What Happens if ALL 4 Bosses Meet in Fortnite! | Boss Midas Meets Iron Man, Wolverine & Dr Doom!

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hello everybody it is post and welcome back in today's video we're going to find out what happens when midas meets wolverine and iron man and dr doom at the same time at the same location for the first time ever on youtube this is going to be incredible i cannot wait to see what the outcome is going to be but guess what we have done it guys we have hit 100 000 subscribers thank you everyone that did subscribe and much love respect to you guys but if you're not subscribed roughly 98.7 of you guys that watch the videos aren't subscribed i reckon we could get to 200 000 by christmas if you guys do press that subscribe so do consider if you enjoy this sort of content stick around i've got something very special coming for a hundred thousand subscribers so stay tuned to start with i recruited a bunch of my members if you want to join as a member the link is down below thank you everyone for helping in today's video but here we have it the plan this is what we had to do so iron man had to get to risky i chose risky probably because it was the safest spot then we had to take doom to risky then followed by midas to risky and then wolverine to risky this is probably the equal spot for all of them with wolverine being the easiest one to get now let's jump into it and get going so if you're excited to see the battle don't forget to smash like on today's video let's get 25 000 likes it's a huge goal but i think we can do it as a community so everyone tap that like button it takes less than a second thank you jumping straight into the in-game footage the first thing i had to do was collect as many shock waves as possible so what i've decided to do was just skip through it i simply looted sweaty holly hedges and so many other locations even camp cod i was over at looting for impulses and shock waves as i was collecting these i was taking them back to our headquarters which you'll see in a second where we created a headquarters for all of our impulses not forgetting shout out to the llamas because you guys helped us with resources when we needed them okay so diving in you can see here we've managed to complete a bunch of stuff i've been working on our construction site this is where we're going to actually hold all of our impulses as well as the entire rivers covered up by materials you can see that rendering in here has a little bit of a render distance you can also see that little hook on the left hand side that is where we put all our resources so we don't lose track of what we've got and yes risky has been cleared all of the paths are getting cleared ready for our giant arena which is gonna pop up right here so let's go and cover some of this river here because we're gonna need to do that because first person we're gonna be moving is iron man and he probably is the most difficult one to move in my opinion so let's start covering some of this so he doesn't get stuck in the water now once we've done all that we've had to actually clear out some of the objects which would get in the way to slow down iron man from moving and our next stage was to move iron man over to risky the first boss of getting there here we go i am on time it is we've got to go and collect iron man so let's head on over to our base which we've constructed where all of our resources are at these are all the atoms we're going to be using to help us out in this situation we've got so much stuff in here so let's grab a few of these we're going to grab all of these shock waves grab a bunch of these impulses we've got our heavy snipers for later as well because we're going to need them and so much more all right over at iron man what we're gonna have to do is actually ping him off which i'm gonna get here perfect ping right there off he goes iron man straight off the cliff nicely done usually i like to send in this direction rather than going straight to risky easier again another nice impulse straight up the hill getting closer and closer to risky right here let's use my grappler to get up here nice and easily done iron man's over here let's hit him again oh lovely little shockwave there and another one going in iron man is pinging all over the place he kind of likes to go in different directions to be honest so i'm just showing a little bit of a compliment of what we've done but again another lovely pink from me getting him closer and closer to risky every single second guys really key to do because we've got to get him there as fast as possible another great ping as well getting closer and closer for iron man he's kind of getting stuck in the water but that's okay now he's trying to get our fishing rods he's a little bit confused and again another great ping on iron man now we've got iron man here again we're gonna box him up and now he's in his spot at risky perfect next up was doom now doom was a little bit more complicated he's a little bit more difficult to move he does a lot of damage to you and can really take you out very easily so you've got to be a little bit careful so at first we decided to just bait doom to the other side of pleasant path this doesn't take too long once he was over there then we started impulsing him over and again these shock waves just send him absolutely miles he is flying across the entire sky and we are getting him closer and closer so thank you to my helpers again for supplying me with more impulses and shockwaves for holding them in that inventory we're getting closer and closer in this situation doom is now very very close to risky we've got iron man over there here goes doom we're going to ping him straight over a lovely double impulse right there and now doom is over at risky we've just got to get him a little bit further in and he should be ready for this battle so now doom is inside a risky what we're going to do is we're going to box him up inside of here let me get him in a perfect spot for this maybe not over there it's moving a little bit more to the left and it'll be in a nice spot in this situation so perfect doom's in a lovely spot let's box him up and