What Every Christian Needs to Know About Islam (Full)

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to see so many pastors here as Chris pointed out situation with the secular media isn't very pretty I don't know if you've noticed but there is this little situation with Islam in the world and I think it comes down to the church I think it's going to come down to the church to do anything with Muslims and with Islam so I'm very glad to see Christian leaders taking an interest in this because I do think the situation with Islam stands or Falls with the church I became interested in Islam well actually I started studying Islam before I started studying Christianity and grew up as an atheist started studying Islam first later started studying Christianity mostly to refute a Christian who was annoying me became a Christian and then in college I was on the Speech and Debate team and I ended up sharing a hotel room with a Muslim who was on the debate team and so we shared a hotel room on a school trip I was sitting on my bed that evening reading the Bible and I prayed well I don't know if there's a coincidence that I ended up in the room with a Muslim here but I'm horrible at starting up conversations so Lord if you want me to talk to this guy you know be good if he started the conversation and about 60 seconds later he turns to me and says so are you a hardcore Christian and I said yes and it was a it was World War three after that so that was a best Nabeel Qureshi he's my ministry partner now Nabil eventually became a Christian at which point I thought AHA I'm finally done with Islam because I was more interesting I've always been more interested in dealing with the the arguments of atheist because that's that was my background so my best friend one of the only Muslims I knew was now a Christian I could return to eighth not literally return to it but return to dealing with it and then something interesting happened the entire Muslim world declared war on the Biel his family his community started getting death threats he started getting death threats with that within about a month and he wasn't even telling anyone that he was a Muslim I mean they left Islam so I mean and when I say don't me an email I mean left on his car you're dead we know where you are so all the sudden I have to continue dealing with Islam mostly because people started challenging us to public debates hey if you think you have good reasons for become a Christian why don't you come out here and defend it at such-and-such school or you know such-and-such mosque and the bill and I now over the past several years have done somewhere between 35 and 40 public debates that tend to go pretty well so that's why I became interested in Islam and now I find that I can never get away with it because it's get away from it because it's always such an issue in the world and let's face it there is a religion out there that calls for the horrible bloody death of my best friend so I have to I have to pay attention to what that religion teaches now there are tons of things that are important for Christians to know about Islam basic Muslim beliefs what they believe about the Quran the hadith and Muhammad and everything else but we don't have too long so I'm going to focus on the few key things that I think the pastors need to know that Christian leaders need to know from my experience in dealing with Islam over the years several important things that Westerners need to know and especially Christians in the West need to know so we'll look at five things Islam and the gospel we'll just look at this briefly of why this should be an especially interesting topic to Christians what Islam has to say about the Bible you know if if Christians would get down point number two here and learn what Islam says about the Bible I think it would change I think it would change Christian Muslim interaction in the world today we'll look at three stages of jihad spend a moment on the doctrine of takea because it's important to know what's going on there and finally we'll finish briefly with Mohammed we won't talk long about Mohammed I just want to give you quick highlights because lots of people say things about Muhammad and Muslims say thing about say things about Muhammad and critics of Islam say things about Muhammad if you don't know what the historical sources actually say I'm just going to give you a brief outline of what's fact and what's fiction here so Aslam and the gospel this should be central de croo to Christians you know verses like this every one of you does so beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves false prophets will arise and will mislead many but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach the gospel contrary to what you would receive let it be eternally condemned so over and over again in the Bible we're told here's the gospel and by the way false prophets and false teachers are coming to try and do something about that gospel to try and change it alter in some way so if you're a Christian you should be expecting people to come along with with new Gospels with false Gospels and Islam I would say is the most interesting case of this that I've ever seen I mean it's almost I mean it really is amazing let me think about this according to Islam Jesus was born of a virgin who agrees with us that Jesus was born of a virgin atheist don't agree with us I mean no one agrees with us that Jesus was born of a virgin Jesus performed many miracles in fact according to Islam Jesus lived the most miraculous life in history who agrees with us on that no one agrees with us except Muslims and Jesus is even the Messiah according to Islam Islam affirms all of these Christian doctrines and no one else seems to agree with us on so you look at that say wow they're on the same page and then you you turn and look a little deeper and you find out there's only a couple things that Muslims disagree with us on one Jesus was not divine - he didn't die on the cross and three he didn't rise from the dead and why is this important well the gospel if you go back to the book of half the core of the Christian gospel always centered around Jesus identity as Lord his sacrificial death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead over and over in the book of Acts whenever they preach they might preach all kinds of things but they always return to those three doctrines so we can look at that say this is the core of the Christian gospel Jesus sacrificial death the resurrection from the dead his divine nature and Mohammed comes along in the seventh century and says you Christians you believe in God you believe in one God I do too we don't agree with those pagans you believe Jesus was born of a virgin I do too you believe Jesus lived the most miraculous life in history I do too you believe Jesus was the Messiah I do too there are just these three little things that we can't agree on she's been buying the cross didn't rise from the dead and every claim never claimed to be divine if we can just get past those will be in full agreement here now as a Christian you know this should set some alarms off we'll wait a minute this is exactly what I would expect someone who this is exactly what I would expect of a false prophet someone who comes along agrees with us on everything except the core of the Christian gospel so this shouldn't be surprising to Christians but what I find and this is the point this is the point that if Christians can get down it'll change everything Muslims can't be consistent and deny these three doctrines they can't do it it's impossible if a Muslim denies these doctrines as he's commanded to do he's just contradicted some other things the Quran says so let's take a look probably the most important of you if you want to get one thing down if Christians in general get these couple of points down these couple of verses down a few minutes worth of work the world would change now watch this is a lot of talking to Jesus so 3:55 behold Allah said oh Jesus I will take the erase Lee to myself and clear thee of the falsehoods of those who blaspheme I will make those who follow the superior to those who reject faith to the day of resurrection then shall ye all return unto me and I will judge between you of the matters wherein you dispute notice Allah promises Jesus I will make those who follow you superior to those who reject faith to the day of resurrection how long are the true followers of Jesus going to be victorious till the day of resurrection very important because most Muslims will tell you Christianity was immediately corrupted by the Apostle Paul well why did Allah say Christians are going to be true followers of Jesus we're going to be victorious until the day of resurrection keep paying pay attention watches so 6114 oh you who believe be helpers in the cause of Allah as Jesus son of Mary said to his disciples who are my helpers in the cause of Allah the disciples said we are helpers in the cause of Allah so this is Jesus followers proclaiming their belief so a party of the children of Israel believed and another party disbelieved then we aided those who believed against their enemy and they became up foremost who became uppermost according to the quran of the followers of Jesus the true followers of Jesus were the ones who are aided by God who ultimately became uppermost