Where is Monique Daniels? Oklahoma girl missing since 1992

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it's been almost two decades since anyone last saw her 20 years since the oldest of Chuck and Candace Daniel's six children disappeared without a trace but before she became a ghost haunting old home movies Monique Nikki Daniels was very much a part of her loved ones lives she had tons of friends everybody loved her I can even remember guys in my class crushing on my sister and asking why she was so cute and I wasn't things like that but Monique was also nursing her own wounds the kind you can't see but cut the deepest I know that Monique was also really hurting because of the terrible things that had happened already to her as a young girl allegations of abuse too horrific to repeat all at the hands of the four oldest kids biological father had now convicted and imprisoned sex offender so after this horrible situation with your own father your mother divorces you get a new stepdad did you think that finally I'm going to get a good safe and loving family the first time I met Chuck I remember thinking that finally I'm gonna have a dad that's not gonna hurt me and I was so happy and I ran and jumped in his arms and he swinging me around and I felt safe but soon after Chuck and Candace married they had two more children a new family portrait began to develop I feel like we looked like a pretty normal family were you not in the least both parents were in the military and according to Angelique they ran their house like drill sergeants not necessarily the best fit for a teenage girl just starting to come into her own I know she was just I don't know she got pregnant and it was a it was a big thing in our family and my parents were very upset about it according to Angelique her sister was forced to terminate the pregnancy then one day not long after that Monique suddenly wasn't there she did run away from home my parents looked for her every single day I remember the phone would ring and somebody had seen her and they would jump in their vehicle and go and try to chase her down but there would be no family reconciliation once back home tensions were at an all-time high and it seemed to be Monique against everyone else just how Chuck wanted it depending on who you believe did he make sure to keep us feuding then just a few weeks before Monique's 16th birthday Angelique her oldest brother Brian and her mom got an opportunity to tour with their church choir we were gonna be gone for a week it was a strange week a train and I remember my mom was really quiet after the trip the three returned home to more Oklahoma back to where nothing would ever be the same my stepdad said she's gone again and my mom goes really just like that and it was something was off something was wrong the house is in a disarray now we're talking about a spotless environment all the time there were beer bottles there were cigarette butts put out on the fireplace mantel there was an empty pregnancy test just the box on the bathroom counter but far from being concerned Angelique says her parents treated Monique's absence like just the next chapter in they're gone again off again relationship I remember hearing if Monique wanted to be here she would be Angelique says it wasn't long after the disappearance that Monique's parents seemed to be erasing all traces of her from their lives we got new family pictures she took the old picture down from above the fireplace put it in the attic and put the new one up a picture without Monique yeah and after you hung the picture he sat in his chair and he said there you go it's so much better now isn't everything just so tranquil as the months wore on Angelique says they were forbidden to talk about Monique but outside of the home the missing girls aunt Leslie Monique's mom's sister was growing more concerned she called my mom and was asking for the police report number so that she could get Monique in the national database for Missing Exploited Children and my mom said yeah yeah I'll get that for you but that wasn't exactly true because what aunt Leslie and the rest of the family were about to find out was that there was no police report what do you think of that I don't know what to think is it suspicious yeah yeah there definitely is suspicious by then it had been about six months since the girl vanished a gap in time loved once feared would make it harder to find her then again was she ever even lost in the first place one day were phone rang I just said hi Nicki how are you the last time Monique Daniels was seen alive was here at the family home in Moore Oklahoma that was over 20 years ago if you believe her parents the girl ran away and roughly six months after Monique disappeared Angelique got an apparent call from her long-lost sister confirming as much my brothers were standing around listening to me at night my mom called all the relatives so nobody called and she's doing just fine and just a week after that call the Daniel's family also got a letter from Monique with a postmark for nearly 200 miles away in Dallas she was married and had a baby named Chelsea she just wanted to drop a line and let mom know that she was okay but to some of Monique's relatives like Angelique's aunt Leslie something was still off my aunt has contacted the Moore Police Department wants a handwriting specialist to check the authenticity of the letter because she believed my mom wrote the letters then just a date before Monique's mom promised to take the letters in to be examined there was a reported break-in at the Daniel's residence the furniture was tipped over there was some CDs missing a couple little boom boxes and the letters what do you mean the letters the letters that were supposed to go to the police department that day for the handwriting specialists to check were missing but then Angelique didn't need a specialist to convince her that there was no way her mom could have written those letters and the reason for that was because she wrote them you know this whole story sounds crazy I do and that suppose it phone call from Monique also fake I wake up every day wishing that it didn't happen Angelique says her dad told her that after Monique left her mom became suicidal he said the only thing I can think of is what if we wrote letters saying that we were Monique so she'd feel better and I did according to Angelique her stepdad Ben said she faced jail time if she ever told and with no letters no Monique and no one talking the investigation had nowhere to go I was scared I was really afraid for myself and you know I thought that I was gonna be wherever she was Angelique says after nearly two years of lies cover-ups and the continuing mystery of what really happened to Monique Angelique decided to run away from home and she came here to Michigan to be with family I cried the entire way here on the way from the bus station to my aunt's house I told her about the letters and she started to freak out she's like oh my gosh what has he done with her and kind of dawned on me that he might have done something really bad to her and she was about to get even more evidence she felt supported that theory because when Angelique ran away her parents filed a missing-persons report immediately which as the rest of the