What Happens To Resin Art YEARS LATER?! Update on Some of My OLDEST RESIN PIECES!

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel so a lot of my videos include preserving real dried out flowers in resin and i feel like one of the main questions i get on all of those videos where i preserve real flowers in resin is how long will the flowers last and i can never really answer that question because i've only really been doing resin for like two and a half maybe three years um so i don't i don't know how long it's going to last honestly so i thought what i could start doing is kind of updating you guys and showing you the pieces that we've made over the years as time passes i would like to show you how they look like a year later a few months later and just kind of like compare them and show you because i'm i'm just figuring it out uh myself so i thought since we made them together we might as well find out how long they last together so if you guys are interested in going down memory lane with me and checking out some of our older pieces like some of the oldest pieces that i've made on my channel if you'd like to see how they're doing now like a year later then continue watching okay so i'm gonna pull up my youtube channel and we're gonna go from should i go from newest to oldest to kind of like do a finale kind of thing like this is the oldest piece uh and see how it looks i think that sounds fun so uh one thing i do want to say is that i don't have like everything i've ever made uh like on my youtube channel or anything because i do sell some of it i know it's a rare occasion that i let anything of mine go so i don't have absolutely everything but what i do have i will show you so one of the things that i still have that i made seven months ago is this piece right here which i still love it i have this piece like displayed on my desk and it's still so pretty so since i take close-up shots of like literally everything that i make i'm gonna do like one side of the screen is going to show you the close-up that i did for that youtube video like when i made it seven months ago and then the other side i'm going to show you what it looks like now like a close-up shot of what it looks like now so we can kind of like really compare what it looks like and see if anything's discolored looking at it here i do feel like the orange rose is a little like it's lost a bit of its color and it does look a little more brown i obviously like in the moment can't remember like as i'm filming this right now i can't remember what it looked like uh when i first made it so maybe not maybe it's always looked that way uh what we're obviously seeing right now in the close-up shots um to kind of like compare them but everything else looks amazing i feel like it looks so good the two roculus especially the orange one shut up that's a seven month old ranunculus seven months it's beautiful it's so pretty i mean the whole piece is still so so pretty i i fell in love with this i'm still in love with it i think maybe maybe the resin got a little yellow over time but it still looks pretty good the white flower even looks really good which i'm surprised by because white flowers are so difficult to get right you know to dry it out for one and to preserve it in resin without it turning brown basically so i feel like it's still this whole piece still holds up pretty well for being seven months old okay what else we got what else we got okay so the next piece i'm going to show you is this so this is that like bright orange rose that i preserved in this cube i made this video 10 months ago so this is what it's looking like now just right off the bat like from the thumbnail to here and how i kind of remember it when i first made it it's lost a lot of it's like bright orangey color and now it's got this like it's honestly beautiful uh but it's more of like a peachy like lighter pinky orange color it's stunning honestly do i like it more now honestly if i'm okay yes i do i do i like it more now i love peach and i think it's super super pretty so i'm gonna show you guys the two side-by-side shots now what it looked like when i first made it and now what it looks like now so you'll definitely be able to see that it lost a lot of its orange color the resin literally looks crystal clear still from what i remember again i don't i you know i'm not seeing the clips as you are right now but it looks like right in front of me now it looks so so good so crystal clear and pretty this is one of the best like shape wise this is still one of the best roses i've ever done because it literally is just stunning such a perfect shape nothing is squished it looks so pretty so i feel like the only difference we're gonna see with this one is that the orange-ness like the bright pumpkin orange i think that it was uh has gone and it's fading a little bit but i do love how it looks still the shape is stunning and honestly the peach color i'm a fan okay so going down the line another piece you guys this is still one of my favorite pieces that i've ever made ever literally ever i have it displayed in my apartment it's so beautiful it like i'm constantly looking at it still so this piece is also 10 months old and it is this