What I Carry In My Fire Kit for Bushcrafting

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hey guys I have been asked to show what I carry in my fire kit for my fire kit I use this right here this is the condor sidekick pouch i believe it's called I love these Condor pouches guys just Molly all over the place there's hook and loop in the front and these hook and loops are actually Molly adjusted adjustable so I really like that about these condor pouches usually this is how I use this is how I adjust it to my operator backpack I just Molly through the Molly on the backpack I strap it through there but I love them this one is in coyote so the Condor sidekick pouch in coyote and I keep my fire kit in here so I'm gonna move the camera for you guys and we're gonna break into this and I'll show you exactly what I carry in my fire kit for bushcrafting okay guys first and foremost the thing that I love about this pouch is that has two zippers I love little pouches like this that have two zippers it just gives you a lot of options for opening and closing and it also has that drain hole on the bottom which is pretty cool um let me start right here right in this front pocket there's a front pocket zipper here I simply keep a Fresnel lens that is for solar fire any fire you can start using Natural Resources is going to save you on any of the stuff that you bring for fire so let's open that up and I'm gonna adjust this little thing this the condor sidekick pouches have this so you could adjust it accordingly and let's open it right up let's adjust it so it clamshells open for us let me just tell you guys what I consider my main fire kit is this right here which is the monster feral rod from Nathan four zero seven one this is my all-time favorite feral rod right here it's five inches long and it is the perfect perfect leverage perfect size it has lasted me for a long time I don't struggle in small places like you would with a smaller Ferro rod as a matter of fact when I use other feral rods they're kind of awkward ever since I've had this one being five inches that allows you to remove a lot of material at one time and you can just get better leverage on whatever you're doing I'm not a big custom handle guy when it comes to feral rods so all I've done with this one is just wrapped it with duct tape and it is perfect so this and a knife because I sharpen the spines of all my knives if they don't come sharpened I sharpen them this and a knife is mainly the fire kit that I like to carry best but I do have all these other items in this kit should that not work should I feel like playing around with some other things just just things of that nature so this monster feral rod so I don't lose it I keep it right here just take them out as we go along the next thing I have in the next little compartment there's a little fire kit kind of it has some jute twine and then in the jute twine I have a striker I have a piece of fat wood and I have one of Nathan's feral rods that come with the hole in them so I always have this on me at all times the jute twine can be a firestarter you have your striker you have your tinder here with the fatwood and of course you have your Ferro rod all in one little set right there next I just have from firesteel calm I have one of their strikers these are outstanding strikers guys you just got to be mindful of them and keep an eye on them because they're small but I love them they're great little strikers whoops next here I have the fire steel calm gob gob spark which I've used on and off I haven't solely had it as my main Ferro rod but what it is is it closes like this and then it opens up so you have a Ferro rod on this side with a little handle and then you have this striker that's already on this side and I've used it as I said I've used it a few times but being that I love the monster Ferro rod so much I use this sparingly and I keep it in the kit it's just one of those things I like to play around with it sometimes but it's very useful and it holds together and I just have a ranger band here to keep some of this cordage out of my way I'm a Ferro rod freak guys I loved having feral rods I love playing with different feral rods so I just have them all over the place down here in the middle this is also fire steel calm this is the Scout model so I have a piece of ranger band that holds that together and it's just a smaller model I'm not sure the exact measurements but it comes with a striker and the little scout firesteel calm feral rods throw outstanding sparks I have nothing bad to say about them at all made in the USA and great stuff nice to have an opinion time is this right here if I'm gonna pinch I'm gonna use one of those other feral rods but if I can help it I always want to keep with my monster feral rod and my knife with a sharpened spine in this little pocket back here I keep a bag of thumb fat wood shavings or Maya dust the reason I have all these shavings guys is when I sharpen the spine of one of my knives at home with my bastard mill file I usually will grab a piece of that wood and do some shavings and test it out those shavings I just keep right in here and I also have some birch bark in there so just a little bag in case I'm once again in a pinch or in an emergency a bag of cotton ball and Vaseline same thing if I'm gonna pinch these are outstanding for homemade fire starters you can't go wrong with cotton ball and Vaseline and I just have a little wet fire this thing's got to be about three years old so I don't know how long they last but I have that in there going to the other side I have your standard thick lighter I have this I think as a Victorinox I don't remember what it came with it came as a keychain tool you can see the hole right there as a little knife sharpener there which by the way I have never in my life ever used one of those as a knife sharpener I have never used those pull through things and you shouldn't either by the way but this was some kind of key chain tool the reason I still have it is that as a Ferro rod striker there in the end it's just a 90-degree piece of steel and you can never have enough strikers so it throws outstanding Sparks and I like to have it around for that reason instead of throwing it away because I don't know what it was for or how I have it still but works well this here is I think it's called a flint and steel rope it has this little metal end and on the end let me just twist it out here it's charred so the end that comes out of the medalist chard and what you do is use this with flint and steel you can catch your spark right onto that this isn't charred really well I'll just have to char it again at some point all you do is char your end and then when you're using your flint and steel you strike your spark right onto this charred end and then you could either cut it off and throw it into your tinder bundle or use this to extend your tinder bundle you put it right in and blow on it to get your tinder bundle going the key is once you're done you just throw that metal piece to roll it right back up like that and that saves the end of the fire rope the flint and steel rope once again nothing I'm gonna depend on in an emergency situation but I do like to have it to play around with it's fun to play around with last but definitely not least my L toys 10 Ranger band to hold it together inside char cloth don't quite know what this piece of wood is the u-shaped striker for flint and steel fires their chert and steel in my area more char cloth I have three pieces of curtain here and I keep the char cloth usually in this little bag because this shirt once it rattles around in your pack it starts to cut up the char cloth it almost shreds it so I like to keep it in a little bag here to preserve it and it's my favorite primitive fire craft I'd never ever depend on it I don't ever say to myself oh that's okay I'll get a fire because I have flint and steel but it is my favorite one to play around with especially in the summertime and then this I have a hole in there as you can see because I just make char cloth in this so that is pretty much the fire kit that I carry guys I always have it in my pack but I'm using the monster Ferro rod and the spine of my knife for most 90% of the fires that I make so I want to thank you guys for joining me I hope I answered a few questions and we will talk to you again down the road guys thanks bye bye
Channel: HighCarbonSteel Love
Views: 14,475
Rating: 4.7518611 out of 5
Keywords: highcarbonsteel love, What I Carry In My Fire Kit fo, bushcraft, firecraft, bushcraft fire kit, fire kit, condor sidekick pouch, monster ferro rod, flint & steel, fresnal lens, firesteel.com, gobspark firesteel, scout firesteel, nathan4071, altoids tin, char cloth, u-shaped striker, sonyea state forest, fire kit for bushcrafing, fire rope, maya dust, fatwood, fatwood shavings, birch bark, carry in my fire kit, i carry in my fire, kit for bushcrafting, ferro rods, woods
Id: N0RipyANDQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2016
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