family was about to find out was in very stark contrast to how they had reported Monique he told the whole family that he'd already filed a runaway report but that wasn't true that was not true he lied your parents never filed a missing-persons report on your sister until I ran away from home almost twenty two months after authorities questioned both parents about the suspicious delay and Chuck even admits to faking the letters with Angelique but police make little headway well you never were given the opportunity for a lot of safety did you ask for one yes so they refused to take a lie detector correct in addition officers find a neighbor who claims he saw the girl get into a truck with a white male on the day she left true or not Angelique was too scared to go back home telling her aunt her parents were both mentally and physically abusive the next day went to Child Protective Services and I filed a child abuse charges against my parents and what did the court rule my parents were trying to get me extradited back to Oklahoma but the judge said no way I found out later that they pled no contest to child abuse and neglect with Angelique now outside the home and evidence of a cover-up out in the open both she and her aunt Leslie go public appearing on various TV shows to discuss their suspicions surrounding Chuck and Candice my younger brother Andrew called me and said you got to come and get me he was 13 he was to be the third of the Daniel's children to run away in as many years like his sister Andrew alleged abuse inside the home and yet when his parents left to live in Germany for the next ten years he went with them Angelique continued living in Michigan eventually got married and over the next two decades Monique Daniels became little more than a name attached to a phantom what would you say are the things that happened in this case that make it so difficult for you to investigate the 18-month delay notification to the police department combined with conflicting testimonies and I mean no body to indicate foul play then years later Angelique is at home in Michigan when she gets a call from the past and it's Andrew and he's crying and I'm like what what's going on are you okay and he's like she wasn't talking I said what do you mean she wasn't talking he's like and I was there and she wasn't talking and I'm like I knew he was talking about Monique and I knew he was about to tell me where did Monique Daniels go 20 years after her parents claimed she ran away one of the last people to see her alive younger brother Andrew is finally speaking out about what he remembers from her last day I remember having the feeling of that there was something wrong it began Andrew says like a lot of days in the house with fighting between Monique and her stepdad sometime later Chuck gathered up the boys for a spontaneous fishing trip before we left you know my dad was like hey you guys need to go and say goodbye to Monique but Andrew says Chuck only allowed the boys to talk to Monique through her cracked bedroom door when I saw Monique she was on the floor of her in her bedroom the electric cross she was still after that Andrew says the boys left without their fishing poles in the pouring rain we drove for two hours one way and got off on an exit somewhere and went to McDonald's and then you came home my dad pulls the car into the garage and he says things only got stranger from there and he goes inside the house and leaves us something in the in the car inside of the garage for you know it was like an hour or more when Chuck finally let the brothers out Andrew says he rushed to the bathroom and got the eerie feeling he wasn't alone the shower was closed there's things that lead me to believe that she was in that bathtub before he could check andrew says Chuck hustled all the boys into his bedroom then after telling them he was going to go look for Monique he locked them in for two days I don't recall the incidences after that but according to something Angelique heard from another brother at some point while the boys were locked up Chuck came back then left with one of the twins he said the only thing I can remember is being in dad's truck and there was an oil barrel in the back that's all I remember what was in the oil barrel my sister I believe that Charles Daniels killed my sister Monique and then I believe he put her in an oil drum and you drove her out to where he took her to and he buried her there Angelique you know the thing is it's a very serious allegation to claim that your stepfather killed your sister yes but Angelique wasn't backing down in fact when Andrew first told her his story just a few years ago she convinced him to go with her to the police officers even dug up the family's old backyard based on rumors Monique might be buried there we didn't find anything what do you have on your hands is this a missing persons case yes it's a missing person case we have two siblings who are saying they believe their stepfather killed their sister isn't that enough for you to open up a murder investigation well unfortunately we don't have a body to prove that so then what really happened to Monique Daniels if she really did just run away why did her parents wait nearly two years to report her missing and one of the biggest questions of all what Monique's parents think about their daughter's mysterious disappearance we came here to Tampa Florida to ask them how are you my name is Anna Garcia and I'm from Crimewatch Daley we've been trying to reach you and your husband Chuck about Monique's disappearance do you have a few minutes to talk with us really but when I pressed Candace about Angelique and Andrews allegations she did have this to say whatever happened it's in God's hands thank you very much and then we're gonna ask now that you leave but just one thing you know the allegations are serious that your husband could have killed your daughter Angelique said that you're in Angelique is there really must of like I said before you start taking him and asking me about anything you need to just I think leaving property okay before I call the police all right thank you thank you ma'am yeah Angelique is not a reliable source it was a dead end but not long after that another vehicle pulled into the driveway are you mr. Chuck Daniels sir hi are you Chuck Daniels Anna Garcia from crime watch daily we're doing a story about Monique who's been missing Angelique and Andrew have made some very serious allegations against you under advice of counsel I have nothing to say to you Angie I love you sorry about that off my property so what do you think happened to Monique neither parent has ever been charged or named as official suspects in Monique's disappearance there are a lot of family secrets here yes maybe I'm wrong maybe maybe I need to just move forward maybe I need to just let this all be in the past and you know keep it hidden - but I can't I cannot do it I have to let people know that there was a Monique Daniels
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 2,413,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monique Daniels, Oklahoma missing Monique Daniels, Crime Watch Daily, True Crime Daily
Id: AQqfkRKRY5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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