gigantic piece that i made this is one of the first like really huge pieces that i ever made so it's still beautiful i mean from the thumbnail maybe the peony lost a little bit of its pink but honestly i don't think so i i mean maybe a little bit uh the ranunculus is still beautiful like the whole thing is still stunning it's not even like it's not even really yellowing like it still looks crystal clear just like water just like when i first made it i feel like it's so beautiful so here are the side by sides so you guys can kind of like compare what they look like this is still it's so stunning stunning the white on the i think they're just like cherry blossoms these like little white flowers here they're still white they're still white how 10 months old and this piece still looks stunning like i for sure thought the peony would lose a bit of its color we're going to talk about another peony that i'm amazed at but yeah this is this peony dude you guys this is still one of my favorite pieces i'm obsessed with this thing and i don't think i'll ever let it go yeah i don't know i love it so so much it's so freaking beautiful and like such an impressive piece and the glitter i'm still i'm still just the hot the light holographic glitter sprinkling in there it's magic it's absolute magic next oh okay so what i have next is a couple of poppies that we did so this is 11 months old what video was this preserving poppies and resin so this is what it looks like now has it changed i feel like i feel like it hasn't like the orange-ness in this poppy what the heck shut up shut up i just love this piece so much like the gold flakes that i put in it is so beautiful so this is what it looks like now so now i'm going to show you guys the two side by sides but as i'm seeing it right in front of me it doesn't even look it looks no different honestly from my memory i feel like maybe the white poppy maybe got like a little bit yellow and maybe lost a little bit of its color but other than that it still looks stunning it is so poppies are one of my favorites uh and i feel like this piece is still so beautiful for being 11 months old almost a year old oh my god sweet little baby so pretty still sometimes i get questions about um you know if i sell my stuff where i sell it i don't have my own etsy shop anymore just because my youtube channel is so it's a lot of work so i wasn't able to continue like selling my stuff like listing things packing them yadda yadda um so i do if i'm willing to let go of my work i will give apotheca some of my stuff to kind of like sell through consignment through them if you're ever looking for any of my work uh i do sell it at apotheca sometimes i'll put like a link to their website down in the description of this video i don't think i made this piece like i don't think i put it together with you guys i can't remember did i the only video that i'm seeing this piece in the thumbnail of is the chit chat with me and test out new resin which says one year ago so whether it's from that video or a different one i'm gonna try to find the close-up shot for this of what it looked like a year ago so this piece is one year old how i don't know i don't know this i i i'd be willing to say has not changed at all it is still this whole piece is still so so perfect in every single way the resin hasn't discolored it's still stunning like all of the colors of this piece i'm obviously not seeing the close-up shots like you are now i feel like the colors still look beautiful like the three and enemies in the middle the two roses i cannot it's so so pretty so i'm excited to see like the older footage that i might be able to find of this whether it's from the top coating video or maybe a video where i made this but i can't wait to see that because i feel like they haven't changed they from my memory they still look just like when i first made it so i don't know i don't know you guys i feel like this piece is gonna literally last forever i feel like a lot of times when you flatten out flowers it can especially with like roses or like thicker flowers i feel like it's easier for them to lose their color especially in the drying process because the way that i dry flowers flat is that i use a microflora so i don't know i kind of can't believe that they're still so vibrant they're still so so pretty i'm shocked and impressed that piece is so beautiful like for being a year old stop that's amazing all right what have we got next okay next is this enormous dahlia piece so this was i think like a dinner plate dolly or something like that oh yeah so the video was called preserving a dinner plate dahlia in resin and i let you guys like choose the flower i think it was between this and a protea and you guys chose this which okay can we just talk about how clear like literally water how did i do this there's literally no bubbles there's no bubbles you see that like right through here there's no bubbles not even like little micro bubbles how the freak frack did i do that i have no idea maybe it was like during summer time because i feel like during the winter is when i get a lot of micro bubbles because the resin is cold maybe that was it and then i made this during the summer and it's literally