What Happens When You Date Lower Than Your Status | Jordan Peterson

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in this video dr jordan peterson explains the relation between disgust and attractiveness we thought we would take people of a different range of appearance you know from really not so beautiful to quite attractive and different different races and different ethnicities and then we would announce the ethnicity you know jewish bang we'd show them a picture black show them a picture caucasian bang show them a picture and the pictures would vary in attractiveness but then what we're going to do is we're going to morph them with snakes and wraps so then you because you can take a morphing program right and you could i could make you like 10 snake our 10 rat you've seen that movies all the time and so then the question would be would you be more likely a to see an unattractive person as a rat or or a snake and b would you be more likely to see a person who isn't a member of your ethnic and racial group as a rat or a snake aha now that's interesting because the thing to do with rats and snakes is get rid of them right and that's a problem so and then we thought we would also measure how orderly people were to see if that mediated the degree to which they were willing to perceive and be you know implicit perception fundamentally whether this person was rat like or snake-like we've got some other experience experiments that are of the same sort devised so i think that's a great experiment i'm really curious and then we'd have people rate them it's like um how afraid are you of this person how happy does this person make you um you know how how how how contemptuous are you of this person how disgusted are you by this person you know a whole emotional response scale and hopefully what we would find is the orderly people were more contemptuous and disgusted but not more afraid by the morphed faces and they would be more likely to categorize them as rat and snake-like especially if they were from a different ethnic group or race so it's a scary experiment but it would allow us to distinguish between fear and and and contempt and then i was thinking well still why the hell do you care why is the disgusting so important what the hell does it have to do with you and then i was remembering maybe i don't know maybe this game doesn't even exist anymore because the world has changed but i bet it does when i was a little kid in like grade one we used to play this game in school and the game was i think on the simpsons they call it cooties but we called it fleas and so we'd play this recess and some person would have fleas and then they would chase you around and they touched you and then you had fleas and everyone went around from you and the game often start sometimes it was just spontaneous but often the game could take a vicious twist and one of the lower status kids in the room would get you know accused of having fleas and that just wouldn't be wouldn't be just a game that'd be a source of taunting and exclusion so how many of you can remember games like that okay okay good good so that shows all this political correctness hasn't done a goddamn thing to how children behave you know and actually that's a relief to me so okay so then you think what the hell is going on there and the first thing that's going on is that the kids are playing out the idea of contamination right so let's say you're contemptible and disgusting you know so maybe you you have syphilis because you're uh what do you call you're you're you're you're dissolute and debauched and you know it's gone to the final stage and it's just horrific so anybody who's going to look at you is going to have a reaction like this they're you know they're going to want to look away okay so then i was thinking what happens if you touch someone like that no no no think about it now think about it for a minute well first of all in a place where there's lots of infectious diseases what happens is then you die so that's not a good thing you know or if you're near anything corrupt like like a carcass that has been rotting you don't get to eat it because then you die like you got to be sensitive to disgust because otherwise you'll run into contamination and the contamination will kill you the question is how contagious is contamination and i think that's the issue so now you put yourself in this position so you're on a dating site and you find someone and this might even be more powerful initially for women than for men because i don't know if you know this but women rank 85 percent of men as below average in attractiveness now men get their revenge don't get me wrong i'm not trying to make a case that you know women are more demented when it comes to men than men are when it comes to women it's just they're demented in different ways so so then you think it's interesting because i've watched my daughter go through tinder you know it's sort of painful it's like nope nope nope nope nope no and you know she's she's kind of she kind of thinks it's funny and i suppose it is but it's cruel as hell right if all these poor weasley guys they're just getting sorted into the you should not be in the damn mating pool pile right right and that's a fundamental judgment you should not be in the mating pool like if you're off on a genocidal spree that's exactly what you're trying to do you're trying to prevent that so you know i'm not saying my daughter's got genocidal tendencies although she probably does because she is human by the way so all right so now let's say that you've categorized some person in there as you know you're not going to respond to their damn email and you know you put them down as a one out of ten you know so no no and then someone says you have to go out with that person you have to act ask that person out and then you think well how are you going to react to that that idea well the first thing is i think you're going to be angry at the person who's going to force you to do that it's going to be anger and then the second thing is how are you going to feel when you bring that person into public with you around your friends okay how are you gonna feel and answer that is you're gonna feel disgusted and ashamed and the reason for that is because it's it's it's contaminating it's catching and so then that puts the damn theories together and this is why if i force you to go out with someone that's low status and we'll say low attractiveness we'll put the whole package together low attractiveness slow socioeconomic status no real hope for the future and really unlikable we can put all those sorts of things together you're going to think no way and then you bring that person out on a date with all your friends and they think what the hell is up with you and so maybe you're an eight roughly speaking and then you get to go visit five land for a while okay now what happens to you now this is where it gets tricky so we know that you like the lobster have a counter way down in the bottom of your brain that's really really old it's pre-cognitive it's even pre-emotional it's way down there at like reticular activating level and what it does is scan the world to figure out where you are in the hierarchy and it actually matters because if you're low then you die or you're stressed or your children die you know and you you're everything's worrisome to you because you're barely clinging on to the edge of existence and you only take impulsive pleasures because that's the longest span that you can count on having pleasures over and it's rough at the bottom and you get low status mates if you get any at all and it's not good so you actually do not want to be there and there's a reason for that whereas at the top it's like yes you know you get preferential access to everything everything so it's better to be there and you can say what you want about egalitarianism and there's lots of arguments to be held on both sides but given a choice you will go up rather than down so let's say you associate with someone who's contaminated and it knocks your status down now how does it do that well it might do it a variety of ways you feel bad about yourself so that would be low self-esteem that means the part of your brain that's evaluating you as a high status competent being is now doubtful about whether you actually you know fit that description and then there's all your peers because they're judging you like mad and what they're basically doing is status evaluation are you like a lowly uh crumb brother who's absolutely outside the mating hierarchy completely or are you like mr vampire billionaire who's the you know the the uh dominant vampire billionaire who's at the pinnacle of generic female literary pornography so that's basically the the hierarchy so the problem is is that if you take a dominance hit your serotonin levels fall and what that does is increase your negative emotion and decrease your positive emotion and increase the probability that when anything anomalous occurs that you're going to have a generalized stress response so that's the connection between the damn theories if you're associated with the disgusting your status falls and that's what destabilizes the belief hierarchy it's not a direct effect on belief
Channel: THE BESTS
Views: 1,028,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jordan Peterson, Jordan B Peterson, Jordan Peterson new, Psychology, Philosophy, Personality, personality disorders, self-improvement, Jordan Peterson 2022, Self Improvement, Jordan Peterson Personality, Jordan Peterson Personality Disorder, Motivation, Inspiration, How to improve myself, Self Help, Clinical Psychology, Depression, Jordan Peterson Depression, Jordan Peterson anxiety, Counseling, Jordan Peterson Psychology, Jordan peterson new 2021
Id: GAMhchTC5Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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