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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below um as you all know I have lived below the poverty line my entire adult life uh up until recently and the only reason for that is because I am now buying medical insurance out of pocket in the state of California that is over 500 a month if I got rid of that yes I would still be living below the poverty line however a lot of so my personality we all like I mean I think everybody likes to challenge themselves um and I've challenged myself in so many different ways of weight loss and accomplishments in my personal life doing marathons uh AIDS life cycle raising money for charity doing just a whole bunch in and it's not just like that it's like anything I do I will set my mind to it and accomplish it and it gets to a point where you're like okay well I accomplish that and that and that and that and so your goals get higher and higher and higher and higher and you know when it comes to saving money living on almost nothing how much lower can I go and then your mind automatically wanders to the Great Depression and how on Earth did people make it during the Great Depression and there is so much to the Great Depression I mean it lasted 10 years there were all these different things that happened that were horrible of course the stock market crashed if you had a million dollars you now only have a hundred thousand dollars because it crashed down ninety percent but the stock market wasn't the only problem there were no laws in place so when Banks shut down then the people who had their money in the bank their checking account their savings account their money was just gone and there was nothing they could do about it there were no implications there was no FDIC Insurance nothing and then when you go into the job market if you had a job making 20 bucks an hour so um let's say that that is your normal job not only were two out of three people or sorry one out of three people unemployed that's one-third of the population there were no law there were no minimum wage laws so if you're making 20 an hour your boss can come to say come and say to you okay you're making six dollars an hour now and then if some someone else came in into the like say you're working as a at a grocery store some man comes in and says oh you make six dollars an hour and goes to the boss and says I'll do it for four and then they'll fire you and hire that person for four dollars an hour so it was a scary scary time people did in fact starve to death there were no food banks like we have now they had soup lines and they would make a big bat big vat of soup maybe you'd get some bread and when you ran out that's it there's nothing left sorry can't help you you're not going to eat today and you would have to wait in line maybe sometimes all day for the chance to get a bowl of soup we had the Dust Bowl so food reserves were gone food was scarce it was a big deal and in challenging myself I often wonder okay how would I do this how would I live if there were another Great Depression what would I do so first and foremost I have kind of set myself up so that I it's impossible for for me to lose it it's not it it's I I there's no there's no logical way that it could happen um I have a rental property uh so if the you have to remember that two out of three people were still employed during the Great Depression so people say they're not going to pay their rent yes the rent would probably be lowered but there's still a 66.6 percent chance that they are going to pay their rent even though it's going to be lowered uh my dividends on my investments are going to be down to 10 of what they are now so that's 200 per month right now I'm at a I'm hovering around 2 000 just in dividends on certain Investments the other stuff I don't touch and then you know um so and then I've got YouTube and and some other stuff so so let's so I let's assume that I don't have those things let's just assume that like I have lost everything in the stock market I have lost everything in my my checking account and I have lost all possibility of making any money on YouTube which by the way during a Great Depression this is a money-saving channel I would imagine if there were a great depression and a third of the population were at home not able to work they would be watching YouTube trying to find ways to save money so my channel would even though the ad Revenue would be down because companies wouldn't be paying as much my views would be up so it would balance out anyway let's just assume I don't have that okay we're assuming a lot here we're assuming that you know I have nothing and you know no no assets stuff like that so what would I literally do like really in a Great Depression for starters I'd spend the first week freaking out I would do that okay we're all gonna do that I'd spend the first week freaking out stressing out high anxiety and then the second week I'd probably implement a plan how you know let's assume I know it's going to last 10 years what am I going to do for starters I'm getting rid of all of my bills everything and this includes what people assume is a necessity of life I'm talking like electricity water car gas and electric like it's gone you know I'm not paying for sewer and water and garbage it's gone because I have nothing I can't pay for it so life would change Big Time garbage I would have to burn it in my burn barrel outside and then um water sewer I would have to haul my own water and most likely use I have a assist I have a system in my shed that's like set up so that I would have a toilet so there's am to shower I've got a camp shower just a little battery operated camp shower so there's my bathroom it's moving into the shed I'm gonna have to dig my own stuff to put my composted manure in and all this internet gone electricity gone there's nothing I have nothing nothing now I am in a really good position compared to other people who are in the same position okay let's let's start with a few things first I'm going to take stock of what I have what do I have that means what do I have in my food pantry what do I have in my fridge and freezer what do I have in terms of dog food medications