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every generation will not be confused there is a generation that will get these things send a compressed coffee table from that day the creative dimension of the prophetic there must be a performance because [Music] the lord began to talk to me about something that he called the spirit of witchcraft in the body of christ hallelujah and hear me whenever you hear witchcraft for many of us the first thing you think about is occult drinking blood and eating someone's flesh hallelujah the word witchcraft means to cause a man to air using the tool of deception so let me let me correct your mindset and understanding because we have only associated witchcraft to the occult and and witches and wizards but paul uses this language for christians the ones he got them born again so you can be sure your salvation was true but he said all foolish galatians who used a teaching to bewitch you hallelujah and the lord began to speak to me about the rampant manifestation of what he calls the spirit of witchcraft manifesting on our pulpits manifesting in the life of ministers genuine ministers i'm not talking of false ministers and many do not even know that they have become entangled with the manifestation and the spirit of witchcraft of manipulation and control and is spreading like wildfire in the name of mentorship and fatherhood many people have received spirits and demons and manifestations of things they cannot account for and explain and while all of this is happening the church is getting excited calling it remember calling it growth calling it revival and the lord is silent saying what is happening in the earth and all the so-called prophets who call themselves oracles whose revelation stops in the second heavens where the spiritual wickedness operate they receive every kind of demonic manifestation and call it the words from god hallelujah and the lord is disturbed because even those who the bible calls the elect are already being deceived are you listening to me many people in church are beginning to doubt the things that they believe and the things that they have been taught because of certain manifestations many pastors and ministers and and and all kinds of people all kinds of occultic people who have left their their places of worship and now one suit and a bada come and stand in the pulpit they talk like christ they display power like christ hallelujah they prophesy and their prophecies look true but the bible says in that day we will say i heal the sick in your name i cast out devils in your name i prophesied in your name he said but the lord will say depart from me ye workers of iniquity so open your ears tonight open your eyes open your heart and open your spirit hallelujah the bible tells us in genesis chapter 1 verse 26 that and god you mustn't turn there just it says an elohim said let us make man in our own image hallelujah it says and let them the man let them have dominion over what please stand there quickly couple of shipper ladder bombs are you there okay genesis 1 26 let's read one to read hold on over what was the first thing second third over what and the last one and everything that creeped was man mentioned there according to god's word no man was supposed to dominate another man you listening to me this is the first manifestation of this spirit of witchcraft that is happening in the body and guess who the distributors are the pastors themselves are you listening to me there has been a a manifestation of manipulating people in the body of christ and ministers raw people of the freedom that god has given them to love god all in the name of pastor all in the name of father all in the name of mentor all in the name of whatever and they force people to do things right now the average christian is in bondage it's called christian slavery hallelujah our churches have become prison centers for people families have been brought under bondage under yoke of oppression and manipulation that comes from so-called pastors hallelujah a father is not at liberty to buy a car for his wife until the pastor gives approval parents cannot make decisions for their children until the pastor gives approval there are many ministries whose account numbers you people come to submit account numbers to people to be able to have track is called manipulation and witchcraft hallelujah in the name of not fighting authority every man of god pastor prophet apostle think they have a right to do and undo with members and we become semi-gods to members they dare not do anything i will release the cross upon your life hallelujah a man of god stands up and likes a lady and the lady has no will and no sense to go and pray and decide he tells her i like you and that is it let me tell you something is called witchcraft and manipulation are you listening to me and many people are carrying this spirit they like it they use sub authority over people in church people cannot find expression hallelujah an elderly man of over 50 years cannot travel until he tells his pastor pastors have literally replaced the place of the holy spirit in the life of people they refuse people from making any decision the spiritual level of the pastor is what he compels all the members to maintain that level and if for any reason they are attempting to rise he creates a system that strangles them and brings them back all foolish galatians who has bewitched you when did all these things start creeping into the church without the prophets and so-called apostles knowing because we are busy taking offerings in church we are busy looking for money we are busy doing all the things we are doing and the bible says while men slept while men slept the enemy has been waiting for years for the body of christ to sleep he's a wild man slept hallelujah there are many people some of you are here seated your pastors have stopped you there are many of you this meeting you are coming you are even coming secretly because the day your pastors or your your mentor or your your god or whatever you call them know that you are coming they say so are my teachings not enough to build you witchcraft demonic teachings that have been taught in church as a result of the insecurity that ministers feel so they try to create teachings that can accommodate their weakness in fear of losing members and so the man does not want to grow he does not want to know god he does not want to press into god and when the wind of the spirit is carrying as many who are interested he begins to bring all kinds of so-called prophetic teachings prophets and apostles have become semi-gods right now they have the power to free you take you to heaven take you to hell do any kind of thing bible says there is no name given on man which any man can be saved are you following me now i'm communicating to you the heart cry of the spirit of the living god pastors who suffered complex all their life suddenly find a congregation of gullible members that they can revenge for all their years of complex and they prove it by putting people in yokes of bondage and the church the average member is like a prisoner and the pastor holds them and begins to pull and sway them according to what he believes is the direction of god there are many churches where the members cannot see visions the pastor said god cannot speak to you except through your pastor witchcraft and manipulation people are manipulated