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with Gates being absolutely vital to everybody's progression in Soul leveling arise a Hot Topic is which Gates should I be completing if I'm playing the game so we're going to talk about that I think that this is pretty interesting be sure to subscribe if you are new we're doing a ton of Soul leveling arise content in anticipation of global launch when the game comes out next month worldwide uh and I have been having a ton of fun covering it for you guys as well by the way if you're new to the channel as part of my my wave of doing videos on this thank you I really appreciate it seriously sincerely I appreciate it okay so let's Dive Right In so the first thing I want to kind of mention is if you have a special gate red Gator dungeon break you pretty much always want to clear those just for the record it's extremely straightforward you pretty much want to clear them right now if they're too hard for you you can probably skip them I'm not sure if you have this free skip option like one out of one a day I don't know I think this may be exclusive to the paid purchase pack uh things like that so there's that but nonetheless if you have the option to sweep it you can do that as well but you want to clear these as much as possible because the drops are just better the special gate I can't I can't pull it here it's going to either be the goblin one which sucks in my opinion I hate that stage like I just it doesn't suck like just the like whatever drops but just I hate the stage chasing those goblins around or the treasure chest one which is extremely easy but the drops there are a little bit different I don't have the the list up here cuz I've already completed it unfortunately um but you do also get more gold for that stage the gold isn't great on any of these stages the golden experience is pretty negligible on all of these it's basically in the same range on all these right doesn't matter what you're taking on in that case for those two items specifically what you're looking at when you're taking these on is what it drops right as you've seen probably by watching different things are dropping for example this is an extremely high value gate it's got some amazing drops it's got an artifact drop potentially these are not guaranteed you get some of this stuff right it's got the traces which are extremely hard to get right uh we also have the shadow enhancement stuff there you've got the skill Scrolls for the player which is really good Rune fragments you really really want those to keep crafting run Stones Mark of times you also really want those too so this is like this is super premium you want to play this right but obviously yours is going to look a little bit different depending on which difficulty you're playing anyway but yeah like I was saying the the the stuff is pretty negligible the special gate however the one I've cleared the yellow one does offer between 5 and 7,000 gold I believe so keep that in mind that's not enough this game has a really big gold issue and those Gates need to offer probably 50k on average is my recommendation but it's something I guess right anyway the most important thing when it comes to this system I just want to say also is regardless of oh which one should I do you need to complete 10 period you you just need to complete at least 10 in a day to get all this experience you want all of this this is amazing this is the drops here you need this right to level up your gen new faster you need this and then when you've completed the first 10 it does shift over to being negligible drops of gold but it's more gold there which again is a finite resource in this game well not finite but it's a very tedious resource in this game you want to get those as well if possible now after you've completed these 10 it's going to also be kind of hard to do anything more because you're going to be capped out on gate Keys you can go to the shops and exchange for more gate keys if you want to your number will increase I believe based on your reputation level I believe that's what what determines how many gate Keys maximum you have or I noticed that my I think instance dungeon ones gone up too like things like that they eventually start going up with more reputation I believe unless it's tied to sju's level one of the two anywh who speaking of reputation the Red Gate offers the most reputation all the other ones drop one so there's that so anyway what I would recommend just generally speaking is that you subscribe to this Channel about 80% of viewers haven't subscribed so if that's you be sure to subscribe anyway what I would recommend for real this time is that every player that completes these Gates aside from just if you're crunched for time and you just got to knock them out okay go for it right but you would want to try to constantly play like they said the gold the the special gate the Red Gate or the dungeon break but you also want to make sure that regardless of level you want to make sure you're running at least a or S rank dungeons that's what I would recommend I wouldn't really recommend going to these B's or below right uh some of the some of this is pretty much the same but I believe through my own testing I've only gotten Soul Essence drops on mining from a or S rank dungeons okay so Soul Essence mining it's not it's not the most impactful thing it's not the most crazy thing but you do want to get you know a few Soul Essences here and there it goes a long way it adds up over time you want that so that's another reason too I'm sure that there are other indicators but that's the most important one that I've noticed the drops seem to be pretty again pretty much the same however I'm pretty sure that on a higher rank gate you have a better chance of dropping