and it's interesting if you open up a Quran the most popular Quran here in the West is the use of folly translation if you look up his study note on this verse he says the only thing this can refer to is when Christianity took over the Roman Empire that's the only time Christians were uppermost over anyone so he applies this to the Roman Empire wait a minute those were the Christians Allah helped the Christianity that took over the Roman Empire proclaimed Jesus sacrificial death his resurrection from the dead and his divine nature now Allah is going to make the true followers of Jesus victorious and he aided the true Christians until they became uppermost animals and commentaries will say this means the Roman Empire so the Christians that oh that took over the Roman Empire were the ones who are aided by Allah now you've got a problem because we know what that christianity taught and it didn't teach jesus was just a prophet didn't teach that so why is Allah helping these Christians who are supposedly the true Christians and they're proclaiming a message that contradicts Islam if you're not convinced let's look at what Islam says about the gospel Quran 3:3 he has revealed to you the book with truth verifying that which is before it and he revealed the Torah and the gospel a 4-time a guidance for the people and he sent the Quran so the Torah and the gospel are revelations from Allah and very important because every translation I know of except one every translation I know of except one doesn't translate this which phrase which occurs over and over again in the Quran verifying that which is before it because unless on the look at this and say yes the Quran verifies that there was scripture before the Quran but it's been corrupted that's not what it actually says it says verifying by net y'day he which in Arabic means which is between your hands what does this mean if the Quran verifies the books you've already got between your hands it's presupposing that you still have those books there between your hands it says there's over and over again with respect to the Christian and the Jewish Scriptures the books that you have between your hands what's this mean the Christians and Jews still had their scriptures they hadn't been corrupted in the first century of the second century of the third century and there are tons of passages like this in the Quran we'll look at a we'll look at just a few of the more interesting ones Quran 1094 this one is actually directed to Muhammad so the you there is singular when that happens in the Quran this is directed to Muhammad specifically apparently Muhammad was having some doubts about whether he's a prophet or not and the revelation came down if you are in doubt as to what we have revealed to you Muhammad asked those who read the book before you certainly the truth has come to you from your Lord therefore you should not be of the dispute errs ask those who read the book before you Christians and Jews are referred to as the people of the book because we had the book well if Muhammad can go to Christians and Jews and ask them what's in the book that means we still have the book otherwise how are we reading the book so are seven 157 those who follow the messenger the unlettered prophet muhammad young letter prophet whom they find mentioned in their own scriptures in the law and the gospel it is they who will prosper so we open the law and the gospel and find references to Muhammad well I don't think we do but what's presupposed in this claim it's presuppose that we open up our scriptures that those scriptures are from God these scriptures contain references to Muhammad Sura 5 verse 47 let the people of the gospel this is funny this is a command to Christians let the people of the gospel that's us judge by what Allah hath revealed therein if any do fail to judge by the light of what Allah has revealed they are no better than those who rebelled you can say this to any Muslim hey I'm commanded to judge by what is in the gospel therefore Islam is false well believe in Islam I can't I'm no better than those who rebel if I if I don't judge a slum Falls because I've commanded in your Quran to judge by what I find in the gospel I'm going to do that there's the one command in the Quran I will obey and it tells me to reject everything else in the Quran so sorry Sura 568 doesn't stop there say o people of the book Jews and Christians you have no ground to stand upon unless you stand fast by the law the gospel and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord well how can I I have no ground to stand on stand upon unless I stand on on the foundation of the Torah and the gospel how can I do that if they were corrupted in the first century why would Allah say this if it's been corrupted in the first century why would he say whatever you do don't go to that book gets corrupted that's not what it says that's never what it says over and over and over again the Quran affirms our scriptures why the own lessons don't believe I mean if they if they follow the Quran they're not allowed to believe that anyone can corrupt God's Word Quran chapter 6 verse 1 14 through 115 shall I then seek a judge other than Allah and it is he who hath revealed to you the book which is made plain and those whom we have given the book know that it is revealed by your Lord with truth therefore you should not be of the dispute errs and the word of your Lord has been accomplished truly and justly there is none who can change his words and he is the hearing the knowing who can corrupt the word of Allah no one but wait a minute the gospel and the Torah are the Word of God according to Islam one more sir 1827 and recite what has been revealed to you out of the book of your Lord there is none who can alter his words there is none who can alter his words now what's the point here well I want to tell you from experience how a discussion with Muslims usually goes historically the Muslim come talks to the Christian says your book has been corrupted I just looked through the book by Avicii who I was just looking through the book and his section on the on the Bible he said he's never been in a conversation with a Muslim where this didn't come up where the corruption of the Bible didn't come up and in almost every discussion between Christians and Muslims well for the most part Christians don't have an answer at all most Christians don't have an answer at all those Christians you know Christian who would meet a Muslim on the street or something like that or in school something most Christians have no answer those Christians who do have an answer it's usually related to textual criticism well we can go we can look at the history the Bible we can see the history of the Bible we can study textual manuscripts we can affirm the accuracy than your Testament something like that there's something missing there's something missing from the standard Christian response the standard Christian response you certainly want to include evidence for the reliability of the New Testament but there's a much more complete response if a Muslim says your Bible has been corrupted the response should be well one why does the Quran say no one can corrupt the words of Allah why did it say that you just told me the word has been corrupted your Quran says no one can corrupt it second why does it tell why does it - I did it say why does the Quran say repeatedly that people still have access to the gospel third why does the Quran command me to judge by the gospel it's been corrupted according to you and finally I can finally I can show you I can show you textual support for the Bible um I think that would change things quite a bit in the world because Muslims in Christian some interactions are usually on the offensive end Christians around the defensive Muslims are tossing out their criticisms and their attacks and Christians are trying to defend themselves against these criticisms it's very it's very important to my friend Sam Schulman and I we call this the Islamic dilemma dilemmas where you're in trouble if you go this way you're in trouble if you go that way those are the only two ways you can go so you're in trouble this is the Islamic dilemma because why well if the Quran as it does over and over again affirms the Christian that the Christian scriptures and the Crypt and the Christian scriptures declared that Islam is false Muslims have a problem because if they're only two possibilities you know the Christian scriptures the Word of God are they're not the Word of God two possibilities here the Christian scriptures are the Word of God then Islam is false because it contradicts the Christian scripture if the Bible is not the Word of God then Islam is false because it constantly affirms it is the Word of God so if the Bible is true Islam is false so the Bible's false the Islam is false either way Islam is false so whatever you want to think about Christianity you need to reject Islam and I think if Muslims got that through their heads it wouldn't just be them attacking they have something to think about it has something to sit back and think wait a minute I've got a problem here and again how many references we go through a few if you get two or three of those down you get two or three of those down things are conversation trust me the conversation is going to go very differently three