there we have him nicely done nicely boxed up right there so i'm really happy about that and i'm happy about the outcome for you right there inside of the box so you're going to oh he's breaking out we need to get in there get that bounce back down all right i'm going to break down this wall go inside place another wall there and boom we've got our bounce pad on and now doom is stuck inside of our little box so we had doom now one little plan that i thought would help us a lot and save a little bit of time is why the team was heading over to midas i went and actually grabbed this car right here this was gonna come in handy because this is what we're gonna use to go and get wolverine later on wolverine's always the last one we collect because he's probably the easiest to get if you've seen a few of my videos in the past you'll know that i've used this car method every single time again i'm gonna fill up the water here just to allow quicker access towards weeping so that we can collect wolverine his spawn is somewhere usually in weeping or slurpee so we'll go and find him later on or we'll send someone to go and get him while we actually build the arena which will show off as we get there back over at our hq you can see that we do have a bunch of resources right now i'm making sure i'm grabbing enough impulses and enough different items to help us out in this next situation where we're going to need to move midas now minus is pretty easy to move we're only moving him to risky so a few impulses will get him there pretty quickly to be honest and we're going to be easily doing that right here so we've got midas we're getting him nicely some people are fishing rodding him as well which is just hilarious gonna be impulsing him or shock waving him because that is probably the most efficient method rather than fishing running him because that's gonna take us a while so let's get some nice impulses on myers and getting there as quickly as possible so you can see him here i'm gonna get a lovely shot on him here and send him all the way flying towards risky here we go here we go perfect ping nice little turn on that corner right there madison is getting even closer all right so let's get some more shock waves and impulses on him he's getting a little bit closer we've still got our fishing rod team managing to get some lovely hits on him let's get a nice ping on him perfect one here would get him straight in let's see if we can hit that and get him right on in there so nicely to see mad is moving up the hill a little bit the shock waves aren't even needed to be used really the fishing rod team are absolutely reckoning sending him a little bit over to the left kind of a bad shock wave but not too bad we'll send him over it's all right we've got some nice angles and here he is we've got him here so nicely done from the team there using a few shotguns didn't take long at all was going to push him to this back side over here i'm going to box him up in a second let's move him a little bit more to the left there we are nicely done and now let's box up our midas and be ready to go so here we go we've boxed him nicely and now we are ready to move on to our next stage so the arena stage this is probably the key part in my opinion and the funnest part because we get to build and design our arena for this crazy battle between these four bosses what we're gonna do is we are gonna account for wolverine don't worry guys we're gonna leave a hole in it so we can bring wolverine in i'm gonna build a lovely design in the arena so i'm thinking to myself what could we do for the design maybe we could have a nice kind of like viewing area but some different style stairs around here i'm running around maybe the ones that kind of curve yeah let's do that okay guys let's put them in let's have that and it should work really nicely in this situation they're the ones guys place them in let's get some metal ones in here we should be set so the construction of the arena was probably the most important part about all four bosses meeting because we had to get this right otherwise the bosses are just gonna run away we don't want them just to run back home we want to keep them tightly packed in and have an awesome battle between them you are going to be absolutely buzzing for this one guys because i cannot wait to see how the outcome is going to turn out for this so you can see the construction was pretty smooth we managed to actually form a double layer in the inside and then even an outer wall as well so if you break past the first layer they've then got to break out the second layer using metal only we managed to farm a bunch of metal for this and it was a key objective in this sense so we didn't mess up here's a little overview and a speed view of what we managed to construct in such a short space of time it's only simple but it really does contain the bosses inside allowing us as the by post community to work out what's going to happen when these bosses actually meet so it's gonna be great to see how this is all gonna work out pop back in and have a look at my in-game view so here you can see we've put an extra wall on this bit so we can hide behind it this will stop the bosses from going for us so they target each other as well as we've got iron man there on the left side shadow midas up there at the top and then doom down here at the bottom right so we're set and we're ready to go all right guys this is the moment everything is worked up to this point this is going to be incredible we've got wolverine coming in you can see he's coming in from over there we've opened up the gap for wolverine jacko's going to cover that up we've got iron man shadow and doom ready to go we've got our heavy snipers ready to let them out so they don't target us and we can ping them straight out as soon as wolverine gets in here that is gonna be the job here he comes you can see him over there in the distance this is gonna be the moment into replay here we go all right so we're inside a replay and this is it we've got the big boy coming in himself wolverine is charging straight on it through the gap cover that up as soon as he gets in so we can't escape home and