more Andor better stuff but nonetheless also another thing that is spawning here is as you saw the mark of time was available on the a rank versus not available on the B rank for example so that happens a lot here too even the dungeon break you know B offers this as well but I think a higher rank one would drop the mark of time so all right so now that I've told you generally you want to run a and S ranks and just if you're keeping track you want to run your dungeon brakes red gates and special Gates well let's talk about rescanning and other things like that so rescanning is an interesting function by the way the game guide is based on the test version of this game and that this is not this is not a test version that I'm playing the game some people still think it's a beta it's not a beta it's out anyway uh in some places anyway so they say that if you rescan you will not lose red gates but I'm pretty sure if I rescan based on what it says here that I will lose this Redgate so be careful about rescanning because what it does is it just refreshes the page and if you really want to minmax your gate farming whether it's gate mining gate experience drops all that stuff I've talked about already you need to make sure that you are constantly rescanning and when you rescan you want to rescan in a Range that's feasible For You especially if you don't have the ability to skip these stages and you have to actually play them you want to rescan at a level that is feasible for you to probably Auto playay if you don't want to go in and actually play it to probably autoplay okay so keep that in mind right you will unlock higher difficulty levels here as you level up S Janu so I just got level 20 for reaching level 50 four I believe so you will unlock that and then as you get higher up obviously the range increases like a madman this is pretty insane I don't think this is a fair trade-off but anyway um you want to just go ahead and do that in the same range that's feasible for you to play in a meaningful way all right so now that we've covered pretty much everything pertaining to the gates what you need to do which ones to run I wanted to kind of show you an example of what I'm talking about now the most important thing about the red gates is that they have these other bosses here like Bara is dropping here however the recommended power is 100k 100 100,500 so it's a very high number but this is an s-rank gate obviously this could be a harder gate if it was a higher level but nonetheless level 47 S rank gate I'll take it that's really really strong and as you see the drops are befitting that now another thing to consider is when you're taking on one of these stages whether it's this one specifically or like a dungeon break uh you have to consider the fact that the bosses are going to be harder than your Ty typical boss I know right so crazy to say but you want to consider their passives you want to consider their attributes for example baruka is normally weak to fire in the story content here he is weak to the dark element now also when you are taking on other stages like the dungeon break the bosses will have a crap ton of HP relative to just a normal stage as well it could be the same rank it could be whatever but the dungeon break ones are typically again more tedious to complete so the trade-off is in the reward now at these levels I'm not seeing any sort of rules but there will be some inhibitions that they'll place on your team as you progress in higher difficulties I assume if I were to rescan to level 20 I'd probably see something like that the game guide says I should already be seeing it but I don't see it now so just further proof the game guide is kind of out of date but nonetheless you want to play these right so that is pretty much my general recommendation now the last thing while it freezes I want to mention is what should you play when it comes down to uh whether it's the sun Janu player stages right or the hunter ones right so we're gonna talk about that next here and I wanted to rescan so I just sweep this and this is what I got so obviously it's a range of stuff it's not like you're going to get all that exactly but hey I'm not mad at it I'll take it whatever we got the reputation we got some gold artifact drops or whatever the most valuable thing we're getting here is this stuff right here the Scrolls and fragments that's the most important reason to run this and again you run it several times a g a day excuse me so it works out pretty well and I just rescan to level 20 so let's see the difference between the a rank level 54 Hunter stage versus the A- rank level 54 Sun Janu stage we have as well so we are dropping the second Mark of time now at level 20 I absolutely need that but look at the power difference my goodness I am almost half like that's pretty crazy uh anyway the drops are basically the same but we are dropping we probably have a higher chance like I said of dropping some of those better things and then the sun Janu stage it appears to be basically the same so it just kind of comes down to what it's the same boss as well kind of just comes down to what you want to do it appears because the results and everything looks like it's basically the same stuff the experience the gold everything is the same so the item drops is the same too so it just kind of depends what you want to do so that should answer the question of what you should even play between the two is and the and the answer to that would be that it apparently doesn't really matter if I rescan again this will cost me some currency but I'll do it we'll see if we can compare once again it probably doesn't matter much oh hey we spawned an srank gate here Goblin golden goblin nice I'm going to sweep the hell out of that thank you all right we got one