Let’s chat together! Sunday Funday with LEAW

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life good morning beautiful people or good evening beautiful people or good night depending in which part of the world you are following today's live stream let us know if you can hear us if the connection is good if everything is fine with the live stream we can see some people connecting sorry we have also the laptop here the laptop to see your questions good morning everyone good afternoon hi guys so let's start as always saying that we appreciate you and we love you and we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone of you because we reached a few weeks ago 200 250,000 subscribers on YouTube so this is a huge milestone yeah uh thinking about all our all our experience on YouTube we started in 2017 and now we reached this amazing Milestone so thank you thank you guys for your support and thank you for being so loyal and for following us through our life adventures and Misadventures it has not been so easy no uh especially in the past two years but you supported us and you show us that this community is is beautiful so thank you thank you thank you again and please let us know from where are you watching this live stream oh a lot of people okay so we have Greece England Washington Miami Beach Sweden Florida Norway England Georgia London Serbia hung Hungary Oregon Holland wow Portugal Australia Florida Toscana Italy New York City I think Australia it's it's really early in the morning yeah yes so thank you guys I think it's 3:00 a.m. in the morning Colorado Holland Italy Austria Chicago Transylvania New Zealand so we have Nebraska USA Germany wowow this is mindblowing thank you guys it's beautiful to see all these people connecting Toronto Saia Canada Poland okay so should we reveal where we are yes would you like to know where we are right now as you can see we are not no not on our land not on our ancient house in our village not in Lucky land no oh high and low sport thank you so much only for friends to go high thank you thank you so much so we are still in Sicily we are still in Sicily but we are on on the west coast of city northwest Yeah so basically my mother she wanted to come and see Lucha and um we decided okay let's go uh since she couldn't fit in our house as you know we are renovating our house and it's not ready yet we decided to rent a little apartment and since we were free to choose where in Sicily we decided to come to we are very close to Trapani I can see tra yes po almost almost yeah we are inano we fell in love with this place when we came here in 2020 yes 2020 and actually over here it was our last swim before having to leave Sicily because in at that point we had our second lockdown of for the pandemic so we had to leave and we had our amazing uh and there is a video of this place so we had to leave and it was a few days before November and we were swimming the sea was amazing wow and last year when we came back to Sicily to look for the best property for us for a land we skipped this area because was very expensive and we we preferred to focus on other areas in Sicily so we decided to come here because we had these amazing uh memories in this place and we wanted to we remember like we really know that the beach is Sandy and the sea is crystal clear so if you like at the end of this live stream we can go all together on the beach on the beach we can show you the beach and the SE just if you like we can bring you with us we can get the stick with our phone and go on the beach and um now and October October I believe are the best time to come because during summer meaning July August it gets super busy and touristic and really expensive as well so right now it is uh still low season low season so it's perfect it's perfect um so Luca probably it's the best to start from you because in the past months in the past years we reive a lot of comments about how are you feeling how are you and we cannot answer you know all the questions in every blog in every video we post on YouTube so uh probably now is the the time to explain a little bit how you're feeling how you're doing and so it's always uh hard to explain and uh to say even in Italian it's hard for me to to say imagine in English that is not my language so many many people noticed that I lost a little bit the spark in my eyes and the energy I always uh used to have I always uh been a really active person and uh unfortunately in the past two years after what happened to me um things have changed and uh now I'm uh super afraid of doing anything because everything I do uh then I have to pay the consequences uh meaning that I have uh pain in my body and uh um it's also dangerous because mentally I don't know if uh I could cause something bad that could potentially um you know bring me at the situation that I I have been uh two years ago so yes let's say um I'm I'm feeling uh mentally and physically tired and um I wish I could do a lot of sport because sport is got it's what give me energy and uh uh let's say it's it's funny to say many people say if I do a lot of sport then I I feel tired for me is the opposite if I do sport then I feel recharge and I I feel more energy instead if I'm not doing any kind of sport I I feel really tired and really really without energy and uh that's what I'm feeling for the past almost two years since uh my accident happened and uh it's it's weird mentally it's not in a good place because I cannot really see the end of the tunnel soon I cannot see the the the end of this um heess of this situation really near so that's what makes me a little bit let's say sad or um different from the beginning let's say some of you have been following us since 2017 and even if we went through many challenging uh situations we were always I have been always super positive and I'm still super positive but I'm starting to be more tired let's say put it that way yeah let's say that uh honestly the past two years uh were very very tough um we decided to share everything on our YouTube channel but of course we need to uh you