What I Eat In A Day to Lose 300 lbs!

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hi guys it's Heather the butterfly effect plant-based weight loss and today I wanted to do something that people ask me for a lot and that is a what do ie in a day video and today happens to be one of the days when I work late and so I bring all my food to work and so I wanted to show you since that was the case what what I'm actually eating and the first thing I want to show you is the container that I bring everything in because this was a wonderful present from one of my subscribers named Kirby Thank You Kirby I love it it's called lock and lock and I love it because it has a handle and it's super strong this thing probably weighs five or six pounds and anyway so I take this on the train and it's just awesome so I want to show you what I put inside okay so the first thing you're gonna see is my broccoli and because I ride a train and I don't want a lot of heavy containers I want to have as few containers as possible and so I just dump my broccoli on top of my salad okay so this is for 12 ounce packages of broccoli that was already cut up and I steamed it so but is that last 40 48 ounces or is it 48 or 36 anyway it's a lot it's more than two pounds of broccoli and I love broccoli so normally I would eat the salad that's underneath before I would eat the broccoli but just for ease of carrying it I put it on top so I'm gonna eat it first it really doesn't matter but one of the ways one of the things I did to take off 292 pounds so far is to eat my vegetables for breakfast and to eat and the order of caloric density and that just means that you eat the things that are the lowest calorie first and then follow up with the things that are higher calorie so it's not hard at all so that's why I usually eat the salad first and then the broccoli because salad greens are super low calorie and they're super dense and nutrition and then I would eat the broccoli sometimes with hummus sometimes with a cheese sauce and today I'm just gonna eat it plain um I'm just having it just how it is so let's talk about my salad this is three different five ounce bags of greens so I had one that was all spinach one that was romaine and one that was like a spring mix and they were all five ounces oh there's about 15 ounces of just greens and then you can see I don't know if you can see I've added some grated carrot some purple cabbage there's artichoke hearts in there that you can't see um there's um I'm trying to think what else I put in there some radishes some grated up beads so all kinds of good stuff on my salad and the reason that I eat the stuff early in the morning like I said is the caloric density but also there's a practical reason once I eat something like a sweet potato which is my favorite or some beans or some you know quinoa or something like that I kind of lose my taste for my veggies even though I love veggies you know I eat a lot of them I love them but once you've had some delicious starch it can make it kind of hard to get an appetite to eat all this salad and everything and I'm gonna be munching on this I say it's my breakfast but really I eat it till I feel comfortably full and then I wait and then I wait till I'm hungry again and I try to just eat at meals because that's better for you so I eat till uncomfortably full and then I'll eat more at the next meal and more at the next meal so I bring plenty with me but I don't I don't like force myself to eat it all at once or anything like that okay I do try to get that salad in now the reason it doesn't look it only 'ln coming up to about that part I chop it down I chop it down tiny with my Lulu a knife that you guys have seen me use before and so you're probably wondering what I'm gonna use for dressing right so there and the reason I don't have any like cherry tomatoes or anything in my salad is because what I use for dressing is salsa this is just a recycled container the salsa inside is a combination of like a pico de gallo because I had fresh tomatoes and I always make the salsa recipe on mrs. plant in Texas because I really like her salsa recipe I do leave out the recipe as written that has sweetener in it and I don't put that in there I use lime juice so I think it's already sweet and then um I don't put any salt I use something called Benson's table tasty which is the salt substitute that I like so anyway I'm gonna use most of this and why salsa is a great dressing is because it has more vegetables it has Tomatoes and it also has onions and it has garlic which are all things that I really like but I wouldn't necessarily eat on a salad and you know normally it also doesn't have any fat so that's great too because I'm watching my fat I try to keep it really low I right so that's my dressing and that's my salad and my broccoli and that's gonna get me through most of the day but I do have some other things that um I have had so I forgot that I was gonna do this today and I already ate my cherry tomatoes I probably had about two cups of cherry tomatoes because I really liked cherry tomatoes and they're in season right now and then later on with my meals I'm gonna probably maybe with dinner and I'm gonna have two