My Vegan Meal Plan To Lose Fat Faster (Avoid THIS mistake!!)

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if you clicked on this video because you want to get faster results in your weight loss then you are not alone there's nothing wrong with you and you are not impatient well maybe you are but every single person on the planet wants to have fast results it's not a bad thing we're just hardwired to do it so the only two ways to get faster results in your fat loss and they are get more into a calorie deficit with your day-to-day meals a bigger calorie deficit means that you're going to be losing weight faster because your body is going to be dipping more into those stor fat cells but the second way is that you have to increase your overall calorie deficit by getting more consistent in your day-to-day meals and your splurges you got to cut out those splurges you got to cut out those weekend binges you got to cut out that dieting on 1500 calories for 2 weeks and then going back and gaining all the weight that you lost back so what I'm going to do in this video is I'm going to show you the three things that helped me to lose 40 lbs that lowered my overall calories on a day-to-day basis and got me losing fat but also the things that helped me to be more consistent with my diet so that I could do it for a long enough time timeline and actually maintain my weight loss as well not only that I'm going to put this all together in a bit of a meal plan to show you how you can easily build an entire day that is going to be great for fat loss because it gets you into a calorie deficit but also very filling and satisfying so it's easy to add here to and I'm going to propose to you that speed means absolutely nothing if you do not finish the race it doesn't matter how quickly you lose weight in the first 2 weeks if you are not where you want to be a year from now this is just like the story of the tortoise versus the hair and and everyone thinks that the moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race but that is just not the case the reason the tortoise wins is because he makes consistent progress towards the goal whereas the hair makes fast progress and then he stalls we don't want to be like the hair we don't want to stall our progress because it's not actually faster to do so it's much much slower and it's more painful and annoying and you'll do that over and over again for the rest of your life we don't want that for you I don't want that for you I'm sure you don't either so here are the three ways to increase that calorie it while also increasing your consistency number one is to choose low calorie dense foods as the majority of your diet these are things like vegetables at 100 calories per pound they're the lowest calorie dense food on the planet things like potatoes rice beans if you have a very simple filter for yourself where the majority of your meals and if you're in a fat loss phase it really should be most of your meals and most of your diet is things that you could pick from the ground and instantly eat if you're not a gy v person I'm definitely not like I will eat like a dirty strawberry I do not care I do not wash things that's just me gry whatever yeah I eat with my mouthful I've been told that many many times if the only processing that you need in order to eat something is that you cook it cut it or you peel it or you wash it then most likely it's going to be better for fight loss the exception to this is things like nuts because nuts are inherently much much higher in calories because they are higher in fat content so they pack a big calorie punch for a small amount of food I'm not saying don't eat n but eat them in a small quantity and have the majority of your plate be foods that are under 600 calories per pound there's lots of studies that look at this people eating what's called ad libidum which is as much food as they want and simply by increasing the amount of low calorie food and decreasing the amount of high calorie food not even counting calories or changing quantities or anything like that they're actually able to eat intuitively as much as they want and still get into that calorie deficit number two is to choose mostly lower fat foods not because fats are bad you not because you have to cut out any fats in your diet I'm not saying that the reason that it's easier to get into a calorie deficit with more lower fat foods is because they're simply lower in calories 1 gam of carbohydrates or protein is going to be four calories 1 G of fat is going to be nine calories so it just packs a bigger punch you definitely don't need to give up fats entirely in fact it's not a healthy thing for you to do but you want to be very cautious in that you can easily add way more calories than you need to get into a calorie it when you're adding a lot of fatty elements if you are mostly eating Whole Foods like I talked about then it's going to be much easier to stay under that calorie radar of where you need to be for fat loss if you want to consistently get into a calorie deficit and not have to count calories then aim for about like a tablespoon of fats at each of your meals and try not to go above that and I'm not talking about oil because oil is a highly processed food for your fat sauces choose avocado choose nuts and seeds they are lower in calorie density than oil and they are genuinely good for you because they are Whole Foods they haven't had that refining process where the fiber and the water is removed like oil has and I know there's going to be people in the comments here that are going to say what about keto how does keto work why are people seeing success or I saw success on the keto diet and that's great like amazing for you that you saw success in the keto diet it's not rocket science people see success on any diet due to a calorie deficit if you cut out entire food groups like it's not eating processed food which is what I'm telling