What European Things Do People In Other Countries Find Weird? -2

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oh this is the worst thing ever yeah but no no free piece free the piece i was oh this one is completely accurate live without air conditioning i do have in my parents house like ac but it's like just for decoration or like my father bought it like he's like look at us we have [Music] i like to drink a lot of water with my meals i know some people say it's not healthy but i love it i need it but yeah in germany even the non-sparkling water which is pretty much like tap water like compared to 10 water you still like for one glass have to pay like four euros what yeah it's crazy right if you if you actually ask them for tap water like straight out of the tub they will give it to you for free but like people will look at you here do people drink tap water in germany we do but not everyone like there's definitely people who prefer sparkling water like from the bottle but it is safe to drink but still people will kind of look at me like you're an animal what okay in spain we do like we pay for the water when you go to restaurant like if you want to drink they don't leave it for free so like in korea they did it for free like all the water that you want but in spain you have to pay for the little water the middle water or the big water you always have to pay for it depends on the size yes and also like if you're in a hurry sometimes when i was little i i was like so i went to the restaurant i said can i have a glass of water please i'm so thirsty and then the waiter gives you like water okay drink i need for free they give it for free to kids or like young people if they are thirsty but yes you have to pay for everything there is nothing free right i think the thing is like in france if you go to the restaurant you have like you know the avion oh yeah so this this water you have to pay but if you want like just like the tap water they can give you like in a jug yeah a dog they can give you they yeah they can give you a job but it depends on the restaurant i guess but most of the restaurants you can just get like the jug tap water but it's from the sink yeah but it's not disgusting yeah it's like the same quarter is pretty it's pretty fine it's the same for us too i think like if you want sparkling water or like some fancy water then you pay but usually we will just get tap water like we usually always just ask oh can we have a tap water for the table and it will bring like a jug of water with ice sometimes with ice too for free yeah for free four euros [Music] okay like in spain we have something so common that teenagers or young people do in the streets like when it's night they go to like supermarket or something and they buy somewhere and like some bottles of alcohol and they just go to a park or they go to the beach and they just drink i think it's easy but not everywhere sell you like alcohol it's difficult so you have to find your other friend and ask for in the uk like you can't drink outside i think some people would drink in the park and like buy alcohol from like or get it from older siblings but usually when i was in high school we would go to somebody's house like if their parents were away or if their parents were okay with us gathering as a group to drink together underage yeah we would usually do it at somebody's house rather than in like outside so common like to invite friends i mean in germany you're allowed to drink illegally from 16 years old like wow for beer wine and like some other low percentage alcohols yeah you're pretty much introduced to it in an early age and it is also allowed to drink pretty much anywhere like even until some years ago like only four years ago you could even drink in a subway like subway no now it's not allowed anymore like even just to be a race someone's like got whiskey on the bus like because you're like you're not allowed to bring like the glass bottle so you don't know why no champagne so yeah it changed pretty recently but still like even on this street in the city center you can see like you can see so weird but we also have a lot of house parties like just really one of our friends so you can see both things inside and outside wow all ages similar i guess in france like you don't really drink in the streets if you drink in the streets you kind of look like a homeless drinking aha honestly and i guess it might be a little bit dangerous to drink in the streets like this because there are so many weird people and yeah usually we just like invite friends and stuff like in paris like you know near like an apple tower but that's different because it's like a pork and it's oh but it depends like if it's just like wine or beer like not like just not to get drunk you know enjoy just to enjoy of course like you can go to park like do picnic and bring some alcohol yeah but it's not like you know you're not gonna like drink like to the point to be drunk outside [Music] is so famous because of sports so in barcelona we have messi and in madrid we have cristiano ronaldo we have we don't have it anymore you know so it's so famous and people live for that and they can die for them like live and die for soccer and even soccer player gain more money than a doctor oh yeah of course now yeah they're so rich i remember when i was here i was like obsessed with soccer my boyfriend like cheated me or he left me i was trying like so hard and i went home i was in my bed crying so much because on my yeah my soccer team lost really not anymore but it's like something patient and everyone not everyone but we're really really into football in the uk like it's just what everybody