I OPENED the *SECRET* Spawn Island VAULT!

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welcome everyone today we're going to be uncovering a load of secrets on the spawn island heli carrier one of the biggest secrets contained here on spawn island is a secret vault ready waiting to be opened right in front of our nose so far this vault seems impossible to get into and open up however today combining many different glitches methods and secrets we're gonna be finding out exactly what's inside this secret vault and getting ourselves into it hit that like button within the next five seconds if you want to know what's inside that vault show this video some love if you haven't already hit that subscribe button for the latest news and information on fortnite don't forget popping code ali a like these guys for a shout out and without further ado how on earth are we gonna get inside this secret vault let's find out now we've all spent time here on the spawn island this place is absolutely huge and it's where everyone gets ready for the big battle royale the issue is look at that we've been on here for a few seconds and already the countdown is kicking in we're about to be kicked off we've got no time at all to explore the secrets definitely no time to try and get inside the vault it's just too quick however what if i told you it was a way of glitching back over to the spool island let me show you to get back to that beautiful heli carrier it's actually not too difficult just make sure you're in battle labs grab some materials and then grab yourself a boat materials done boat done this sounds kind of insane because we all know there's an invisible barrier stopping you from getting back to spawn island but all you gotta do is just drive the boat in the direction of the helicarrier and yes galactus that star over there on the left-hand side he's getting closer every day and i can't lie it's starting to look pretty big but enough about galactus he's not important today this born island is you can see i'm literally off the map right now and it's still letting me get closer you'll know when this glitch has started to activate because something weird will happen look at that i'm in first person mode first person fortnight not sure who's driving but i'm getting closer and closer you'll know when his glitches work because you go back to third person and all you've got to do is make sure you're underneath the heli carrier take those materials and start building upwards now the spawn island may be a million miles in the air but once you get close enough those vents will start sucking you up there we go come on come on come on ladies and gentlemen welcome to spawn island avengers helipad with three hours 50 on the clock the weapons are here this place is untouched it's ours to explore with all the time in the world did you know there's actually a little easter egg here that is nick fury's eye patch this guy put the avengers together potentially letting us know that nick fury could be a skin in this fortnight season there's loads of secrets hidden here but what about the vault where is this place all you got to do is come to the level where all of the quinn jets start their journey right here and work towards a giant base of the building come inside and look at this maybe some of you've noticed it maybe some of you haven't needs a key card and this thing just won't open up like any sort of normal vault you can't shoot it open you definitely can't break it open yes even with the whole smashers unfortunately there's a theory going around if this vault is here and there's so many secrets on the heli carrier maybe it'll be a part of the actual battle royale island with its own key card at some point in the future but we don't have time to wait for that we want it open right now now when it comes to a key card there is a key card in the fortnight map we all know that dr doom's domain is his own doctor doom key card now with a lot of luck a bit of glitching and definitely a lot of heels you can actually get doctor doom's key card all the way from the main island to here however he doesn't spawn in battle labs it has to be in a real game which means it's super hard luckily youtuber by the name perfect score managed to pull off this crazy feat after a lot of attempts he managed to get it here and take a look what happened there's the vault here's dr doom's key card it's right there okay uh wait yeah okay so that's the axis of night and what happens if i use this it's an access to diet okay that's right even with overtime in the world glitching a key card over getting back to the vault this thing won't open however you may remember here on the channel just a few months ago i managed to glitch inside of fortnite vaults that's right using different vehicles you could get yourself into the vault by basically warping yourself through the floor i'm gonna combine all of these glitches secrets and little tricks to get myself inside here i don't need a key card i don't need fortnite to add this to the actual game to get it unlocked i'm gonna do it myself right here right now is there secret mythics hidden in this vault brand new weapons a new character who knows we're gonna find out okay what though it ain't gonna be easy make sure you hit that like button to send me some support we're about to get on in find out what's inside this thing let's start glitching so my technique is going to involve combining all of the factors together to make this work number one battle labs this place does not have the storm which means whilst we're glitching over to spawn island we don't have to worry about our health number two we're gonna have to bring along a vehicle with us but the issue is actually getting it up there to spawn island this is where things start to get tricky we started to glitch into first person we've got the boat we're doing everything as normal this