What happened to Chanda Turner? Oklahoma family challenges case

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Shanta Turner meat life fun for everyone around her wish and alike growing up you can bet if she was in the room there's gonna be a lot of laughter because she was humorous she was always joking the both of us seemed like she had such a wonderful vivacious personality she did the Pauls Valley Oklahoma native worked at a law firm and was soon headed to paralegal school but the home front was a bit less stable she lived with her boyfriend Robbie Tucker and her family noticed over time small red flags became much bigger ones what was happening that you didn't like I was manipulating her I just didn't like the way you're treating her he needed to have control like when he's going to work with her and sit him in the car waiting for her to get off work the control was consumed that's what I thought it was very much like he wanted to see to see if he could control her like if she would choose him over something else it just seemed to escalate did she ever say she was going to leave him yes and she did leave Robbie tragically not how she ever imagined yes I need a police officer or a Sheriff's Department on Klondike Road we think a lady's been shot I don't know the details I don't know nothing I was just talking to the car it was 7:00 a.m. on a warm July morning when sheriff's deputies arrived at the Turner's home with devastating news only Donna was there Joe was away on business I said do you have a daughter Cindy Turner and I said yes and he just said said well she's dead I heard heard one of them calling my name and I could sense he was here but I must have fainted I don't know deputy said Shanda died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest how did you get word your daughter had passed away for some reason I called home just that have been after 7 o'clock I never called home I'm in mourning I was talk to Don it later and Navin or not you got instinct and I called home and it was she told me I need to come home well I wouldn't get off phone don't you tell me yeah let me get a 12 hour drive home and she told me in any way I made at home as for how cops say Shanta died her parents say no way could you believe your daughter would have taken her own life no no no she was not suicidal it was a total opposite it is all about plans in her future she was talking about what she wanted in her future and every aspect of her life surprisingly the 23 year olds body was not taken to the morgue where did you go to see your daughter I'm assuming that she's going to the medical examiner's to get an autopsy I said where is she and I said she was in this funeral home and I said I don't want her there I said who told you to take her there and they wouldn't answer me you get to the funeral home you eventually get to see her daughter and you notice some things on her body what did you find bruises a lot of bruises cut and scrapes apparent wounds up and down her arms legs on her knees shoulder and more yes a big bruise like like she had slugged someone or it was pretty shocking she was beaten up tonight now after taking photos of her daughter's battered body Donna goes to the house to get chandus favorite dress for burial while there she sees something unbelievably disturbing and suspicious there is a pool of blood soaked carpet that I stepped over when I walked into the house inside the background blood in the house was it related to chanteuse death the Turner's need for answers intensifies but a few details slowly trickle in Chanda was found by her live-in boyfriend Robert Tucker according to him he found her deceased on the back porch the Turner's also learned that when deputies first arrived they treated it like a homicide then three hours later the medical examiner investigator ruled it a suicide because of the location and nature of the wound gunpowder residue found on Shonda and a mark on her hand believed to be from the action of a handgun not everyone agrees the medical examiner investigator arrives who is not a pathologist is not a trained doctors just an investigator he accepts the word of the boyfriend that he found her after she shot herself and closes the case out as a suicide astoundingly no autopsy was done we begged we did not want to have the burial and till an autopsy and we begged right up to the burial according to the Turner's the Sheriff's Department refused each request so they buried their daughter but they did it with a plan whose idea was it to seal your daughter and an enclosed crypt and to place her at the top of the highest piece of land at the grave your silence we left the cemetery that day knowing that we were going to be back there there was going to be an exclamation Jenna's parents were gearing up to the fight of their lives and then several months later an unbelievable break a package is dropped off by an anonymous person from the Garvin County Sheriff's Office its contents shocking we didn't realize what it was until after the person left twenty-three-year-old Chandi Turner was dead a gunshot wound to the chest discovered on the back porch by her live-in boyfriend Robbie Tucker Robbie said he was inside the house he woke up he came outside he found her suspicious Garvin County sheriff's deputies first treated chanda's death as a homicide but within three hours the medical examiner investigator ruled it a suicide no autopsy was done we were saying before we buried her we'll pay for it well why not do it and it was no shunned his parents Donna and Joe Turner and fatica Lee say their daughter did not commit suicide they believe she died at the hands of someone else and they would dedicate their lives to proving it several months later a stroke of luck a package is mysteriously dropped off by an anonymous source he said I have exhausted everything that I can do I hope you had better luck inside a wealth of information all the police reports crime-scene photos and witness statements from that deadly night everything service department had coming to light in the end the Turner's reach out to Jim and Rose a defense attorney and ask her to take a critical look at the evidence they wanted somebody who normally tears cases apart to give them an honest opinion if the case was a suicide that they would accept that and I looked over