What Happens When You Pair Teens with Seniors? | Social Experiment | FULL EP | Old School, Part 3

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we're the hairy bikers and we're on our way back to the oxford academy not a posh college but a struggling secondary school up by the cowley car factory we both had a tough time in school and for kids today it's just as hard what there's disruption i punched up i kicked all my foster bullying they were saying how much i should kill myself i should jump off a bridge before you say stuff about someone you should know more about them and failure but this struggling school has embarked on an ambitious project to transform the lives of young and old alike and we want to help this is like grand jill crossed with last of the summer wine across town there's lonely undervalued and isolated old fork thank you very much i've lost the the knack if you like we're finding out what happens when we bring the quiet and the noisy together could they transform each other he's a boss he's beast do you think the project's gonna work um i don't know it's only a month until the end of term and the critical phase of our pilot experiment well that's it we're fighting for survival the thing is it's a precious thing that we're doing we've worked hard on it and we've just got to get it yeah it's worth it kinky and what's worth having is worth fighting for we've got exams and scientific tests coming up to show if young and old have not only gained confidence but improved mentally and physically but first now our 12 pairs have the measure of each other will they change it's monday morning and 13 year old jacob is in trouble yet again [Applause] waiting for you let's get you wrong jacob can you sort this out no no no i'll do it jacob you've got two homework detentions left you need to make sure that your behavior includes lessons otherwise you won't be able to lose lessons from old school okay school takes priority over right could his constant attentions mean our first ever old school exclusion headmaster neil is improving the school but desperate for more challenging pupils like jacob to knuckle down in lessons in 2014 gcse results here were less than half the national average for jacob education really is his biggest chance of having a really successful life and he's got to take it jacob's partner retired kitchen fitter clive comes in to meet the head of yeah miss davis what is it mainly his homework and things he doesn't do he's missing lesson time but then when he's getting the c4s in lessons uh it's taking him out of lessons and he's not doing the homework he's falling behind in his level so i've sort of explained to jacob if he can't behave in school then he can't be taken out for the old school [Music] i've got to have a word with you yeah because you like playing your games all the time yeah i'm not doing your homework and you're getting too many detentions yeah which i don't think is good for you because you're better than that and i know you're better than that and you know you're better than that yeah and um you know we need to schedule you a little bit better yeah where you still playing your games do a bit of homework yeah for now then go back onto your games so you've got the bad bit in between yeah you've got the good bit the bad bit and the good bit i know you're still confident in a lot of things yeah so i'm confident that you're going to improve on your detentions five of our kids are from year 11 and schools gearing up for the autumn round of gcses which will help show if our project improves academic results it's life-changing isn't it and if you do really well it gives you a really big startup in life it seems to be more important now really than when i was at school yes it is the gcses are that important to their lives sixteen-year-old wes will be resetting his maths but instead of much needed revision he's concentrating on how to win the sixth form chile challenge boxing tonight some of our 12 kids are the most challenging in the school i started boxing from the age of 10 because i felt i needed to protect myself i've always been in trouble i've always been the aggressor in school i was always hitting people because of short temper [Music] this is where i used to do my boxing i used to come in here hang my bag up there and just train for hours on end from the age of seven wes has lived with either his grandma or his dad my family's not good at showing love some of them mainly my mum's not really been very good yeah it would have been nice to have some sort of woman to talk to and uh sort of put me to sleep really talk me in bed the sort of things that all the other children had wesley's partner ex-car worker dave has come in for a catch up how's your week been mate well actually not too good not too good no wanna tell me about it well what i was planning on doing is doing my maths but um because i haven't been attending lessons they didn't think i was capable of getting a c so they pulled me out of the exam and now i have to do it next year so oh i see yes afterwards very clever isn't it i have to wait a whole year before i can do my maths again so is there anything else can help you do you think i'm i'm not too sure because i thought i was on a certain level that i could get to see but the teachers actually think i'm i'm not capable of getting associated with that and putting the effort in yeah do you accept that you haven't been putting the effort in oh yeah i do i'm not i've i haven't been putting the effort into what drew it in that is that i haven't had the motivation to put it in i'll just i've just been leaving it early for school to try and um concentrate on both so you can't blame the school when