vitamins soap um seeds uh garden seeds what what fruit trees do I have growing when do they come in season and then that's going to be number one because I'm not going to be able to spend any money you know I'm not going to be able to buy a new pair of pants when I need a new pair of pants I'm gonna have to use you know I'm gonna have to tear up this pillow and use this as a patch on my pants like I don't have any options here that's what it is it is what it isn't for the next 10 years this is our life and you gotta picture this okay you're not going to be paying for medical insurance or home insurance you don't have the money it's not going to happen so I'm going to take stock of what I have that is going to benefit me now I'm going to take stock of things that will benefit others hear me out so as an entrepreneur you think what sort of value can I add to the marketplace same thing in a Great Depression what sort of value can I add to others Okay so so there's there's some skills that I'm good at that I I don't know how valuable they would be in a great depression but there's a few and you have to remember that everybody else around you is in the same position they can't spend any money so you are probably working odd jobs handyman jobs for food okay um let me start somewhere else for starters this house has solar on it it is on grid solar it is not off-grid it is on grid solar uh it's getting shut off like the at the breaker everything's off the water heater the refrigerator everything however I'm in a very lucky position where I have 15 solar generators and over like 1200 watts or something like that of solar panels so that's getting shut off at the breaker because the way that it works is that they pay you for excess energy that you send to them so boom done okay it's off on my breaker everything that my thing produces which is 9500 kilowatt hours per year let me pull up the calculator and it is 42 cents per kilowatt hour on average so I'm already making three thousand nine hundred ninety dollars a year off of that because I'm not using any because I'm not using an electricity so there's they're going to be sending and you have a choice you can put it on a future bill or you can have them send you a check I don't know what I would do I would probably have to have them send me a check but there's that and that would take in they only do it once a year so I would get paid that money September 28th and then uh moving on to food and making making money if anybody has it so in addition to the solar generators everything I have is electric I've got an electric lawnmower electric uh weed trimmer wet hedge trimmer so I would likely be going house to house because other people they're in the same position they don't have their electricity on they don't have gas that they can put in their Lawn Works they don't have any money so their gas their grass is getting overgrown so I'm going to go to them and I'm going to say okay I've got you know no you don't you don't have to pay for gas you don't have to do anything I'll trade you for a sandwich I don't know and then I'll eat that sandwich and then I'll save the other half for the dogs it's just it is a matter of absolute survival at this point not a lot of luxuries I would also be collecting wood I do this anyway collecting cans for recycling to make extra money I'd be collecting wood because my gas and electric are turned off so I might be able to cook on a burner my electric two burner off of a generator um but it's going to suck up a lot of juice and there might be times in the winter time where I would have to do something else and I have also something where I can cook on with wood so I'd be collecting wood I'd be collecting bottles and cans I fortunately one of my let's go to skill sets for a second so I have a couple of skills that I guess they they added something to something to the marketplace but I don't know how many people would be able to do so the lawn I'd mow a lawn like nobody else I am awesome at mowing lawns I I don't miss a single strand of grass but so there's the lawn mowing lawn mowing service I'm also really good at building things out of scrap materials so a lot of people have just scraps on the side of their house I can build uh benches tables chairs dog houses sheds like garden beds raised Planters stuff like that just just out of that so you know if they'll give me a sandwich and I build them a dog house cool we both win um then oh and I'm also really good at repairing and building fences and Gates I'm good at that and I can also do small electricals so I can update electrical um but if nobody has their electricity turned on I don't really see how I would be able to do anything with that but I'm really good at upgrading and installing light fixtures and ceiling fans um and updating plugs but not like crazy stuff on the breaker I don't know how to do that yet um and this would also be a time where I would be checking on my neighbors so so people who are disabled or have health conditions I would be I would be there so then I have a couple of things that set me apart from the rest for starters I've got the solar generators as I've stated plus plenty of solar so I would likely be talking to my neighbors and some of my neighbors have huge Gardens huge Lake takes up their whole yards in in good for them you know I'm not there yet I I have so much more work I have to do on this house before I can get there but a lot of established people here and they all have so much food growing in their yards so anyway so I've got all this solar and the only thing that I would be powering would be the refrigerator and the TV because I know and I no longer have a modem I and because I don't have internet I'm no longer able to stream so the only thing I'm doing is renting DVDs from the library and putting it on in the background or using my tiny little amount that I have saved of my favorite movies so that's what I've got going on my TV but I if I have extra power I can make deals with my neighbors and just run extension cords to the solar generators and in exchange they can give me some of their Garden their produce um and I am sure if they can't afford electricity but they've got an abundance