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good morning beautiful people mm love yes she's saying beautiful introduction welcome back to lul leave everything and wonder and welcome back to Italy to Lucky land my name is Luca this is my wife Sara and back here this beautiful little lady is our daughter Lucha today we are filming a question and answer video with all the comments and questions we received on Instagram Facebook and YouTube we will answer just some of them because there are many many many many many so are you ready Lucha Lucha are you ready say hi to beautiful people people people let's [Music] start here we go guys so Lucha is sleeping because otherwise we'll be imp imposs to film this question and answer video and before starting with the questions we know that we have a lot of beautiful people that have been following us for a very long time since the beginning but we also have new Beautiful People new subscribers that probably don't know us they just know the last part of our adventure which means the renovation of our house in Sicily and the olive grow but don't know much about us so we can start with a little introduction yes my name is Luca I was born the 3rd of October 1988 in Lisbon Portugal then uh I moved to Madrid Spain and then to bizon Brazil and S Paulo then Brazil I lived nine years in Brazil then we with my family we came back to Italy in Torino then I lived uh one year in Australia then I came back and then I start started in 2017 this adventure with Sara traveling the world yeah so your turn my turn my name is Sara I'm 36 years old I was born the 6th of February 1987 in South Theo which is Italy but it's very North North North Italy is 100 kilom from the border with Austria so I also speak German and I moov M to Milan when I was 18 years old and then I worked in Switzerland for several years before meeting Luca we started this crazy adventure together previously I was always traveling just because was like business travel and then with Luca we decided to start this adventure opening the YouTube channel in 2017 and start from zero yes I also speak uh Portuguese Spanish Italian and English so both of us we cover a lot of languages which was really useful and good traveling because if you're considering the Americas that we travel from north to south basically we cover all the languages because it was English Spanish beautiful people just a heads up before keep going with the questions is that someone is spamming our content section on YouTube a few times already Yes many times uh seem already more than one year so somebody is pretending to be us using our picture using a different name but using our picture and they are asking you to contact them so us on telegram we do not have telegram it's not us so do not reply to them do not search them on telegram report them to YouTube and we will be doing the same we already blocked about three or four YouTube channels using our picture and try the same name you leave everything Wonder telegram they just add telegram or they change little pits of the name of the channel and uh we will never ask you to contact us on telegram we will never ask you to send us money to chat with us we will never uh write you in the comments to contact us yeah so please do not please please please it's very unsafe it's it's it's not us it's a it's a scam yes internet is full of scams so yeah it's could be dangerous talking about safety and talking about our job being YouTubers while traveling we often need to use public Wi-Fi public Wi-Fi is cool because it's free but when we talk about networks it often means unsafe but luckily there is a way to protect yourself that's why I would like to say a huge thank you to the sponsor of today's episode which is Nord VPN but what is a VPN VPN stands for virtual private Network work a service that protects your internet connection and your privacy online vpns create an encrypted tunnel for your data protect your online identity by hiding your IP address and allow you to use public Wi-Fi hotpots safely for example when you are traveling and you connect to the free airport Wi-Fi this is very convenient for surfing on the go however hackers can easily exploit these hotspots to access your data like home address password wordss Bank details and so on or infect your device with malware a vpm hides your IP address and encrypts your online activity to prevent third parties from intercepting your traffic this is just one use case n VPN can be used for a million things what we love doing luk and I is connect to Netflix us or Netflix UK and watch movies and serious that otherwise we cannot see in Italy this is super easy to use you click one button and you log on nordvpn and with one account you can protect up to six devices you can click our unique Link in description box below this video nordvpn.com slle aw to get four months extra on a 2-year plan and if you are not happy about it if you don't like it you can get your money back within 30 days so thanks again to nor VPN for sponsoring today's episode and now let's go back to the questions I divided the questions in main subject topics so we we can start from a little bit more personal questions okay some beautiful people here they want to know how did you guys meet and you see so perfect together and how everything happened so I was working the fashion industry I was a model I was an influencer on social media before this even existed here in Italy I was already doing I always had these Visions uh ahead and S she was working in the fashion industry we met during a fashion show from that day on we start dating and seeing each other every single weekend and we start traveling together I was working very hard I was the personal assistant to a fashion designer for an international company fashion company in in Switzerland but was International so we have offices everywhere in the world and I need to follow everything I was also the of administration and head of HR of the company so I was working