What Our Loved Ones Are Doing In The Afterlife

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hi everybody thank you so much for joining me I'm just amazed at how technology and now allows us to go live with events like this and talk to people all over the world I'm Suzanne Easton thank you for following my Facebook page when I announced yesterday that I was going to do a Facebook live event and the topic was going to be what our loved ones are doing across the veil the response was really terrific I'm glad that I was guided to choose a topic that you want to hear about one of the women who follows my page said this is my number one question what is my son doing so clearly she has a son who passed and the reason I know what people are doing across the veil is that I have a stepdaughter who passed Susan she passed in June of 2006 and after she passed my burning desire was number one to know does she still exist and through the process of meditation and what many of you would understand as spiritual seeking I found that out that absolutely Susan is still with us and not only that I discovered that we can connect with those who cross the veil ourselves and since that time I've discovered the ability to connect quite clearly with those who have passed this is something that I never expected I would be doing connecting people with their loved ones who've crossed the veil you see for those of you who might be new to my work I spent most of my life as a navy officer I retired as a commander I was a commanding officer and even served at the very top of the United States military as aide to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff so the thought that I would one day be talking to people who have passed who left their physical bodies never even entered my mind at that time censors in pass and I discovered what I call the greater reality I have connected with literally thousands of souls people who used to be regular family members just like our Susan and some of the higher-ups who now I hear from in my daily meditation and post their messages online some of you may follow my group who goes by the name sanaya but tonight I want to talk about what I've learned from those who have passed about what they're doing now it's interesting because this is one question that I actually stayed away from from the first few years of connecting people across the veil because you see with my background my very left brain military background I needed verifiable evidence from those I was connecting with to really trust what they were telling me what I mean by that is I needed to bring through information from them that their loved ones sitting with me would have to verify such as how did they pass what is their personality like what kind of work did they use to do what favorite memories could they share with us that I couldn't possibly know and often I didn't ask the question what are you doing across the veil because I didn't trust it it's only in the last few years that I've come to know that I can trust what they say and trust myself to deliver their messages accurately when I talk about evidence I can share with you with the permission of my sitter from yesterday for example I knew she wanted to hear from her husband who had passed several years ago and a few minutes into her reading I realized that he hadn't told me exactly how he passed and suddenly I got a pain that made me bend over and it was just under the left ribcage and I knew immediately that he passed because he had a problem with his pancreas and she verified this and the pain went away so for me that's physical confirmation that that man's soul his energetic field his aura was blending with mine so much that he was able to communicate through a physical pain and my body he was with us I'm gonna tell you at the end of this discussion tonight what that man is doing across the veil because knowing I was going to talk to you tonight about what our loved ones are doing on the other side I deliberately asked him in that session but let me share with you just a few of the magical examples those across the veil have shown me what they're doing they do so with evidence which is what I love they tell me things that they're doing that the loved one can verify by saying well that's exactly what I would expect they were doing why is that because guys heaven is a state of being heaven is right here it's knowing that we are an extension of love of goodness of the source some of you might call that God it's a field of infinite potential and we are part of that when you can bring that awareness into your awareness here let me tell you life becomes heavenly it doesn't mean that life is without its challenges but it's a whole shift in perception so what happens when we leave the physical body behind is we perceive this source all around us we're suddenly aware that we have been a part of that all along but we might not have realized it without a body some people become aware of this immediately when they feel this amazing love that surrounds us across the veil some become aware of it when they literally see the light that never goes out across the veil what a beautiful idea huh so if we can just bring that awareness here we're all the better for it but across the veil in that place that we call heaven it's not really a place but a state of awareness of our true nature which is creative and is all about the soul continuing the journey that we're living here that journey being one of constant evolution of the soul meaning how much love are we bringing into our awareness because love is our true source so what are they doing across the veil after that long introduction is what we do here and that's creating with our thoughts always seeking to create something better than what we've already created don't we see