you to do it is easier to lose weight because you no longer have this wide variety of high calorie D Foods this is a science people listen up if you tell someone to stop eating carbohydrates and potatoes and bread they are going to most likely eat less calories overall because their choices become reduced it's not because the keto diet is Magic it's not because a high carb diet is Magic people lose weight in a calorie deficit all diets work this way this is just the easiest way to do that because you can eat as much as you want and feel full and satisfied and you're getting the micronutrients you need to do this long term all rows lead to Rome when it comes to how diets actually work but they're not all as equally easy to travel and lead to long-term results if they are not able to be adhered to longterm and we're talking about speed here and a big part of speed is just long-term adherence because otherwise you just never get to the goal or you never maintain it and that's not that's not quick it's not quick to never get to your goal it's low and number three is to choose High satiety Foods potatoes have the highest satiety index at of all time of all foods what does satiety mean satiety is a very fancy way of saying I'm so full and stuffed and satisfied that I don't want to eat anything else it's a really good thing because it means that you are going to reduce your cravings and you're going to be able to get satisfied and not be tempted so we're talking again about adherence water helps adherence because it helps to fill up your stomach things that inherently help adherence in satiety are things that have a lot of fiber and they have a lot of water because they create B in your stomach the biggest Factor when it comes to satiety is actual volume so if you want to feel like it's easier to stick to your diet and therefore do stick to your diet you want to be eating Foods where you can eat enough where you just don't feel like you're being tortured or hungry all the time hunger is the thing that you really want to avoid as much as possible in a dieting phase because it does make adherence very very difficult and you can avoid it using this method I just want to say this for anyone who who feels like a failure because they struggle to stay consistent or they see someone online who's eating tiny birdlike portions and they're like well I just eat like a horse and then I go and binge on donuts and I'll have like my lunch and then I'll forget I have lunch and then I eat more lunch if that's you then you're not alone it's a normal human thing to do and you don't need to fix it you really just need to eat the kind of volumes that you were designed to eat which is fill out your stomach a little bit kind of like blowing into a balloon and it gets Fuller and Fuller so that the stretch receptors in your stomach actually register that you don't need to be rousely hungry anymore and spoiler alert you cannot just do this with vegetables even though they are the lowest calorie foods on the planet because vegetables are essentially water this is why you need starches like potatoes like rice like beans that have more carbohydrates than just water so that you get the bulk and the fiber and you get all of that goodness how scientific is that all of that goodness that is going to help you to feel full and satisfied let's put this all together in a bit of a meal plan I'm going to show you what I eat in order to be in a calorie deficit and I'm currently on a cut which means that I am in a fat loss phase right now I am currently losing weight I am about 4 lbs down from my starting weight when I first started to get into my fat loss and I'm not even like reducing my calories all that much I'm still eating around 1,900 calories a day but my adherence is very very high and I know for a lot of people you think that that's a lot the average person consumes over 3,000 calories this is based on science this is based on studies this is based on observable facts we are all consuming more calories than we actually think we are because our adherence is typically not good you're not counting the chips you're not counting the alcohol you're not counting the binge and then actually factoring that in as an average you might be eating 1,200 calories a day when you count totally possible are you eating 1,200 calories as an average after all the binges if you're not losing weight probably not 1,800 19,00 calories for most women is going to be totally adequate to get you into a slight calorie deficit that that you will actually be able to maintain you don't have to count just need to follow these principles let's get into it all right first things first we're going to make some overnight oats this is nothing new I've made this every single day for I won't even say like the last couple of months I make the same thing my new hack though is that I will make two batches of overnight oats and I will do it every two days and my life is so much easier my adherance is so much better because I don't have to do this every day so we're going to be using quick o in this the reason I like quick oats is that you don't actually have to soak them for very long so you can do this and then eat it within about 10 minutes which I will sometimes do now I am also going to be using a bit of protein powder and I want to put a disclaimer on this you do not need protein powder you if you were trying to lose weight in fact you want to be focusing on getting enough of the lowest calor foods that you can and I didn't have this during my fat loss Pace I didn't have this during the time that I lost 40 lbs I believe this is a distraction for most people there's a lot of marketing around protein powder however if you have only like 5 10 lbs to lose and you are very very intentionally in a bulking stage or if you're very very intentionally actively trying to build muscle and you go to the gym so flipping consistently like I do and that's the