basically 24/7 never had the time to go on vacation spend time together with somebody I asked him I had like one day one day off and I said to him why don't you don't we travel together to Thailand we go somewhere Jordan Thailand and he said like yes let's go and I really like that kind of enthusiasm and he was a model but never uh um he never focused too much on on his image outside on the outside and this is very important and after one year one year and a half we decided to to change our lifestyle to change everything and to leave together for for this adventure and to start a YouTube channel not just traveling together but also doing a project together a big project together that was YouTube that at the time in Italy was not so common was very unusual and everybody thought that we were crazy everybody was against us because our families everybody was like you're crazy you have successful jobs successful lives yes I will working I was also working on the TV this was we met at the end of 2015 and in 2016 when we decided we should do this uh this YouTube channel and whatever I was working in the TV industry I was uh participating to TV shows and many offers were on my plate but I said s you know I I don't care I don't want to be famous I want to uh travel I want to grow more and explore more the world because at that time I just ended a TV show Dancing with the Stars Italy which was really popular people was stopping me and asking for selfies and that kind of things that I didn't want it I wanted to you know to do our own stuff and uh now I'm really happy and really proud that we had that craziness and that uh you know we weren't afraid to to give up everything we had then another question if is if we miss our previous lifestyle uh because they were completely different from what we were doing and what we are doing today and actually the answer I think is no I think this is was part of our lives and was very important to to grow and to gain confidence in what we are doing right now and experience because I think that without what I was doing before I would not be able to do what I'm doing today you see the YouTube videos but there is so much behind the cameras work that we don't show I think the main difference is that uh we were working to accomplish somebody's else dream and you know to for their companies now we are working for our dreams and for our company for something that we believe and we work hard for it so that's the main difference I mean yes we were in the fashion industry we were in the luxury industry we were staying in five stars hotels but then we were alone we were just there for work work so most of the time we were on the phone on the computer working working working so we couldn't enjoy any of that and uh plus being and working with th those uh really famous people they had money they had power they were really sad and really alone and uh we we said U we let's just travel because I I just remember in really poor countries there were these kids that they had nothing but they were always happy there was there was this joy and this happiness even just to share little things and uh I said you know together or just speak together they were so happy it's exactly a trip that we we we did a trip for an yes in Nepal and that that trip changed us completely and we decided that point that we needed to change something and even if we had this careers and we were like uh we could have like everything we wanted at at the time we decided to just change it and we decided to do the hard way by saying that I mean that we decided to leave Italy with a really low amount of money to show people that beside what we were doing in the past uh we wanted to start from zero at that point I had a huge Instagram account that for that time I had 150 ,000 subscribers which was a lot at that time at that point and uh we decided to start on a new platform in English so a new audience so nobody knew us when we arrived in Canada we were just strangers just uh yeah you know luk and Sara Italians coming to Canada and uh was nice like uh being unknown and being uh just okay we can do it we can start from zero Z and uh and build everything again for us and in the beginning we were a little bit naive because we thought with our experience in the marketing in the fashion industry in the social media we could succeed also on YouTube uh but was not the case because it took us over 3 years to start you know working and monetizing only with YouTube was very hard especially because we had this High expectation like okay uh we can do video we can edit video but we didn't know anything about YouTube at the time and we were like I think that most of the channels we know they started all basically at the same time 2017 they left and start doing van life uh but in the United States and other countries they are far ahead of us social media and Van life in Italy was something completely unknown here in Italy we didn't have the support that in other countries people would understand what you were doing and they would try to help you over here was like uh no no no no so this led us to another question yeah uh let's talk about YouTube if it's YouTube is our only income and how did you earn enough money to sustain your lifestyle what are you guys doing like how can you do everything you're doing just during YouTube and then answer is that YouTube is our full-time job as we mentioned before it wasn't easy imagine like we started in 2017 now seven years yes and we started YouTube seven years of our lives and at the beginning to that yes and at at the beginning we were just working for free because we started earning money after basically 3 years yeah but was like 30 EUR a month then or 100 EUR a month so we were working basically double we were working to sustain ourselves and to sustain our Expedition plus we were doing YouTube and in the first years we used a lot of our savings yes and imagine doing that doing a video every single week there were sometimes where we were