that all around us we're always trying to bring more life love into our life to reduce our suffering but to have fun at the same time to express our naturally creative nature so if you have something that's your passion here believe it or not across the veil you're going to want to continue that so it depends upon how awakened you are what - your true nature as an extension of God of the source that creates your reality across the veil I'd like to tell you that after this session is over you can go to my website which is susanne giesemann comm and scroll down on the home page and you'll find an e-book there that's free it's called awakening and in that I include a download that I got from my guides about what our loved ones are doing across the veil and they go into great detail about the level of evolution of the soul across the veil so if you want to for a while after you pass continue doing your very human activities such as playing sports or reading or lot or traveling that's exactly what you do but after a while you realize that those types of activities may lose their interest and you become more interested in perhaps helping those who are still on earth to raise their vibration and learn to experience the love that's our true nature and then perhaps after a while you may become a spirit guide and onward and upper goes your invent advancement as you continue becoming more and more like our source which is pure love so as for specific examples that let me know that there is an afterlife and that we are busy and what specific things we're doing you may be quite amused when I tell you some of the very human things very earthly things that some of our loved ones are doing I remember in one the mother asked me what is my son doing across the veil and without making assumptions what I do is I just asked them I know they're right here with us during the reading so I asked this young man what are you doing and it made me laugh because he said I'm riding my bicycle now why would we ride our bicycle across the veil well number one because he really enjoyed that but the evidential part of that example was the mom just got so happy because it turns out that he used to love riding his bicycle here and after he passed his dad took that bicycle and decorated it and painted it with his son's name and decorations hanging off of it and he would ride it for charity to raise money for a foundation they started in their son's honor and every time that dad would ride his son's bicycle he said to his wife I swear I actually feel him riding with me so how's that for evidence when we asked him what are you doing across the veil and he says I'm riding my bicycle clearly he's riding along with dad don't you love that I see a lot of you making comments on the right and I wish I could take the time well why don't I it's my program let me just see what you say yes thanks for Judy says thanks for addressing this subject Heidi Anna I see all of you there I'm gonna keep going rather than commenting but I thank you so much for joining me let me give you another example of how what we do here we continue doing on the other side this is one of my favorites and if you've attended my workshops or listened to my YouTube videos you may have heard this one already but it really bears repeating I was sitting with a woman and her husband who had passed came from so clearly from across the veil he showed us how he passed he told me what kind of work he did but the most important thing for me was I was able to capture his essence truly who he still is which was just like he was when he was here I'm gonna go off-topic for a second and just tell you we don't automatically become all spiritual when we cross the veil it's our job to become loving and angelic while we're here so I tell people we don't sprout angel wings when we die it's our job to grow them here so if you are truly loving here you're going to open up to more of the love that's your two nature when you pass if you're a real curmudgeon you know what that is it's a grumpy old man well then I've let me tell you I brought through more than my share of curmudgeons in readings and people will say yeah I recognize him and I say that he's you know in many cases still learning so it behooves us to learn how were here so meanwhile I'm bringing through this woman's husband and he felt quite pleasant it was a very nice relationship that he shared with his wife and she said can he tell you what he's doing across the veil so I asked him and it was really funny to me his answer he said I'm standing firmly on two feet and Gotham everyday so once again that sounds like a crazy thing why are we gonna be golfing in heaven remember heaven is a state of awareness whatever reality in which we find ourselves as long as we bring into that our awareness that we are the love we seek we're in heaven as far as being conscious sentient beings a reflection of our source there is only here here and now is our true home find it in your heart so this man said I'm standing firmly on two feet and golfing every day you want to hear why that was evidential his wife said oh I'm so glad to hear that because golf was his passion but before he passed one of his legs was amputated so how's that we really don't have a physical body when we cross but we can create one in our awareness it's like lucid dreaming so that man created a body that allowed him to golf every day and he assured her I'm standing firmly on two feet isn't that great how about the young girl named Jen who I brought through to her mom Jen had showed me that she was handicapped she was in a wheelchair for most of her life due to a car accident so it was really funny when I asked Jen what are you doing across the veil and she said I'm eating pizza and drinking hot chocolate by the gallon once again why