all kinds of rubbish prophetic words if you saw this if you do this isaiah 33 verse 5 so 33 nara 5 kobo witchcraft hallelujah a pastor gets up and is tired of his wife and suddenly comes to meet another lady and says please can you come in or somebody coming with a prophetic word that my wife is a witch and then the church management sees that and they say madame go as they are going you are seeing the next person three days later he comes and no member can talk it's happening in some of your churches and none of you can lift your mouth and talk none of the intelligent people because the church has traded their mind and their intelligence for the realm of the spirit hallelujah and so what happens they begin to create a disciple called sons those who will propagate this demonic agenda and all kinds of young people who come and stand they don't know anything about the word of god nothing just taught somebody to fall and they stand up and they have been these demonic agents of propagating these things and they call it ministry hallelujah and then we the young people are following stupidly a young one with his little disciples too you too cooked for me you two sleep with me they don't beg they don't catch all there's no diplomatic way they just say it selena let me see you in my house by 11. full stop the servant of god has spoken and then the gullible members go a man of god comes in a house and he sees a beautiful tv that took a man five years of travel and hard work and looks at it and says take it to my office it's a prophetic instruction i tell you tonight as a servant of the living god the name is witchcraft i don't care who is doing it many of you the spirit of god has been telling you this is wrong it's just that you don't have the audacity to speak thank god for anointing me because the church will hear this message i know once again i'll be criticized because of it somebody asked one man of god one day why are you always being criticized and he said that's a stupid question go ask your pastors why they are not being criticized hallelujah the church of god right now has become a sin friendly environment demons come and sit down comfortably and the map because see because the men of god are the let me tell you something with satan every time you begin to stand for something the way satan takes you is he makes you a victim of your message and you will not be able to preach it again the moment you hear a man of god who has been preaching certain things and he cannot preach it again i tell you under god he has become a victim of his message hallelujah and all kinds of ladies in different churches have become cheap instruments for sex that every man of god with his emotional excesses who will never agree that he needs help because he believes he's a new creation suddenly finds out that so i can have desire to sleep with gladys and he says no no no i refuse it and the next thing by evening is coming to you stop authority broken from scripture hallelujah and then we carry every kind of message and try to balance and adjust it we pass here and patch it with one scripture and take the big part of one of us and join with the c part of another verse to make sense according to what we want hallelujah men of god sit in church and suddenly they see a manifestation of miracles in their members and they know they are intimidated because listen let me tell you there are two ways to respect a man one as a result of his track record of quality leadership or number two because he has created a system that compels you to worship him hallelujah and many men of god do not have a track record of integrity in the presence of their members so they have to create a system don't ask questions don't you dare talk whatever you see let you i see it there you are passing and a man is stealing stealing from church offering hallelujah you enter the house of a man of god the next day is a powerful program and you see him balanced and he's watching pornography on the tv don't ask questions he said pastor good afternoon sir the how are you bless you and then you are shocked you are surprised but you cannot talk oh foolish galatians who has bewitched you and right now another aspect of that witchcraft is to turn the body of christ into a therapeutic center where they tell people we all do it no there's nobody who doesn't do it we all go through sad times we all go through this we all fall once in a while ladies sleep with ladies guys it happens it's in our human culture yet we are the first to preach that we have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of god's dear son yet we are the first to preach that we are being lifted and we are seated in christ far above hallelujah are you following me now there are many people and then suddenly many ministers and many ministries realize that because they are not working by the principles of god the required grace and power to move forward and attract in quotes the crowd is not there so what happens they begin to visit all kinds of witch doctors can i tell you let me tell you the truth i tell you as the servant of the living god there are more men of god than you can imagine that visit witch doctors every week in this country including those you see on tv including some of them that you sit under the administration hallelujah nevertheless the foundation of the lord's standard show and many of you are always in a hurry oh lay hands on me papa lay hands mama lay hands you better know what kind of hand you bring your head under otherwise you will step into many of you it was when certain hands were laid on you you suddenly saw some things happening in your life until today you are suffering innocently hallelujah there are there are pastors today and ministers of the gospel hear me there are pastors and ministers of the gospel who use witchcraft and manipulation to literally monitor each and every of their member you do something they come and meet you they call it prophetic revelation i tell you it's witchcraft and manipulation you talk against him somewhere he will come and tell you and you say hey prophet this prophet please listen to this message because it is very important this is the voice of god speaking to the church hallelujah and a few who have opened up themselves to god to pick these signals and realize that is wrong are so afraid of losing members let me tell you something 90 percent of the ministers around their number one fear is losing members and so they cannot preach certain truths although they know that this is what god is saying although they know that this is wrong what if i preach no members no offering no offering no expansion or no food for their belly according to how diligent they are in spending the lord's money are you listening to me and while all of this is happening listen to me the devil is advancing and penetrating into churches are you listening to me different kinds of manifestations that happen in churches all in the name of power i tell you most of these things they are called occultic pacifism where higher demons come to pacify other demons and many people feel happy and then they go are you getting blessed i know i'm offending you i know some of you are not happy but i rather serve the living god i rather serve the living god the name apostle is not a title it's an office it's a controversial office i'm not looking for fame and power i rather serve god in