were filming three videos a week two videos a week and doing this nonstop so I think the consistency being always there is that what makes the difference and it was what is very hard sometimes because no matter if you have like if you're not feeling good if you have your problems if you are uh not in the mood of filming yeah if you're sick if you're at the hospital I mean for seven years we never miss a a day to post the video the only day we miss was when Lucha was born and Sarah was at the hospital with an infection with high fever so we physically couldn't film and we couldn't upload and edited U edit a video but other than that even when I was at the hospital s managed to edit and and publish the video which for me was super important because I was there forced to be like laying down uh in this bed and I couldn't do anything so for me it was really good to be able just to lay down and read the comments try to reply and uh and do something so we have now 550 videos online yeah so when you ask what is our job YouTube is our full-time job and yeah there are there are so many moments that are behind the scenes so many work that is behind the scenes that we don't show you because it there is no point on showing you uh but a lot of hours go into our YouTube channel you need to create content think about the content being always you know uh creating something that could be interesting and editing answering the comments answering the questions it's it's it's a lot and we love that but it's like I think it's like seeing a beautiful cake and uh you see just this beautiful cake and you say a wow but you don't know the layers inside the cake you don't know how many hours it took to do it the ingredients uh where they went to buy the ingredient to find the ingredients uh how many days it had to stay there in the fridge in order to get that that consistency so there is a lot of thing behind the scenes that uh we don't mention we don't say and we don't show but they are there and we still have to do we still have to do it and YouTube is our only income right now everything that is connected with YouTube so I mean the ads from YouTube and then the sponsorship the inte integration we we have on our YouTube videos merchandising patreon so everything that is connected with YouTube is our only source of income right now yeah so and I think we'll be smart we are thinking about it to have a plan B so if in the future YouTube will not be existing anymore or if you don't want to do make videos anymore we have a plane B and another source of income that's why we are also building uh a farmhouse a farm yes something that we can yeah a business on the side so we have luche we have CC we have the olive grow we have travel so we have so many things still to to answer talking about luche because you have seen her uh in the live stream during the live stream with something with a Band-Aid on her forehead and a lot of you ask what happened to little Lucha so it was horrible what happened yeah we know that this happened to the toddlers that are walking around H but when you experience something like this for the first time it's just terrible last week we decided to take one day off and go to a park full of animals because Lucha loves the animals and Luca and I we need the time off and we we like Lucha to be free so if she wants to walk if she wants to run it's good and we should uh Inc incentivate her yeah yeah we should support her we should support her so we we let them we let her run and uh at some point you can see in these images she felt and they always fell down they always uh turn go up and keep working yeah but that was a very unlucky situation because they were like was not even flat and was kind of me with some rocks in between she was um holding her hat in one hand and then was really not flat and she's just pump her head uh very hard on a Little Rock and the head as you may know is bleeding a lot when you cut your head so we were really scared and uh we see all this blood coming out and uh so we just rush to the to the hospital and uh we were full of blood we were really really scared so the wound was open and they have to to close it with some glue because they don't use stitches anymore on the forehead because aesthetically would be really ugly and we spend the afternoon the afternoon and the evening at the at the hospital and but luche she's okay and we are out of the hospital now we just stop at the pharmacy the hospital everything okay we have to come back in 7even days to check oh good everything it's it's fine with her um yeah was just super super super yes in few days we need to go back to the hospital they need to remove the the the bandid and check on the on the wound and see if the glue holded perfectly yeah I know that we need to get used to it but it's always very hard to do this and especially in a moment where you want to stay away from hospitals as much as possible then this happened and we were really in not a good mood few days ago no no no so yeah so every every time you see your your your first child uh any child suffering and bleeding and you you get really like s and I we were destroyed then when we came back home we were so tired because you know all these adrenaline yes was crazy yeah speaking about luch how is little Lucha doing learning and speaking both English and Italian she's doing great she's doing really great I mean in my case when I was her age I start talking at uh uh three or four years three years old because they were speaking in three languages in Portuguese Italian and uh and Spanish at the same time at that age so for me I start talking really really late but they suggest you to talk with with children that age in many many many languages because probably they weren't doing the right way with me so s and I we have been studying a lot how to teach languages to little um babies yes because there is a process for each age there is a different way to teach them who is talking in one language who is talking in the