I beat this Zed so bad he has a mental breakdown and calls me fat (SHOT GUN LUX)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some lups in the mid lane running electrocute cheap shot eyeball ultimate Hunter maniflo band and Transcendence uh they just buffed lux's passive so I'm gonna build a lich Bane and hit somebody with a spelled and auto him and basically have a double barrel shotgun and delete them so yeah this will be good for fighting people who get close to me like Zed Echo and a fury we'll see if it actually has enough damage I may even build a nasher's tooth for even more on-hit damage because nashers gives a lot of AP so it'll be really good in this oh I hit him nice I've never been here before and my cue cooldown slower uh cyan is sealing their camp Zed knows he knows see I lose a bit of Cs but Zed also loses more but if Zed gets a kill out of this where did he go what are you gonna do Zed you're gonna kill a Scion was that actually I go lost like five Minions on that or so I don't know that was a bad realm I thought their jungler was gonna be there too and they were going to kill Scion yeah they got a very scary team but what they don't know is I have a gun I'm gonna One-Shot them as Lux is that okay oh my goodness I detonated early I didn't get any of those all right well you're gonna pay the price for doing that how does he know what I'm saying how is he listening to me what the hell is that thing what are you gonna do Shield him uh-huh I leveled up you fall in for my trap card [Music] that was kind of closer than I wanted it to be I mean I still had flash I knew ivern if he was chasing that far was gonna try and Flash through me that Xbox I don't know if I beat him I'm Not Dead he's pretty low and hopefully nafiri got enough Nerfs out of supportive here he doesn't want to shot me later but uh I'm preparing for the worst uh what do I get her second there I thought I had barrier also and I was gonna bait that even harder but we have ignite so I can just kill the Zed before he kills me [Music] oh my God I got it I got it now I'm not going like full on hit I'm going lots of A.D or not Las Vegas lots of AP with a lich Bane so my spells do a lot of damage and my passive Auto attack does a lot of damage if he wastes his shadow in to poke me I'll run him down I think I have enough damage to be able to fight him oh but if I just throw out my Q randomly really wait why I was like how did he just jump to me five seconds they're gonna keep walking at you that's a funny that's a funny queue he's got smashed with a hammer iron thought he was sneaky thought he could get away from me well I have alt it's a 50 second cooldown I want this I could clear this whole wave without even autoing it oh shoot you have no minions wait you're level four he thinks he can kill me maybe he doesn't think she can kill me [Music] Bruno's getting destroyed by 18 miles oh shoot I mean [ __ ] it Sheen early Sheen just machine off and then once we turn into Lich Bane we have the full double barrel I mean even if Teemo destroys this guy Mundo should outscale him just because he gets like a little bit of magic resistance okay now that I missed my cue I need to back up because he's gonna go in and I don't have anything out I don't have anything to hit him back with skin is that Immortal drink I don't even know half of these skins in the game though [Music] did that hit I had to check because I feel like it would have made a noise or something if it hit this early she note actually like gives me so much damage to duel him I have a shield what are you gonna do get blown up that's my teammate I hate playing against Echo but I mean for this build it's fine because they actually have a lot of Champions I can Auto attack and I need to Auto attack people or else this build isn't as fun I mean they're just wasting their time chasing that guy well what happened all his health wave clear Lux is probably one of the easiest mids to like get high Cs on because just the early it's not the early CS thing isn't even bad once your level is six you just alt the wave you actually can't miss any of them I use Shield to get myself Shane Prague what he uses less Mana kudos it's an extra like 50 damage or so I just I have so much more gold than him now because of Cs and uh plating so I have ludens that will hit hard we'll have Nasher not nash is up [Music] lichpane I always confuse them [Music] I mean I could buy the oh I don't have enough religion I don't even have enough for this I'm staying I need 200 Mana to clear the way without doing anything so I guess I'll just have to e and auto attack it he's gonna try and fight me I shouldn't die he's pretty behind he needs to go in for uh he's going for poke first and then after he chunks like half my health then he holds me and he can get me I don't know oh wait I level up lost chapter thank you minion delete us goodbye oh you wanted a roam said your waves under turret so even if he gets a kill out of this he actually pretty much goes even oh he's probably gonna get her absolutely Andre's team oh that died you got a double kill in his head it's worth it's not really because he lost that minion wave I sent in he lost another Minion wave I sent him he lost his turret I mean I could do nasher's third it gives 100 AP it's basically the same as building Shadow flame just without the Magic Pen not terrible would a shadow flame give more damage yeah but I literally just missed my spells because this guy confused the hell out of me in this case shotgun looks thank you pushing my limits he's kind of dodging all my stuff sorts let's finish lichpane Lich Spain gnashers we could do lichmann Asher's Death Cab I mean I don't think I'll need the magic kind of some Shadow flame that bad they don't have any Mr this guy prioritizes dusk Play-Doh or even getting boots he's all or nothing although what he doesn't realize is without boots it's it's harder for him to land his damage my Cannon my minions I don't want to chase him although he don't got boots he kind of slow nashers doesn't hit as hard as uh Lich Bane would damn it's already I could like try and go over the wall and kill that iron but the attack speed could be nice and I may get multiple Auto attacks so which or the nashes would be wasted I didn't even tell what that spell was I killed him with electrocute from three basic attacks okay now Fury is very squishy she has four levels behind me we'll probably get this in the next turret yeah we can nobody's defending I think nefuri is a little bit tilted wait what happened to my teammates oh shoot I'm I mean I'm Dave what the hell happened to seraphine and MF I I was hitting the turret and I look away and they're dead I thought they were alive oh man I don't have enough for this I think nafiri is a little bit upset she doesn't just automatically win by picking the fury but you have to play your mid for that