stage that I'm in easier to do that if you have more protein in your diet not necessary but I'm going to put it in there this is the one that I like macro mic and I'm going to weigh and measure everything so that you can see what what the calories are and I do do this every single time as well um not because it's necessary just because it is helpful for me at the stage that I am at I love this phrase model The Climb not the rise model the rise not the climb not the the end something like that and it's essentially do the things that someone did on the way to their Journey that got them to the top not just the things that they do when they're there because it is a different stage so do the things that I tell you to do you don't have to do every single thing that you see an influencer a sixpack do okay that's me pretend to six pack 80 g of Oats an American Cup scoop of this what I would use instead is a a banana if you are not using a protein powder or about a tablespoon of ground flax I'm also going to do this for my next one as well and I'm just going to do this all at the same time cuz it just makes my life a million times easier and we're going to go 200 Ms of or 200 g or MLS of a soy milk use soy because it's better for you than oat or almond soy is good for you it's good for your hormon okay I'm use some raspberry this is my absolute favorite and I do 150 g and I don't have enough so I'm going to add some cherries rip into it like a rat that in there ah here we go 150 g this one that's about right and then we're just going to put in as much water as what we think it will need a door to about there this is kind of the consistency you want and I'll show you what it looks like in the morning there we go beautiful you can put fresh berries as well if you are rich or you live in a place where there is fresh berries yum sold already all righty so here we have our two overnight oats it took us like 5 minutes to make very very simple all I do is I just change out whatever fruit this comes in at about 660 uh calories which is great for a weight loss Zone because we're going to be having foods that help us to stay adherent and if you have more of a fi filled breakfast with the flax and the oats is helping you to do that and the fruits as well then you're going to be able to be more consistent for the rest of your day there's a lot of science behind this this is called preloading This is called front loading your calories and it really does work not only that when you have more calories in the morning you're more than you do in the rest of the day even for the same amount amount of calories you lose more weight like there's a study that contrasts exactly same am amount of calories where people would eat the majority of those at night versus the majority of those in the morning and the people who ate the majority of their calories in the morning lost double the weight that other people did so there's other mechanisms going on a calorie deficit is still a calorie deficit but then there's different things that influence how calories are burned and how calories are stored so timing when it comes to breakfast is actually one of the ones that is quite important get in there lunch I'm going to overly simplify simply because this is what I do it just makes life very very easy but I've also showed a ton of recipes on my channel before and what I do for lunches and making amazing component bowls at this point for me I'm very much leaning into convenience because we think that we want to eat a lot of processed food because it tastes good and that that's Cur but we also gravitate towards that food because of how flipp and simple and easy it is I don't know many people who are going to cook a donut and then deep fry it from scratch but if you go and you get takeout or you go and you get a donut part of the pleasure of that is actually doing it so our brain's always trying to make this judgment between how easy something is and whether it is worth doing so the thing I'm going to do is very very easy and probably boring to most people but it's it's extremely easy I'm going to do some sweet potato which I have already prepped earlier but I'm just going to make another batch right now and then I'm going to do my favorite tofu which I just constantly have in the fridge ready to go just a little bit of water 300 G I have some sweet potato that I have prepared earlier so I just cook up it's got broccoli on it just cook up up like this like Japanese sweet potato um I got two like this stuff's really really filling I actually find it more filling than regular sweet potato um and I have a recipe actually which you can go and check out here here I don't even know um and it's how I make my perfect sweet potato so hack for me always just have it in my fridge ready to go always have the tofu I can assemble meal so quick let's have a look I just do it like this it's still pretty soft I use a firm tofu but it's delish going to wear and measure everything for your benefit I'm going to use some starboard hummus and I just use a tablespoon of that mix this with like a little bit of lemon juice like I got to be honest with you I don't even really do this very often because I just eat so simple at this point but I get that people like dressing going to use the dressing pour that all over the top I'm also going to just shake on some salt and pepper yes finally just like a little bit of bagel seasoning just a very very small amount here we have it so now this meal is huge uh very easy cuz I already had those corn core ingredients and then in terms of calories and macros whatever you want to call them it comes out at 540 so it's 240 G of that sweet potato in there we've got 100 G of tofu we've got 225 g of broccoli we've got some lettuce um we got everything bagel seasoning I didn't add the lemon this going to add like five calories as you can see like you can eat like a lot of food lot of this is lettuce on