other language and how to separate one language from the other one and everything for her seems so natural sorry liter Interruption breastfeeding Interruption which is sleeping again we have 30 minutes left we have her here on camera yes okay sorry question about children yes so we would like two maximum three but the best would be two we tried since the beginning to have uh a second child and uh we want them to be really close was the dream yeah our dream was like having it uh you know one year maximum apart didn't happen happen I think for several reasons uh because I'm still breastfeeding so this could happen that you got pregnant while breastfeeding but it's unlikely yes and second reason is all the stress and all the the things everything that we have been going through a lot of questions about how I'm doing and how I'm feeling actually I'm not doing okay but it's okay not to be okay I'm doing everything that the doctors tell me to do and um I'm trying to be as much positive as I can and um I have a huge support from Sara so now some images from the hospital see you in 1 hour okay I'm back this is what makes me most nervous so it's hard to explain my feelings and to describe what is going on on my mind when I'm here at this hospital because it's really difficult because I had the most traumatic EXP experience of my life but at the same time I'm so grateful because because of this hospital and everything that involves this is what allowed me to be here today and be alive little bit like lucky land is the place that I love where I feel so good when I'm there I'm sorry the line come out I feel so good I I love so much to be in L but the same time is where s and I we we had the the most traumatic experience of our life so the AR MRI so the MRI is done now I can get change and go back to S and Lucha I mean the opposite of uh sadness is happiness so I believe to defeat sadness you need happiness and it's what we are doing yeah and the project in Sicily they're making us so happy of course we will go back to Sicily guys of course we will feel more about the olive grow and the renovation of the house so they would like to know if uh we will leave in that house what is the budget to renovate a house like this so we can probably start answering about the budget okay the budget we we will take you I mean we cannot we don't know it right now as soon as we will finish the the the renovation we will be doing a video going through all the details of everything that we we did and how much it costs and there is not a budget because depends what you want to do if you like to build a castle if you like to renovate with some type of materials depending if you want to do everything by yourself you want to put gold tiles it will be way more expensive that using you used chip tiles it depends and if we are going to live in that house for the moment yes our dream it has always been to have something on the Olive Grove we always told you that for now we only have a little really Old Stone House which we will be renovating but we want to keep it as much as it is because it's really old we love it like it looks so our idea is to build something new somewhere on the property where we like with the new techniques with you know now we have new technologies so to make that house really good and efficient but uh for the moment we need a place where to stay in the between which it can be quite long with all the Italian bureaucracy so in the beginning we will leave in that house and then we will move to the Olive Grove and you asked yeah another question you too small yeah if if you ask that do you think that the house is too small for a family of three or four plans for the house in Sicily there is only a bedroom and a and a living room so generally speaking a house that an apartment like that in Italy is consider a decent size apartment so we in Italy were used to live in apartments not in independent Villas or houses um so I think that this is this is big for us we used to live in such a small space yeah we we actually would like to downsize from that house to building something more efficient on our property which will be probably smaller because we figured out in our lives also traveling in small vehicles in you know which are way way more small than an apartment that uh if you live in a small house is less the time that you will waste cleaning and uh ordering everything and uh and then we spend so much time outdoor and this is a also the way we are raising Lucha to spend a lot of time outdoor in winter time in every season we love to to just be outdoor and experience nature so and then by the way I grew up in a house that was smaller than that house at that flat like and I lived for 18 years in that house together four people four people together with my brother we had the same same bedroom was very tiny and how big it was basically like a the room like the Wardrobe room that in our cilian house Sicilian house we had like the the balcony and and a window but it was totally fine even on the Olive Grove we cannot build too much so for now we have 150 square met that we could build and uh I rather build 3 50 square m houses than one 150 because uh then if we invite other couples other friends volunteers family whatever they can have their their own little house instead of being all in one big house yes main differences between north and south of Italy so basically they we don't want to stereotypy how do you say yeah to stereotype speaking about yeah we stereotyp too much not everyone is like that but mostly we found that on in the south of Italy um people are more warm and in the north of Italy they are more cold when you live in Sicily and you live in a small village you feel like you are living in a big family everybody knows you everybody's taking care of you if if you're new you are Foreigner and then probably this is a plus for the South and a plus for the North if I should say something would be the infrastructure when we came back to to pedmont we