What Happened to Stormtroopers After The Fall of the Empire [FULL STORY] - Star Wars Canon

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the Imperial Stormtroopers dominated the galaxy for nearly two decades before they were opposed by what were referred to first as rebels a ragtag group of individuals in the galaxy that did not agree with the philosophy and rule of the Empire a small threat at first but one that would grow to be substantial substantial enough to topple the Empire itself the stormtroopers were originally clone troopers that had served during the Clone Wars era under the Galactic Republic but after Emperor Palpatine took over he discontinued clone troopers entirely and introduced a new force in the galaxy he referred to as the stormtrooper stormtroopers that were nearly entirely made out of natural birth individuals again the Imperials and the stormtroopers being their army were the most dominant force in the entire galaxy for two decades but after their time of reign the Galactic Civil War began a war that would eventually result in the deaths of both Vader the Imperial enforcer and their own Emperor Darth Sidious but this is not the end of the story of the stormtroopers in Star Wars canon and today we will explain what happened to the stormtroopers after the Battle of Endor and after Return of the Jedi in the tragic fate that many of them met as some refused to put away their armor and others were killed in the ensuing battles of the war and only a small fraction of them actually surviving and fleeing into the unknown region after the events on Endor the Empire went into utter disarray and the stormtroopers saw action on many fronts mobilized by the new leaders of the Empire as they battled the New Republic the successor government to the Rebel Alliance during this period though fragments of the former regime gained footholds on very distant worlds and numerous stormtroopers were killed and executed by the New Republic on worlds as far out as you turn a lull and akiva New Republic forces also took many stormtrooper prisoners with many prisoners being sent to the New Republic capital of chandrila on one occasion the New Republic relations official personally stopped New Republic soldiers from parading stormtrooper prisoners through the city of Hama to disgrace the individuals who had fought for the empire once proudly before and showed them that there was a new dawn and force in the galaxy and that the Empire was officially crumbling later stormtroopers saw action during the liberation of Kesh Sheik as well as the final battle of jakku the Empire's last stand against the new republic following the defeat of the Empire at jakku the remnants of the Empire signed the Galactic concordance with the new Republic the Galactic concordance forbade the recruitment and mobilization of stormtrooper forces and forced the Empire to abandon its network of Imperial academies academies that had been training stormtroopers for decades ever since the establishment of the Empire meaning that is many stormtroopers that were killed there would be no brand new stormtroopers to replace those officers and the New Republic essentially defeated the Empire allowing them to remain the Empire but in a sense completely neutering their forces however the battle of jakku had truly been a part of Emperor Palpatine s contingency plan a plan that he established if he were ever to be killed and a plan that designated the complete and utter collapse of the empire as an emperor Palpatine's mind an empire that failed to protect its emperor and as the emperor died the Empire itself should be allowed to crumble and die for its failure comparing his contingency plan to a game of chess if a king is lost in the game of chess the game is over and Palpatine desired to completely wash the board the Sith Lord had ordered galius racks to destroy the Empire if he ever died while racks his full plan was stopped by Grand Admiral Rey Sloane rats told her to complete the rest of the contingency by rebuilding the empire in the unknown regions of space something that Rey Sloane agreed with as galius racks died stopping him from utterly destroying the planet of jakku in saving hundreds of thousands of lives the lives of essentially the entirety of the Empire or at least those that were not selected to travel to the unknown regions of space for thus unknown reasons following this great final battle though remnant stormtroopers ruler want soldiers of the Galactic Empire until their defeat at the Battle of Endor and for ABY caused the Empire to crumble into disarray the Stormtrooper Corps all but ceased to exist its pristine and uniform ranks reduced to a ragtag army of mercenaries for lawless gangsters in the galaxy as well as warlord that mainly operated in the out in worlds of the galaxy as the stormtroopers were still a formidable force and a formidable army but their numbers were severely severely reduced as they met a similar fate to disgrace Mandalorians again becoming mercenaries and guns for hire rather than servants of a great and powerful regime stormtroopers were officially banned by the treaty that occurred in five APY but some troopers opted to retain their battle-worn stormtrooper armor while fighting for fragments of their former regime most of the stormtroopers though at this time completely discarded their armor and again became mercenary using the skills that they had obtained over the course of the Galactic Civil War to start new lives in the galaxy while others though who had not been selected to travel to the unknown regions of space were fighting