truth than to serve men are you following me now or foolish galatians who has caused you to air by using deceptive teachings hallelujah i remember a particular lady who a man of god had been sleeping with her again and again and every time the guy went to church we would see the power of the holy ghost and the lady was amazed sometimes right from the bed there right from the bed you wake up and bath and go for the meeting and as he step in him genuinely he had never gone to any native doctor and you would see the manifestation of god and prophecies quoting scripture after scripture and the lady was convinced that maybe god exempted him because he was a man of god so god gave you immunity hallelujah and one time she came for my meeting then we were on campus and i taught how that there is a difference between the gift of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit are you listening to me i thought that the gift of the spirit is not equal to spiritual maturity so that a man is operating in gifts does not mean the man is spiritually mature and the lady found the secret and went back and told him and he warned her and banned her that he should never come for my meeting again and he said there is no man of god that doesn't sleep around except they don't want to tell you i tell you as the servant of god under the lord most high that i serve if you if there is any lady here that knows that as ministers we sleep with you stand up hallelujah listen i'm not preaching this to condemn pastors or to condemn people i'm preaching this to show you that satan is entering the body of christ we come every sunday putting on our suit but if we are not careful satan wants to abort the revival that god is bringing are you following me now have you not been disturbed at the caliber of young ministers that are coming up go around campus and see the next set of young ministers that are supposed to be taking over what god is doing arrogance beyond imagination in discipline beyond imagination lack of control lack of every kind of thing they watch their tv and see it and write it and get up and go and do it the spirit of witchcraft that's the first message tonight for the body of christ are you listening to me and there are many people operating under the spirit and do not know see let me tell you the truth you've got to choose whether to serve the lord most high a day is coming hear me jesus christ is coming back for his church are you listening to me a day is coming for those of you who have listened to all kinds of godless messages that jesus is not coming because of this and they have compared scripture to scripture let me tell you i have seen a vision of the rapture jesus is coming whether or not you believe it because i've stopped assuming that everybody in church believes that we are going if you don't believe it when we are leaving i will show you where my bible is because you would desperately need it when the church lives i assure you i assure you you will need it it will become the only road map are you listening to me right now the issue of getting souls born again in church is not even an issue again have you noticed it um this is the manifestation of the spirit of witchcraft everybody just says well if you are not well just amend your ways because we do not want to hurt people so satan is helping us to design a sin friendly church you come as you are but you do not stay as you are somebody gets born again two weeks the next thing they ordain him a pastor they go and give him a whole branch with other unrenewed babylon half salvation half babylon and suddenly when he stands and finds out that in the first service only ten ladies came and he remembers that only two weeks ago he was sleeping suddenly what happens let me tell you something brothers and sisters let me teach you the correct gospel before god interrupted or not interrupted he brought this thing the i i plan to teach seven teachings in the body of christ that need correction and balance that's the next series we're going into seven teachings in the body of christ that require correction and balance they are not wrong but if we continue that way let me tell you one of it one of it is that the moment you get born again hallelujah all things are okay all things are all right whatever it is you are above listen to me and listen very very well when you get born again hear me when you get born again your spirit is reunited to the spirit of god are you following me now but your mind your soul where are the chunks the the strongholds that satan has put let me tell you is still dear intact are you listening to me why will god give you the holy ghost why will he give you tongues why will he give you the word of god why will he send you to a church to be blessed if everything is okay are you listening to me and as a result what happens there are many people who sit down and say ah there's nothing wrong me i'm thinking well but you are seeing anger in your life you need help you are rejecting it i don't you are you are killing and fighting everybody this is a manifestation you do not like hallelujah we jump and say everything is all right and we go back and demons oppress us you wake up and struggle and you just get up and keep quiet are you listening to me we jump and we say you are born again but you are dying of lust suffering from pornography masturbation all kinds of things we sugarcoat everything and come on sunday including men of god are you listening to me you know i'm not lying you know i'm not lying because it's happening to a number of you here you know that i'm not lying except you do not want truth and you do not want change hallelujah i was told of a situation where a minis a minister meaning a civil service minister now was running after a particular man of god you know why because the man bought a new jeep and called the prophet to come and dedicate it when the prophet came and saw the new jeep ah the prophet said to me you just bought this he said yes and he said that he wants to have a prophetic match with it because just like they went around jericho seven times see the bible is a prophetic book you can make it preach any gospel you want are you listening to me you can twist it to preach anything you want and the guy went on his jericho match never to return and the man waited car that he bought and the next thing how many times have you seen police chasing ministers give me back my car what did you do to me give me back my wife give me back my children hallelujah right now to receive i mean it's terrible to receive if reuben comes now and says man of god i have a problem they say this problem requires come with a prophetic seed according to the time oh yes oh yes oh yes and we drop all kinds of baskets in church you want a a fair guy this is the basket you want any our own this is the one you just want to marry anything be your own hallelujah and while all of this is happening listen while all of this is happening the ministers stand and have no conscience and they strangle and rob their members of every one naira and one couple and finish everything to the point that people i'm not saying these people did not give willingly they gave by manipulation and while that happens then the invited minister who raised the offering and the man of god starts fighting i raised 5 million you give me 500 are you joking at something and this is what they are discussing