Fast Food Workers, What's Your "Sir, This Is A Wendy's" Moment? (r/AskReddit)

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fast food workers what is your sir this is a wendy's moment one time this older dude rushes up to order and slams a coupon on the counter saying i want this i pick it up it has menu items for kfc i asked him what exactly would you like to order he instantly gets disgruntled with me for not reading his goddamn mind and shakes his finger at the coupon and said well whatever is on the coupon obviously in a condescending tone i just look at him for a minute and say word for word sir this is mcdonald's i don't know what you want me to do with this kfc coupon he looks at me dumbfounded then looks behind me at the menu and around the store yells awh like this isn't his first time walking into the wrong establishment grabs the coupon and storms off you don't have tables nope i'll just have the general chicken dart this is a pizza hut fine just a few egg rolls how about a pizza why would i order pizza at a chinese restaurant you're right that would be stupid i worked at a liquor store a few years back one day a man walks in and puts two bottles of whiskey down and as i'm scanning the bottles i make the usual small talk how's your night going the man took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes and says well i just walked in on my 14 year old son completely naked video chatting a ref and middle-aged man so it could be a lot better i didn't quite know what to say so i told him oh that's not good enjoy your drinks dude came to drive through i opened the window sir how can i help you i'm out our checks he replies calmly not sure i follow you i say i'm out our checks he says again more impatiently right i heard you but i don't know what you want me to do about it you can pay with cash or card too dude gives me a weird look then says oh this ain't the bank and peels out away from the window i'm a pharmacist i used to work at target and they hired a new girl who had previously worked at walmart to work the fitting rooms and by default the intercom system a few days after she started she was about to make an announcement over the intercom and i guess habit took over because she started the announcement with attention walmart shoppers she realized her mistake and made a good recovery with you are in the wrong store y'all wouldn't believe the amount of disappointed rich people who come to panda express and find out we aren't serving authentic chinese food once a well-traveled rich woman came into panda express and stood at the buffet line for about 10 minutes critiquing our mistakes and explaining how chinese cuisine doesn't actually have fried wantons with cream cheese filling mom we just fry what came in the bag from a warehouse in california i worked at a pizza place and i got a complaint that we delivered sushi it was a pepperoni pizza but he could not be convinced i worked at a chippittle for four years and got some pretty interesting requests but i'll never forget the time someone ordered soup shippittle doesn't have soup i promptly reminded her this was a chipotle but she insisted we could do it so we made her soup at chipotle it was the grossest concoction of bean juice sofritus mild medium and hot salsa and sour cream she was stoked i'm late but i used to work at taco bell as a drive-through guy i just took people's orders took their money and gave them this basically so there's the usual script you follow when a customer pulls up hi welcome to taco bell how are you and 90 of them say good could i get a and carry on with their order the kind 10 of people say good how are you and you would usually say something like pretty good thanks for asking what can i get for you today well one time i got an outlaw i asked hi how are you and defying all convention this man on the other end in a country accent responded sadly we're not doing too well it wasn't in a dignified way either dude sounded legit upset about something i was just bewildered i had no idea what to say i think after like five seconds of silence i was like up well sorry to hear that what can i get for you tonight the speaking part of that job is so routine that you become a customer service robot then this sad guy comes through and actually is honest about his current mood and it just threw me off entirely i worked at the concession stand at a movie theater in high school this guy orders a popcorn and large died pepsi comes back to the counter like 10 minutes later complaining that his soda is carbonated i explained to him that all of our sodas are carbonated and he asks me if we had a microwave he did so he wants me go into the back and microwave his soda he wants it warm but not too warm went to the back and had to pour the soda into two different cups because the original wouldn't fit into the microwave truly bizarre experience worked at mcdonald's we would always get people that would ask for a whopper burger either seriously or trying to be funny cue the exhausted we don't sell whoppers sir mom we have the big mac in response usually we get a no right okay one of those until one day we had a guy come through drive through that asked for a large whopper meal and instant reply back sir we don't sell whoppers here we have big macs or quarter pounders or mcchickens he replied no i don't want that i want a whopper me sir we don't sell those this is a mcdonald's the closest equivalent would be a big mac but it's not a whopper if you want an actual whopper burger you need to go to hungry jacks burger king reply af at king whopper meal me okay sir i can't give you a whopper meal here but i can order a big mac meal for you the big mac is the closest equivalent we have but it is not a whopper are you happy with a large big mac