Playing Every NBA 2K Game to See Which is BEST

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today we'll be testing every 2K in existence to see which game is the best I have professional 2K testers Jester and muchi the first game is NBA 2K and it's the very first game of the NBA 2K franchise this game was made over 25 years ago and for the first cover they chose Alan iers we're going to spin wheel to see what teams you get let it rip GUI has the Boston Boston's always good who was on the team Larry Bird L around today you'd be top five you think so Luka and you got Memphis Grizzlies so the first challenge whoever is the first to make a three-pointer will win oh oh I that was me Jesse starting off that guy is thick imagine off block is that but in his mouth I don't know any of these people oh Mike biggy oh you made that wow good rebound yeah have PA oh that's why three point there you go he's a legendary dude these guys are give it's over that's a good shot oh that steal oh it was dude how do you shoot oh steal oh get cross give me that there you go and Jessie has one game number one and whoever has the most games collected by the end of the video will be the best NBA 2K player of all time what would you guys rate this out of five considering the year I'll give it a four four flat I could agree with that four wow that's a pretty high score whatever the best 2K at the time will get to live in the best 2K BX this is the second game of NBA 2K and once again they chose alen Iverson as the cover artist they also updated the roster and added famous street courts and retro teams to play with the next challenge will be the first to dunk in this 2K already I'm taking a point off for the loading time on this this is absurd this game is not loading right now all right Fair we got this game to read earlier but now it is not playing so none of you guys are going to get a point here and we can't even rate it unfortunately so Z zero yeah it's out of here we're moving on to NBA 2k2 and this is the first time it is available on the PlayStation 2 alen erson was once again the cover athlete but during this year he won his first MVP give me the Lakers you want the Lakers in 2002 oh yeah definitely released in 2001 Pacers oh oh yeah since we couldn't do the dunk challenge the last time we're doing the dunk challenge here first to make a young will win a point for this NBA 2K oh my God I have Elijah uh-oh Elijah won oh my what an animation get away I'm I'm I'm not doing that Luchi has Vince Carter Anthony Davis Grant Williams no why did he not do that why he jelly famed a dunk oh Tinsley with the ball what why is pass right trigger these controls make no sense get away stop fouling me dunk it Vince car with a dunk and GUI has earned a point he is tied what do you guys think of this 2K it honestly feels so much better than the 2K from 2 years ago that we played yeah but I hate the controls I hate the controls too you can't really see where you're going to pass will we rating this out of five not rating it higher than the first one ever I'll give it a three giving it a two okay so this is not going in the best NBA 2K game box of all time next we have NBA 2K3 this was the first time they co-branded with ESPN and once again alen Iverson is the cover athlete this is the fourth game in a row for this next challenge each of the guys are going to be spinning the wheel Jesse please spin your wheel all right I hope it's just two points I feel like muchi is just staring over here okay that is Jesse's you know what I'm going to stop it because it's kind of lops side wheel ready three two okay so muchi has to make a three-pointer and Jesse has to make a layup whoever does their first wins but they don't know what each other's challenge is let's see what team you're going to get the Denver Nuggets nuggets NOA oh it's Alan iers 76ers give me that why you dribbling like that I knew you had post up I don't even know how to post up layup that is not a layup that is not a layup D Howard Fade Away dude get in oh go ending what that is a crazy pass that's a li that is a layup and Jesse has earned his second Point that's my least favorite one so far I feel like the graphics almost took a step down it's crazy I'm going to give that a three this got a total of a three score next we have NBA 2K4 they took a major leap in this 2K because this was the first year they allowed you to create your own player I'm going to let you guys pick the teams for this one Jesse has decided to choose the 50s and the 60s Legends team and muchi has chose the 80s Legends first to make a layup mid-range and three-pointer wins this challenge oh you have Isaiah Thomas what the heckett sure you got M dude okay thank God that's a layup for muchi okay you got Elgen Baylor and a block muchi said get that out of here Isaiah Thomas mid-range rebound second attempt from muchi Kyrie Irving from the three I just need a m how are you doing that and Jessie I almost missed the layup but Jesse has locked in the layup Larry's wide open I see Thomas bang and muchi has earned his second point and is tied up with Jesse rating out of five two two lower I think it's slightly better than the previous two I'll give it a three I'll change my rating to a