know we cannot share everything at the end because there is always this private part that cannot be shared share IND the videos that it's not possible to share in the videos it's not healthy to share it no exactly then you you want to keep something private and it's it's it's it's okay to be and to do like this but you know even being public like being always on the screen every every week and probably you are not in the in the right mood to be and to do so and Luka you know is very active and sometimes many many times you cannot do what you he wants to do he would like to do yes would like to do um so beside Lucha's birth that was in 2022 uh that has been the the most beautiful experience of Our Lives after that from October on uh after Luca Strokes was always very very very tough because the the illness is here the sickness is is here uh we can feel it we can leave it and the only solution now is to go through therapy and to be positive focus on our project and focus on what we really love doing that is like staying in Sicily and focus on our project in City uh the house of course we would like to finish the house as soon as possible and then focus on the second main big project that will be our land that is huge yeah but even even I mean on our our channel uh it was never Our intention to you know uh share and uh talk about about hospital about illness about all the situation because we always have wanted to share our life but mostly um you know travel uh amazing life experiences this kind of situation but then this happened and unfortunately doing what we are doing we could not you know put it on the side and avoid talking about but um in my opinion it's not something that we would like to do like uh I would like to talk about so many things and not to talk about how I'm feeling and uh what I had to go through what I will need to go through um but um unfortunately this is something we we had to go through had to do it and we will still need to do so thank you Alexandra and thank you Parky 66 about what is the report from the surgery we don't know not yet because Luca needs to go back in the North in the hospital the mid of June so we can say you a little bit more uh at the end of June probably 19 or yeah we can say you something yeah they will be able but probably will not be enough time because last year everything was fine in June and then everything was not not F anymore in December so let's see let's see we will we will keep you posted you keep you updated um so this is like I think was very important to say very important to underline because everybody car yeah I know they care about you everybody cares about you so uh it's it's important that you know that it's it's difficult but we are here and we will do our best to to survive and to live I think that everybody wants to see the Picola luch Picola luch she's with the na right now because she's talking a lot so yeah if she comes here she will take over and we will not be able to to speak and talk am but let's see when she is coming she will come um so let's see now what about you how you feeling about me good question um overwhelmed overwhelmed because uh you know that Luca is my my rock and I'm Luca's Rock everybody wants to say hello to you so can you say tell people what's that tell people okay so I'm I'm I'm trying to say positive and it's um I'm good let's say I'm good I'm trying to be supportive for for luch and for Luka mhm look can you see yourself in in the video ank there is one luch over there and one Lucha over there lots of Lucha over there no I'm not 35 years old I'm 37 years old now so I'm grown up yes absolutely 37 come say hello na hello beautiful people I would like say Hello Beautiful People hello this is Don Bruna is look mom uh so since it's um uh the family time I would like to say also a huge thank you to my brother Dave that is the moderator of today's live stream so it's thank you Dave thank you Dave thank you so much for your help nice headbands yeah we bought cilian Sicilians Sicilian style so Lucha what do we got to say good morning morning hello beautiful people CIA people hello beautiful people hello if you like today's episode please show it to us smashing the Thumbs Up Button hit the notification Bell okay another question is if we're planning to sell Lucky land or not now that we are Focus um our lives in C yeah okay this is something my mother doesn't know so she will be surprised uh let's see the reaction ofuna in the video come in the video Let's see the reaction in the video so we actually decided that it could be a good idea to sell Lucky land yeah and um yes we are in love with that place we put so much energy and time and I love that place because you are basically off grid you have water from the spring and Electric city and land to to plant what you need we plant so many fruit trees and we have so many memories in there but at the same time we we have a dream and we we have some projects here in Sicily and um we and also let's say that this channel started because we decided to leave everything and wonder that is not the case anymore obviously but to just have less in life to be happier yes so we don't want to have too much too much in our lives because a property in the North and then a property in the South and the land and the olive grow it's too much we don't want that so we just want to keep it simple we just want to I think already like this the South like the the the the properties in city will be enough yes probably are too much already yeah and and plus our our Dream It's to build our house on our sorry yes this is your see you later our dream is to build our house on our Olive Grove with a SE View and in order to do so we we might need to sell Lucky land yes so yes but we need to go there and uh be able to do a house tour and explain you all about the house in order to make a video we are selling L yeah let's see that is something that we still need to figure out 100% but this is the idea uh this is what we would like to do um no why not renting because renting is a lot of job it's a it's a work it's a