What happened to the Maya? (Part 14)

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well hi everyone here we are again dr. Nathaniel Jenson and he's presenting rewriting history well rewriting secular or popular history that you've probably been taught as fact the new history that he's revealing to us and of course using genetics archaeology but it brilliant is confirming biblical history is what's really happening so part 14 dr. Jensen what happened to the Maya while the Western Roman Empire was falling in Europe in the Americas one of the most spectacular civilizations was reaching its peak with advanced astronomical capabilities a precise calendar system massive pyramids and millions of people the Mayans had no equals in their day and a few hundred years later a classic Mayan cities emptied their written inscription ceased in short order they're enormous temples were swallowed by the jungle and remained hidden under these foliage for almost a thousand years many are still hidden today - then in the early 1800s the mysterious classic Mayan civilization was rediscovered but why did it disappear for decades mainstream scholars have debated this question without resolution but now with new genetic discoveries in hand this long-standing mystery might finally be resolved so here we are with dr. Nathaniel Jenson talking about what happened to the Maya very interested to see what happens here so dr. Jenson part 14 let's go this is what I've been excited about for a while because it's such a fascinating story and it's one section of the larger story we're trying to understand who do we come from what are the relationships among the very different peoples today even in the Americas we've got multiple so-called races ethnic groups we have various ISM in the United States how do we relate to one another and the relationship between us and the ancients this is something that's going to be especially relevant as we discuss the Mayans and the questions that arose about who built that civilization who was responsible for it I've assumed that the ancient cultures that were not in the part of Europe I trace my ancestry to must not be related to me in some way that's meaningful and I've discovered that these sorts of assumptions are wrong in 1839 two men set sail from New York City for Central America in pursuit of rumor route in pursuit of rumors of stone ruins in the Central American jungles these two gentlemen had visited and published on ancient Egypt if you've ever been or if you've seen pictures of it you know what a massive inspiring civilization this was could there be something of equal magnitude in the Americas if that promise existed the potential for that existed would motivate me as well what motivated John Stephens a lawyer and his British companion artist and architect Frederick Catherwood Catherwood is not shown here because there are no surviving detailed portraits of what he looked like so you only see Stevens they arrived 1839 and they were not disappointed not only were there some stone ruins there was a massive previously unknown civilization now buried in the jungles and these images I'm showing here are the magnificent drawings of Catherwood so this is pre camera days the only way you can communicate what you've seen to the outside world is by drawing it and what he gave the out of the outside world was a magnificent window into something not seen before in the early 1800s it was debated who the Native Americans came from and that question was raised even more so by the existence of these spectacular ruins was it Phoenicians was that the ancient Romans who came over was it the ancient Egyptians who settled the Americas and built these pyramids because they had been to Egypt and because Stevens was a lawyer he was able to successfully argue against those popular hypotheses and correctly argued pre genetic era that these ruins were built by the people who live there currently now which people of course is now a question we can ask given what we've seen in genetics the question also arises what happened yes this is a magnificent finding not just some stone ruins but an entire civilization the world had not known about before it's similar to the Roman civilization being buried for thousands of years and someone in the early 1800s saying ah look what I found the Colosseum and then discovering that there was an entire rule and group of people whose reign stretched from Great Britain to the Middle East and covered North Africa and at being a civilization we hadn't known about history books hadn't discussed for thousands of years but here we have a whole civilization lost for a thousand years uncovered in the jungle that in and of itself is spectacular but raises perhaps more questions than answers yes this is magnificent but why did it get buried and get lost for a millennium what happened to the Maya that that would be swallowed up by the jungle and be hidden from Western eyes for a thousand years episode 1 we said that the world is smaller than we think there's more connections among us than we've previously thought you go back a few hundred years and the world is 20-fold smaller in population size than it is now you've got a lot fewer options for a spouse back then than today and so either you marry someone who's a closer relative than you're comfortable with today or you marry someone outside your group and if the latter happens this means the ethnic groups today are more connected more recently than we think we looked at the number ancestors each of us have in our family trees and go back a thousand years there's far more people in each of our family trees than our people alive in the globe the only way to solve this math problem is to make the family trees of each of your parents connect in mine and Ken's genealogies to connect