stages of jihad why the turn to jihad interestingly at the beginning mahmoud says you pagans I disagree with you I like the Christians and the Jews Muhammad eventually has some interactions with the Jews they reject him and they start making fun of him Muhammad you have no clue what you're talking about everything you're saying totally contradicts what we you picked up a few things but come on you're totally wrong here then it became pagans and Jews I don't like you it's the Christians I like and then by the end Christians Jews pagans you're all in trouble you're all in trouble the reason is that whenever Muslims had interactions with Christians and Jews they pointed out the errors and we have records of this not we don't have Christian sources from the time we have Muslim sources and the Muslim sources talked about this so in the Quran in the Quran there's one Maryam there's Maryam you you know there's there's there's two famous marries there's Miriam the sister of Aaron to Moses and there's Mary the mother of Jesus Courtney's Quran is the same person we actually have records from Muslim sources where Christians started making fun of Muslims because it's hooked hey you guys know that there's like 1,400 years in between them right you guys know that right I'm doing this this is this is how the Christians were saying the Muslims you guys know that right because you're talking about that you're talking about the mother of Jesus being the sister of Moses and Aaron what's going on here so this is what happens when Muhammad thinks these Christians and Jews are going to accept his message and they just start starting ridiculing his claims and so you eventually get to jihad now this is important both for Christians because what's going on in in Muslim context where you have Krishna minorities but also because of the West this is people just don't seem to grasp the basic idea here is Muslims have a concept of abrogation one verse can conflict with another verse of the Quran they can say the exact opposite thing if there's a disagreement all you do as a Muslim is look historically which one came later whichever one came later that's the one that applies to you and here's what happens watch so these are the verses on abrogation so sort of 16 verse 101 and when we change one communication for another communication and Allah knows best what he reveals they say you were only a forger named most of them do not know people actually said Muhammad if you're confident you're changing your revelations as you go along you're a forger and you know the Quran says nope no he's not start to 106 whatever communications we abrogate or cause to be forgotten we bring one better than it or like it do you not know that Allah has power over all things so Allah can give a verse and later on gives a verse that cancels it on something better the reason this is important is you find some very different scriptures in the Quran so you find sir 2:256 there's no compulsion in religion very peaceful verse no compulsion religion you can't compel anyone to believe I love that great verse and the Quran also says fight those who believe not in Allah wait a minute thought there's no compulsion religion while you're fighting people because they don't believe now in a Western context if you're a wet if you're a Western Muslim who's who actually likes America you're not you know you're not like undercover jihadi or something like that after Western Muslim the Western method of interpretation of your average Muslim would go well which one do I like better I'll use that to reinterpret the the other one so I like the there is no compulsion in religion verse and therefore I'm going to use that to reinterpret the one that says fight those who not believe and say well that must refer to just one particular group who is it we're attacking the Muslims it's the Western method of interpretation the classical Muslim method of interpretation the method given by Mohammed the method given by the rightly guided caliphs the four leaders who were companions of Muhammad and pretty much every great Muslim scholar who's ever lived is abrogation which one came last that settles it in Islam you have three stages this is according to the life of Muhammad this is according to Muslim doctrine this is according to any classical scholar of Islam stage one when Muslims are outnumbered there to proclaim a message of peace when Muhammad was a persecuted prophet in Mecca he preached tolerance to you be your religion and to me be my religion as sir 109 declares say oh you want believers this is what Muslims are supposed to say to unbelievers in this context I do not serve that which you serve nor do you serve him whom I serve nor am I going to serve that which you serve nor are you going to serve him am i serve you shall have your religion and I shall have my religion great let's get along you have your religion I have my religion that's when Mohammed had about a hundred followers and was totally outnumbered by the polytheists in Mecca a little later Mohammed had far more followers and he had gained some allies among the tribes of Arabia then the message suddenly changed stage two when Muslim numbers increase they're permitted to in agen defensive jihad when people persecute you when they attack you when they drive you out of an area you can engage in defensive jihad if you have enough people and so this revelation came down sir 22 permission to fight is given so this is the first time Muslims were allowed to fight before this the maleta fight and now they have permission permission to fight is given to those not to all Muslims to those upon whom war is made people are making war upon you now you can defend yourself before you couldn't defend yourself because they are oppressed and most surely Allah is well able to assist them those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say our Lord is Allah now Muslims in the West point to this person you see and they say you see a Salaam only allows fighting in self-defense wrong wrong this was not the final revelation this is when Muslims had enough people to fight but they didn't form a majority when Muhammad conquered Mecca when he conquered Mecca revelation changed again shortly before his death and is important because surah nine is one of the last two servers revealed the other the other one is sir 110 which says practically nothing it's only a couple verses so surah 9 of the Quran is the last major surah revealed and that's where you find some very different teachings now it's no longer fight in self-defense fight people who are attacking you first now you have stage 3 when Muslims are in the majority they're commanded to engage in offensive jihad fight those who believe not in Allah nor the last day nor hold that forbidden which has been forbidden by Ilana's messenger so if it's long for bid something and you don't forbid something so if Islam forbids eating pork and you don't forbid eating pork they are commanded to fight you nor acknowledge the religion of truth so even if you just don't if you just reject Islam at the end of the day nor knowledge religion of truth from among the people of the book until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued now this there is a difference here you see between the pagans the Pepi Muslim response to the pagans is surah 9:5 slay them wherever you find them give them time to get out other than that slay them wherever you find them after the sacred months are over with Christians and Jews since we were people who once upon a time received revelation we have a third option pay the jizya you can pay for the right to continue to live but notice every single criterion here for fighting unbelievers is one of belief or practice has nothing to do with attacking the Muslim community first fight those who believe not in Allah nor the last day so the reason this is important is this is Sir 9 the most violent surah of the Quran these are the final marching orders these are the verses that abrogate everyone everything else that occurs so if there's a conflict between this fight those who believe not in Allah and soar to 256 there's no compulsion religion this one abrogate sit and go to a Muslim commentary look up sir to 256 sorry that was abrogated by this but in the West you bring up a verse like this and they say no that can't be what it means because of these other peaceful verses very different method of interpretation people who are in the Middle East scholars win the Middle East go with the classical the classical method of interpretation people here in the United States either honestly or deceptively go with a different method look at the peaceful verses of the Quran that's what Islam actually teaches with specific respect to Christians here's what islam teaches about christians christians who believe in the deity of christ are unbelievers this is crucial because there are verses that are revealed rather early that say nice things about the christians and muslims are quick to point those out hey it says right here Christians Jews Muslims everyone's ok so 2 to 280 to Christians I mean Christians Muslims and Jews are all ok well that's not what the ground says later on Sura 5 you can put this together watch as Christians who believe in the deity of Christ are unbelievers specifically says those disbelieve who say Jesus is