What if ChatGPT wrote our scripts?

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right so we're in the middle of the Southern on our long road trip down to what's eventually going to be Bitcoin City but we've been meaning to do this experiment for a while what if we replaced me with chat DBT what if we told Chad gbt to start a brand new YouTube channel [Music] the onset it's the creative lead it defines what we talk about it writes the scripts we just act as it's human executors uh as it's human sort of like production team what would happen with that channel I think a lot of philosophical questions about it but let's find out I'm thinking of something like this you are a YouTuber and you're starting some brand new YouTube channel on the topic of your choice it understands our Channel it knows who I am it knows that I'm the host of the channel so I'm just taking that as an assumption's about the channel name like the channel to be about Tech Horizons is the name of the channel this is the channel description join us as we uncover the latest Innovations analyze their implications and envision the future together so the first video topic that it picked was a video about artificial intelligence and how it's shaping the future it's a video about itself and we did it we shot it and we published it on a whole new YouTube channel for my first time not really touching the script before we read it let's do it for the images the banner and the thumbnail we used Dali which is the image generating model that open AI built and of course we use the prompts that chat GPT gave us quick overview if you really don't know what we're talking about open AI the company behind this technology actually started as a non-profit organization a bunch of Founders and investors from the tech World got together including Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and they all pledged one billion dollars as a group in funding to this non-profit company to collaborate in building an AI and it actually convinced a lot of people and a lot of companies to provide open AI with access to their research and and to help train open AI that included Google and Tesla and all the advancements they had made eventually lack of funding ability to recruit talent and just conflicts between the founders forced the company to Pivot into a for-profit model to become a standard business Microsoft came in as an investor fast forward to 2023 and openai has taken the World by storm chat GPT this week like following its instructions has been pretty crazy it assigned task to us it designed its own logo and banner it decided what b-roll to use on the video and it picked me as the host from the entire team so as the cinematographer I'd like you to work on the visuals for the video including shooting the footage Helena please work closely with at least into design and develop animations it's even like being nice to you Paola please edit the video footage animations and try on other visual elements Joshua please assist Elisa in shooting the video and work with Paula on editing tasks follow us the producer please manage the overall production timeline Bernardo is the research please gather background information and data on the topic it'd be funny if chat gpt's channel is more successful than ours I would be slightly offended there's really enough to talk about on the origins of the company and everything for a full documentary and we might make that but not after we learn and understand just what happens with this channel it's not our channel it's gpt's owned Channel Tech Horizons so go check it out and hear what it had to say
Channel: Slidebean
Views: 20,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slidebean, caya slidebean, company forensics, caya, startups, startups 101, artificial intelligence, machine learning, chat gpt, ai, ai videos, what's ai, what is chat, what is chatgpt, what is chatgpt 4, what is chatbot and how to use it, what is chatbot and how it works, what is chatgpt ai, startups 2022, startups 2023, slidebean startup 101
Id: aRx81LLX9Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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