we are set to go now we activate the heavy snipers get the pings off at these structures and release the other bosses the other bosses are now heading into the arena we've got iron man we've got doom we've got modest and wolverine ready for this they are heading in the whole battle is about to begin you can see them crossing here in their triangle we've got midas doom and look at this they're battling it out midas is going for iron man doom is going for iron man as well as wolverine in the distance he's going to be working his way over any second now he looks like madison iron man are battling this out by doom he's making a run for it this is incredible the battle is going on iron man is taking so much damage here this is going to be really unfair for iron man here he's getting teamed on and wolverine is deciding to team on iron man iron man is getting absolutely wrecked by all three of these bosses and what what is going on here what is doom doing he's destroying his box i wonder what he's trying to do with that hold on a minute is he trying to get out of the arena oh wow what a 200 iq played by doom right here he is trying to get out of his arena this is insane don't worry guys we'll get him back in give us a second why that's going on we've got iron man and wolverine battling it out over here in the corner you can see that wolverine got a nice double splash on iron man right there as well as miles still continuing to aim for iron man wolverine going in again getting some crazy hits on iron right here and then iron man using his aimbot tactics when wolverine goes into the sky nice few shots off there by iron man surely wolverine's got to be on low hp here i'm untrapped in the corner this is not good for iron man we're gonna have to try and help him out and let him prove we can't iron and still getting some decent damage on moving and now midas is targeting wolverine there's some question marks going right here definitely some confusion not too sure what's going on it looks like wolverine is coming straight back in for iron man no time to waste he wants the iron man elimination he is going for it iron man's kind of frozen wolverine's a little bit frozen this is a replay glitch don't worry about it though we're going to see the outcome here and it looks like wolverine gets that final slash and gets that elimination on ironman right there how crazy was that why this is going on you can see midas decided to slowly back off and it looks like when wolverine did eliminate iron man we can see that midas has planned on escaping through this wall here he's slowly starting to pickaxe it and trying to get through but don't worry our team are on it they're holding him inside the arena so he goes absolutely nowhere we're not having him run home just yet madness is that wolverine oh yes it is wolverine is ready to come he sees midas right there midas is in his sights and he is going straight for midas right here he is ready to take on him and madison is still trying to escape home he's a little bit confused right now wolverine because one of our players did escape the arena but it looks like midas is going straight for him and that car might have just saved minus here he might be able to get a few shots off at him depending on how much hp wolverine is on surely he's got to be on low hp he's poor iron man now he's on midas he's taking on murders pretty quickly right here you can see minus is absolutely spraying down wolverine in this situation not getting enough damage on though you can see madison is missing a few shots and it looks like wolverine is just continuing to slash and slash and midas gets eliminated right there and the question mark wastes no time he goes and sees doom over here a little bit of a replay glitch right there again but doom is over here taking on wolverine in this situation you can see bloom is trying his best to get as much damage and wolverine is missing so many shots giving doom such a huge advantage here doom again not firing fast enough he needs to fire a little bit faster if he wants to get that final elimination on wolverine it's going to be a tough one for doom he just keeps backing off he's going the wrong way wolverine has got doom going all over the place right here wolverine is absolutely wrecking doing doom again getting some nice shots off but he's still not firing in his giant meatball come on doom you need to activate your super if you want to get some huge damage on wolverine right here is he going to clutch it up i don't know it looks like wolverine is getting some crazy crazy damage again on doom and in this situation right here wolverine just rugby tackles straight into doom and gets that elimination on him right there at the end what an insane battle that was congratulations to wolverine once again but if you made it right to the very end of the arena comment down below arena and thank you so much don't forget to go support me in the app shop with code postbox part elitist helps continue to keep the channel going as well as continue this incredible series that you guys are absolutely loving so if you'd like to let me know that you've supported me in the app shop please comment down below and let me know if you've chosen to support me further don't forget to go and check out the videos on screen right now where you might actually see a video where wolverine loses because there are a few of them on the channel go and check them out guys i hope to see you guys over there once again this is my post signing out
Channel: By Post
Views: 1,113,137
Rating: 4.8852644 out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4, What Happens When 4 Bosses Meet Each Other, Fortnite Mythbusters, Pretending To Be Bosses, Boss Doctor Doom, Boss Iron Man, Iron Man, Dr Doom, Pretending to be Boss Doctor Doom, Wolverine Boss, Doctor Doom Boss, What happens if, She hulk, Wolverine, boss, bosses, What Happens if ALL 4 Bosses Meet in Fortnite!, Iron Man Meets Boss Wolverine & Boss Doctor Doom!, henchmen meet Midas, All 4 bosses meet in fortnite, Midas Boss meets all Bosses, New
Id: ZquHLqg5O3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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