the police reports and the crime-scene photos and was astounded at how this case had been handled what was so surprising to you nothing supported suicide it was a staged suicide and it was so badly staged that it raised red flags from the beginning there was apparent crime scene tampering inside the home the crime scene did not match the statement of the live-in boyfriend he had fresh injuries on his body SH and oh was covered in bruises so what did all the evidence reveal earlier that day Chanda and Ravi were hanging out at the lake with their friends Heather and Andy Atkins Chanda and mr. Tucker had been with another couple there they were drinking so there was some partying going on reportedly and he fought with both Shonda and Robbie then laughed so the couple invited Heather to stay with them and before she fell asleep on the sofa Heather said she endo was smiling and happy like she always wants according to police reports Robbie said he went to bed earlier then woke to find Chanda slumped on the porch covered in blood once he realized she was dead he moved her body off the steps and laid her on the ground then left if you find someone dead in your house I would think you know the first thing you're going to do is scream for help and call 9-1-1 that was the first red flag instead of doing anything to help her immediately he left police say Robbie drove about a half mile down this country road and ended up right here at this house the house of his father David Tucker Robbie told police he went to his dad's because he didn't have a phone some time goes by then when Robbie finally returns to the scene he's not alone David Tucker was Lyra it's his father that's his father so father and son are at the house then almost an hour after Robbie said he found Shanda 911 is finally called I don't know the details I don't know nothing I was exposed to throw the card which you lose my name is saundra Tucker Sondra Tucker Robbie stepmother I think she's real bad and I've called the analysts to come out there but they want the police out there and you'll be there we delay the meeting I know I'm not even there my husband went down there they said she he said he didn't he did fun she's been shot he didn't know for sure it was his stepmom she calls the police station and say they've been down there I haven't been down there but they've been down there they've been down there I've been down there sheriff's deputies arrive and begin their investigation they start with waking Heather Atkins who was still asleep on the sofa what did she no see or hear while deputies talk to her other investigators stumble upon a lot of something else blood everywhere not just outside where Chandon was found but inside all over the house the crime scene photos clearly show blood throughout the house that the sheets had been stripped off the bed that there was still blood on the mattress despite the sheets being removed there was a bottle of cleaning solution in the bedroom he claimed he fell asleep on the bed on the same bed that is now missing sheets and has blood on it there's a lot of blood there's blood even up on the curtains and curtains walls Hiatt this is the room directly inside this back door here and my theory is that she was shot in the bedroom the body was laid here so he could open the back door and then position her here on these back steps detective Parker indicates in his crime-scene analysis that that's not nearly enough blood for her to have shot herself there and died there that supports the staging their story from the sheriff's office was all of the blood inside the house was transferred from Robin the problem with that is Robbie told police he didn't remember going back in the house after finding Shonda so how did blood end up in all those places testing showed gunshot residue on Shan des hands but what about Robby's hands he didn't have gunshot residue on him what he also had done was he had washed his hands he had blood all over his legs blood from handling the body but his hands were scrubbed clean and there's more turns out the crime scene became a Grand Central Station of sorts with many people logged in and out of that house that night weren't even a part of the investigation know some of them were just relatives it was like they were having a family reunion in the house while she's dead on the lawn and one of those relatives was Robert Rennie jr. Robbie's stepfather and a criminal defense attorney your defense attorney you normally allowed it to the crime scene of your clients never never to the Turner's and J Monroe's it seemed like overwhelming evidence but it would take an eternity to get any officials to agree then nine long years after SH and s death the district attorney orders an autopsy when we got the court over for an autopsy we were thrilled we had to do it we were thrilled but first shann des body would have to be exhumed it was horrible Joe and my son were there and I think they had shovels helping Joe you were up there on the day your daughter's body was exhumed I can't even imagine being there for something like that but you felt it was important food very important it was necessary an autopsy give us some proof that we always know that she didn't get her sale Robbie Tucker said he woke to find his girlfriend shantu Turner on the back steps of their home dead from a gunshot wound to the chest although it was ruled a suicide I absolutely believe that Chandeleur I believe that the suicide was staged by her live-in boyfriend to cover his tracks and I believe all of that based on the evidence at the time ash and his death no autopsy was done then nine years later the court finally ordered one Oklahoma Medical Examiner dr. collie Trant conducted the examination along with dr. Charles Robert bux who was hired by chanteuse family their findings tell a story different from Robbie's claim that Shonda killed herself when we did the examination you could see the path of the gunshot wound was from front to back a little downward and a little from the left of the right the defect in the door is going upward so that doesn't work that's not where she was shot make sure it's probably shot in the bedroom because there's a lot of blood in their bedding had been removed there were pools of blood that had been tried to be cleaned up in fact you could see the cleaning