behind stage there is a kind of spiritual slavery that satan wants to bring to the church that if we don't attack it now it will be worse than the colonial slavery are you listening to me there are many ladies today that have refused to marry because their pastor has disapproved everybody until he gets his prophetic revelation from whatever anybody that comes and they threaten you with cause or they say you will not give back the bible is called the not sure word of prophecy to the point that many parents are many ministers have made parents who are having jobs that is taking care of their families they have made them to leave those jobs and resign and say come and work in the ministry how will i fend for my family are you joking are you joking with the word of the prophet and then the family sell their possessions some of your parents are victims like that that's when you started suffering till today are you listening to me ministers manipulate parents to sell their whole company and their whole estate and carry the money uncommon so all in the name of him 21 days there is a prophetic miracle coming from that date is five years now at least if the word of god is true read your bible every time the prophet spoke and they obeyed something happened hallelujah many homes are being broken right now because prophets are coming the day a prophet enters a house he comes to scatter the house suddenly you come and he just sits and comes to touch the lady you you are regina she's the one behind all of this why you people suffering and then they leave the family with more confusion and they tell them come and meet me in my office what happens they have joined the kill of the slavery and then it starts pulling them intelligent people have become victims of wickedness do you know why many people do not attack this gospel because if you are a pastor this business is highly lucrative highly lucrative imagine if i use the prophetic to know how much you people have imagine those miracle services where you have people full blue roof in and out and i force everybody to do a prophetic emptying of account see see listen listen listen the way i'll be serious you will never know is witchcraft because there are already people falling down and i'll say just like you are saying stand up stand up package a seat then i'll package my own is he not coming to me brothers and sisters as you are laughing i want you to know that this is a serious thing in the mind of god hallelujah sorry the water and then we now have the recent outbreak of of all kinds of water hallelujah prophetic water apostolic water we get people born again by giving them water we get people healed every kind of thing hallelujah a man of god opens the water speaks in it and gives you the prophetic water and with gladness and joy you want a husband you take the man of god prophetic water hallelujah and all kinds of things they give members all kinds of dangerous and demonic therapy get up by 12 30 exactly stand naked at the left side of your corridor make sure you are naked anoint yourself anoint your disease anoint your diet come on please who taught the church this madness for god's sake what kind of madness is this hallelujah i watched on tv one time um what they call this this nestle bottle it was anointed and um what they call it anointing oil this man of god opened this thing and told us they open your mouth this house you open and he turned this thing and said drink it the reason why you are not angry is because it didn't happen to your mother or your sister or somebody and you see old women who came for a touch and then when they do it and the man is not healed many ministers preach all kinds of messages and say left for me there's nothing wrong with the flow of power from my direction if it does not touch you you do not believe listen if jesus will require you to do a lot of things before he will touch you then he is not love and what he is doing is not called mercy everybody jesus healed in the bible was not born again let's take responsibility and say there is something wrong we have not contended for those realms of power and go back to the secret place rather than giving lousy and flimsy excuses a man shows one million you told him when he sold one million in two months his wife will be pregnant the wife did not get pregnant and they came he said what happened did you sleep without the day i told he said yes sir i did everything the way look at a man and his wife being controlled by by the stupidity of ministers god gave me a prophetic word sleep with your wife only on the 15th come on no nobody will bring that nonsense to me hallelujah and then we have the era of stickers prophetic prophetic stickers that drive demons drive witches drive wizards drive bad luck drive bad husband drive bad wife oh god and people put these things in unbelievable places are you concerned this is not the kind of gospel that came from the generals hallelujah very soon men of god who put prophetic shoe leaking prophetic service look at the look at the newspaper that carried the report of the man that slept i think he slept with all the ladies in his church they had a vigil naked who who followed it it's on night paper you once you get to the church you do a prophetic removing of your clothes and and you prophetically become insane hallelujah and then we have stickers the blue one is five thousand this one solves only marital problems the the red one is for business is nine thousand the the big one the yellow one is for academic challenges it has not been working and many of the people that give testimonies you don't know them the day you and all the people in your community where there's nobody that testifies that is walking listen to me god is angry at some things and if we do not rise up i'm not just saying this to explosive one to talk but somebody must speak hallelujah the spirit of witchcraft manifesting in the church and then we have prophetic revelation your name is reuben you just graduated from computer science from maths your you want to marry hallelujah you are in a relationship there is this and that that you have and people clap wow and then and then listen listen and then the gullible members just sit down helpless oh help me hey help me you have me and the man who said you are not serious help me help me listen listen listen if this is what we want to call church then a time will come christians will stop going to church because a church will become a place of bondage that the government must come in right now the government and locals are beginning to be involved in church issues because of the catastrophe that is happening any young man just gets up and feels he's anointed and calls one guy there calls one guy and says going to join them in holy matrimony the parents do not know are you following me now they ran away from their parents and came and met any quack prophet somewhere he doesn't act where their relatives are doesn't ask whether the parents permitted the wedding by the prophetic unction upon me i hereby pronounce your husband and wife and then they find out that see many people are suffering the bible says he that breaks the hedge the serpent will strike the men of god are getting richer the innocent church members are getting poorer to an extent that when people are coming to church they keep all that money that they need for the week in the car because they know