of produce I am sure that they would be more than happy to trade with me and of course I would have them pay up front now we're not talking about shtf wild west here we're talking about there is still civilization so for those of you who are in and I'm only saying this because I know you're going to come in here and it's like stating the obvious Captain Obvious well what if they steal your generators well come on okay it would be in a fully fenced yard with the cords running underneath it would be in in a lock box and I have two dogs that bark at the moon and the in any time a leaf blows so I'm going to be alerted if somebody's trying to break in and steal it or them depending on how many generators there are and how many electrical cords people have but I think that that instead of doing the you want to get the most return for the least amount of work when you're in that type of in any type of situation in regular life you want to get the most return for the least amount of work and to me with all of these solar generators that I've got um I think that that is a huge asset and it would essentially turn into my job I mean I'm making 3 300 or whatever it was per year off the solar off the top of my house because the Energy company is forced to pay me by law uh re regular rates for any excess that I produce so I've got that and then I've got my extra solar which I can use but it's more than I need so I would be sharing with other people in exchange for goods or services so maybe I need a new pair of socks or you know I need a sack of potatoes I don't know but if you think about it in today's dollars if you're giving somebody free electricity to um run their TV and their refrigerator for an entire week and you know they bring me a five pound bag of potatoes that'll feed me all week you know five dollars for a week's worth of electricity is a really good deal you know maybe I'll tell them I need carrots or something I don't know so when it comes to food we are assuming that there is a dust bowl Food Supplies are low there's a huge food shortage and I simply don't have money to pay for food okay so so of course what I'm going to do is check stock of what I have and my diet's going to change immediately so I eat one meal per day those rations are going to be shortened it might be one meal every other day now you say I couldn't do that if you are in survival mode yes you can and you will or you will starve to death so um please use common sense in the comments section because I know that people are going to get on me about this the only thing that I will not do without is my coffee so I would be working like a dog for coffee I would take coffee over food any day of the week and it adds calories um I will trade food for coffee that's that's all there is to it now when I was in Arizona there is a Mesquite plant that there is Mesquite coffee I mean you can look it up on Amazon Mesquite coffee it is a Mesquite tree creates these pods and these pods grow ripe you take them you can put them in like a coffee grinder and it turns into a powder and then you you use it just like coffee and it tastes just like coffee and it has even added benefits it's got the caffeine but it also has um protein in it so you feel Fuller from it and which I think is really great so if I were in Arizona that's how I'd be surviving Mesquite and there were also other there were other foods that I was um experimenting with and I was actually very successful with a lot of them so yes I would have been able to make it in Arizona except for the weather I don't think I would have made it through the weather because it's just it's too hot for survival there um for my dogs anyway I would survive but it would suck um so food you know it's going to be I mean if if I'm eating meat it's gonna be hot dogs and that's about it there's not going to be money for steak or chicken except on like Thanksgiving on those rare occasions when I can maybe afford a six dollar chicken you know but it's go it is literally going to be mostly rice and beans soup lots of soup you know potato soup because potatoes are cheap potato and onion soup anything I can grow in my garden um I grow right now I grow all my leafy greens and tomato zucchini and then I've got the fruit trees the garden would expand so I'd be growing but you have to remember I have the water shut off so I have to haul water now the river now here's another thing that sets me apart that's really great I have a lot of e-bikes I'm not going to be able to put afford to put gas in my car but maybe once a year when I get that three thousand dollar check it's like okay fill up the gas tank and make it last a year but uh and I have to pay my you know the property taxes or I'll lose my home but I'm debt free so it's it would be a challenge but I would be a lot better off than most people um so the e-bikes and I have a trailer so the trailer holds 80 pounds a gallon of water weighs seven pounds so I'd be able to carry about 10 or 11 pounds 10 or 11 gallons of water in the trailer and then um a gallon on the front basket so we're looking at 12 gallons per trip and it's five miles each way and my e-bikes would be charged through my solar and it would not be a lot of effort or time because they're super fast but um it would be not a lot of effort or time compared to most people who would have to put a bucket and carry it and walk all the way home five miles that would be bad but I would be in a really good position there too and of course there's also that because I'm five miles away from a water source if other people in my neighborhood can't afford water um I would I would boil it of course to say to make it safe to drink and use and I would be trading with my neighbors water you know not everybody has the ability to do that I would also be trading use of my electric e-bikes so I think that I could make a living it wouldn't be a luxurious living but I would be able to get by just on my solar generators and my e-bikes using those as a service to others and hopefully if I'm not hopefully I hope it never happens but if it did happen um I would be in a type of position where I could trade the use of my assets not my assets but the use of the borrowing of