would a soul do that across the veil well the great part is we don't need to do it for nourishment because we no longer have a physical body but Jen that turns out loved pizza and hot chocolate was her favorite drink I had no way of knowing this but she was right here beside us for that reading and getting a little bit dug technical here Jen had had one operation of many during her physical life and in one of those operations she had it had pizza the night before the operation and it ended up causing complications during the surgery and because of that she didn't eat pizza after that so can you see the evidential quality of that message from Jen that across the veil not only is she fine but she's eating pizza every day and drinking hot chocolate by the gallon I'm sure that after a while Jen realized she no longer needs that kind of pleasure all we need to do is tune into the love that's all around us across the veil and let me tell you that overcomes any need for food for pleasure but we love food so wouldn't it be awesome to eat all the pizza we want without having to worry about gaining weight so let's see oh so if we have an interest in certain vocations we can enjoy those vocations across the veil but certainly not for money so do spirits work absolutely I had a young woman who passed and I said to her mom she's showing me that across the veil she's helping animals who cross the veil greeting them and reassuring them that they have to love just the same kind of love that they had here I know with my two puppies sitting ringing across the room for me here that's very comforting to know that even our pets are greeted by loving beings but the evidential part of that is that young woman wasn't training to be a veterinarian so what a perfect message to hear from her once again evidence that there is an afterlife and that it is a pleasant experience for those of us who I'm that experience by being loving while we're here that's our goal that's our purpose our souls entire purpose for existing in this incarnation is to bring the love that is our true nature into expression in this human reality I learned a lot of that from a great teacher that many of you may be familiar with Wayne Dyer author of many many wonderful books for personal transformation I had the pleasure of giving a reading to Wayne Dyer in my house and when he passed many people reached out to me and asked if I would might hear from Wayne Dyer and one day in fact he did drop in on me in fact I'm in my RV right now and we were riding down the highway my husband I was driving the bus I'm sitting in the passenger seat and all of a sudden here's Wayne I recognized his voice his energy and saw this for the opportunity that it was because at that time I had not yet found out I hadn't gone online to find out how he passed and so I asked him I said Wayne what caused your transition and he said to me infarct it's a word I an farc Chi he gave me a bunch of other evidence including the fact that he said he passed in a high-rise residence and other things that I wrote down as he was talking to me infarct as I later found out means sudden heart attack and that is exactly what happened to him I was a little disappointed when I googled him online and found out that he lived in a one-story house in Hawaii so I thought was that wrong about dying in a high-rise because I knew he died at home when I asked the family member she said that his regular house was under construction and he was living on an upper floor of a condo so I know for a fact that was Wayne Dyer and so during his visit to me that what I call it drop in I asked him Wayne what are you doing across the veil well I don't think Wayne was eating pizza and drinking hot chocolate because he told me I'm sitting at the feet of the Masters and were discussing spiritual truths and I just loved that visit he showed me himself wearing a Franciscan robe and I later went on to read his book I can see clearly now and in that book he talked about wearing the robe just like st. Francis for so I love it that again isn't that exactly what we would expect someone like Wayne Dyer to be doing sharing and learning and being with those who realized it's all about love so let's see I know that a lot of those across the veil dedicate their continued existence to helping us here if you're familiar with the work of dr. Gary Schwartz and his team who are developing technology to communicate through equipment with those who have passed they're trying to develop what will be known as the soul phone you know like a cell phone if you thought it was crazy several decades ago that we might communicate with wireless devices with each other here just imagine having technology to replace the kind of communication we have telepathically now with those across the veil and instead use a keyboard Wow will that change things but one thing it won't change is the bottom line that this life and that life across the veil is all about turning up the love so that we ultimately merge with the one mind which is guiding all of us so meanwhile there is a team of scientists who I have tapped into in the laboratory of consciousness at the University of Arizona with dr. Schwartz to discuss how to better improve this technology those scientists include Albert Einstein Nikola Tesla David bone so clearly they're continuing their research their work as scientists across the veil to help us here and every time that I've connected with them they do so with evidence things I wouldn't know about the work things I don't know about them that convinced me and allows dr. Schwartz to know that that connection is very very real if you've read my book Wolf's message you know about the young man whose nickname was wolf who crossed the veil when struck by lightning just like my stepdaughter Susan wolf told me and