and mine and for your viewers our genealogies to connect well this implies in that ethnic change this happened frequently if you're creationist yes we've talked about this as being prompted by babble and yes that's true but it looks like ethnic changes happened repeatedly throughout human history and oftentimes silently we talked about the raids in Episode four of human reproductive growth and slight differences between ethnic groups can lead to the possibility that most Europeans are recent African descent or Australian Aborigine descend all that's theoretically possible with a small group of migrants coming in and you don't see the evidence physically today I look Caucasian but it's possible I have very different answers than what I've been led to believe we don't find these answers that with commercial genetic tests you pay $100 to family tree and me or 23andme Family Tree DNA one of these places and they're gonna tell you the answer from DNA that's inherited from both parents that can't give you a very good answer because the the genetic signal gets diluted every generation there's other reasons why you can't go back more than four or five generations which is what I've already been able to trace through my dad's work in my own family tree you need DNA it's inherited from one parent or the other parent that doesn't get diluted it's only in theory mitochondrial DNA which is maternally inherited DNA or Y chromosome DNA which is utterly inherited DNA there's clocks that exist in ourselves it's the Y chromosome one that's the most useful both am eternally and paternally inherited DNA though Markoff just two hundred generations or less since the human race began our family tree is much more shallow than we think to go from eight people at the flood to the eight billion live today and just a few and two hundred generational steps or less means this explodes very quickly and shrinks very quickly if you look from the present backwards you've got to connect the branches of the human family tree very quickly so the number of Y chromosome differences that's that's what we settled on from episode six going forward the male inherited DNA is what we're going to use to uncover the history of the and race by the number of differences among us so if Canada I have few y-chromosome differences between us we must have a recent common ancestor if there are many Y chromosome differences we must have a distant common ancestor the global human Y chromosome tree is the key to human history and we began to uncover that history in episode 7 looking for the lost relatives of Europe we found some of them in India of all places these are not two civilizations that were apart for thousands of years and suddenly recovered contact in the 16 hundreds of the East India Company no there's a recent connection that precedes that by a 100 years 1500s approximately and we found out that the explanation before this has to do with the Mongols moving into Eastern Europe and then being pushed back out and Mongols coming down into India it's it's a connection due to Mongol heritage the ancestor is not a Caucasian the ancestor is not a an Indian looking person South Asian it's a Central Asian person we've seen that Central Asia also connects Europe to ancient China a long-standing isolated civilization deliberately rejecting foreign influence yet there's been a sowed of foreign influence from the north those northern so-called barbarian tribes are the genetic link between Eastern Europe and ancient China Central Asians also link modern Americans majority of which are of recent Western European descent this hidden history of the Americas reveals that the ancestors of most Americans are not who we think they are not long-standing Europeans they're Central Asian once again and two-thirds of Western Europeans which also means in the majority of the Americas and two-thirds of Eastern Europeans both trace their recent ancestry to Central Asia that's remarkably don't look like Asians with slanted eyes and all the other features that we stereotypically associate with Asians we look like Caucasians yet the ancestry we've seen according to the family tree is Central Asian and the way you can still look Caucasian today yet had this recent Central Asian ancestry goes back to the factors we discussed in episodes 3 & 4 about how the genetics works out we've turned our attention in recent episodes to the pre-columbian history of the Americas who are the Native Americans who've seen that archaeologically even in mainstream science there's a revolution that's happening there were far more people here in the Americas and we've previously been led to believe and they were far more advanced than we previously thought and this has spectacular implications for how we think about the Amazon in particular the the rainforest in South America this does not look like archaeologically a pristine wilderness that's been untouched by primitive peoples for thousands of years now they were actively culture cultivating it and transforming it before Columbus have arrived and we've seen that before Columbus arrived the Americas were resettled the Native Americans today or not the first Americans and this is not some creationist working in some back corner of the internet trying to rewrite racial identities and these sorts of things we've seen in the previous episode that there appears to be written records if not many other oral records that echo this discovery in genetics so I've concluded I'm not announcing a new discovery I'm recovering old history that's been neglected well what happened to the Maya that's what we want to discuss today if you're like me the Native Americans have and in my understanding growing up a strong North American connection what we've seen though is that the genetic discoveries we've