you yourself don't put the effort in can you well i think you can be helped and i think you can help yourself which is more important there's no magic wand is there no of course [Music] it's time for our partners to move beyond friendships and make positive changes in each other's lives [Music] clive has decided to visit jacob at home there you go all right sit down jacob's father died eight years ago and he spends a lot of time in his room how long do you think we want to play then about 45 minutes 45 yeah try half an hour try 30 minutes all right yeah and then go on the homework and i'll help you if i can that's to me that's the look around that's to reload that's to change your weapon that's the freyo um incendiary grenade that's the freewall uh secondary gun right let's go through that slowly then yeah you gotta try and shoot me which is shoot that's the aim and faster [Applause] hold on i've got to see it which moves that one dead something dead with video games it's like well i've got adhd and they help me relax the other day i got upset because my dad passed away and me and ashley were talking about it and i said that i started missed him near the christmas of my birthdays hmm that's understanding and then i started crying because i i swear like he's not here at christmas all my birthdays clive suffered a similar loss 10 years ago when his son matthew died of an overdose other times it's just an ordinary day but christmases and birthdays you know that's that's when you you will miss loved ones that have and passed on marina we're terrible at christmas you know your dads would see you grow up yeah so that's what i was angry about that's my dad up here that's in there he's always on tomorrow he's always into mountain bikes i can remember my dad being a funny like smiley person [Music] for jacob to talk about the loss of his father i think was quite brave of him normally kids of that age would just keep it in so that gave us um i think common ground we both sort of grieving really old school i think it's how because like well i've got you you're not so much as a father figure but like you're one of my closest friends well i can see you as one of my closest friends well yeah but i can see he's like one of my closest friends what homework you say you've got history i think yesterday yes you got my bag pow pow yeah we'll give you a hand that's what me and jacob argue a lot about his homework thing is he's pretty bright clive you know academically he does okay yeah he just doesn't like being told what to do no i think you'll get there yeah i think you will yeah with me behind your newbie item i'm sure yeah bye bye say bye say bye clive bye it's been good talking about matthew and like why i think i could give him a a bit more confidence well i'm not a bit more confident but i could help him i don't know like he seems pretty okay but i think i could happen with his confidence and how he could help me like to choose the right path in school and not to get distracted outside of school and not give him the peer pressure senior partner dave loves his garden shed now he thinks if they are going to tackle personal issues old school needs a space it can call its own it looks like he's closer it's meant to be a sort of communal hub for us for us to sort of that'll be brilliant we're going to be able to meet up enough yeah well i think that would be a good idea just to get together we're going to put you on paint in the ceiling you've got to measure that upward to get a fix on there [Music] today is the grand opening and dave has more to celebrate than just the shed [Music] how often would you go to a school and see people in their 60s the 70s and their 80s sitting having tea cakes drinks with youngsters you wouldn't see it would you it's quite a warm glow you're listening to the chatter in there and you know it's community yeah it's really positive it was a turning point today really because there was something there it was tangible a place for people to go old school was here and it was here to stay and that was a lovely feeling for everybody i think how are we getting on with where's dave i've had the shock of my life the change in the last week it's been dramatic it's absolutely uplifted me in in regards to the lad himself yes and he thinks a lot of me yeah you give me a hug you know ah yeah you give me a hug i said what's that for was he said oh just because you're here ah that's brilliant she does some ways when you hear that you know we're all wonderful that's where it's money that is you get a hug off of a young man but with exams coming up some teachers are worried old school will hinder not help when i first heard about the old school project i think i was quite cautious because it just struck me that it was a little bit too experimental taking on a lot an exam year could be a huge struggle for some of the students we've got some quite vulnerable students at this school and they're here for a purpose we're clear what that purpose is we don't want them too distracted international studies make us hopeful all school won't just help self-esteem and loneliness but that it'll feed into academic achievement for the young and have deeper cognitive and even physical impacts for the old you need that charisma's mock english gcse is looming but tonight she is helping her partner hanif with his english studies so you could talk about how the parents are partly responsible that's right yeah i went to school this lowercase team until charisma came with her family from the philippines while hanif is from pakistan it is very frustrating as well as embarrassment that i cannot communicate or speak english with the people that's why i made my mind up to go to evening