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[Music] good morning beautiful people welcome back to lul leave everything and wonder and welcome back to lacky land my name is Luca this is my wife Sarah and this beautiful little lady is our daughter Lucha we are here at lucky land in pmon in the Alps in the north of Italy and we are getting ready because we will leave we are going to Torino for a few days I'm going to the hospital I have my appointments uh for the preh hospitalization so let's go and then uh when we will come back I will let you know how it went if we have any [Music] news [Music] [Music] good dog good wowow [Music] wow but before leaving we will show you what we have been doing here and what we will do for the next few weeks before heading back to sicy and we are very excited because finally this week we hope at least the doctor will say us will tell us the date for Lucas surgery for Lucas operation so we can start planning again and we can start just you know that we love to plan ahead we need to plan ahead because we have several projects that we have been working on um so finally after waiting almost one month we'll be able to know what we will be doing the next months how and how everything is going for luk how many days he will need to stay in the hospital uh so knowing a little bit more about the entire situation okay so since I was a child I always loved to have a garden and to plant plants vegetables uh um trees fruit trees and uh I always love to know the connection between plants and uh how to create a system which um I would not need to use pesticides or chemicals in order to make those plants thrive in 2017 when Sara and I we left everything to wonder to travel we went to Canada and our first work we were vuin which is a worldwide organic uh uh Farm something like that and um that's the first time uh uh I was working with somebody who was uh using Perma permaculture to design their Homestead to create systems uh which were all connected and um after that I always wanted to study and learn more about uh permaculture and um now now I have this time and this opportunity to do it so I've been uh reading few books about uh permaculture this is in Italian so it's easier for me to to read it faster and to start designing our dream farm and Homestead in Sicily because we have a a a nice amount of property of land and basically potentially we have everything we need there we just need to study observe everything and design everything with uh with purpose and uh knowing already our goals for the future what we want to be able to achieve and doing that property so over the years we have been uh um studying and learning many skills that we will be uh using in this purpose like uh traveling in a vehicle where you know how much uh how the quantity of electricity and the quantity of uh water you need and how much waste you are producing um relying on solar panels and batteries and also this house lucky land uh it was a lot of work to make it self-sufficient we have water from the spring we have solar panels batteries uh we have different kind of uh heating systems with wood and uh propane so I have already experience with the Solar Power Systems so in the future if I have to build and um create my own solar system I will be able to to do it I I have this knowledge I also have like Plumbing knowledges so if we have to create some um ways to collect the water from the brain or other methods uh we are we we know already some skills and now since uh we are not able to do much over here I'm I'm studying I'm studying a lot and uh the planning will take a lot of effort time energy because uh I believe is the most important part because uh if you do and design um an amazing project then it will be way easier to to achieve our goals and you will not waste time over the years I I know I waste a lot of time doing things several times because the first time was wrong or it wasn't perfect or so if you study a lot and you are able to go in the right direction uh especially at the beginning before doing anything it's uh it's way faster and easier than to to to plan everything and to to make every process uh with a good criteria so this is what I'm doing where I'm at and uh I have to say I'm loving permaculture and uh I can't wait to to study more and start planning our farm our Homestead and uh make it uh our Dream property our self-sufficient uh uh little piece of paradise our little heaven and uh it's amazing how many things you learn and how many things you need to think about ahead but um I'm super excited about this and since s studying I can study as well and I feel well I feel that I'm not wasting my time uh here and um I can already dream about the future and uh all the things that we will be doing as I mentioned in our previous video guys I'm back to school I'm studying and I'm studying to become a professional Farmer and the farmer now noways is seem more like an entrepreneur so 360° that's why I'm studying every process of becoming a farmer so I'm studying the food safety I'm studying the food quality the environment I'm studying this is very interesting all the agricultural policy in Europe all the legislation on agriculture in Europe what you need to do how you need to do how to prevent wildfires how to plant what to plant um and how to just start a business so how to start planning all the finances the resources it has been a very interesting Journey for me because something that I've studied something different in my life I went to the university in Milan I study communication Humanities and then I specialize in cinema in uh ER in communication management then in my entire life I work in the luxury uh field before starting this adventure with Luca and so it's something completely new for me because I always love plans I always love gardening I always love staying outdoor and I hope that this will help us also in our future project I'm sure that it will and everything is online for now I just need to uh go back to CD for the final test for the final exam that will be oral so it's not written I need to speak with somebody um so this is also putting a lot of pressure because um I hope that the two dates so Luca surgery and the exam date will not coincide so will not be at the same date because otherwise will be not impossible but will be a little bit difficult to organize with Lucha so hopefully this week we'll have also uh some answers about that so uh I will know the date of my exam uh after the 7th of February is when the the C will end online [Music] momy [Music] [Music] m a little stop at the grocery [Music] store o pizza pizza pizza pizza [Music] where are we now okay so now we are here in gadon [Music] okay and uh we have France yeah and over here in Sicily and where are we our house in Sicily is about here yeah a little bit after yeah here no in the middle in the middle so quite a long way there here and I was born where you were born up here yes exactly luch as well luchano yeah [Music] yeah [Music] okay beautiful people I just left luch and Sara at my mom's house here in Torino and now I will be driving to the hospital we have a few days