the one they are coming to church we must finish must finish there have been projects from the day that shot started and it will never end there's not a day that people can say we thank god that by the shore messages of the god of david this project has been completed a project that would have been completed five years ago they are still collecting offering for it till today and while we do all this jamboree we tell people to shout all kinds of things we tell people to cry all kinds of things we tell people to scream all kinds of things we tell members carry your chair put on your head jump up sit down put this and and just say i'm moving forward and you see a a congregation of of unbelievably mentally and and see this is how the world is watching tv and somebody says honey for everything come and see what these christians are doing the church has become a place of utter confusion where hopeless people come to meet a hopeful deity called the pastor or the prophet or the descendant they give you admission you are supposed to leave for canada tomorrow you cannot go because your mother is not reported to the prophet and they must say the prophet is busy and he travels so you cancel the trip because the prophet must give his prophetic blessings otherwise it will not rain and there is a prophetic covering that only him can give come on the devil did not kill you before you started joining that church let anybody manipulate you with witchcraft deception in the body of christ and people are getting comfortable with it and the tragedy is this innocent people who used to preach truth are you listening to me started attending meetings where they invite them and they invite the fake man of god to ministry apostle joshua salman prophet this understand that slams zarya in a three-day powerful crusade and what happens satan begins to use genuine people to endorse those who are manifesting these things so that when you see your pastor who you know truly loves god and you see him in company of other people you say ah this means this guy is also genuine but that's what happened in the book of acts when paul entered a lady who was operating by the spirit of divination when she saw paul what did she say she said this is a holy man of god was she lying she was seeking partnership paul discerning he cuts that devil from her and what happened the bible says the owners who manipulate her they packed out of business just like many ministers who pack out of business because of this message because i prayed to the lord i said lord let this message go far if not because men of god have been eating your father's salary or your mother's salary month after month you would have been better off everybody comes that the moment you have breakthrough and then the surprising thing is when any member of your family dies you will never see them because they don't believe in all of those things they don't have the gospel to preach for dead people they don't have a gospel to preach for somebody who has been fired from his job they only have a gospel to preach and all these spiritual songs and ladies are handsome guys and beautiful ladies when they look at you and you don't look like it they say no you are not my you have to represent a papa lord have mercy upon your body because the lord is sad at what is happening the church has become a business venture a business venture are you listening to me everybody just does every kind of thing when the pastor wants to promote anybody he likes to get gain he will say now this person has started selling food his feeling station is called rw all the members of this church must is a prophetic instruction patronizing what is the meaning of that what is the meaning of that why must i buy fueling i can choose total what if total is my own feeling station i leave it and go and patronize this because of the commission and then the person comes to say papa since you prophesied to me doors have been opening anyhow at the expense of people we are going to pray this night oh we're going to really pray this night are you following me now witchcraft and manipulation all foolish galatians who has bewitched you who has bewitched you who has bewitched you devilish teachings godless teachings who has bewitched you we package teachings that keep members in slavery in slavery again and again because the more they are in slavery the more we benefit hallelujah me show you another thing that the lord showed me leaders our retreat has started this night we have already started our retreat tomorrow we're just continuing hallelujah john chapter 2 please follow me closely the lord began to speak about another thing john chapter 2 thank you jesus can you just pray in tongues for one minute and say lord we thank you because your word is sanitizing the church mando classify hallelujah hallelujah in john chapter 2 we start from verse 7 this was the first miracle that jesus performed i hope you know whatever is first gives you a pattern are you following me now let's examine the first miracle that jesus performed john 2 verse 7 jesus said unto them listen let's even start from one i'll read first and the third day there was a marriage in cana of galilee and the mother of jesus was there and both jesus was called and his disciples to the marriage i follow me now and they what they they lacked wine look at me they called people for marriage but they lacked wine hallelujah they called people for marriage yet there was no wine to feed them read on and jesus said unto her woman woman what have i to do with thee my hour is not yet come listen listen his mother said unto thee the mother said unto thee please follow me whatsoever he tells you to so there is a relationship between doing and servants when the mother wanted something to be done who did she talk to servants follow me but six and there were six water pots of stone after the manner of the purifying of the jews containing two or three four kings at peace and jesus said unto them fill the water pot with water and they filled them to the brim and he said unto them draw some out now and pay it on to who the governor so we understand that that fish had some top people called what govern us and they bought it and when the ruler the first question is how can a feast have a ruler look at me he said feel such a big issue that a man will become a ruler are you following me now there were people who called themselves governors rulers and innocent people came for the wedding but they had no wine why didn't jesus talk to the rulers he left the rulers and went and he was dealing with the servants please are you following me i'm giving you a revelation to the body of christ watch this let's keep reading and when the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine what happened i knew not from where it was listen the rulers knew nothing about the new miracle and the new things that jesus was doing only who servants now listen to what your bible says read it in bracket it says but the servants who drew the water knew this is a mystery that is happening in the body of christ are you following me now there is a feast there are great men they were all not because they are the men of timbang caliber isn't it they are the ones that know the happenings of god and the bible says wine had finished and they were still deceiving people claiming as if the wedding was going on fine but then what happened jesus was