classes and learn english 11 years of age until they were 11 years old see that's what i need right that was after long discussion [Laughter] he struggles with english and i'm really glad i got to help him a little bit more correct politely correct some of his mistakes in his work [Music] i'm gonna give you this and then we're gonna do the numbers in german okay i moved to england when i was two because my mum got a job here as a nurse my mum and dad work different shift times so it's really difficult for us to see each other so the u has this thing on the top it's really important for everyone um in our house to work as hard as they can i'm stressed a lot all the time pretty much i guess i just i put everything behind school [Music] if you read the question first then that's all you're thinking about you've got to just get a really good understanding of the passage first okay charisma and fellow old school year 11's marlon and chloe are practicing for their gcse english they'll sit the real exam in under a week the exam paper that you've done today you've actually got 31. you've gained 11 marks today that's an enormous amount isn't it yeah chloe has scraped a d but hopes to do better i got 17 marks in the mark out of 50. so i think i need like 25 maybe to get a c [Music] charisma is pushing herself hard to get an e i feel like if i stop learning as hard as i do i just completely forget it straight away and then it the exam will come and i'll be like oh i don't know what i don't know what this means um because i get really stressed over exams and they're probably one of the scariest things i find in school while some of our pupils are knuckling down ex-nurse judy has been losing sleep over her partner tony she's missing maybe two or three days of school a week which isn't on i'm getting a bit worried about her so i want to go around and see her and see if i can get any answers and see if i can actually help her our best pairings all have something important in common judy like tony was badly bullied at school hello tony how are you darling i'm all right you yeah fine thank you i just come around to see how you are i'm all right just feeling crappy a bit of a mix between both of them basically perhaps the bullying though go you know can cause your illnesses yeah that's what mum said that's right it stresses you out yeah and the stress on you just stops your immune system completely stuffs it all up and you get all kinds of things and that's what can cause it what's been going on then just as soon as i come back to school no one would really speak to me and i didn't really get wired i don't know whether it was something i said over text or something like that but i think it was just like general rumors and people basically stirring all right that's from today i've got a new number good for you because i'm like you'll get like little silly prank calls yes and it's just i'm fed up of it we're like hoping that um you'll soon be coming back to school yeah right tony i'll let you go in because it's cold so i say good night to you darling i'll see you later don't forget you're a strong and beautiful person thank you okay bye sweetie i'll see you later yeah sorry well darling bye-bye [Music] bye you sit on this side okay and i'll come another side all right like many of our relationships just as you think one of the partners is doing all the helping the other takes over hanif trained as a driving instructor he's arranged a special underage lesson for charisma to help her overcome her anxiety and improve her confidence when you start the car okay oh my gosh yes that's good now just release the clutch slowly and it'll start moving okay and break slowly and [Music] that's nice that's very nice don't take hand off the stairs that's good that's really good yeah that's really good my driving lesson was probably one of the scariest things i've ever done in my life but um henny really helped me through it he managed to calm me down he taught me how to do it he didn't shout at me when i did something wrong or i forgot something that's lovely and now for the most important question of all how do i stop clutch in break slowly that's good that's very good you [Music] wes has missed so many classes he isn't being allowed to reset his maths gcse this term i met some of your teachers this morning not teachers you're your year leader you're a boxer there's only one way to go isn't there yeah yeah okay so continuing with his partner dave is forsaking his shed with a new idea to join him in maths class see that's a straight line and opposite angles are always the same so this one's dirty as well yeah before dave coming to class with me i was never going to maths lessons whatsoever out the whole week i had 10 math lessons i think i went to two then after dave came i upped it to eight which was that is it i don't know he just he's got this thing about him which i felt i need to prove something to him and doing proud sort of thing but old school is not just about the old mentoring the young this is all new to me did your dad ever take you to the gym or anything no never didn't give her monkeys what he wanted me to do was work didn't you have any like dreams that you wanted to do oh her dreams like everybody yeah i had the opportunity once of learning to play the piano i was over the moon i couldn't believe it look the wizard of oz had visited me and my father just sat there with a blank face and he said if you learn to play the piano i'll cut your fingers off when my father said that i can't explain the feeling i knew if i challenged it it was going to be quite a problem so i did not challenge it and when i went back to the school i made it that i didn't want to do it and that was