What If Africa Had A Civil War?

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today we're gonna be taking a look at a scenario where africa has a civil war now africa is a very large and diverse continent it has the most countries in the world and overall it's going to make for a very interesting scenario here so every single mainland african country will be forced to pick one of two sides and then they will go to war with the opposing side eventually there will be a victor so if you guys do enjoy this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new as i'm recording this we're at 69 000 subscribers nice but that also means we're getting close to 70 000 subscribers and if you don't know what i'm doing for that then make sure to stick around because i will be talking about it towards the end of this video so yeah make sure to subscribe like comment share all those fun things and let's go ahead and get right into this now this african civil war is going to be starting in one particular place or i should say area and the two countries that are going to be firing up against each other are egypt and ethiopia now in reality these two countries hold some interesting tensions and uh it could definitely develop into a scenario where they're both at war the only problem with that is that ethiopia is landlocked and they don't border each other so some other countries would have to get involved we'd most likely end up seeing sudan join in on the side of egypt just so egypt can actually access ethiopia but this does create a whole bunch of other problems because ethiopia has a bunch of allies and they're not about to let this slide now of course having sudan in this war we're going to be having south sudan in this war they join in on the side of ethiopia but now the countries surrounding ethiopia are going to be forced into big king aside starting off with aratreya they join in on the red team now before i go into the rest of the content i'm just going to be completely honest with you i suck at africa i i could do pretty good with north america europe south america maybe asia but africa i'm not too good in africa there's a lot of countries here and um i'm more of an overview kind of guy so like the world war 3 video i'm more confident those kind of videos asia video i was fairly confident in definitely the europe one but this oh boy i don't even know where to start oh yeah holding off of djibouti we have somalia joining in on the side of the red team but this does come at a cost just like in every other single aetis pro video we have somaliland rebelling from somalia and from here i can better make my djibouti decision and i'm going to be giving them to the blue team just because they're surrounded more by the blue team than they are the red team ultimately djibouti is probably going to be taken out but we can only wait for that if it does happen now it gets a little bit easier over here in east africa where a majority of these countries are joining in on the blue team now if you don't watch my videos often the east african federation which is basically just a union between these few countries the idea is there however it doesn't exist but we can still assume that they would want to ally with each other so now that central and eastern africa are taken care of let's go ahead and jump up to northern africa where it's a lot easier we have libya and algeria joining in on the red team we have morocco on the blue team as well as tunisia mauritania joins in on the red team and of course the most chad country of all joining in on the blue team the republic of the congo joins in the blue team the reason i put these guys in here randomly is because i'm i've seen a few comments saying that the drc and the roc actually have good relations despite you know history so i won't be trusting you and taking your word on this i actually didn't look into it i'm not going to look into it because i want to wing it let's go ahead and move on down south to southern africa where we have angola joining in on the red team and this essentially puts in place the rest of south africa namibia joins in on the blue team followed by this we have south africa espatini and lesotho joining in on the blue team mozambique in botswana and yeah angola made a bad choice even madagascar joins in on the blue team so yeah there's a lot of blue here so let's add in a little bit of red molly joins it on the red team uh this oh boy there we go i know it's mostly controlled by morocco though so don't get mad at me okay so i don't know where to go from here i i literally looked up some of these countries and there's not even google knows the answer so um niger joins it on the red team senegal and the gambia on the blue team nigeria on the red team cameroon on the red team liberia on the red team ghana on the red team togo and benin on the blue team uh the gabon on the blue team equatorial guinea on the blue team car car on the red team um all right so this is harder than it should be any missile on the blue team fiera leone and skinny on the blue team ivory coast on the blue team and burkina faso on the red team you know i i really i don't want to say i tried but i did my best i didn't realize that africa could kind of well no because this isn't right okay so don't hate me don't i'm looking at you person random person from from ghana don't hate me i see you there random person from cameroon don't don't hate me listen here you're from getty basale your opinion is invalid jokes aside though this is fine for me um i was mostly trying to balance it over here i might have done too much blue team so if the thumbnail looks a little bit different then forgive me but yeah now it's time to make everyone kill each other i said that way too positively so unfortunately some countries here are going to get absolutely slapped around and i'm looking around at you chad so let's go ahead and start the slapping now the toyota war is a fun topic you should look into it if you don't know what it is but chad won that war unfortunately for them though they're not winning it today it must be because i switched to nissan sudan starts to reclaim south sudan while ethiopian djibouti managed to push into the tale of eritrea east africa makes a pretty easy campaign into somalia taking advantage of a not so their government and we have