God so the UM so people who believe in the deity of Christ among from the people of the book are unbelievers sir in 98 6 goes a step further Christians who disbelieve are the worst of creatures according to Quran Muslims are the best of people's Christians who believe in the deity of Christ I assume that everyone here you are the worst of creatures so what happened what happened that what happened in the sari to which said that we're we're fine well I'm sorry you're the worst of creatures Muslims must not be friends with Christians surah 551 do not be friends with the Jews and with the Christians there are friends of each other if you become a friend of them you're one of them you're a Jew or Christian if you're friends with the juror Christian and of course the passage we already read Christians are to be fought and subjugated because of their unbelief and it's interesting we read surah 9:29 which says fight those who do not believe the very next verse sir 9:30 gives the justification for fighting us it says Christians say Jesus is the Son of Allah and they imitate the other disbelievers the pagans we imitate the pagans by saying that Jesus is God that's the justification for for fighting us and that the end of that verse even says may Allah destroy us Christians and Jews so that brings up the question why don't you hear this from Muslims in the West and there can be multiple reasons there can be multiple reasons and I'll say we're going to look at takea which is there are situations where Muslims are allowed to deceive Westerners this gets overused in criticisms of Islam show that I mean people think every time a Muslim tells you anything is lying to you it's not true most Muslims most Muslims were telling you what they believed telling you that Islam is the religion of peace telling you they don't want to harm you they're telling the truth they really believe that there can be many reasons for that they might not know anything which I find is standard you know Christians to your average Christian doesn't know a lot about Christianity just like your average Muslim doesn't know much about Islam so they might not know anything or they might again be relying on a Western method of interpretation where you go with the interpretation you like best you go with the verse you like best and use that to reenter up the other verses rather than the traditional method of interpretation that goes back to Muhammad but there's this other possibility someone might know exactly what islam teaches and might believe that you need to be conquered and you need to be fought as the Quran commands and still tell you that as long as a religion of peace why well this goes back to the Quran this is where the word takea comes from sort of 3:28 let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers who so do with that has no connection with Allah so not be friends with those unbelievers you got Muslims you can be friends with who so do with that have you had no connection with Allah if your friends were those unbelievers unless it be that he but guard yourselves against them taking as it were security a lot of biteth you to beware only of themself until Allah is the journey don't be friends with the unbelievers unless it's to protect yourself unless it's to guard yourself this is where we get the word takea and I'll give you the greatest Muslim commentary on this the greatest according to almost any Muslim you'll ever see the greatest commentator of crown of all time has it been kaffir the tafseer of ebon kaffir is the greatest commentary on the quran good as gold here's what he says on this verse a lot of said necks unless you indeed fear a danger from them so it's on don't be friends with the jews and christians unless there's a danger from them that would be in context where you're outnumbered we're christians and jews form a majority meaning except those believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers in this case such believers are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly but never inwardly for instance Al Bukhari recorded Bukhari is the greatest collector of traditions from Muhammad al-bukhari recorded that abu dharr das said we smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them smile in their faces Kirstin in your hearts Al Bukhari said that Al Hassan that's another companion moment so Darda is a companion of Muhammad Al Hassan is a companion of Muhammad Al Hassan said the Tokyo that's takea is allowed until the day of resurrection so what does this mean if you are in a context where you're outnumbered by um leavers you pretend to be friendly and peaceful you do not be friendly towards them unless unless it's a guard yourself from them and you do that through deception smiling in their faces cursing them in their hearts now again I just want to say don't anyone get the wrong impression I don't think most Muslims are doing this here in the West they really believe that if Salaam is peaceful point is I don't know I don't know because if you really are peaceful if you really are a peaceful Muslim you're going to say that as long as peaceful if you're not you're supposed to say that Islam is peaceful so either way I don't know what you believe I once you have a command to deceive unbelievers I don't know whether to trust you or not so this is very important in a Western context when we're constantly told Islam as a religion of peace Muslims are allowed to do that even if they believe otherwise and finally we'll just go through this we'll just touch on this briefly because you hear so much about Muhammad here are some facts about Muhammad you may have heard them these are the ones that are these are true these are true stake my reputation on it debated on everything I'm saying here no question that these are facts one Muhammad's first impression of his revelations was that they were demonic in origin Muhammad started seek receiving revelations he ran out of the cave depressed and suicidal and he tried to kill himself he said he didn't want to be accused of being possessed it was and his wife finds him like this suicidal and depressed and it's actually his wife and her cousin who convinced him no you're a prophet of God you're too good to be possessed in this way so you're actually a prophet that's kind of important because Muslims you know hey Muhammad is totally trustworthy we can believe in his revelations actually my Muslim friends the reliability of your religion doesn't depend on Muhammad it depends on Mama's wife now give me some reason to believe that she was an infallible an infallible judge of truth defend that can't be done Muhammad delivered certain verses of the Quran to his followers then later claimed that Satan had tricked him some interesting historical event is this if you've heard of the Satanic Verses not the book by Salman Rushdie that was the title he used to refer to this but there is a historical event when according to the story Muhammad really wanted to see the Quraish his own tribe the people of Mecca join him join him in Islam and he started longing for a revelation that would help them become Muslims and one day he got the revelation he was looking for it said have you not heard of a lot ELISA and manat the third the other these are the exalted cranes whose intercession is to be hoped for so the idea is there were three goddesses a lot to lose in manat we're called the the cranes because they could intercede with Allah they would take your prayer and take it up to Allah these were the three main goddesses of Mama's trial so the Quran affirmed them your three goddesses are okay tons of people converted started bowing down in honor of this revelation along with Muhammad and his followers and then a little later Muhammad comes back and says no those verses that I gave you said those three goddesses were okay devil made me do it Satan tricked me and then that you know the polytheists were especially mad hey you know you tricked us too why is this important well according to Muslim sources not according to me according to Muslim sources Muhammad couldn't tell the difference between a revelation from God and a regulation from the devil that that matters kind of matters if he's telling us to believe these other revelations and finally Muhammad believed that he was the victim of black magic an interesting story Hamid started acting really weird having delusional thoughts false beliefs and for a period of between six months and two years depending on the source but it was a significant amount of time Muhammad's walking around with these delusional thoughts and saying all kinds of weird things and he finally snaps out of and he says Jewish magician did this to me the Jews did it they got me so but this is important why well according also according to the Quran black magic is demonic magic is demonic so demonic activity could have an impact on the beliefs and behavior of the greatest Messenger of God in history reason is important this up to a high priest of Wicca once tried to cast a spell on me I was talking to some of his some of his followers and he casted a spell on me he had someone come and get threads from my clothes and so on you know what happened he died I don't know if God kill her what but I mean I know his spell didn't work on me now here he who's greater he who's in me is greater than he