul oh wait he fouled out oh all right Kevin Looney is the first one to foul out all right James Weissman is in he will foul out as well all right just over two minutes in we have 30 points we're scoring every possession we still only have one player fouled out but everyone is like catching up in fouls if that makes sense you're like he's gonna get a foul right here uh that's his third they're getting so many free throws though dude you know how many free throws I'm gonna have to watch them take if they take two free throws every time I foul I gotta foul 13 players out and each player gets six fouls that's definitely over 100 free throws I don't want to do them all right Curry I need you to make sure we hold this lead after you foul out that will be hard because I know he makes stuff they're calling time oh my if this oh it's like as if this couldn't take any longer I couldn't even talk there all right we are at 47 points now Curry does have five fouls so it looks like I did foul Curry out that's two out of 13 players fouled out oh man and we're only like three minutes in honestly Dave and this actually happens correctly they're gonna score more than 100 points this is ridiculous all right come on who's falling out next we got clay filing Jason how much does he have oh that's his fourth all right 23 team fouls in three minutes nice I still can't get over the whole like injuring the whole league thing because I actually really want to see that happen all right Draymond is out of there man that's three players fouled out imagine you fouled out and injured everyone the injuring I don't even know I'm thinking anywhere combinations oh wait what did someone else fell out oh Andrew Wiggins found I wasn't paying attention so our only starter left in the game is Clay we're just over six minutes played we still have four people followed up I thought this was gonna go faster but it's like weird everyone kind of fouls out in super and Jordan pool is out of there five people filed out an entire starting lineup worth although technically Clay is still in all right James Wiseman is out of there it's only giving me three options for a foul out replacement I wonder what's gonna happen when there's no more Replacements oh we actually kind of catching up now this is not good we registered by 21 they're about to be up by nine they've made so many free throws I think almost every point that man has been a free throw this is ridiculous all right clay I know you can shoot you got this boom we need those threes that's a hundred points too wow okay all right Moody has fouled out you only have two more Replacements I don't know why it's only giving us two more but definitely have more people there oh wait no wait there's six people in the game all right so one more person falls out and we have no Replacements all right this is it our last replacement what happens after this I have no idea and I don't know how Clay is still staying the game but it definitely has been helping for the three pointers oh Green's got five all right dude one more foul we're almost there all right come on whoa what happened all right so there's two whistles it says he followed out oh my gosh we have 61 foul all right someone's shooting one one free throw wait was that a transition take foul no it couldn't have been right wait they shoot three free throws hold up there was one guy shooting free throws and there was him but it's not five on four he's still in the game it says wait how many foul wait it says he's fouled out oh my okay so Michael Green has fouled out so technically we only have four players and according to this it says he has six fouls but it's he's still in the game right it's not five on four I'm counting five people yeah he's still in he's passing the ball we're gonna follow him again see what happens does it not let us it might not let us intentionally follow but I want to see I mean can someone get seven fouls or like what happens he's still in the game so it's not five on four the game hasn't ended we haven't forfeited we are technically still winning all right where's Green all right he's right here he should be the one filing There's No One by him oh he fell wait what happened what nothing popped off why okay so uh I guess it's like uh what is this like a technical file free throw or like it's treated as like a flaker or something what the okay so they shoot three free throws no so that's one right and then they shoot two more for the bonus which is interesting now technically you could in real life still win and well maybe wait maybe it turns into something else everyone actually follows that way I actually want to see because what I was gonna say is technically you could just make a three every 100 of the time and just fouled out everyone so clay fouled out right but he's still in all right so they're shooting a technical right I guess this is just what happens it just keeps going off the question is like could you still win the game because technically you couldn't right it's almost like they don't make all their free throws and you make a three every time you could win but like if you go to the roster now okay yeah so Michael Green does have seven fouls plays fouled out too he has six so technically there's only three people all right what happens if literally every single person falls out does anything else change all right I have found everyone out but one person Mr Anthony lamb here it is actually almost about to be the second quarter it is very very high scoring but we are about to see if literally every single person falls out what happens all we need to do here is uh give the bottle clay he's gonna go and uh make a three boom yes yes yes yes yes what about is it not working there's no way all right come on one more try oh wait they're not in the bonus because it's the second quarter I forgot all right come on there we go there we go oh he's fouled out what happens is this stole this like same free throw thing I guess it is one free throw basically a technical foul now because they're not in the bonus it didn't take too long but technically you could have everyone playing now the question is what will happen if one of these players got injured well actually no because then you could sub technically a fouled out person back in and run the same thing okay so basically you would have to injure just everyone that's what we're doing last next up what if everyone retires we're just trying to break the league here I guess I've made everyone in the league 40. some people are almost 40 like LeBron but I think this one's definitely gonna be different than the injury one I actually think people will Mass retire everyone actually still is the same overall so I actually kind of want to see you would