Shopping, Rabbit Shed & Chilli's Allergies | Vlog | Lilpetchannel

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hey guys I'm willing to in another video I know I'm doing well I'm actually uploading consistently at the minute long may it continue fingers crossed and so today is going to be a blog we're just about to go to our local equestrians kind of store and so it has it a question section because as you may have seen by now I am doing a spring clean series and outside the number one thing I want is new buckets for the horses I absolutely hate the fact that they have all mismatched ones and they're always a stay and I just want nice new clean buckets I don't want to get them all their own little cooler so yes we're gonna head there soon to get buckets and we also need some more haylage so go do that and then come back and ride is the plan [Music] [Music] [Music] picking up a Chili's and then which ones again for others she yeah she can green Oh pink know something there's no green there on the done green ones and others alright so caramel chili and then there is 12 this is trouble you're gonna get stuck together Charlie's red lipstick Lucy's pink and then that just leaves Danner hmm so you've got so taffy can be a toughie you stores are purple though dude and then Danny can be a red there we go we've got six yeah my plan of getting the more different Oh I still want the unicorn for Chile though the same day but I've just got changed because I wasn't riding I wasn't riding it I wasn't wearing horse riding stuff I was just wearing like my normal stuff so when guaranted stables now and groom because Chile came in and he is like a mud month so we had a lot of rain yesterday and it's like raining and sunny so a lot of the horses rolled absolutely like caked in mud and then dried off and and Chile normally comes in like really clean he's only like the best one out of all of mine for keeping himself clean and he's come in with a lot of mud on so that's gonna be a challenge I don't think this is too bad but many of her groom as well so those two it in so Chilean leaves here in because they're the ones that are being written today and the mum might ride Lucy I really want to get Chile jumping again so we have not jumped him in months because of his allergies and everything I put a little cross poll out like two months ago so I'm gonna put some jumps out I'll see how he is he might be a bit too excitable but hopefully he'll be a good boy he normally is and see I think we'll give that a go today we'll start by doing a bit of flat work and then pop some drums in at the end oh he's such a grump chilli so chillies come in and knocked all this you're normally yeah that's right number this color what's this all about Danny's legs gone back down that leg dirty boy so yep oh look at that mean that's the worst bit and the means like that she give you a groom this is no eloping dirty Vicky groom grumps you hold it too big to fit a frame you what about you so before I wrap hello darling and chilly has to have his parrot on and about 15 minutes before for it to kick in so I'm just about to give him that hey what are you doing so we crushed them up and put them in a little bit of feed so there's five in here and then he has another five afterwards he's like yeah give it me good boy he just thinks he just got special treats you don't know he's got meds into you wait I got that bit you got some parrot on on it good boy he also has an inhaler which is the it's the brown one which it so it has this one which is in cannula chili do not keep the door and we have to give it in virus space where actually takes two people to drink even this and bite you feeling some carrots and then we blow this into here and put it on each of his nostrils and that's how we give a horse an inhaler basically [Music] not three things are so far today [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] all tacked up ready and raring to go oh look at the excitement I'm not first it's like I will be doing nothing today [Music] hey guys so I finished Ryan actually it didn't go very well he was very very coffee and sneezy today and I managed one jump I didn't really want to push him to more to restock the truck mainly and yeah I think today just one of the good day it's very windy I think sometimes that could make it worse if it's too windy but yeah anyway moving on so I've ridden chilly much y'all gonna do this afternoon I might do a bit more for my cleaning spring cleaning series and time is it it's only two o'clock so probably do that and yeah mom was going to ride Lucy but it's really windy and she's been a bit spooky hi guys so I'm actually in the garage right now because I'm about to go and clean the rabbits out a lot of people have been asking that include stuff there's not just the horses and it's like everywhere on the farm things so yeah I'm gonna go clean the rabbits out and I'll bring you with me see this section of the farm where the rabbit is which is just around the corner from the stables that changed a lot so we actually have and the load of chickens so my dad likes to rescue its batteries these are the ones we've had for ages and you can see they're looking really well and then over there I can zoom in a bit we have some more chickens that don't have as many feathers they have a lot more than when we first got them but there are new law and everything there are a new lot of X batteries and then over there it's really like the sides on the tractor but over there we now have a pond as well and honors here to help me so I've got all the bunnies in here to do and so I'll crack on with this I'll show you some of them actually close the door for on a try see them so now let's just run outside put in here we have the little dotty my dad is a pain and puts all the straw I mean the home not in their trays so we end up with it must have a thing that I have to deal with then next up we have Ariel who's very old girl now and doesn't like people in this one we have my little furball we have Nala bear he knows oh she's a grump yeah Valerie's not a fan a few Dottie first I just brush it all out and and then pop it all in the litter tray that I've brushed out and then the litter tray gets a message from the shed into the back of the and little tractor trailer thing on is here but she knew she can't come in because she'll training the bunnies hello darlin so yeah in here is a huge mess at the moment just because it has all the chicken stuff in and so in here is a huge mess at the moment just because it's got all the chickens to him so I'm going to give this a good clean when I'm back home I don't think I'm gonna have time for that but just a case keeping the bunnies clean and then the rest of the shed will get done at some point so they get new shavings new hay in their litter trays and then that is pretty much it and they all gets disinfected down once a month all the litter aids and everything and but they got done aa long video so you just change their trays and clean the floor every so often so the rabbits I have at home are not the like most handle so they're not that friendly Dottie's okay she doesn't mind me being around Nala as you saw not a fan and now real doesn't really know you there anyway because she's so old yeah dots is the friendly one of the bunch but yet that's her dog so I'll do the others now so Ariel sides all clean now and that's all done for her she's got some new hand portray okay so I've also done all this little section here she's all nice and clean now and still frumpy at me because she doesn't like me ahem so and I'm just giving it a general sweep up and I've just got their water bottles to clean and fill up now I gave dotty knowledge hey Rach she never really uses it and apparently she likes it but she's not not coming up say hi No yeah Nalla has like the least space but the most toys and things because she actually plays the things don't you grumps she's like I'm out of here yes Lauren need to give her a brush as well but I have to get someone to hold her I fir mated her the other week but she just has to have a brush to get the in dangly bits out of her little skirt that she's got going on jell-o I know I'm sure don't fight me I'm trying to put this up any food you're late it's not be a good boy and not touch it I'm yet again get in what are you doing today hello and excuse ooh she'll be back that you pick that it out away you belong on help today this is a good job I love this hose gets out my stop eating me yes very expensive camera no
Channel: lilpetchannel
Views: 25,188
Rating: 4.9630609 out of 5
Keywords: equine, equestrian, lilpetchannel, horse vlog, barn vlog, barn, farm, stables, equines, tack haul, equestrians, riding dares, barn tour, stables tour, jumping, show jumping, dressage, horse allergies, rabbit shed clean
Id: 2q9p7jSk4-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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