it's a job itself to rent houses and especially a house special like lucky land which uh it has so many features uh new new features like solar panels batteries and uh you know you have your own water from the spring and then you have all these tanks to collect the water probably longterm rental would be okay like but not not short not like people that coming for two days or one weekend or one week uh have been so much but you still manage to smile in love thank you so much always this is something that will never lose sorry there is a little bit of uh some neighbors yes I mean life is beautiful even in especially I I believe especially in the worst times of your life you realize how life is beautiful and uh when you are okay you have everything that you need and you have a a wife you have a daughter you have um you know even just to bre bre and be able to walk and go around everything uh looks you see everything with a a different um angle and uh being alive it's already an opportunity yeah and health is is very important like so important when you are not healthy then nothing else matters like matters but health is on a second level something yeah so we have been very busy in the past uh few months I see a lot of questions also about you know my certification my exam uh the the the test that I passed a few weeks ago months ago now and it was like in Italian is impr Agri professional that means a professional agricultural Ur entur yes uh so why I decided to study this and to put something else on the plate uh because first of all because I love to study and it's something uh that we need for the project that we yes and I don't know a lot about that because I study something completely different and I would like to I wanted to know more about this field about this subject and then because I need because there will be in CC there are some how can I say that um help from the state help some funds from the state funds and if you have this certification or if you went to the university in this field then you're eligible you can apply for some some funds you can apply for some funds and like if you apply that you haven't studied this probably you receive like two points if you study this and you have like this you receive 10 points yeah let's say there is a limited amount of fs and you will get the fs if you your points are higher uh it depends how many people will will ask the funds but uh higher are the points and and higher is your um let's say uh rate to be able to get the fs no I'm just read sad when we will see your captain vat one day I promise she has her Captain license yeah I need to use it because otherwise just a paper I we would like to go an adventure in the future but now that we are in Sicily probably we can sail and go explore the aan islands that we we could rent a boat but for now we have too much things on our plate and about the nanny orir we received so many EMA so many emails actually we didn't have like all the time to reply to reply because at the same time we also posted the videos of the houses about the houses so was probably not the right timing and we were like just buried with emails like one 1,000 emails over 1,000 emails every week that means hundreds of emails every day that means that being with Lucha 24/7 we were able to read the emails only during the night but we had to sleep during the night otherwise during the day we couldn't work film take care of Lucha and do everything so it was a crazy idea um and ideally you know I not under because I receive a lot of emails from United States of course because it is our our main audience is from United States but then I need to think also about the logistic uh a person that needs to come from the United States and then stay here uh a few months with us uh and our lives is pretty compc talking about the Nani the Nani yes our life is pretty complicated because we are filming and Lucha is staying with us so actually I would need somebody that is helping me not only taking care of Lucha like a few hours a day but also taking care of the house cleaning cooking a little bit so that I can do I cannot do everything like by myself I realize that and this is like my goal for this year to to get some help because it's wise to just recognize the the point when when you're saying okay I cannot do everything by myself um probably the best idea would be uh um a nanny that is in Italy or in England that can come that the travel I I don't want like some somebody to travel like 10 hours and then probably it's not the right place she's not happy or he's not happy um because I would like I would like also for the nanny for the opare to be a nice experience yes not to be like something terrible so I we need to organize this very well the the main problem problem right now beside all all of what Sarah said is that we don't have a place where she could stay she or he could stay right now so we need to figure it out that first to have an apartment or to have a a place uh to rent a place yes so first of all we need to know you know our lives it has changed so much uh lately that uh we are still like uh trying to figure it out we we put on us so much so many projects that we thought we would be able to do and accomplish uh faster because um I thought I really thought that I I was healed that I could go back to my normal life uh we didn't consider how how luch having a child can be challenging you never know till you try think like when you have like children then you realize how much work uh it is especially when you are working and leaving 24/7 247 yes every day every moment all together um so then you understand what it's it is like yeah especially because we choose to have Lucha and for for us she is our number one priority so everything we do we want to do the the best for her so for us the the most important thing is to be uh 100% uh available for her and uh try to do everything you know with um with a good intention and uh also Cena trying to see her future and um do the best yeah the problem about a local nanny is the language I would love to have somebody