is where we're gonna start switching it up and basically breaking the game a little bit okay back into third person now to get this boat all the way up there the only way of doing it is by physically building up to it the only issue is here is that when you're in this build mode like this once you get too close to the vents the game will start pulling you up and you'll get pulled up but the boat will fall back down so i'm going to build up as high as i can with a double ramp just to make movement a little bit more easy once we're in the boat and see how close we can get before it starts breaking our builds and pulling us upwards because the more we can do now the easier it will make this little glitch i'm glad i found a llama because this is taking okay a lot more materials than i hope so this is the point right here from there onwards i'm going to have to basically build up whilst not leaving the boat so let's give this a go attempt number one of getting inside the vault well attempt number one is a fail as soon as you get sucked up into these vents you can't get back down again so we cannot get sucked up without our boat at all great news about battle labs we can just hit the respawn button get forced back to the main island and make our way over with all of our build still there but just to be sure that we got on ourselves enough materials the second llama can't hurt i can't oh wait a second yep yep our ramp is still there ladies and gentlemen that's great news all right we're in we are in this is the uh potentially tricky part getting a boat up here oh wait we can boost up okay okay okay we got this we got this we got this the thing is i'm not sure if the boat will fall back when i switch seats to try and build up this is not going to be easy when you're stretching the imagination especially by myself but we're getting that all right at this point here if i wasn't in the boat i'd get sucked up so what i've got to do is switch seats and build a ramp really really quickly let's see if this works the boat stays still no way okay okay okay this is this could be a little bit easier than i thought just a little bit i mean it's still gonna be ridiculously slow but the fact it doesn't fall back that's huge if i step outside of this boat for even a millisecond i'm gonna go flying up and the whole thing will not work go up a little bit play some walls one two three and we're back up again oh my gosh we're so close already i wonder if galactus is watching this off in the distance thinking what the heck is that boy doing with that boat don't worry galactus i'm not coming for you i can literally hear the air vents no don't oh my god if i just went off the edge there oh my gosh focus alley ladies and gentlemen if we take a look to our right we are very high up all right i need to build oh my god okay hold on i need to build a flat here oh no oh no if i trapped us oh my god i almost thought i'd broken the game okay come on come on come on oh it's glitching it doesn't go over it doesn't work over oh my god no we're up holy holy mo okay okay i can't get out i can't get out oh my god i almost just got out the boat like an absolute lunatic okay okay that almost messed up absolutely everything why am i in first person though no no it's fine it's fine the ramp is built we'll just drive it back up again nobody panic all right i'm ditching this ship i think honestly it's kind of like we've got two because this one's got loads more health see every time you scrape that boat along the ground it loses hp we will do this guys do not worry we are up the boat does glitch around a little bit but don't let it panic you we're trained glitch professionals here perhaps you're doing it i mean one floor at a time but it is working we are so close gotta be over the edge of the ship i gotta be basically in the ship cause i cannot risk flying and losing the boat okay ladies and gentlemen can we get a round of applause please we have made it with the boat onto the spawn island now things do not get much easier i need to try and keep this boat at a high level because maneuvering the boat on land obviously will reduce its health in fact i don't even think the other ship would have been able to make it which would have been sad to thank girls there's two of them in fact i think i can get out of the boat now okay we've made it a million builds later okay so there are multiple different glitches to actually get within the vault and they all involve being above the vault so i need to make a clear pathway for the boat to get here without any difficulties see now i want it to be higher to bring it in nice and easily in fact we got the leveling almost perfectly right all right this this is it right here the boat is in place the vault is directly underneath it this is where we need the glitch to work with the boat to not break we need everything to go perfectly i'm doing it all by myself i'm a little bit nervous but let's do this guys let's get inside this vault oh my god oh my god we are in ladies and gentlemen we are in the vault wait a second where is anything no you're kidding me you're kidding me my heart is beating a million miles an hour we've managed to get inside the vault ladies and gentlemen and the only thing that's here is tony stark the boat we used to glitch in and nothing else what well you've seen it here first you never know this could become a location on the main island and be filled with lou it could contain anything but right now it's empty but you've seen people get inside first right here right now it is possible check out more videos on screen here quickly before i disappear click your favorite keep on watching ladies and gentlemen i hope you enjoyed what an adventure
Channel: Ali-A
Views: 3,950,078
Rating: 4.8642917 out of 5
Id: x74gvuVIYG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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