the worst feeling i remember going down a field at the back of the school and crying because i told a pack of lies that was an attitude that went through my life i can assure you i hate him i hate like that it's not right is it it's not nice as the old school relationships begin to transform headmaster neal is ambitious it can grow the old school project can have a bigger massive impact on our on our society and it must continue it must continue in reality how do we make it continue so the only way we can really make that happen is to make sure that it's funded there are huts to build partner meetings to coordinate and a costly infrastructure to grow under present funding conditions we will have to go out and raise the funds to make sure it's sustainable what sort of money would you reckon we were talking about yeah the absolute minimum dave we'd need 35 000 pounds plus neil what's the reality if we don't raise that 35 000. basically the reality is the project don't exist it's simple as that wow right well that's pretty final it is it is if old school is to continue we'll not only need compelling evidence to convince other schools to follow but to raise money to grow [Music] but maybe there's an answer our partner's confidence is growing but are they committed enough to raise the money and become the most convincing old-school ambassadors how do you think it's going it's going i think i think it's going great it's been amazing yeah is it we feel like that just how would you feel if it was close because that's the next big challenge for us all i wouldn't get to see clyde yeah yeah do you think it feels slightly different to be part of a community within the school it's something that i think everybody should have the opportunity to be in because it's just really benefiting for everybody who takes part in it with his confidence already improving if anyone can persuade people of the value of old school for me it's got to be jacob you know i personally think you're flipping marvellous yeah because you're articulate do you know what i mean by that yeah that's the game but yeah all right well article it means you speak really well yeah and you're very clear and we have this big important pitch with the hamilton trust with michael reagan today and uh i want you to be involved okay what we like about you is that you see it yeah and it's clear so you should be very proud of yourself it's a big thing this yeah see you later he's pitching to the chair of a charity more used to dealing with educational professionals than kids with adhd who'd have thought our kids could have taken on something like this 10 weeks ago [Music] is that clive he's cool hey hello hello hello everybody how are you diddly oh very well thank you all right so let your chin up once over see you don't forget from your heart nothing more hello hi miss riga hello my name is jacob hello jacob hey dr reese welcome to old school thank you thank you very much you're going to show us the way yeah i think you're a star man i think [Music] ever since i've like met clyde from my very first meeting i think that i've started to bond him a bit more i just think i'm like one of my closest mates don't say your life story sort of thing they just want to know what while jacob tries to sell the idea to an educational charity wes charisma and chiron are aiming bigger they're off to oxford united football club to see if they can get some money from the city big wigs ladies first where should i go thank you men said ladies first oh yeah you can imagine what it's going to feel like if we come out of there with the money yeah or even a helping hand even do you know what i mean anything if we come out with anything it's a bonus no don't give him a get out claus we want the lot we're here dudes we're here the community trust board meeting they're meeting the owner of oxford united the chairman of network rail and other captains of industry this one here yeah how's everyone doing then today basically i'm going to be talking about the benefits of the project i think i've come more to realize that old people aren't so grumpy like they're they're basically just like us we're fun out we jacob yeah we have had fun yes being with old school it's just like i can actually finally go up to people confidently and knowing that they're not going to judge me by the way i look we're just like a nice normal kind of dysfunctional family yes yes we know old people like to go out for a little drink every man and i'm not talking about war if you know what i mean this is me and my partner hanif in this photo it's probably one of our most memorable moments together because i actually taught him how to send his very first email all the way to his family back in pakistan old people get scared of young people they see him with a hoodie if they actually partner up with a child younger partners can show that they not always on the street and actually being active we really want to expand this and we want to also make it nationwide so all other schools can do it thank you so much for having us here [Applause] the kids have done amazing pictures to very very high-powered high-profile individuals but we have to find some funding and we're well we're getting to a point where it's pretty desperate we need more persuasive evidence old school works we need results the dreaded day of the gcse english exam has finally dawned it'll be a test not only for chloe charisma and marlon but also old school will their grades improve on what was expected and help convince potential [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the exam is two hours long during that two hours you need to be facing the front at all times and your two hours starts now [Music] going into the exam i'd be really nervous um shaking a lot and then when you actually have to go in and sit down with papers in front of you i look at the clock and it's like one hour and it's i think to myself that's not enough time for this [Music] and how many phrases did [Music] but did you have a go at that third one as well okay so you're nice and easy [Music] when you say you didn't finish was it just a tiny bit that you didn't do yeah yeah do you want to sit down here just for a sec first take your feet quick and sit down here just for a minute support is at hand old school partner hanif has come to see how charisma got on afterwards after i finished the exam i had a panic attack because i didn't manage to finish it and i was really sad about that so i know what it's feel like you feel very sad there's no point we know that it's just done gone yeah [Music] we have this mutual understanding when we see each other we talk each other through you know what we really feel like and two sons are in london i've noticed that he's a lot more confident when he talks with his english especially and i'm really proud of him and i'm really glad that i was partnered with him [Music] thank you very much ray kanye hello jake how are you lovely to see you with no funding yet in place this could be the last chance for judy and tony to help each other within old school tony yes hello darling how are you feeling today still a bit meh but you're all right yeah oh thank god for that i was worried about you oh i like that color over their time together she has been using their shared love of art to encourage tony to open up about her experience of bullying i just felt like no one cared about me and i was just completely empty i was basically cutting myself because i felt inside that like this was something that i could do with myself it made me feel better for about an hour after and then after that it just went completely back to normal it was just like everyone hated me and i just didn't understand why but for tony there was no escape when she wasn't at school she was being bombarded online i'd be on social media 24 7. it was you there wouldn't be an hour where i wasn't checking all of them and and the more you found it's about you upset you no one knows what it's like unless you've been there and i've been there and i know how hurtful it is and how upset you can be and you could be that one one percent that would actually take their own life when i first met you you were like really confident and it like it just like influenced me into like being like that like i wanted to be as confident as you were oh that's lovely being able to help her get over this it's helped me tremendously because i have got more confidence and i feel a lot better in myself than i do [Music] how about red hot hey yeah i like the artworks because it's just the me that was underneath all the like dark places like and how i really was on the inside and not what i thought i was it's made me step back and look at it and think that is me that's brought my confidence up that little bit more we're nearing the end of term and it's that time of year again [Music] first thing i saw today it was jacob running towards me it was nice to see that reaction that's the first time he's shown emotion i missed you [Music] thank you so much i told you you're welcome throughout like the old school project i've had a few friends that have like came and gone but then judy's always been there and it was like she she she's basically my best friend the one that stood by me this has got love and that's you to wear that all the time to show that you love yourself will you promise me that you'll love yourself [Music] with term coming to an end our scientists are back for retests to see if young and old have really changed so it's to say exactly the same as last time as many words as you can think of beginning with the letter t like tiger yeah tap yeah toe token tablet tomatoes train track okay for experience oh faster the second time dr carol holland from the center for healthy aging has returned to see if there's any improvement is it still going when you feel ready if we don't get the scientific results and they're not in our favor then then old school doesn't work first we have the results of the mobility tests you can see it's gone down so that means you're getting faster people are getting a little bit faster so although it's only it's only a small group and there's not a lot of stats we can do on this this number of people it's in the right direction what about the cognitive tests that we did this is the autobiographical memory test this is an important measure actually because it has relationships with whether um uh with things like depression so the fact that it's gone up we're delighted i think that's really good it is it's it's good i'm really i'm really pleased it's clear isn't it the older participants have benefited from the interaction with with the younger so that's what we were hoping for so our senior partners organizational skills are up by 33 and their ability to socialize is up by a massive 40 percent [Music] the juniors too are resetting the self-esteem tests they did at the beginning off you go most were originally chosen because they struggled with issues like lack of confidence they may seem happier but will better confidence show in the tests before i was like really nervous i wouldn't go into a crowd and i wouldn't speak to people but now i can go up to someone i can say later i can have a full-on conversation in the middle of the street which i'm proud about my anger's calmed down and saves my adhd so i'm not as hyper as i would be i'm not as angry as i would be so yeah i think that old