Trace yeah these things are really hard to get in standard content like this um we got an srank Sun Janu level 55 stage let's actually see about the other stages here C rank B rank B ranks here again so two B ranks same exact stuff same bosses and everything it's the exact same thing so again okay so here's another B rank but again the drops are the same same everything's the same so it doesn't really matter what you take on it's at that point it's just dealer's Choice it's preference what do you want to play um unless there's some sort of hidden mechanic that offers I'm going to do this don't do this unless there's some sort of hidden mechanic that offers an increased item chance drop if you take Sun Janu in or something like that that would be the only reason I would recommend that now we spawned a b rank Hunter Redgate so ice bear Alpha let's see what he has basic basically the same stuff if I were to go back and check it out in comparison to the S Janu one earlier uh this one's actually better because it offers a second Mana Crystal and also it has a high it has legendary artifacts here so this is also spawning this way regardless of the level or rank it's it's more so to do with the the the difficulty we rescanning at because the boss is just high so you could argue it's it's a level thing right he's level 51 versus level 47 where Bara was earlier but when we are rescanning at this high of a difficulty we're just going to get better drops so ultimately what that means and I have to do this again ultimately what that means is that as you get higher in the game the game will become much easier to play so keep that in mind but nonetheless I'm going to go ahead and do this one final time I hope that this was helpful for you in seeing what things kind of look like right so let's compare again we got a d rank Hunter stage d rank same deal so same deal basically doesn't really matter what stage you take on it's pretty much the same so you would again you would want to play the higher difficulties because regardless of what drops the reason to play the higher difficulties as I said I am pretty sure I'm going to complete this instantly let's see what we get is that you can actually get uh better rewards here actually let's let's mine this here just for experimentation see what we get completing it instantly at B rank G I'm just blowing Soul Essence by the way similar stuff got four mining experience as well so the mining experiences this one's going to be 33 that's fun we got Soul Essence there okay that's good yeah you you want to get the Soul Essence so at least we're getting a little bit of a refund there four Soul Essence it's not the most but a little bit of a refund we'll run these two gates we'll actually cancel them here as well a little bit of experimentation actually you know what I don't even need to experiment because it says you can get them right here I'm stupid I'm stupid I was like I'm pretty sure that you know you can't do it from lower Rarities but you know let's run this B rank one let's sweep it and see what it says this is blowing Soul essenes let's do this really quick this would be the bln doll let's see what it does oh no go back why did you shoot me out let's go back yeah so it's it's yeah you want to I'm pretty sure it'ss for the soul Esson but I mean that's not the craziest thing I mean the rest of it I'm pretty sure is basically the same if I were to mine and then complete this I'm pretty sure it's basically the same let's complete it really quick and that'll be our last test yeah it's it's basically the same you got the same uh Mana crystals gold basically the same stuff the only reason to do what I've done is to level this up faster so I guess this is the last little thing to mention as this levels up you get a bunch of perks very very very straightforward very straightforward so ultimately to recap one final time play higher level slh higher rank stages in general but Above All Else the most important objective that you have is simply completing 10 of these in a day because you want to do that minimum right now next up if you are in a hurry just complete whatever you have you need to do that at the bare minimum you need to complete what's available to you um if you have the gold Gates the red gates or the purple Gates you want to complete them as well also depending on if you are trying to just kind of Blitz through these depending on uh what they drop that should help you determine which stages to run like for example I'm going to run this because I want to see if I can get the mark of time right that's not on some of these lower difficulty ones right so keep that in mind as well all right I feel like we've covered pretty much everything that there is to cover when it comes to the gates in Solo L and gise in today's video we answered the question in my opinion which Gates should you guys run so if this video was helpful for you guys we also even tacked in a little bit of live experimenting if it was helpful for you guys be sure to subscribe stick around for more content going forward have an awesome day and I will see you all next time
Channel: DFree
Views: 14,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D-Free, Solo Leveling Arise, Solo Leveling Arise Guide, how to get tickets in solo leveling arise, how to get gems in solo leveling arise, how to get solo leveling arise, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling arise beginners guide, how to play solo leveling arise, how to get stones in solo leveling arise, selection draw tickets, solo leveling arise draw tickets, solo leveling arise tips, solo leveling arise beginner guide, solo leveling arise guide
Id: xIlO1wM9eaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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