realized that the roads were amazing well maintained the highway is the same we have lights signs everything is working so it's something that you just notice when you are back yeah everything is clean uh in the South there is a lot of problems with garbage and uh with roads the maintainance of the lights and the signs and even the the P how is paved so that's it's a plus for the north would you recommend the young family non Italian with a small baby to move to Sicily for now for what we experience right now yes probably you should learn a little bit of Italian first because in small villages like the one we are it's hard to find somebody who speaks Florent English because all the new generations which are the ones who speak English they they left that little villages to go to work in other places and um then about the school you will have to ask us that question in about two years two or three years because we still have the experience to share that information with you speaking about the olive grow will you be planting more olive trees and fruit trees to expand your farming Enterprise so yes yes yes of course absolutely Ely and Sara what kind of farming course are you taking so I'm studying now at 200 hours hours course online to become a professional farmer this a kind of in Italian is impor agrio she's studying everything from safety to loss to how to organize everything marketing and um the land how to basic everything about that I'm very excited about this um so another question I'm I'm laughing because you are like Wonder Woman with everything you're doing how you manage to do everything you're doing I don't know I don't know I don't know they have superpowers superpowers are you going to sell your extra visin olive oil and uh if you are already in the process of uh uh labeling The Branding and everything yes yes we will We were supposed to do all that process process right now and we didn't expect to have the problems that the issues with my health we thought that everyone everything was done so yes we will do it as soon as uh physically and mentally we can do it but we will sell the extra virgin olive oil it's not a big amount that we produce this year but it's such such a liquid gold we are using that every morning we used to have like one spoon of extra virgin olive oil I'm using it for my skin and it's just amazing like we love it and so even if you are just using a small amount of it and using the right way not just for cooking and frying stuff but to taste really the extra virgin oil extra virgin olive oil that be amazing and if you are considering having t or some days at the farm olive tasting s room yes of course and this is our plan but it will take some time to do it do you need people to volunteer helping uh on your Olive Farm or with other things so this a lot of question about would you consider a volunteer work problem to help you with everything uh do you think Luca works too hard with that health issue are you considering some help how can we help you okay can we contact you of course yes we had volunteers this year and we will definitely have more volunteers next year but we need to be organized in order not to waste time ourselves the volunteers uh to make everything uh safer because also what we learn in this course is Luckily everything was perfect nobody got hurt and was okay but if in the future anyone get hurt on our property we need to follow some laws it needs to be everything safe so we we need also to be ready to accommodate people on our on our farm on our place because there are not so many option accommodation option in the area in the area you need the car rental car to reach the olive grow so when we will be ready this will happen for sure like between this year and next year but this is in our plans 100% would you consider hiring help to finish our renovation to help take some of the stress away yes we will definitely do that uh as soon as we we will go back to Sicily we will try to find uh people um that are available to do so and yes we will do it because uh uh yeah and they also ask if we because we have also always professional working for us if what's like difficult to find good people um like it's not difficult but the same as it diff was difficult to find a property and a house Luka and I we have seen over 60 properties we stayed in CD for 3 months we talk with people we ask people so if you're very uh into something it's not difficult but the process is difficult I mean I think I I believe one of the words that uh uh is it tells you the most about s is resilience and yeah I mean if you want to find the perfect thing you need to search a lot and uh there are a lot of workers in Sicily but at the same time they have a lot of work so sometimes it's hard to find them in the right time that you need them then if they're really good everybody wants them yes exactly and then it's if you find the free one maybe it's not so reliable or he not so perfect doing the things that you would like to do it or he doesn't want to do it the way we want he wants to do it the way he wants so it's uh resilience is a good word to to find the the right people and uh uh so no it's not hard to find them but yes it's hard to find them but everywhere not only in sic everywhere around the world will you advertise in informing the viewers about thir properties for sale in your village or close to your village the answer is yes actually we have a dedicated email we receive Lots tons of emails we are trying to to see the best properties because you have to we have to be sure that the papers are okay for the houses that we are advertising on our Channel yeah it's a job it's a long job that's why we are also trying to find who is true truly interested and you know willing to buy them that's why people yeah that's why sah she set up a form that uh when you write us an email you need to uh compil you fill out fill out this form so we can really see that you are interested and Lucha is back so as we were saying when you will