uncovered to have implications up and down the Americas and the implications are shocking today's Native Americans not the first Americans they arrived from Central Asia in the early 80s 250 to maybe 800 AD somewhere in there we have it we're not quite precisely sure which which data it is and we'll discuss in future episodes and try to uncover the exact history there and apparently they wiped out whoever was here first that's as its as far as we've gotten and it's raised all sorts of questions we've never thought of asking before why do they leave Central Asia what happened once they got here and who were the first peoples who preceded them written histories oral histories from Native Americans appeared to describe for us what happens the Delaware record we looked at this map and I'm gonna point out that this map is largely confined to North America yes there are points at which the Delaware record branches off and there people who break away but it's silent on their fate and if you're like me growing up the history of the Americas south of the Rio Grande before Columbus is largely a mystery so let's begin with some things that might be more familiar even if you didn't discuss this in history in the history class growing up the Aztecs were the magnificence and human sacrificing civilization dark civilization that were in existence when the Spaniards arrived here you can see some of the geographic realm of the Aztec for the Mexica empire they are capital city Tenochtitlan was basically the site of modern-day Mexico City but modern-day Mexico City exists on a site that was once a lake and Tenochtitlan that the capital city was basically a city on the waters here's a mural of what many thought it looked like and what archaeology is now uncovering like has since been drained but what it looked like apparently was a tremendous site for the Spaniards who first arrived so here's a quote from one of the Spaniards accompanying Cortes who we'll talk about more in a moment when they first saw the Aztec capital this contemporary then says during the morning we arrived at a broad causeway and continued our march towards it's a palapa and when we saw so many cities and villages builds in the water and other great towns on dry land and that straight and level causeway going towards Mexico we were amazed and said that it was like the enchantments they tell us tell us tell of in the legend of ala dese on account of the great towers and temples and buildings rising from the water and builds of masonry and some of her soldiers asked whether the things that we saw were not a dream that's how overwhelmed they were by the sight of this advanced civilization again this is part of this revolutionary understanding we're gaining of the pre-columbian americas these were advanced peoples not primitive Stone Age cultures who constructed things they wouldn't have dreamed of and Charles Mann in his book 4091 talks about how some of these cities were likely larger in size than European cities that were their contemporaries in their day Cortez was the conqueror of Mexico he led his men first to the Caribbean and then across the Gulf of Mexico to the shores of modern-day Mexico and moved his men inward so here there's very small bands of conquistadors with him they were able to overthrow thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of Aztecs through the help of the other nations surrounding the Aztecs and other under the Aztecs thumb these nations of course didn't appreciate having to pay taxes and send their boys to be sacrificed by the Aztecs and so join with Cortes and were a key component of his war force that overthrew the Aztec empire what appears to be though perhaps the biggest factor in the eventual success of this very small band of Europeans was the diseases that they brought with him and perhaps inadvertently unknown to them destroyed countless numbers of Native Americans and led to the victory of the Europeans over those who were there at the time of their arrival Aztecs though weren't completely wiped out they spoke the language Nahuatl and he may not know that to this day even though Spanish is the main language in Mexico countless indigenous languages survived one of which shown here in this sort of salmon color a wobble remains spoken to the state they were decimated but not completely wiped out so that's one aspect that might be more familiar to you more familiar to me this is something I've heard yes Aztecs that some of their history more close to the arrival of Columbus further south on the western coast of South America in the Pacific was this massive Incan civilization which is again I'm guessing something you've heard of if for no other reason then they built this glorious city in the mountains at high altitude Machu Picchu another I've heard of it was a reason that attracted Spanish attention early on there were many reasons for the arrival of the Spanish in the new world one was of course trying to find a passageway to India and the spice trade which of course famously infamously was why Columbus called the natives that he encountered Indians he thought it was in India another purpose that they came over for was religious conversion Catholic conversion to Catholicism but it didn't take long for the rumors of Incan gold to reach their ears and the conquest and recovery of this goal to be one of their purposes as well Pizarro was the Conqueror of the Incan Empire and again one of the main reasons that archeology historical investigation is uncovering for his success his small band was the bringing with him of diseases to which Native Americans were not resistant didn't it decimated them once again though it didn't completely wipe them out wipe them out the language of the Incan Empire was Quechua and kachu in languages continued to be spoken in