What I Feed My Horses!

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[Music] oh [Music] hey guys so i'm just going to be talking you guys through what i feed so this is where i keep all of my feed due to covered we cannot share feed spaces so this is where i keep mine so the first thing i do is just collect all the buckets i normally leave these out so they catch any rain but the first thing i do is just give each horse one quarter of a scoop of copper but cooper gets half a scoop [Music] and then i just tip water in the copper so i can soak it up and i give it a mix i make mine quite runny just because i add supplements into the copper so it's easier for the horses to eat it [Music] the first supplement i feed is zen ulcer guard this is just for cooper he's a thoroughbred so there's always a chance that he could have ulcers so this is why he is on this the next thing i feed is the tough rock ejf this stuff is really good for joints um i feed it to all three of my horses because two of them are young and cooper is old and spotty also went through a fence not long ago so that just helps with her tendons and things like that after the recovery [Music] the next thing i feed is the ranbit hoof food all three of my horses have crappy hooves so this just gives them the extra boost to help them out [Music] the next thing just cooper gets is the conkey's own fabi this is just a digestive supplement to help clear him out [Music] the next thing i feed is the conki's own self vital this is just a really good multi-action supplement it has kind of everything courses needing it from copper to iron everything like that so it's a really good all-round supplement for all three horses [Music] the next thing i feed that i am just waiting for it to run out is brewer's yeast um i did used to feed this and i'm just kind of using up the last of it but when this is finished i will not be feeding this anymore the next thing i feed just spotty is the collado better mare this is just because she's such a merry horse it just helps her calm down a bit the next thing i feed all three horses is set oil this stuff is a lifesaver and it makes their coats look amazing i'll put in a picture here of cooper when i first got him just over a week ago now and i picture compared to yesterday in just one week for what the sen oil has done for him [Music] the next thing all three horses get is a half a kilo or 500 grams of the high gain balance palette again this is just a really good all-around palette [Music] cooper also gets half a scoop of the johnson's old timer and one quarter of a scoop of rice bran spodium ranger get half a scoop each of the perry's pony meal and cooper gets just a tiny bit for the sunflower seeds in it uh [Music] cooper to finish and then i will let the other two go just so i can know that cooper is getting the feed and nutrients he needs because he is an older horse i do watch him and make sure he does kind of get everything down but i will not let these guys off the lead rope until cooper has completely finished his [Music] food and then i'll just give creeper his here as you can see and then i just want to point in that the horses do have a magnificent large grassy paddock so they only get two biscuits of grass hay a day and then they just graze on the grass as much as they want and then i'll just pop out the buckets like this so they can catch any rain and then i will pack up my little shed i don't even know what you would call it and then i am finished [Music] and as you're talking i'll start thinking all the details start sinking
Channel: Chestnut Cheetos
Views: 6,852
Rating: 4.8558559 out of 5
Id: bUQ2Zm62l4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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