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today we are going to be farming as billionaires now what does farming is a billionaire mean you ask well really it just means we have ridiculous equipment and uh we have about unlimited money i'm like the elon musk of farming simulator but yeah if you're new to the channel and you enjoy this video and want to see more content like this subscribe and you know liking the video helps a lot too anyway let's give you some farming or at least try to so as every billionaire rich person knows you have to have a rolls royce and this is what we're going to be taking out to the farm today and i'll show you guys what equipment we got here in a minute so you know me my eccentric billionaire self had to get only the best equipment and by best i i mean some pretty interesting stuff so the goal today is to uh harvest this whole field here and somehow replant it now the equipment that we got here looks pretty normal other than other than that um anyway there's a few cool features that i can only have as a billionaire that are going to make this job a heck of a lot easier but as every billionaire knows or a farmer in general the first step to farming is you gotta harvest well that is of course if you have a crop planted already so of course i had to buy a john deere x9 the best of the best combines you can possibly get now uh what this kind of looks like a normal header you know something a normal farmer would have well we're not normal uh we're billionaires so i had to uh expand a little bit yeah this header is absolutely massive oh it goes even bigger okay i did not realize that and uh by my calculations here we should be done this field in no time look at this oh man we're just flying you know when you're a billionaire you have no restrictions you can literally harvest as fast and as uh in a weird way as you want is this the correct way to farm i i couldn't tell you but we're doing it anyways i wonder how fast my grain tank is gonna fill up here because well this header is about twice the size as it normally should be unfortunately i don't have uh twice the size of a grain tank so this uh this may get filled pretty fast but we have a solution for that so just you wait i wonder what the other farmers in the area think of me here just uh strolling on in here with my uh big 12.3 million trillion dollar combine something like that i don't know whatever it is jeff bezos has nothing on my combine man this thing is uh the best of the best there is out there amazon same day and delivery don't got nothing on this all right our combine is full so uh i think it's time i show you guys what i got to unload this so as a billionaire of course we have the power of teleportation and that's not what we're using to unload here just give me a second okay there we go we'll just uh we'll cut across the crop here it's not like uh we need the money from it anyways i just wanted to give farming a try let's just zip across the field here at uh light year speeds yeah there we go just unload that thing oh no maybe not see the issue is with such a big header is uh you can't actually get the green card in there properly there we go yeah all right with that unloaded uh back to farming we go sorry man your deer stands about to have no crops next to it look i may be rich but i'm not out here to feed your deer you know that song international harvester well uh this thing is an international crime against the epa the amount of diesel this thing burns is ridiculous uh something about this just isn't right can't really put my finger on it but austin what about realism you ask look i don't know what to tell you but when you're a billionaire the laws of realism farming do not apply to you you can just uh do whatever the heck you want oh hold on missed a bit yeah the rules of realistic farming don't apply to you uh kind of the same as uh taxes yeah those are those apparently don't apply to billionaires either or billionaire companies no less combines full again time to rip over there with my zero compaction tractor i'm in uh zero compaction with added crash feature tractor because it goes way too fast this combine was actually developed by uh elon musk at spacex for those of you who don't know that's one of elon musk's other companies uh this combine is set to go harvesting on mars by 2020 55. yeah they really needed some fast farming up there so uh yeah they decided they were gonna send this one i'm just kind of testing it out for uh mr musk himself all right so we made pretty good progress on this field here just cruising along still but now we got to go dump this into our fancy semi kind of trailer there with our uh i don't know what that thing is some sort of hot rod whatever it is it gets green to the elevator hecking fast there we go get this thing loaded up here man and i thought tesla stocks were the way to make money no farming's where it's at look at how much grain we got here this only took us i don't know like 30 minutes takes no time at all the harvest fields i don't know what all these farmers complain about man so easy mind you they don't have the tech that i have but you know same same and there we go finished that didn't take long at all now we're back to uh normal combine size here the other farmers can't know what kind of technology i got this gets out everybody's gonna be farming entire fields in about 30 seconds all right well let's jump in our hot rod here and uh get to the green elevator in oh i don't know like 30 seconds or something oh man we're going so fast tires are spinning but this is the way to haul green oh man can't complain with this where's my nos at need to get there a little faster oh man look at that money go up solid 17 grand and there we go that's all of our grains sold well most of it anyway we'll leave the rest till later i want to get to planting here that's where the fun's at elon was also nice enough to hand me a super nice planes are here so uh we're gonna get to work i think we actually got to cultivate first yeah one thing after another we'll get to it eventually there we go get this thing unfolded here pretty sure this one's supposed to be on mars 2 eventually john deere is a really progressive brand first the firemen on earth now other planets all right now we're talking you think with a fancy enough tractor here we at least have some gps but no no no i'm just gonna it's gonna freehand it here this uh this may take a little longer than uh the combine but yeah we'll get to it eventually i'm a billionaire i got all the time in the world got my zero compaction tractor here uh we are running a zero compaction because the tracks are just so ridiculously big man look at me i'm a real farmer who would have known it get enough money and you can do just about anything all right so i hired a guy that's frank way down there uh going hard on cultivating and uh you got a pretty good portion of the fuel done here so i'm gonna jump in uh well my truck and go planting i figured this might be a fun way to plant if i can actually get out of here might take a second all right i need to move this combine oh i forgot to mention when you're a billionaire you also have uh super strength so yeah you can just out of your way it's it's pretty nice to be honest good work frank keep it up million bucks in it for you if you finish the field really that that's just pocket change so pretty easy for me okay this this may be a bust uh this is crazy slow and i know i said as a billionaire i got all the time i need but yeah this isn't really billionaire farming if one of my billionaire buddies seen me uh farming like that yeah he would laugh at me all right we gotta change this hold on time to get out the big guns this should do the trick hopefully there we go that's better look at that now we're falling big old cedar doing its job off you go jim mill million bucks in there for you if you if you finish the field too sucker i just made a million bucks in the last hour just off my stocks huh guys so gullible so while frank and jim are out there uh doing my work for me i figured hey why not jump in the case here that has uh well a pretty big fertilizer spreader on it and we might get to a little bit of fertilizing you know this tractor's not overkill at all there we go see when you got lots of money you can just like instantly teleport just materials into your spreaders it's perfect oh yeah look at this now we're talking oh we're missing a bit here hold on on i just got to go over a little bit more and there we go look at that where you've been getting achievements yeah this is the way to do it i'm convinced small tractors small fertilizer spreaders nah this is the better way to do it frank frank what are you doing frank oh all right we'll just we'll just go with that not not really sure what he's doing what is he doing oh uh oh that no friend oh okay we're just gonna continue here i'll just uh keep on fertilizers and spreading here ah so peaceful really bumpy field though oh man hold on beacons for safety yeah i'm sure those guys will get it worked out eventually ah so peaceful doing like at least 10 percent of your field every pass so nice well that was billionaire farming if you guys want more let me know subscribe and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Austin Farmer
Views: 1,189,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roleplay, fs22 roleplay, fs roleplay, Austin Farmer roleplay, usa map, usa farming, usa roleplay, Austin Farmer, Austin Farmer fs19, Austin Farmer fs, farming simulator 22, the formal pickle, the formal pickle fs22, the squad, fs22, mudding map, fs22 mudding map, fs22 camping, fs22 honda atv, fs honda atv, honda atv, fs camping, fs22 truck mod, fs22 puckup truck, fs22 mods, fs22 ford mods, STARTING WITH $0 AND A TRUCK, starting a farm with $0, SURVIVAL FARMING, daggerwin
Id: SFyq48OVS0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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