What Emotional Abuse Does To Your Brain

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what emotional abuse does to your brain emotional  abuse can be more devastating than physical abuse   while wounds and bruises may leave scars they  will heal eventually however emotional trauma   can leave lifelong invisible scars that may affect  your brain chemistry and change you as a person   emotional abuse can affect the development of your  brain and your capacity to process emotions what   is emotional abuse emotional abuse happens when  someone tries to control you by using emotions as   a weapon instead of physical violence the abuser  acts in a dominating way and tries to scare and   isolate you as a way of control it can be done  through abusive words and statements threats and   parlin foreign language on a regular basis or  whenever the abuser feels like this video will   help you understand that pets emotional abuse  has on our brains how emotional abuse affects   your mind the earlier you start experiencing  emotional abused the more catastrophic the   effects will be on your brain according to the  Grady trauma project by the Amaury University   School of Medicine participants who were abused  in their childhood had 12 for higher level of   impact in the DNA's physical structure and  those who experienced abuse in adulthood the   New York University Medical Center found that  emotional abuse leads to chronic stress which   releases the stress hormone cortisol this not  only damages but also prevents the development   of the hippocampus the primary area of the brain  associated with and learning this can result in   severe anxiety depression and post-traumatic  stress disorder or PTSD in emotionally abused   victims according to the National Institute of  Neurological Disorders and Stroke survivors of   childhood trauma including emotional abuse have an  underdeveloped hippocampus and may experience the   same levels of PTSD as military veterans and  other Atlanta study found that the trauma of   childhood emotional abuse on women affected the  medial temporal lobe and the prefrontal cortex   which are associated with processing emotions  behavior and self-awareness emotional abuse   not only makes the survivors unable to positively  experience feelings but also makes them vulnerable   to emotional outbursts it also led to weaker  connections between various sections of the brain   probably as a result of self-preservation it also  affected their ability to express their emotions   or respond in a normal healthy way a study by  Harvard Medical School found that young fellows   who were bullied in his childhood had a dearth of  connection between the left and the right sides of   their brain hemispheres even though they had no  previous experience of physical or sexual abuse   the lack of such connections in the brain  needs to hostility anger anxiety dissociation   depression and even drug abuse emotional abuse  and neglect especially during childhood has many   other negative effects on how our brain develops  it reduces the size of corpus callosum which is   associated with impulses emotions and arousal  the size of the cerebellum gets decreased which   affects coordination and motor skills cortisol  levels either become excessively high or low   there has significant negative effects on our  health excessive activity occurs in the amygdala   which determines our reactions to threats and  stressful situations are you being emotionally   abused in most cases of abuse the victim is  usually not aware that they are being abused   mentally and emotionally if you believe you are  being emotionally abused here are some common   behaviors to look out for name-calling humiliation  controlling behavior aggressive language invasion   of privacy blame isolation shame unpredictable  behavior subtle threats gaslighting kill yourself   with self-love if you are a victim of emotional  abuse understand that it's not your fault abuse   is never acceptable when we experience emotional  abuse and maltreatment our brain functions in   different ways to protect itself this can prevent  us from experiencing emotions in a healthy way   even when we are not in a traumatic situation  but you can recover from this and it is possible   to repair the damage we can learn different  catalytic coping mechanisms to create and really   establish neural connections you can restore  and reboot a healthy mind through different   forms of self-care like mine Philemon meditation  exercise art music positive conversations and   others regardless of how traumatic the experience  has been there is always a way to heal yourself and we experience fear story in  the comments section down below [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Minds Journal
Views: 177,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emotional abuse, Effect of emotional abuse, abuse on brain, Effect of emotional abuse on brain, Brain, emotional trauma, brain chemistry, physical violence, dominating, violent body language, childhood, adulthood, anxiety, depression, PTSD, abused victims, emotionally, childhood trauma
Id: GtylGSPIas0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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