like moving it around it's like water so here are the two side by side shots of this um i feel like maybe what could have happened is the center because i see a lot of yellow in the center so i feel like maybe that that yellow crept up a little bit and it's losing more of the like purpley maroon color but other than that i feel like it's still such a cool piece i feel like it looks basically the same and i'm honestly really impressed with how no there's no bubbles also the resin is still water it's like crystal clear there's no yellowing it looks this is honestly as far as resin this is like the best piece like it literally looks perfection as far as resin goes yeah this piece is one year old and it still looks amazing it still looks so so good and you can't even really see like the separation lines okay so i think that dahlia piece is actually a year and a half old uh because i uploaded it on august 28 2019 so i'm pretty sure that's a year and a half nearly right yeah it is isn't it yes it's almost two years like it's a year and a half old the dolly piece year and a half old the next piece we're going to be looking at is also a year and a half old and it's my wedding bouquet so i uploaded this video about my wedding bouquet august 21st 2019 so this is a year and a half old which is so weird it's so crazy i've learned so much about preserving like full bouquets like a bunch of flowers in a big piece like this since this i've i've literally like changed everything that i do part of me wishes that i knew back then what i what i should have done and what i do now like to face the flowers up rather than like laying them down sideways like this but i honestly i kind of love it still because i mean i absolutely love it you know because it's my wedding bouquet but also it shows a lot of like my growth so anyway this is what it looks like now so this is a year and a half old we definitely lost a lot of like i feel like this is like a light pink rose i can't quite remember yeah i feel like it was a really really light rose so maybe it was like a light pink those roses like that lose color so easy so i'm not surprised to see that this has lost some color but everything else looks pretty good i do think maybe it's yellowing just a little bit here are the close-up shots the two side-by-sides so we can see what it looked like then and what it looks like now the freaking okay one of the best things that you can use as far as like dried flowers in your pieces is like any like eucalyptus stays stunning so like it's just so pretty for so long and also queen anne's lace queen anne's lace is so beautiful it's a freaking firework and it stays so pretty for so long i mean as far as like i've seen in my work it's so beautiful i'm i'm seeing now that ranunculus lasts so well like these ranunculus are still pretty pink and they look so good i think the i think they're called like poppy seed pods or whatever that are in the middle are kind of like turning a yellow maybe and then the straw flowers on the two sides still beautiful i feel like straw flower is such a good one to use in dried flower pieces because they'll last for a while yeah i will always love love this piece because it's it's my wing okay you know uh so yeah i love it it's still so pretty okay so the next one is one of the oldest pieces that i have so this piece is almost in july june july it will be two years old my two-year-old piece look at this freaking peony look at it it's still so pink so orangey yellow in the center i cannot it's still so beautiful so here are some close-up shots of what it looks like now and what it looked like nearly two years ago i feel like looking at it maybe the only thing i can spot is that the center is getting a little like it's losing more of its color like that bright pink color and turning more of like that peachy like a light white pink you know so maybe it's losing color like right in the center but like honestly not that much because looking at the thumbnail the center is it still looks pretty white so i don't know man peonies i can't believe it but they they do really well so far right i love this piece again it's another one of the pieces that i display in my apartment i love it i can't believe this peony is surviving almost two years old almost two years old that's crazy that's so crazy to me okay i have one more piece uh it's gonna be the last piece that we talked about and this piece i don't think you ever really saw like me make i didn't make it in a youtube video because i didn't have a youtube channel back then uh this was literally one of the first resin pieces that i ever made like ever ever ever so i don't have like an old close-up shot to show you guys i might try to flip through some of like my old instagram posts um you know like in the archives or whatever to see if i if i have any old pictures of this piece but it's a little paperweight this is what it looks like and it's got one rose petal in it the rose petals still looks so good like it looks so so good so this was even before i started using counter culture diy i'm pretty sure uh the resin is yellowing a little bit and but other than that i feel like it looks amazing this is a rose petal that is probably like