angola starting to fold on all sides nigerian cove swiftly take out benin and togo while push has started into the ivory coast who eventually surrenders we have a very cute push happening in northern liberia but unfortunately the nigerians are not having that immediately the blue team army is pushed out of liberia and the western african countries are starting to realize they made a mistake up north we have tunisia being pushed into by algeria while tunisia itself actually makes an offensive into northern libya which you know they probably did that because the capital was right there but unfortunately that push is stopped and the libyans are now pushing back the tunisians over in west africa we have a majority of these countries getting invaded and eventually all of them surrender to the red team and this gives way for the red team to reorganize their troops and focus on the south over morocco we have algerian troops crossing the border into the country while down south we have the exact opposite happening moroccan troops push into southern algeria although eventually this is stopped as it really doesn't have a point algeria's population is here so i don't know why you'd be wanting to go down here over in somalia we have a bunch of crushing campaigns which eventually split the country into two and from here we have the capitulation of somalia the ethiopians from here make an attack into sudan but this is eventually slowed and stopped by the egyptians we do have the capitulation of var treya but sudanese and egyptian troops quickly re-push into the country and still mate with the ethiopians at this point we have troops from south africa and other major southern african countries arriving in ethiopia and the drc we first see it push out from the drc which is trying to connect with chad this eventually occurs and we have the central african republic being split in half unfortunately for chad though they are not chad enough to withstand the northern african republics as we see egypt libya sudan and nigeria pushing into the country we all know that chad would never surrender so they just end up capitulating in the north while in the south they still somewhat hold out as blue team troops start to pump into the country we eventually have the central african republic surrendering which gives way for blue team troops to furthermore back up chad's offensive sudanese troops make an incursion into the territory which was just gained by the blue team but this incursion is eventually stopped and we have a frontline looks kind of funky over in cameroon we have the blue team making a slight offensive until eventually nigerian troops get down there and start to smack people around these troops are immediately pushed out of the country and nigeria capitulates equatorial guinea over in south sudan we have blue team troops being pushed back in mass as the south sudanese country starts to capitulate keep saying capitulate a lot probably going to get annoying by the end of this video speaking of capitulate they capitulate but just because they capitulated doesn't mean they've capitulated fully and the blue teams come to uncapitulate the capitulated south sudan i hate myself heading back over to ethiopia we have them uh getting pushed back egypt starts to refocus a lot of its troops into reclaiming this territory that was taken by ethiopia but this reorganization does make for some regain in south sudan not too much though back down in angola we have the blue team focusing in on capturing their coastline this goes fairly well and eventually the angling people overthrow their government and angola surrenders the red team now pushes into gabon until eventually that country is like no and they surrender now we see the effect happening on the republic of the congo speaking of the republic of the condo speaking speaking of the republic of the congo we have them pushing into this area of cameroon and the central african republic and here they try to push it over to cameroon in order to cut the country in half but this fails as nigeria says no up north we have the capturing of tunis and in the following days we have the surrender of tunisia now all that we have left in the north is morocco who decides to go on the defensive mode basically they focus their entire military on not allowing the red team to make advances so while this does happen on a smaller scale it isn't enough to completely wipe out the country over in ethiopia we finally see red troops crossing into the country as they start to aim towards their capital i'm gonna try to pronounce it again uh addis ababa jokes on you i looked it up i pronounced it correctly stopped making fun of me for pronouncing it wrong even though i'm not i've been lied to by the google before so i wouldn't be surprised over in chad we see the collapse of the blue team's front as the country completely falls over to the red team now the red team seeps into the central african republic eventually we see one long front line erupt across africa so yeah overall land gain wise i would say the red team probably has well they've definitely taken out more countries but the size of these countries are relatively small so land area wise i'm going to be giving it to the red team but the blue team has made some pretty big progress at this point we're assuming troops from all corners of the blue team and all corners of the red team are fighting on this main front line the blue team launches a special counter offensive over here in gabon and it actually goes pretty successfully red team troops are almost completely pushed out of the country as blue team troops cross over into equatorial guinea but over in south sudan we have the sudonese and the egyptians pushing down once again and this does a lot of damage to the blue team the users front to cross over into western ethiopia from here they solidate their presence in this region the blue team kicks the red team out of their countries over here and relaunch a campaign into cameroon up north we have a breakthrough in the moroccan nigerian front line as troops from the red team start to flood into morocco they eventually re-establish her defensive and this front is once again frozen in ethiopia we had the red team attempting to make a campaign towards addis ababa that just sounds wrong i'm sorry if i'm pronouncing it wrong