busy dealing with the servants because jesus was touched that there were people and there was no wine for them and jesus said i cannot deal with these rulers again they are deceitful people the spirit of witchcraft and he switched and said servants will you do whatever i tell you to do you say yes he said now let me begin to walk with you this is the prophetic mystery of what is happening in the body of christ the bible says when they started testing the new wine the rulers felt embarrassed because this was not the kind of wine they plan to give the people are you following me now the people have been drinking every kind of premature wine suddenly they started tasting a wine that was balanced and well-built and the people ask they say where was this wine the bible says the rulers did not know where the wine came from but those who were servants who were not busy looking for title but were interested in doing the bible says the servants knew please are you following me now the revelation and the moves of god that he's doing amos chapter 3 let me show you some scriptures revelation will only be for servants in this season not for lords not for them who you stop authority because the moves of the spirit that is bringing upon the body amos chapter 3 if you are there please say amen verse 7 surely the lord god will do nothing but he revealed his secrets unto whom stop does forget about the prophet he reveals his secrets to who man of god he reveals the secrets to his servants whatever version says son just forget about it there's a wrong interpretation he's servants so when god wants to do a thing while those who believe they are the custodians of revelation who are yoking people those who are saying lord is only by grace that i have to serve would you reveal to me your counsel the bible says the lord will do nothing but you will go to those people and reveal his secrets are you following me revelation chapter one a couple something is happening in this place high are you there revelations 1 verse 1 let's read one to read the revelation of jesus christ stop is called the revelation of who so this is christ wanting to reveal himself is that correct but let's see those who got it the revelation of jesus christ which god gave unto him to show who to show who is it in your bible the revelation that god gave and he gave that this mystery that i'm bringing about myself to the body i will hide it from those who believe they are the ones who are the man of god and yoking the body he told the spirit of god go and sat around the earth when you find a servant reveal it to him are you following me now are you getting something the spirit of servanthood the spirit of servanthood ecclesiastes chapter 10 we have always quoted this scripture but let me show you a mystery this is the prophecy that will be happening we have always seen it in a wrong way but i will show you something ecclesiastes 10 please are you there verse 7 if you are there say amen if you are there say amen let's read one to read hold on who are those riding on the horses who are those riding on the horses who are those walking our foot this is what will happen it says servants because when you read in revelations chapter 19 it says the person who was upon the horse meaning the servant was the lord himself and only those who will be servants who will be allowed to ride on this horse of revelation and glory that is coming upon the body are you following me now he said i see a mystery why is it that servants are allowed to ride on horses while those who call themselves princes are walking a foot this is the detuning that the spirit of god will do by himself listen you will see a manifestation of servants that will make you fear they will catch revelations and walk in the anointing of the spirit and all the people who claim to be lords you enter a church and you see the pictures of a man i said it's a photo studio he's the lord almighty of this cathedral are you listening to me the tragedy i've seen in the church is many men are looking for the works of god and the power of god but they do not want to know god are you listening to me psalms 103 verse 7 psalms 103 verse 7 the bible said he showed his ways to moses but to the nation of israel they only saw his acts are you listening to me and what we are displaying in church is the act of god which is wonderful but i tell you the revelation that will last according to what god showed me is those who knew his way why did he show moses his way but then he shielded his way from the nation of israel joshua chapter 1 verse 1 are you there joshua chapter one let's read one to read now the lord said unto joshua go ahead and read he said moses my servant are you following me now he says now the lord said unto joshua he said moses my servant so god called moses who that's why moses saw the ways of god while the rest israel was busy seeing his act moses said although i have seen fame and power although i have spoken to god visibly i choose to be the servant of god and god said i will show you my ways but today that stand afar they will just see the motions of the spirit without understanding the mind of christ he said moses my servant please are you getting blessed tonight this is a prophetic message to the body those who use sup authority matthew 20 let's see what jesus christ said here jesus christ made a very powerful statement that i don't want us to play with if you have a bible a red letter edition you will see the writings of jesus in red letters 20. verse 21 now very quickly because i want us to pray this was when listen and he said unto her let me read what will dao she said unto him grant that these my two sons may sit one at the right hand and one at the left so the woman came and she wanted her son the mother of james and john what did she want authority power she wanted them to be the rulers and jesus said ah you don't know what you are asking for oh madam let's jump to verse 24. when the ten heard it they were moved with indignation why they were angry they were saying all of us are trying to be servants and here you are trying to make arrangements to load it over us i follow me now when they heard it they were angry this is the message of jesus to the body of christ verse 25 but jesus said unto them he said unto him ye know that the princes you see why the princes are walking a foot are you linking this scripture now with psalms 103 you know that the princes what do they do of the gentiles exercise what dominion over them and they under that a great exercise what authority over them but here's the word of the lord to the body but it shall not be so among you but whosoever will be great among you let him be your that's the word yes servant that's where some versions say minister you see where the word minister comes from a minister is a servant not a lord you shop in authority in the name of whatever 27 and whosoever will be chief among you let him be your let him be your verse 28 he said even as the son of man came not to be ministered unto come on offering raise us common prophetic connections and all kinds of things he says the primary i'm not saying you should not bless i hope you understand the balance all of these things that i talk about when you begin to emphasize one truth you will soon fall into witchcraft the second message of christ to the body of christ is that those who will receive revelation and walk with