two and a half maybe three years old and i feel like it still looks so so good for like being a rose petal two and a half three years old that looks pretty pretty good like i i kind of from what i remember i feel like i would say that the rose petal hasn't really lost much of its color like i would probably say that it looks nearly the same so again i'm gonna try to find a picture that i can show you guys if i found one i will put it up here uh of what it used to look like when like i you know first made it like two and a half three years ago so yeah that is literally one of the oldest pieces that i have uh i have a few other like coaster type things but none that have like flowers in it and i wanted to focus on the flower part of this because you know that's what everyone wants to know is if you know how long are the flowers that you put into resin how long are they going to last and i you know i don't know like a definitive answer like five years or whatever you know i don't think that they're ever gonna like fall apart in there they're never gonna like not be there anymore i think the only thing that's gonna happen to them over like a super long period of time uh you know for sunflowers is that they're gonna lose their color and kind of like fade in color but like the flower is still gonna be there i think so anyway that's what i had to show you guys for today we went as far back as almost three years so i'm gonna keep doing this as i keep you know making pieces over time like i can't wait till the candy piece is a year old and i can show you guys what that looks like as a year old piece so i want to like continue doing these check-ins and these updated kind of videos to show you what stuff looks like and be totally honest about it you know this lost a lot of color it's not as bright pumpkiny orange as it used to be uh some resin does kind of yellow over time so you know i just wanted to show you guys uh what stuff looks like over long periods of time just because i did this check in with you guys like a year later or whatever for most of these i'm gonna still show you guys this stuff like these exact pieces years later like you know the three-year-old what is this gonna look like three years later i i'm super interested to see that and i think that this will be like really useful for people to see like kind of what happens and also doing this i've seen that peonies do really well ranunculus does really well eucalyptus queen anne's lace straw flower some like bright spray roses and then some anemones uh poppies do really well apparently so this is going to be useful for like so many different things to see how long it lasts but also to see what kind of flowers do really well i don't know i feel like this is i'm loving this video idea more and more like the more i'm into it so i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope that it was interesting for you guys to see kind of how pieces are doing years later it's crazy to me i keep saying years and it's like what so let me know what you guys think um if you want to pick a favorite uh a piece that you're like what i cannot believe that that still looks like that uh let me know in the comments which one you're like most surprised about i feel like i i don't know this what what what i know what was this like 10 months old seven months old still that's crazy and then the other peony i the peonies they're so impressive just i love them so anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video i really hope that you enjoyed it make sure you subscribe to my channel and follow me on instagram it is artsy madwoman i love you guys [Music] and i will see you in the next video [Music] goodbye tiny dog oh my goodness how do i explain what this video is oh oh my god he's wearing a freaking tie her dog was wearing a tie or a bow tie it was very cute that a stink bug oh my god when are you guys gonna stop sometimes i get asked asks not questions asks you know you know you know you gotta be in the know to know you know what is that from does anybody know what that's from i would love you so so much if you knew what that was from that's a bummer is it raining oh my god and it's sunny out like i see blue sky and it's raining i love that oh my god so i came in this morning uh i wasn't wearing makeup i'm gonna make this story really fast uh i wasn't wearing makeup i said hi to somebody and then i realized that i was wearing a zip patch it's clear and like who cares really it's like no one's thinking oh my gosh she's wearing a zip pouch um but it was just funny to like sit down and be like oh i'm wearing a zip patch nice cold cup of water [Music] foreign
Channel: Artsy Madwoman
Views: 40,800
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: resin art, resin, tutorial, alcohol ink, resin artist, artsymadwoman, resin tutorial, how to, casting resin, diy, do it yourself, resin casting, home decor, counterculturediy, flowers in resin, alcohol ink techniques, wall art, real flowers, preserve, preserved flowers, floral art, floral, florist, flowers, epoxy resin, resin epoxy, crazy resin lady, crafts
Id: MIBuTDGd4i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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