my assets which are my generators and my e-bikes using the power using the e-bikes in exchange for food so I would be or coffee I would be set up like okay you want to haul water all week um you're gonna have to give me whatever coffee you've got or uh buy me five dollars worth of coffee and creamer and we'll call it a day um but I think that the electricity is likely the biggest asset so that's something that you guys would have to do too and remember you know not and I'm aware that not everybody has all of the all of the amazing awesome technology stuff that I have but maybe you have something else that is not similar but an item that you can lend to people not give it away not sell it but lend to people that is has value it's it's that it has value it's to me it works like dividend stock so you buy a dividend stocked a dividend stock they pay you a percentage so that's kind of how it is okay you're I'm lending you this item and you're going to pay me for borrowing it with whatever it is that I need and that's what I would do in a great depression and that would be of course in the height of the grade I mean the first year I'm not going I'm gonna have garbage I'm gonna have uh Gas and Electric I'm gonna buy food I'll have water and sewer and internet and you know then as time goes on and I have less and less money then it just becomes more and more extreme and this is something this is like a game that I play in my head like what is the worst case scenario and but you know let's be realistic I've set myself up so that none of these things are ever going to happen it's just not going to happen I mean I've I've got the rental property and let's just you know I'm making 33 if I turn off the elect I've got the rental property let's assume that the income that I'm making from that gets cut in half so I'm making let's say let's let's go less than half let's say I'm making 600 a month off of my rental property which right now rents for fifteen hundred dollars a month let's go all the way down to six hundred dollars a month which is like nothing and then you've got the thirty three hundred dollars that I would be earning from electricity and that's 275 dollars a month and those are my only sources of income that's all I've got that's still eight hundred and seventy five dollars a month with 875 dollars a month I could still keep my internet water sewer I could still pay for food property taxes um I would still have to lose a lot of things I wouldn't be able to drive the car as much um I would only be I mean I don't even know if I'd pay for insurance I'd definitely pay for registration and then I would drive extremely and I would hardly ever drive the car but I would drive extremely defensively and never speed ever ever ever and if please please don't have the right to ask for proof of insurance unless they pull you over and the only reason they can pull you over is if you're breaking a law so I would just not break any laws and um if you're not breaking any laws you're not going to run into anybody and uh that's what I would do and people are I know people in the comments section you guys are crazy you can't drive without insurance we're talking about survival mode here we're not talking about now of course I have insurance but if you can't afford it you can't afford it and if you gotta get somewhere that's 150 miles away you gotta drive there that's illegal yes but is it morally like it's illegal by law but is it like a moral issue that you have like my morals go out the window like those types of morals I'm not talking about being kind to one another but I don't care if I have insurance if there's a Great Depression come on come on all right folks let me know what you would do like how would you how would you if you got rid of all of your utility bills how would you survive like you you have let's assume that you're debt free which you're probably not if you're watching this channel because 80 of people have debt so 20 of you watching have no debt so let's assume you have no debt and you own your home rent out a room would you rent out a room I I would rent out a room probably but they would have to have their own separate entrance because I just my dogs people are so people are so stupid with dogs hey don't let the dog out okay oh the dog got out like you know stuff like that but that would be and that would be like that would be so hell on Earth for me because you have to remember nobody's got any money so they're hardly gonna pay you anything to be living in your house so a room that would rent for 500 is now only going to rent for two hundred dollars you know but it if I rent a room if I've got my rental property and then I make money off of solar I'm I'm still making a thousand and seventy five dollars a month and that's on the lowest possible scenario like low rent for a roommate low rent for the rental property and then the the solar I would actually still be okay I would rather live without the roommate though all right folks let me let me know like do you guys go over this stuff in your head everybody goes through the two most extremes what if I won the lottery what if I we had another great depression and I had nothing like we both go to both extremes I know you guys do it I know you guys do it so let me know what you would do if like what skills do you have that that change things like that change the game or or assets do you have that change the game for me it's simply the solar the e-bikes and I'm an amazing forager too my skill sets are like very minimal when it comes to practical applications you know I've worked in offices my whole life and office is not going to help me in a great depression but I'm also really great at foraging and we live in an area that has so much food foraging and I'm really good at fishing too I haven't fished in years but I'm good at it when I do it all right folks duge cans what you've got this is a long one I'm sorry prepper princess out
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 40,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living without money, great depression
Id: EKskzf7WlTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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