the Americas in Ecuador Peru Bolivia parts of Argentina to this day so even though Spanish Portuguese are the primary languages the indigenous languages survived to this day so there are some handles by which we can begin to understand the Mayans some historical time points by which we can think about the Mayan civilization let's put this in some context that might be more familiar European history I'll put that above this blue timeline I've put these tan colored bars as 500 year intervals so that we have some references and down here below that the 500 year bcat time points well let's think about European history so that we have some context in which to think about pre-columbian history the Aztecs the Incas and the Mayans well if you've taken history like I did most European history begins with the Minoans and the Mycenaeans I've implied a certain time period here it may disagree slightly with the mainstream timescale in future episodes we'll discuss the justification for this there early that's the main point on it give here though the earliest European civilizations that most history books talk about and they're largely Aegean Mediterranean on the island of Crete and around the area of modern-day Greece these were civilization that left ruins to this day and if you look at them they're quite spectacular you can imagine how these very early European civilizations looked in their hay days this is the throne room of one of these you can see the Queen's room here look at that mural above the door these are these are advanced civilizations some the earliest in Europe but they're there 1500 BC 700 BC very early times and it's about a thousand years later when perhaps more familiar European civilizations enter enter the text books Alexander the Great around the 300 specie goes on an attempted world conquest from the Mediterranean all the way to the to the borders of India we of course know there's civilizations in India and in China at this time but he's conquering much of the known world in his his escapades his civilization though he dies yet young it's lit up among his generals and the remnants of the Greek civilization eventually conquered by the Romans the Romans rule North Africa part of the Middle East Western Europe it splits into Western and Eastern halves the Roman Empire does eventually the western half is conquered by the barbarian so-called barbarians the Germanic tribes and even a Central Asian tribe or two the Eastern European Empire survives for another millennia we often think of it not as a Roman Empire but as the Byzantine Empire they fall in the 1400s Western Europe though faults as we've been taught into the Dark Ages this is technically at the beginning of the Middle Ages I tend to think of the Middle Ages though as associated with knights and castles and the time period more around a thousand AD 1200 AD eventually the Middle Ages give way to the Renaissance recovery of the classical Roman and Greek learning and around the same time as when Europeans decide to venture out from their European Peninsula and explore the world which of course brings us to Columbus the Portuguese moving around Africa to India and the arrival of the modern world's global world as we know it well the Aztecs and the Incas are very late by comparison in pre-columbian history so there's their context in terms of Europe and the first thing that strikes me and may strike you is how much blank space there is in the pre-columbian americas prior to then the aztecs founded Tenochtitlan in the early 1300s the Incas ruled of the 1400s they're very very late in pre-columbian history there's a lot that's not discussed if that's all we know about the pre-columbian Americas who are the earliest Americans in terms of civilizations the Olmecs were there in Mexico this talks about this this map shows their formative period in 600 BC you can trace it back even earlier than that if this is unfamiliar to you you might know them inadvertently through their famous sculptures these massive carved heads which we'll return to in future episodes as we think about the identity of who the first Americans were so think about them as roughly around the same time as the Minoans in them and ice Mycenaeans in Europe we're gonna talk about precisely why I pick the dates that I do in future episodes the next pre-columbian earlier pre-columbian civilization to which I want to draw your attention was the massive city of Teotihuacan in Mexico and you can find these ruins just outside Mexico City today if you travel there this was founded and began in the in the century or two before the time of Christ Oh about 150 BC and lasted until about 8650 so they around the time of the Roman Empire when they were getting started they're contemporary with Romans and then they outlast them not falling until about 650 ad Romans about the 400s Western Roman Empire about the 400s mainstream archaeology talks about the evidence in these cities in this particular city for violent collapse so this is estimated to be a couple hundred thousand people living here this is a massive structure this is the pyramid of the moon-- the even larger pyramid of the Sun you can find to this day you can see the tiny people here just to give you some sense for size that are climbing this pyramid so here's a here's a massive advanced civilization construction constructing these large pyramids makes you reminds you of the pyramids of ancient Egypt so they underwent a violent collapse in 8650 other cities around them survived and underwent their own collapse around eighty nine hundred so there's Katie walkin now we've got some anchor points and time points by which to understand the Mayans their civilization shows up right around here contemporary with peyote walk and have interactions with chayote walkin geographically