three average score of three this is still not going in the box next we got NBA 2K5 finally we have Ben Wallace as the cover this was the year that the Detroit Pistons won the NBA Championship the first to score 10 points with one player I think Jesse is going to go with Ben Wallace you already know that's two points for Jesse oh go Parker go Parker yeah see I baited him into using Parker I was going to use Parker the whole time I like this you can icon pass but I'm not passing how do I get a double look at that fade away your energy bar is going low oh three-pointer bang and Mushi is in the lead oh he's right there no you're good you're good you're good yes yes muchi we go there we go someone help yes Ben Wallace almost and one 6 to S no don't let him pass the Parker oh yeah that's what you like oh hell no and muchi with a three-pointer s there you go that is three to two so I think this was a huge level up I'm going to have to tie it with the original two four so Jesse I'll give it a four h okay you guys have to decide I like this one better though I like that one better too really it was banging bro okay if they banging it the bang we're moving on NBA 2K6 and we have Shaq as the cover athlete I'm going let you guys choose teams for this round have fun they're choosing the east and west of this year first to get a block wins or the first to make three dunks wins dude how are they playing such good the defense feels better oh that's not a dunk Get Him DNE Wade wide open oh bro you know what first to get a block or two dunks you guys are struggling here ah and muchi with the first dunk nice but Jesse could still win with either two dunks or a block and LeBron James back with a dunk oh but muchi can win here and muchi you have won another 2K this was my favorite one so I'll give it a four I'll give it a four you guys can't so close to being better than the first one ever but it's just not twice we're moving on to NBA 2K7 and we have another backto back cover athlet Shack they added every athletes signature styles into their movement this challenge will be a fade away bucket you're moving more like NBA players than where's Durk wow what a slow pass good pass first team to make a fade away Tony Parker fade away no way bro Gucci taking a demanding lead five to two I think this is one of the worst ones we've played so far I didn't really get a good chance to play it so I'm going to give it a three honestly I'm giving this one a two so the first 2K ever is still the best NBA 2K of all time next we have NBA 2K8 and we got no other than Chris Paul on the cover all right guys choose whatever team you guys want go crazy Jesse will be the Cavs and moci will be the sun Jesse please come over the spin wheel I'm going to stop the wheel at a random spot this could go really good or really bad yes sir how did I just switch players all right you ready for this step back no way step back dude how does he keep getting these the step back how is he getting these dude step back oh there it is get a re hey and Jesse has one this is the worst 2K I've played in my entire life I give that game a five I genuinely hated this one I'll give it a one you're just salty a one and because it got a one the average is a three so it's not going in the case next we have NBA 2K9 anything is possible because Kevin Garnett is now on this cover this next challenge you have to make a Swit and I will be the judge of the switch they're moving so stiff right now okay switch no that was not a switch pass why am i setting a screen oh that was a layup you could switch it right here you got Ray Allen at the free throw bang and that is a s congratulations wait wait do I get rebuttal you get rebuttal all right see a but I thought you called go be on that shot why is he F that is a what that is a switch that is insane no guys guard him how do I switch thank God he only made oh what Pier midrange that hit Rim that hit rim no that replay all right that's a switch we're calling that switch which has won this one that one was fun yeah I'll give it a a four I'll also give it a four that original one is kind of like an arcade game this one's trying to be an arcade game but also serious so this one is a four but worse four than the first four M yeah next we have NBA 2K1 and we got Kobe Bean Bryant as the cover this is one of the most transformational 2ks it gave live stats injuries rosters and player update it also introduced my player mode allows users to make their own player and guide them through his entire career oh trivia oh trivia which team have the Bulls never played in the NBA Finals probably the Super Sonic oh wait it was the Spurs I got it right this challenge is the first to score with every person on their team will win good one all right Blake is scored Blake Griffin has scored Andrew bham layup bang Baron Davis and one another free throw from mui why do I have to shoot free throws at this angle and there's a glare wide open baby far nice oh Thorton nice good bucket mooch Val everything is a foul in this game nice no I haven't scored with Kobe yet I know you haven't yet oh you still you still need him there you go bang oh R test nice foul free throw give him a free throw and cambi is clear nice go go nice and muchi is