here in Torino at the hospital a lot of things to do checkups and uh um doctor appointments and um obviously I will not be allowed probably to film in the host hospital so we will catch you later when we will be back at luckyland hopefully with good news let's go to the hospital now [Music] chcha fore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] snack snack snack [Music] no mama mama mama [Music] mama [Music] okay so we are back at luckyland and um we have a good news and we have a bad news the good news is that uh all the exams and the appointments were good and uh so for the prayer hospitalization everything is fine the bad news is that uh we don't have a date for the surgery yet so we don't know yet the the data will be uh there for the surgery so they told they told me that they will call me uh one week before the surgery and uh I will have to stop my um blood thiner medication I will have to prepare myself and then go to the hospital to for the surgery so it it is frustrating like for me the worst scenario is having to wait because uh it's not about feeling that I'm wasting my time but it's it's it's hard to sleep it's hard to you know not know when uh I'm one of those uh that um I if I put something in my mind I just want to do it straight away I don't want to think too much and overthink and um not knowing the date and needing to wait it makes me overthink and it's it's not a a good thing it's not bring I'm not going in uh in good places when I overthink over these things that especially they are about my health they are about uh you know I I already had the surgery it was not really good it like was 1 hour and a and 40 minutes of torture to do that surgery so knowing that I'm not going to the hospital in a good mood knowing that I need to go through that again so I just want to do it and uh I just want all of this to be over so for me waiting is the worst thing and uh I just want to go there and do it so I just hope that next week they will call me and say okay then the week after you are there so the the doctor that will do the surgery he told me that uh since December he told me you know uh the surgery will be at the end of January maybe the beginning of February so I cannot complain to too much with him saying okay let me know the the date and so I can prepare myself I can decide what to do if uh you know make some plans but uh he told me we don't know my answer is always the same one end of January beginning of February so we are already at the end of um January so at this point I believe in the beginning of February uh um we should do it but uh you know the beginning of February could be first week second week who knows and every week it's it's a lot of nights without sleeping you know so yeah this is the the currently situation right here okay guys so we don't know much more than last week unfortunately um so let's see what will happen in the next days in the next weeks yeah that's free Lucha you're free to play okay so for next week guys we have decided to edit a video about traveling because we miss traveling so much traveling something that just frees our mind and we need that in this moment yeah in this moment we feel stuck we are not able to do any project we are not able to travel we are not able to do anything so we need to travel at least with our minds when I was at the hospital watching our videos and watching uh the videos of traveling and being out there doing something it helped me a lot so we would like to do something together with you to travel together with you virtually so we will reedit uh one of the most beautiful and important chapter of our Pan-American Expedition from Alaska to Argentina that was the adventure in the Amazon jungle in Ecuador H so we will try to put together a little documentary about it yeah about 1 hour documentary and uh we hope you will enjoy it as much as we do just watching the images already gave us so much energy and so much happiness this something that we have always wanted to do and we said no no this is not the right moment let's wait a little bit and now we feel that we need that we need that and we hope that you will enjoy as well and please let us know in the comments for the future videos which is the topic that you would like to see in our video the subject what you would like to see more Food Kitchen uh traveling recipes do it yourself projects uh like what but yeah or just travel Vlogs around here the area just everyday life what would you like to see before we are able to travel back to Sicily because then uh we are so full of projects that yes we will just post a lot a lot a lot we can't wait to go back and to finish the renovation of our house 1,000 years old house we can wait to go back to our land to see our Olive to take care of them yes yeah but for now uh so this is not the ending we the ending this is not the news that we would like to receive and like to give you guys but this is life yes waiting is waiting is is the worst thing like it's the worst for me and I think also for you uh we are a little bit impatient sometimes not impatient but when you know something especially for Luka when you know that you have to go through something very difficult another surgery you want to do this and that's it you know close the chapter and otherwise we stay here in your mind you cannot sleep at night because you have insomnia and you are always thinking about that uh so you know that you have to do it but you don't know when exactly so you are not ready to prepare yourself yeah and yeah but no complaining just waiting and we'll see what will happen next Lucha they are waiting for you come yeah she's playing with the Casher come luch come Chia people Chia people people CH people they want to hear you say people people we love you so we hope you enjoy today's episode if so please show it to us smashing the Thumbs Up Button hit the notification Bell and please consider subscribing to this YouTube channel if you haven't done already we love you sorry guys we love you we appreciate you thank you for coming along with with us and stay with us because we will see you next Sunday with the Amazon adventure yeah more people people so we will see you next Sunday and remember life is beautiful and love always wins chow chow people people see you Sunday see you Sunday people Mama mamaa Pap [Music] papaa Papa come and more going to [Music] thank youe [Music]
Channel: LeAw Leave Everything and Wander - Luca & Sara
Views: 133,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leaw, leaveeverythingandwander, leave everything and wander, van life, vanlife, reality, couple, italian, italians, italy, sara, luca, travel, luca and sara, real, luce, home, diy family, family, babygirl, baby, travelfamily, van, rebirth, sicily, property, seaview, dream, paradise, history, village life, case a un euro, 1 euro houses, buying, medieval, realestate, village, renovation, reno, ancient, homestead, olive grove, extra virgin olive oil, luckyland, dayinthelife, surgery, cfs leak, waiting is hard, hospital
Id: sofgJ8x9x_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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