though the Mayans tend to revolve around the Guatemalan modern-day Guatemala them the lowlands here they spill over into Honduras and of course they're in the Yucatan Peninsula and parts of southern and southeastern Mexico unlike the Aztecs and the Incas the Mayans had written language not language that is familiar to westernize they used a system of glyphs shown here to communicate they were noted astronomers and as is typical with those who study the Stars they developed a very precise calendrical system you may not have heard of it or you may have heard of it and didn't know it there was talk of course in 2012 about the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar well the Mayan calendar goes through cycles and 2012 was a change in one of the cycles and so people wondered if this was the end of the world what we discussed a few minutes ago of course was the massive structures that they built this is what Catherwood depicted very a very good depiction in pre camera days here's a more recent photograph than of the very intricate structures these people constructed look at the artistry that's involved in their carvings I was thrown off initially looking at some of the human forms they carve because they looked like a style that was almost grotesque to me and I had to correct my thinking is studying these these images more closely notice first of all the very fine and precise and accurate anatomical detail in the shape of the eyes the structures of the face the nose the lips the chin the arms these people knew what they were doing this wasn't some system of art where they they exaggerated and and made some sort of group test representation of the human body what threw me off there was the shape of the head and that's where I thought well maybe this is just some weird style if invented turns out the Mayans practiced the form of head binding so babies after they're born the way you do this is you is you you can deform the skull because it's not fused and it's growing over time you can deliberately bind it to a board and cause it to be flattened and extended over time and that apparently was desirable in Mayan culture because I don't know you can you can wrap things around it and wrap your hair up in and that was fashion back then I guess so they've practiced a form of head binding they're skilled artists is my point I was thrown off initially because of apparently this practice of head binding which leads to very accurate sculptures depicting these flat heads that reflected who they were it's not necessarily some certain style just what they did so they're skilled artists and they recorded their own history these are the stairway to one of their temples or pyramids zooming in here you can see that each of these stairs it's been eroded over time but these stairs have glyphs record it into them glyphs their alphabet they're recording events and other things in their structures the kings and queens recorded monuments to themselves and you can actually reconstruct a series in these various Mayan cities of kings and queens and their activities this particular Stella here a stele a has if we zoom in on the side you may not be able to see it here these glyphs again recorded there's so much detail in these carvings that they're they're leaving for us a record of activities and of course the Mayans are known for their temples and numerous innumerable it seems temples and palaces all exquisitely carved their complex buildings and towers all this again hidden from Western eyes 4,000 years more buildings tombs and pyramids innumerable pyramids massive cities and more pyramids more pyramids and more pyramids these people were builders like no others Chichen Itza shown here of course they didn't always look this way they were buried under the jungle and have taken years and of course to recover them there are pyramids that are still hidden in the jungle and covered by this overgrowth and are continued to be studied to the state now if some of this caught your eye is familiar it may because you're a movie goer I'd like to say I lived under a rock growing up and didn't watch the Star Wars series until after getting married within the last few years watching with my wife and so if you say oh that looks familiar that's because this is the scene for in the Star Wars series planet Yavin 4 and because I'm a I'm a nerd and culturally live under Iraq and had been studying pre-columbian history before watching Star Wars I being the nerd that I was announced as they showed these scenes Central America I recognized that so there you go Mayans show up apparently in the future in Star Wars these were buried for so long that even Cortez so he arrives in the early 1500s conquers the Aztecs which are up this way in Mexico he makes a journey down through Guatemala modern-day Guatemala and over here to get back to the Gulf of Mexico walks right past these ruins and apparently never sees them that's how any end to this day there are Mayan ruins you can be walking through the jungle it's so overgrown you can walk right past it you have no idea you're standing next to a pyramid Mayans at least their language survived to this day multiple forms but you could take my up here in the end the Yucatan Peninsula so there were sir Ivor's apparently of the Mayan civilization but something must have happened for this massive edifice and civilization to be swallowed up by the jungle and I'm going to point out that there's still Mayan ruins being discovered to this day here's one paper that I think you can find for free online from September 2018 within the last two years the results of new technology they're applying to the Mayan jungle so this is still thick rainforest and what mainstream science has been doing is taking a form of radar technology it's called lidar it's an acronym