school has helped me with my confidence definitely as well as the test scores we now have the school's own records for attendance academic attainment and behaviour oh yes all right we've got your results yeah the results are really pretty stunning for example go on i mean tony you know the self-esteem right you were minus one right you are now 61 which is kind of twice the average so judy whatever you're doing please keep it up darling because it's great it is it's fantastic [Applause] to 88.6 so achievement points it was seven it's now 26. it's 26. saw clyde great great job it's testament to you both and these aren't these aren't made up no these are these are tangible tangible results and we're even more determined now that we need the funding to secure old school so the relationships go on having had such great success with our first participants we have to secure old school's future so more of this community can benefit and we hope others around the country as the results of sean wessey's school attendance has significantly improved as well as his work and confidence partner dave has invited him around for a cuppa hi david all right yeah good thank you thank you would you like a cup of tea yes please david that'd be nice here would you like your tea uh milky with two sugars please i've only had five this morning look i've got a little something for you i don't want you to be embarrassed right that's not a problem we can deal with that first thing i got this off the web i expect you've got hundreds of them how'd you get i didn't know that existed didn't you i did i think a long time frame for you oh thank you david didn't you know it existed on the web i didn't know your club website anyway i'll sort of do it so that you've got something to because we're proud of that yeah i treasure that thanks very good well look what i've done is don't look at the labels yet i've got you a the sweatshirt to put on or put around your shoulders ah you shouldn't have mate thank you i appreciate it thank you i'm glad you like your picture yeah [Music] but the big question is still can we persuade other people to fund this so it can grow it's the end of term and with the evidence in we now want to get all our partners together for one final try we've invited funders educationalists and heads from all around the country [Music] yeah shirt done we need it to look sharp and i need to look sharp today because i'm nervous as well right so today out of all days gotta focus gotta be sharp gotta concentrate all that rubbish out your pockets good lad buttoned or not what do you think i've gone tireless because i thought it's daytime yeah do you know what i mean i want to be a bit kind of like smart but casual casual yeah no i think unbuttoned kingy because if we want to go like and we are all equals yeah it's going to be more impressive if the jacket flares rather than stairs like that red-handed spruce [Music] of various government departments charities council leaders and even trust fund managers [Music] and it's pleasing to see one or two familiar faces we've never been part of anything that's as potentially important as this and to be honest we're seriously bricking it [Music] this school has been through some really tough times in the recent past and so has our community unless you believe in your community unless the community believes in you i think it makes it really really difficult to improve your school besides the results our partners are our best advertisement i really struggled with my confidence before old school started i suffered really bad panic attacks um especially when i had to talk to people so to be able to be here right now um and talking from all of you guys is it's a really big step for me i did it actually for me initially because um it had a big void in my life because my parents passed away i just didn't know what to do myself so i've adopted chloe because i've got any children of my own so her mother said i could borrow her for a few years when i came here and i met my little girl tony i think that helping her has helped me we all meet there or all together we're like a family like a community even when we're not together we're phoning each other to make sure everybody's all right when i had my first partner his name was rick we never really got to have a meeting sadly and after that i was offered by lovely dave thank you for being here thank you um we did a lot of stuff together and um i see him and he's top notch lad yes do you ask the nicest thing anybody's ever said to them the reason why i joined was to get more knowledge and experience and what better knowledge and experience to get from an old man sorry [Laughter] i don't know if you'd like me to say this but dave really cares about me i think and i really care about dave from what the experience that we've been through and uh sorry other grants but uh dave feels like a grandpa to me so yeah thank you this has taught me a lesson i found a very caring relationship with a particular person that i was paired with was who happens to be nearly bringing me to tears i'm having difficulty talking because of what he said i didn't know the impact i'd have on his values but he certainly had an impact on mine it's something that i would never have experienced i would never have realized how important it was to actually involve ourselves with young people in the way that we've been able to do in this project everything goes back the other way but thanks for stopping [Music] it also means that you you have a generation of young people who are at the moment i think we do look at them i said about the boxing as well that we can come down to see you again it was just really really impressive and moving to