was in the world think about that but a high priest of Wicca casting a spell on me doesn't work at all jus gets a hair from Mohammed airbrush cast a spell on him he's messed up for a year very unconvincing to tell me I should trust anything this man says so those are some of the spiritual issues there more if you've heard the Muhammad had sex with a nine year old girl named Aisha absolutely 100% true in fact there aren't many facts you can know with more certainty than this one it's over and over and over again because so many of the Muslim traditions come from Aisha herself come from Muhammad's wife Aisha and she always talks about how she became his wife and she always says was nine I was playing on a swing they came to get me I had my dolls with me so you have this over and over and over again in the Muslim sources any put it this way any Muslim who wants to deny this and some do here in the West has to throw out everything you don't know anything about Mohammed if you don't know this because you have this in every one of your sources over and over again if you've heard Muhammad had more wives in his own revelations allow that's absolutely correct Sura 4:3 says you can have one wife or two wife or three wives four wives that's it that's you have a four wife limit Mohammed had nine and if you're wondering why Muhammad got a special revelation Sura 3350 which gave him and him alone the right to have more sexual partners Muhammad you can marry anyone you want very interesting when the founder of the religion gets special moral privileges and here's another special privileged Mohammed married the divorced wife of his own adopted son if you've heard that absolutely correct interestingly got revelations to justify it because he had told he had said you can't do that so this was a Zaid and Zainab Mohammed had an adopted son names aide was called zaid bin Mohammed Said's son of Mohammed and Zayde had a wife who was one of the most beautiful women in Arabia name was Zainab and one day Mohammed goes over to visit his adopted son and he walks in and sees Zainab half-naked and he starts praising God praise Allah praise Allah and walks out she realizes she realizes that Mohammed is attracted to her and his adopted son realizes that he's attracted where he says Mohammed I'm going to divorce her under divorce sir so you can have her so he divorces his wife Mohammed marries her not right away the revelations had to come first because people start saying wait a minute you can't do that you've been going around saying you can't marry the wives you can't marry the wives of your sons well that's when Mohammed got revelation these are all in surah 33 one of which says no more adoption no more adoption Muslims to this day Muslims to this day do not practice adoption if they if they follow their religion no adoption in Islam it was canceled so that Mohammed could marry the woman and the Quran actually justifies us or 33 37 says since people really need to know that there's no problem marrying the divorce wives or their adopted sons Mohammed I need you to do this it was actually required by a law from Mohammed to marry this beautiful woman who's divorced he had caused to show people that if you're having this moral dilemma if you're having this more problem do I marry her or do I not you have the example from mama who deals with this who anyone in her ever struggle whether you're going to marry the divorced wife of your adopted son no and the reason that's especially interesting is another verse in surah 33 again abolished adoption so now you're having Allah saying Mohammed I really need to I really need Muslims to know that it's okay to marry the wives of their adopted sons and verse says by the way there's no more adoption well what what was the point of that then there's no point to it anymore you're not going to marry the divorce wives your adopted sons because there's no more adoption so why reveal that seems awfully convenient here so these are just a couple of facts about Mohammed that you may have heard and finally some myths about Mohammed these are the fiction the fictions here you can put up many more but these are some that come up repeatedly mom had performed miracles according to the Quran Muhammad performed no miracles his only miracle is the Quran itself that's Muhammad's miracle according to the Quran over and over and over again Muhammad performed no miracles in the hadith teachings about Muhammad outside of the Quran says Muhammad performed all kinds of miracles the reason is the hadith come from two centuries later Christian I mean when Christians were approached by Muslims the Muslim we know this historically here's here's here's the interaction between Christians and Muslims for the first hundred fifty years of Islam how you Christians you need to believe in Allah and His Messenger well we believe in Jesus he rose from the dead what a Muhammadu well he made this awesome book lovely calligraphy you should believe it what what what's that what are you talking about a book we got a written we got a resurrection Moses he part of the Red Sea and you're talking about it you don't want a book and then all of a sudden Muslims started coming up with all these miracle stories Mohammed split the moon in half bigger than the rest better than the Red Sea I'm going split the moon in ethics are coming up with all these wonderful miracle stories Muhammad you water could come out of his fingertips when people are we're thirsty and so on so you have lots of Muslims who believe Mohammed performed all kinds of miracles despite the fact that the Quran repeatedly affirms he didn't perform any miracles and the reason is Muslims needed that they needed they needed out they needed some some things to tell Christians and Jews about so that's a myth Mohammed promoted tolerance you saw the verses Mohammed promoted tolerance when it was convenient for him when Muslims were in a majority there is no there is to be no tolerance in fact according to the Quran so 4735 if if muslims are supposed to be uppermost if they're in if they're in if they're in an area where they formed the majority they're not to seek peace there are no terms of peace at all and finally Mohammed defended women's rights I hear this over and over and over again I see people in the media saying Mohammed was he was virtually a feminist I have absolute I have absolutely no clue what people are thinking in Islam if your wife gets out of line you beat her into submission in Islam the testimony that the trial testimony of a woman is worth half that of a man women actually asked Mohammed why he said it's because you're stupid said it's because it's due to the deficiency of your intellect you have all kinds of problems that go back to Muhammad himself if a woman wants to accuse a man of raping her she has to have four male Muslim witnesses in good standing with the community to bear witness that they witnessed it this is Rita Beck this is wreak havoc in the Muslim world the reason is a woman gets raped she can't go and accuse the guy unless there were four guys standing there they're just standing around watching and they're willing to testify so if they're not if you don't have that if you don't have those four witnesses willing to testify then you cannot there can be no conviction against the man well what's the problem some of the women get pregnant and so they know the woman has been engaged in sexual activity they can't convict the man they can convict the woman and it's been estimate I forget whether it was Afghanistan or Pakistan it was one of the two it's estimated 75% of the muslin in prison are there for being raped for being raped and for accusing a man and not being able to get a conviction or for getting pregnant not being able to prove a case horrible situation goes back to Islam and it just little historical note here the reason for that revelation Muhammad's wife Aisha had been accused of sleeping with someone and Mohammed was depressed he didn't know how he's going to settle the case and then he said well if she's guilty bring her for witnesses oh you can she's innocent so these saying that really to be morally convenient from Mohammed at the time or now absolutely wreaking havoc in the world now I don't know what time we have left but questions any questions on you been wondering anything about Islam yeah Chris I think you're saying that slightly in an extreme way that it's good to rape her in the presence of her husband it's acceptable it's certainly acceptable and this goes this is this is sort of 424 of the Quran which as married women are forbidden to you to have sex with married women are forbidden to you unless unless they're your captives unless your right hand possesses them and so that verse is interesting in itself you can't have sex with a married woman unless you've captured her yes you physically captured her why that's interesting is we know from the hadith what was the historical situation what was the historical scenario Muslims had conquered a town Muslims had conquered a town and lots of times it killed the men and take the women and children captive this time they took the men captive as they took the men captive to and for a significant period of time for a significant period of time the Muslims didn't have sex with their captives even though the Quran allows them to