for light and radar they all fly back and forth over the jungle in a plane shooting radar down at the jungle canopy and the way it works is enough beams that are shot down to bounce back computers then can can untangle all the signals and remove the jungle canopy so you can see what the forest floor looks like and what has emerged are far more structures in these jungles than we've ever imagined and what this paper in particular reached as a conclusion was estimates of the population size so they said okay now they're all these these there's many more structures than we previously thought and again this is all just over the last two years and if you have a subscription to Netflix or one of these other channels there's maybe it's Disney Plus National Geographic has a four part series describing the findings of this particular study showing just how much more there's present in the jungle and we thought well these authors you can read the paper if you're interested for yourself they say okay we look at the noonas structures we've discovered and then we say what sort of population could support could could these cities support and in these these farmlands and such it you can see the evidence for this the terraces or evidence of arkla of agricultural activity and would be required to build these structures they run through all this math when I say we estimate that in its heyday it's the classic era of Mayan civilizations from about 80 250 to around 900 ish so right in the middle of that about 8700 we estimate they say that in this just this region shaded here in red and you can barely see it this small little peninsula in South America excuse me in Central America there were seven to 11 million people living in this part of the world well what's the number without context what does that mean well it's compared to Europe there were as many people living in this small finger print that's shaded red area Central America and the mine hating there were as many people there as we're in this much of Europe there were as many people are concentrated in South America and Central America as were the combined populations at this point in history of the British Isles Scandinavia big chunks of Eastern Europe and even spilling over into the to the Balkan Peninsula all those modern countries shaded in orange their combined populations in 8700 were equal to the high end of that estimate for Mayan civilization so this is a massive number of people living here their beginnings go back into the to the to the late BC era shortly before the time of Christ the Mayan civilization started as the Olmec civilization was declining the Mayans got their beginnings the heyday as I mentioned the classic era is partially contemporary with the classic Roman civilization so Rome time of Christ and then falling around the 400s Mayans the classic civilization is 250 and they they extend beyond the fall with the Roman civilizations the Roman Empire is falling there in their peak and they continue in their peak until almost up till a thousand AD all right around 80 750 850 to around 900 thousand AD suddenly city's empty of people the stone monuments cease to be built the Kings stop recording their histories and it collapses in the Yucatan so that this when I'm saying collapses we're talking about the area right here that's still largely covered by jungle in the Yucatan there are still Mayan activity so the collapse happens here it also collapse and collapse happens in Mexico Mayan activity continues up this way but it's fair to ask the question whether the Mayan speakers today are the descendants of the classic era Mayan people's why would I even say that because the Toltecs the Mexican civilization that arises in the 900s invades the Yucatan Peninsula leaves obvious archaeological evidence of Mexican influence and this pyramid teacher needs a built-in 9950 is is part of that era so Mayan civilization collapses in the central Mayan lowlands there's continuing activity in the Yucatan but it's fair to ask whether or not these people today and the Mayan speakers today are descendants of Toltecs who happen to retain Mayan languages or if they're actually connected genealogically to the people in the central Mayan lowlands so this question of the classic era Mayan collapse why the cities empty the building stops and it's gone swallowed up by the jungle in short order even Wikipedia calls the classic Mayan collapse one of the great unsolved mysteries of archaeology as many explanations in a sense for that in mainstream science as there are and mainstream science for the demise of the dinosaurs nobody knows the answer there's lots of theories propounded hypotheses put forth but nobody knows so they they have their their climax the club the Mayans and the in the first thousand years in the a tiara and then about 900 or thousand they disappear and there's there's a appearing so to speak of these at least of Mayans speakers in the Yucatan Peninsula that lasts up until the point and even goes beyond the initial conquistador incursions there were Mayans the peoples who were resisting conquistadors even up to close to the modern era but what about the classic era collapse why is this still a great unsolved mystery and are there any answers that are plausible today well enter the genetics that we discussed in episode 12 again we pointed out that it's the young earth time skilled young earth model that's the only model that successfully finds in genetics this smoking on the flatlining that's the smoking gun of a population collapsed and it was large nothing had retroactive effects the episode 12 for the for the explanation justification why that is mainstream science talks about the collapse what they do not talk about and do not detect this the recovery so there's about 300 years of death and