meal instead him yes was that so hard we give him a large big mac meal and sure enough ten minutes later he is back through the drive through screaming into the speaker that he hasn't gotten his whopper burger i worked at duncan and one time a customer came through the drive-through and complained to us that the drive-through was built in a way that made it hard to drive she started yelling at my co-workers so i just put down what i was doing and told her mom we cannot change the construction of the building like seriously though what did she want us to do i just make sandwiches about 11 years ago i had just went into management at mcdonald's and they sent me to practice running our location inside a walmart two older ladies probably in their 70s 80s came in and while one came up to my register the other sat down about 15 feet away in a booth they both look and sound frail the exchange went like this hi what can i get for you today lady one standing yes i'll have the lunch meat combo me i'm sorry what lady one the lunch meat combo me i'm sorry we don't have that here lady one oh well what do you have me well we have burgers fish chicken lady one wait what is this place me mcdonald's lady one turns and looks at her friend and literally yells they don't have the lunch meat combo here lady 2 sitting 15 feet away what lady one they don't have the lunch meat combo lady 2 what do they have ad1 it's mcdonald's lady 2 what lady 1 mcdonald's lady 2 where are we lady one looks at me give us just a couple minutes me no problem take your time at that point i had to step away because the interaction reminded me so much of the spongebob episode with the two older ladies and the chocolate bars that i was about to die laughing so i had someone else take over the register and told them to promo their meals because they made my day it's not that exciting but in my town we have two kfc's one of them is a joint kfc and w i used to work at the stand-alone place and we would always have people try to order burgers shakes cheese curds and other a w products because they didn't realize that they are different restaurants worked at a small roadside produce place my boss had a few different stores so i was often left to run the store myself i remember this lady walked up do you have any tomatoes sorry we don't but the place down the street has them then go there someone asked me what type of meat is on the grilled chicken sandwich i responded muskrat he didn't think it was very funny work at panera guest calls in from car several people in background all giving orders for a pickup first order is something simple next order is an item we don't carry a salmon dish of some kind i know there are some regional paneras that have or have had salmon we are not one of them so i let them know hey i'm sorry but we don't carry salmon maybe and the person on the other end of the phone cuts me off and starts getting really aggressive yes you do you do they scream but i don't we don't so then i'm like hey maybe you're thinking of another chain we are very similar to and i start to list off some other places and they cut me off again screaming i know you have fine salmon what the f i ate it just the other day and at this point i'm just being honest with them and say hey man i don't really need this attitude we don't have salmon i can't make the dish for you you have us confused with someone else there's a long silence and finally someone not the person who's been yelling says wait this isn't inserts and totally not panner a sounding place that i don't remember here no and then everyone in the car starts yelling at each other and i hang up customer service is the worst my family runs a concessions trailer at fairs lots of great stories but this one always sticks out we have a giant 16 base steam table directly in front of the serving counter it's old and some pans don't sit quite right so there's always a bit of steam leaking out our trailer is built around one item empanadas not really but similar the trailer is even called that all the signs advertise empanadas and big letters so one day it's like 90 out and sweat is just running off of all of us we're packed the line is running down the street and we're eight servers deep at the window customer comes up to the window after standing in line for probably 15 minutes sees us with soaked shirts and headbands steam pouring out of the table and they ask what flavors of ice cream do you have a customer called the store with a very specific request that i did my best to fulfill she had her husband pick it up he returned 20 minutes later with food thrown in a bag out of its container then threw it across the counter at me his wife called to tell me i would never amount to anything i was on my final two weeks so telling her to make her own dinner was particularly rewarding i work at achilles and when i was hosting old people would constantly come in and talk about how weird it was that we redecorated so suddenly and where did the salad bar go they thought we were sizzlers which was two buildings away from us happened at least four times i used to manage a del taco during my high school teenage years we had an older man come in once a month and drive straight through the speaker to our window at said window he'd look at me until i came over start ordering starbucks then midway through realizing it was a del taco and drive off once a month every month for two years as a former del taco employee i can confidently say that regular del taco customers are all mean and or idiots one lady in particular still makes my blood boil almost 10 years later it was taco tuesday three tacos for one dollar and we had over 50 orders in our q plus a line of people putting in more orders we were slammed and understaffed and our wait time