for fragments that still remained of the Empire refusing to let go of what they had dedicated their entire lives to despite the newfound power in the galaxy the New Republic completely outlawing them with the tables in a sense completely being switched around with once it being illegal for Jedi Knights to be in the galaxy and were ordered to be killed on sight now was the same for stormtroopers as the Jedi had returned and the New Republic had arisen with stormtroopers or any individual and stormtrooper armor being ordered to be killed on sight thus why in the Mandalorian we saw the stormtroopers hiding now unwilling to show their faces to the Republic even in the outer-rim world although the Empire had fallen its legacy endured in the mercenaries and warlords who were able to establish footholds on distant worlds with what remained of the Empire clinging to what little power they had left they mainly did this and the galaxy's Outer Rim territories where the New Republic would not interfere yet their survival did not alter the reality of the era that they lived at many of the last true Imperial Stormtroopers that we will ever glimpse in the Star Wars universe appear in the Mandalorian as again the show thus far has predominantly taken place in the Outer Rim territories of the Star Wars galaxy and were fully aware that these remaining stormtroopers and this fragment of the Empire want to actually get what is known as the child or an infant from Yoda specie for thus unknown purposes we are aware that the Empire still has much power with death troopers and other special squadron of troopers still remaining but their power being nothing like it was before with Empire forced to hide in the outer-rim territories lest they be executed on sight as we also learn from the mandalorian after the fall of the Empire the innocence of the galaxy actually turned on the stormtroopers themselves as they did not require the go-ahead from the New Republic in order to execute the troopers troopers who had been plaguing a lot of them for their entire lives stealing from them and killing their friends and family therefore without the age of a larger Empire they were revolted against and killed causing a ton of them to throw down their stormtrooper armor and abandon the Empire entirely the Imperial remnants that retreated to the Unknown Regions reorganized themselves into the first order being the only real successful fragmentation of the empire that existed after the final battle of jakku as the first order outright to fight the Galactic concordance the first order recruited and mobilized new stormtroopers in the galaxy training them to be more aggressive and more efficient with the first order stormtroopers clearly being far more dominant than the normal stormtroopers although at first the first order stormtroopers were comprised of stormtroopers that existed during the time of the Empire this slowly chained as the first order began stealing inference from various worlds in the outer rim as well as the unknown regions of space brainwashing them and training them from birth to become cold-hearted killers for the first order and fanatically loyal to the first orders cause the new stormtroopers were influenced by the ideas of Brandel Hawks the father of general Hux who was known as one of the strictest commanders on the original Imperial Academy the first order stormtroopers were equipped with sleeker armor and more powerful weaponry among the orders agents were Terrax who had served as an imperial stormtrooper originally with the first order gaining a new emperor who had deemed themselves the supreme leader in Supreme Leader Snoke a new dominant force wielder in the galaxy as the first order slowly but surely grew in power in the unknown regions of space with the New Republic deeming them too far away to interfere and too small of a threat little did they know they were growing more dominant and more powerful every single day even completing a brand new super weapon that was originally started by the Empire in Starkiller base a super weapon that would one day spell Dean end of the New Republic these new stormtroopers would also gain a brand-new Imperial enforcer in the form of the Fallen Jedi Ben solo now calling himself kylo Ren who was in fact the grandson of Darth Vader the original Imperial feared enforcer with the first order slowly gaining more power in the unknown regions of space it appeared it if nothing would grow to stop them until Leia Organa formed what she called the resistant but then begin the events of Star Wars Episode 7 the force awakened but that is the full story of the fate of the Imperial Stormtroopers after the collapse of the Galactic Empire on the battle of jakku beginning though after the first real collapse of the Empire and the death of their leaders in Darth Sidious and Darth Vader above Endor but what are your guys thoughts on the ultimate fate of the stormtroopers and is a big question after the rise of Skywalker what do you think will be the final fate of the stormtroopers as always my friends thank you guys so much for watching the video especially these longer winded video may the force be with you and have a great day [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 2,168,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Stormtrooper, Star Wars Explained, Jedi, Sith, The Mandalorian, What Happened to Stormtroopers After The Fall of the Empire, First Order, Darth Vader, Baby Yoda, The Empire
Id: pves2jdVxbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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