his parents in my reading that I did for them for his dad Mike misstep mother Beth that he's helping those who are thinking of taking their own lives while they're here trying to convince them that they really it would help their soul more to stick around here instead of crossing the veil I love that after they heard that Beth went out and began working on a suicide hotline here she figured if Wolf's gonna do that across the veil I'll do the same thing here as for those who cross after taking their own life I've tuned into many many dozens if not hundreds of souls who passed by their own hand and not a single one was being judged by anyone some of them were taking a very close look at their own actions when they could see how those actions affected them here but I can assure all of you every one of them was completely surrounded by love many of them showed me themselves in a very healing environment and being healed themselves and in in effect receiving counseling from guides across the veil so just as we have spirit guides here those who have taken their own lives have guides across the veil but there's no time on the other side so I just recently tapped into someone who had taken his own life and he showed me that he's no longer in that counseling environment as is in fact helping his own family members here which is lovely so let's see what else ah one of those young men answered my question what are you doing across the veil in a funny way he showed me I said so what are you doing Alex and he went like this Oh clearly he said he was meditating across the veil which I found really interesting and I communicated to his mom that he told me that this was a really good practice for him because when he was here in physical form he was always Restless he could never settle down and his mom confirmed absolutely that's the way he was and the really important point for all of us is that Alex showed me that our two worlds the physical world in his world are really the same world as my guides Ania said in the daily message today it's a continuum of vibration of consciousness of energy a spectrum as it were and that the what seemed like two worlds are really just separated by what to him seems like a pane of glass he showed me two aquarium sitting side-by-side and said that if the vibrations are ruffled or rippled on either side just like water and aquarium it's harder to be aware of each other so that's why Alex was practicing being still do you get how that helps us to communicate with the other side if we can learn to be still I'm going to be teaching some of these methods at several upcoming events one of those is a class at the Omega Institute on making the connection another one is a conference for the International Association of near-death studies but one of them I'm really excited about I want to tell you because it's all about what I've been talking about repeatedly in this session here about raising our vibration now instead of waiting until we get across the veil this one I hope you can join me it's the soul summit in Scottsdale the date is September 12th to 15th and these are just a few of the people who I'm just so honored to be working with George Noory who hosts the radio show coast-to-coast many of you may know about my friend and colleague Suzanne Wilson who was just an awesome medium Oh John Holland I finally get to meet him he's been a famous medium whose work I followed since long before I knew I would ever be connecting across the veil well this would happen to be me if you recognize that person and then we have Vincent Jenna another medium who I have met briefly but look forward to his work lots of other wonderful speakers 17 different workshops that you can attend with three meals included in the past I know this sounds like commercial but I'm sharing it with you because this is similar to past conferences hosted by the a REI plus and this year however the focus is more about raising our vibration because by now those of you who may have been to past a REI conferences already know there's an afterlife you already know that life is eternal and then we're souls here and now and we're going to reconnect with our loved ones I can never get that message across enough but this conference is all about learning to live a high vibration life now while we're still in the body and how to increase our ability to connect with higher consciousness I know that personally I'm going to be giving an hour and 15 minute talk about well the topic is what's love got to do with it it's very different from the YouTube video I put online about that this is more about coming into a resonant state in within our own bodies emotional mental spiritual and physical I'm going to be doing a three hour workshop apart from the conference and I'm also going to be bringing through my guide sanaya live in a special session which I always love doing because that's a physical palpable experience of the love that surrounds us when we cross the veil so I hope you can join us once again soul some at Scottsdale September 12th to 15th let me make sure I get the URL correctly so you can register go to Seoul summit Scottsdale comm and their early bird rate ends June 6 2019 so check out Seoul summit Scottsdale comm to make sure you get a ticket before they're sold out I'm looking forward to going back there again so meanwhile one of my friends Brenda Baker I talk about a lot in my workshops because Brenda definitely discovered who we really are before she passed she awoke to her true nature and basically she gained her freedom from the ego before crossing the veil that is the ultimate goal of the soul to get into a physical body but to be free of the egos grip that's where suffering comes from so happily Brenda awoke while still here in a physical body and that's why she was able