have sex with their captives they didn't have sex with their captives because their husbands were alive so there's still married women and so eventually they go to Muhammad and they say hey we don't want to have sex with these captive women because their husbands are still alive good what a great idea I mean that's that's that's that's a that's it I like that don't do it they're married stop it control yourself then sir 4:24 came down that's the historical situation they asked Muhammad a question then the verse comes down married women are forbidden to you unless you captured them and so this allowed men this allowed the Muslim men to rape these captives whose husbands were sitting right there interesting stuff yeah along those lines I understand there are no homosexuals in Islam all right I mean where do they face that do they have faces uh no homosexuals are to be killed in Islam no no you do have homosexuals who consider themselves Muslim so there's one at New York University or some mangy who's a lesbian and you know she's reinterpreted Islam she called for a forum in Islam but no you certainly can't be a devout Muslim and think that homosexuality is a is okay you have to be killed Jim can you explain the relationship between the name Allah and the moon God well I think this gets I think the this argument gets gets overused because I think I think Muslims could reasonably answer this so you have you have three goddesses who are called the daughters of Allah we're also called you know the daughters of the moon so Allah is the god of the moon no problem and so it you know critics of Islam point this out hey wait a minute Allah is the moon God you know you had tons of gods for all kinds of things and then you took allah the moon god and made him the chief god and then toss all the others aside come on you took a pagan god but i think a muslim could just say that was you know that got corrupted over time so originally allows the supreme god and eventually the pagans the polytheists had you've reduced him to just the god of the moon and so i think i think they could they could answer that so there is a connection between Allah and and the moon why you got the crescent moon as a symbol of Islam but I mean if you imagine they suppose that you know archaeologists find some statue of Yahweh along alongside a bunch of other gods or something like that we wouldn't say oh they're for Yahweh is a that was a is a pagan god or something we'd say that area corrupted corrupted the true teachings well certainly oh yeah um it's it's yeah yeah over and over again teaches teaches creation is either six days or eight days depending on which which which sorry to go to the difference is Adam and Eve are created in paradise so they're created in heaven not on earth they get cast down to earth as punishment so Adam and Eve were created in paradise there are the it's actually it's actually a very interesting situation Allah in the Quran commands the spirit beings the gene the angels and so on not to bow down before anyone except Allah you don't bow to anyone but Allah also according to the Quran when he creates Adam he says all of you angels bow down to Adam and Satan says no not doing it and that's why he's cast down which is very interesting you told me not to bow down I'm not bowing down what's going on here so what you have is you have there's there's already these these beings are created from different things so that the jinn are created from fire man is created from clay this is in paradise Adam and Eve sin they get cast down to this world as punishment and then you know things proceed but they have the flood they have up they have other things in the Quran what what's kind of interesting is Muslims say they don't believe in original sin you'll always hear that we don't believe in original sin it's very quick easy question to bring up well if being here in this world is a punishment you're a baby you're born in this world you haven't sinned yet why are you being punished when you haven't sinned yet so they in other words Adam and Eve end up here because they're being punished but we're all here as well even before even with no reason why are we being punished for our sins that Adam committed so you can actually but Muhammad didn't think through this stuff very carefully when he's uh when he's coming up with these things yeah first of all this was wonderful and we're we're in your debt today I appreciate it very much secondly do you have this presentation on a DVD available to us and third is that the harem warfare of the Old Testament the destruction of the Canaanites for their pagan ism is that brought to you by Muslims at all in there when there's discussion of jihad and how do you answer them well yes Muslims bring this up regularly I find it interesting that many Muslims will bring it up to condemn to condemn the old test me see I can't be the Word of God talks about going on killing all these people and stuff like that the problem is again their book affirms our book and in fact the Koran specifically talks about Joshua's wars against against the the unbelievers against the Canaanites so you have that in the Quran a Muslim can't reject it but as far as bringing up Muslims we'll use in a different way they'll bring it up as a defense when you say hey why is Islam so violent why does it call for fighting them believers the the difference the difference between Judaism Christianity on one hand and Islam on the other is not in the Old Testament not in the New Testament you have fighting people to convert them you don't in in the Old Testament fighting them because of their horrendous immorality they had a chance to repent they refused to repent God warns them now now they are judged now they are judged for their immorality it's never go and convert the entire world to Judaism or go and fight and convert the entire world to Christianity through warfare so basically the Old Testament you have here's the land I'm giving you and you can fight to defend your land and in Christian and Christianity we don't fight for Christianity in the fencin sense of fighting going out fighting on believers at all in Islam you fight everyone you fight everyone fight those who are not believe those are all unbelievers Muhammad said Muhammad said in sahih al-bukhari and saw a Muslim there two most trusted collections of teachings from Mohammed if you don't know that means the Koran is officially a revelation that came down from God got nothing to do with Mohammed except for he's the one that received it and said this is a laws word Allah is literal word that's eternal the hadith contains the actual teachings of Muhammad so what a Muhammad teach which are authoritative as well he's the Prophet in the hadith Muhammad said I've been commanded by Allah I've been commanded to fight people until they say la ilaha illa llah and they established pair prayer and pay the zakat so you've been committed to fight people until they become Muslims inhibin katheer again the greatest muslim commentator of all time interesting commentary on sura to 256 so to 256 of the quran again is the verse which says there's no compulsion religion you hear that over and over again if you bring up that Islam is not tolerant or something like that sorry to 256 even kathiria's commentary on it he says this has been abrogated by the later commands to fight them and after he discusses this a little while he says therefore all people of the world should be called to Islam if any one of them refuses to come or refuses to pay the jizya they should be fought till they are killed so yeah you don't have anything like that anything close to that in the Bible yep well a Muslim will tell you unless and we'll tell you that they they have the kind of frayed we don't believe in originals him we believe in original innocence and they have again you have all kinds of problems with that namely that we're all here as punishment and according to them we haven't been we haven't sinned yet so why are we being punished but you have so you have some other issues you have maja the fact that Mohammed taught that because of Eve because of Eve's disobedience that's why women's sin that's why women are stupid that's why women men straight well why do women have to go through all of this because of because of e so you have you have you have all the teachers it's it's like Mohammed just you know took things from all over the place and never thought through the theology of what he was saying you know another issue with sin is on the surface on the surface Muslims seem to understand that sin is horrendous I mean what's the penalty for this what's the penalty for that death kill chop off hands hundred lashes very strong punishments for sin but at the end of the day it really looks like just social control because at the end of they don't seem to understand how severe sin is so main difference between Christianity Islam with with respect to sin is a laws justice is not perfect at the end of the day Allah can just forgive you there is no sacrifice for your sins and so matter of fact I'll bring up another point right now Allah is love isn't perfect either according to the Quran Allah has no love for unbelievers Allah has no love for Malik says that sir 332 Allah does not love unbelievers so in the Quran Allah has no love for unbelievers and also