the lord in the seasons to come are those who will accept to be servants hallelujah do you believe this let me show you an interesting scripture philippians chapter 2. we have taught on this scripture but the lord opened my eyes by revelation philippians chapter 2 branched are you in philippians philippians 2. the lord showed me a mystery verse 5 let this mind or this mindset be in you church of the lord jesus christ that was in jesus christ what is the mindset who being in the form of god thought it's not robbery to be equal with whom now listen although listen listen please jesus did not think that when he lets people know that he is god it will be that he is insulting god and it's not true is that correct and he said let this man be in you that means please come come that means like god this guy should i should not think it robbery when this guy can stand and hold shoulders with me are you following me now he said let this mind of servant would be in you that god almighty jesus was not afraid to come and stand and say we are one does that mean jesus disrespects the father please are you following me now but in our churches right now if this guy should come and stand and say good afternoon josh i would think it is what robbery are you following me now you see the mindset god is saying let it be in us he's saying do not think it robbery when you stand and say look we are not the same oh yeah get down kneel down are you supposed to come on my friend you don't know the level of anointing that i'm walking in the bible says jesus was so confident that god understood and that he had the seven heart in other words this was the culture of heaven it was not robbery so jesus could say i and my father are one hallelujah there are people even if their mother and father calls them joshua salman they look and say mommy let me tell you there is difference between the spirit and ministry apostle joshua robbery are you following me now so there are many there are many made gods in church called pastor watching against those they want to call armed robbers those who want to rise to their position and the bible says jesus did not count it to be robbery when he said i am equal with god in church today we believe that the greatest is the man of god and we even have something called chief servant in english we call that oxymoron that's nonsense hallelujah chief then you lie to us that you are a servant no sir you are either a chief or you are a servant chief servant is the way of trying to say among the servants i am the greatest is that not the same thing we are talking about do you know that the highest kedar of the angelic realm they are called messenger angels that's the title you give to great angels hallelujah the highest of the angelic realm is called they are called messenger angels are you listening to me and then after the messenger angels we have the seraphs the seraphs are the heads of the messenger angels and then we have the shadow beams are you listening to me before man was created after the shadow beams we have god himself you see how satan was called the anointed cherub that means among the cherubs he was the one who was separated are you following me now concentrated and then when god created man the head of the sheriffs became the woman are you following me now and then the head of the woman is the man and then the head of man is god and what happened satan said no way no way he wouldn't want to be a servant and so he said i will exalt myself above the stars of god and as a result what happened god judged him and he came down right now we have people whose ambition is to lift themselves see let me tell you there are many nonsense that are unnecessary in church there are many churches that when you go you see a big throne kept somewhere i'm not talking of the anglican communion it's a system i follow me now are you listening to me i schooled in a seminary and i like their system you see a big chair somewhere when the man of god enters you just sit down all hail king the rabbi of the ages and then he walks and looks at the members and says i know you people who understand you poor children and what is sharing is nonsense nonsense not even scripture and he says what i'm sharing with you is deep witchcraft i hate you most high i hate you most high i truly hate most high the bible says before the day of the lord the spirit of elijah will come once again and this is what is happening in the body of christ those who will walk in revelations hear me friends they are those who will be ready to become servants am i saying you do not honor people did we not teach on the law of honor here hallelujah that's why the ministers are seated there we will never have a revelation where we'll keep the ministers in a congregation because honor is whom honor is due am i saying you will not sow into the life of people but where it becomes manipulation i'm telling you it is witchcraft and hear me the judgment of god is beginning from his house many of you will see things that will surprise you you will see ministries that will pack up and it's not demons the hand of the lord itself will close down many ministries because of the manipulation and the satanism they are bringing you know why because in the church wine has finished there is a transition i tell you the old wine that they have been intoxicating people with that is leading them to errol god himself has made that one to finish and in the secret place there are sevens that god is already giving instructions he's saying begin to feel pots of water filled pots of water for very soon i will turn it into the new wine that will characterize my move for the next season and the rulers are there church as usual business as usual church marketing as usual and the servants are saying lord what will you do mary said because you are a servant whatever he tells you to do do it i will go wherever you lead me again i will go whatever you tell me to say i will say whatever you want me to know i will know man who will not be ashamed he said paul a servant we have thought that servants are the caricature i have shown you from scripture in the book of revelation he said the revelation of the lord jesus that he gave that they should only what i hope you know revelation is an unfailing of that which has been previously hidden and god is about to open some scrolls that have been hidden but the spirit of god is searching for servants and he said that he's telling the holy ghost has been told by the father move around the earth anywhere you find servants call them tell them join those who are changing water to wine begin to join there is a new army the rulers are there jumping suddenly they will start testing a wine they know nothing about and they will be angry they will attempt to persecute the servant but the wine will be too sweet men will not deny it this is the word of the lord to the body of christ let me tell you there is coming right now all across this nation all across zarya the true servants of god are busy talking with god while the rulers are there raising offerings making themselves rich the wine has finished many churches are just doing the motions i bring you a prophetic word the old wine has finished in many churches in the wedding of kenner the first miracle the bible says and the one finished but the rulers were busy sitting served more wine but the wine had finished jesus christ was in that