Swamp Trail Camera Pickup

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all right you guys I know you've heard me say this before but this time I really mean it it's time for a super awesome terrific episode of trail camera pick up I'm down here in the fakahatchee to pick up two trail cameras that I put out on July 29th today is October the 8th my birthday see these cameras have been out for 70 days or so more importantly they were out down here on September the 10th when Hurricane ARMA came through here and really messed things up you're gonna see a lot of the damage from Hurricane Emma you're gonna see me picking up both cameras I got some amazing animal clips before during and after the storm I want to thank the package staff for letting me come in here the parks technically closed but they let me ride my bike in here and pick up my cameras so it's been a great day and all good birthday both my cameras were still upright and working and I got some amazing clips so get some popcorn and get the kids and watch these video clips I've got 1.30 miles to get up to camera number one it's so muddy here let's see past the gate it looks like it's worse so I might ditch the bike right here and just walk the rest of the way 1.3 miles so 2.6 miles up and back it's 10 o'clock so I could probably get up there and get back by 12 o'clock at the latest sucks it's pretty bad out here I'm not really worried about the water as much as I'm worried about the trees down I did end up riding the bike out here that was a mission let's get around here and see if we can get down here get camera number one this looks pretty bad 300 feet to go hopefully the camera is still here and that the water never got high enough to get into it I had it about five high I think we should be in good shape and I had it on one of these habits palm trees and they're all standing so I feel pretty confident that the camera is still gonna be upright but the water is a different story limbo this one it's Thorne's grab you well I see my strap and the lock and the camera so it's still there but with all these trees that are blowing down I don't think we probably had anything walking through here after the storm so hopefully we had a lot of action for 30 days or so before the storm came I put these cameras out on July 9th 29th it's now October 8th so there's a camera right there so it looks like the water levels aren't a problem I've been waiting for this for two months let's get her off the tree see what we get okay low still there hurricane proof camo alright guys what do you think looks good like there's no water damage I'm not sure the water got up in there so sixty days out here during a hurricane let's see if she's still working oh yeah a hundred and fifty five videos sweet and I still got 74 percent remaining batteries so a hundred and fifty-five videos and sixty days during Hurricane Emma that's awesome so let's go put these on the computer and see what we get [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right you guys I was a pretty sweet spot I'm just really glad that we were able to get that camera but that little bit of flowing water here over the tram that I set the camera seemed to attract all those birds Olympians and the yellow crown night herons and their great blue herons so that was pretty cool and then the one bear and Panther was pretty sweet and the deers so next camera is 3.2 eight miles back Jayne scenic drive and down west main tram so we got about a three mile bike ride to get back there and then about a mile walk on West Main tram not to get that camera and I know it's gonna be more of this water over the tram I know there's some culverts that are washed out and a lot of trees that we're gonna be doing the limbo so that's gonna be a mile a pipe that's gonna pretty much suck but as long as that camera's still there and working that's all that matters so I'll pick it up when I get when I get all that way all right here at West Main tram go-to spot as any to stash the bike my tripod I got 0.8 miles get to my next camera through this stuff so let's leave the bike tripod there point eight miles through this crap but the one positive is that I can hear some guys ahead of me with chainsaws and a swamp buggy clearing a path for me so at least for the first part here until I catch up to him hopefully it won't be too bad let's get this camera get the heck out of here really glad I'm coming behind these guys cuz I'm in no mood or shape to be fighting these fallen trees and branches and vines and the only bad thing this foliage is all gone there's no shade it's super hot it's 12:30 hurry the hardest part of the day and I'm walking through this crap look at 0.46 miles to go and I'm running to my trail clears I was hoping you guys were a lot farther down yeah I'm just going I just got to get the South Maine trim I have a trail camera down there that I need to pick up this is working out better than expected being able to follow the caterpillar in here clearing the trail for me whoo happy birthday to me I guess point four one miles to get out to my next camera hopefully we can get there but this is nice a sauce [Music] point to 0 miles to go this is nice should be more open from here on out all that thick stuff behind us a Brazilian pepper or whatever these vines and things from about here on to the end it's not quite as thick all right guys I lost my trail clearing crew they were going farther down West Main I'm going down south main here I don't have too far to go so hopefully it won't be too bad getting down here and we'll see if our cameras still there and if we got any action that was a great birthday present to have that trail cleared in front of me I didn't mind walking behind that four-wheeler sucking down exhaust fumes from it a little bit of limbo here cry there's a big old pile of bear poop or something that's fresh too whoo-hoo hmm I don't know what that poop is but it's fresh so it's got a lot of grass in it the bears eat plants so I'm sure that's a big ol pile of bear poop right there sweet I'm sure we got big ass on camera hopefully he's not up here still freaking vines all right I think we're home free cameras right up here on the right 197 feet to go never what I got in here without them clear in that trail I am worn out already oh I see the camera sweet all right says 50 51 feet 49 feet right here happy birthday to me I had both my cameras working doesn't look like anything fell on it so I say is a good chance that it's working all right guys 60 something days before during and after Hurricane Emma let's see if she's still working oh yeah who looks like a hundred and eight videos thank you thank you thank you my browning Recon Force extreme again these are the two cameras that browning gave me after my other two fell victim to the great fakahatchee flood of 2017 so I can't think browning enough for that it's 108 videos 42% remaining battery life so that's awesome so let's go put these on the computer and see what we get all right good luck get a panther and a bear and a deer and a bobcat's right here see [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] happy birthday to me
Channel: Tim Harrell
Views: 952,405
Rating: 4.8176484 out of 5
Keywords: trail camera, game camera, browning, swamp, florida everglades, fakahatcheee, fakahatchee strand, hurricane irma, alligator, florida panther, black bear, white tailed deer
Id: xRWJC8Q3pI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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