going to win off these free throws I'm calling it already we'll see I can't even see the hoop here I don't even know how much points okay you had nine points wait we don't know what that one is oh that one in 10 Lui has made it it went from nine points to 10 points I'm going to give this one a two and I'll give it a three an average of 2.5 next we got NBA 2K 11 and we have Michael Jordan now on the cover they decided to introduce the Jordan Challenge where you could try to recreate 10 Michaels Jordans most famous performances both of you guys do have to choose the Lakers this round it is going to be the first to score with Kobe Bryan any bucket with Kobe wins it here relax bro a okay Jesse got it right here bucket po nope go muchi big cross he gets no rebtal here if you make it he gets no rebtal get in there dang and muchi has one muchi what you ready this it hasn't gained much from maybe like 2K 5 I'm cool with a one one one this is the worst game yet next we have NBA 2K 12 and this is the first game we have on the new PS3 the first to get two defensive stops will win in this 2K this does look a lot better this is crazy this is levels I think this is one of the best teams the the heat with LeBron James the championship team oh this 2K feels what the oh and muchi has got one defensive stop already this is the first game that doesn't make you foul when you hit left trigger that's good how do you not hey I used to sweat this 2 yes and muchi has two defensive stops this is one of my favorite 2ks I'll give it a four 4.2 4.2 and this is the first game the NBA 2K the original one is being replaced and the best NBA 2K right now ever is the NBA 2K 12 next we have NBA 2K 13 this was a first triple cover athlete we got Blake Griffin Kevin Durant Derrick Rose and if you played this two okay you remember the Jay-Z soundtrack every time you're in the waiting screen this one is the spin the wheel but you guys don't have to stand up okay okay you can definitely do that oh I like the defense I don't know if that's a fade away to be honest okay I guess that wasn't a fade away I thought you faded a little bit more than that no why didn't you fade Jess he has a chance to win right here that is a pick and roll someone help someone help for the win and Jesse has won NBA 2K 13 congratulations to their making a comeback I'm going to give this a 4.5 wo you like it better than 2K 12 yes I'd give this like a 3.8 okay and this still wins because it's about average of 4.25 next we have NBA 2K1 14 and we have our King LeBron James on the cover this is after he led the Miami Heat into two consecutive championships in 2012 and 2013 and you guys' challenge first to make a bank shot all right LeBron feel like I might be LeBron just took it back from me than Bank we'll give it to muchi has a rebuttal shot because muchi has allowed that charge welcome to 2k14 Jesse just took a charge and that reminds me of when I took a charge in real life when I got into a car cck and I didn't have the right legal firm to get the money that I deserve when you're seriously hurt your injury could be worth millions and this is where Morgan and Morgan comes in Morgan and Morgan does not settle for lowball offers they've achieved significant verdicts in the past couple months for victims involved in life altering car crashes like a $26 million verdict in Philadelphia which is 40 times more than the highest insurance offer and it only takes a few minutes to see if you have a case Morgan Morgan has modernized the injury law process so you can submit a claim and communicate with your legal Team all from your phone and the fee is absolutely free unless you win there are absolutely no upfront costs or any signup fees did you know you can start a claim with America's largest injury firm with just a few clicks it's so easy you can start a claim right now with Morgan and Morgan at for Jeffrey buoy or click the link down in the description shout out to Morgan and Morgan for sponsoring this video now let's get back to playing every [Music] 2K what are we given this one four there's so much cheese in this game 4.25 okay 4.25 so this does not be NBA 2K 13 next we have 2K15 Kevin Durant apparently begged 2K to put him on the cover because he was such a big fan of the game and played so often you guys could choose Allstar teams for your players the challenge will be first to make a wide openen halfcourt shot oh there's no animation oh you got the ball back so you can still shoot it inside the circle is it that hard to make half shot yes this might just go back and forth hey it has to be wide open that counts that counts no no you didn't score Jeff said you didn't have to score a half court point he just said you have to make Jesse to be fair you were playing full court defense when you're not supposed to you get rebuttal right here and muchi has won all right four and a half whatever we're playing next is going to beat this anyways so I'll give it a four okay so average 4.25 that is the highest 2K so far next we have 2K1 16 and we have Steph Curry James Harden and Anthony Davis as an option for the cover and this is the first time we see the PS for in action what's special about this year's is the career mode was written and directed by bike Lee so this challenge for this one is score a floater oh this Graphics is crazy oh go not a floater sorry felt like I was swimming in the pool for the first time hey and Jesse has won NBA 2K16 I'm giving it a five just so there's a little wiggle room I'll be giving it a 4.7 this is the highest score so far with a 4. 