agent that they were using if someone else shot Shonda how could the wound on chandus hand and gunshot residue found on her be explained the crime lab reported that it meant that her hands were in close proximity to when a gun was fired it's possible that she was trying to wrestle the gun away from him or trying to get it away from being pointed at her at the time of discharge if that's the case then why wasn't there any gunshot residue on Robbie's hands after Chandra was shot he went to his father's house and then came back to the scene it doesn't take much to get rid of gunshot residue so it doesn't surprise me he doesn't have any so Robby's hands are clean of residue but the saddest reveal was about to come 911 contacted for over an hour if they had been called right away I think that she had a reasonable chance for resuscitation there is nothing in that gunshot wound that would have impaired her so that she would be able to move around she would be able to talk this young woman bled for quite a while before she died this is an EMT report and this says graves told me that he remembered either David Tucker or Robbie Tucker saying she was sitting there talking after she was shot why is that statement so significant well it supports the findings of the autopsy that she would serve on would have survived this gunshot wound for a significant amount of time after receiving it and secondly they're not saying she was talking after she shot herself they're saying she was talking after she was shot someone else shot her and she was alive and instead of getting her help there's an hour at least an hour that 911 is called and they're overheard saying she was talking and no one got her help and no one got arrested that night that's not justice when Trent and Bucks completed their autopsy they agreed this is obviously a homicide the scenes been altered this is not a suicide then a proverbial punch to the gut before dr. Trent could change the death certificate he was fired by the Oklahoma Medical Examiner's Office we don't know why dr. Trent was terminated we don't and he's now deceased unfortunately and his replacement made her own changes left it a suicide checked that no autopsy had been done shucked a box that said a heavy truck was involved in the death has the victims date of birth wrong I mean the errors were staggering in this report another agonizing setback but the Turner's were not deterred you didn't stop fighting no in my opinion send the fault to stay alive and we under 5% there to fight for that state for her because she can't defend herself in this eventually shonda's manner of death was changed from suicide to could not be determined a small victory leading up to a bigger one the reopening of Jenna's case it was past time for this case to to be looked at again for the new sheriff in town a lot didn't add up the investigation first was very substandard I saw that right away it clearly did not follow what I do and how I was trained on crime scenes very glaring was a very poor investigation how disturbing is it to you to have 21 different people in and out of this house disturbing that does not describe my thought of that investigation it's absurd to think that a crime scene was so improperly handled evidence was not preserved you only have one opportunity to get the crime scene right the one chance to get physical evidence at a crime scene was lost in this case one of the most troubling things in this case to me is the amount of time that was in between from the moment when Shonda was found until the 9-1-1 call was made troubling to me as an investigator as well could mr. Tucker be charged if not for the shooting but for delaying and rendering aid or having you know help come to assist her I believe he could you know any anytime a person does not act and it results in another person's death you know at the least it could be a manslaughter or even a second degree type of a murder charge so where is Robbie Tucker these days mr. Tucker was charged with shooting with intent to kill as well as aggravated assault and battery against his van girlfriend yes that's right in a separate case Robbie Tucker has been arrested accused of shooting a different girlfriend what did you think about that not surprised at all I'm surprised it took as long as it did print but there's something like that to somebody else Robbie Tucker has pled not guilty to those charges on the other side of the store right behind these bars Robbie Tucker is being held without bond we sent him a letter we want to hear his side of things but unfortunately Robbie doesn't wish to talk is mr. Tucker considered a person of interest or even a suspect in chanda's case of course anyone present in a suspicious death investigation is a person of interest to me to call mr. Tucker or anyone else present here in Shannon's death a person of interest absolutely any of mr. Tucker's family members considered a person of interest to you they all interest me because at some point they became involved in this death investigation we wanted to talk to Robbie's father David Tucker and his stepfather and defense attorney Robert Rennie dune your'e both of whom were at the scene that night we emailed and called them several times and tried to talk to them in person but they never responded to any of our attempts right now today you are ready to move forward is there anything you can tell us about that since reopening this it has led us to two new witnesses to new information we have found additional physical evidence that warrants this investigation being reviewed again by a prosecutor it's significant evidence and the Turner's who will never stop fighting for justice have you $100,000 reward for the person with information leading to the arrest and conviction of shendu's killer you two have fought so hard we had to all through the years they'll say you know why do you keep doing this you know it's consuming your life and everything how could we not do this but guess what you're not getting we're not going away
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 1,423,425
Rating: 4.7566724 out of 5
Keywords: Chanda Turner, Garvin County Sheriff's Office, True Crime Daily, Crime Watch Daily, Robby Tucker
Id: shmBaDZwopY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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