win the uh win the championship and this is pretty accurate I controlled the Lakers and we're losing this much to start anyway we're gonna see who wins um of course Luca wins MVP 40 year old Luca that is still playing just as good the Lakers actually did make the playoffs the thing is well they lose in the first round they somehow won't okay they lost the second round the hog Swan are you kidding me the Hawks Trey young finals hey okay that's cool man that's cool all right here we go the Moment of Truth the first thing in the off season player retirement oh my gosh that's that's so many people oh my gosh oh my God yo I'm still scrolling look how long I'm scrolling for like years pro only three because everyone is retiring even all the rookies from this year the whole league is basically retiring finally Udonis has he should have retired anyway we didn't even have to make him for he was already 43. I wonder who got in the Hall of Fame okay interesting wait who's still in the lead who didn't retire oh okay so some of the players did actually retire like maybe like a handful from each team just a couple I actually like how many Lakers did because Lakers already so old obviously this isn't enough to fill an entire league so I wonder who these are all going to be replaced with so we're gonna Sim the draft and the free agency in his first year and just see what happens like who fills all those spots obviously everyone that didn't retire is declining rapidly except oh wait these are 21 year olds never mind all right so the rosters still aren't really filled and it's past free agency and the draft it's just gonna be a bunch of cheesy players like what's gonna happen because you know the League's about to start you know what I mean all right well let's advance to the next season actually you know what let's uh download like a 23 draft class why not well Victor wet Manana save the lead all right so who's on these teams now the season started right before I started there was no one there who are these people where did they come from oh my gosh every team is so bad everyone's like a 60 overall keep in mind these are like the same teams as real life okay this is this is so Klay Thompson's a 79 now this is the entire league wow that is that is terrible well let's see who wins now I guess I assume all the remaining players that are like 40 plus that didn't retire last season we'll finally get out of there but technically like people were just forced to pick up randoms it's like 60 plus overalls so the league still technically went on everyone did just retire all of a sudden now it's just a question of how long does it take to recover like for teams to actually be good again because there's about to be another Mass Exodus in this off season Luca who didn't retire wins MVP and the Nuggets still with jokic wins okay so is he retire now or who yeah okay now everyone's kind of retiring now oh my God so it took kind of like two years for everyone to retire um who's still actually in the league it's got to be like five people because you can't force everyone to retire there's just no way right okay I don't know how these guys are still playing can they get out of here already bro the fan interest is at six percent I've never seen something like that so basically it would take a massive hit to the league no one will watch it anymore and it would take a few years to retire I mean this is the third season we're swimming right here wait what just happened I I stopped paying attention for one minute and the fan interest is all of a sudden at 97 . so Victor webign obviously MVP and I assume he's gonna carry a whatever team to a championship well he's 83 oh interesting seven foot five ah lee Nick Smith Jr wins Western Conference MVP he's 78 overall I don't even know who that is that's an auto-generated rookie right the Thunder wad who is this what is happening at this point how long does it take for the NBA to recover this guy's a 76 and just won Finals MVP oh man I totally right after the second season is where I think everyone really saw a hit Chris Middleton someone hasn't retired yo you guys need to retire you are too old all right boys we are officially in 2026 the only remaining players in the league that have been too stubborn to retire at the age of like 50. Giannis is still in the league somehow at age 44 Paul George if all these guys kind of suck now Giannis is basically like the only notable player in the league everyone's just basically retired and um the best players on each team are actually getting a little bit better the league is starting to recover a little bit Victor wet manyana is an 89 overall I think the heat are going to win that Championship but like like the league has definitely taken a massive hit the fan interest is at six percent I don't know how all of a sudden it Rose to like 98 last time I'm gonna watch it carefully this time because I just I don't get it I looked away for one minute and it just just wait what it just jumped to 100 because of the All-Star captains what that's that makes no sense that has to be like a glitch or something like that doesn't make sense and it just slowly takes throughout the rest of the year Shane battle not Shane Battier I don't know who any of these people are at this point oh my gosh Victor women Jana isn't even all NBA first team oh there's bronnie James what happened to the league man Giannis at the age of 44 wins in Western Conference I mean imagine he wins a ring wait hold up oh my gosh he stuck out long enough the last remaining player in the league he does win a ring I guarantee he's gonna finally retire now right he asked you okay there we go okay no there's actually no one in the league anymore not a single person that we made for these now in the league these guys were stubborn though but I guess it paid off for Giannis so with not a single existing player in the league so far because everyone retired I mean there's some I don't know who Shane battle is but there's actually some good people it's Victor webigniana the best player in the league right now let me see yeah he is okay so he should technically win MVP again or at least be first team all NBA you would think but I guess Shane battle took the spot last year all right we'll send one more season and just to see where yo the Lakers are so bad okay these are just randoms at this point winter women yeah I did win defensive player of the year though I don't know hopefully the person who wins Finals MVP is not that bad right oh Shane battle okay 92. so like the league takes a while to recover not too long though this is like what 2026 2027. it is definitely weird seeing Elite we're not a single person I know is in it but honestly like that will eventually happen now finally it