was extremely long even though we were trying our best so this lady was getting really pissed about waiting for her super important order of six thai tacos defrosted and assembled by a guy who went to my high school but never actually showed up for class every time we would call out an order number she would sarcastically and loudly share and clap and congratulate us for finally learning how to do our jobs this went on for 10 or 15 minutes before i finally showed her our order board and said here is the order we are currently making order 15 and while i i over here is your order order 45 realizing how many orders were ahead of her finally prompted her to leave with no tacos so that we could continue fulfilling orders under the sun and watchful gaze of our other 30 angry customers i hated working there then one day i showed up for my regularly scheduled shift to find a notice on the door that said sorry this location has closed so anyway i hate del taco wait they closed and didn't tell the employees i worked in a jimmy john's a dude in a military uniform came in asking about a military discount told him we don't give military discounts to which he proceeded to flip out pull out his phone and start recording a video ranting about how we won't give him his military discount like he deserves the only times i have had that happen is when they can't produce a military id coincidence i had someone ask if we gave military discounts the answer was no the reason why it was memorable was because i live and work in australia and he was an american even if we did give military discounts it wouldn't be for a foreign country's military so this is a australia haha can you imagine if these were occupying forces i demand a military discount for the subjugation of your people when i was really young and had recently tried fried calamari i confused it with the fried clam strips at white castle i was adamant that they had fried calamari and convinced my dad to order it for me at the window they laughed at him why the f does white castle have fried clam strips not exactly a fast food worker but i do work in a restaurant and people can get delivery breeds from us a couple times a week a driver will show up and show us their phone with an order for a 12-inch sub yeah mate that's the subway across the street we're a pizzeria read the address god knows how they find the customers houses almost definitely the subway has their address listed wrong i deliver for ubereats and the gps takes me to the weirdest places sometimes last time i had an order from a mexican restaurant and the app wanted me to drive to chucky cheese's chuck el cuizos it wasn't me involved but i witnessed it i worked at burger king when i was a teenager we are short staffed one day and the girl on the drive-through was on break so our manager stepped in to cover her he was pretty old and didn't have the best hearing so most customers were pulling around to the window to talk to him as he was struggling to hear through the headset anyway this one guy rolls up to the window and shouts i want a large big mac meal with a coke please is that so damn hard my manager very calmly says my apologies sir that won't be difficult he leans out of the window and points down the road there's a mcdonald's about three miles in that direction they'll be able to help have a nice day sir then he just closes the window and walks around the corner out of sight i laughed so hard worked at a dairy queen had a lady saunter in all frustrated bag in hand whipped out her receipt and without giving me much context said there's sucked to be a baja blast i told her emma this is for taco bell she quickly said my bad and sped out of the restaurant i think she was making up a story and did it in the wrong store also the number of people who asked do you serve ice cream is way too f and high don't work in fast food this was an incident i was witness to i go to kfc for dinner one night the customer in front of me is ranting and raving at the clerk i overhear a bit of the conversation and the man is ranting at the clerk about the old nes game castlevania customer it was such a scam the whole game was designed that you couldn't play it without buying the nintendo power strategy guide gen z clark what's nintendo power i could see the paint look on the clerk's face as she immediately regretted asking that the man then launches into the history of nintendo power luckily the clerk sees me and forms her exit strategy so you need to wrap this up we've got a line forming dude sees me and has the decency to end his lecture and go wait for his chicken in silence back when i was in fast food i had someone who wanted me to remove all the sesame seeds from the top of a bun the answer was no back when i worked at burger king years ago we always used to get people coming in and ordering big macs and other stuff from mcdonald's the cashiers just said screw it and put in orders for whoppers or whatever the closest parallel was for whatever they ordered there were even a few conversion charts near the cash registers just so we could save ourselves the headache of figuring out what to put in it's stupid but nobody really complained about the food they got so i guess that's a win the downside was that quite a few guys also treated the place as a place to try and pick up dates when female cashiers were around so yeah that went over poorly thanks to management was a shift manager at a mcdonald's in the middle of mall a guy walks up to the counter with several mcdonald's bags of food guy my wife came through your drive-through and you messed up the order me are you sure she came through our drive-through guy yes she told me she came through the drive-through and when she got home she realized the order was wrong you'll need to give