sit in the audience and to hear your stories absolutely everybody performed at their absolute best today yeah and it was a pressured pressured environment if they turn around and don't give us the money i'll be surprised and i'll be gutted [Music] it's the 20th of january five months since we began and our last day here for our kids it's a very important day do you know what man i've got a really warm rosy cozy glow i'm looking forward to seeing the gun yeah me too well let's just hold we've still got a warm rosy glow and we get the exam results good gcse results might be coming too late for our big pitch but they could help further underlying success and they're flaming important for the kids as well good morning how are you almost on time that's brilliant good morning good morning fellas good to see you as always too how are you his results dear how do you feel on results day i shouldn't honestly i get unbelievably nervous before the results come genuinely i won't sleep for about two or three days really it's a nerve-wracking day it's a tense day around in some ways when it's gcse results day and i don't know if you feel this it's almost you can almost feel the tension yeah yeah it's a different place today it is a very different place when dave and i literally have walked through the door you can obviously we know that charisma is involved in the project the last time that we did the exam it didn't quite go to how charisma expected it to do has an enormously high standard high standards and she might need looking after today so right so keep a really close eye on her and i'd really appreciate it thanks i'm really hoping that the results today and that you get what you deserve and it reflects the hard work that both you and the teachers of putin not only am i really nervous i know you're really nervous but i know the guys are really nervous too because they are getting the results of the old-school project so for them um it's also a really big day are we ready [Music] this is killing me one man five four three two one [Applause] i am over the moon i was so scared we were all so scared we always are leading up these results yes if it's not being too nosy what grades were cloi charisma and marlon expected to get all three were expected to get to see that was their target grade do you know what's wonderful what's wonderful the sense of joy in this room is overwhelming congratulations that reaction that just shows how much this means to him yes i can't i've got i just got a big [Music] so look at you you've gone up two grades an anticipated c and then you get a big you need to tell her now yeah i do oh yeah yeah i bet he's going to be so pleased do you think it's helped that that relation that you know that relationship yeah he always tells me that i need to be more confident with myself and like i do really well and i never really say that but he always reminds me not only have we seen the partnerships grow and develop and the effects on them directly but actually there are huge benefits to the whole school because of that ripple effect from the project we just see standards going up and up and up there's a surprise visitor joining the celebrations michael o'regan from the education charity [Music] i was part of the audience at a very moving presentation about what old school partnerships have brought you so i'm very pleased to say that hamilton trust is making a donation of fifteen thousand pounds oh that is amazing jacob you happy to look after it yeah well done for all of you i felt quite proud of myself how excited i almost cried i'm not a wuss so i almost cried because i know that i had been in that pitch and i knew that i was part of like i was part of to get that money we hope it's just the first tranche of money that will enable old school to carry on and grow the experiment has worked beyond our best hopes helping two of the loneliest and least confident parts of society to help each other our partners here will be carrying on and we hope other schools around the country will join them [Music] before we go wes the tough lad who learned how to box to protect himself has done something dave has been waiting for for 60 years where are we going i've got a bit of a surprise for you all right it's a few stairs for your old legs i know i've got to be careful here because they don't care too much about being oldie no i'd be worth when you get to the top when you told me about your dad not wanting you to give piano lessons like giving you letting you have piano lessons i thought that everyone needs a chance and an opportunity to do what they want in life and um i felt like i needed to give you an opportunity to do what you wanted to do so i got you a piano lesson oh so it's this one this one this one yeah yeah brilliant brilliant ready let's give it a go again um what a gentle enlightened thing to do and all your fingers are gonna play those ones just because you're old doesn't mean that you stop dreaming about doing stuff and again but and again good [Music] you
Channel: Origin
Views: 87,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, origin story, parenting, shelter, first second third trimester, mums meet up, family lives, kensington mums, mind, mums group, mummy social, raising a child, snowplow parenting, inuit parenting, co parenting, weird parenting wins, bare minimum parenting, respectful parenting, social experiment, oxford academy, hairy bikers, motivational video, what would you do, parents, old vs young, teens, high school, coming of age, old school
Id: QodJIqHODs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 34sec (3514 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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