meeting and they did not honor him that's what is happening in many churches is it not interesting that jesus was sitting in the congregation while the rulers were the ones on the high table it's not what is happening in our churches jesus is somewhere sitting in the congregation and there are rulers conducting the wedding and the wine finished they were so complacent the wine finished when the wine finished the rulers did not even know it was the servants that went to the lord they went to mary and mary took them to jesus and said look whatever jesus was agitated how come men come and there is no wine and the wine was not sweet and he said because you are servants you humbled yourself and you came are you ready to do what i will tell you to do will you join these people who said no we are servants he said now go and get six six vessels and fetch water many many of the rulers will pass and just see water the miracle has not happened the water the bible says to be washed by the regen the washing of the water many of these servants are on training you are criticizing them they are not hearing the jeeps yet some don't have crowds in their churches yet they are the servants because very soon there will be an exchange of the old wine and the new wine many men are walking in integrity and they are suffering because of their integrity are you listening to me many of you have been misled in your churches because you spoke and you sowed and money didn't come they have insulted you that you do not have faith hold on there is an exchange in the spirit those who will dare to hear the voice of the master and say lord whatever you will tell me to do i will do and god says go ahead begin to fetch he's looking for them the spirit of god comes to zaria and he starts moving church to church campus to campus he finds a servant and the revelation comes and he brings him he comes here this guy is a lord and he goes back he finds a servant i tell you there is a separation of servants and the time will come when you will see men walk in power work in revelation authentic or revelation for now the serpents of pharaoh are still dangling around the palace soon you will see the miracle when the snake the rod of god upon the hand of his servant moses will swallow up every other doctrine this will happen in the body of christ a day will come babala whereas and sit down and stand to preach and because a servant is seated he will fall down and drop dead right there it will happen it will happen it will happen wherever you lead me i will go listen if you are here desist from pride and arrogance are you listening to me especially if you cut the call of god upon your life when you know that your man of god or whoever politely seek room to tell them that this is not the way of god the spirit of god will not strive with man forever god will first move in the ministry of mercy if it does not work the sword of judgment will come because that is what he did in the days of pharaoh he told moses politely go tell pharaoh you are putting my people in bondage let my people go let my people go ten times pharaoh did not hear and he said all right i will not talk to you again suddenly by night the bible says the angel of death moved around cross over goshen and went to the city and began to smite the first born is the most valuable asset of a man are you listening to me many people will lose many things in the body although they are men of god but the spirit of god will not contend with man for too long [Music] and i welcome you to be part of what god is doing by maintaining the spirit of his servants [Music] are you listening to me i prayed to the lord i said lord keep me let me be a servant a servant does not mean you are wearing t-shirt instead of suits no that's just simplicity that's not humility but that you come to a point where you realize that everyone god has called us to serve you are you listening to me yes you will bless us yes you will respect us but the primary ministry is to serve you to pray for you to fast for you to tell you the truth like i'm telling you [Music] that's why before you come the ushers clean the seat for you because we are servants are you listening to me that's why until everybody is seated the ushers don't sit down we are servants that's why when we stand to minister and there are people standing we tell them come and occupy the seats god has not called us trust to be lord and king of kings apostle joshua sermon the president of koinonia let me tell you something many of you are already receiving a wrong spirit you have collected the wrong button and you are running tonight we are going to pray and you are going to say lord help me have mercy on me are you listening to me oh tonight we are going to pray because many of you are already getting attracted you like it you like it you like the suit you like everything you like seeing people worshipping you you enjoy that ecstatic feeling of relevance is what is driving many pastors and many people but wherever you lead me yay i will go it's wherever you lead me oh lord let me not become one of those rulers and those governors that sit for nothing that when an old wine will finish i will not be part of the next program of god wrong spirits moving across the body of christ and we are happy you watch them on tv you like them you admire them [Music] listen i'm not teaching you to hate them i do not hate any man of god as surely as the lord lives i have learned from different people but i will not receive any spirit that is not of christ are you listening to me the bible says jesus humbled himself right now man of god just stand and when you say joshua selma they sent me you are calling me joshua selma of course you can honor the anointing you can honor the grace you can honor the office there's nothing wrong with that but my name is not apostle my name is joshua salman are you listening to me but you want to honor the anointing and then you can honor the office there's nothing wrong but where it becomes that i am standing and considering it to be robbie that's a spirit of error and i tell you the truth i tell you the truth the judgment of god is coming i tell you the truth and there was no wine and they were only servants while jesus was communicating with the servants the masters of ceremony were there doing their religion to the point that they started serving the wine and the people did not know for servants will again ride on horses and princes will be surprised that they are walking our foot we are going to pray [Music] thank you for watching our entire video today if you feel you can bless someone please join us and spread the gospel by sharing this video on your social media [Music] you
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, stewards of the mysteries, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, altar of prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman dealing with attacks and challenges, nimmak prayer spiritual warfare, prayer spiritual warfare, prosperity, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful why you must be prayerful, Apostle joshua selman message 2021, apostle joshua selman praying in tongues, apostle joshua selman live stream
Id: 0iu_tzOFX5U
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Length: 84min 47sec (5087 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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