email us we will ask you to fill out this form so we can see which are the most interested people on that property yeah and then in the last months we were so busy just with the renovation that we could not answer to everybody but when we will be back in Sicily we will try to just select the best options for you guys and advertise the best properties and help you with the with the process okay I think ah we have all the travels part still the travel questions yeah if you couldn't live in Italy what other country would you live in I mean I still want to Vis so many countries from the ones I visited I would like Mexico Brazil Australia I loved Australia so much yeah it's a difficult question because for long forever like for just an experience for a short amount of time it's a really hard question Luka will you take luch to Brazil and to all the other countries that you have so when we ended our expedition in Argentina we ended it because of the pandemic but if that wouldn't happen yeah next next St next next step I wanted to go back to Brazil since we were close we were already there with our vehicle yeah we wanted to go through Uruguay and then up to Brazil Brazil and yes in the future not with that vehicle not with vehicle but in the future yes I want to bring them to Brazil because many of you don't know but I grew up 9 years in Brazil have you ever consider coming to South Africa or Namibia to explore just a holiday oh of course yes yes AB I would like to to visit more Africa as soon Lucha is a little bit bigger older older yeah yeah let's see let's see let's see is there anywhere you have traveled that you regret or would not visit again and why no I don't know no I I think every place where I've been I've learned something and uh there were there was something to very interesting to see something about the culture or the places the geography the people that is so interesting and even if we had some bad experiences in some places this is not a reason not to visit the place again yes yes exactly uh what you prefer if you could choose to travel more or stay in one place so it's it's like you are forc or travel or stay like yeah if you can choose without thinking about you know of course I love traveling and my decision would be yes traveling nonstop but at the same time when you are on the road for so long so many years you like to stop and enjoy one place for a bit especially if you are giving birth to a new human being human being I would say the best option for now would be stay longer in one place and just build something and build our our Homestead our future our farm our future and then traveling once in a while and explore a new country because still in my heart I would like to see and explore more absolutely with Lucha with Luca all together and I have missed like I and also when we will be old and luch will be independent that that will be our second life when Lucha will be independent just hit the road the two of us old and and Sarah do you still suffer from migraines you always look a picture of hell thank you so much this is not true but thank you I was released from migraines only when I was pregnant starting from the fourth or fifth month then all during pregnancy the last four or five months were amazing no migraines at all and then after a while after I gave birth to luche then the attacks they started again and last summer and even during fall and winter was pretty bad pretty bad I had like four or five attacks every every month very very miserable and breastfeeding I can only take paracetamol I'm just trying to avoid any kind of pills medication um so of course I cannot cure myself like I was I cannot take pills I was taking when before I was pregnant before having Lucha so it takes me I know that when something when the migraine is coming I need to wait I need to wait like three 4 days and then it's stops yes unfortunately the migrant are back and they are back strong we changed location because now it's playing time as you can see l wants Mommy to I'm here I'm here wow so Luka I think you are in the camera so you can answer the next question is will you go back to luy Leu your truck camper one day are you considering to rescuing him yes we need to to bring L out of Argentina we will go back to Argentina we will go back to Argentina to rescue lyu we were supposed to go now in January February and um this was postpone of course so as soon as we will be able we will go there and we will try to bring luy to North America so yes that's something we will'll need to do and here we are guys we hope you enjoy today's question and answer if so please share it to us smashing the Thumbs Up Button hit the notification Bell and please consider subscribing to this YouTube channel if you haven't already we love you we appreciate you thank you for coming along with us and stay with us because we will see you very soon yeah we will see you next Sunday and remember laita Bella life is beautiful and love always WIS more love always wins more thumbs up more thumbs up okay let's do it again love always wins beautiful people people okay okay [Music] [Music] more good morning beautiful people welcome back to you Wonder no papa foree fore [Music] [Music] mm and [Music] Lucha [Music] oh
Channel: LeAw Leave Everything and Wander - Luca & Sara
Views: 153,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leaw, leaveeverythingandwander, leave everything and wander, van life, vanlife, reality, couple, italian, italians, italy, sara, luca, travel, luca and sara, real, luce, home, diy family, family, babygirl, baby, travelfamily, van, rebirth, sicily, property, seaview, dream, paradise, history, village life, case a un euro, 1 euro houses, buying, medieval, realestate, village, wow, renovation, reno, ancient, olives, homestead, olive grove, extra virgin olive oil, nordvpn, luckyland, q&a, curious, questions, answers, truth
Id: 4zqdW9FB-r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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