this campaign goes good at first until eventually the geography of the ethiopia says no and we're left with the large encroachment in the center of the country so while the rest of the red team army is pushed back into a stalemate we have this circle here actually moving around a little bit at first they move up north then they start to move back over towards the front line and then they're all shot dead over in your car we have the red team making an offensive which goes pretty well for them although it is very costly overall they do manage to connect with the border of the drc but are unable to enter south sudan we have slow progress going in favor of the red team until eventually they once again meet the border of the drc in ethiopia we have a counter offensive over here that's jolly except for up north we have our trail being almost completely liberated they then use this reconquered land to make an encirclement in northern ethiopia which cuts off a large defensive portion of the ethiopian army it defends so well that they reconnect with their country but they do experience a loss of around 70 percent of their soldiers so now with that area out of the way we have a pretty weak northern defense in ethiopia these guys slowly move around and down until eventually blue team forces stop their advance the rest of our trade is completely liberated and djibouti is um well actually they're just vibing so at this point the red team is really putting the pressure on the blue team the blue team at this point is mostly just trying to defend against the red team however their numbers are not enough to stop against more powerful armies such as the egyptian the nigerian and the algerian armies while they do have some notable military areas such as south africa it really isn't enough to stop the red team from advancing so we have a few more weeks of fighting with the blue team managing to push a red team back into the central african republic but this comes at a cost as nearly one-third of ethiopia is captured but up north we do see morocco's counter-offensive go well as they almost pushed algerians completely back to their northern border overall both sides are tired of fighting this war it's a very well this war is huge like africa like i said in the beginning is a huge continent this front line right here is stupidly large and i doubt anyone would want to fight it so both sides decide to meet for peace and chad and we have some new african borders being drawn up with absolutely no regard to culture or language may i add alright so here is the peace treaty uh it's everywhere but i'll go over it starting up north here we have morocco losing a little bit of their land over to algeria algeria takes a northern half of tunisia while libya takes the southern half with the partitioning of chad who no longer exists may he rest in peace west africa is severely punished for their crimes but it gets a little bit interesting when we come over here towards the southern half of africa so the drc gets a lot of land to get a little bit of land out of the central african republic as well as angola we see cameroon get land out of um equatorial guinea as well as chad further down south we have angola getting split up by its neighbors archery gets land out of both ethiopia and northern djibouti somaliland gets independence while somalia ceases to exist and overall the economy of africa is gone so yeah that's gonna do it for today's video now before you click off though i do have to talk about the 70 000 subscriber special because that's going to be taking place pretty soon so as i said in the last video now if you didn't watch the last video first of all shame on you second of all go watch and third of all i don't know what third of all is but in the last video i talked about what i'd be doing for 70k and that is i'm going to be doing a reaction to a bunch of your guys's i guess fan videos i know there's a few meme videos out there there's inspired by videos which aren't necessarily what i'm going for but there's also like i don't know i've seen like animations of scenarios that i've done it's really cool some of it and i do want to give reactions to that and you know give some light to these creators so yeah i'm gonna be reacting to those videos i already have found a few on my own but if you want to submit videos that are related to me in any way then there's a link in the description to my discord server and in the discord server there is a special channel i think it's called actually i don't know what's called it's called video submissions it wasn't there last time because i forgot about it but since it has been added and there has been a few submissions already just make sure you only share your submission and not any other video but yeah anyway so link to the discord server in the description if you want to join it uh make sure to submit your videos because i will be reacting to a majority of the videos in that channel and yeah so i just want to say thank you guys for watching uh if you did enjoy it make sure to leave a like subscribe share the video comment uh how about we do this comment the changes you would have made for my country selection now there's probably gonna be a lot so you just make a list and just select the country and make like a dash and then just like the team they would probably be on instead of the team i put them on i thought it'll be pretty cool i'll probably look through those comments i do look through you guys comments i know some of you think i don't but i do i just don't react with them because there's too many and yeah so once again thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 105,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: africa, civil war, what if africa had a civil war, what if africa united, egypt vs ethiopia, sudan vs south sudan, morocco vs algeria, african civil wars 2022, map, mapper, mapping, maps, war, war scenario, war simulation, world war, ww1, ww2, ww3, mapping scenario, alternative future, alternative history, history, geography, cartography, geopolitics, adizzpro, adizzpro empire, drew durnil, oversimplified, geofacts, africa war, libya, egypt, sudan, morocco, algeria, south africa, drc, africa 2022
Id: vCZfSPuN0ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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