that it's English mother tongue or like that can speak very good English and in our area it's very difficult to find somebody that can even talk a little bit of English so uh we need to figure it out but will I know that the moment will come I just see when luche because luch is speaking Italian English she speaking mainly Italian but she she understand understand everything in English and when we were like together with our friends uh with Emily and Christina and James we were speaking English all day long and Lucha was just like speaking very good like in a few days yeah in few days she were at the beginning she would understand everything and she would reply in Italian and uh at the end of the week that we were together she started also replying in English which was amazing yeah so just in one week so imagine being three months another language exposed to a good English because we are not English is not our mother tongue so we are trying to do our best even in this case but uh our English could be fine but it's not perfect so we would like to teach her uh the right language the right in the right right way the right way and this is the best moment for Lucha because she's just like a sponge um yeah we we can look somebody asro Mama Sarah maybe somebody in palmo absolutely um so we would like to say a little bit about our future plans um and you know that we love to be live and to talk with you to chat with you real time so this is our second live stream this year um because we would like to announce that uh because of everything that we are going through we have been going through we decided that we will be off for a few weeks in June so probably three weeks we will be we will go on a holiday after N9 years and luk and I have been together and after seven years of YouTube being consistent and being you know live every week sometimes three times a week sometimes two times a week now the the past two years three years once a week uh it's time for us to take a break what it means for us to take a break not just going on holiday but it means just force ourself not to use a phone not to use a camera not to use a drone not to use a GoPro just not to read emails uh not because disconnect yes we need to disconnect we have been overwhelmed like with our phones uh reading emails and trying to be uh present uh uh present on a social media let's say um job because for us is a job is not a um something uh you know yeah we need to disconnect at least three weeks uh from all of thiso it would be would be very important it is very important for everybody uh and especially for somebody that is working social media is working uh always filming filming filming because for us taking pictures and film a video is not the same for somebody that is on a holiday just take a picture sometimes like this and the moment for us it's just okay I have to think about the storytelling I have to think okay this is a good moment to film what we're going to film today so your brain is always working and then there is the editing that is a huge Work the music and the audio leveling the music sele ction um from 6 hours footage you have to go down to 30 minutes so it's a lot I know that you understand I know that you will be here when we will be back so don't worry if we you will not see us uh for a few weeks will you be going somewhere fun we where are we going you want to say can we say where are we going yes I think it's nothing like so okay so something that a few years ago was the opposite of our idea of holiday okay let's let's start from really far away okay we decided not to take a plane so we we started searching a place that we could reach with a with a a vehicle but uh at the same time we wanted something uh not super expensive and uh as s was saying we were searching for something really far away from the places that we wanted to go some time ago which is a resort all inclusive uh you know that those kind of things that you go there and uh you don't need to cook you don't need to clean you don't need to do anything and uh for us that was not something that we were super attracted because we wanted to go on adventures this was way before we had a child and way before for our lives that were so uh different so now we were searching for something a resort all inclusive but it was super expensive here in Italy here on the island here in Sicily so we had to find a way to reach a cheapest place with a vehicle with a car yeah so we searched from um we saw from palmo yeah which is the nearest sport which destinations we could go with a boat with a ferry yeah and so there were like a few options like Mama Mama close the door they are playing but Lucha and my mother they are screaming so uh we had basically two options one was go to Spain so take a fair in palmo and go to Spain and three option and another one sorry it's the Almond that's Lucha it's Lucha's fault I knew at the moment she was offering the Almond that that was not a good idea to accept the Almond no but I I every time I eat the Almond it stays in my mouth for three hours I'm still yeah you want to be rude so one was Spain then the second one was Greece and the second one the third one was Tunisia and so we decided to go to Tunisia yes so we will take a ferry in palmo it will be like 10 hours Ferry and then oh sorry I'm just shaking Shak sorry because I have my feet they already feel on the ferry yes I like give you the the adventure the 3D Adventure on the ferry um and then we will go to this Resort and stay locked in the in the resort for two weeks that's you know I read some I read something about parents when when you are going on vacation with a child that is never a vacation but it's just taking care of your child at another location but at least we don't need to cook we don't clean this will be a huge difference for us you know not to not thinking about the meals and going buying groceries and we have the pool we have the sea we have a Sandy Beach will be amazing so we will be two weeks uh there uh this is just a dream yeah we we can't wait and we decided not to film yes so