you don't play your support so all right goodbye potion all right well Zed is now the same amount of kills as me just half the farm but he doesn't need Farm to play the game he's a zed what is he building around this [Music] I just wanted the cannon Hue Buffs I wanted to Auto him but I didn't have Lich Bane he would have left him at one Health and then I wouldn't have been able to hold him if I had Lich Bane I probably could have killed him with an auto attack I don't know let me go grab it I mean what's the on hit for this 20 percent what is this 20 I mean it's basically like another passive or it locks clown oh huh why is it always the Assassin players the world has seen enough Darkness so he definitely those early kills did sting a bit we can do this all right that's how easy it is to kill somebody as Lux on building a lich fan I even get to use the Lich Bane this does 200 this does 200 so that's 400 damages on an auto attack and this would add another like I'm not even gonna look till it's done thank you I don't know if my ALT would kill him we have to know how is he not dead well down they go [Music] you're probably gonna FF because they're quite tilted I need my nashers wait I'm gonna be a turret melter actually with this build if I have a nashers I'm just gonna push till I die this guy's gonna kill me and then he's gonna talk [ __ ] hopefully I just kill him I'm gonna hold my e to the olds that's a whole Squad coming from my ass [Music] [Laughter] it's so tilting they're not even going for me hey pick on someone your own site wait that's not even accurate that's not even said oh that guy's dead shotgun oh I'm dead oh [Music] I don't even know if my auto attack did I killed him I burst him from Full HP without even landing at you though 82 235s to 300 from these two this adds 133. I don't think that pops on an auto attack though he would pop on the spell before 234 Teemo get me zedga I mean I just need um death cap and probably shadow plan now the thing is if I hit a Q and E somebody they might just die before I can even Auto attack I'm probably not though I don't know I want to cue auto someone and see how much I do but it's kind of hard because they do a lot of damage oh my God oh my God come here didn't do as much as I thought there we go that auto did 462. did we get the dragon oh they stole it an enemy has been slain I can go get my item oh we could see how much we do to this is a stranger no you just didn't take that much damage our turrets I was thinking of taking ingenious Hunter for more lichpane activations and ludens over ultimate Hunter but I don't know I don't think it would have made a difference in a fight I'm either gonna have the Lich Bane up or I'm not stay positive I don't even know if that goes do over laughs I'm on E for these minions oh boy I'm dead that was awkward I couldn't Zed ultimately like the perfect time so I couldn't hit him with q and then I tried to like burst iron but I missed I wasted my flash I gotta get some team oh boy they're gonna get barren maybe I might have to save one day art Steele I don't think they can Baron we're good oh Daisy's dead or either instead get this old again he's just gonna Dash if I'll oh oh the ludens didn't hit her maybe it did it just didn't kill her but we gotta be careful now unfortunately they are playing Champions that like can one shot me so I just need to one shot them first [Music] some reason I thought Mundo was the jungler I may need to do um Hourglass last just says that all doesn't for sure one shot me good things that didn't own me there because that is for him I should have just halted team on killed him but I wanted to okay [Music] bro is just dashing all over the place coming to see what's going on got him shotgun looks how does he have Vision in the bush I'm in the bush what a scam he eat me from over here when I was standing in a bush he's hacking I have Death Cab the shrooms are really annoying I hit a Teemo shroom and I just lose like half my health all right we have death cap I'm gonna stop going for Autos as much just because when I'm in Auto Range they can then hit me with their spells and I die I need to just try and assassinate them from far away they might have changed ivern Bush so it always gives division to his team I don't know foreign I think there was Auto attack I don't know if that was either oh that hurt did they get the dragon we got the Dragon girl Bob into battle with hearts of glow I guess I didn't need to clear those oh nice we have tanks though tanks op tank stand in front they don't really have tank melters because if Zed melts the tanks then we melt that Zen can only really kill one of our oh I can save them [ __ ] nice I got an auto on him that did a lot I'm gonna hit him we have a lot of shields too a certain things but we can go get mad oh my gosh Teemo is so close to walking over these oh my God where am I I can't even tell what's going on I got I think I hit a shroom I hit a shroom and got slowed and I couldn't move stupid assassins with all their dashes yeah I'll just get an hourglass I don't think cyan can catch him it's gonna take forever but echo's not killing him went the other way you just went over in this bush how much is Lich being done lichmann's done 1800 1900. a hard game to use it this late in especially the nashers just because they're dashing so much but it's working it worked early we could do a baron the Teemo shrooms like this guy's doing it right he built he has a build so his shrooms actually do damage and he's not doing anything with his Auto attacks or his cues it's literally just his shrooms that are carrying them three oh 19 second cooldown hey I got a lot of haste with this build my Q has like very little five seconds I killed all the dolls kill the dogs 10 more up here bro they're just dashing everywhere in and out we're not dying though Narnia there we go it finally hit damn that did 1300 damage holy why does that do so much 700 AP k it's a good thing we got tanks because like they did so much more damage than us there but they we just don't die oh we did it a nice shotgun someone oh they're all dead wait wait wait we gotta get said no all right GG that was fun Zed's not happy we're happy you guys enjoyed leave a like subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below I don't know say whatever you want subscribe to the channel do all this whatever you want I don't care who even listens this far in shotgun locks did the most damage 35k demo look at that Teemo did so much damage I bet that's like all from shrooms all right looks like he's not gonna say anything in all chat so I'll see you guys later thanks again for watching peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 303,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X9caz8onjQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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