Allah at the end of the day you die you can just forgive you of your sins all right I forgive you of those but what's that mean it means there's going to be unpunished sin not all sin is punished in Islam Allah just sweeps it under the rug very different from Christianity where at the end of time all sin has been punished every every last Senate has ever occurred has been punishing Iran Jesus Christ or you take it yourself well the number 72 doesn't come from the Quran you're promised your promise your hoodies in the Quran Muslims are promised their horrors in paradise these are large-breasted virgins who their virtue their virginity is perpetually restored there's that there's actually a narration that goes back to Aisha when she was told about this when when they were told and their hymens will be restored every day and she goes oh how painful so so this is Mohammed's nine year old life so yeah but yes in in the hadith not in the you in the Koran you are promised your so a couple issues here and the Quran you are promised you're virgins in paradise but you don't have a guarantee you don't have a guarantee for paradise the only one who is guaranteed paradise 100% is the person who dies fighting them believers those are the only people who are guaranteed paradise other than that it's a it's a crapshoot and Muhammad himself said I do not know what will happen to me I don't know what will happen to me after death and Abu Bakr Muhammad's closest companion and the first rightly guided caliphs said if I had one foot in paradise I would still fear Allah is deception so if I had one foot in paradise I would wonder if I'm really going to make it there there is no guarantee except for the person who dies fighting the unbelievers and that actually that that first came about Muslims were fighting a battle and they were losing and Muhammad said all right anyone who dies gets paradise and then they became much much more fierce in their fighting so again a couple of issues here one the Quran guarantees Muslims there they're virgins in paradise generally the hadith that talked about guaranteeing guarantee need being guaranteed paradise if you die finding the unbelievers when the number 72 comes from the hadith as well but that's a minimum that's a minimum if you're really good Muslim you could get many more you could get far more virgins in paradise and interestingly in the hadith Muhammad promised his followers that they would have eternal erections so this was in a response this was in a response to the question will we have the strength for it will we have the strength for all this sex Allah promises miraculous sexual abilities in paradise Chrissa we saw our tunnel okay yep you have it you have a you have a split between the Sunnis and the Shia's it originally started over Mohammed dies from fused poison he was poisoned by Jewish woman Muhammad dies and one group says he said that Abu Bakr is going to be leader and the other group says no he said Ali should be the leader and some sided with Ali some sided with Abu Bakr and you eventually ended up with the Sunnis and the Shia's which started as a political difference but since they believed in different different Authority so she is will tend to reject teachings of Abu Bakr quotations from Abu Bakr Isham since you ended up with a different emphasis you ended up with some differences in theology of them although the main differences are political but she is are much more likely to you know make shrines it you know at graves and so on but then you have you have disagreements in Shia Islam so Iran mostly Shia Muslims you have differences there and then the twelvers those are the ones who you had your 12 Imams and then the final Imam he went and hid in a cave and he's been there for centuries and eventually he's going to come out was going to come out and rule rule the Muslim community yeah yeah well Muslims would say Orthodox Muslims would say and I would agree with them that that that people in the Nation of Islam and definitely the five percenters are not Muslims you can't have in Islam and incarnation of Allah and five percenters say that all God so five percenters say we're all not us but that they say that their gods so if from a from an Orthodox Muslim position there's no way to reckon there's no way to reconcile that with the teachings with the teachings of Islam which is why they have to say oh there's a secret book that was that goes back to Mohammed it's been a secret for all these not which no question that's that's not it's not right yep well meaning people that Mohammed is a descendant of Ishmael and quotes the Bible on the phone basically it's just the same God is there any good short answer to that obviously all biological things really are larger well if a Muslim says hey you know do we believe in the same God isn't what do you mean we both believe in a being that created the world we both believe in an all-powerful being yeah okay I believe in that too but at the end of the main differences would be according to Quran Allah is a father to none the highest relationship you can have with Allah is slave to master he is a father to no one so in Christianity God is our Father in Islam you cannot have a relationship like that with God so that's one we believe God is triune we believe God is triune in Islam in Islam he's not we believe in you know incarnation things like that so these are main differences but also Allah is just almost completely arbitrary I mean that's why you have Muhammad saying I don't know what's going to I don't know what's going to happen to me I mean I can't imagine Jesus or the Apostles I don't know what's going to happen uh I what's gonna happen if I die oh I'm scared so you have that and you have the fact that Allah has no love for anyone except for good Muslims whereas Christ died for us while we were while we were yet sinners so else yep just a question many believe that the Antichrist will be the Muslim Imam the Mahdi you explain a little about the Mahdi and many Islamic people's expectation of his coming at his power is global Authority but you have a ton of strange and conflicting teachings as far as the Mahdi is going to be someone who you know who comes along to to help restore and stuff like that the final judgement in Islam is by Jesus Jesus comes back judges everyone he's going to kill all Christians and Jews destroy crosses kill all pigs and you know that'll be the finals that will be the final stage as far as you know linking with linking with the Antichrist it is I mean it is it is kind of important because you have lots of people sit on the Catholic Church that's the the Antichrist if you look at every location associated with the end times everyone is somewhere in the Middle East I mean it's all over the Middle East there let me put it differently it's all Muslim areas that are associated with with the end times biblically so it would seem it would seem that it has it's going to have something you know unless certain locations are metaphorical or something like that but you know as far as the actual locations mentioned on all over the place it's a it's a it's Muslim area so but not outside my field on on end times yeah it's kind of a minor point but it's something that's puzzled me and you alluded to Jesus killing pigs I know Muslims also have a horror of dogs and mice and how does I reconcile with the idea that God is the creator of all things when it seems like some of God's creatures are inherent I just never understood how that um yeah there there there's no official Muslim reconciliation individual Muslims could try to argue why but you have Muhammad he teaches God created all of this and you have Muhammad that you know the pig is unclean kill all dogs kill lizards kill mice you you have a some sources say you kill all dogs and some Muslims go with that go with that hadith others say just it just refers to black dogs yeah he's got to die he's got it he's got to go mom it's mom it's Muhammad said it black dogs are possessed by jinn so your dog is possessed according to us on and on the side note that so it that's always bothered me at it my dog once saved my great-grandmother it saved her life and stuff never find a more loyal animal ready to actually that's probably connection that is the animal most willing to lay down its life for you got that Christian concept of you know sacrifice and you know like that and got to kill those animals they'll make people start thinking it's good to you know to have a sacrifice anything else yep if there's a conflict the Koran wins so if the Quran and the hadith ever contradict one another then the Quran wins that is the official perfect Word of God but if there isn't a conflict Muslim Muslims have grades of hadith of the plurals a hadith but you can have your sahi hadith these are these are the most reliable ones so and that generally when I quote when I quote hadith it's from sahih al-bukhari or sati Muslim they consider those the most trusted but you have levels you have you have your sahi then you have your your hassan which are okay but not not completely reliable and then you have your die eve which there's a problem there's a question mark after it of whether whether it really goes back to mohammed but yes your sahi hadith sahih hadith so if you quote something from sahih muslim or sahi al bukhari and you