to communicate with me the day after she passed how lovely is that so what is Brenda doing across the veil running around visiting all of us who are on this spiritual journey she drops in on me from time to time that's her pleasure that's her passion she even helps me teach some of my mediumship classes before she passed she said I'm gonna be teaching mediumship we didn't realize it would be across the veil but you see once again she was a teacher here in physical form so Brenda is still a teacher across the veil I'll just share just a couple more beautiful examples of how we continue doing across the veil what we love to do here the reading that I did yesterday for the man that gave me the pain in the pancreas as evidence that I was truly connecting with him he told his wife when she asked what he's doing across the veil that he's busy exploring different places in our physical world in fact he said he's going to Egypt cuz he always wanted to visit the pyramids and she confirmed he was a total travel bug and that is exactly what he would have wanted to be doing but the really cool thing is that he said there were two things he was doing one was the travel and exploring and adventuring but the other was looking in on his wife his family and that's what I see from so many who have crossed the veil because if home is where the heart is if heaven is where the heart is and our family is everything to us why wouldn't they be hanging out with us and trying to help us I have the permission of my dear friend Janine Quigley to talk about a reading I recently did with her and brought through her son Sean now I knew from having done a previous session in which we connected with Shawn that he was a great lover of the outdoors and adventure hiking and skiing and such so when I asked Shawn what he's doing across the veil it really surprised me when he showed me he's golfing but Janine was able to validate that he actually did enjoy golfing while he was here not something that I expected from somebody who was vibrantly active gotham's are kind of a slow sport but Shawn showed me that he was very competitive while he was here and Janine confirmed that so what was interesting was that he actually showed me that while golfing across the veil because we create our experiences and they are created immediately unlike here where we have to take extra effort to create and it takes time Shawn showed us that as he wants to golf but golf course actually unfolds before him the green unfolds and he showed me some of his friends who have crossed the veil are golfing with him I've had a lot of kids who have passed both their kids teenagers folks and their young adults who show me that we have a network of parents here in a group called the helping parents heal our kids are together across the veil and Shawn showed me that a couple of them are actually doing this golfing across the veil but what's cool is he says that now he enjoys the game simply for the fun of it no more of that really competitive nature so I thought that was really interesting and always lessons for all of us to enjoy just being with each other it's all about the love but then just like the client the sitter who yesterday confirmed that her husband was traveling and he told us he's helping her Shawn told us that he is helping his brother and two sisters and he detailed how he treats and helps each of them distinctly according to their own personality and needs yet equally because he loves them all equally this was beautiful validation for Jeanine because she said this is exactly how he treated them when he was here but once again I see this across the board that when family is everything to our loved ones who have passed they hang around they drop in on us to help us here how do they do that by impressing upon our consciousness putting thoughts into our mind that help us on our journey here so in fact I just recently published a book called droplets of God about a medium named Mavis b'stilla and she calls those thoughts put into our mind from those who have passed the droplets of God so it's a perfect term describing exactly how our loved ones are trying to guide us yes indeed some of our loved ones become guides to us after they pass are we keeping them from something they should be doing across the veil not at all as long as it helps the souls progression they're gonna be helping us and that helps them as well so I hope this has given you just a taste of what heaven is like and I keep putting it in quotes because again heaven is not really a place it's a state of awareness that we create from our unconsciousness because we are co-creators with consciousness itself what we call the Creator or source is this field of infinite potential indivisible intelligence and where there is no separation what is left is love if you'd enjoy if you have enjoyed this session please check out my website suzanne geese ENCOM join me weekly for my live radio show unity online radio org I have a great show coming up every Thursday at 3 o'clock central time and we discuss exactly these kinds of topics once again check my website for that book awakening it's free on the homepage at suzanne giesemann calm that's a good info there in a really detailed account of the levels that we will encounter across the veil but the truth is we can bring heaven right here just by tuning into the heart what's the bottom line it's right here on this t-shirt that was a gift from Wolf's dad and stepmom the answer is love no matter what I thank you so much for joining me just keep opening your heart and following your heart it'll never steer you wrong take care you
Channel: Suzanne Giesemann
Views: 565,305
Rating: 4.7814455 out of 5
Id: J6fC1Z6kUZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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