of these half pints of berries so these are each six ounces and I already ate two of them too so I ate one of raspberries and one of blueberries this morning along with my cherry tomatoes so I should have showed you that but mmm I didn't mmm raspberry juice okay so i'm i do eat fruit sometimes people say do you eat fruit because i don't talk about it that much or I forget that I eat fruit but I love fruit and I love fruit season which is summer so yes I eat fruit a lot of it okay and then the last things I'm gonna eat okay I'll show you this is a casserole I made sort of a casserole this has a lot of stuff in it so and this is a big container it doesn't look like it but this is probably three cups of food okay and it's um got quinoa and black beans more raspberry juice um quinoa and black beans and corn and sweet potato and spinach I took a whole pound of spinach and I let it wilt and I mixed it all up in the whole big casserole and then I'm put my cheese sauce on it to make it even tastier and it's it is really good so I'm gonna have that that'll probably be my dinner which I'll probably eat around four to five because I am teaching tonight so I'm not gonna be I'm going home so I don't like I need to eat before 6:00 okay and then lastly I consider it desert this is a great big white sweet potato I love you can see i nibbled a little bit okay i nibbled a little bit but anyway this is probably about 200 grams of sweet potato and I use it for dessert because that's what I love it's my favorite thing so that's what I'm gonna eat today umm I eat between I wake up really early so I wake up at 4 in the morning and then I don't eat anything usually until I get to work which is around 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning so I wait a few hours until I'm hungry and then when I'm hungry I usually go salad then steamed vegetables then fruit and then you know more salad more steamed veggies as the day goes on and then starch but that's not kind of what happened today and I'm not perfect I am you know it's a general principle it's not like a hard and fast rule so that's what I eat in the day and please let me know if you have questions or the reason I don't do these very often these what I eat in the day is I am a repeater I'm usually the dinner will change or the like the salad will have different things in it I'll add different components to the salad or I might have baby carrots instead of steamed broccoli or I might have Brussels sprouts instead of steamed broccoli or I might have a combination of those but it's always going to be salad with salsa and it's gonna be some steamed vegetables and then it's gonna be about some some fruit some delicious fruit and it's gonna be some kind of starch so I got my like something that's high protein starch which is like my beans and quinoa are high protein and something that is just delicious and satisfying which is my sweet potato which I eat all the time helps me get my beta-carotene I forgot to mention that in my in my casserole I did put two tablespoons of flax seeds and I almost always have flax seeds I mix it in somewhere sprinkle it on my salad I mix it in my casserole I do something to make sure I get my flax seeds so that that is what I have for that so that's why I don't do them very often because you're just gonna hear me say the same things over and over but I love you guys and I want to take your suggestions so that's what I eat in a day I hope you have a wonderful day I hope you eat clean eat unprocessed get your greens by any means really important to get those greens the lowest calories and the highest nutrition what more could you want you've got to get your greens and greens keep you from getting cravings for unhealthy foods so to me it's like an immunization it keeps me you know safe from it's a shot in the arm against cravings and against wanting bad food and I know that it's nourishing every cell in my body giving me all that fiber giving me vitamins minerals you know phytochemicals just it's powerful it's medicine and it tastes good if you get used to it it tastes good and I don't miss the things I used to eat as long as I eat these things I am very happy and my brain is stable and I'm I there's a saying that they say is it's plain and sane just pretty plain food not that exciting I don't need exciting I need the rest of my life to be exciting I need my food to be fuel and my life to be fun and when my food was my fun my life was leaving me I was not doing well so this has helped me take off 292 pounds is that worth the trade-off of not having some of the things I used to eat yeah it's really worth it it's really worth it I feel great I'm in wonderful health so anyway that's what I ate to take off 290 pounds that's what I eat in a day I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you soon buh-bye
Channel: The Butterfly Effect- Plant-based Weight Loss
Views: 52,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raw Food Diet, Plant-based, Vegan, Raw Vegan, Starch Solution, Raw Till 4, Weight Loss, Health, Environment, Obesity, Extreme Weight Loss
Id: TuKdmE0UboA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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