can get the you can get these online at Amazon get the whole collection translated in English they're even available online if you want to look them up but those are as good as gold again unless there is a direct contradiction because these are the teachings of Muhammad this what Muhammad said some Hamid said this Muhammad can country the Crum yes always by the grant so abrogation would not apply well interest interestingly there are a couple there are a couple of situations where the hadith are said to to abrogate and the the idea is the doctrine of stoning umar ii rightly guided caliphs said there supposed to be a verse in the quran about stoning women and he says it ended up not in the quran so that's a situation where muslims in the modern world and muslim countries look at it and say okay there's no verse of stoning in the quran the quran says if you get caught in sexual sin hundred lashes that's what it says so why the stoning well you also have muhammad saying you stone them to death so that's a situation where some of us look at it and say okay the quran says the quran says hundred lashes but we know this one goes mohammed commanded this and so we'll say we'll say it abrogates it but the first the first thought would be tried to reconcile them the first thought if there's a conflict would be especially i mean if it's something that goes back to mohammed they have multiple quotations from it in their reliable sources they're going in in general its let's reconcile this way and generally in the in the reliable traditions you don't find much that uh that would flat-out contradict the Quran well anyone can can write a collection of hadith so right now I can sit down and write this is my collection of hadith so what you have when you have sahih al-bukhari you have Imam Bukhari who's a Muslim scholar he said here are my criteria for determining the most reliable hadith and I'm going to go out and find because the stories just got passed on there all over the place so you go around collecting narrations so Muslims treat him is the most reliable because they believe he had the most reliable methodology and he was the most thorough and the other is in mom Muslim who they also believe had along with Bukhari the most reliable methodology for determining true narrations from false narration Oh Bukhari would go up to someone and say hey tell me the story I heard that you know okay where did you get that from and where did he get it from and where did he get it from and where did he get it from back to the time of try and trace it back to the time of Muhammad and once he had traced it back to the time of Muhammad he would look to every name on the list in the chain of transmission and ask is this guy trustworthy is this guy reliable if so then you know these guys aren't lying you know this goes back to Muhammad so those are what are considered the hot the sahih hadith the reliable hadith but you can't have you know question marks after certain people's name so he got it from him I don't know this guy is kind of shaky I don't know if I can completely trust him and so you can't completely trust the story and then you have someone's missing I don't know where they got I don't know who got it from who or someone's really shaky on their I you know this guy might have made things up then you tend not to trust them but you have in sahih al-bukhari and sahi Muslim it's they're all reliable that's why they're the most trusted collections because everyone is considered reliable and then other collections they include even died narration so they include the weakest and their their attitude would be let's put this in here so maybe we can later vindicate it because maybe it does actually go back to Mohammed but as of right now that we don't we don't know if it's true or not so you have all kinds of all kinds of collections out there won't you take one more question that anybody yep anybody who is not as the question - it's fine you didn't ask question did you not he didn't ask a question all right let's take a letter - okay there you go first when you're dealing with the application it seems like a natural response by Muslim would be the Christians old Old Covenant they will have the same thing your thing well it's it there's a massive difference so in Christianity we have covenants so God makes a covenant with Adam God makes a covenant with Noah God makes a covenant with Abraham God makes a covenant with Moses and God ultimately makes a covenant in the blood you know with the blood us and the blood of Jesus so we have different covenants in the Bible that's very different from abrogation the Quran one day Muhammad so in the Quran in the Quran you have the penalty for sexual sin is house arrest for life you also have in the Quran the penalty for sexual sin is 100 lashes wait a minute this verse says the penalty for sexual sin is house arrest this one says the penalty is 100 lashes in the hadith you have the penalty is stoning what's going on here what's going on here and so in Christianity in Christianity the two main difference is one you know it's a it's on a much more massive scale you have a covenant and then over a thousand years goes by and then you have you have another covenant number two your promise the New Covenant in the writings under the Old Covenant so even under the Old Covenant the Old Testament we're told oh by the way this isn't the final covenant the real covenant the final covenant is eventually coming where in Islam Muhammad gives a revelation one day and in fact sometimes it would be just a few minutes later mama gives one revelation and then another one comes along a little after it and people started actually ridiculing Muhammad because of that hey you're just you know you're kind of make you're making this up as you go along so I mean I would say look here's where here's in the Old Testament where we are promised a new covenant why is it in Islam that you have these contradictory teachings and that you say one abrogates another because this this would be that the final idea on this point the Quran also says that if the Quran were not from Allah they would have to found they would have found discrepancies and contradictions in it well wait a minute here's the problem how you got a problem I got a problem because Muslims believe the Quran is eternal it's been eternal it's always been the Quran is eternal and in that eternal Quran so before you start getting these revelations and our abrogating each other and so on in the Quran you have for example one claim the penalty for sexual sin is house arrest two you have the claim that the penalty for sexual sin is a hundred lashes and three the claim that there's no discrepancies in this paternal Quran wait a minute yeah you do so the Quran from all eternity contradicts itself we don't have that with you no distinction along the Covenant you insert an individual Muslim doesn't have to have that attitude but historically think about it historically Mohammed starts off in Mecca the Kaaba which is the centre of Muslim worship right now it was a pagan center of worship that's what it was every record we ever have as far as history is concerned that was always a pagan mosque what did Muhammad go for as soon as he conquered the area he took over the Kaaba smashed all the idols when Muslims conquered Jerusalem what did they do Temple Mount we want a mosque there over and over and over again when Muslims conquer an area it's either tear down the old places and build a mosque or just convert just convert the just convert that the old church or the old synagogue into a mosque and that's been every place because historically those places were always the center the the worship centers were like the center of those people's focus in in the West we don't have a place like that we don't have this is the religious center of America you know you don't have that you do have an economic Center that was the World Trade Center level it and again I don't know I don't I can't look in anyone's heart so I don't know what any individual Muslims attitude is historically you erect mosques as a sign as a symbol of Islamic power you see what we just did so yeah right I'm sure most of you had a lot more questions and the big suggestion I have for you is to invite David to speak at your church or your school or your parish church group and this was a free luncheon and you were invited as my guest but what I have been typically doing is leaving it up to your own conscience if you would like to give a gift to David right there very appropriately on the little bar there there's a giant bowl giant metal bowl if you would like to you call it David a gift if you're making a check they do have a David go into different sure that's entirely I live in know me I live in New York might get off your bike run you bugs you have a couple of announcements all cells are gone first of all I read so much news talking to Pastor Joshua I Ella from
Channel: The Former Agnostic
Views: 197,917
Rating: 4.1092811 out of 5
Keywords: islam, quran, islam vs christianity, christianity vs islam debate, Jesus Christ, Muhammed, Hadith, David Wood, Acts 17 Apologetics
Id: uKKNJ9tjo4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 5sec (4745 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2010
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