the plate but this is going to be a very very filling and satisfying meal and 540 calories contrary to popular belief is actually an amazing wange range for weight loss so typically fifth between 500 and 600 is The Sweet Spot in order to get into a calorie deficit when all your meals are kind of in that Sim similar range uh don't need to count just need to use these same kind of Frameworks I outlin this framework in my Kickstarter course it goes very in depth about out to how to actually build a weight loss Bowl but I've already talked a little bit about choosing Whole Foods all of those kind of things low fat all of that actually Pretty stinking good this is also 28 g of protein without even really trying only put quarter of a packet in there of that tofu so you could cook up one packet and you could have that last you four lunches or put some of your dinner as well day two oats already so freaking good like I'm not even kidding I just don't get sick of this combo every single day I switch out the berries switch up the fruit and you get tired of it so for the win all right so the last thing that we're going to do is a bit of a fried rice this is just easy if you have like a bit of um rice up in the freezer or um you can always get that Frozen rice from like Whole Foods we're going to use this and add a ton of veggies I'm starting with 2 cups of cooked rice which if I was doing for just for me I would probably split over at least like four meals um but for a family this is probably going to do all of us and you can see the very first thing I'm going to do is just grab so many veggies I've got broccoli capsican carrot celery and just cook with as many veggies as I can well we'll first cook up some tofu and we'll do it in exactly the same manner that we just did [Music] and as you can see there's a lot of vegies here like a lot a lot all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to just like put this into container and do my rice and I wouldn't normally do this but it's just going to make it like a little bit [Music] crispier powder this is kind of cooked up a little bit and I'm just going to add the veggies back in So mini V my pineapple and I also added some green peast [Music] okay how freaking good does this look I measured out 700 g which is actually a lot of food I'm going to put a bit of coriander on top like you would not be hungry if you eating this and if you would like if you eat like huge massive on of food then you could always add a side of broccoli as well I'm not going to add that because this has so many vegetables in It season to taste please but let's give it a bit of a taste test some pineapple that's unreal once you get into the habit of eating a load of veggies like you never go back cuz it's just so freaking good all right moment of truth let's look at the calories let's look at the macros Okay so we've got 660 calories for breakfast for lunch we had 500 and just under 540 and then for Denon we had the same works out to over 100 g of protein without even really trying just cuz we've got a lot of tofu some legumes and things in there uh and we're sitting at 1740 calories which is in a great weight loss Zone and for me I actually even have like a bit more of this like that for me is enough to have uh like a coffee in there with some soy milk and like I'll do like a very small like maybe 200 calorie is dessert and there and I I don't snack personally but if you were going to snack you could have slightly less of these things or add more veggies whatever is going to work for you personally but as you can see very very filling meals very very easy to stay consistent and you just modify things and this is truly how you speed up fat loss because you can stay more adherent and you're eating meals that are lower in calories and 1,700 calories even 1,800 calories for most people is an amazing zone for fat loss as I said in the beginning of the video the biggest thing that holds people back is their adherence we're all eating more calories than we think we are because our adherence is not amazing so eat like this and overall your calorie deficit will be greater you'll be in more of one than if you were to have lower calorie days but then have those big swings and those big binges as you can see it's super easy to add a lot of food lower the calorie density feel full and satisfied which is going to increase your adherence massively which is going to speed up fat loss simply by using these principles that I've talked about this is how I lost 40 lbs not by following any kind of rules but really understanding these core principles and just adding so many vegetables limiting oil actually eliminating it limiting some of those high calorie foods still eating some of my favorite elements like tofu and fried rice and just making that work for the lifestyle that I have and getting into a calorie deficit don't forget to check out that Kickstarter free mini course if you want to know the exact four-step framework that I use to build weight loss meals and if you like this then please consider subscribing and let me know in the comments are you currently on a fat loss Journey are you wanting to speed up your process do you struggle with adherence I'd love to hear all right I'll see you next week week for another video bye
Channel: Chelsea Mae
Views: 14,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan weight loss, weight loss for women, whole foods plant based, chelsea mae cullen, vegan weight loss, weight loss, weight loss tips, plant based weight loss, weight loss motivation, weight loss diet plan, lose weight fast, how to lose weight fast, healthy weight loss, weight loss transformation, fat loss, how to lose weight, weight loss diet, calorie deficit for weight loss, fast weight loss, lose weight, water fast, calorie density explained
Id: nFfBZRpm5S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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