us our money back and give us the right food me confused while looking around the mall me did she drive through sears or jcpenney to get here guy looks around and finally realizes he's in the middle of maul grabs the bags and huffs away that was the single greatest amount of human stupidity i had experienced until i joined reddit not fast food but in the hospital i had a patient throw her hospital toothbrush at me because it wasn't up to her standards and demand to be transferred to a better room with better service mom this is a hospital not the marriott we were super happy to offer her the form to leave ama to aid in her quest for better rooms and better service let us know what you find lady not a worker but a hapless victim of my own drunkenness my wife and i were walking back to our hotel after a meal where i had about four extremely well made margaritas i wanted a mocha milkshake for dessert and the following happens walked up to the counter employee what can i get you me i will have a mocker milkshake employee we don't have it here me what kind of arby's is this employee sir this heart ease i completely blank out wife can you make some chocolate and vanilla shake together he's too drunk to notice the difference no crazies but i ran the grill at mcdonald's in the 80s i got a ticket once to cook a quarter pounder well done i did it felt like a chef also this regular would order a plain cheeseburger with no salt every time yep i can do that too first of all fuop for making me relive this now working at mcdonald's every single day at the same time 1600 hours this old guy would come in and order his food most people knew that he wanted a special order overcooked the shout of the patty started upright when he walked in anyway that's not the problem that was easy the problem is this dude was forgetful as all hell and would demand a ceramic plate to eat on every time so that's when we would explain it to him dude this is mcdonald's we don't have plates and he'd usually be like oh right right but sometimes he would just rant about how we should have plates i saw him absolutely flip the f out because a girl stepped outside the break room with a plate of food she brought from home i knew you bastards had plates and could not convince him otherwise ever thereafter keep it in the break room is the moral of the story semi-related folks in the taco bell drive through asked i should not every day how much are the dollar grillers every a fine day two things from my experience working at the gods chicken restaurant one the number of people that asked for mcnuggets was astronomical two we had a breakfast menu said breakfast menu is only available from 6 to 10 a.m it's now after our lunch rush and i am managing the drive-through man comes in the drive-through and asks for a number two it's slow so he definitely gets what he ordered two minutes later he comes back through and says he ordered a number two but did not get the correct sandwich i instruct him to pull around and we would give him another sandwich the correct one free of charge i get the sandwich check that it's the right one before handing it out hand it out end of story right wrong two minutes later he comes inside and as irate because he has come through the drive-through twice now and both time received the wrong sandwich i told him that i personally check it and that he received the correct sandwich and even pointed at the number two on the menu board angrily as though i had done something wrong he points at the breakfast menu board no i want that number too i was the manager at an overnight shift at a burger place drunks were always trying to order pizza and other dumb stuff one night a guy insisted he wanted a pizza so i said all right but it will be 100 and take like an hour we was like cool came around and gave me 100 at the window there was four of us there so i told the duke to park center worker to the grocery store across the parking lot to buy a red baron brought it back cooked it in our oven took out to the dude who had fallen asleep in his car the four of us split the off of 95 bucks i worked at a wendy's had one guy try to order mcnuggets over the speaker when i asked what size they wanted they got all defensive that i wouldn't call them member nuggets fine fine fine i'll take a whopper up a dave's double or baconator worked at a japanese restaurant when i was in college and i remember one phone conversation i had with someone trying to put in an order me hello this is name of the restaurant is this pickup or delivery customer pick up me okay great what can i get you customer yeah can i get an order of orange chicken me i'm sorry but we don't serve that here but we do have a great chick in habachi i highly recommend customer na how about some kung pao chicken me i'm sorry but we don't have that either customer what kind of japanese restaurant are you if you don't have those i wanted so bad to say well we're the kind that serves japanese food and not chinese dishes but i knew my boss would have been so pissed if she found out so i just told them the only chicken dish we had was the hibachi they were still mad and said they would find a better place to order from a customer asked for ice cream i looked at my co-worker and we gave each a wtf look i asked him to repeat his order and he asked for ice cream again until i had to say so this is tim hortons we don't sell ice cream i'm pretty sure he was high [Music] you
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 664,205
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Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts
Id: wpLnKpUdMzs
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Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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