is time we tried one of everyone in the entire league gets injured 2K just didn't want to let that we're gonna injure everyone in the game now or at least try and we're gonna go all out like completely all out on this so we're gonna put the Sixers up against the Warriors and both teams are gonna look like this so we're gonna have these five flavors play All 48 minutes and they have a pre-existing injury which is just a sprained ankle which they can play through it's just day to day it's hurt not out so you can see everyone's gonna play 48 minutes so same thing right here everyone's got to sprained an ankle obviously Andrew's drawing we're gonna turn fatigue on as well and we are going to change every single slider to as injury prone as possible so durability all the way down for both the CPU and the user and fatigue rate all the way up I didn't even know that was a thing so not only is their durability stat all the way down but the overall game durability is all the way down as well now it's interesting within an actual game I actually can only remember maybe a couple times where someone got injured usually it was just in my career game though and it was just random like quick game where I was playing again somewhere or something like that like I actually don't remember it but of course we have to load the roster I guess we'll be the 76ers this time because we were the Warriors before and let's get started man let's go out and injure everyone in a game now before we see if we can actually injure every single player in a game I Gotta Give a huge shout out to so rare for once again sponsoring the channel so there's a hundred percent the future of fantasy sports because you can create your own lineups and then use those lineups to compete in different leagues it's like you're a GM of an NBA team and you guys all remember when you sign up using my link you get 20 free common cards but you also get to join the League which you can see right here I named uh Peter MC's vbl which stands for basketball league all right of course a ton of you guys already joined but like I said we all compete against each other game leaks are every Monday and Thursday so twice a week best lineup wins but you gotta use the link below if you want to get in the league so the cool thing about so rare is you can buy individual cards which is especially useful if you think a player is underrated so that's what the marketplace is for I only feel rare super rare um who do we want oh Carl Anthony towns that's not too bad but honestly I've been having a lot of fun with it definitely way different than like all the other fantasy sports out there also one more thing the link does is if you buy five cards from the marketplace you get a free one so go sign up shout out to everybody that's already joined the league and of course big shout outs are so rare for sponsoring once again now let's injure everybody so technically everyone already is injured but it's like oh my gosh I don't really know I want to injure everyone in an actual game because we don't assume it it's not going to work all right here we go James Harden going to the all right come on dude Landing bad I don't know now the thing is this actually is the way we have to do it if we just gave everyone a terrible injury actually I don't know what would happen maybe that's plan C I don't know all right bro someone's got it we got to enter 10 different people dude someone needs to get injured in the next minute or two I swear oh there we go that's the fact yo there's out of it has to be in Haiti right bro all the stats it's like the stats don't even matter take a charge maybe I don't know jump oh going all right jump into the crowd imagine you get injured jumping into the crowd hold up control that crowd or that score stable wait did he just didn't do it oh it's not working guys what is going on someone needs to be injured by now we have 10 players all right we're almost three minutes into the game we need one injury is there like a way you can just injure people like this like like LeBron he landed weird there yeah but it's probably just because he's old not because of the sprained ankle like you would think like I don't know nothing is working all right we're just gonna go head first into the paint here It's gotta work right okay no hang on that Rim Yeah pull yourself up yeah do some pull-ups yeah bro what is happening it's been almost four minutes come on just something something please bro come on dude come on everyone is dead tired what is everyone's energy at like 30 40 everyone's hurt dude they're like selling people out this is not good dude I feel like if someone was gonna get injured they get injured right now it's been seven minutes don't forget all the durability is all the way down all the durability in the game is all the way down and everyone's already injured to start like it couldn't get any more difficult okay well remember how I mentioned that like plan C thing if 2K is not gonna injure these guys whether it's in a Sim or a game I will all right I'm gonna just see what happens when I just injure everyone if I tear everyone on the team's ACL can I hop into a game what will happen all right so I have torn the ACLS of every single player on the Bucks and the Bulls everyone is out not hurt they literally cannot play um they're not allowed to so we'll even let us hop in the game out I'm not sure all right well uh it appears everyone's still in the starting lineup I don't know I mean this is this is the roster so we'll try to start a game I guess it's starting they are walking fine with torn ACLs okay well it looks like we're about to say well I don't know how this is working but okay every what hello what is happening everyone is out what is this all right Zach Levine you're gonna dunk with a torn ACL all right buddy you look completely fine or you can do that oh my gosh it's probably even worse okay well I I give up I don't know 2K you got me it was cool to definitely see all like the really weird NBA scenarios thank you guys for watching go watch me put Shack in the WNBA that was fun definitely another scenario that will never happen in real life
Channel: PeterMc Gaming
Views: 575,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba 2k23, 2k23, everyone fouls out nba 2k23, everyone fouls out, what if everyone fouls out, what if everyone fouls out 2k23, foul out nba 2k23, everyone fouls out 2k23, everyone gets injured 2k23, what if everyone gets injured nba 2k23, every player injured nba 2k23, every player injured 2k23, xbox, ps5, what if everyone fouls out in nba 2k, what if everyone gets injured in nba 2k, petermc
Id: vHVkO1M3zbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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