talks about especially like when you meet new people it's like oh what football team do you support and if it's like a rival team or a team you don't like it's like are you gonna support the right one or not like and even in dating culture actually it comes up a lot like the families like maybe they will clash yeah especially because a lot of the teams who are rivals are from a similar area right so it's very likely you will meet people from your rival team especially now with the euros the england fans are going crazy screaming like god save the queen yeah and there is a movie that i watched in school when i was little like there's a song [Music] about uk and they are hooligan there is a song bubbles really so yeah usually there's a lot of fights anyway between the rivals they take it very seriously i support liverpool i feel like people are gonna be like boo no you support whoever you want yeah i guess i'm not a very good german person because i have no emotional investment in football at all i i do know some people who get very like passionate about it because it is one of the few times that german people you know proudly wait for the german flag like when it's football season but apart from that like even in my clothes like friends and family nobody is really that into really i would say only during like the world cup or the euros like during that time many people even if they don't like football even myself we went to the public viewing so that is nice but that's more yeah for the experience and not for the football so like really really passionate people i don't think are the majority of germans but they are there yeah they're very very passionate about it but personally i really can't watch a match from like from oh because you know even when you play the match like in your living room there is this sound like oh yeah and it's oh you know like the sound of the of the like the crowd and i hate it like it's just like like a real atmosphere in the living room like i just can't watch it i don't care about it i do understand that people like it but i don't understand like how can how you can like you don't like watching men run around i mean i mean i'm happy that friends like won the the world cup but for example if they didn't yeah like the winner will win oh yeah france beat germany the other day i actually would say unfortunately not true for germany like some people buy smart like we have a smart car i don't know if it's a german brand or a which are really really tiny for like two people or maximum like three people maybe but many people still drive the really big you know range rover cars even in a city center so germany is amazing in france like we don't prefer small cars but we do like i think maybe similar to germany we have like a lot of old old cars and things like now like young people who get their driving license you know they just pay like uh second hand second second hand and many people have like small cars but you know like the the smart yeah like it looks like a yogurt or something a yogurt yeah it looks like a yogurt in spain it's our friend it's not too famous but we do like medium or big cars and we don't have like small cars but there is a thing that when you get your motorbike license when you're 16. that time you can drive like this kind of little car it's just like two seats oh so many people use it like just teenager but when you get old and you get your dragonizers you don't i feel like the uk everyone just drives like medium sized cars but there was like a trend with like the young people when i was just entering university to get like fiat 500. like the really tiny like little we call it a hair dryer car usually families will just have a medium one or if you live in like the countryside you will have a big car because of the like roads and stuff but usually just medium i would say [Music] oh yes yeah i guess because we drink from the tap yeah that we just drink like whatever temperature iced water it was really interesting yeah this one was better than the first and the second it was so good and we are quite similar i'm happy but there were some like unexpected differences or unexpected like some pieces of culture i had no idea about so i think i learned something today yeah not all europeans are the same yeah yeah i'm just shocked about germans drinking beer on the bus that's just like a new thing i can just see them like and i have like a city like in germany it's so typical like to drink beer so they drink sparkling water as well because they like the gas because of the beer because i went to germany many times my father had a girlfriend there in frankfort so when i was there i wanted to drink like just normal water and they gave me like sparkling water and i could not find anywhere anywhere any store because it's also like you know with the carbonated drinks like coke and sometimes like those so i think it's just people like the people that i know that like sparkling water think it's more like it feels more refreshing oh that's why they like it like they feel it's more hydrating which is okay so germany like water itself maybe i'm not sure because actually my family except for my dad we all like the still water better so it depends right yeah i think it's just personal preference for most people so today we have talked about some things that only europeans know and do if you enjoyed the video please like and subscribe bye cheers [Music] you
Channel: World Friends
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Id: rE9juZ7cYZY
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Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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