85 average now we have 2K1 17 this was when Paul George made a crazy comeback in 2016 after having broken his leg does 2k have to score via a pick and roll all right Tristan Thompson has a pick and roll good pass and a d way triple team how is fur stronger than LeBron he's double teaming it's impossible to pick and roll that is a cheese oh that is a pick and roll B and was Jesse is back up there I like this one five I'll give it a 4.8 4.9 the best game so far next we have 2K8 we have Kyrie Irving as the cover athlete this next challenge is first to make a top of the key three he double teams oh there you go you got him ISO Jeff this is impossible first to make a three-pointer anywhere no oh green let's go and Jesse has made it but Bui gets it rebuttal good Pi roll good he's open for the T I missed it I got the rebound though no why did he put it up Zaza no one told you to do that I'm on a roll bro I give it a 3.7 four 3.7 so this is not going in the case next we have 2K9 Giannis was actually the first International player to be on the cover athlete maybe someone choose the Giannis Team all right I can be them I like this team thre minute quarter whoever is leading by the end will be winning oh good bucket all right two Z you can still be you oh steal Drive oh Corner three Kyrie B bang that's a bank bro oh my God that is crazy oh Corner oh yes muchi nice buck it Tony now off the backboard to himself damn it's over it is over I'm coming back bro I'm going to give it a 4.5 I'm giving it a two this 2K is the reason I stopped playing really you hated it m so not the favorite 2K next we have NBA 2K 20 Anthony Davis on the cover this next challenge is everybody has to touch the ball before anyone scores but everybody can only touch the ball once so this challenge might be harder than it look we got Yannis touch it Walker touch it saving your passes for upper Court I like it MB touch it George touch it Curry oh nice yes what the what dude Durant Leonard James Irving James Harden is the last player someone help dude yes foul that counts if he makes one of these free throws he made one tying it up I'm going to give it a four yeah I'll give it a four four that 2K is not moving on next we have NBA 2K 21 we have Damen Lillard all right we're back over the spin whe Jesse take a look this is your move oh nice okay no he got pick and roll hey and Jesse has completed his muchi gets a rebuttal how's Jordan on the 80s team wait where is the pick oh and that is done Jesse has made a comeback he has taken the lead I'll give this one a 4.5 I'll just give it 4.5 2K 17 is still in the lead next we have NBA 2K 22 this is the second International player to make an NBA 2K cover we got Luca donix and we have PS5 in action this next challenge will be the first to steal the ball or make a free throw people are falling oh that's a steal Jesse has won this challenge he has earned a steal I'm going to give it a a four four I'm good with four four four overall we're going on to NBA 2K 23 we got Devin Booker on the cover they added a bunch of new gameplay features for attacking the Baseline like Flex on the rim adrenaline boost and many more this challenge is a layup mid-range and three-pointer but it has to be in the order it DK counts as a layup I'm calling that now any lower and yeah that's a layup and that is a layup oh that's my ball yes yes y me with the block layup first layup nice go let's go wide open yes yes Kevin male is getting unlimited free yes there he is bang shoot it he's not moving that's nope nice Kobe with the win oh pump fake and for the win bang let's go so what are you guys rating NBA 2K 23 4 and A2 4 and A2 I'll give it a 4.7 does not beat it and now we finally have the most recent NBA 2K 24 with Kobe on the cover 2K is paying respects to him because it is 2K 24 Kobe Bryant War number 24 shout out to Kobe Jesse has 13 and Mii has 10 this is worth triple points all right let's see it one minute quarters whoever wins at the end of it all will win it all starting off with the Nuggets Jesse with the ball easy Buck it how does he do this nice Corner nice look at that what the I've been looking for Jason Tatum this whole game there you go nice green Jesse might lose here hit Tatum hit Tatum oh nice easy two points nice I don't know just okay we'll take it we'll take it Richi can't see the clock oh running the clock is smart and getting a bucket while running the clock for three that's game wow that's green dunk City all right and muchi has won and is worth three points congratulations to both of you guys you guys are sharing the MVP and the title of the best 2K players of all time comment down below who you guys think actually won make sure you check out everybody down description last video Popp over here I love you guys until next time peace
Channel: Jeffrey Bui
Views: 772,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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