why 3 weeks if we're staying there only two because uh we also have a lot of projects going on no because we because we are going from Saturday to the other Saturday will be three Saturdays yes so it's two weeks but three weekends but also yeah because uh we need to to also work uh on our future so we need to plan and to do to do some uh thinking uh because yes we need to to plan in in advance a lot of things that we will be sharing with you soon in the next videos the next videos so I would like just to say thank you to Andrea hello from San Francis San Francisco we are the family with the property in cast no take it easy guys don't put so much precious help or others please say that teach has a l to put yes absolutely so we are pretty close to each other we are neighbors and then the other one is noen CH belly lots of good choices Back to Basics adough you both you know this you have had so many wonderful connections and adventure in the past that this new one will be marvelous thank you thank you so much we hope so we hope so uh let me see if we have other questions yeah so guys hopefully ah please please if you see if you will see some comments in of course a lot of people they will be like what happened why are you not posting like in the past let's say from 2020 we have been posting three videos a week then two videos a week then one video a week without missing one single Sunday and uh and not everybody will see this live stream yes so as soon they will not see us on Sunday they will start freaking out and panicking what happened so please help us trying to reply those comments people will start writing comments like that and seeing what happened saying what happened are you okay so help us replying to those comments saying you know they are off for 3 weeks they saided in the live stream yeah but they will be back they will be back hopefully stronger and recharger and uh the beach on the beach let's go on the [Music] [Music] beach this is l [Laughter] [Music] roll your gently down the stream merily merily merily merily life is but a dream roll roll roll your B gently down the street merily merily merily mer P there were two little dick birs sitting on a wall one Nam name Peter the other name po Fly Away Peter fly away come back come back Peter come back Paul exactly am somebody's Mama Bruna Bruna somebody said let Mama Bruna run the channel while you are gone so she can tell us stories about Tom celic and her life are you bringing other family me family members on vacation uh not this time but we are here now with Mama Bruna and then we'll be with n CL then with Dave Z Dave and then with Mama laa so uh even if we are in Sicily family is very important to us we know that we are pretty far but we'll try to spend as much time as possible with family as well yes every single member of our families they have their own life in separate places of Italy and um but when they when there is possibility they know that when they want they can come and stay with us and visit us and do whatever but uh they they are busy even if the only retired ones are s's mother and my father because s's father is retired but he runs a a cafe a bar inano so he's he's still busy he's still work no we don't forget you no Cloud no no CL no CL told he's retired but he's super busy he's always going with friends in some place and doing so many things so it's it's his choice it's not our choice no no no no everybody's very very curious about Tom celic now so please come here so where are you dating Tom cic they they saw your picture with Tom cic so they want to know the story come come come come sit down here I can I can okay s getting luch come non come here interview interview she wants to be all nice put a little bit intro music what was the song of the I don't remember anymore what was the movie it was such a long time ago so Miami no tell us where you Magnum PI Magnum PI Magnum PI in English were you dating Tom celic no I wasn't is it my real father no impossible where you dating Tom Sal while dating I was married okay to luc's Father clini CL Lucha how do you call no clo she call it and no no was working with Ferrari so we went to a awaii to the Hawaii Island H to visit him to visit him like this he was leaving there Tom Cel was living there in the haai and he was uh shooting the the TV series TV series um Magnum PI Magnum PI yeah and then it was very nice we could have a look at the the set of why it was filming yeah yeah okay you need to she's asking where should I look over there n is not used to this luch don't play with the computer some family time here this is our life with Lucha she never stops she's always touching I think it's time to go to the beach after this moment would you like to come should I bring you on the beach with us let's go yes let's go let's go okay so non Bruna you get luch Sarah you get the camera and I close the door and I shut the house and we can go on the beach okay okay good idea ah don't touch the computer otherwise we will okay Kudo may I close the computer okay H let's see this if Lucha likes technical things yes exactly because she's still on no screen time but no screen but as soon as she she sees the computer want to WR she's a writer you see she's attracted to by the computer okay now time to put the shoes on okay beautiful people there are 2,400 can you guys please give us a thumbs up there are 1,000 1,000 thumbs up on the video if we get um let's say no beautiful people 100, 100 thumbs up more we can go on the beach let's go on the beach okay I just we will bring you with us on the beach okay let's see if this is working fine like this go okay I think this is working fine we will lose the connection the Wi-Fi connection no okay is not connected to the okay okay so guys we are getting ready this is the little apartment that we are renting like this so we are in San VTO Lo Capo again it's beautiful place now we will show you the main road and then we are about 250 M from the beach that is very nice you will see uh which is getting ready everybody's getting ready okay go let's hit 2,000 yeah okay