What if a SUPERNOVA Hit You? (Final Fantasy VII Science)

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SO did anyone find anything about Titanian water?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BobzilaTheValkyrur 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
do you have enough Phoenix talents yes you have the ribbons equipped right did I equip the ribbons have you ever been playing a video game and then all of a sudden something so bonkers happens it makes you stop and go wet wet well I think video games are where you should have that kind of exp but I'm talking about a real how did that happen kind of moment well today I want to tackle one of the most infamous of these moments in video game history welcome to the facility hey that's my line the what the what moment that I want to die sell this wasn't even plugged in the what the what moment that I want to dissect is from the classic and now remade RPG Final Fantasy set where in this scene the villain with let's admit the amazing hair unleashes the attack supernova on your pixelated party it's a whole bunch of planetary cosmic chaos and that leads to Earth's Sun literally exploding where do we even start with something like this how much damage wouldn't actually do well let's begin with the obliteration of Pluto I had to pop out to restock the facility's restrooms apparently not everyone got the memo about our toilet paper episode anyway if you ask an astrophysicist how to destroy a celestial object because I have they will usually give you the brute-force approach which is fine it's just easier you can imagine the complete annihilation of something like Pluto as taking every single piece of pollutes mass and flinging it off with enough energy such that it extends to infinity never to return this would require in putting to Pluto at least as much energy as is gravitationally holding it together you would want to overcome the so-called gravitational binding energy and thankfully like a nerdier version of the company that sells too many dongles and overpriced laptops would say there's an equation for that to destroy a planet mathematically we want to consider a planet as an infinite number of discrete shells with some amount of mess we then perform a smidgen of calculus to integrate sum up all the forces on all these shells how much force it would take to successfully fling all these shells into infinity and if we do that we get BAM this equation BAM this the gravitational binding energy of a perfect sphere floating in space is equal to 3 times Newton's gravitational constant times the mass of the sphere squared divide all that by 5 times the body's radius plug in the numbers for Pluto and we get 800 that's my line yeah but you do I'm going to assume that whatever sefie is launching here it has to have at least this much energy behind it to do what it does plus the energy required to explode chupa chup even though the attack looks like it's just punching a hole through the planet and I don't really know what's going on but this would require an additional ginormous amount of energy in fact it is so much harder to destroy Jupiter than it is to destroy Pluto gravitationally speaking that the sum of these two numbers is basically just the energy required to destroy Pluto none of this energy is actually directed at the player in final fantasy Sephiroth's initial salvo is just there to cause another cosmic catastrophe this supernova what did you dye your hair just for this video yeah does it look cool it's seven even your favorite game in this series I mean no I'm actually partially oh oh playing a video game almost always requires at least some suspension of disbelief where did I just appear from where was i storing this giant freaking sword on my body it doesn't matter it's a video game but sometimes it is fun to extend video game logic out into the real world for example in this Final Fantasy attack that we're analyzing it takes 60 seconds of in-game time for sephiroth's attack to make it from Pluto to the Sun to earth in real life the fastest anything can travel in the universe is light speed the speed of light in a vacuum and if this was a real attack actually traveling that distance to travel that distance in that time it would have to be going 300 times the speed of light so if you thought Final Fantasy cutscenes were long before if this was traveling at an accurate speed in the game it would take over four and a half hours to finish and it would be so long and tedious and convoluted and it wouldn't make sense and then what would the game be Metal Gear Solid nanomachines a supernova is unimaginably powerful just think about for a moment how much energy the Earth's Sun is putting out second-by-second even a hundred and fifty million kilometers away that energy is able to sustain trillions upon trillions of organisms across billions of years and warm up an entire planet now consider that a standard supernova explosion releases the energy equivalent to all of the sun's energy that it will ever put out in its entire lifetime in just a few seconds now I'm not sure exactly how Sephiroth caused the Sun to go supernova you can't just punch it with polygons and expect that to happen but at least not all of this energy would go towards disintegrating cloud and the rest of the