What Would Travelling Through A Wormhole Look Like? (VR/360)

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Oh Oh it's got manly hearing today I want to bring you a 360 video about wormholes because we've seen wormholes throughout science fiction in movies and TV shows but we never get to really look around so I decided to go deep into the math and write a ray tracer which would actually model the trajectories of light rays around a wormhole so this is an example of a wormhole near the planet Saturn obviously this is a nod to interstellar in fact I used the same mathematical formulation that Kip Thorne and double- used for that movie to give it a look they wanted for the movie he could adjust the diameter of the wormhole the length of the constant diameter throat and the amount of curvature around the mouth which is defined by a mass parameter so going in there is a mouth which is sort of the circular area we see and then when we're inside it there is a section called the throat which is constant diameter and we see rings of light that have spiraled the way around the hole so as I said this is designed with visual effects in mind with a lot of things you can mess around with the first wormhole that was documented in literature that was traversable is the LS wormhole which is also known as the Morris Thorne wormhole on that you can adjust the diameter and I guess you can also add a constant width throat in it so yeah I've just created one here and we're gonna traverse it - this doesn't have the tweakable mass limit it just has a very wide range no Morrison Thorne looked at this and they came up with actual solutions for how you would distribute mass and material in the universe and of course they found out that you needed exotic matter that is matter which in some reference frames may have negative mass so I should make it clear that while these are physically correct traversable wormholes there's no evidence that wormholes actually exist in reality and if they did exist we don't know how to create them because they require exotic matter which we don't know exists so anyway I want to know play with some of those sliders here is a new wormhole it is you can see it's distorting gravity has a mass of 0.1 a radius of 1 in a length one also you'll note that it is spherical so wormholes are spherically symmetric which means whatever direction you look at them they are a sphere so now what we're doing is increasing the length of the throat and as you see as we raise that length we start to see more and more rings as the light echoes around the insight now gonna plunge down into the middle of the hole and yeah you can see these rings of light but you know what instead of going all the way through what I'm gonna do instead is now collapse the wormhole back to a zero length so you can see the difference as we shrink it down from a length of 10 all the way down to a length of zero all that ringing disappears and no we are sitting on the doorstep between two different universes so now let's pull back and adjust the mass parameter the mass is point one we can raise that up quite a lot in fact we can raise it up by you know a factor of 20 and as we raise it up it will adjust the amount of lensing here now many people call this gravitational lensing but that's not strictly true this is spatial lensing there is no gravitational component here because of the way the metric has been described there's actually no gravitational acceleration on this object but because space is so warped around it light gets warped from it and of course objects will get warped around in exactly the same way if there was a gravitational component then physical objects and light would follow different paths and also we would have enough tidal forces that we would probably tear anything apart so typically traversable wormholes have no gravitational effects so now we're gonna roll down into the wormhole again just so you can see what it looks like we're just gonna move right through to the other side and then once we're on the other side you can look backwards by the way because this is a 360 video I'm gonna tweak the mass of the wormhole down to essentially zero and this removes all the lensing funnily enough by reducing the mass it actually increases the curvature of space because the high mass makes the curvature spread over a wider area the low mass makes it almost exactly attached to the surface of this sphere so what it looks like is II sphere and as we move through there's no transition or anything here it just looks like a planet right now but as soon as we start orbiting it you'll notice that the textures are basically moving the opposite direction what we are seeing is not an object with a surface we are seeing a portal to another universe through that sphere this is one thing that a lot of sci-fi with wormholes will ignore things like deep space 9 they don't really show you the back side of the wormhole well yeah the back side is exactly the same as the front side because it's a sphere so to give you a better idea of where the surface is I'm gonna tweak up my graphics and add a grid over the surface of the wormhole this is at the mouth there is also the interior throat so we have a yellow sphere on the exterior and there's actually an inside here on the throat and now were through to the other side so you see I've got four different colors of grids for the spheres around the inside our the near side and the far side and you get inside versus outside shading so I'm just gonna come back through and you this is 360 so you can move the camera around I'm gonna pause it in the middle take a look to the left and the right it doesn't look like we're inside a sphere it actually looks like we are between two planes because the light rays just go on any circle and they keep looping around the wormhole has a finite width but there's no wall or anything that you'll bump into instead if you go in with a spacecraft which is too big then one side of your spacecraft loops around the wormhole and crashes into yourself so I'm switching viewpoints here to show you what happens if you try to go sideways so this is just outside the wormhole and we're going to the site you can go in any direction and you will essentially orbit around the surface now it looks flattish because when you're close to a sphere then it looks like a flat object but the cool thing is now we can actually go just inside the wormhole and sure enough we can now see the surface above us but we can also see the surface below us and at this point we are exactly in the middle of the throat and you'll notice the boat these things are going look like they're going in the same direction it looks like we're sandwiched between two parallel planes but we know from the outside that plane is actually a sphere and the plane Bluest is actually a sphere so it's only because space is warped in the way it is that they both look flat to us and of course so now if we continue to move through the wormhole that's downwards and we move down through this sphere and have both of them above us and of course this sphere is now curving the opposite direction from the one above us but it doesn't matter we can't see it because we are so close to the surface of this wormhole so yeah wormholes are weird there will be a part two to this which is not a 360 video it'll explain how I did it and a little more about what you're seeing here I'm Scott Manley fly safe
Channel: Scott Manley
Views: 510,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wormhole, interstellar, science, general relativity, science fiction
Id: V7e-1bRpweo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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