now luch is going down the stairs going down the stairs the people where the people watch me people say the people the bells the Bell what time is it beautiful everything let's go okay so this is the different live stream style this is oh there is a cat every [Music] everywhere no more chicken you finish everything okay let me see if you can Ste [Music] [Music] let's Go's go Okay so Capo is very famous not only for the beach which is amazing that you will see but because is a huge connect sorry guys some are we here are we back technical problems them this beautiful unfortunately we cannot film inside here are we still alive we lost yes okay good okay we lost Lucha Lucha is already on the beach go over there turn around this L is beautiful my beautiful wife Sita okay let's walk guys we are back connection is back okay okay we're back we're back we're back we're back this building is fantastic pantes and then banville everywhere look at this buan Ville over here wow wow wow let's go let's go let's go L we're almost on the beach we're almost on the beach but first a little stop on this banville over here a little walk with luch luch luch let's go on the beach who's here Lucha hello beautiful people hello okay your sound keeps going okay is the sound okay right now or it's still going in and [Music] out I love bugville it's some of those plants that it's one of those plants I would like to put on our Olive Grove because so beautiful and when I was leaving in Brazil I was used to see it and to have it so I really would like to have it also here in Sicily my beautiful wife in red my beautiful daughter over there you have to consider cats and children along the way you have to stop every cat and every children luch like to stop and see yeah so on this road on this street you can find a lot of uh little shops and souvenirs and cafes restaurants it's super touristic and the beach the beach is just there so now we will walk till the beach we are just waiting for luch luch over there she's the boss boss kazra luchos boss luch Lucha the boss Lucha the boss Lucha the boss baby boss baby Boss B Brun somebody is saying you are a beautiful woman Bruna oh thank you thank you very much thank [Music] you no LCA no LCA luch boss luch luch Lucha boss Lucha Boss No E luch You luch Are You The Boss Lucha keep cutting off the sound keeps Cy the sound the video I think is the video okay right now we are almost on the beach almost there almost there hopefully on the beach the the signal will be better there are already people eating oh you can see people already eating uh in the restaurants or maybe still eating no no still eating you can see here eating pizza video and sound is great perfect here we go go Papa go go go okay we are almost on the beach we will remove our shoes now so we can walk freely without shoes on the sand because yes it is Sandy Beach over here so we love that no Stones anymore no Stones okay we are almost there we are almost on the beach e e e yeah mon okay ready okay the water is still a little bit cold but when the temperatures are high enough yes pink because there is Echo here there are some muscles and some and some Coral you know should we turn can we turn the camera yeah here you can see that it's can you see it pink so the water is still cold but it's doable when the temperature when the temperatures are nice why it's pink I think it's because there is I don't remember if there there is like a conia how do you say conia muscles that are pink especially in this area the color of the the the hard part of the those muscles sh the shell yes the shell was pink you can see it over here let me show you San vapo is the name of this place we are in San VTO Lo Capo guys Life is Beautiful Life is Beautiful ah she refreshing it's amazing I want to get in me too like probably we will do that in a few minutes so today it was raining all day long and it's such a nice surprise to end the day in this way because it's just beautiful Northwest C City yes it's probably one of the most beautiful beaches here in C there are so many many many but this is like in season is very beautiful we love this one what's the name of the rock up there Monte Kofa no okay so we don't remember you can hike up there you can hike up there you can hike up there there are some hikes to go up there the view I I believe it's fantastic okay so should we say what's for dinner today probably today for the first time we will go and eat out for dinner and we will have of course cuscus ccus with Fish And probably n you will have bat you would like to try bat that is a typical pasta Sicilian pasta that is like long and curly handmade it's amazing boat with Fish And then who meanwhile luch is having fun there oh some family time Lucha playing with the sand in the water yes this is why we chose to live in Sicily because this also yes so hopefully guys you can through our video to this live stream you can get a little bit of this Sicilian Vibe and this beautiful water and Beach and yes everything so we will not be or next week will be we will be like we will post a video we will post a video next Sunday but then we will be off for 3 weeks yes and let's see if we will film be the dinner so you can see our dinner friend so have a wonderful evening we love you we appreciate you just remember that thank you again for this support thank you for being live here with us already 58 minutes of 1 hour live stream 1 hour live stream love is beautiful and what do we say always at the end of the video Love always wins always WIS yeah she's too busy she's too busy throwing sand in the water love always wins and beautiful people see you super soon see you soon see you next Sunday and uh I will just end this video with a little bit of sound of the water yeah Chia Chow chia keep we
Channel: LeAw Leave Everything and Wander - Luca & Sara
Views: 73,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qBTrhzQkgrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 46sec (3586 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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