What Happens When Narcissists Get Old?

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[Music] welcome to thriver TV the place to break free from narcissistic abuse with quantum tools and understandings people ask this question a lot they want to know does their behavior improve do they mellow or do they get worse and what is their fate as they age these are all such great questions and in today's thriver TV episode I'm really looking forward to answering them for you but before I do I want to thank each and every one of you who subscribed to my channel and for supporting the thriving mission and if you haven't yet subscribed please do so and if you like this video please make sure that you hit the like button all right let's get started I want to look at how unconsciousness creates big cracks and this is what I believe about living unconsciously a lack of integration of peace with self will show up in one's life we know narcissus shove and plunder their way through life in conscience 'less ways taking by charm force or manipulation other people's energies and resources to feed feed their insatiable false selves on the surface it may seem like they're having a wonderful time prospering even but are they really I used to believe that the ex narcissists in my life had it all much of it at my expense and was even thriving whilst my life was stripped bare with no hope of recovery now I know what a grand illusion that was because after my own so recovery and self partnering to come home to me I now know how agonizing it is to be disconnected from self and not being integrated and at peace and this is regardless of what stuff results successes or people are achieved for the narcissus stuff and people are things they are mere commodities which are only attempts at self-medicating away the pain that is the narcissus constant inner trauma that no achievements people or things can ever resolve I love what George Carlin said this trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body such a good expression this is the thing the narcissist is always hungry and never satisfied this is the urges of a disordered egoic self that is insecure empty and self-loathing it's the always trying to seek salvation from outside of self rather than self partnering and healing oneself back to inner wholeness and this is a never ending fruitless hamster wheel with no way off the narcissist has crossed the line into being out of congruence with inner authenticity he or she lies scams and has agendas every time the narcissist is not operating from a place of inner and solid truthfulness they are damaging the integrity of their inner being even more the narcissistic personality grows in intensity and the need for more lies and falses falsities to cover a fictitious life is necessary the damage control of a life lived out of integrity means that there is always another responsibility to avoid a bullet to dodge schemed to hatch and another source to groom because of the inevitable destruction of the current one let's have a look at losing the ability to get a narcissistic supply mining they acclaim notoriety attention an energy from others too but for the narcissus empty in a self with significance takes a lot of effort this is a delicate balancing act for a narcissist as a hugely insecure person who requires a big feed of narcissistic supply to escape the inner torment of feeling unworthy empty and insignificant narcissus need to be effective regarding the amount of energy expended for the harvest that's reaped as narcissus get older they start losing Chum energy and ways to get narcissistic supply when the glory days start fading into the background and they lose their effectiveness to garnish supply narcissus traditionally take it out on people who were still attached and copying their abuse in relation to aging narcissus this could be their spouse or a child whom they have groomed to dump their anger on make responsible for their needs and use and abuse and if this is your plight I'd really love you to watch my video which is how to handle an elderly narcissist so that you can understand how to take your power back and heal from being abused in this way so let's investigate what an elderly narcissus without narcissistic supply is like because this really is the same as a sickness Isis who can't get narcissistic supply when they run low or empty without their primary drug of choice which is the attention and the significance that self-medicates away the inner pain of having to be with themselves narcissus can become totally delusional manic unreasonable abusive and quite frankly may go insane the mask may drop completely whereby their disorder is front and center for all to see he or she may throw all caution to the wind and attempt frenetically and even pathetically to try to get narcissistic supply and it's a shock when you see elderly narcissus unravel in this way and become a shadow of their former fictitious self this is where the truth always event comes out I really do believe we die as we live a life will cynically lived shows the results even in the declining years whereas a life lived as a false self ends up where it was always going to go a fall from grace that was never real in the first place all right as narcissus age does come or pay them back it's a big question and the answer to this question is yes however despite any acquisition or outer appearances it's important to know that the narcissus karma which is the intense emotional disintegration and pain from living a life out of alignment with self life and others is ever-present one soul is not Juri happy as a result of getting every soul can only reach wholeness as a result of beingness the state of the inner beingness of a narcissist is disastrous their emotions being always reliant on the precariousness of obtaining narcissistic supply are damaged and unstable as narcissus age they're out of alignment disintegration often extends to health issues as well as emotional and mental delusions it's also common for them to have financial disasters as they lose the ability to hold up the house of cards that their life really was family and friends often turn away from them in droves especially as the mask Falls and I can't tell you how many times I have heard exactly those reports throughout this community and I want to share with you this true life story that encapsulates all of this a friend of mine had a narcissistic father who was a high roller throughout his life he owned Sunshine Coast penthouses fancy cars and he married several much younger women very you know exotic beautiful young women as an old man in his 80s he married a young Asian lady who got him to build her a home overseas and then divorced him and she took the lot he returned to Australia with Parkinson's disease and dementia and was under surveillance in the nursing home because of his inappropriate and often nasty behavior towards staff and other patients his phone was confiscated because he went on dating and gambling apps constantly this narcissistic man ended up with nothing but humiliation shame and failure and his family only visiting him when it was absolutely necessary if you know of an aging narcissist who has fallen from grace please pause the video and share the information below because it may inspire others to know that this is what happens okay so let's have a look at bringing our focus back to healing ourselves rather than focusing on narcissus of course I understand why you're asking the questions about aging narcissus maybe you have an elderly narcissist in your life who is driving you crazy or possibly you've been hurt so much by a narcissist in your life that you're wondering how their life will turn out and dearly hope that it won't be good but I really want to invite you to take your focus off the narcissus and firmly onto healing yourself so that not only will you break free from the terrible affliction of narcissistic abuse and enter the trajectory of your true self and true life but also in no way will this be conditional on what does or doesn't happen to the narcissist as they age because that's true freedom truly he or she is in an emotional hell every second of every day there is nothing to envy here and I know that you may be feeling like you're in a total emotional hurricane - with no way out and that your life could now be horrific on many levels as you age yet I promise you this doesn't have to be your reality at all unlike the narcissist who is not going to turn inwards and start generating their only real emancipation and healing from emotional trauma which is achieved regularly in this community by doing the quantum in a work you can achieve this and once you do this you truly won't care less about what does or doesn't happen to the narcissist and you also know that your highest mission is always about honoring your inner being and your health because when you get that part of it right I promise you that you will no longer be shackled by the guilt and obligation and pain that met may have been allowing an aging narcissist to suck you dry and it's then that your true self and true life can begin no matter what age you are or what you've been through as a result of narcissistic abuse I'd love to share with you these further resource to help you understand this which is my article and my video on if you feel like you're too old to recover from abuse okay so if it is time to heal and let go of wondering and claim your resurrection freedom and joy come join me because I will show you how in timeframes and ways that you didn't even know we're possible yet by clicking the link at the top right of this video so I so hope this video has helped and if you want to see more of my videos please subscribe so that you'll be notified as soon as each new one is released and if you like this click like also please share with your communities so that we can help people awaken to these truths and as always I'm greatly looking forward to answering your comments and your questions below so until the next one keep smiling keep healing and keep thriving because there's nothing else to do lots of love bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Melanie Tonia Evans
Views: 229,227
Rating: 4.8759122 out of 5
Keywords: What Happens When Narcissists Get Old, old narcissist, aging narcissist woman, melanie tonia evans, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic abuse, aging narcissistic parent, aging narcissist, aging narcissistic father, narcissistic abuse recovery program, life after narcissistic abuse, life after narcissistic relationship, self care tips, healing from a narcissistic relationship, life after abuse, narcissistic supply, overcoming abuse, Thriver tv
Id: z0e-22FXFDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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