WHAT I FEED MY HORSES | Concentrates | Lock Down Day 18

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hi guys and welcome to my what I feed my horses video so this has been really requested that I show you all what I actually feed my horses now I have six horses if you don't know they all get fed very similar but I'll go through each of their feeds so we feed our horses Dungey healthy to me and this is a complete fiber feed so the reason we feed this is because our horses are very stress a which means they are more prone to gastric ulcers so I did my dissertation on at cran gastric ulcer syndrome and also known as egos and one of the things that you should do to reduce gastric ulcers is to reduce the reliance on cereals based feeds and move to more fiber it also contains other things that I believe to be antioxidants and things that will help with their digestive tract but really it's just the fact that you're feeding fiber you're free from molasses and preservatives it's a much more natural feed than giving them a really concentrated feed which is going to exasperate any gastric issues so here we have the horse buckets we have dunnies Tuffy's chilies Charlie's Lucy's and caramels so the amount of healthy to me our horses get is a recordings with their age and the amount of work they get so chilli has three feeds a day whereas healers only have one and he only has a small amount per feed caramel lychee gets a tiny amount cuz she is actually really need any feed in terms of concentrated feed that she's fed me on hearing grass then this is Danny's so Danny gets quite a bit with him being an elderly gender disability boys and we struggle to keep weight on them as much so next we have Lucy Lucy gets quite a bit because obviously she's in a lot of work and then Charlie just gets a small handful just because he's not in much work at the moment and he's also generally quite a good doer and doesn't need much concentrated feed to keep any weight up so our elderly horses also get top-spec senior balancer so it's again low in sugars low in starch and the reason that we feed this is just for that extra fiber and because it's actually formulated for the senior horse which obviously my horses are getting a little bit older now so there are certain things in that that they need that you wouldn't get from a normal feed so a supplement that we feed to lucy and charlie is quarter flex now before anyone jumps on these supplement comments I know most horse up laments have not been tested in that grind and actually tested in different species so most limit don't work and it's a waste of money however flex does contain some ingredients that have been clinically proven to actually help with joint health and comfort so for example it includes collagen and protein isolates which have it to be improvement to maintain healthy cartilage and joint fluid in the horse so that's why they're fed Charlie gets it because he has early onset arthritis and Lucy gets it because we've had issues with her knee previously and it was actually on advice that we tried them on caught flex rather than going for any sort of harder medicines so another thing that my horses get is folic acid or folic acid hope you want to pronounce it so philic acid is a B vitamin and it's actually a man-made form of folate so this is given to our horses because we had blood tests on Lucy and Danny and both of them were borderline deficient and certain things throughout that recommended that they started a cause of folic acid so they get four tablets each a day so these tablets are just crushed up unpopped in their feed so next up on drugs we have pure tone which is an allergy relief tablet so Chile has to have 30 of these a day so that's why he gets three so he put 10 in each view today he has one in the morning one in afternoon and we're doing the night one now so the reason that Charlie has these is because he has very severe allergies to certain things like types of hay types of grass to dust to ants you name it the boy's allergic to it so that is why he is on a lot of perotin next up we have been to Pullman which is another drug this one is used to open the respiratory passage of the horse and help clear them of mucus so this is given to taffy because he is a ongoing respiratory issue and we also give a little bit to Charlie because it can be beneficial in some allergic researchers eases so we thought that Charlie was coughing due to mold spores in his hay so that's why he's given it and taffy has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD which is why he has it so the last thing that goes in all the horses feed is a small scoop of turmeric each now this is my mom's choice obviously me and my mom shared horses personally I would have put it in I don't think there's any real scientific evidence behind turmeric really doing much I don't think it'll harm the horses in any way but it's my mom's show so it goes in the feet so turmeric there's been many claims over the years that it does many different things from being an antioxidant to help him with joints to help you with coat to help him with skin allergies and stuff like that there's not really been any scientific studies to prove it may being a little animal scientist over here wouldn't waste their money on anything that hasn't been scientifically proven but as I say each to the room is not doing any harm so I'll leave my mum to it to have turmeric to the feeds if she feels she needs to so the horses feeds are made up in the morning but they're not fed until the afternoon so not all of them get water added now we only add it to taffy and dunnies and a little bit to chillies if he's having his morning feed now so taffy and Dhoni's get quite a bit of water and they get theirs mix because they have to soak the others I just mix up the feed and then they're popped in a bin but with taffy and Danny the reason they have to have it soaked is because they're older boys and they are fed a pellet now those pellets take a while to soften so we have to soften them because they just cannot eat it they can't break down the pellets if they're still hard because their teeth aren't what they used to be they can't create a bolus and then they can't effectively swallow it so we soak them so that they can swallow easily so they don't get choked so it's much better for them so that's why their feed is soaked and then the others as I said just pop to one side ready for mixing tonight so once all the feeds are made it's just time to pop the lid on the feed bins and then I go and I clean the stare that's obviously being used on the wet feeds just so that that's nice and cleaned for us mixing the rest of the feeds later on and then I just pop the water and the stereo back ready for tonight so that's the feeds done hopefully that answers everyone's questions because I get a lot of comments asking if I can show you what I feed my six horses and please remember don't just feed your horses what I feed mine always seek a nutritionist or a veterinarians advice when it comes to feeding especially with supplements and any medicines so that's the end of the video I hope you've enjoyed it please give it a like and subscribe if you have and I will see you tomorrow at 12
Channel: lilpetchannel
Views: 17,006
Rating: 4.9537573 out of 5
Keywords: equine, equestrian, lilpetchannel, horse vlog, barn vlog, barn, farm, stables, equines, tack haul, equestrians, riding dares, barn tour, stables tour, jumping, show jumping, dressage, WHAT I FEED MY HORSES, HORSE DIET, this esme, thisesme, donkey, donkey diet, 6 horses, concentrated feed, feed, horse diet, pony
Id: e6_SDKwRB4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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