destruction among Native Americans and they finally recover in population and then 1800s and 1900 s and the exact date depends on where you are in the Americas we can as young earth creationists recover that detect that so if it's working in the post Columbian era we can trust it in the pre-columbian era well lo and behold and let me let me stop here for a second again that this is research in progress these dates I'm giving always have a little bit of an asterisk with them this is what we know right now and they're still a little bit of uncertainty where exactly Noah isn't the tree I've narrowed him down to a very small window well if Noah is where I think he is my best guess right now the people that the people we call Native Americans today are actually not the first Americans but they came over from Central Asia around 600 to 800 AD and look at this they undergo massive population growth and dispersal in the Americas 802 round a thousand AD exactly at the same time the Mayan civilization is collapsing apparently without explanation mainstream science if Noah is in a different position that means the Central Asian invaders came over 200 to about 500 a and they undergo massive population growth and dispersal throughout the Americas 500 to 700 which is about the same time even mainstream archeologists talk about the violent overthrow of that massive pyramid building city of Teotihuacan again best guesses no us here but this is still a question we're trying to solve either way the arrival of the Central Asian invaders right about here offers some very tantalizing clues to why either the city of Teotihuacan collapsed these massive pyramid builders had their city emptied or why perhaps the Mayan civilization itself ceased building these monuments to their kings ceased building the pyramids and the Guatemalan lowlands and eventually were swallowed up by the jungle how many other mysteries are waiting to be solved in the DNA of today's Native Americans this is the new history of the human race what we're seeing is not only are there revisions to how we understand our ethnicities we're seeing that the young earth model offers solutions to long-standing mysteries in mainstream archaeology and offers an entirely new paradigm by which to investigate this dark era of human history long mysterious and unknown the history of the Americas before Columbus so dr. Jensen people will say okay well why did the Mayans diet you said you're gonna give the answer so what are you really saying what we have so far is evidence from genetics that there is a massive dispersal and apparently population replacement that very intriguingly seems to coincide with the collapse of the Mayan civilization or the collapse of the city of Teotihuacan so here's a potential cause-effect relationship what we don't know yet is did these people come over and violently overthrow you look at the red record the Delaware history which now is beginning to emerge as perhaps one of the most important documents we're seeing now given its correlation to genetics perhaps one of the most important documents not just for North America but for understanding South American history of the Americas before Columbus is this hint in the Delaware red record of when they talk about their their sakes in their leader after I am echo sage and there were ten Sachems unnamed and much evil was then is this a reference to the dispersal of these people through the Americas and violent overthrow of perhaps people like the Mayans where the Mayans one of the first peoples here these are questions and hypotheses that these correlations begin to raise alternatively looking at what happened when Europeans arrived and given perhaps a millennia or two of a time gap between the arrival of these Central Asians and perhaps the first peoples could the Central Asians themselves have brought other diseases to the Americas again the red record says 10,000 cross the Bering Strait well if there's 7 to 11 million people in the central Central American lowlands is that a sufficient force of 10,000 people to overthrow now again we look at genetics and they came over and then they wanted massive population growth so their numbers obviously increased but could they have brought with them unknowingly just like Europeans did diseases to which the first Americans were not resistant that seems like a plausible hypothesis to test especially if building suddenly ceases and mainstream archeologists will say there's evidence archaeologically in Teotihuacan of violent overthrow burning and destruction we don't see that in the Americas is it because there wasn't a violent overthrow it was a quiet everybody died suddenly because of diseases so what I'm saying is we have a very intriguing potential cause-effect relationship that is begging for someone to investigate this further and one of the ways to investigate this further is to begin to gather more DNA sequences from Native Americans up and down the Americas to see if there's more details that can be illuminated as well as this is begging for a re deep dive into archeology with a new framer because this is something no mainstream archaeologists is even considering because in mainstream archaeology and mainstream genetics everyone in the Americas is related back to those first people who came over in 15 thousand years ago they spread throughout the Americas and so no one is even thinking about the possibility that some foreigners came over subsequently Central Asia and went up and down the Americas wreaking havoc and destruction or disease wherever they go so this is asking for someone to say let's go back and look at the record with this new potential hypothesis in mind and see how does it plays out so what happened to the Maya here are some new clues that may in the next few years illuminate