party and turning Eris and the dust not that Sephiroth would have to it's been 23 years get over it when a supernova explodes the energy radiates outwards in a sphere in all directions if these arrows represent that energy look what happens as they travel outwards through space they're getting further apart right now that's the same amount of energy but as it spreads out it's less energy per area the intensity of the explosion is decreasing hmm Aria run the simulation take back what you said about Eris no a Sephiroth solar supernova would have to expand outwards one astronomical unit of distance to reach earth the intensity then is going to drop based on how much area this expanded sphere has compared to the original when it exploded we can find just how much by dividing the original power of the blast by the area of the sphere at the new distance if the earth-sun exploded in a standard type 1a supernova by the time that sunlight got to earth the sky would suddenly burst with a brilliance of five billion times the intensity of regular sunlight and if you saw it it certainly would be your final fantasy when I say that a supernova is a lot brighter than regular old sunlight you know what I mean but do you really know what I mean as King nerd randall munroe of xkcd has pointed out in his wonderful what-if book and blog we truly are not evolved to comprehend the magnitude of a supernova if a supernova went off at the same distance that the earth is from the Sun if you can see it I mean you wouldn't see it because you'd be long dead from all the neutrinos hours before but if you could see it it would be literally brighter than a nuclear bomb detonating against your eyeball but then again seeing is a relative term as much as you you know your retinas would have just flashed to smoke and your bone marrow would be boiling but you know what I mean now right it takes 3 Giga joules of directed energy to completely vaporize a human being these are the things that I know it would take around a thousand quintillion times more energy than that to boil all of Earth's oceans away I'm not a supervillain if Sephiroth really did make Earth's Sun go all splode II splode II and Unleashed it on cloud and the rest of his party it would is ready oh just a second my package is ready I got it just sayin Oh Aria this moves our schedule way up do you know how hard it is to find a pure sample of Titanian ice water all the way out here yeah you met your capacitors it was worth the price but it's it's gonna have to be our little secret for now well we don't really have a choice at least until we get the rest of the samples decontaminated and I don't I don't trust that dr. Jeff I don't like his face or his fins like I was saying if a ridiculous attack like this really took place then according to my math four hours and 45 minutes after a silver-haired weirdo initiated it this attack would reach cloud and his party and the intensity of the energy here would completely eradicate them turn them into formless plasma in less than 250 microseconds they would be evaporated before their neurons even had time to tell their bodies uh-oh a few seconds after that all of Earth's oceans would have boiled away and a few hours after that the entirety of earth would be erased from universal existence this is the ultimate in overkill a real Limit Break if you will and the funny thing is if your party is accurately leveled during this section nothing even happens to you just take a little bit of damage that is ridiculous but it is undoubtedly fun so I still have more questions about final fantasy though like what even is a chocobo and how do blitzball players hold their breath for so long and why is Final Fantasy 15 sponsored by Top Ramen and why does actors battle time now exiting the facility thank you so much to the facilities very nerdy faculty for their direct support in creating this video especially today I want to recognize research assistant Sabrina Pegman and visiting scholar Tony ruble if you want to join the facility faculty if you want to join us in our special chat rooms and in our discs or go right now literally hundreds of nerds are talking with each other sorting out their own D&D games giving me episode ideas you can the patreon linked in the description of this video and if you support the facility just enough you get your name on Aria here and there's there's more and more of you each week so I'm gonna pass the time by telling you can't really destroy the Sun at least not really in the way that you think you can't like point a cosmic sized firehose at it and hope to put it out or launch a giant ball of iron at it because the Sun is basically just an uncontrolled fusion reaction and if you give it more mass it's just going to vaporize all that mass and use it to continue the fusion reaction so I don't really know how Sephiroth does it okay it's not done yet so I'm gonna thanks for watching
Channel: Kyle Hill
Views: 268,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, video games, final fantasy, FFVII, space, physics, math, learning, education, kyle hill, final fantasy vii, FF7, because science, engineering, final fantasy 7, square enix, cloud strife
Id: gVoQ1rzxwn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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