an answer to this long-standing mystery but an answer that no one has considered before because no one's thinking in terms of the young Earth's timescale but you can I want to emphasize it's only the young Earth's timescale that eliminates and recapitulates the post Colombian history so from a purely scientific perspective this is the timescale people should be using going forward to understand and investigate and solve mysteries of the pre-columbian world so it's another example that your worldview if you don't question the presupposition of a worldview you have you might interpret the evidence absolutely in the wrong way yeah and really if you're committed to the long ages and I've sort of an evolutionary view of history you apply that to the evidence you gotta come up with the wrong interpretation but you have a different worldview you're willing to think differently about this it radically changes what the world is teaching us yes and maybe tell yeah we've heard in recent times people talk about herd immunity well maybe the mines didn't have that herd immunity they needed to these other diseases right because they hadn't mixed together that much with us yes and you think about the Black Death and Europe this is something we're going to discuss in future episodes and thinking about who were the first Europeans what about the Vikings are there any people today or their descendants can we find the Vikings and genetics the more you dig into it the more you see disease rearing its ugly head all throughout human history and concepts of herd immunity and indigenous resistance or lack thereof playing key roles in the history of the human race and key roles in illuminating and and dictating who we are as peoples today to whom we trace our ancestry so this is a theme that shows up prominently in the Americans of the arrival of Europeans we're seeing it may play a prominent role in the pre Clement history this playing a prominent role today and may in fact be the rule all throughout human history time and time again people's ruling then disease comes and wipes them out and then you have to ask the question do they have any descendants today do the Romans the Romans the ancient Greeks do they have any descendants in the modern world these are questions were explore than the future episodes as well dr. Jensen for those that haven't seen the rest of the series they can go to the Answers in Genesis YouTube channel and be a playlist there or subscribe to answers TB very inexpensive answer top TB and this series will be there plus hundreds and hundreds of other videos and live programs and teacher live conferences from Answers in Genesis and we're going to go on to 15 and 16 next week I mean how many episodes do you think we'll have totally I'm asking about twenty to twenty-five next week we'll look at the question of what was going on in Central Asia can we pinpoint who these people came from when they crossed the Bering Strait came into the Americas what is their story why do they arrive and in episode 16 we'll try to get back to that thorny question of who were the first Americans and the title I have in mind right now is mysteries of the ancient Pacific and the early Americans and Pinette potential connections there of course the ancient Pacific Australian Aborigine is the foon of Guineans another very dark chapter of human history where there's virtually nothing known about what's going on archaeology is trying to eliminate some of these answers well what happens if we bring genetics to bear and are there any connections between these people of the ancient Pacific in the Americas and I should mention for episode 15 the running title I have right now is the ancient European connection to the Native American so lots in store coming up and it's important we shift back to the to the to the early Europeans to Africans and to the most ancient times cradles of civilization so all this is still forthcoming future episodes I hope our viewers will join us then then 2021 hopefully you'll have a book released on all this I mean very unique no else's doing this because you're a biblical creationist who understands genetics and you're studying genetics but you have a love of history and meshing that all together and coming up with the new history of the human race rewriting history but it's it's it's not a new history in the sense of an overall history because the Bible gives us the big overview but certainly new history in regard to looking all these different civilizations and showing how it all fits together in a particular way and genetics has great marrying on explaining what has happened and then it makes sense it all fits within that biblical timeframe yep new because we haven't had these tools until recently we haven't had the DNA sequences when people around the globe first human sequence 2001 the data are just emerging and what makes it even more new is no one's looking at through the right worldview we have the biblical framework and with the biblical framework in hand and inserting this new DNA evidence well this is who we are we've finally been able to answer these questions we've had no answers to or no direct answers to until now well yeah get ready for 15 and 16 and that'll be next week and we'll continue on till about 20-25 episodes all together we'll see how it all plays out as dr. Nathaniel Jensen actually is presenting to you that cutting edge research that is now in regard to genetics and history well look forward to seeing you next week dr. Jensen thank you
Channel: Ken Ham
Views: 1,907
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: Ken Ham, ArkEncounter, Creation Museum, Answers In Genesis, Biblical Apolgetics
Id: 3wwZrvDYmcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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